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Operational Concept Description (OCD)
California Science Center Volunteer Tracking System
Team #3
Phongphan Danphitsanuphan Project Manager Charlie Lormanometee Project Coordinator / QA Deepak Pandey System Analyst / Tester Pongtip Aroonvatanaporn System Architect / Programmer Natachart Laoteppitak Software Architect / Programmer Amit Shah Quality Focal Point Personnel Jeremy Stoller Client Vincent Tsan Maintainer
August 25, 2008 Operational Concept Description (OCD) Version 10.0 Version History
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Date Author Version Changes made Rationale
09/13/06 PD, NL 0.1 Created OCD outline template, with Created initial OCD skeleton from Section 1 included. LeanMBASE OCD Template.
09/14/06 PD, DP, 0.2 Added section 3. Section 3 was added to show RK capability goals, relation to the current system, levels of service, and traceability of business workflows and entity relationship. 09/15/06 PD, CL, 0.3 Added section 2. Section 2 was added to provide the PA shared visions of stakeholders, the traceability of system boundary and environment, and the benefits chain. 09/16/06 PA 0.4 Redrew system boundary and Diagrams were redrawn to provide environment, business workflows, and consistency. entity relationship (section 3.3.1) Details were added to diagrams for diagrams. accuracy and clarity. Revised grammatical errors. Some system requirements have been Revised accuracy of requirements and adjusted and added to better fit diagrams. within the project scope. Wordings and grammatical errors were corrected for readability. These defects were found after the inspection. 09/17/06 PA 1.0 Revised entire OCD document to follow Used LeanMBASE OCD template (Released) the LeanMBASE OCD Guideline v.1.6. instead of original one. Added section 3.2. Section 3.2 was added to provide the operational goals. 10/2/06 PA 1.1 Added sections 3.3.4, 3.4, and 4. Section 3.3.4 provided the information on the initial prototype of the proposed system. Section 3.4 included the organizational and operational transitions. Section 4 was added to provide the report on the Easy Win-Win negotiation. 10/03/06 PD 1.2 Changed a key word in session 2.4. Changed “Developer” to (Released) “Development team.” 10/10/06 PA 2.0 Took out OC-10 Discussion Board in Discussion Board was no longer a (Released) capability goals and replaced with OC- requirement in the project. 10 Job Requests. Job Requests goal was missing. Added OC-11 in capability goals. OC-11 provided information about Added Award Notification and volunteer coordinator’s ability to Scheduling Tool features to Entity view list of volunteers. Relationship Diagram (section 3.3.1). Corrections were made based on the Add links to References (section 1.2). inspection. Changed “in Relation” to “Current
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System Table” from “Security” to “Security of Data” and “Analysis” to “Analysis of Performance.” Fixed names of OC-6 and OC-9.
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Date Author Version Changes made Rationale
10/18/06 PA 2.1 Added IV&Vers as stakeholders in Changes made according to Benefits Chain Diagram. evaluation of IV&Vers. Deleted “Discussion Board” capability Made changes to keep document up- in System Boundary and Environment to-date. Diagram. Added Authentication module to Entity Relationship Diagram (3.3.1). Added “New error detection system” to Benefits Chain Diagram. Edited Level of Service Goals to be more quantifiable. Changed to prototype to keep updated to the latest version of prototype. 10/22/06 PA 3.0 Added link to Red Ridge website in the Changes were made to better suit (Released) References section 1.2. with the interoperability of system Edited Interoperability Desired and with other application and projects of Acceptable goals in Level of Service Teams 1 & 2. Goals. Changes are based on the suggestions Added Organizational Goals OG-4. made by the ARB. Changed “managers” to “supervisors.” Prepared document for submitting as part of LCO Package. Changed “volunteer administrator” to “volunteer coordinator.” Business Workflow Diagram was revised to better match with the Edited the Prototype section to better workflow of CSC. match with the actual prototype screenshots. Added one more expected benefit in section 2.2. Revised Business Workflow Diagram. 10/23/06 PA 3.1 Added LeanMBASE Guideline v1.7 in Changes were made after inspection. (Released) Reference, section 1.2. Added reference to SSRD. Changed “Web Engineer” to “Vincent Tsan” in Stakeholders (Maintainer). Edited OC-8, Job Scheduling is no longer by automatic assignment but by automatic matching for viewing purposes. Clarified OC-13. Edited Business Workflows Diagram for accuracy. 11/5/06 PA 3.2 Removed OC-2. Changes made based on the LCO Removed “discussion board” in OG-2. Package evaluation by the IV&Vers. In section 3.3.3, for Reliability, changed “downtown” to “downtime.” Added tracking volunteer hours to Expected Benefits in section 2.2.
