To: James Hartwick, Faculty Senate Chair
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To: James Hartwick, Faculty Senate Chair
From: Greg Cook, UCC Chair
RE: Transmittal of UCC actions on October 16, 2015
CL = CourseLeaf*
*You can click links below to launch proposals: some are in CourseLeaf, and some in the traditional pdf format. As an alternative for accessing the CourseLeaf proposals, you can go to the CourseLeaf Administrative Console available at; under “Administration” click “Approve Pages,” under “Your Role:” select “Faculty Senate Chair.” You’ll see a list of all CourseLeaf proposals that are currently at the Faculty Senate level of workflow (and are therefore on this transmittal). You can click on each proposal to view it. With the Admin Console, you’ll need to log in only once to CourseLeaf.
UCC Members in Attendance
George Ferencz, Marshall Anderson, Teri Frame, Richard Cummings, Todd Loushine and Katy Ksobiech for Rashiqa Kamal, Matthew Winden, John Zbikowski, Lynn Gilbertson, Zach Oster, Angela Harlan, Paul House, Liz Hachten (substitute chair), Nehemiah Chinavare for Allison Hetz, Carol Elsen, Jody Hare-Paynter, Pam Tanner, and Becky Pfeifer. Guest: Elizabeth Watson.
I. Approval of Minutes from the September 18, 2015 meeting. Marshall Anderson and Angela Harlan moved approval of minutes; motion passed unanimously.
II. Announcements
Liz Hachten mentioned SOCWORK 321 under the Department of Social Work was added to the agenda after it was sent out.
Liz summarized the intent to plan for the Early Care and Education BSE Major that is currently in process.
A. Notice of Intent to Plan – Early Care and Education BSE Major (document attached to email)
Per policies, this notice has been approved by the department, dean, and provost office and also shared with all four academic colleges (via the deans) as well as the provosts at all UW campuses and the UW System Administration office. If approved by UWSA, then the academic department can continue planning including submission of a curriculum proposal for the new major to be reviewed and approved by UWW curriculum bodies.
Liz announced the Marketing BBA Major will be available fully online and offers students for that particular business major a second option to scheduling classes and another way to complete that degree.
Page 1 of 5 B. Marketing BBA Major will be available fully online (as well as continuing F2F) effective Fall, 2016.
III. Information Only Items (To be Received and Recorded).
A. Special Courses approved since the most recent UCC meeting: George Ferencz and Richard Cummings moved approval of area III. A.; motion passed unanimously.
Course No. Title Term Approved PEPROF Workshop 490 Activities of Inclusion A-Z Spring 2016 9-18-2015 SPECED Workshop 490 Workshop: Outdoor Rec/Edu Spring 2016 9-18-2015 Marketing Special Study 496 Sales Team Practicum Spring 2016 9-18-2015 English Workshop 049 1st Yr. Eng. Writ. W Spring 2016 9-18-2015 MATH Workshop 049 Moving up Workshop Spring 2016 9-18-2015 GEOGPY Special Study 496 Unmanned aerial systems Spring 2016 9-21-2015 WOMENST/RACEETH Special Study Diversity Leadership Cert Spring 2016 9-21-2015 496 COMM Workshop 490 Game Studio Practicum Spring 2016 9-21-2015 RACEETH Special Studies 496 Hmong American Literature Spring 2016 10-1-2015 COMM Special Study 496 Hlth Literacy and Med Comm Summer 2016 10-6-2015
IV. Action Items
A. Curricular Actions from the College of Education and Professional Studies
John Zbikowski and Marshall Anderson moved approval of area IV.A.1.1; motion approved unanimously with the request that Becky Pfeifer update the Title in CourseLeaf proposal to say, “Early Childhood Education Major: Changing minimum major GPA to graduate from 2.25 to 2.75.”
1. Action from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction
1.1. Miscellaneous Request – CL –Early Childhood Education - Changing minimum GPA 2.25 to 2.75
2. Action from the Department of Special Education
2.1. Course Revision- Title Prerequisite and Catalog Changes - SPECED 101- CL- Transitioning to College
Elizabeth Watson, Director of Center for Student with Disabilities came to discuss the new course. This course allows CSD students to self-identify and learn at a higher level. It will also allow other students who do not use CSD or do not know of CSD, to do the same.
Angela Harlan and Jodi Paynter-Hare commented that this course was received by UCC last year as a new course but withdrawn during the meeting. This course will need to be re- submitted as a new course proposal.
