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1 Ancient Egyptians spent a lot of money. They spent it on funerals. They spent it on tombs. They spent it on treasures. They spent it on food. The treasures and food were for the burial chambers.

2 They believed in life after death. They believed it was a pleasant life. They believed this firmly. They wanted to be prepared.

3 They spent years preparing a burial chamber. This is where the body would rest. The body lay in a sarcophagus. A sarcophagus is a stone box.

4 Painted scenes adorned the walls. Furniture lay within. The furniture was fine. Food lay within. Many jewels lay within. Gold lay within.

5 Priests performed a ceremony. They wanted many powers to return to the dead person. It restored the power to breathe. It restored the power to move. It restored the power to eat. Then the dead body could enjoy its tomb. 1 The ancient Egyptians believed in the soul. They believed it had life. This life came after the death of the body. They believed this strongly.

2 They mummified the bodies. They did this to preserve the bodies. The body housed the soul. It did this in the afterlife.

3 Mummification came from a myth. The myth was about Osiris. He was a slain god. His wife Isis wrapped his corpse. His corpse was dismembered. She did this to restore his life.

4 Mummification took seventy days to complete. It was done by an embalmer.

5 First, the embalmer removed the brain. He drew it out through the nose. He used a wire hook.

6 Then he removed all other organs. The organs were vital. He didn't remove the heart.

7 The organs were placed in canopic jars. These jars were ornate vessels. They were made for this purpose.

8 The body soaked in a tub. The tub was filled with natron. Natron is a preserving salt. It soaked several weeks.

9 They removed the body from the tub. They rubbed it with fragrant oils. They rubbed it with spices. 10 Finally, they filled the inside of the body. They wrapped the body. They used linen for all of that. They covered the head. They used a portrait mask.

11 The body was placed in a coffin. Painted pictures covered the coffin. It was ready for a journey. It traveled to the next world. 1 Vanir attacked the Aesir. Parts of the silver and gold fence were damaged.

2 The jotuns could shoot arrows. The arrows were made of ice. They shot them into the green fields of Ida.

3 The Aesir gathered. They met at the foot of Yggdrasil. They decided to build a wall of stone. This would protect Asgard.

4 One day a huge man appeared. He was riding in a cart. The cart was pulled by a giant horse. The horse was black.

5 He said I will build the wall. For I am the world’s greatest mason.

6 The Aesir were delighted. They accepted the offer.

7 The Aesir all loved to build with bricks of gold. They all loved to build with silver shingles. But building with stone was dreary. It was not a job fit for gods.

8 They asked the mason What do you want for payment. They were shocked by his answer.

9 I want Freya. I want the sun. I want the moon said the huge mason.

10 They could not give Freya to a stranger. They would never rip the sun from the sky. They would never rip the moon from the sky. It would leave the world in darkness. 1 Loki had an idea. Promise him what he wants on two conditions. He must build the wall alone. He must finish by the end of winter.

2 The Aesir knew no one could build a wall. It was too short of a time. The mason smiled and accepted the offer.

3 Winter passed slowly. The wall grew quickly. The Aesir began to worry.

4 They had never seen a worker like the mason. The mason never slept. The mason never rested.

5 His black horse carted boulders. They were as big as mountains. The horse carted all night long. He carted them to Asgard.

6 During the day the horse ate. The mason fitted boulders into place.

7 Finally there were only 3 days of winter left. The mason only needed to finish the gates. Then he would own Freya, the sun, and the moon.

8 The Aesir despaired. They screamed at Loki. You talked us into this. You did it with your slippery tongue. Now find a solution.

9 Loki scampered off . He went to the woods. He needed to figure out a solution. 1 That evening the mason drove his horse. He was on his way to the woods. They were going to haul more stone. A sleek blue mare ran out. She ran in front of the mason’s horse.

2 The blue mare neighed softly. She tossed her head. She kicked her heels high. She ran into the woods.

3 The mason’s black stallion broke free. He tore off after the mare. The mason chased after his mare.

4 It was late the next day. The mason finally caught his horse. Both were too exhausted. They couldn’t haul any stones. They couldn’t do any building.

