This Annual Corps Membership Review & Strategic Plan (ACMRSP) Is to Be Completed Annually

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This Annual Corps Membership Review & Strategic Plan (ACMRSP) Is to Be Completed Annually


This Annual Corps Membership Review & Strategic Plan (ACMRSP) is to be completed annually. Consider engaging in STRATEGIC THINKING regularly throughout the year using this planning resource.

Year Under Review: 2016 v.1 Page 1 Territorial Strategic Priorities ONE ARMY

STRATEGIC PRIORITY #1: SPIRITUAL HEALTH To cultivate the spiritual well-being of Salvationists, employees, volunteers and the people we serve.

STRATEGIC PRIORITY #2: LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT To give Salvationists and employees opportunities to grow their leadership potential to advance the mission.


STRATEGIC PRIORITY #3: SOCIAL JUSTICE To promote the dignity of all people, with a focus on the marginalized and vulnerable.

STRATEGIC PRIORITY #4: INTEGRATED MISSION To strengthen communities by responding holistically to the needs of the people we serve.


STRATEGIC PRIORITY #5: CHILDREN AND YOUTH To lead children and youth to faith in Christ and foster their spiritual development.

STRATEGIC PRIORITY #6: THE GOSPEL AND TRANSFORMATION To share the gospel, lead people to Christ and nurture them in their faith.

STRATEGIC PRIORITY #7: DISCIPLESHIP To encourage Salvationists to develop their relationships with God and express their faith through acts of service.

Year Under Review: 2016 v.1 Page 2 Contents INTRODUCTION Suggested Timeframe 4 Review Checklist 6 Forms 7 Corps Leadership List 8 Corps Membership: Additions and Removals 9 Women’s Ministries Integrated Membership Roll 11

FORMS Vision 12 Administrative Model 12 Pastoral Care Council 12 Leadership Development 12 Congregational Health Assessment 13 Soldiership / Enrolment 13 Social Media / Web 13 Spiritual Health 14 Evangelism 14 Candidate Development 14 Integrated Mission / Social Justice 14 Multicultural / Indigenous Ministries 15 Stewardship of Finances 15 Stewardship of People 15 Women’s Ministries 16 Community & Family Services and/or Thrift Store 16 Music & Gospel Arts 16 Strategic Thinking Instructions 17 Strategic Thinking Worksheet 18 Goal Review and Evaluation 19 High Priority Goals 20 Our Mission Overview 21 Review Sign-off 22

Year Under Review: 2016 v.1 Page 3 Annual Corps MEMBERSHIP REVIEW & STRATEGIC PLAN

The Review is a process, not an event! Every year the Annual Corps Membership Review & Strategic Plan (ACMRSP) should be completed to ensure that rolls and statistics are up-to-date and properly entered into SAMIS. The statistical element of the review enables discussion with the local leadership team* around attendance and roll trends. During the visit by DHQ personnel, key elements of that discussion can be shared and final approval given for membership decisions and roll updates made by the Pastoral Care Council. The ACMRSP also provides corps leadership with information necessary to set and follow a strategic plan. When preparing for the review, consider distributing the Strategic Thinking Worksheets from the last review to assess the progress of the goals. Additional tools for strategic thinking are available (page 5) to assess progress, set goals, outline steps with target dates and assign responsibilities.

The strategic thinking part of the document should be completed annually and can be used throughout the year. Every ministry leader should participate in a strategic thinking meeting (instructions page 17), and submit their worksheet for discussion at the Corps Council/Mission Board meeting. Other tools provided for this process are listed on page 5. The Corps Council/Mission Board should also complete the HIGH PRIORITY GOALS and OUR MISSION OVERVIEW forms for the meeting with DHQ personnel. Suggested Timeframe:

