Please Print Your Name and Book Title Below
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb Author Input Form for Cover Design Services
Please print your name and book title below: Name: Book Title:
The questions and areas for your input below will provide us with the specifics of Text and Image Direction for the design of your book cover. The information you provide will appear on your cover so please double check your spelling, capitalization use, and punctuation in all your answers. Let’s get started:
1. Front Cover: please provide the text specifics for your front cover. Book Title Subtitle (if any) Descriptive Teaser Line (if any) Any additional text for front cover Author Name(s) Book Size and Type: Paperback: __ 5.5 x 8.5 __ 6 x 9 __ 8.25 x 11 Hardcover: __ 5.5 x 8.5 __ 6 x 9
2. Back Cover: please provide the text specifics for your back cover. See total text length chart below.
1. For a 5.5” x 8.5” Book: 230 words with an author photo; 250 words without an author photo. 2. For a 6.0” x 9.0” Book: 250 words with an author photo; 300 words without an author photo. 3. For an 8.5” x 11.0” Book: 450 words with an author photo; 550 words without an author photo.
About the Book (two or three paragraphs to intrigue your readers)
About the Author (one to two paragraphs of your history that that would be relevant to the readers)
I will be providing an Author(s) photo: ___Yes ___No Subject Category: please choose from the list below the basic subject category for your book. This designation will appear on the back cover. This is important info for booksellers.
My Subject Category is: ______
ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES ARCHITECTURE ART BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY BODY, MIND & SPIRIT BUSINESS & ECONOMICS COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS COMPUTERS COOKING CRAFTS & HOBBIES DESIGN DRAMA EDUCATION FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS FICTION / GENERAL Fiction / Action & Adventure Fiction / Christian Fiction / Erotica Fiction / Espionage Fiction / Fantasy Fiction / Historical Fiction / Horror Fiction / Literary Fiction / Mystery and Detective Fiction / Romance / General Fiction / Romance / Contemporary Fiction / Romance / Historical Fiction / Science Fiction Fiction / Thrillers Fiction / Visionary & Metaphysical Fiction / War & Military Fiction / Westerns JUVENILE FICTION / General Juvenile Fiction / Animals Juvenile Fiction / Action & Adventure Juvenile Fiction / Biographical Juvenile Fiction / Christian Juvenile Fiction / Comics & Graphic Novels Juvenile Fiction / Fairy Tales & Folklore Juvenile Fiction / Family Juvenile Fiction / Fantasy Juvenile Fiction / Historical Juvenile Fiction / Horror and Ghost Stories Juvenile Fiction / Mystery and Detective Juvenile Fiction / Picture Books Juvenile Fiction / Love & Romance Juvenile Fiction / Religious Juvenile Fiction / Science Fiction Juvenile Fiction / Social Issues Juvenile Fiction / Sports & Recreation Juvenile Fiction / Visionary & Metaphysical Juvenile Fiction / Westerns FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY GAMES GARDENING HEALTH & FITNESS HISTORY HOUSE & HOME HUMOR LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES LAW LITERARY COLLECTIONS LITERARY CRITICISM MATHEMATICS MEDICAL MUSIC NATURE PERFORMING ARTS PETS PHILOSOPHY PHOTOGRAPHY POETRY POLITICAL SCIENCE PSYCHOLOGY REFERENCE RELIGION SCIENCE SELF-HELP SOCIAL SCIENCE SPORTS & RECREATION STUDY AIDS TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING TRANSPORTATION TRAVEL • TRUE CRIME
3. Spine: Note that books with less than 108 text pages are too thin to have any printing or special art on the spine. Otherwise your Author name(s) and Book Title will appear on the spine.
4. Cover Layout and Design: a. Template Cover Designs: (TBD) We will be providing high quality “off the shelf” book cover designs that only need your specific book cover text information and author photo in order to be finished. One round of minor revisions is included. b. Non-Template Book Cover Designs 1. Author-driven: Where you provide specific input on the design you want, you provide specific artwork or photography and we create the most attractive design based on your concept. One round of minor revisions is included. c. Designer-driven: You communicate the basic idea of your book and what are the most important elements of the story. You might make statements such as, “When the reader sees my book, I want them to understand that this is a book about (e.g. poetry). I would like a (e.g. soothing) feel to the cover. I like (e.g. muted) colors, not bold and vibrant. It really needs to appeal to (e.g. women) in their (e.g. twenties and thirties). One round of minor revisions is included.
