Edexcel Topic Areas
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SCHOOL: CLASS: Module to be covered from (dates) : to : Logo! 4 Rot Kapitel 1 Hallo ich bin’s! Activity pp 6-7 (Rückblick) 1 Wie schreibt man das? no. Learning objectives Spelling names and addresses in German Saying where you live Saying your age and when your birthday is Edexcel Topic Areas House, home and daily routine – information about self Grammar sein (all parts); ordinal numbers with dates – am ersten/zweiten etc Exam strategies Pronouncing ei / ie correctly Using the German alphabet to spell out names/addresses When to use Du and Sie Ordering German addresses Listening AT1 Understand names, towns and addresses 1, 2, 3, postcodes and dates as they are spelled out 5a, 8 Speaking AT2 Say and spell your name and address; say your 4, 6, 7, 9 age and when your birthday is Reading AT3 Writing AT4 Write numbers out in full 5b Key language Wie heißt …? Ich heiße … Wie alt ist …? Ich bin … Jahre alt. Wie schreibt man das? Wo wohnst du? Ich wohne in …Wann hast du Geburtstag? am ersten Januar / elften Februar usw. Numbers 1-100 ICT Opportunities Write a simple introduction to a pen-friend and e-mail it to your partner school Reinforcement Übungsheft – p1, p8 (exs 1 & 2) Extension Grammatik: p212 (5.3) Sprechen, p38 (Gespräch 1) Resources Cassette A, Side A; CD 1 Track 1 Homework Notes SCHOOL: CLASS: Module to be covered from (dates) : to : Logo! 4 Rot Kapitel 1 Hallo ich bin’s! Activity pp 8-9 (Rückblick) 2 Das Familienspiel no. Learning objectives Talking about family members and talking about pets Edexcel Topic Areas House, home and daily routine – information about self and family Grammar Singular and plurals of nouns haben (all forms) possessive adjectives: mein/meine; dein/deine; sein/seine; ihr/ihre Exam strategies Listening AT1 Understand town names as they are spelled out, 2a and basic information about family and pets Speaking AT2 Role play based on listening above 2b Reading AT3 Match statements about number of brothers and 1 sisters to pictures; Read an e-mail about self and 4 family members and answer questions Writing AT4 Fill in gaps in sentences with correct part of 3 haben; Write an e-mail giving own name, age, 5 birthday address and details of family Key language Ich habe Geschwister / einen Bruder / … Brüder / eine Schwester /… Schwestern. Ich bin ein Einzelkind. Mein Vater / Stiefvater / Bruder / Onkel / Cousin / Opa heißt… Meine Mutter / Stiefmutter / Schwester / Tante / Kusine / Oma heißt … Er / Sie ist… + age. geschieden / verheiratet Ich habe eine Katze/Hündin, einen Kater/Hund/Wellensittich, ein Kaninchen/Meerschweinchen Mein Geburtstag ist am … ICT Opportunities Write and send e-mails to German-speaking penfriends Reinforcement Übungsheft – p2, p8 (exs 1-2) Extension Grammatik: p207 (1.3), p209 (2.2); p212 (5.3) Resources Cassette A, Side A; CD 1 Track 2 Homework Notes SCHOOL: CLASS: Module to be covered from (dates) : to : Logo! 4 Rot Kapitel 1 Hallo ich bin’s! Activity pp 10-11 3 So sehe ich aus no. Learning objectives Talking about appearance Edexcel Topic Areas House, home and daily routine – information about self, family and friends Grammar Adjective endings: no ending/ -e after accusative plural Exam strategies Qualifying words: kurz, ganz / hell- / dunkel- / sehr / ziemlich Linking words: und, aber Listening AT1 Match pictures to descriptions of people’s eyes 2 and hair Speaking AT2 Pair work: describe pictures of people to convey 4 facial features, height and build Reading AT3 Match descriptions to pictures depicting eye and 1, 5 hair colour and hair length; Read a letter and match a list of physical descriptions with names Writing AT4 Use a set of adjectives to write sentences 3, 6 describing people’s hair and eyes; Describe oneself, and others, including eye and hair colour, hair length, height and size Key language