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Added “Submit Job Request” to System Boundary and Environment Diagram.
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Date Author Version Changes made Rationale
11/18/06 PA 3.3 Added document version to the Changes made based on the graded introduction. LCO Package. Added “maintainer” to the Benefits Chain in section 2.3. Added teaching staffs to the list of Success-Critical Stakeholders in section 2.4. Added Newsletter System and Event RSVP System (projects of Teams 1 & 2) to the System Boundary and Environment in section 2.5. Edited the Relation to Current System table in section 3.1.1 to follow the guideline. Edited the Entity Relationship Diagram in section 3.3.1 to show the layer of the application. Edited the Interoperability Level of Service goals in section 3.3.3 to make “acceptable” level more measurable. 11/19/06 PA 3.4 Added document versions to the Changes were made after inspection. (Released) References section 1.2. Edited OC-7 and OC-9 in section 3.1 for clarification purposes. Changed Future Capabilities in section 3.1.1 to N/A. Added time period to Reliability Level of Service in section 3.3.3. Edited the Screen Navigation Flow in Prototype, added “Manager” to the chart. Added OC-13: Error Detection in section 3.1. 12/1/06 PA 3.5 Renamed OC-2 to “Cross Platform Changes were made based on IV&V Compatibility.” review. Added Future Capability in section 3.1.1. Added in section 2.2 – PDF format report. Added California Science Center Staff as also Domain Experts. Removed “no learning experience” in section 3.1.1. 12/2/06 PA 3.6 Reworked the Benefits Chain diagram Changes were based on LCA ARB in section 2.3, changed the initiative to comments. be more descriptive and to represent the Updated the Prototype section with actual initiatives. further prototyping. Updated the Prototype section, added
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the following: o Application Approval Page o Job Scheduling Page o Manager’s Main Page Updated the Screen Navigation Flow diagram to include the Job Scheduling feature. Update the Win conditions in the prototype to better correspond with the EasyWinWin Report.
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Date Author Version Changes made Rationale
12/3/06 PA 3.7 Updated OC-2 in section 3.1, the cross Changes were made after inspection. (Released) platform capability needed to be stated clearer. Updated the prototypes for volunteer coordinator’s main page, supervisor’s main page, and certificate generation page. Updated References section 1.2. 1/31/07 PA 6.0 Edited the system boundary diagram to Edited based on the concerns of elaborate more details; removed Team 0 and prepared document for “existing intranet interface” and RLCA Draft. “California Science Center Organization.” Edited the Entity Relationship Diagram (3.3.1) for clarity; changed “Self- diagnostic error reporter” to “System error reporter.” Edited the Business Workflow Diagram, added “assign username/password” action, “email generator,” and “email management module.” 2/6/07 PA 6.1 Updated prototypes. Prepared document for RLCA ARB. Edited the “Benefits Chain” to better conform to the representation of the real benefits chain; Initiatives were updated. Updated the Screen Navigation Flow Chart. Updated section 1.3, RLCA Summary of Change. 2/14/07 PA 6.2 Edited the Benefits Chain Diagram, Changes were based on RLCA ARB changed the Initiatives to actually and remote student reviews. represent the initiatives. Prepared document for RLCA Updated the References in section 1.2 to Package. link to Spring 2007 versions. Updated section 2.4 to better correspond with the current team members’ statuses. Edited the Business Workflows Diagram to only show one-way communication from database to Email Generator. Edited the Level of Service Goals, changed from “Reliability” to “Availability of System;” also, added “Correctness of Data” goal. 4/1/07 PA 7.0 Removed “Molly Phongphaibul” from Prepared document for IOC Working (Released) the teaching staff in section 2.4. Set #1.