Page 2 of 5 B. Curricular Actions from the College of Letters and Sciences
Zach Oster and Richard Cummings moved approval of area IV.B.1.1; motion approved unanimously.
1. Action from the Department of Political Science
1.1 Course Deletion- INTRNAR 101- CL - Orientation to International Studies Major
Liz Hachten explained that this course is used only for the in the International Studies Major, no other programs use this course. They are currently developing a new course that will be taking its place.
2. Actions from the Department of Languages and Literature
Marshall Anderson and Angela Harlan moved approval of area IV.B.2.1-12; motion approved unanimously.
2.1 Grade Change – IEI 51 – Beginning Listening and Conversation
2.2 Grade Change – IEI 53 – Beginning Reading and Writing
2.3 Grade Change – IEI 61 – Integrated Academic English Skills 2
2.4 Grade Change – IEI 65 – Culture & Academic
2.5 Grade Change – IEI 69 – Special Topics
2.6 Grade Change – IEI 71 – Integrated Academic English Skills 3
2.7 Grade Change – IEI 73 – Oral Presentation Skills
2.8 Grade Change – IEI 75 – Advanced Pronunciation & Speech Skills
2.9 Grade Change – IEI 79 – Special Topic
2.10 Grade Change – ENG/IEI 163 – Introduction to U.S. Culture for International Students
2.11 Grade Change – ENG/IEI 164 – Special Topic
2.12 Title & Grade Change – IEI 55 – Beginning Grammar
3. Actions from the Department of Mathematics
Angela Harlan and John Zbikowski moved approval of area IV.B.3.1-2; motion approved unanimously.
3.1 Catalog and Pre-requisite Change- CL - Math 140- Mathematical Ideas Page 3 of 5 The reason Angela Harlen put that no programs were affected was because the change itself is to remove ACT/SAT was discussed during a prior UCC meeting where it was removed from the description. During this time all departments on campus received an email stating the change and were to contact Angela if there was a challenge. She never received an email challenging.
3.2 Catalog and Pre-requisite Change- CL - Math 141- Fundamentals of College Algebra
The waiver is done by the math placement score through PeopleSoft.
The committee discussed why the proposal listed the course component as “Seminar” for 4 credits. Angela Harlan commented she put it in this way due to the way 25 Live looks for classrooms based on class and room size. Jodi Hare-Paynter brought a copy of the PeopleSoft Course Section description and coding. Jodi will be requesting a meeting with FP&M (Facilities Planning and Management) to discuss creating a setup of guidelines for class and room size based on requests received from the Higher Learning Commission. After further discussion, the committee and Angela asked Becky Pfeifer to change both Math 140 and 141 currently set as seminars in CourseLeaf now should be changed to Lecture.
4. Action from the Department of Social Work
Matt Winden and Paul House moved approval of area IV.B.4.1; motion approved unanimously.
4.1. Adding Cross-Listing, Catalog and Grade Basis – CL - SOCWORK 321 – Immigration Today: Individual, Community, and Global Perspectives
V. Other Curricular Items
VI. Discussion of CourseLeaf: progress, feedback, workflows, consultation process, other?
Becky Pfeifer discussed the graduate workflow updates that will be put into effect this next week. CourseLeaf developers are currently working on the following: effective term is currently being set to where it appears at the “Curricular Committee Secretary,” Special and Travel Courses are showing as dual-listed, we have items coming through as red boxed/required that shouldn’t be, and the unrequisites field is going to be allowed for use since we found that the unrequisites are being pulled in the cross-listening area of the form and are being marked in red and lined out when editing a course. Becky also informed every one of the findings of the Mac Laptop/CourseLeaf testing using Chrome. Chrome seems to work the best for people using Mac Laptops.
Liz talked about using the course picker in the Program form and how it can be used to move courses from one category to another within the program, but she noticed after moving items there is no red and green markup. Liz plans to follow-up with Melissa Thoma regarding this matter. Angela Harlan is working on a program for Math and is going to test this theory, will notify Melissa Thoma and Becky Pfeifer of her findings.
VII. Other questions or comments?
Page 4 of 5 A. Suggestion for relocating UCC meetings to a more comfortable room (Richard Cummings). This is an item for discussion for this meeting with possible decision in one of the next UCC meetings.
Richard Cummings presented pictures of Hyland 4303 and another room we could use for our meeting. The rooms are already scheduled for us to use for the year. Richard said tours are available and we can discuss more at next meeting.
VIII. Adjournment by Angela Harlan and Lynn Gilbertson at 3:15 pm
Becky Pfeifer
University Curriculum Committee Secretary
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