ENGL 341 Bible As Lit Vocab/Terms List
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ENGL 341 Bible as Lit Vocab/Terms list You will be responsible for learning these and possibly additional terms as part of our course this semester. Most definitions can be found at the back glossary of Harris’ Understanding the Bible; others we will cover in class, so take notes. anathema antediluvian, postdiluvian anthropomorphism Apocalypse (αποκαλυψις) / Revelation apocalyptic literature Apocrypha, apocryphal apostasy Aramaic Ark: of Covenant; Noah’s (not same) Babylonian Exile (Babylonian Captivity) canon, canonization cherub (cherubim), seraphim, nephilim, angel/ /evangellion codex cosmogony Covenant: Abrahamic, Noahic, Mosaic cult Dead Sea Scrolls, Qumran Deuteronomistic History (Deuteronomy & Joshua→2Kings) Diaspora Diatessaron Docetism, Docetists dualism (cosmic, chronic, ethical) epistle eschatology, teleology ethnogony etiology, etiological exegesis, exegetical exposition “the Fall” the Flood fable fairy tale folktale Hell”~Hel“ / גהינום Gehenna / Ge-Hinnom Gnosticism, Gnostic Gospels: Synoptic, Gnostic, Infancy herem heresy, orthodoxy hero itinerary kerygma Kingdoms of “Israel”: Israel (North) & Judah (South) King James version/translation (KJV) koine Greek () lapsarian, prelapsarian (see Fall) metaphor motif monotheism, henotheism/monolatry myth narrative parable Paraclete Parousia proverb prophet psalm pseudonymity pseudoepigraphia Q, Quelle redact, redaction, redacted romance saga Septuagint, LXX Shema [Harris, p.70-71] (Deut 6:4-5) (Underworld (contra. Hell, Hades / שאול Sheol ruah), Gk (pneuma) or (psyche), Latin spiritus) רוה Soul/spirit: Heb Sources (Documentary Hypothesis): J (Yahwist, from southern Israel [Judah]), E (Elohist, later Northern Israel), D (Deuteronomist), P (Priestly) [Harris pp.89-95 & table 5.1 p.92] Synoptic (Gospels) Tabernacle Tanakh: Torah (Pentateuch), Nev’im (Prophets), Kethuvin (Writings) (Harris, box 1.1 p.3) Temple: First, Second (also Periods) (יהוה) Tetragrammaton, Four-Name-of-God, YHWH/YHVH theocracy theodicy theophany (”begettings/descendants“ חלךח) toledot Torah / Pentateuch / Tetrateuch / Hexateuch / Heptateuch typology Vulgate Wisdom literature