5 The mason realized he had been tricked. He flew into a rage. He began to tear down the wall.

6 The mason threatened anyone who came near. The Aesir then realized the mason was a jotun.

7 The Aesir realized they were in grave danger. They called for Thor. Thor was away chasing trolls.

8 Thor returned immediately. He spotted the jotun in Asgard. He threw his hammer. The hammer never missed.

9 The Aesir then finished the stone wall. They laughed at how they had tricked the jotun.

10 Odin worried. The Aesir had broken their word. The mason would have kept his part of the bargain. COMBINE THE FOLLOWING SETS OF SENTENCES. DO NOT USE ANY FORMS OF BE. CHECK PUNCTUATION AND SPELLING

1 Reptiles lay their eggs. They lay them almost anywhere on land. They are unlike amphibians. Therefore they can go almost anywhere on land.

2 Reptile eggs have hard shells. These keep the babies safe. These provide lots of food. The food is there to help them grow.

3 Reptiles lay their eggs. They do not take care of them.

4 Baby reptiles need moisture. They need this to keep alive.

5 The shell is tough. The shell is leathery. The shell keeps moisture inside. So the mother buries the eggs. She does this to keep the eggs safe from predators.

6 The eggs are buried under layers of leaves. The eggs are buried under layers of dirt. The egg stays warm. It stays that way until the baby hatches. 7 The outside of the egg looks solid. It has tine holes in it. These holes let oxygen flow in. These holes let carbon dioxide flow out.

8 Reptiles must keep their bodies warm. They need warmth in order to metabolize. Metabolize means change food into energy.

9 Food energy helps the body to grow. Food energy helps the body make new cells. Food energy makes the muscles work.

10 The body is like a fire. The body needs oxygen to burn food. So animals breathe oxygen.

11 Reptiles spread out on the land. They live in all the warmer parts of the world. Some live in forests. Some live in open areas. Some live near water. Some live in trees.

12 Early amphibians sprawled on the ground. They pushed themselves along with their legs.

13 Later amphibians evolved stronger legs. These legs lifted their bodies off the ground. These legs made it easier for them to move.

14 Amphibian skin lets moisture escape. Reptile skin keeps moisture in. Reptile skin has a hard layer. Reptile skin is scaly.

15 Early reptiles had small teeth. These teeth were perfect for grabbing insects. The insects were small. Early reptiles ate insects.

16 There was a group of reptiles called pelycosaurs. They produced some really big animals. Some ate plants. Some ate meat. 17 Dimetrodon were the largest. They were meat-eaters. It had a huge sail on its back.

18 The Dimetrodon turned the flat part of the sail . It turned it toward the sun. That helped it catch more heat. That got its energy flowing faster.

19 The dimetrodon warmed itself faster. It did this in the morning. It caught animals that could not warm up.

20 Dimetrodon had teeth in front. These were long and sharp. They used these to grab prey. They had shorter teeth in back. These helped them to chew. Please combine the following sets of sentences; avoid using forms of be.

1 No sand existed. No grass existed. No lapping waves existed. There was only Niflhiem, a waste of frozen fog. There was only Muspelheim, a place of raging flames. There was only Ginungagap, a gaping pit between the fog and flames. All of this was in the early morning of time.

2 Embers from Muspelheim crackled. Crystals of ice from Niflheim whirled around. This crackling and whirling happened in a pit. The pit was dark and dismal. This happend for untold ages.

3 They whirled faster and faster. As this happend fire kindled a spark. The spark brought life within the ice.

4 A shape rose from Ginungagap. It was enormous. It was ugly It was roaring. It was the frost giant, Ymir.

5 A cow came mooing. It came from the pit. It was hornless. It was ice. It stood by his side. COMBINE THE FOLLOWING SETS OF SENTENCES. DO NOT USE ANY FORMS OF BE. 1 Thor was the strongest Aesir. He was the son of Odin. He was the god of thunder. He had a fiery temper.

