Knolls Estates Monthly Board Meeting s1
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Knolls Estates Monthly Board Meeting May 20, 2015 Minutes of Meeting (Approved 6/17/15)
The meeting was called to order by Joe Groussman at 6 PM.
1.) In attendance: Joe Groussman, Patricia Klassen, Donna Pagel, Greg Henderson, Tom Moulton, Jennifer Young (Centerpointe)
2.) The housekeeping rules were provided to new attendees and not read out loud.
3.) Approval of Minutes from 4/15/15 Meeting: Patricia Klassen made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Joe Groussman seconded the motion. A vote was taken. Motion was carried to approve April, 2015 minutes as submitted by unanimous vote.
4.) Reports from Officers, Administrator and Committees:
a.) President - Administrator – Joe Groussman
i.) Nothing to report. Still in process of reviewing the Alaska Sutherlin Dedication of Deed. Once the Deed description is validated with the maps we will sign the Deeds. Patricia to try and get them validated..
b.) Treasurer Report: Tom Moulton
i.) April Revenue and Expense Report
Total Revenue: $8187.71 Expenses: $4119.39 Income: $4068.32
Net Worth: $341,504.70
ii.) Patricia Klassen made a motion for Centerpointe to start reading Phase 2-3 owner water meters on the 15th to coincide with the monthly City meter reading (master meter). Currently Centerpointe reads meters at the end of each month. Centerpointe will read the owner’s 30 day meters in May (at end of month), then read the owner’s meter again on the 15th of June. Continue monthly after June with water reading on the 15th. Announcements to go out in next bill advising of these changes. Donna Pagel seconded the motion. A vote was taken. Motion was carried to approve Centerpointe to read water meters on the 15th of the month by a unanimous vote.
c.) Service/Welcome Committee Report: Sandra Moulton
i.) There is a new resident on Culver Loop. They have not received the basket yet. Sandra will have it done by the end of the month or first part of June. ii.) The owner of the Sutherlin Women’s Fitness Center has offered a one month free coupon to go in the welcoming baskets for new owners in the PUD.
iii.) No sympathy cards have been sent out this month. d.) Design Committee: President – Absence of Design
i.) Peggy and Lathan Drake, 726 Slazenger Lot #145, have submitted an application to build a dwelling and shed on their lot. After discussion with Peggy Drake the application was changed from a carport to a completely enclosed RV garage store their fishing boat. Their back yard 10 x 15 shed will have the same siding and roof as the house. It will sit on a concrete slab. The RV garage will be accessed from a concrete driveway. A 6’ fence will completely enclose the yard to the front line of the house- on both sides per the CC&Rs. (Note: the rear of this property butts up to the forest) Greg Henderson made a motion to approve the construction application with the enclosed RV garage. Tom Moulton seconded the motion. A vote was taken. Motion was carried to approve the dwelling construction at lot # 145 by a unanimous vote.
ii.) Ken Molz, 712 Dovetail Lot #26, petitioned to build a deck that will be located on the south rear part of his house. Ken provided a diagram and pictures. The board agreed the project is small enough an application will not be necessary. Joe Groussman made a motion to approve the construction of the deck. Tom Moulton seconded the motion. A vote was taken. Motion was carried to approve the construction of a read deck at lot #26 with a unanimous vote. e.) Maintenance Committee Report: Joe Groussman
i.) Anthony Ward Lawncare is completed mowing all common areas for May. He had to start at first of month due to early growth. Joe expects the bill to be the full contracted monthly price. The invoice is approved to be paid when it arrives at the Centerpointe office.
ii.) Anthony Ward has completed cutting and removing the blackberry bushes along Scardi Blvd. Donna Pagel reminded all that the blackberry bush areas still needs to be sprayed this year. Patricia Klassen requested the spraying be accomplished in the mornings before the breezes picks up due to the toxic odor. Anthony will begin cutting and remove the blackberry bushes behind the sign area (behind lots 7-10) tomorrow to mid-next week. Then spraying will need to be done at the same time as Scardi Blvd. and the Phase 2-3 culverts.
iii.) Joe brought up discussion as to whether KEOA should contract again with Tree Magic to spray the scotch broom and the blackberry bushes. Last year residents complained of getting sick. Suggestions to notify residents prior to when the spraying is scheduled. The board agreed Tree Magic are professionals and have an understanding of the chemicals they are using. Joe Groussman made a motion to approve obtaining a quote from Tree Magic, and pursue approving that quote, to allow moving forward with the spraying. Greg Henderson seconded the motion. A vote was taken. Motion was carried to approve obtaining a quote from Tree Magic, pursuing the approval of the quote, and contract with Tree Magic to perform the spraying by a unanimous vote.