January - Meet with the leadership team to discuss the review documents. - Identify 3 HIGH PRIORITY GOALS to be submitted to DHQ (page 19). - Complete all roll updates in SAMIS, to reflect all expected additions, transfers and removals (provided verbal/written permission has been given by your AC). This will ensure that minimal updates will be required after the DHQ visit. February 28 SAMIS closing date and deadline to e-file the completed REVIEW documents and SAMIS reports to your AC. DHQ visit The Leadership Team meets with the DHQ personnel to present the review documents and OUR MISSION OVERVIEW. March - May -Review the HIGH PRIORITY GOALS for the year with your leadership team regularly at Corps Council/Mission Board meetings. - Consider using a Congregational Health Assessment tool to evaluate the health of the corps. The Corps Ministries Department would be happy to help you choose the appropriate tool. June - Redistribute the Strategic Thinking Worksheets (page 18) to respective group leaders for check-in August and assessment of achievements from last years’ goals and to set new goals for the coming year. September – - Finalize all attendance information in SAMIS. December - The Pastoral Care Council should meet to finalize any roll changes, and ensure that the roll numbers in SAMIS have been updated in the December month. - Confirm a date for the DHQ visit with your Area Commander (AC). - Distribute/Collect the Strategic Thinking Worksheets (page 18) and other helpful tools listed above to engage your leaders in the goal-setting process. - Ensure that each leadership team and group engages in strategic thinking and submits their worksheet for Corps Council/Mission Board discussion - Finalize the HIGH PRIORITY GOALS that will be submitted on the review document to DHQ/THQ. * For information on the Corps Council/Mission Board and leadership team members, see the Corps Administration Model document (page 5).

Year Under Review: 2016 v.1 Page 4 The following documents are provided as appendices to the review and are contained in the .zip file posted in SAMIS or download here: Annual Corps Review Supporting

a.i.1. Strategic Thinking Worksheets and Instructions a.i.2. Property Inspection FORMS & Report Supplement (*Changed) a.i.3. Corps - Community and Family Services Template a.i.4. Corps Administration Model a.i.5. Vehicle Inspection a.i.6. Strategic Thinking Manual and Question Guidelines This document includes the following:  Checklist for the Corps Review Process  Important Definitions About Membership, Attendance, Seekers, Women’s Ministries and Finance  Identifying the Elevator Message for our Congregation  Instructions for using SAMIS to Generate Your Review Statistics and Sample Forms  Creating S.M.A.R.T. Goals  Operating Policy for Corps Local Officers, Soldiers and Adherents of The Salvation Army  Territorial Volunteer Manual  Mission Profile Questions for Ministry Groups


 The Annual Corps Ministry Review and Strategic Plan is viewed as a vital tool to receive input from every corps ministry unit regarding their health and growth?  The Location information in SAMIS is fed into the online locator, so the public can find every unit on the Google interactive map?  The Annual Review Documents are summarized at THQ and results are forwarded to DC’s and AC’s to highlight successes and areas needing assistance at the end of the review period?

Year Under Review: 2016 v.1 Page 5  Department heads at THQ receive consolidated results of information received in the AMR for their area of interest? (ie. Candidates Secretary receives all input from the respective area of the review).  Statistics entered into SAMIS are used by DHQ/THQ to assess ministry unit health and growth?

Year Under Review: 2016 v.1 Page 6   Review Checklist   AREA COMMANDER / DHQ  REPRESENTATIVE:  DATE:    ITEM  NOTED  COMMENT  SENIOR CORPS    Articles of War/Covenants    Senior Soldiers Roll    Recruits Roll    Adherents Roll    Friends Roll    Local Officers Roll    Seekers Register    Senior Pastoral Care Council   Minute Book  SAMIS up to date    Pastoral Care Board   Membership  Marriage Register    Burial Register    Corps History Book    CCM Membership Roll    Band – Songster – Music Rolls    Candidates Fellowship Roll       Y.P. CORPS    Junior Soldier Roll    Sunday School Attendance   Register  Y.P. Pastoral Care Council   Minute Book  Y.P. Seekers Book    RTS / CrossZone &   CrossTraining records  Cradle Roll    Dedication Register    Police Checks    Armatus Abuse Training   Records     WOMEN’S MINISTRIES    WM Integrated Membership   Roll     BUSINESS    Hall Inspection    Quarters Inspection    Other Building Inspection    Inventory List    Furnace Room/Hazards    Fire Extinguishers/C.O.   Detectors                           Enter your CORPS NAME: DIVISION in the box below.