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Removed “Raul Pereyra” from the Domain Experts in section 2.4. Edited the System Boundary and Environment Diagram to include the “person information management module.” Added OC-14 in the Capability Goals. Edited the Interoperability goal in section 3.3.3 to include the new module sharing requirements. Edited the Business Workflow Diagram to include the “Person Information Management Module.” Updated the Prototype section to correspond to the new requirements.
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Date Author Version Changes made Rationale
5/3/07 PA 8.0 Updated the Benefits Chain Diagram, Prepared final version of OCD for (Released) removing “developers being a delivery. stakeholder” in the data migration process. Updated the System Boundary and Environment Diagram, removing the “report generator” feature of the system. Updated the Capability Goal section to be consistent with the final requirements discussed with client. Added section 3.3.5 As-Built, showing the screenshots of the final versions of the system. 5/16/08 PA 9.0 Edited the System Capability Revised for ICM Guidelines. Description for clarity. Edited the System Boundary and Environment Diagram. 5/16/08 PA 9.1 Edited the Benefits Chain Diagram. Revised for ICM Guidelines. Edited the Business Workflows diagrams. Moved section 3.4, “Organizational and Operational Implications,” to be before the prototypes. Changed the Prototype section to 3.5. 5/16/08 PA 9.2 Removed Prototype section. Revised for ICM Guidelines. 5/16/08 AWBV 9.3 Fixed grammatical and punctuation Improved appearance, readability, errors. and consistency. Renamed section 1.2 “References” in Table of Contents to “Status of the OCD,” as that is what it is named in the body of the document. Removed “Prototype” from Table of Contents. Fixed document styles for proper Table of Contents generation. Fixed Table of Figures to reflect deleted Prototype. Cleaned up Figures 4 and 5 and removed “test” message from Figure 12. 5/16/08 PA 9.5 Fixed all sections Based on corrections from Alfred. 7/23/08 PA 9.6 Edited the Level of Service Goals Table To be consistent with the new Changed the name of section 2.3 guideline 8/25/08 PA 10 Updated the prototype section title from “As-Built” to “Operational Screenshots” Updated the screenshots removing all personal information
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Date Author Version Changes made Rationale
Removed OC-2 because it was a level of service goal instead of capability Renumbered the OC’s Renamed OC-2: Security to Authentication so the name represents a capability Added the Agreement#’s to the Operational Screenshots section
07822bc69d9387e2141c9b1906e9884f.doc xii Version Date: 08/25/08 Operational Concept Description (OCD) Version 10.0 Table of Contents
Operational Concept Description (OCD)...... i Version History...... ii Table of Contents...... viii Table of Tables...... ix Table of Figures...... x 1. Introduction...... 1 1.1 Purpose of the OCD...... 1 1.2 Status of the OCD...... 1 2. Shared Vision...... 2 2.1 Success-Critical Stakeholders...... 2 2.2 System Capability Description...... 2 2.3 Expected Benefits...... 3 2.4 Benefits Chain...... 3 2.5 System Boundary and Environment...... 3 3. System Transformation...... 3 3.1 Capability Goals...... 3 3.2 Organizational Goals...... 3 3.3 Proposed New Operational Concept...... 3 3.4 Organizational and Operational Implications...... 3 3.5 Operational Screenshots (* Add WinC # *)...... 3 4. WikiWinWin Results...... 3
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Table 1: Relation to Current System Table...... 3 Table 2: Table of Level of Service Goals...... 3
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Figure 1: Benefits Chain Diagram...... 3 Figure 2: System Boundary and Environment Diagram...... 3 Figure 3: Element Relationship Diagram...... 3 Figure 4: Business Workflow - Apply for Volunteer...... 3 Figure 5: Business Workflow - Manage Volunteer Job...... 3 Figure 6: Screen Navigation Flow Chart...... 3 Figure 7: Online Application Step 1...... 3 Figure 8: Online Application Step 2...... 3 Figure 9: Online Application Step 3...... 3 Figure 10: Online Application Step 4...... 3 Figure 11: Online Application Step 5...... 3 Figure 12: Volunteer Portal...... 3 Figure 13: Username/Password Creation Page...... 3 Figure 14: Supervisor Portal...... 3 Figure 15: Job Request...... 3 Figure 16: Volunteer Coordinator Portal...... 3 Figure 17: List Application...... 3 Figure 18: List Volunteer...... 3 Figure 19: List Jobs...... 3 Figure 20: Job Scheduling...... 3
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A.1. Introduction
A.1.1 Purpose of the OCD
This document provides, in detail, the shared visions and goals of the stakeholders of the Volunteer Tracking System for the California Science Center (CSC). The success-critical stakeholders of the project are Jeremy Stoller, as the project owner; the CSC Staff and volunteers, as users; Vincent Tsan, as the maintainer; and the students of USC CS577 Team 3, as the development team integrating with Teams 0, 1, and 2.