Ich habe /Er / Sie / Mein Freund / Meine Freundin / Mein Bruder / Mein Vater / Meine Schwester / Meine Mutter hat braune / grüne / graue Augen eine Glatze / einen Bart / einen Schnurrbart kurze / lange rote / schwarze / blonde / hellbraune / dunkelbraune Haare Er / Sie ist (nicht) klein / dick / schlank / groß ICT Opportunities Reinforcement Übungsheft – p3, p8 (exs 3 & 4) Extension Grammatik: p208 (2.1) Sprechen, p38 (Gespräch 2) Resources Cassette A, Side A CD 1, Track 3 Homework Notes Possible coursework task: pupils write a letter introducing themselves and their family and/or friends to a new penfriend (target level D). To access C, past tenses and opinions need to be introduced at a later stage. SCHOOL: CLASS: Module to be covered from (dates) : to : Logo! 4 Rot Kapitel 1 Hallo ich bin’s! Activity pp 12-13 4 Mein Zuhause no. Learning objectives Describing where you live Edexcel Topic Areas House, home and daily routine – types of home, rooms and furniture Grammar Prepositions: in, an, neben, auf + dative es gibt einen / eine / ein …; seit…; unser / unsere Exam strategies Listening AT1 Understand where people live and in what type of 1a, 2a building; Understand in what room a person is, based on a description of furniture Speaking AT2 Pair work: describe the fittings in a room and 2b recognise which room is being described Reading AT3 Read a letter about a house and its fittings, 4 answer questions in German Writing AT4 Describe where people live and in what type of 1b, 3, 5 building; Use a set of nouns to describe a room and its fittings; Write a description of own house Key language Ich wohne / Er / Sie wohnt / Wir wohnen… auf einem Bauernhof / dem Land, am Stadtrand in einem Reihenhaus / Doppelhaus / Einfamilienhaus / Wohnblock / Bungalow / Dorf, in einer Wohnung / der Stadtmitte Unser/Mein Haus ...Unsere/Meine Wohnung … hat eine Küche/Toilette/Treppe, ein Wohnzimmer/Esszimmer/Schlafzimmer/Klo, eine Flur In der Küche … Im Wohnzimmer/Badezimmer/ Esszimmer/Flur… gibt es eine Lampe/Badewanne/Dusche/Spülmaschine/Waschmaschine/ Heizung, einen Kühlschrank/Herd/Tisch/Stuhl/Sessel/ Fernseher/Teppich, ein Sofa/Teppich Ich wohnen hier seit zwei Wochen. ICT Opportunities Word-process description of house (ex. 5) Reinforcement Übungsheft – p4 Extension Grammatik: p214 (5.9); p221 (6.2); p222 (6.4) Sprechen, p38 (Gespräch 3) Resources Cassette A, Side A or CD 1, Track 4 Homework Notes Gespräch 3 on page 38 can be used as practice for conversation in the oral exam. SCHOOL: CLASS: Module to be covered from (dates) : to : Logo! 4 Rot Kapitel 1 Hallo ich bin’s! Activity pp 14-15 5 Mein Zimmer no. Learning objectives Describing your bedroom Edexcel Topic Areas House, home and daily routine – describing your room and furniture Grammar In + dative of personal pronouns (in meinem, etc) Es gibt einen /eine / ein + adjective Exam strategies Working out the meaning of unknown words Listening AT1 Understand a description of bedroom fittings and 2 identify the correct pictures Speaking AT2 Ask and answer questions about a rooms (size, 3 walls, curtains and carpet) based on pictures Reading AT3 Understand a magazine article on pop star’s 1 room, answer questions in German Writing AT4 Fill in indefinite article and adjective endings in 4, 5 sentences describing room fittings; Write an article describing own room and fittings Key language Mein Schlafzimmer ist ziemlich klein / sehr groß / schön / bequem / nicht sehr ordentlich Die Wände / Gardinen sind … / Der Teppich ist … blau / gelb / grün / lila / rosa / rot / weiß / bunt. In meinem Schlafzimmer habe ich / gibt es … einen schönen Spiegel / modernen Nachttisch / gelben Teppich / Kleiderschrank / Schreibtisch / Wecker / Computer / Fernseher eine alte Kommode / kleine Stereoanlage / rote Lampe ein neues Bett / schönes Radio / grünes Regal viele Kleider / Kassetten ICT Opportunities