2 Thor struck before thinking. He struck with brutal blows. He struck with Mjolnir. It was his magic hammer.

3 Thor also owned a magic belt. He owned an iron mitt. These doubled his enormous strength.

4 Thor hated jotuns. He hated trolls. Thor dashed off to fight them. He rode in a cart. It was pulled by 2 billy goats.

5 Lightning flashed from the goats’ hooves. Thunder rolled from the cart’s wheels.

6 Thor launched his hammer. It would hurtle through the air. It crushed the heads of jotuns. Their heads were stony.

7 Mjolnir magically returned to Thor. It would be red hot. It would be flaming. He would catch it with his iron mitt.

8 Thor had two sons. They were named Magni and Modi. He also had a golden-haired wife. Her name was Sif.

9 He threw huge feasts . He threw noisy feasts. He threw them in his enormous hall. The hall had 540 rooms. 10 Thor was a glutton. He could eat an entire ox. He could drink an entire keg of mead. COMBINE THE FOLLOWING SETS OF SENTENCES; DO NOT USE ANY FORMS OF BE

1 Odin admired Loki. Loki was a jotun. Loki was graceful. Loki was handsome. Loki could take on any shape he wanted.

2 Loki was nimble-witted. Loki was full of clever ideas. Loki shone like a flickering flame.

3 Odin asked Loki to be his blood brother. Loki gladly accepted. [PUT ODIN’S WORDS INTO A DIRECT QUOTE.]

4 Each cut a vein. The vein was in the arm. They let the blood flow together. They swore to be brothers.

5 {after} Loki became an Aesir. He moved to Asgard. There he sat next to Thor.

6 Loki married Sigun. She was loving. She was patient. (Even though) Loki had another wife. She was in Jotunland. She was named Angerboda.

7 He was quick witted. He was honey-tongued. Loki loved to play mean tricks. He played them on everyone.

8 The Aesir had to forgive him. Odin’s blood flowed in his veins. COMBINE THE FOLLOWING SETS; DO NOT USE FORMS OF BE.

1 All the goddesses had lovely hair. No goddess had hair as lovely as Sif. Sif was the wife of Thor.

2 Sif’s hair gleamed life a field of ripe barley. It gleamed like flashing lightning. It gleamed like the most brilliant gold of a rainbow.

3 Thor awoke one morning. He screamed. Someone had sneaked into the bedroom. Someone had shaved his wife’s head.

4 Thor stormed at Loki Sparks flew from Thor’s beard. He threatened Loki. He wanted to break every bone in Loki’s body.

5 Loki begged. Spare me. I promise to have the gnomes make new hair. This hair will be of real gold.

6 Loki begged the gnomes to make several things. He begged them to make hair of gold. He begged for a spear that never missed its target. He begged for a ship that could sail land and sea.

7 The gnomes drew magic circles. They mumbled incantations. The laid out spells. They did all of this before spinning the hair.

8 Thor’s angry face lit up. He saw the golden hair take root. It grew on Sif’s bare head. It was even more gleaming and golden than her own hair.

9 Loki gave Odin the spear. He named it Gungnir. All the Aesir admired it. 10 He also gave Odin the ship. It was named Skidbladnir. It could fold up to fit into a pouch. But it unfolded large enough to carry all the Aesir. It could carry all of their gear.

11 Skidbladnir had magic powers. It could make the winds change. It could fill its sails.

12 Loki strutted about. He bragged that no smiths equaled his friends. His friends were called the sons of Ivaldi.

13 Brokk was outraged. He screeched My brother Sindri is the best blacksmith. He said I will bet my head against yours.

14 Sindri took a lump of gold. Sindri took a pigskin. He fashioned a boar. It had golden bristles.

15 Next Sindri fashioned a golden arm band. It was named Draupnir. Every ninth night this band made 8 new bands.

16 Finally, Sindri made a thunderbolt. It was named Mjolnir. He gave it to Thor.

17 Brokk won the bet. He could have Loki’s head. But he could not touch Loki’s neck.

18 Brokk clamped Loki’s head. He sewed up his mouth. He used a leather thong. COMBINE THE FOLLOWING SETS; DO NOT USE FORMS OF BE.

