AP European History s9

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AP European History s9

Absent Log

Second Term

AP European History

Dates What we Did What you Need to Do Wednes 1. Orange All About You Paper A. Get the orange “All About You” day, 2. Georgia Tech Clip paper from Ms. Bass—complete— August 3. Ms. Bass artifacts submit 23 or 4. String introductions B. See Ms. Bass about introducing Thursda 5. Mine Field Exercise and discussion yourself to the class y, on how it relates to class C. Watch this clip: August 6. Plato’s Allegory of the Cave clip and https://www.youtube.com/watch? 24 connections to learning v=69F7GhASOdM and write what you think the allegory means and how it relates to learning. D. Get an orange course disclosure from Ms. Bass—read it, and write three questions that you have about the class (bring this with you on Friday or Monday). Friday, 1. Log #1 Reasons that we should study 1. Make up Log #1 August history 2. Watch the clip for #2 in the middle 25 or 2. Watch this clip: column Monday, https://www.youtube.com/watch? 3. Ask Ms. Bass any questions that you August v=gQ3pagHPrMY have about the class 28 3. Ask your questions about the class and 4. Get the What you know about watch advice from last year’s students European History chart from Ms. Bass 4. Contributions that Europeans gave us and complete it (marker toss) + images and Ms. Bass 5. Study the list of countries and map that 5. What you know about European History you will need to get from Ms. Bass— chart and roam the room there is a quiz on this next time. 6. Human timeline of events in European History Tuesday, 1. Log #2 Where do you think the A. Make up Log #2 August name “Europe” came from? B. Make up the map COL by Friday, 29 or 2. Role Play story of Europa September 1 Wednes 3. Find your partner—interesting facts C. See Bass about the brainstorm for day, about European geography your essay August 4. Build a map with your bods! D. Get a purple John Green video 30 5. Map COL handout from Ms. Bass—the link 6. Critical thinking geography for the video is on the calendar questions + musical ball exercise (class website)—watch and 7. Writing Essays (funnies, the order, complete the handout for class who’s who, and brainstorm) next time. Thursda 1. Essay Body Building Murder A. Turn in your purple John Green y, Mystery exercise video handout on the Middle August 2. Talk write your first body Ages 31 or paragraph B. Arrange a time to learn how to Friday, 3. Debate Yes or No should the write the body paragraphs for Septemb Middle Ages have that moniker this class with Ms. Bass—this er 1 (John Green notes as guide) needs to be done by Friday, September 8. C. Write all three body paragraphs for your personal essay Tuesday, 1. Write everything you think of A. Turn in all three body Septemb related to the Middle Ages on a paragraphs for your personal er 5 or white board essay Wednes 2. Pink t-chart and debate B. Get all debate materials and day, materials on whether the the pink t-chart from Ms. Bass Septemb Middle Ages were dark. C. Ask Ms. Bass what to do with er 6 3. Watch this clip and add to your the debate materials t-chart on whether the Middle D. Ask Ms. Bass about the Ages were dark: conclusion and write it https://www.prageru.com/cour E. Your typed essay is due next ses/history/how-dark-were- time (see the class calendar and dark-ages we site for the specifications) 4. What to do and not do in the conclusion 5. Write your conclusion Thursda 1. Highlights on your personal A. See the calendar for the video that you y, essay are supposed to watch for next time + Septemb 2. Role of the Catholic Church in get the orange Middle Ages packet to er 7 or the Middle Ages: video clip, take notes in from Ms. Bass Friday, should church and state be B. Watch this video clip and write things Septemb separate—take a side! Prepare that you learn under the Catholic er 8 for your presentation on the Church section in the orange Middle Great Schism, et. Al. Ages packet: https:// www.youtube.com/watch? v=Ra2t3S8jp8w C. Talk to Ms. Bass about ways to make up the Great Schism presentation D. Turn in your personal history essay— underlines your thesis with a marker, circles your examples, and put boxes around your “so whats.” Monday, 1. Purple document on the role