Word-processing magazine article about own room, with scanned photos or drawings (ex.5) Reinforcement Übungsheft – p5 Extension Grammatik: p208 (2.1); p221 (6.3) Sprechen, p38 (Gespräch 4) Resources Cassette A, Side A or CD 1, Track 5 Homework Notes Writing ex 5 could be extended to a longer description of two rooms (real and ideal) for grade D – add past tense later to access grade C and above. Gespräch 4 on page 38 can be used as practice for conversation in the oral exam. SCHOOL: CLASS: Module to be covered from (dates) : to : Logo! 4 Rot Kapitel 1 Hallo ich bin’s! Activity pp 16-17 6 Hausarbeit no. Learning objectives Talking about household chores Edexcel Topic Areas House, home and daily routine – helping around the house Grammar Present tense: 3rd person singular forms Separable verbs müssen Exam strategies Understanding difference in meaning between Hausarbeit and Hausaufgaben Listening AT1 Match statements about household chores to 1 pictures, then write down the information Speaking AT2 Information gap activity – identify the speaker 2, 3, 5 talking about household chores; Pair work – ask and answer questions about household chores using pictures; Pair work – ask and answer questions about housework preferences Reading AT3 Understand a diary entry about housework 4 preferences, answer questions in German Writing AT4 Write a diary entry about one's own household 6 chores and whether one likes doing them or not Key language Was für Hausarbeit machst du? Ich wasche (nicht) ab / trockne (nicht) ab / sauge Staub (nicht) / kaufe (nicht) ein / räume mein Zimmer (nicht) auf / decke (nicht) den Tisch / bügle (nicht) Ich mag gern abwaschen. Ich mag nicht abtrockenen. Ich hasse einkaufen / Staub saugen / aufräumen / Tisch decken / bügeln. Abwaschen finde ich furchtbar / schrecklich / okay. Ich muss aufräumen. ICT Opportunities Reinforcement Übungsheft – p6 Extension Grammatik: p211 (5.2); p212 (5.4); p213 (5.6) Sprechen, p38 (Gespräch 5) Resources Cassette A, Side A or CD 1, Track 6 Homework Notes Possible coursework task: students write a short article on the division of household tasks and give opinions. To access higher grades, past tenses must be added later. Gespräch 5 on page 38 can be used as practice for conversation in the oral exam. SCHOOL: CLASS: Module to be covered from (dates) : to : Logo! 4 Rot Kapitel 1 Hallo ich bin’s! Activity pp 18-19 7 Guten Tag! no. Learning objectives Greeting people Edexcel Topic Areas At home and abroad – customs, everyday life in Germany Social activities – meeting people Grammar Exam strategies Saying hello: Guten Tag / Grüß Gott / Servus Greetings: du and Sie forms Listening AT1 Identify and write the German for English 1a, 3 phrases, including commands and questions; Identify and write the German for English phrases in an "end of visit" conversation Speaking AT2 Pair work: Select from a set of given phrases to 2a, 2b, 5 complete a "meeting and greeting" dialogue, using du and Sie; Pair work: hold conversation using the expressions heard in Übungen 1a and 3. Reading AT3 Choose the correct answer to complete sentences 1b based on dialogue 1a Writing AT4 4 Write sentences based on pictures, including greetings, commands and questions (using du and Sie) Key language Guten Tag / Grüß Gott / Servus; Komm / Kommen Sie herein. Setz dich / Setzen Sie sich bitte hin. Wie geht es dir / Ihnen? Danke gut, und dir / Ihnen? Darf ich vorstellen? Vielen Dank für Ihre Gastfreundschaft. Nichts zu danken. Komm bald wieder! Gute Reise! Auf Wiedersehen / Tschüs. ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (of whole module) - Übungsheft – pp7 & 9 Extension (of spread) - Rollenspiel p39 (of whole module) Lesen / Schreiben A/B pp186-7 Resources Cassette A, Side A or CD 1, Track 7 Homework Notes Pupils could make up dialogues similar to the example on p18, ex. 1a, as preparation for B Rôle-play.