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 FORMS   1. Please include the Location Information, Corps Membership Collection Form and Growth History Report from SAMIS following this page.  Start printing on this page for submission to DHQ  

 C ORPS LEADERSHIP    Name  Positi  Start    on Date Date YP SR  *Not  commissioned Commissioned                                                                                                                                        

        CORPS MEMBERSHIP: ADDITIONS AND REMOVALS  Enter names ONCE in the table below, indicating movement accordingly  *For detailed instructions on how to use this page, visit:   NAME  ADD  REMOVE  COMMENTS  A = Roll added to  R = Roll removed from

    Remove 

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   Date     

   Local Officer  Corps Officer  DC or designate   CORPS MEMBERSHIP: ADDITIONS AND REMOVALS  Enter names ONCE in the table below, indicating movement accordingly  *For detailed instructions on how to use this page, visit:   NAME  ADD  REMOVE  COMMENTS  A = Roll added to  R = Roll removed from

    Remove 

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   Date     

   Local Officer  Corps Officer  DC or designate     WOMEN’S MINISTRIES INTEGRATED MEMBERSHIP ROLL  Enter names to indicate any changes to the WM Integrated Membership Roll  *For instructions visit: Important Definitions About Membership, Attendance, Seekers, Women’s Ministries

 NAME  ADD  REMOVE  REASON  COM  A = Roll added to  R = Roll removed from  Enter to indicate MENT reason S                      T  Ho Juni Spiri Heal Fell Pre Ho Juni Spiri Heal Fell Pre Pr r Rem a n sf e rr e d t o O u t e r C ir cl e                 

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    Date       

     Local Officer  Corps Officer  DC or designate   The following pages are provided to collect summary information, based on discussions which have taken place with the Corps Council/Mission Board or any other administrative body at the ministry unit.

 VISION  The Salvation Army’s Mission Statement says: THE SALVATION ARMY exists to share the love of Jesus Christ, meet human needs and be a transforming influence in the communities of our world.

 Provide your corps’ customized vision/purpose/mission statement here: 

  ADMINISTRATIVE MODEL Read the Administrative Model document found online.  In order to provide infrastructure and facilitate wise decision-making, every corps/church needs to have an administrative model in place. The Salvation Army recognizes two administrative models: Corps Council or Mission Board. Describe the administrative model you are currently using (structure, membership, frequency of meetings, etc.) . 

  PASTORAL CARE COUNCIL Order new Pastoral Care Council Minute books.  It is a requirement to have a Senior/YP Pastoral Care Council operating in every corps. Please confirm that you have this council in place, and describe how it functions in your setting.

  LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT  Describe how you are training and equipping your ministry leaders. 

 Do you have documentation on file indicating that all your leaders have completed the required screening processes?  If not, when do you plan to have this task completed?

 CONGREGATIONAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT  Indicate which of the following tools you have most recently used:    Date   Stage of  Congregational conducted: cycle: Life Cycle Assessment   Logic  Please attach the Logic Model diagram and evaluation Model Program Evaluation    Date of   Averag  NCD last NCD: e: (www.ncdcanada .com)  If you have not completed a health assessment recently, are you interested in having one done? Which one?

 Do you see opportunities for Church Planting in your area? If yes, indicate where and whether you have had conversations with DHQ personnel.

 SOLDIERSHIP / ENROLMENT (Click here for: New Soldiership Training Material )  Did you conduct Soldiership/Membership classes during the review year? What material are you using for Soldiership training? 

 How has your corps planned to support the “Calling the Courageous” campaign?  How  Sr.  many new Soldiers members were  Jr.  enrolled during Soldiers the review year?  Adherent  s  How  Sr.  many potential Soldiers enrolments do  Jr.  you see for the Soldiers  Adherent  s   SOC IAL MEDIA / WEB  D escribe how you are using social media and a web presence to keep your congregation and community informed and involved in The Salvation Army. (Include your website address)

   SPIRI TUAL HEALTH / DISCIPLESHIP (Include Prayer & Bible Study groups, Cell Groups, Adult Ministries, Men’s Ministries, etc)  Describe the process you are using to make and grow disciples.

 Describe the worship experience at your corps on Sundays.

  EVA NGELISM  Which programs are currently bringing new people into the corps’ circle of influence?

 How are you equipping members to share their faith and evangelize?

 INTEGRATED MISSION / SOCIAL JUSTICE  “The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighbourhood” John 1:14 (The Message). How have you and your congregation “moved into your neighbourhood” to engage with people and build relationships? 

 How are you intentionally sharing the love of Jesus Christ through these community engagements?

 CANDIDATE DEVELOPMENT Call and Commitment Sunday resources.  How many prospective candidates are in your corps? What are you doing to cultivate candidate recruitment in your corps?

 Did your corps recognize a Call and Commitment Sunday during the review year? Describe.

  MU LTICULTURAL / INDIGENOUS MINISTRIES  How does your current programming encourage opportunities to reach out and welcome other cultural expressions?

 Describe how your corps reflects your cultural neighbourhood.