of A. Get a purple Catholic Church paper Septemb the Catholic Church in the from Ms. Bass and she will tell you er 11 or Middle Ages. what to do. Tuesday, 2. Finish Presentations on the B. Get the notes that you missed on the Septemb Babylonian Captivity, et. Al. Papal Schism, etc. (orange Middle Ages er 12 3. Index card recommendations to packet) from a classmate. Write an improve the Catholic Church in index card with advice for the Catholic the Middle Ages. Church to improve during the Middle 4. Feudalism diagrams on white Ages. boards and discuss the costs + C. Turn in your orange Middle Ages packet benefits of this system with the information about feudalism 5. Textbook scavenger hunt that you were asked to watch in a video for homework. D. Make a diagram representing how feudalism works, and turn it in—include the costs and benefits of this economic system. E. See the calendar on the class website for the pages that you need to read for next time. Get green graphic organizers from Ms. Bass to complete as you read. Wednes 1. Image and what you can determine A. E-mail Ms. Bass to request the image day, about the Middle Ages That we looked at--e-mail her what you Septemb 2. Monty Python Clip on Peasants in can tell about the Middle Ages from the er 13 or the Middle Ages Image Thursda 3. Notes on peasant revolts in green B. Make a power point about the Black y, graphic organizer for 5th and 6th or Death with images, causes, cures that Septemb in pink Middle Ages packet for 2nd were used, and results for Europe. er 14 period--why would peasants revolt C. Get the notes that you missed on the in the 14th century? peasant revolts from a classmate. 4. Black Death--truth or fiction piles E. Turn in your reading notes that were 5. Black Death role play due today and look at the calendar for 6. Black Death images and power the reading notes that are due next time. point 7. Black Death gold documents (2nd and 6th) Friday, 1. Purple Humanism Is/Is Not chart forAA. Get a blue Crash Course handout on the Septemb the COR along with the comparison Renaissance from Ms. Bass.The link: er 15 or of education during the https://www.youtube.com/watch? Monday, Renaissance and education today v=Vufba_ZcoR0 Septemb (on the back of the Is/Not chart) B. Get the purple Humanism and er 16 2. Northern Renaissance art Renaissance education paper from Ms. Bass presentations and pink chart with and ask her how to complete it. notes from the presentations C. Get the green Renaissance education 3. Green DBQ on education during the DBQ from Ms. Bass and ask her what to do. Renaissance D. Turn in the reading notes that were due 4. Blue Crash Course handout and today. Crash Course on the Renaissance E. See the class calendar for the reading that is due next time. Tuesday, 1. Notes on Marriage and Work in the A. Get the notes from #1 from a Septemb Middle Ages (2nd in orange packet, classmate er 17 or 5th and 6th on their own paper). B. E-mail Ms. Bass for the prompt for Wednes 2. Short Answer on the Middle Ages the short answer and take 13 day, 3. Video on the Black Death: minutes to write your response. Septemb https://www.youtube.com/watch? C. Watch the video from #3 er 18 v=ySClB6-OH-Q D. See Bass about #’s 4, 5, and 8 4. Renaissance time frame columns and post its on the board—notes in yellow Renaissance packets 5. 6th Log #3 What are the characteristics of an ideal human? Compare that with the ideal Renaissance person. 6. Watch clip in 6th: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=M6lmKTAlrh4 7. White board review on the Middle Ages 8. The meaning of the term “Renaissance” and the Greek + Roman gold contribution checklist Thursda  Blue COL on the two humanism  Make up the Blue COL by Friday, y, videos September 29 Septemb  Students teach Bass about  Turn in your humanism notes from er 21 or humanism—notes on Civic vs. the two videos Friday, Christian humanism  See the calendar for the reading Septemb  Present humanists (what they that is due next time. er 22 believed, wrote, and whether they  Get seven index cards from Bass were Civic or Christian) + make a and the notes on the humanists for Jingle about the person each card from a classmate  Take notes on index cards for each  See Bass about your own humanist humanist as he is presented presentation