A.1.2 Status of the OCD
The status of the OCD is currently at the Operational Commitment Package version 10.0. This is the version that will be delivered to the client, including the finalized capability goals and screenshots of the proposed system. There have been significant changes to the project since we moved from the Development Commitment phase to the Re-baselined Development Commitment phase, due to time and personnel constraints as well as teams dependencies (Teams 0, 1, and 2). The scope of the Volunteer Tracking System project has been re-evaluated to accommodate those challenges.
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A.2. Shared Vision
A.2.1 Success-Critical Stakeholders
Listed below are the current success-critical stakeholders.
Table 1: Success-Critical Stakeholders
Stakeholder Authorized Representative Organization Relations to Benefit Chain Client Jeremy Stoller CSC Responsible for developing and providing training for the new management process at the organization Maintainer Vincent Tsan CSC Responsible for maintaining and updating the system. User Raul Pereyra CSC Beneficiary of the new developed system Development Phongphan Danphitsanuphan USC Responsible for designing Team Charlie Lormanometee and developing the new Deepak Pandey volunteer management Pongtip Aroonvatanaporn application. Natachart Laoteppitak Provide training material IIV&V Amit Shah USC Part of the development team responsible for verifying and validating project’s artifacts to assure quality.
A.2.2 System Capability Description
The Volunteer Tracking System is an all-in-one volunteer management system. The proposed web-based system will allow volunteer applications to be processed online and automatically assign them to appropriate departments, based on volunteers’ interests and skills. Supervisors will have the ability to view and manage: the current assignments of volunteers, comment logs, volunteer profiles, and amounts of volunteered time. In addition, the system is capable of generating statistical reports of volunteers’ working information and producing notifications when volunteers’ work times exceed a certain number of hours. The Volunteer Tracking System will simplify as well as lessen the processing time in the volunteer management process.
Our approach to differentiate our system from our competitors’ systems is the customized web-based system, which will be more user-friendly, faster, and better integrated with other CSC projects. The system will consist of two major parts with one part being accessible throughout the entire California Science Center’s intranet and the other accessible through the internet.
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A.2.3 Expected Benefits
The supervisors will spend less time dealing with the volunteers; thus, increasing productivity in their other areas of work. Volunteer candidates can fill out the application online and information will be automatically stored in the database. Volunteer coordinators can view and edit volunteers’ information through the system. The system will automatically track the working hours of each volunteer. A.2.4 Benefits Chain
Figure 1: Benefits Chain Diagram
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A.2.5 System Boundary and Environment
Figure 2: System Boundary and Environment Diagram
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A.3. System Transformation
A.3.1 Capability Goals
OC-1 Online Volunteer Application Management: The application process will be done via the internet where the interested person will fill out the application form online. The volunteer coordinator will be able to view the list of applicants and grant the approvals as appropriate. Once approved, the applicant will then be listed as a volunteer at the CSC.
OC-2 Authentication: Provide the volunteer a login and a password for security purpose. Users will be provided a username and password by the system administrator, so that they can be authenticated and granted the privilege to use the system.
OC-3 Time tracking: Volunteers will enter the Time in / Time out online and the system tracks the working hours of the volunteers. This feature helps the volunteer coordinator in generating reports and hence is the most important part.
