I.General Information s3

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I.General Information s3

Syllabus for BIO 1132: Environmental Science Summer, 2017

I.General Information:

Course Instructor: Amie K. Lund, Ph.D. BIO 1132 Number: Section Office: EESAT 310D 001 Number: Office Phone: 940-369-8946 Semester/Year: Summer, 2017 E-mail: [email protected] Building/Room: ENV 120 Monday – Thursday Mon, Tu, Wed, Thur Office Hours: Meeting Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. or by appt. 10:00-11:50 a.m.

II.Course Description:

The purpose of this course is to provide students with an introduction to environmental science as a complex, interdisciplinary, scientific area of study. Studying the environment is an exciting endeavor and this course attempts to move from confrontation to cooperative problem-solving and place the study of the environment on a sound scientific basis. The focus of this course and its associated laboratory, will be on scientific and ecological principles basic to understanding environmental issues. The major themes that students will carefully examine include critical scientific thought, pollution, human population, sustainability, biodiversity and the linkage of the environment to human society. Students from all disciplines should find this course informative and interesting, and will find that they more fully understand the ramifications of governmental, industrial and individual decisions on our world. This course satisfies the University’s core science requirement.

Note: A passing grade must be earned in both the lecture and laboratory in order to pass the course. Passing one component but not the other will result in a failing grade in the course.


Required Textbook: Environmental Science: A Study of Interrelationships (14th edition) by Eldon Enger & Bradley Smith. McGraw Hill. ISBN: 978-2-07-353255-4

Required Equipment: Smartphone, tablet, or laptop for REEF Polling.

p. 1 IV.Course Requirements:

Attendance: Because information in this course builds with each successive class meeting, success in this course is heavily influenced by attendance. Thus, students are expected to regularly attend lecture. Attendance will be taken during randomly selected courses, and extra- credit points may be assigned and added to the final grade to attendance. As these points are extra-credit (and thus no penalty assigned for missing a class period), no excuses will be accepted to negate an absence that occurred during a class period in which attendance was taken.

Religious Holidays: In accordance with Section 51.911 of the Texas Education Code, UNT will allow a student who is absent from class for observance of a religious holy day to take an examination or complete an assignment scheduled for that day within a reasonable time. Students are required to file a written request with the dates of the anticipated absence to qualify for an excused absence. A copy of the state rules and procedures regarding holy days and the form for notification of absence from each class under this provision are available from the Registrar’s Office.

Final Exam. The final exam schedule for this course is: Friday, July 7th from 10:00- a.m. – 11:50 a.m.

V. Grading:

The following scale will be used to assign final course grades. Letter grades reflect the level of understanding of environmental science principles, applications, and laboratory skills/techniques demonstrated: For this You need Level of understanding of class this material: grade: percentage: A 90 - 100% Superior understanding B 80 – 89% Above-average understanding C 70 - 79% Average understanding D 60 - 69% Below average understanding Does not demonstrate a F < 60% fundamental understanding

p. 2 1. Lecture grade will represent 70% of the final course grade.

The lecture grade will be calculated from an average of four (4) exams and five (5) quizzes. The final exam will have a comprehensive component to it. No exam grades will be dropped. Question formats for exams or quizzes may include a combination of multiple-choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank, short answer and diagramming/labeling. Make-up exams may be arranged with the instructor, but will only be available with an appropriate medical or University-sanctioned excuse. If students miss the exam and/or make-up exam, a grade of zero (0) will be awarded for that particular examination. A. Graded written and home-work assignments will be introduced during the lec- ture period, throughout the semester, and the due-date will be assigned at that time. If you miss a class period when an assignment is given, you are still responsible for completion of the assignment by the assignment due date. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS will be graded.

B. Graded in class discussions, group work, and/or PBLs may be given during regularly scheduled class times. If you miss a class period when an assign- ment is given, you will not have the opportunity to make up this assignment.

C. Unscheduled quizzes may be given at the discretion of the instructor and used as bonus points on exam grades.

2. Lab grade will represent 30% of the final course grade. The student MUST pass both the lecture and the laboratory sections independently to pass BIOL 1132. This means if you fail the lecture and pass the lab, you fail the entire course (or vice-versa).

Grading (point) distribution for lecture grade (70% of final grade) are as follows:

Points Total Point Percentage of Lecture Course Grade Exams (4) 50 pts each 200 points total 59%

Quizzes (4) 40 pts 40 points total 12%

Writing assignments or Varied ~100 points total 29% In class assignments In class participation/REEF polling questionnaires TOTAL 340 possible points

Other Requirements:  Students are responsible for all materials covered in class and in the reading assign- ments. Some material that is not in the textbook, which is provided in class during the lecture, may appear on examinations.  Students are expected to do their readings before class.  Students may be expected to seek out information on web sites or other books to fur- ther their understanding of the material covered in class.

p. 3  Students themselves are responsible for seeking information on any assignments that may have been given out during their absence. This can be accomplished by checking your syllabus for the topics/book chapters that will be covered during that class session. Please note make-up policies on quizzes and exams listed above.  Students will need to access computer web sites on occasion. Computers are avail- able to UNT students on all campuses.


