BBC Audio & Music Compliance Form

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BBC Audio & Music Compliance Form

Schedule 4

BBC Audio & Music Compliance Form (Independent Producers – March 2012)

Please complete this form, having referred if necessary to the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines ( and accompanying Guidance Notes ( and return it by e-mail to:

R1 / 1Xtra [email protected] R2 / 6M [email protected] R3 [email protected] R4 [email protected] R4 extra [email protected] R5L [email protected] Asian Network [email protected]

And copy to: [email protected]

Independent Production Company Name Editorially Contact telephone Responsible number Person for the Independent Producer (name) Producer’s Time of tx contact mobile/home number: number: BBC editorial Telephone number contact

Programme Title Series Title (if No. of episodes in any) Series Programme Programme Duration Number TX Network TX date/time

Programme synopsis: You are required to answer “yes” or “no” to each of the following questions to say whether the programme involves any of the material or issues listed. If you answer “yes” please provide the additional information specified. Use the Editorial guideline link for guidance and/or discuss with your BBC editorial contact.

Answer Further information required Y or N LEGAL ISSUES Has Your own / a State name and date, a short indication of the issue(s), but ( BBC Programme not the advice given guidelines/editori Legal Advice alguidelines/page lawyer (via your /guidelines-law- BBC editorial introduction/) contact) been consulted?

STRONG Strongest, Brief detail, and name BBC person who authorised it LANGUAGE (referable) ( language? guidelines/editori alguidelines/page /guidelines-harm- language/)

Other language Give brief details (e.g. Strong, racist etc) which may offend?

SEXUAL Sexual content, Provision of further detail is discretionary CONTENT either descriptive or ( innuendo? uidelines/editorial guidelines/page/g uidelines-harm- sex)

IMITATIVE Descriptions of Provision of further detail is discretionary BEHAVIOUR potentially which may result dangerous in harm behaviour? ( uidelines/editorial guidelines/page/g uidelines-harm- imitative- behaviour)

( Detailed Brief detail, and name BBC person who authorised it uidelines/editorial descriptions of guidelines/page/g suicide, self harm, uidelines-harm- hanging? (refer to suicide/) BBC Editorial Policy via BBC editorial contact)

( Descriptions of Provision of further detail is discretionary

2 uidelines/editorial excessive use of guidelines/page/g alcohol, tobacco or uidelines-harm- use of illegal alcohol/) drugs?

DISTURBING Content which Provision of further detail is discretionary CONTENT audiences may find disturbing? ( Depictions of Provision of further detail is discretionary uidelines/editorial violence, disasters, guidelines/page/g accidents, uidelines-harm- kidnapping, tragic-events) exorcism, occult And paranormal or ( horror, real or uidelines/editorial fictional? guidelines/page/g uidelines-harm- hypnotism)

( Descriptions of Provision of further detail is discretionary uidelines/editorial violence involving guidelines/page/g children or uidelines-harm- domestic violence? violence)

CRIME AND Interviews with Give details ANTISOCIAL criminals? BEHAVIOUR ( uidelines/editorial guidelines/page/g uidelines-crime- introduction)

Detail of how to Brief detail commit an illegal act? REAL PEOPLE Public figures as Give names contributors? Potentially Name and brief detail ( controversial uidelines/editorial references to public guidelines/page/g figures or portrayal uidelines- of real people in fairness-real- drama or people-drama) derogatory remarks And about real people ( uidelines/editorial guidelines/page/g uidelines-harm- intimidation)

PORTRAYAL Potentially Give details ( contentious uidelines/editorial portrayal of guidelines/page/g disabled people, uidelines-harm- religious groups,

3 portrayal) minorities etc.?

PRIVACY Does the Specify if personal/private material is included. If secret ( programme contain recording is used, this must be referred to Ed Policy via BBC editorial contact. uidelines/editorial material of a guidelines/page/g personal or private Name the BBC person who authorised it uidelines-privacy- nature? introduction) Does the programme contain any secret recording? DUE Does the Give brief details and mention any referrals IMPARTIALITY programme contain ( material of public or uidelines/editorial political guidelines/page/g controversy? uidelines- impartiality- introduction)

( Is this programme Provision of further detail is discretionary uidelines/editorial a personal view or guidelines/page/g “authored” content? uidelines- impartiality- personal-view)

FAIRNESS Are there any Give details and person at BBC who authorised (Note for ( mandatory proteus users…cut & paste into ‘anonymity’ box) uidelines/editorial referrals? guidelines/page/g uidelines- fairness- mandatoryreferral s/)

( Has any contributor Brief detail uidelines/editorial required or been guidelines/page/g promised uidelines- anonymity? fairness- anonymity)

POLITICS Reference to Give details ( opinion uidelines/editorial polls/surveys? guidelines/page/g uidelines-politics- introduction)

Interview or Detail, and state date of approval by Chief Political Adviser appearance by party leader? EDITORIAL References to List them INTEGRITY event sponsors? ( uidelines/editorial guidelines/page/g uidelines-

4 editorial-integrity- introduction)

References to List only significant or repeated mentions commercial products/brands CONFLICT OF Have any actual or Give details INTEREST potential conflicts of ( interest arisen in uidelines/editorial respect of guidelines/page/g presenters, uidelines-conflict- contributors or of-interest- others involved in introduction) this production?

SENSITIVE Apart from the Give details ISSUES or above, is there OTHER anything else in the COMPLIANCE programme which INFORMATION should be borne in mind ahead of tx or possible future repeat? MANDATORY Does the Give details and person who approved. Discuss with your APPROVALS programme contain BBC editorial contact if unsure anything that requires prior approval by the BBC? INTERACTIVITY Does the If “yes” name the people who authorised the approval form ( programme include uidelines/editorial a competition? guidelines/page/g uidelines- interacting- introduction)

Audience voting? If “yes” name the people who authorised the approval form BBC Award? If “yes” name the people who authorised the approval form Premium Rate If “yes” name the people who authorised the approval form Telephony? Non-Premium Rate If “yes” name the people who authorised the approval form Telephony?

If the Network has agreed a warning in the programme continuity announcement please insert the proposed text here

TX recommendation / on demand Delete two of these: issues  Yes (i.e. can be broadcast anywhere, any time)  No (i.e. must not be broadcast again without prior review)  With Restrictions – specify (e.g. not close to children’s programmes, or not during an election campaign…give details)

5 If this programme becomes subject to a complaint which may affect its compliance status, please provide details:

BBC Information reference number for red-flagged complaint (if known):

Additional information for audience Helpline number: Additional information for audience Website address:


I have listened to this programme in full: Yes / No (delete one)

If “No”, explain why you think the programme is compliant:

I confirm that this programme has been produced in accordance with the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines and is compliant for the tx date/time:

………………………………………………………………………. Signed by the Editorially Responsible Person for the Independent Production Company as specified in clause 1 of the Commissioning Specification. Print name:


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