Monday,  Vetruvian Man and connections with  See Bass about the Vetruvian Man Septemb Humanism exercise er 25 or  Finish Humanism presentations with  Get the index card notes on the Tuesday, jingles + index card notes humanists that you missed from a Septemb  Orange More vs. Machiavelli reading classmate or get the list of er 26 and chart notes on the last page of the humanists from Bass and research reading them yourself  Visit from Da Vinci + questions for moo-  Get the notes that you missed on lah innovations in Renaissance art from  Notes in yellow packet on innovations a classmate (yellow Renaissance in Renaissance art packet)  Turn in your reading notes that were due today (see calendar for page #s)  See the calendar for the homework that is due next time Wedned  Map comparisons of Europe during  Make a power point with three ay, the Renaissance vs. now (white Italian Renaissance art works and Septemb boards) information about them their er 27 or  Reasons why the Renaissance artists and three Northern Thursda began in Italy (yellow Renaissance Renaissance works. y, note packet)  Get the notes that you missed in Septemb  Comparisons of the Northern and your yellow Renaissance packet er 28 Italian Renaissance (Note packet) from a classmate.  Comparisons of Northern and  Get the two Renaissance maps Italian Renaissance art (yellow note from Ms. Bass and she will tell you packet and art history books) what to do.  Present Northern Renaissance art  Turn in your assignment that was work that you were assigned (notes due today (see the calendar) on Northern Renaissance pink art  See the calendar for the homework chart) that is due next time  Finish presenting Italian art Friday,  Two minutes to compare answers  Turn in your gold take home COL on Septemb on the gold Renaissance take home the Renaissance er 29 or COL  See the calendar for your Monday,  Watch this Mannerism video: homework due next time October https://www.youtube.com/watch?  Watch the two videos in the middle 2 v=t6TvfyL9vHc&t=189s and take column, take notes, and show them notes in your yellow Renaissance to Bass packet (last page)  See Bass about the make up for the  Blue handout (students did not city states keep these) Ducksters Italian city  Get the yellow Machiavelli packet states (white board race game with from Bass and see her about questions) making up the first half of the video  Design a flag for your assigned city state and present to the class  Costs and Benefits of a divided Italy during the Renaissance  Reasons why the city states declined  Savanorola clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=w3zSTYrNX2E  Yellow Machiavelli packet and start the video Tuesday,  Purple “Did Women Have a  Get the white essay outline papers October Renaissance” chart—compare the from Bass and see her about the 3 or two opinions on female rulers on essay outlines that are due next Wednes the back of the paper time day,Oct  Race Game with information about  Get the purple Women in the ober 4 women in the Renaissance (notes in Renaissance paper from Bass and yellow Renaissance packet) ask her what to do  Share your information about race,  Get the notes that you missed on social class, and gender from the women in the Renaissance (yellow assigned reading with team mates Renaissance packet) from a (green graphic organizer notes) and classmate. hot potato comparisons between  See Bass about the Machiavelli racism and gender roles in the make up. Renaissance with today  Turn in your “List of ten things that  Finish Machiavelli clip and notes in you learned about the Renaissance Machiavelli yellow packet teaching assignment  Fish Bowl on Machiavelli questions + purple reading Thursda  Answer the multiple choice  Turn in your three essay outlines y, questions in the yellow Machiavelli (Renaissance) October packet  See the calendar for the homework 5 or  Talk about Cesare Borgia that is due next time. Friday,  Read the Erasmus segment in the  Research Cesare Borgia and write a October Machiavelli packet and compare paragraph explaining why 6 with Machiavelli Machiavelli might have considered  Characteristics of the New him a hero Monarchs (in the Renaissance note  Answer the multiple choice packet) Machiavelli packet questions and  Prepare for the Most Machiavellian show to Bass + read the Erasmus New Monarch competition section of the same packet and write a brief comparison of Erasmus and Machiavelli  Watch this clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=El1CYR5M8eo and take notes in the New Monarchs section of your yellow Renaissance note packet + show to Bass Monday,  Underline your thesis and circle all  See the middle column October examples that you provide in your 9 or Renaissance New Monarchs Essay Tuesday,  Learn how to do the contextualization October in the introductory paragraph (make 10 arrangements with Bass to learn how to do this)  Add the contextualization to your Introduction  Most Machiavellian Competition (make a power point with the ways in which Henry VII of England, Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, and Louis XI of France) were Machiavellian—include images- email the power point to Ms. Bass)  Get the notes that you missed in the yellow Renaissance packet (France, England, and Spain) from a classmate  Watch and take notes on this clip about the impact of Gutenberg’s printing press (turn these notes in): https:// www.youtube.com/watch? v=Xs1chMpM_nI  See the calendar for the homework that is due next time—you can get gold Cornell notes from Ms. Bass Wednes  Purple New Monarchs Paper (get one  See the middle column day, from Ms. Bass and complete for your October portfolio) 11 or  Blue docs. On the Printing Press (get Thursda this packet from Ms. Bass)—look at y, three different documents and write October the impact that the printing press had 12 based on the information in the document.  First to three review for the Renaissance COL  You will need to make up the Renaissance COL by Wednesday, October 18 by coming in before school, during lunch, or after school (schedule with Ms. Bass).  Win Lose or Draw activity with the motivations for exploration (get yellow Exploration packet from Bass and the notes that you missed from a classmate)  Show Bass the Cornell that were due today  Turn in the notes from the video on Exploration  See the calendar for the homework that is due next time and get more gold Cornell notes from Bass Friday,  Pink Col on the Exploration Reading  See the middle column October (make this up by Wednesday, October 13 or 18) Monday,  Notes on motivation—win, lose, or October draw in the yellow Exploration packet 16  Clip on technologies that made exploration possible: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=AuC96uEKL1s watch this video and take notes in the technology party of the Exploration notes  Present your explorer and take notes on pages 2 and 3 of your exploration packet (get these notes from Bass) and present your explorer to Bass during lunch or after school  Columbus envelope truth or fiction  Turn in your Cornell notes that were due today  Hold onto your Columbian Exchange video notes for your portfolio  See the calendar for your homework due next time (get cornell sheets from Bass)

