COURSE TITLE: Introduction to Clinical Psychology COURSE NUMBER: PSYCH 498.02 INSTRUCTOR: Sheila H. Forman, JD, PhD SEMESTER AND YEAR: Spring 2013 TIMES/DAY: Thursday 4:30 to 7:00pm

COURSE DESCRIPTION/PRINCIPLE TOPICS This course introduces the major topics in the field of clinical psychology. It imparts an understanding of the theories and techniques of clinical work and introduces the practice of therapeutic intervention at the individual, group, couple and family levels. Some of the major approaches will be critically reviewed, demonstrated and practiced. Students will explore themselves, their own backgrounds and biases, their ability to work therapeutically at a clinical level, and sensitivities relating to cultural and other differences in people from various backgrounds. It will also cover ethics and professional issues in working with people in a clinical setting. It will require participation in self-development exercises such as role-playing, as well as self, peer, and instructor critiques of one's performance. Three semester hours. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Course objectives or student learning objectives include: (1) knowledge of the fundamental principles and methods of clinical psychology; (2) an understanding of the role clinical psychology plays in our society; (3) an increase in your use, respect, and valuing of skeptical inquiry, critical thinking, and the scientific approach to understanding behavior; (4) an increase in curiosity about human (and non-human) behavior and experience; and (5) an appreciation of the role and impact of psychology on real-world issues. PREREQUITES/RECOMMENDED BACKGROUND:

Prerequisite: Grade of C (2.0) or higher in each: PSYC 401 or 402, 410, 415.

REQUIRED TEXT: To be determined.


There will be two mid-term exams and a final exam. In addition, students will be expected to turn in a term paper covering a topic in clinical psychology. The term paper will be presented to the class.