1 Loki had three children. He had them with his Jotun wife. Her name was Angerboda.

2 His three children looked like monsters. One was a serpent. One was a snapping wolf. One was a hag the color of death.

3 Odin flung the serpent to the ocean bottom. There it grew into a circle. Its fangs bit its own tail.

4 Odin sent the hag underground. He sent her to a land called Hel. It lived on the doorstep of Niflheim. It ruled over the dead.

5 Winding serpents covered the walls. A black rooster sat on the roof. But it never crowed. A howling dog was chained to the gate. Its name was Garm.

6 Odin threw the wolf onto an island. The wolf was named Fenris. The island was in the middle of a lake. The lake was surrounded by a forest. The trees of the forest were made of iron.

7 No chains could hold Fenris. So the gnomes created a magic spell. This spell would hold Fenris.

8 They collected things to make the spell. They collected the sounds of cat paws. They collected the breath of fish. They collected the spit of birds. They collected the roots of mountain.

9 They spun these things to the sinews of a bear. And it looked like a ribbon of silk. But nothing could break it. 10 The Aesir went to the island. They wanted to tie up Fenris. But Fenris did not trust them.

11 Fenris said I will let you tie me. Fenris said One of you must put your hand in my mouth.

12 Tyr was Odin’s bravest son. He placed his hand in Fenris’s mouth.

13 The Aesir threw the magic bond. They threw it around Fenris’s legs. They fastened one end to a rock. The rock was deep underground.

14 Tyr had lost a hand. The Aesir felt safe from Fenris.

15 Every day an old ogress fed Fenris. She came out of the forest of iron trees. Please combine the following sets of sentences; avoid using weak verbs.

1 One day Ymir fell asleep. A male and female jotun came to life. They sprang from his armpit. A 6-headed troll came to life. It sprang from his feet.

2 They were monstrous creatures. They grew quickly. They had children of their own. They were all big and rough.

3 One day the ice cow licked on the salty brine. Two new creatures sprang to life. One was a handsome man. The other was his handsome son.

4 One of the frost giants had a daughter. She was lovely. She married the handsome son.

5 They had three sons. These sons were the Aesir gods. One was named Odin meaning Spirit. One was hamed Hoenir meaning Will. One was named Lodur meaning Warmth. Please combine the following sentences; don’t use forms of be.

1 The giants were Odin, Hoenir, and Lodur. They wanted to create. But first they had to destroy the frost giant. The frost giant was named Ymir. The frost giant was mean.

2 They slew Ymir. They pushed his bulk into Ginugagap. Brine flowed from his wounds. Brine flooded the pit.

3 The ice cow drowned. And Ymir’s offspring drowned. But one strong jotun lived. The jotun’s mate lived too.

4 The Aesir raised Ymir’s body. They took it out of the sea. They used it to make Midgard. Midgard is the earth.

5 Ymir’s flesh became the soil. His bones made the mountains. His teeth made boulders. His teeth made stones.

6 Niflheim is desolate. They pushed Niflheim underground. Its fog is icy. Underground its fog could not freeze earth. [hint -- use the word WHERE to start a dependent clause]

7 Ymir’s skull was huge. They set Ymir’s skull over the land. They set Ymir’s skull over the sea. His skull became the sky. His skull protected the earth from Muspelheim. Muspelhiem was the fire demon. Please combine the following sets of sentences; avoid using forms of be.

1 The Aesir wanted people on earth. They created a man from an ash tree. They a woman from an alder tree. They named the man Ask. They named the woman Embla.

2 The Aesir built a fence around earth. They built it from Ymir’s eyebrows. The fence protected Ask and Embla. The wild jotuns tried to attack the humans.

3 The Norns decided everyone’s fate. Their names were Urd, Verdande, and Skuld. They gave everyone a life of luck or misery.