Tuesday,  Get the portfolio checklist from Bass or  See the middle column October under the absent log on the class 17 or website. Your portfolio is due next Wednes Monday (2nd period) or next Tuesday day, (5th and 6th periods). These cannot be October submitted late. Bring your moo-lah to 18 class next time as well.  See the reading assignment that is due next time (calendar) as well.  Zheng He video and answer the questions for the video in your yellow Exploration packet (watch this video and complete the yellow packet questions: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=UPxUZOUUMLI  Memory with the explorers  Green Explorer COL  Columbus—villain or hero—notes in the chart of your yellow Exploration packet: watch this video to complete that section: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=GD3dgiDreGc  Columbian Exchange post it activity and orange DBQ packet (get the orange packet from Bass, read the documents, and answer the questions next to the documents.  Turn in the cornell that was due today. Monday,  Blue Commercial Revolution packet—  See the middle column October put + and – next to the positive and 23 or negative results of the Columbian Tuesday, Exchange on pages 13 and 14 of the October packet 24  Turn in your moo-lah and portfolio (see Bass before you do)  Share the information from your reading assignment for today (collage); turn in your collage; get the one and all blue graphic organizer notes from Bass and a classmate  Get the orange Trans-Atlantic slave trade packet from Bass—read through the paper. And write five things that you learn about it on the blue graphic organizer + take notes on the same paper from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=3NXC4Q_4JVg (show Bass your notes)  See the calendar for the homework that is due next time. Wednes  Show Bass your reading notes that were  See the middle column day, due today October  Get a gold graphic with information 25 or about the “Destinations of Slaves Thursda Brought to the Americas” paper from y, Bass and she will tell you what to do October  Commercial Revolution yellow outline 26 —highlight important things—object connections and orange Commercial Revolution packet (see Bass to make this up)  Post it and explain what the Commercial Revolution was in 15 words or fewer.  Watch this clip from minute 4:13 on: https ://www.youtube.com/watch? v=t8S40vHwZzs and take notes in your orange Commercial Revolution packet + show Bass  See Ms. Bass about the Exploration team presentations that we worked on today.  See the calendar for the homework that is due next time. Friday,  Turn in your take home COL on the Age  See the middle column October of Exploration and your two Exploration 27 or essay outlines Tuesday,  Pink packet with Mercantilism October information and cartoons-get this from 31 Bass and write, in your own words, the nine rules of mercantilism and your interpretations of the cartoons.  Watch and take notes on this video (put notes in your pink mercantilism packet): https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=gMYo07DESRs  Get a blue handout comparing mercantilism and capitalism from Bass + complete the blue venn diagram comparing the two economic systems on the back of the blue information.  Find out from the team that you worked with on the Exploration presentation what they need you to do for next time  See the calendar for the assignments that are due next time. Get the pink Reformation Study Guide from Bass. Wednes  Turn in your questions 1-12 that were  See the middle column day, due from the pink Reformation Study Novemb Guide er 1 or  See the calendar for what’s due next Thursda time y,  Get the yellow Commercial Revolution Novemb packet from Bass and ask her what to er 2 do with it  Watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=I5ZR0jMlxX0 and e-mail Bass with what you learned  Make an essay outline for this prompt and turn it in: What were the causes and features of the Commercial Revolution? How did the Commercial Revolution impact European society politically, economically, and socially between1500-1700?

