Region: Tigrai Coordination Space: Regional ATF

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Region: Tigrai Coordination Space: Regional ATF

MTR Learning from the regional coordination mechanisms EC SHARE /FAO Strengthening institutionalized sub national coordination structures and harmonization mechanisms (EU ref: EDF/2014/354-294 FAO-GCP/ETH/089/EC)

Region: Tigrai Coordination space: Regional ATF. Date AND comments to the validation in ATF (if relevant):______1. Resilience Plan and follow up Actions or activities of the ATF resilience adapted plan Responsable Due date Status / indicators-Sources of Verification Regional ATF chair/co-chair Example: Regional Resilience Coordination Workshop EU RESET cluster date Implemented and proceedings delivered Regional resilience plan endorsed by ATF FAO &EWR&FS, June 30,2017 Endorsed meeting minute shared Resilience mainstreamed in ATF agenda FAO , BoA and member September organizations 29,2017 Discussion will conducted August 11 & Regional Coordination Capacity Building Workshop (following ToT) EWR&FS and FAO 12,2017 Implemented and proceedings delivered Resilience Mapping discussion FAO July ,2017 Resilience mapping developed and

1 | P a g e discussed Regional Joint visiting tours by regional coordination spaces EWR&FS and FAO August 13& 14 Implemented and proceedings delivered Bi Regional Experience Sharing November , Ongoing ( this will be organized with EWR&FS and FAO 2017 Amhara region ) EWR&FS and FAO and other December , The experience sharing will conducted in Capitalization of DRM ATF (and DRM TWG) experiences. partner’s 2017 December Assessment of the DRM courses and the link between research and coordination This will conducted at federal level and the mechanisms At federal level finding will share to us. Staring Implemented and utilized (action point EWR&FS and FAO May,2017 & tracking , meeting evaluation, participation Regional Coordination tool box utilization and other partner’s Continuing evaluation tool) Staring The reporting tools are utilizing those are EWR&FS and FAO May,2017 & agriculture situation update and early Utilization of the reporting tools and other partner’s Continuing warning monitoring report

2 | P a g e 2. Assessment: Coordination Gaps/Needs: (1) Challenges (2) Root causes and (3) Priorities.

1.Main (a) Strengths, 2. Root causes 3.Priorities to address (b) Gaps & Needs Coordination Gaps/Needs (Quantitative)

1.Internal and external Coordination Internal Coordination (within ATF members + within DRM-ATF) Medium  Lack Incentives framework High priority and trust for coordination, strengthening Capacities for coordination  Lack of strengthening Leadership and Commitment for coordination External Coordination (with regional Gov and partners, with other Medium  Luck of strengthening High priority DRM clusters (WASH, nutrition…) Leadership and Commitment for coordination 2. Vertical and Horizontal Coordination

3 | P a g e Vertical Coordination (with ATF members head offices +Federal Medium  Luck of strengthening Absolute priority DRM-ATF) Leadership and Commitment for coordination Horizontal Coordination (with partner organizations and regional Medium •Luck of incentives framework Absolute Priority government bodies, with other DRM clusters (WASH, nutrition…)) and trust for coordination ,strengthening Leadership and Commitment for coordination 3. Strategic and Operational Coordination Strategic Coordination (On strategic planning, management and Medium  Luck of strengthening High priority M&E) Capacities for coordination,  Luck of strengthening Leadership and Commitment for coordination  Luck of strengthening Organizational Agenda in practice Operational Coordination (on operations and implementation of Medium  Luck of strengthening High priority activities) Organizational Agenda in practice 4. Technical and Administrative Technical Coordination Medium Luck of strengthening High priority Leadership and Commitment for coordination Administrative Coordination Medium Luck of strengthening High priority Leadership and Commitment for coordination 5.Degree of Coordination Internal Information sharing High Luck of Incentives framework Absolute priority and trust for coordination, strengthening Capacities for

4 | P a g e coordination, strengthening Leadership and Commitment for coordination, strengthening Knowledge management Internal Coordinated Planning High Luck of strengthening Capacities Absolute priority for coordination Internal Coordinated implementation and evaluation Medium Luck of strengthening Absolute priority Leadership and Commitment for coordination 6. Existing capacities for coordination Coordination capacities for analysis (context, capacities, Luck of strengthening High priority vulnerabilities…) Organizational Agenda in practice Coordination capacities for influencing Medium Luck of strengthening High priority Knowledge management Coordination capacities for facilitating Medium Luck of strengthening High priority Knowledge management

7.Crosscutting issues Gender mainstreaming in coordination spaces Medium Luck of strengthening Capacities High priority and awareness on gender mainstreaming on coordination Monitoring and Knowledge Management poor Luck of strengthening Absolute priority Knowledge management and Joint planning and implementation Link with research institutions poor Weak connection with research Absolute priority institutions Link Relief and Development Medium Weak linkage among relief with Absolute priority development.