  ST EWARDSHIP OF FINANCES  What is the average cartridge giving for your corps? (Total cartridge giving divided by number of cartridge holders, divided by 52 weeks)   What percentage of the corps operating budget does this represent?

 What is your strategy to engage membership on financial generosity and ministry needs?  How did your congregation support the following annual voluntary offerings? (Partners In Mission, Territorial Project, Home Missions, Special Projects)

  STEWARDSHIP OF PEOPLE  What percent of your congregation are engaged in discipleship? (Total #membership from the Growth History Report, divided by the average attendance for Discipleship on the Growth History Report).  Under 40%  40% – 60%  60% – 80%  80% – 100%   How are you striving to increase that number?

 What percent of your congregation are engaged in community ministry outside of corps activities? (Total #membership from the Growth History Report, divided by the #members serving on community board, committees, other Army services such as thrifts store and food bank).  Under 40%  40% – 60%  60% – 80%  80% – 100%   How are you striving to increase that number?

 What percent of your congregation are engaged in leadership in the corps? (Total #membership from the Growth History Report, divided by the #members holding a leadership position in the corps).   Under 40%  40% – 60%  60% – 80%  80% – 100%   What are you doing to strengthen that number?     W OMEN’S MINISTRIES  WORSHIP: How are you promoting Spiritual Life Development opportunities in your Women’s groups? (Spiritual Growth, Bible Study, Prayer, Mentoring)

 SERVICE: What ministry opportunities have the women of your corps been involved in? (Outreach – Social Justice Issues, Integrated Mission, Service and Missions Projects, Community Connections)

 EDUCATION: How have you promoted opportunities such as Leadership Development, Life Skills, Current Affairs, and Social Justice awareness?

 FELLOWSHIP: What types of fellowship and outreach events and opportunities have your women’s groups been involved in over this past year? (Health and Fitness, Mom’s and Tots, Creative Expression eg. Scrapbooking)

  COMMUNITY & FAMILY SERVICES and/or THRIFT STORE (where applicable)  How do you promote dignity for the marginalized and vulnerable of your community in your CFS and/or TS ? (please give specific holistic examples)

 How have you shared the gospel in your CFS and/ or TS? How have you integrated people form CFS and TS into your faith community?

  MUS IC & GOSPEL ARTS Music and Gospel Arts  How are you using music to support the territorial strategic priorities?

 W hat are the biggest challenges you are facing in your music ministries?

  CHIL DREN & YOUTH  How are you using Children & Youth ministries to support the territorial strategic priorities?

 W hat are the biggest challenges you are facing in your Children & Youth ministries?

    STRATEGIC THINKING WORKSHEET ______ Name of ministry/program/section 

 STEP ① What is the current reality? Describe what the program/ministry is like now. What results have been seen from previous goals? What are the current key challenges for this ministry/program? (S.W.O.T.)  

      STEP

② Identify the desired outcome and goals. Consider setting specific goals for spiritual  growth, leadership development, attendances and financial outcomes. (S.M.A.R.T. Goals)    

       


③ Identify the necessary steps to get from the current reality to achieve the desired outcomes?     Target date  S Person responsible

    1

    2

    3

    4

    5


 Comment on progress made on the high priority goals set in last year’s review. If you set more than 3 goals last year review the goals that were set, and select 3 to evaluate in the area below.  Describe both your efforts and your outcomes; your successes and your challenges. You may include excerpts from your Corps Council/Mission Board minutes that describe how this progress was tracked and discussed throughout the year.

 1.   

 2.   

 3.  

             HIGH PRIORITY GOALS  (As decided by the Corps Council/Mission Board after reviewing the Strategic Thinking worksheets from the various ministries/sections of the corps.)   Identify 3 high priority goals for the coming year. Include a specific description of each goal, the time line for achievement, and the individual responsible to drive the goal forward, and indicate which of the seven Territorial Strategic Priorities (page 2) each goal supports.   1.

 2.    

 3.    

       

 OUR MISSION OVERVIEW  (To be prepared by the Corps Council/Mission Board  and discussed with the Area Commander at the review.)   How would you describe the mission effectiveness of your corps?

  How are the goals you have set contributing to “transforming your community”?

  What support or resources do you need from DHQ/THQ to assist you in moving forward in the coming year?

 


   Date completed:         Corps Officer  signature(s): 

       Local Participant  signature(s): 

       DHQ signature(s):    Divisional Headquarters  Date representative    Divisional Headquarters  Date representative

  

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