 Schedule a time with Bass to make up the unit COL on the Age of Exploration (this needs to be done by Friday, November 10. Friday,  White boards and report cards for Spain  See the middle column Novemb —see Ms. Bass about making up this er 3 or activity Monday,  Finish your unit COL on Exploration (you Novemb will need to do this by Friday, er 4 November 10)—make arrangements with Bass  If you are interested in extra credit, get the gold crossword from Bass on Exploration  Finish and start presenting the team presentations on exploration and wars (get a pink one and all graphic organizer from Bass and she will tell you what to do)  Turn in the video notes that were due today.  Turn in the study guide questions that were due today.  See the calendar for the homework that is due next time.  If you make an index card “cheat sheet” for today’s COL, you can turn that in for extra credit.

Tuesday,  Purple COL on the Reformation (make  See the middle column Novemb up by Friday, November 10) er 7 or  Finish Team Presentations on Wednes Exploration topics (pink graphic day, organizer notes). E-mail Ms. Bass for Novemb the way that you are supposed to make er 8 this up.  Reformation—get gold chart notes from Bass and the notes that you missed from a classmate.  Turn in your study guide questions that were due today.  Circle your specific evidence from your Reformation short answer and turn it in.  See the calendar for the reading and study guide questions that are due next time. Tuesday,  Purple COL on the Reformation (make  See the middle column Novemb up by Friday, November 10) er 7 or  Finish Team Presentations on Wednes Exploration topics (pink graphic day, organizer notes). E-mail Ms. Bass for Novemb the way that you are supposed to make er 8 this up.  Reformation—get gold chart notes from Bass and the notes that you missed from a classmate.  Turn in your study guide questions that were due today.  Circle your specific evidence from your Reformation short answer and turn it in.  See the calendar for the reading and study guide questions that are due next time. Wednes  Get all of the DBQ handouts from Ms.  See the middle column day, Bass Novemb  Get the video that Ms. Bass recorded of er 8 the seminar by bringing in a flash drive Lunch to Ms. Bass before or after school and Seminar saving the file on it. Watch the video and take notes on what you learn + e- mail those notes to Ms. Bass.  Take 5 minutes and read as many of the documents in the pink packet as you can—take notes in the margins where you summarize what each document is about. Thursda  5th Period finished their Exploration  See the middle column y, team presentations and Jeopardy + Novemb submitted a self evaluation (see Ms. er 9 and Bass about this) Friday,  Role Plays and problems in the Roman Novemb Catholic Church on the eve of the er 10 Reformation (notes on gold handout)  Purple DBQ chart and packet on Causes of the Reformation (get this packet from Bass and she will explain what to do)  Notes on gold chart about the consequences of the Reformation  2nd and 6th started the Luther Play  Turn in your study guide questions that were due today.  See the calendar for the homework that is due next time. Friday,  Watch, take notes on, and submit your  See the middle column Novemb notes on this video: er 10 https://www.youtube.com/watch? Lunch v=j5hWAPkC9Oc Seminar  Read all the docs. On the causes of the on the persecution of witchs (pink packet and DBQ make a one sentence summary about each document in the packet + show Bass)  Group the docs. Into three categories— show Bass your categories  Write and show your thesis to Bass Monday,  Luther Role Play and take notes on  See the middle column Novemb what you learn from the Role Play in er 13 your gold Reformation chart notes (see and Bass about this) Tuesday,  Discussion line up on whether Luther Novemb should be considered an historical hero er 14  Charles V COL—zoo animal (see Bass)  Charles V gold note packet and lecture  Orange team COL on the outline packet (make this up by Friday, November 17)  Turn in your orange Crash Course on Charles V notes  See the calendar for the reading and questions that are due next time Tuesday,  Bring in a flash drive to get the copy of  See the middle column Novemb the recorded seminar that Ms. Bass led. er 14 Watch and take notes on what you Lunch learned from the video. Seminar  You need to write a point of view on the analysis for the document on the Pope’s DBQ document (B-2) in the pink document packet.  Write your contextualization for the DBQ and show it to Ms. Bass

Wednes  Get a yellow survey from Ms. Bass and  See the middle column day, complete Novemb  On the back of your gold Charles V er 15 or packet, you need to come up with five Thursda successes and 5 failures of Charles V y, and show to Ms. Bass Novemb  Get a green Tudor family tree from Bass er 16 and e-mail her for the Tudor family tree questions that you need to answer and turn in  Watch AND take notes on this video about the Tudor monarchs: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=7aJ6ZBgViU4 turn in your notes  Turn in the study guide questions that were due today  See the calendar for what’s due next time.

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