Minutes of the Planning Meeting Held On

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Minutes of the Planning Meeting Held On

Page 51


Present: Cllrs Jury (Chairman), Gill (from minute 070/16), Harris, Mrs Holland, Jones, Piper, Silver, Miss Thomas, Christopher Turner and Graham Turner District and County Councillor Cann

Clerk Mrs Jane Mills Services Officer Mrs Eileen Badcock

In attendance: Members of the public

0708/13 Chairman’s Announcements The Chairman proposed that the Council place on record their condolences to Mrs McCormack-Hole following the recent sad loss of her son. All were in favour. The Chairman advised that three planning applications had been received too late for inclusion on the Agenda but requiring a decision before the next meeting. It was agreed to consider them.

44645 Erection of 1 dwelling with attached garage Location: Garden of 1 Broady Strap, Fremington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs P J Gillard It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED subject to no adverse comments from neighbours and any street scene issues being resolved.

44890 Extension to dwelling Location: 75 Oakland Park South, Sticklepath, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs J Grayling It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED subject to no adverse comments from neighbours.

44898 Extension to dwelling Location: 52 Ballards Crescent, West Yelland, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr Langmead It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED.

0708/14 Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Cllrs Brailey, Mrs Bennett, Hockin and Mrs McCormack-Hole

0708/15 Declarations of Interest Cllr C Turner declared a personal interest in minute 0708/17as he knows the appellant. Cllr Mrs Holland declared a personal interest in planning application 43599 as she has a relative that works for the company. Cllr Silver declared a personal interest in minute 0708/18 as a distant neighbour.

Page 52 Part A

0708/16 North Devon District Council - Planning Applications North Devon District Council, the determining Authority, has asked for comments from this Parish Council on the following planning applications: It was formally noted that participation of the Councillors who are also members of NDDC in both the debate and subsequent vote (in respect of any of the above, were preliminary taking account of the information matters) was on the basis that the views expressed made available at the time to the Parish Council. The District Councillors were reserving their final views on the applications until they were in full possession of all the relevant arguments for and against.

44768 Proposal: Reserved matters application for erection of 63 dwellings & associated parking with demolition of existing bungalow to allow for new access to Yelland Road (Outline Planning Permission 32989) Location: Land off Yelland Road, Sampsons Plantation, Fremington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Bloor Homes (Swindon) Standing Orders were suspended to enable a large number of members of the public to voice their concerns regarding this application. Standing Orders were re-instated. Cllr Gill arrived at the meeting It was resolved to advise North Devon District Council that the Council was withholding a decision on this application until a meeting could be arranged with the developers. It was suggested that the developers be invited to the next meeting of the Council on 10th September, when members of the public could attend and address their concerns.

44780 Proposal: Erection of 55 dwellings & associated parking with demolition of existing bungalow to allow new access to Yelland Road Location: Land off Yelland Road, Sampsons Plantation, Fremington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Bloor Homes (Swindon) It was resolved that this application should be considered quite separately from the previous application, but again the developers should be invited to attend the next Parish Council meeting.

44521 Proposal: Outline application for erection of bungalow & associated parking Location: Land to the rear of Killeagh Cottage, Fremington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs Howes Cllr Harris declared a prejudicial interest as a relative lives in School Close and left the meeting Standing Orders were suspended to allow members of the public to express their disquiet about this application. Standing Orders were re-instated. It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be REFUSED on the grounds of over intensification, highways issues, impact on neighbours and concerns that the sewage system would not be capable of dealing with the additional usage. Cllr Harris returned to the meeting

43599 Proposal: Outline application for the comprehensive redevelopment of the site Location: Leaderflush & Shapland/ARC site, Raleigh Works, Taw Wharf, Sticklepath, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: The Barton Willmore Planning Partnership Cllr Mrs Holland declared a personal interest as a relative of a worker for the above company It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED. Page 53

44672 Proposal: Outline application for erection of 6 dwellings & associated works Location: Land adjacent to 10 Linden Close, Sticklepath. Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: A J W Saye Standing Orders were suspended to enable the applicant to speak. Standing Orders were re-instated. It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED subject to appropriate tests being carried out and the results being made available to the general public. Also that there are no problems with Highways over access.

44692 Proposal: Demolition of factory & erection of 23 units of mixed commercial use (classes B1, B2 & B8) Location: Former factory site at Sussmans, Riverside Road, Pottington Business Estate, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr G Benning, Pinder Fashions Ltd It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED subject to appropriate landscaping being put in place.

44789 Proposal: Installation of sprinkler system water tank & pump housing Location: Sainsbury’s Service Yard, Gratton Way, Roundswell Business Park, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED.

44795 Proposal: Erection of detached garage Location: 12 Blakeland Road, Fremington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs Maze Cllr C Turner declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED. Cllr Turner returned to the meeting

44827 Proposal: Extension to dwelling Location: 1 The Bungalow, Roundswell, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr J Braunton District Councillors all declared a personal interest as the District Council own the adjoining site Standing Orders were suspended to allow a member of the public to speak. Standing Orders were re-instated. It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED.