For my cover design I am choosing: ___ a Template design ___ Author-driven ___ Designer-driven a. If you chose a template design: All we need from you is the specific information requested in Sections 1-3. b. If you chose an author-driven design: in the space below, please specify the following: 1. Color I want to use for the background: 2. Font style: For my Book Title I want use a ___ a Serif font (such as Times Roman or AGaramond) ___ a San Serif font (such as Helvetica) Are you providing a photograph (digital image) or illustration (digital image) for the cover? ___Yes ___No
I want the photo or illustration to be: _____larger than the book title ___smaller than the book title
As a secondary color, I hate this color, please do not use it: ______(color)
Back Cover: I am sending an Author photo: ___ Yes ___ No c. If you chose a designer-driven design: in the space below, please describe what you want to communicate with your book cover. See example below for help:
Example: You communicate the basic idea of your book and what are the most important elements of the story.
You might make statements such as, “When the reader sees my book, I want them to understand that this is a book about (e.g. poetry). I would like a (e.g. soothing) feel to the cover. I like (e.g. muted) colors, not bold and vibrant. It really needs to appeal to (e.g. women) in their (e.g. twenties and thirties).
Now, in the space below communicate the vision for your cover. Usually the best success comes from the author painting a broad vision for the cover, then allowing the graphic designer to use the talents and skills to create the most effective cover. Remember: Cast a vision for the designer rather than nit-picking fonts and positions.
The vision for my cover (write here):
5. A note about Custom Covers: We are in the business of creating attractive book covers at very reasonable prices, therefore, we do not offer as a part of our standard package the ability to create original illustrations for you...or shoot original new photography. If you desire these services, we have the experience to provide them, but charges for such can range from $1500 to $3,000. We will be glad to quote these for you on an as needed basis. We can also refer you to photographers and illustrators. 6.Important notes about photography, illustrations and other digital images that you provide. Please refer to your initial contract for details about the legal permissions needed to use photography, digital images and illustrations. If you want to provide us with permission-granted images for use on your cover, we can recommend for affordable images.
All photography, illustrations and other artwork you provide must be emailed to us in one of these formats: jpeg, psd, pdf, or eps. If you currently do not have digital images of your photographs, illustrations or artwork, many places such as Kinkos can scan them for you and put them on a disk. Images must be high resolution, meaning 300 dpi or higher. You can also scan the images yourself by purchasing a scanner from any computer store.
7. Important note about color viewing and proofing: Color layouts viewed on your computer screen consist of RGB colors (Red, Green and Blue). The calibration of your computer will determine how accurate the color is that you are viewing. When your cover is printed the printing process is four color process (CMYK), so please note that final color output of your printed cover will vary some from the RGB colors you view on your screen or from any prints from your desktop printer. Bottom line: expect some variation in color between your onscreen proof and the final printed cover.
8. Please do not send Microsoft Publisher files as artwork to be used for your cover. If you have created your artwork in Publisher, please email us the individual graphic files as a jpeg, tiff or pdf to be reviewed.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: When will I get to see a layout for my book cover? A: Typically within 7 working days of the signed 1) Working Agreement 2) signed and completed Author Input Form. This may vary depending on the level of complexity of the cover design you have asked for.
Q: Can I make changes to the text or graphics in the layout that is shown me. A: Yes, limited changes. Please see details in the Working Agreement you signed. Q: Who is responsible for proofing my book cover? A: You are. 100% of the responsibility rests with you. Proof your covers very carefully. Before your cover prints you will be asked to sign off and approve the artwork including all text.
Q: Why are so many permissions and restrictions needed? A: Because the law requires these permissions. Many photographers and illustrators own the rights to their photos or illustrations unless they have specifically transferred or sold that ownership to you. Also, legally you cannot use someone’s photo image in a product for resale unless you have his or her permission to do so (called a Talent Release).
Q: Who owns the cover Art? A: At you will always own your final, finished cover art as long as you have met all the legal related issues regarding permissions for photography or illustration, and talent release issues. We can provide a pdf of your final approved cover art. The original art files and components remain the property of
In the space below please type a statement acknowledging that you have read the entire contract and agree to its terms. Please also date your entry.
Please note that if you have not communicated your wishes in writing via this form, it will not appear on the book cover. So please be thorough. Any changes must be re-submitted using this form with changes highlighted in red.
Please email your this agreement stating that you have read and accept all conditions to: [email protected]