OC-4 Comment log: This feature will be attached to the time keeping sheet. Manager can comment on volunteer’s comment log.
OC-5 Scheduling Tools: Through this feature, the system will be capable of automatically matching the volunteers’ work criteria with the departmental managers’ job requests, showing the availability of volunteers for the volunteer coordinator to manage the scheduling process. The volunteer coordinator will then manually assign the volunteers to the specific jobs as appropriate.
OC-6 Job Requests Submission: Supervisors have the ability to submit job requests online through the system. Requests will then be displayed on the volunteer coordinator’s screen during the scheduling process.
OC-7 Volunteer Management: Volunteer coordinators have the ability to view the list of volunteers based on different searching and sorting algorithms as well as access and edit their information as needed.
OC-8 Error Detection: The system should have the capability of detecting errors caused by errors that the system encounters during execution. The system administrator should be notified of the errors.
OC-9 Person Information Management Module: The system should provide a module to add, update, and delete the information of users of the CSC intranet system (excluding the staffs). This module is to be shared among the Volunteer Tracking System, the Newsletter System, and the Event RSVP System.
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.3.1.1 Relation to Current System
Table 2: Relation to Current System Table
Capabilities Current System New System
Roles and Installed on volunteer Internet and intranet based Responsibilities coordinator’s machine and Available to all authorized only available to volunteer users coordinator Significantly less paper work Significant amount of paper Less work for supervisors and work volunteer coordinator Significant amount of Processes are mainly volunteer coordinator’s automated responsibilities User Interactions Less user-friendly Time in/out feature for Manually entered time in/out volunteers to clock in and out data Hours counter Automatic notification Customized report generation Infrastructure Windows-based software Web-based application Platform independent Browser independent Stakeholders Assures accuracy of Essentials and volunteers’ hours worked Amenities User error notifications sent to volunteer coordinator Automated and customized report generations Accessible to all users with required authentication Future Automatic scheduling of Capabilities volunteer job requests
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A.3.2 Organizational Goals
OG-: Decreases the management time and effort required for the volunteer department to handle, manage, and analyze the volunteer activities, e.g. volunteer scheduling, tracking, and reporting.
OG-2: Simplify and increase volunteers’ interactions with departments through the ability to send and view messages via the comment logs.
OG-3: Simplify and shorten the process of requesting for volunteers for each department.
OG-4: System can be integrated with other applications on the intranet and adopts the shared-architecture framework.
A.3.3 Proposed New Operational Concept
.3.3.1 Element Relationship Diagram
Figure 3: Element Relationship Diagram
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.3.3.2 Business Workflow s The new business workflow for the proposed Volunteer Tracking System for the CSC is shown in the diagrams below. The first diagram shows the business workflow for the process of applying for a volunteer position, while the second diagram shows the workflow of actually managing the jobs for volunteers.
Figure 4: Business Workflow - Apply for Volunteer
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Figure 5: Business Workflow - Manage Volunteer Job
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.3.3.3 Level of Service Goals
Table 3: Table of Level of Service Goals
Level of Service Goals Priority Level Referred SSRD requirements Availability Must have LOS-1 Query Correctness Must have LOS-2 System response time Should have LOS-3 Interoperability Must have LOS-4
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A.3.4 Organizational and Operational Implications .3.4.1 Organizational Transformations The proposed system will require a maintainer to manage the database and monitor the system’s health. The CSC has hired a Web Engineer, Vincent Tsan, who has been appointed to maintain the proposed system after it has been delivered and functioning at the organization.
.3.4.2 Operational Transformations There will be major changes in the operational structure of the organization’s volunteer working process. Currently, the process is manually operated and will have to be adapted to the use of the new automated system. The changes will be as follows:
New potential volunteers access and fill out the applications online. The link to the application can be accessed through the CSC website. The applications will then be approved by the volunteer coordinator.
Volunteers will log in to the system each day to clock in at the beginning of work and clock out at the end of the day. Their times will be automatically tracked by the system instead of having to be manually entered by the volunteer coordinator. However, manual input will be necessary in some situations when computer access is not available.