44846 Proposal: Extension to dwelling (amendment to planning permission 41740) Location: Ellerslie House, Bickington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr V A Patel & Mr M A Patel It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED. Page 54

44871 Proposal: Outline application erection of 1 dwelling Location: Garden of 13 Chilpark, Fremington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr H W Richardson It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be REFUSED because of the adverse impact on neighbours and the inability of the site to support a property on it.

44932 Proposal: Notification of works to trees within a tree conservation area in respect of removal of 1 tree Location: Brookside, Mill Road, Fremington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mrs F M Isaac It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED.

44971 Proposal: Reserved matters application for erection of 124 flats together with landscaping & related infrastructure works (outline planning permission 44195) Location: Land at Rolle Quay (former Gliddon & Squire site), Mill Road, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: David McLean Homes (South West) Ltd It was resolved to recommend to North Devon District Council that this application be APPROVED subject to suitability of design, scale and height.

0708/17 North Devon District Council – Enforcement Appeal North Devon District Council, the determining Authority, has asked for comments from this Parish Council on the following enforcement appeal to be forwarded to The Planning Inspectorate:

Appeal by Mr Brian Peter Ward Location: Site at the Old School House, Bickington Road, Bickington, Barnstaple Cllr Gill left the meeting Cllr Turner declared a personal interest It was resolved to write to the Planning Inspectorate supporting the reasons for refusal put forward by the District Council. Cllr Gill returned to the meeting

0708/18 North Devon District Council – Planning Appeal North Devon District Council, the determining Authority, has asked for comments from this Parish Council on the following planning appeal to be forwarded to The Planning Inspectorate:

43198 Proposal: Outline application for erection of 1 dwelling Location: The Old Telephone Exchange, Yelland Road, Fremington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr Bonner Cllr Silver declared a personal interest as a distant neighbour It was resolved to write to the Planning Inspectorate reiterating the Parish Council’s previous decision to recommend approval subject to amenity and highway issues being resolved. Page 55

0708/19 North Devon District Council - Planning Decisions It was resolved to note that North Devon District Council, the determining Authority, has APPROVED the following applications with conditions as filed:

42222 Proposal: Erection of offices with joinery workshop, associated storage & ancillary parking Location: Plot at Brannams Crescent, Roundswell Business Park, Roundswell, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Woodward Smith

44001 Proposal: Retrospective application for open fronted shed with thatched roof for display purposes for charity Location: 7 Linscott Crescent, West Yelland, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr K J McStay

44452 Proposal: Conversion of garage to form additional living accommodation and sub-division of dwelling to form dwelling with separate annexe Location: Chillpark House, 30 Yelland Road, Fremington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Nick Adams

44455 Proposal: Extension to dwelling Location: Woodlands, Lydacott, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: D & J May Architectural Services

44469 Proposal: Extension to dwelling Location: 36 Taw View, Fremington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs A Mock

44489 Proposal: Erection of smoking shelter Location: The Old Barn Inn, Tews Lane, Bickington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr S English

44498 Proposal: Extension to dwelling Location: 16 Oakland Avenue, Sticklepath, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: M A Kelly

44565 Proposal: Relocation of & improvements to main customer entrance Location: Sainsbury’s Store, Gratton Way, Roundswell Business Park, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: White Young Green Planning

44566 Proposal: Siting of 3 internally illuminated fascia signs (amended proposals) Location: Sainsbury’s Store, Gratton Way, Roundswell Business Park, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: White Young Green Planning

44568 Proposal: Application for consent for works to trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order in respect of removing 2 lower branches of 1 Holm Oak Location: 2 Magdala House, Bickington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr Taylor Page 56

44577 Proposal: Extension to dwelling & conversion of loft to form additional living accommodation Location: 5 Allenstyle Drive, Yelland, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Paul Wareing

44602 Proposal: Extension to dwelling Location: 11 Parkers Hollow, Roundswell, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Woodward Smith

44655 Proposal: Erection of conservatory Location: Mimosa, 52 Yelland Road, Fremington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr R Lavercombe

44663 Proposal: Extension to dwelling Location: 143 Yelland Road, Yelland, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: D & J May Architectural Services

44726 Proposal: Application for consent to carry out works to trees protected by Tree Preservation Order in respect of removal of 1 limb from Oak tree Location: 72 Lagoon View, West Yelland, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: N Hillman

44742 Proposal: Application for consent to carry our works to trees protected by Tree Preservation Order Location: 48 Redlands Road, Fremington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr J C O’Mara

It was resolved to note that North Devon District Council, the determining Authority, has REFUSED the following applications with conditions as filed:

43461 Proposal: Demolition of 1 dwelling & erection of 3 dwelling (amended description & plans) Location: Catherines Cottage, Pottery Lane, Yelland, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: D & J May

44386 Proposal: Erection of conservatory Location: 21 Westaway, Fremington, Barnstaple Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs Randall

It was resolved to note that the following applications have been WITHDRAWN and will no longer be considered:

44056 Proposal: Erection of dwelling with double garage Location: Vacant plot Allenstyle Gardens/Rooks Farm Road, Fremington, Barnstaple

44564 Proposal: Extension to dwelling Location: 24 Wester-Moor Drive, Roundswell, Barnstaple Page 57

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm

Signed ……………………………Dated……………………………

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