Learning Belief Discussion Brownfield

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Learning Belief Discussion Brownfield

Resume Discussion – Brownfield

Here it is! http://bengal.missouri.edu/~rlbp6d/portfolio/resume.htm

I was really hoping to achieve a simple, yet professional look. I love my little squares on my navigation - please let me know if I have any mistakes.

Resume Feedback

Becky, It looks like we have similiar ideas about keeping the resume page design simple. I like your color scheme and layout. The one thing that I would suggest is to double-check the font on your navigation buttons. It looks like 2 buttons are in Arial and 2 are in Times New Roman maybe? Also, consider putting any professional memberships that you hold on your resume. I think it would show your continued committment to your profession.

I also like your resume for it's easy readability. Your links all worked properly for me as well.


Nice job, Rebecca! I like the colors. You need to get your links to open in a new window so users don't wander away from your portfolio. Suzanne's (posted right before you) is a good example.


Portfolio Homepage Discussion - Brownfield

Here is the link to my home page. I find it simple, professional, and easy to use and understand. Your feedback is appreciated. http://bengal.missouri.edu/~rlbp6d/portfolio/index.html

Portfolio Homepage Feedback

Rebecca, I really like the colors and layout you have picked for your homepage. It looks great!. When I clicked on your links, I noticed that they did not open in new windows. You will want to do that for them. The design of your page is so nice, but I feel like you might want the text and your picture to be just a little bigger. Great start!


I really like the colors, especially the little colorful boxes. I also like how your entire homepage can be viewed without scrolling. Nice work! – Melissa

Looks great! I like the color scheme and that it loads fast and you don't have to scroll to see the information.


Very nice, Rebecca! I'm wondering if you removed links since Tracy looked? I noticed that she said your links didn't open in a new window... and I was going to say you should add some links to SISLT and the University.

I know it's always a work in progress.


NETS Homepage Discussion – Brownfield

I included my square image that I used on my site navigation as bullets on my NETS standars. I like how it brings the theme together. http://bengal.missouri.edu/~rlbp6d/portfolio/nets.html

NETS Homepage Feedback

I like your site - you have done a great job. It looks very clean and professional. I like the square also. NETS page looks great. – Janene

I like the squares! I think they add some flair to a very professional looking page! Good work on your portfolio so far. – Julie

It's beautiful, Becky! Somewhere, however, you should put the standard number. I like your squares, too, so I'm thinking you could put the standard numbers on the page that you link to...

Aimee Program of Study Discussion – Brownfield

I am slowly making progress. I have one more reflection to add for a class I have already completed and a few more artifacts to link. I do like how I've added navigation at the bottom of my page to make it easier to move back and forth.


Program of Study Feedback

This page has a nice professional design...the colors and shapes are apealing..I like the link colors you've selected. – Denise

Nice job, Rebecca. I like your navigation because I'm able to get back to the POS table or your homepage very easily. Great look, too!


agree with the others, I love the look. I really like how you have the description, reflection, and artifacts divided up. They all go together, but have their own section.

Looks great and very professional. Great job! – Ollie

I really like the colors and design of your site. It is nice to have the navigation buttons at the bottom of the page, and the three destinations you have included seem to cover everywhere someone might want to go from there. Looks good! ~Liz

Typos on your POS page "Instructional" and "Introduction" Pages look GREAT! - Barbara

Concept Map Discussion – Brownfield http://bengal.missouri.edu/~rlbp6d/portfolio/beliefs.html

I really like the colors in my concept map, and I feel that the three main concepts are connected in multiple ways clearly showing the relationship among the three with specific examples. I don't like how my rtf file is difficult to read because it makes the text so small...maybe I should try another file type or convert to PDF? Concept Map Feedback

I really like your colors also. I think you have great interconnections throughout your concept map. I like your images and your lines are easy to follow. – Suzanne

I absolutely LOVE the different colored lines. That makes it so much easier to read!!!! May I borrow (steal ;-) your idea? – Tammy

Steal away - that is what teaching is all about, not re-inventing the wheel. Thanks for the complements – Becky

Becky, very nice! The rtf file was not hard to read at all... I just zoomed in. – Aimee

Thanks Aimee! Good to know. – Becky

Learning Belief Discussion – Brownfield http://bengal.missouri.edu/~rlbp6d/portfolio/beliefs.html

I am pleased with the thought that went into my learning beleif statement. I like my content, but I do feel that I need to work on my atrifacts that support my beliefs.

Learning Belief Feedback

Becky, very nice start. Your first link to "concept map" in your first paragraph is only an inspiration file. You might want to change that to a jpg. The computer I'm on right now doesn't have inspiration so I can't view it... I think other faculty will have the same problem.

