The meeting was opened at 7:35PM with President WBro Albert Devereaux presiding

Regrets were received from RWBro's Bill Topp , Bert Barker and Dan Dawson VWBro George Stapleton and WBro's Denis Paquette , Jack Osbourne , Stephen Clarke , Alastar Robertson and Bob Bailey

The minutes of the annual meeting held December 16 2010 were read and having no errors or ommissions were adopted as read by President WBro Albert Devereaux COMMITTEE REPORTS: Masonic Education - Long Range Planning- RWBro Jack Herron reported that a lodge of instruction was being planned for the New Year and that a letter of information was sent to all lodges asking for names of perspective DDGM's for the future. Social- WBro Allan Durnford reported a profit for the year of $86.01 which was turned over to the treasurer MasoniChip- WBro Brian Pickering reported that the only MasoniChip program that he was aware of last year was held by Brant 45 who processed 104 children History - RWBro Bill Clarke reported that the history is being kept up to date Membership - The annual membership report was given by VWBro Fred Topp and is attached Treasurer - RWBro Don Elliott moved and RWBro Jack Herron second that the attached treasurers report be accepted as given and that it be recorded in the minutes that Ozias Lodge #508 have not paid the annual asessment dues for the years 2010 and 2011. The total amount not paid is 2010-$200.00 and 2011-$225.00 for a total owing of $425.00 CARRIED

OLD BUSINESS: RWBro Steve DeKruyf reported that he has contacted Grand Lodge for 3 dates to hold a District Grand Lodge reception but has not received any information back from Grand Lodge as of yet.

NEW BUSINESS: A moments silence was observed for the members who passed the Grand Lodge above during the pased 12 months The perspective DDGM's for the next five years are: 2012 - 2013 WBro Ron File 2013 - 2014 WBro Albert Devereaux 2014 - 2015 No nominations 2015 - 2016 No nominations 2016 - 2017 No nominations

RWBro Don Elliott spoke on the fact that the letter sent to all lodges from the DDGM mentoring committee regarding perspective DDGM's was not brought forward to the lodges as completly as it should have been and that perhaps the Brethren did not get the message clearly enough that the District is in great need for perspective DDGM's

ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 2012 The results for the election of the executive were : President WBro Bill Martin 1st Vice President WBro Justin Phillips 2nd Vice President Bro Zsolt Badi Secretary VWBro Fred Topp Treasurer RWBro Don Elliott The newly elected officers then assumed their respective chairs and RWBro Allan Haggith declared them installed President WBro Bill Martin announced that the next executive meeting would be held on January 19 2012 The meeting was adjourned on a motion from RWBro Bill Clarke