4 The three Norns lived at the foot of a tree. It was an enormous ash tree. It grew from the middle of the earth.

5 The ash tree must stand. The world of Aesir would last forever. The tree was named Yggdrasil. PLEASE COMBINE THE FOLLOWING SETS OF SENTENCES; AVOID USING WEAK VERBS.

1 An eagle sat in Yggdrasil. It sat on the highest branch. It fanned the air. It used its wings to fan. It made the leaves rustle.

2 A dragon gnawed on the roots of Yggdrasil. The dragon lay far below the earth in Niflheim.

3 Worms bored holes in Yggdrasil’s bark. Deer nibbled its foliage. Birds built nests. Many things damaged Yggdrasil.

4 The three Norns sprinkled Yggdrasil every morn. The water from a sacred pool healed Yggdrasil. The pool was at the foot of the tree. The water was magical. The water was pure.

5 Odin wanted great power. Therefore Odin hanged from Yggdrasil’s branches. He did this for nine days. Please combine the following sets of sentences; please avoid the use of weak verbs.

1 In Norse mythology Odin is the chief god. He is the son of Bor and the giantess Bestla. Bor is the frost giant.

2 Odin has two brothers. They are named Vili and Ve. The three of them overthrew Ymir. He was a giant. They made the world from Ymir’s remains.

3 Odin and his brothers made the heavens from Ymir’s skull. They made the earth from his body. They made the seas from his blood.

4 Odin is very tall. Odin has a full beard. Odin has one eye. He traded one eye away for wisdom.

5 A raven often sits on Odin’s shoulder. He is also carries a spear. He carries that for protection.

6 Frigg is Odin’s wife. She reigns as the goddess of the sky. She is the patron of marriage.

7 There were stars called the Belt of Orion. Many people thought these stars were Frigga’s distaff. A distaff is a stick used for weaving. 8 Freya was the goddess of beauty. Freya was the goddess of love. She wore the Milky Way. It was her necklace.

9 Bragi was the god of poetry. He is the son of Odin. He married Idunn. She was the keeper of the apples. If you ate one of the apples you stayed young forever.

10 Braggi always had sparling eyes. Braggi always had rosyf cheeks. His face was framed with a long beard. The beard was white. PLEASE COMBINE THE FOLLOWING SETS OF SENTENCES; TRY TO AVOID ALL WEAK VERBS. SHOW WHICH PATTERN YOU USED.

1 There was a rainbow bridge. It gleamed like the sun. It rose from earth to Asgard.

2 The fence surrounding the bridge was made of golden posts. The fence surrounding the bridge was made of silver staves. The gnomes gave the precious metals to the Aesir. These were gifts.

3 There stood a green field called Ida. This field was surrounded by halls. It was in the middle of Asgard. This is where the Aesir and their wives relaxed there. They played chess on golden chess boards.

4 On top of the tallest silver building stood Lidskjalf. This was Odin’s throne. This is where he was to watch everyone in the world.

5 Odin sat on Lidskjalf. Two wolves lay at his feet. The wolves were fierce. Two black ravens perched there. They were on his shoulders.

6 Every morning the ravens flew. They went to the darkest corners of the earth. They returned at noon. They would whisper secrets into Odin’s ears.

7 Odin could see deep into Jotunheim. He could see an eagle there. This eagle was an evil jotun in disguise. He created fierce storms with his wings. The storms were in Jotunheim. 8 Storms hit Jotunheim. Then the jotuns would race to earth. They would pelt the earth with snow. They rolled blocks of ice down the mountains. They tried to kill all humans.

9 One jotun was wise. He was not peaceful, not wild. He was the jotun Mimir. He owned the magic spring. It was the Well of Wisdom.

10 This well hid all the knowledge of the jotuns. Mimir drank from the well each morn. This made him the wisest of all jotuns. PLEASE COMBINE THE FOLLWING SETS OF SENTENCES; TELL ME WHICH PATTERN YOU USED. AVOID ALL WEAK VERBS. USE A VARIETY OF PATTERNS.

1 Odin begged Mimir for water. He wanted water from the Well of Wisdom. He wanted to be wise too.

2 Mimir did not hate the Aesir. But he wanted something in return for the water. He wanted one of Odin’s all-seeing eyes.