iv.) Phase 2-3 culverts were weed-eated by Jay Kohlman again this year. An invoice was submitted for $660 representing 44 hours at $15 per hr.- the agreed upon price. Joe will be meeting with Jay by next Friday to see if any additional effort needs to be done.
v.) Joe Groussman has been volunteering to trim the base of trees within the culverts. Reports of tree branches touching the ground and also dead branches. This is a Potential fire hazard. Joe will be cutting the trunk branches as needed all this summer- using his chain saws. f.) Social Committee: Sharon Troxel i.) Marion Molz in attendance for the Social Committee
ii.) Centerpointe needs to remove from the website/Hot Topics the information about the past wine event. They also need to add to Hot Topics the “BBQ/Chili Cook Off/Potluck on July 18th from 4-8pm” in Sawgrass Ct cul-de- sac. iii.) Robin Gentry’s Sawgrass Ct. garage will be the location for the BBQ. Her garage has a bathroom for use by attendees. The Set-up will be 3:00 – 3:30pm. Tables are needed. Patricia Klassen strongly suggests renting tables from the Lyons Club. Joe Groussman told Marion to find out how much the tables and chairs would cost. The Social Committee’s budget end of year increase for the same amount may be authorized- if needed. Shade canopies will still be needed from KEOA residents. There will be a committee meeting on June 6th to finalize the July 18th details.
iv.) Ken Molz suggests a KEOA stand be provided for books and puzzles residence exchange at an open space. Patricia Klassen and Joe Groussman are open to suggestions. Maybe by the future common area bench. g.) Centerpointe Property Management: Jennifer Young
i.) The following violations were noticed upon the drive-thru 5/13/15: --High grass at the forclosure at lot #46- Since mowed by Mortgage Co. --Utility trailer and golf cart visible at #83, Fry home --Utility trailer at #29 --High grass weeds at the following lots: 85, 86, 93, 99, 102, 130, 132, 166, 154, and lots #104-111 along Divot Loop
Violation letters were sent to lots # 86, 90, 104-108, 111 (Patrick Carney). He has since hired Anthony Ward Lawncare to mow the lots in the coming week (prior to June 1st ). Letters were sent to lots #29, 64, 130, 132, 93, 166 Joe Groussman spoke with Ben Fry #83 and he agreed to move the trailer. Donna Pagel reported the utility trailer is gone at #29 Letter still yet to be sent to Ben Clapa, for tall grass at lots 109-110 along Divot
Centerpointe May’s extra charges: Website/meeting minutes = 1 hr @ $45 per hour Extra comparative financial report = ½ hr @ $45 per hour = $22.50 Drive-bys = 1 hr @ $45 per hour Mileage (1 x 18 miles round trip) = 36 miles X $.56 per mile = $20.16 Total month’s extra charges = $132.66
ii.) Marion Molz inquired about the golf cart visibility in the front yards. Golf carts are allowed for KEOA owners. Joe and Patricia explained in this particular situation it is minors driving golf cart recklessly. Joe is going to come up with something in the Hot Topics and on the Rules and Regulations to address the issue of minors recklessly joy riding golf carts in the KEOA streets.
iii.) Centerpointe requested Pre-approval for Hiring Lawncare after June 1st. Undeveloped lots that need mowed after June 1st when the City of Sutherlin will start fining KEOA tall grass remains and the if mowing has not been completed. Patricia Klassen was concerned that the owners have not been notified and they will be charged for the work Joe commented that the offending Lot letters have already been sent to each of the owners in both April and May advising of the June 1st deadline. Centerpointe wants to hire the work to be done after June 1st and charge the offending lot owner- if not they are not completed by June 1st. Joe Groussman made a motion to charge owners for fines and mowing charges if lots are not mowed by June 1st. Patricia Klassen added only if final notice is sent. Donna Pagel seconded the motion. A vote was taken. Motion was carried to approve by unanimous vote to charge owners fines and mowing charges of lots not mowed by June 1st only after a final notice has been given to the lot owner.
h.) Memorial Bench Committee – Patricia Klassen i.) Patricia placed a call to Todd Powell, has not received a return call. Todd needs to be more proactive about delivering dirt to common area #7 to fill-in and level the needed areas.
5.) Unfinished Business – no effort yet
6.) New Business KEOA needs people to volunteer!!
7.) Owner Comments Donna pagel commented that Joe Felix’s property was taken off the market.
8.) Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM
Submitted by: Jennifer Young – Centerpointe Property Management