Strawberry Trivia

1. How many seeds does a strawberry have? a) about 50 b) about 100 c) about 200 d) about 500

2. Strawberries are the only fruit with their ______on the outside. a) seeds b) leaves c) stems d) roots

3. Strawberries offer more ______than any other berry. About 8 berries will fulfill the suggested minimum requirement for children. a) Vitamin A b) Vitamin C c) Vitamin D d) Calcium

4. T or F: Strawberries will keep for a few weeks, and will continue to ripen after being picked.

5. Whatcom County grows about ______acres of strawberries. a) 1,000 b) 50 c) 700 d) 300

6. T or F: The wind is responsible for distributing strawberry seeds everywhere.

7. In Bavaria, country folk practice a ritual of tying small baskets filled with strawberries to the ______as an offering for the elves. They believe that the elves, in turn, will express their gratitude by coaxing the cows to give more milk. a) horns of their cattle b) windows c) barn doors d) fence posts

8. T or F: According to folklore, if a person cuts a strawberry in half to share, the two people consuming it together will fall in love.

9. T or F: Strawberries are in the same family as the rose.

10.T or F: Fresh strawberries were once used as toothpaste.

Answer Key: 1) c - about 200 2) a - seeds 3) b - Vitamin C 4) False -They keep only a few DAYS, and will NOT continue to ripen after being picked 5) d - 300 6) False- birds are responsible 7) a - horns of their cattle 8) True 9) True - they are technically not a fruit, as they carry their seeds on the outside, not the inside 10) True!