This sentence seems to be worded strangely: When an outsider asks a student why are you doing this activity, students should be able to give that individual a clear explanation without resulting to “I don’t know.” (I think it should be WHY YOU ARE...)

This sentence has two misspelled words: For example, having students use Microsoft Excel to maintain a ficticious checkbook for a high school personal finance class gives them a relevent activity that is emphasized with the use of technology. This sentence has a misspelled word: The Technology Integration Plan demonstrates how a normal gramar lesson in 9th grade English can use technology to deepen student understanding and application process.

This sentence has a misspelled word: Completing the student coorporation project provided a great sense of understanding to this concept.

This sentence has a misspelled word: Evaluating the channels of communication in a school can help by finding holes or gaps that keep educators from adapting to a new innovation such as techololgy.

I think you have done a very good job elaborating on your beliefs and your navigation is awesome.


I've made most of the spelling corrections - hopefully - and would love for someone to glance over my statement for addition corrections or content suggestions. I've been feeling poorly the last few weeks and am certainly not up to par lately with my schoolwork. Any suggestions are appreciated.



I have kind of looked it over and attached some wording, etc. suggestions. They are just suggestions..... ;-) Completing a puzzle deems insurmountable if only one puzzle piece is provided.doc


Thanks millions - this pregnancy is wearing on my body and I feel like my intelligence too...I appreciate the help! – Becky

NETS Discussion - Brownfield

Wow - this was a huge project. I still have three short reflections to finish, (one on standard II and two on standard VI) a ton of proofreading to complete, and I need to check all of my links. I like my navigation on my pages and wide selection of artifacts on each standard (for the most part). http://bengal.missouri.edu/~rlbp6d/portfolio/nets.html

NETS Feedback Becky, that is a nice start. Yes, you do have a few typos to find... I found this one in 5.C: As teacher (SHOULD BE TEACHERS) we find ourselves using worksheets, packets, etc. for students to demonstrate mastery of content.

Some of yours seem a little brief... as you proof for typos, you should look for opportunity to expand on things you actually DO with the artifacts.


Thank you, thank you, thank you:) I will work this week to fix typos and add content to some of the reflections. I did tend to be brief as I got closer to the end...those are probably the ones I really need to work on.


User test from Whitaker

Becky, Your portfolio is very impressive! I like how professional it looks and I think you have included a lot of quality content! I think you did a great job making your portfolio look consistent throughout in design. Excellent job!!! I think the content and quality of your reflections, learning beliefs, and artifacts is great. Most of the errors I found were with links that needed to be updated. I’m sure you know a lot of these things still need to be fixed but I went ahead and listed them to help make sure you didn’t skip any.

Home: I like the look of the home page. All links work My only suggestion: Make your degree program & program of study links to make your portfolio more interactive

NETS Standard 1 A. Demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology (as described in the ISTE National Education Technology Standards for Students). Link doesn’t work. Class website link needs to open in a new window technology integration plan link doesn’t work Concept link doesn’t work

B. Open ACTE and MBEA links in a new window Concept map link doesn’t work

Artifacts: Brownfield Resume link doesn’t work Teacher Technical Interviews link doesn’t work New Technolog Implementation link doesn’t work, Technology misspelled Concept link doesn’t work

Standard 2 Finish standard B Online Corporation Project –link needs to open in a new window

Standard 3 Online Corporation Project –link needs to open in a new window Teacher Technical Interviews—link doesn’t work and it needs to open in a new window New Technology Survey -- link doesn’t work and it needs to open in a new window

Standard 4 A, C, artifact: Online Corporation Project –link needs to open in a new window KITE link—needs to open in a new window

D, artifact: Class website link needs to open in a new window Links to open in a new window: SIS, Mastery Manager, Online Corporation Project

Standard 5 Links to open in a new window: Educational Technology, MBEA, ACTE, assessing perceptions, personal website

Standard 6 agreements—link didn’t work finish standards B & C

Program of Study 9410: write reflection, need links for: Proceedural Knowledge Explaination and Proceedural Knowledge Rubric

7360: artifacts need to open in a new window

9467: Open KITE and eThemes link in last paragraph in a new window, KITE matrix link doesn’t work

9440: online corporation needs to open in new window, should you have more than one artifact for this reflection? I can’t remember if there is a requirement for POS artifacts or not.

7378/9417/9471: Add “In Progress” or something of that nature Resume Looks awesome! Very concise but detailed. Links need to open in a new window

Learning Beliefs #1: Letterhead rubric link doesn’t work #2: student corporation project—open in new window

Let me know if you would like for me to look at it again after you have made some changes!


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