3 Odin agreed. He gave Mimir his left eye. Now Odin was the wisest of all gods. He had the wisdom of the jotuns and the Aesir.

4 Of course, Odin was now one-eyed. He always hid half of his face. He always wore a wide-brimmed hat. Or he always hid half of his face with a strand of hair.

5 Mimir hid Odin’s eye. He put it at the bottom of the Well of Wisdom . With it he could see everything in the world.

6 The Vanir were usually peaceful gods. But once they went to war with the Aesir. They were angry. Odin had tried to burn the Vanir goddess Gullveig at the stake.

7 After the war the Vanir took Mimir hostage. They also took Hoenir hostage. They made Hoenir their chieftain.

8 They beheaded Mimir. They sent the head to Odin. Odin used his magic powers. He blew life into Mimir’s head.

9 Odin continued to talk to Mimir. He went to him for advice. He did this in times of distress. PLEASE COMBINE THE FOLLOWING SETS OF SENTENCES; TELL ME WHICH PATTERN YOU USE AND USE A VARIETY OF PATTERNS. TRY TO AVOID ALL WEAK VERBS.

1 The Vanir sent Njord to the Aesir. They also sent Frey and Freya. They were Njord’s children.

2 Njord wove gentle winds. These winds filled the sails of ships. His winds blew out fierce fires.

3 Frey became the god of harvest. The gnomes made him a golden boar. He rode this boar across the summer sky.

4 The boar had golden bristles. This lit up the sky. This light may crops grow huge.

5 Freya became the goddess of love. She arrived in Asgard in a carriage. The carriage was pulled by gray cats. Her daughter Noss sat on her lap.

6 Freya’s husband disappeared. He was a wanderer and a dreamer. This made her sad.

7 Sometimes she flew off as a falcon. She was looking for her husband. She had a suit of falcon feathers. This carried her swiftly through the air.

8 Freya often cried herself to sleep. Even then she was beautiful. Her tears were pure drops of gold.

9 The Aesir built a huge hall. It was almost as big as Odin’s. It was for Freya. Her hall was always filled with company. PLEASE COMBINE THE FOLLOWING SETS OF SENTENCES; DO NOT USE WEAK VERBS.

1 Balder was the fairest of the Norse gods. Balder was the best loved of the Norse gods. He brought light to the world. He brought joy to the world.

2 His mother made all living things promise. They agreed never to hurt Balder. She did this to protect her son.

3 Frigga was tired from her journeys. She had traveled around the world. Frigga fogot to secure one promise. She had forgotten the mistletoe plant.

4 Loki was an evil god. He hated Balder. Balder was handsome.

5 The gods and goddesses knew nothing could harm Balder. They played a game with Balder. The game was foolish. The game was dangerous.

6 They created weapons. They hurled these weapons at Balder. They laughed. They danced. They did that because the weapons bounced off Balder.

7 Loki discovered that the mistletoe did not promise. He knew the mistletoe could hurt Balder.

8 Loki made a dart. He made it from the mistletoe.

9 Loki disguised his voice. He gave the dart to Hoder. Hoder was Balder’s blind brother.

10 Loki told Hoder to throw the dart. He told him to throw it at his brother. He even offered to guide his hand as he threw. 11 Hoder was happy. He liked being included in the game. He launched the dart with all his might. Please combine the following sets of sentences; avoid using weak verbs.

1 The Aesir wanted people on earth. They created a man from an ash tree. They created a woman from an alder tree. They named the man Ask. They named the woman Embla.

2 The Aesir built a fence around earth. They built it from Ymir’s eyebrows. The fence protected Ask and Embla. The wild jotuns tried to attack the humans.

3 The Norns decided everyone’s fate. Their names were Urd, Verdande, and Skuld. They gave everyone a life of luck or misery.

4 The three Norns lived at the foot of a tree. It was an enormous ash tree. It grew from the middle of the earth.

5 The ash tree must stand. The world of Aesir would last forever. The tree was named Yggdrasil.

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