5 | P a g e Coordination Gaps/Needs and Strengths/Opportunities “Summary” (NARRATIVE EXPLAINING THE PREVIOUS MATRIX) (1) Challenges  Considering coordination as secondary to their work and not being prioritized.  Limited commitment to participate and contributions in the monthly DRM-ATF meeting.  Absence of coordination structure at Zonal and Wereda level for vertical coordination.  Weak communication among DRM-ATF partners.  Limited joint planning implementation and monitoring and evaluation.  Limited Knowledge management  Emphasis on emergency not on resilience.  The presence of parallel meetings and missions (gov’t )  High staff turnover and inconsistency of attendees. (2) Root causes of the  Lack of coordination skills, knowledge and experience challenges  Lack of commitment and ownership from partner organizations  Lack of leadership and commitment from government  Lack of delegated person  Gap on government capacity and responsibility level  Luck experience sharing. (3) Priorities to address  Strengthen information sharing mechanism among stakeholders. the challenges  Joint planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation and experience sharing should supported by regular budget.

6 | P a g e  Improve ownership, commitment and leadership  Create proactive participation  Facilitate of information sharing, training and experience sharing on how the DRM-ATF can contribute to sustainable development framework both for emergency and development interventions.  Assigning of regular participant for DRM-ATF meeting (4) Strengths and  Organizations those are unable to be committing to a coordination effort Share example of achievements Opportunities that have been made cooperation.  Regular refresher to improve ownership, commitment and leadership to strengthen the link between relief, rehabilitation and development.  Develop/strengthen information flow mechanisms and create access to all stakeholders.  To address all the challenges of coordination building support from Organization’s higher officials highly critical to aligning priorities and various organizational interests

7 | P a g e 3. Learning and way forward (you can use more than one page)

Resilience Case studies Regional Way forward or action point AND Responsible (place and sector) Regional lessons learnt Regional recommendations AND due date The major lesson learnt was that the worst drought in 50 years period was successfully • Identification of TFs mitigated through the and platforms and their coordinated efforts of the thematic working areas. Government, Humanitarian • Government should institutions, and take the responsibility to nongovernmental facilitate and lead the Institution: REST Organization living a good coordination. Place: Woreda Sheharty message that other recurrent • Establish working -Samre and Kolla Temben droughts could be fully group for compiling and Sector: Bench Terrance controlled if knowledge, documentation of the good Beneficiary - landless youth resources, and efforts are practices. • Developing the networks among stakeholders • properly coordinated • Established linkage Sharing of the good experience observed during the managed well. between and among drought episode and for contingency planning. taskforces as necessary • Diversification of Members in TF including Research • Create accountability and learning institutions and private organizations when mechanism to enhance deemed necessary. participation • Organization to delegate appropriate person to • Establishing TF zonal represent their organization in TFs and woreda level. • Assigning of regular participant for DRM-ATF meeting from each participant RESF Regional Workshop

8 | P a g e • The coordination capacity-building workshop helped to improve knowledge in DRM, Resilience, what the coordination structure looks like in Ethiopia, identifying • Capacity building success and challenges and • Strengthen ATF and the importance of joint DRM-TWG planning with participatory • Joint planning and approach and group implementation discussion. • Periodic review on  Utilization of the DRM-ATF activities and • Government to take the lead role to strengthen the coordination tools familiarization through coordination structure of the region. workshops Replicate the coordination capacity building workshop in zones as well as at Woredas Visiting tours Place -Enda-Meke  Such practical • Increase community • Joint planning, implementation, monitoring and Name of the site -Hadush Adi experiences sharing participation, awareness evaluation and experience should supported by regular Sector - Gully treatment are very important creation in order to improve budget Beneficiary - Land less and and partner farmer’s awareness on the • To conduct regional joint mission at list twice a unemployed youth organization are short-term and long-term year. Institution- SLM expecting to support benefits NRM management, • Develop guidelines for collection of baseline data and such type mission in and capacity building on the M&E. Place -Enda-Meke sharing their good technologies to implement • Name of the site –Emba- practices and funding. the interventions. Hazti  For more than 20 • Investment in Sector - integrated water years in Tigrai monitoring, follow up and management remarkable success continuous impact Beneficiary - Land less and were achieved in soil assessment of such unemployed youth and water interventions should be Institution- SLM conservation but still necessary.

9 | P a g e needs farther effort to • The experts should Place –Alaje create resilient support the community in Name of the site –Mihihay community integrated manner and advice Sector - Integrated water  There is gap in the user to diversify their shade management working together income and support them to Beneficiary - Land less and among scoter offices, have market linkage unemployed youth partners and even . Institution- SLM among department are hindering to attain the intended change.  The intervention is multidimensional in creating employment opportunity for landless youth, women’s empowerment, in reducing migration and degradation. This is a good lesson to create resilient community.  The coordination structure from region up to community level to implement the activities are also good lesson

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 To sustained the • Usually the coordination resilience as agenda in focused in emergency issues ATF meeting but this is a good opportunity commitment needs Resilience resilience to be an issue in the from all stockholders. • Every month to select adapted DRM-ATF  Beside the discussion, topics related to resilience plan should create an and to discussion. opportunity for the • Organization to share member organizations their resilience building to present their experience. activities in resilience • To conduct joint tour building on resilience building.

11 | P a g e • The mapping findings on resilience interventions and coordination spaces might help in influencing future designing and implementation of more efficient and effective coordination structures and harmonization mechanisms in interventions of sectors contributing to resilience building, therefore it needs to have continuity. • The mapping of coordination spaces and resilience interventions that could enhance our understanding of what are To have consistency on the going on in the regions in mapping, Especially the 4W To conduct mapping twice a year. relation to mapping is necessary to investments/interventions identify gaps/overlaps and resource utilization.

Regional resilience coordination mapping

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