Disruptions and disrespectful behavior are damaging to the educational process. Therefore, all students are asked to meet the expectations listed below.  Cell phones should be turned off before class.  You will be expected to be in class, seated and ready to participate at the beginning of the class time.  You will be expected to spend the entire period in class. Attend to restroom and other needs before class so that you will not have to leave during class time. Exceptions to this rule should be approved by the instructor prior to the class period.  Talking during lectures is disrespectful to me and to your classmates. Offenders may be asked to leave the class.  You are expected to do your own work for all graded material.  You are expected to contribute to informal class discussions.  Value differences in opinion. Keep an open mind and treat members of this class, guest speakers and me with respect.

EXAM POLICY / ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT  No student taking an exam may leave the classroom after the exam begins until the exam has been completed.  No student may begin an exam after the first student has left the classroom.  Students arriving after the first student has left will receive a zero for that exam.  No electronic devices may be used during a testing event, unless approved by the Office of Disability Accommodations and me.

Exams (including scantrons) may be photocopied for record keeping. Alteration of scantron bubbles after the exam was graded is considered as cheating. (See “Academic Misconduct” statement for information on the consequences of cheating.)

Any and all grade questions or disputes must be brought to the attention of the instructor within three days of receiving the grade. After three days, grades will not be changed.


Students are expected to abide by the Student Code of Conduct as it appears in the UNT catalog. Academic misconduct will not be tolerated. No cheating will be tolerated. Anyone cheating (all forms) or exhibiting behaviors consistent with cheating, including, but not limited to, assisting other students with cheating: talking during a testing event, looking at another’s work, leaving an answer sheet uncovered, accepting credit for another’s work, etc., will receive as a minimum punishment a grade of zero for the graded item. More severe punishment will be taken depending upon the circumstances. Any and all incidents of academic dishonesty will be reported to the appropriate authorities.

The following scenarios are considered forms of cheating:  Copying a fellow student’s work or copying a previous student’s work. p. 4  Notes written on body parts, clothing, cheat sheets, etc... at the time of a test.  Listening to headphones (regardless of what is being played) during an exam  Any form of communication with your neighbor during a test.  Talking to anyone but the instructor or proctor during a quiz or examination.  Communicating via cell phones with other people during a test.  Notes or books open during in-class exams and quizzes.  Disclosing or soliciting examination questions to those who may have been absent from an exam.  Plagiarism (copying entirely or whole phrases from books or websites).  Any two students handing in assignments with word-for-word responses.

VII. Other Information:


An incomplete (I), is a non-punitive grade, given only during the last one-fourth of a semester and only if a student is (1) passing the course; (2) has a justifiable reason why the class cannot be completed on schedule; and (3) arranges with the instructor to finish the course at a later date by completing specific requirements that the instructor must list on the grade sheet turned in at the end of the semester. All work must be completed within the time specified by the instructor (not to exceed one year after taking the course).


 Last day to drop without professor's approval: June 8, 2016

 Last day to drop (must have written approval of instructor) and automatically have W assigned: June 15, 2016

 Last day to drop (must have written approval of instructor) with W or WF assigned: June 28, 2016

 First date available to request an “Incomplete” grade: June 29, 2016

 Last day to withdraw from the semester (drop all courses): June 28, 2016

A list of the above dates, as well as other important date/deadline information can be found on the UNT Registrar’s webpage at: http://essc.unt.edu/registrar/schedule/spring/calendar.html


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (1974), does not permit faculty or staff to report grades by phone or email.


The University of North Texas makes reasonable academic accommodation for students with disabilities. Students seeking accommodation must first register with the Office of Disability Accommodation (ODA) to verify their eligibility. If a disability is verified, the ODA will provide you with an accommodation letter to be delivered to faculty to begin a private discussion regarding p. 5 your specific needs in a course. You may request accommodations at any time, however, ODA notices of accommodation should be provided as early as possible in the semester to avoid any delay in implementation. Note that students must obtain a new letter of accommodation for every semester and must meet with each faculty member prior to implementation in each class. For additional information see the Office of Disability Accommodation website at http://www.unt.edu/oda. You may also contact them by phone at 940.565.4323.

p. 6 V.Tentative Course Schedule for BIOL 1132, Section 001 Summer, 2017:

MATERIALS WEEK DATE TOPICS (Chapters) Class Intro and Course Details 6/5 1 An Intro to Environmental Science Environmental Ethics 2 6/6 1 Environmental Economics 3 Interrelated Scientific Principles: Matter, Energy, and 6/7 4 Environment 6/8 Interactions: Environment and Organisms 5

6/12 Exam #1 2 6/13 Interactions: Environment and Organisms 5 6/14 Kinds of Ecosystems and Communities 6 6/15 Populations: Characteristics and Issues 7 6/19 Biodiversity Issues 11 13 6/20 Soil, Agriculture, and the Future of Food 3 14 6/21 Exam #2 6/22 Water Management 15 6/26 Air Quality Issues 16

6/27 Global Climate Change 17 4 Environmental Regulations 20 6/28 Movie 6/29 Exam #3 Solid Waste Management and Disposal 18 7/3 Hazardous Waste Handling 19 7/4 No Class – 4th of July Holiday 9 5 7/5 Nonrenewable Energy vs. Renewable Energy Sources 10 7/6 Topic TBD / PBL 7/7 Final Exam *Topics or assignments will change as needed. Announcements regarding such changes will be made during regular class hours. Students who are absent or tardy when such announcements are made will still be held liable for the changes.

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