The volunteer supervisors seeking for volunteers will have the ability to enter job requests into the system through a computer connected to the intranet instead of having to fill out the paper requests.
Volunteers with skills and abilities meeting the criteria of the job requests can either be automatically assigned to the specific tasks by the system or manually assigned by the volunteer coordinator.
The list of volunteers can be viewed by the volunteer coordinator with the ability to customize the list with specific searching and sorting preferences. The volunteer coordinator will then have access to the volunteers’ data and have the ability to edit their information as needed.
Volunteers, supervisors, and volunteer coordinator all have the ability to communicate with each other through the comment log.
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A.3.5 Operational Screenshots
This section provides the screenshots and explanation of the as-built version of the CSC Volunteer Tracking System. Previous versions of prototype can be found in the Supporting Information Document (SID).
Screen navigation flow:
Figure 6: Screen Navigation Flow Chart
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Online Application
The online application process has been broken down into 5 steps instead of 1 large step. This was requested by the client so that the long appearance of the application would not discourage the user using the online application. This based on Agreement1.
Figure 7: Online Application Step 1
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Figure 8: Online Application Step 2
Figure 9: Online Application Step 3
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Figure 10: Online Application Step 4
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Figure 11: Online Application Step 5
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Volunteer Portal
The volunteer portal contains all the features that a volunteer needs to operate on a regular day of work. The user can clock in and out by clicking the “Clock In” or “Clock Out” button. Furthermore, they can send comments to the supervisor or the volunteer coordinator via the comment log. These features are based on Agreement2, Agreement3, and Agreement4 of the WinWin negotiation.
Figure 12: Volunteer Portal
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Username/Password Creation Page
Once the volunteer applicant is approved, he/she gets to register for a username and password at this page. This is derived from Agreement22 of the WinWin negotiation.
Figure 13: Username/Password Creation Page
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Supervisor Portal
The supervisor portal contains the necessary features specific to the needs of the supervisor, or any current staff, at the CSC. The default page is the list of current requested task. They can view the specific job profile by clicking on each job title. Furthermore, they can send comments to the volunteers and the volunteer coordinator via the comment log. These features are based on Agreement5 and Agreement4 of the WinWin negotiation.
Figure 14: Supervisor Portal
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Job Request
The Job Request page is made available to both the supervisors and the volunteer coordinator since both of them are able to request for volunteers. They can submit new job requests by clicking the “New Request” link. This is based on Agreement5 of the WinWin negotiation.
Figure 15: Job Request
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Volunteer Coordinator Portal
The volunteer coordinator portal contains the necessary features specific to the needs of the volunteer coordinator. The main page will show the newly requested job requests, newly submitted volunteer applications, and the comment log. These are based on Agreement1, Agreement4, and Agreement5 of the WinWin negotiation.
Figure 16: Volunteer Coordinator Portal
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List, Approve, Deny Application
Once submitted, the applications are listed and viewed by the Volunteer Coordinator. He/she can then review, approve, or deny as appropriate. This is based on Agreement1 of the WinWin negotiation.
Figure 17: List Application
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List Volunteer
The volunteer coordinator is able to view the list of volunteers currently listed at the CSC. Their profiles as well as hours can be edited as appropriate. This is based on Agreement7, Agreement8, and Agreement9 of the WinWin negotiation.
Figure 18: List Volunteer
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List Jobs
The volunteer coordinator is able to view the list of jobs currently being requested by the staffs. He/she can then view the list of volunteers qualify for the job, based on skills and times, and assign them appropriately. This is based on Agreement5 and Agreement6 of the WinWin negotiation.
Figure 19: List Jobs
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Job Scheduling (Assignment)
The volunteer coordinator can perform the volunteer assignments to the job requests at the page. The system generates a list of volunteer that meets the criteria of the job request. The volunteer coordinator can then select the volunteer to assign to the job. This is based on Agreement6 of the WinWin negotiation.
Figure 20: Job Scheduling
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A.4. WikiWinWin Results
The report of the WikiWinWin result is available at the following link: http://greenbay.usc.edu/csci577/spring2007/projects/team3/ABS/EWW_ABS_S07b_T03_V8.0.pdf
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