City of Central City s1

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City of Central City s1


Mayor Don Gray called the Regular Meeting of the City Council to order with roll call as follows: Robinson, Arthur, Peterson, Curtis and Taylor all present. Mayor Gray welcomed the new council members. A Robinson/Peterson motion to approve the Tentative Agenda carried unanimously.

Linn County Deputy Tim Payne presented the Council with the November and December ‘Calls for Service Reports’. The City contracts for 91 hours a month and in November 121.9 hours were logged and in December 136 hours.

A Robinson/Peterson motion to approve the Minutes of the December 9, 2009 meeting carried unanimously.

An Arthur/Robinson motion to approve the December Financial Report carried unanimously.

DECEMBER REVENUES EXPENDITURES General $7,268.72 $21,444.46 Road Use $7,474.04 $8,216.50 Employee Benefits $301.86 $3,163.40 TIF $1,677.67 $27,657.60 Debt Service -0- $25,681.29 Capital $137.90 $67,423.41 Water Utility $3,632.12 $4,295.43 Water Deposits $146.30 -0- Sewer Utility $2,402.14 $4,726.02 Garbage $1,346.17 $4,075.50 ABC Childcare $13.49 $3,580.00 Expendable Trust $116.66 -0- TOTAL $224,517.07 $170,263.61

Josh Yoder informed the Council that he is the newly elected Fire Chief. He went through a list of priorities he has for the department which included fire hydrant maintenance, an addition to the building and future replacement of the city/county pumper. Jim O’Leary addressed the Council concerning the stipend paid to the fire department for officer pay, training and fire calls. He asked that a written agreement he prepared be signed by the county and city so there is no confusion on who pays for what services. The Council will review the request. Mr. O’Leary also addressed the request for an addition to the north end of the current fire station and asked for a possible zoning change to accommodate an addition or direction from the city on the need for more space. The Council will consider the request.

Glen Wickman asked the Council for permission to build a 60’ x 80’ equipment shed on the lot across the street from his home at 632 Elm Street. The property is in the flood plain and zoned R2. The city attorney reviewed the request and stated the property would need to be rezoned for commercial use and the building would need to be built to flood plain specifications. Mr. Wickman’s first step is to request rezoning of the property.

A Robinson/Peterson motion to approve the third consideration of an ordinance to restrict and regulate wind energy conversion systems carried unanimously by roll call vote.

An Arthur/Robinson motion to adopt the ordinance to restrict and regulate wind energy conversion systems carried unanimously.

A Taylor/Robinson motion to approve the first consideration of an ordinance to amend the size and term of the Library Board carried unanimously by roll call vote.

The Council discussed disposition of the house located at 252 Fourth Street North. The City condemned the property and the title is now in the city’s name. After discussion the Council decided to accept sealed bids on the property and open them at the regular March meeting. The clerk was directed to publish for the sealed bids.

An Arthur/Peterson motion to approve the bills and bills paid interim carried unanimously.

Mayor Gray appointed councilpersons Robinson and Curtis to the Employee Committee. They will review current employee policies and clarify some of the language. They will also work on an employee handbook.

The Council will meet on January 20, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. for a Budget Workshop and each Wednesday after that until the budget is completed. It will need to be completed by February 17th to meet the Iowa Code publication requirements.

An Arthur/Taylor motion to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. carried unanimously.

______Don Gray, Mayor


______LaNeil McFadden, City Clerk

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