Study Island Assignment-Thermal Energy Transfer
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Study Island Assignment-Thermal Energy Transfer NAME______DATE______BLK______
1. Even if you don't touch a marshmallow to a campfire flame, holding a marshmallow near a flame causes it to toast and turn brown. Why does this happen? A Heat radiates from the fire and cooks the . marshmallow. B Dust blowing through the air causes the marshmallow to . brown. C Hot air in the atmosphere cooks the . marshmallow. D Smoke and soot from the fire cause the marshmallow to . brown.
2. Pat pours cold, liquid cream into a cup of hot coffee. Which of the following describes how the hot coffee and cold cream will interact? A The cold cream will remain at the surface. When it warms, some of it will fall to the bottom of the . cup.
B The cold cream will drop to the bottom of the cup. When it warms, some of it will rise back to the . surface.
C The cold cream will immediately reach the same temperature as the coffee and spread evenly though the . cup.
D The cold cream will drop to the bottom of the cup. It will remain there, unless it is . stirred.
3. Heat can be transferred through conduction, convection, and radiation. What is necessary in order for heat to be transferred by conduction? A The substances must be liquids or . gases. B Heat must be transferred in the form of . currents. C The objects must be in direct contact with one . another. D Heat must be transferred through . space.
4. A transfer of heat within a liquid or gas that involves warm particles moving in currents is A connectio . n. B convectio . n. C correctio . n. Page 1 of 14 D conductio . n.
5. A slice of cheese is 3.0°C and is sitting on a dish that is 3.0°C.
If the dish and cheese are in a refrigerator that is set to 3.0°C, which of the following statements is true? A Heat will flow from the air in the refrigerator to the cheese and the . dish.
B The temperature of the air in the refrigerator will decrease and the temperature of the cheese will . increase.
C Heat will not flow because there is no temperature difference between the . substances.
D The temperature of the cheese will increase and the temperature of the dish will . decrease.
6. Sunlight heats the ground, and the ground warms the nearby air. The warm air expands and rises, while cool air rushes in to take its place.
The example above describes the process that generates many surface winds. Surface winds are an example of ______in the Earth's atmosphere. A condensati . on B convecti Page 2 of 14 . on C conducti . on D radiati . on
7. Which of the following is an example of conduction? A A metal spoon becomes warm when placed in a cup of hot . tea. B A dog's bowl of water warms up out in the . Sun. C Leftovers become warm when reheated in the . microwave. D Campers warm up while sitting by a . campfire.
8. Radiation, conduction, and convection are methods of energy transfer. Of these methods, radiation is the only one in which energy can be transferred through ______. A solid . s. B liquid . s. C spac . e. D matt . er.
9. Jackson is designing a new heater, and he wants to experiment with different thermally conductive materials. Which of these materials would be useful in conducting heat? A aluminu . m s B oi . l C co . rk D wo . od
10. Before breakfast, Lacie dropped an ice cube into her coffee. After a few seconds, she noticed that the ice cube had melted in the coffee. Which of the following statements correctly explains what Lacie witnessed?
A The cold from the ice cube was transferred into the coffee, which melted the . ice.
B The basic ice cube reacted with the acidic coffee, which caused the ice cube to . melt. C The cold from the ice cube went into the air, which melted the Page 3 of 14 . ice.
D Heat from the coffee transferred into the ice cube, which melted the . ice.
11. The light from the Sun heats a metal surface. This is an example of A conductio . n. B convectio . n. C radiatio . n. D reflectio . n. 12. The heat from the Sun must pass through the vacuum of space before it reaches the Earth. Which process is illustrated in this example? A conducti . on B radiati . on C convecti . on D inducti . on
13. What property of a stainless steel cooking pot makes it useful for cooking? A thermal . insulation B thermal . conduction C metallic . shine D hardne . ss
14. A candle is lit. The heat of the flame will melt the candle because A the candle must stay hot to heat the . flame. B the heat of the hot flame is transferred to the colder . candle. C the wax of the candle is repelled by the . flame. D the flame takes all the heat energy and the candle has no . energy.
15. Allen wants to make a box to keep foods hot. What material would be best for him to use in his box? A rubb
Page 4 of 14 . er B aluminum . foil C stainless . steel D gla . ss
16. Energy that transfers between substances because of a temperature difference between the substances is known as ______. A chemical . energy B heat . energy C potential . energy D electromagnetic . radiation
17. Which of the following processes transfers heat? A convecti . on B conducti . on C radiati . on D all of . these 18. Which of the following is an example of convection? A the rays of the Sun warming the . earth B a hot object transferring heat to a cooler . one C hot air rising and cooler air . falling D a hot oven warming the air around . it
19. Shane is building a bench. He lives in a very hot climate, so he wants to build the bench out of material that does not conduct heat. In order to keep the bench from conducting heat, Shane could build it out of ______. A wo . od B aluminu . m C ir
Page 5 of 14 . on D copp . er
20. June is building a circuit. She wants to add something that will conduct electricity. June wants to add ______to her circuit, so she chooses ______. A an insulator, a copper . wire B a conductor, a copper . wire C an insulator, . plastic D a conductor, . plastic 21. Cindy makes herself a cup of hot chocolate on a very cold day. If Cindy's hands are very cold and the cup is very hot, heat energy transfers from the cup to her hands because
A of the size difference between . them.
B one is a solid and the other is mostly a . liquid.
C of the temperature difference between . them.
D cold energy spreads from cool objects to warm . objects.
22. A hot saucepan is placed on a cold bench. Heat will flow from the saucepan to the bench until A the bench is warmer than the . saucepan. B the saucepan and bench are at the same . temperature. C the saucepan has lost all of its . heat. D the bench is as hot as the saucepan . was.
23. Mildred takes a pound of frozen hamburger meat out of the freezer and puts it into the refrigerator.
Page 6 of 14 Which of the following best describes the direction of heat flow? A from the hamburger to the air in the . refrigerator
B from the air in the refrigerator to the . hamburger
C from the air in the freezer to the air in the . refrigerator
D from the hamburger to the air outside the . refrigerator
24. When bridges are built, special joints must be used because the material of the bridge shrinks, and without these joints, the material would break. Which of the following properties is described here? A thermal . expansion B thermal . decay C thermal . contraction D thermal . stasis
25. Which of the following is an example of heat transfer through conduction? A the Sun drying clothes hanging . outside B a microwave warming a cup of . water C a pan on the stove getting . hot D hot air rising inside a
Page 7 of 14 . house
26. Jimmy held the end of a metal bar over a fire while holding on to the opposite end. After a few minutes, the end he was holding began to get very hot. Which process is illustrated in this example? A convecti . on B inducti . on C radiati . on D conducti . on
27. A pot is on a hot stove.
What carries most of the heat from the bottom of the pot to the top of the pot? A collisions of energetic atoms and . molecules
B flammable particles inside of the . pot
C particles of light shooting through the . pot
D a heat force generated by the . flames
28. Which of the materials below would be best to use to complete an electrical circuit? A wo . od B pencil . lead Page 8 of 14 C aluminum . foil a D i . r
29. Sandy has just made a pitcher of hot tea. She pours the tea into a cup and picks it up. The cup acts as an insulator, so Sandy can pick up the cup even though the liquid inside is hot. Of what material could the cup be made? A wo . od B plast . ic C gla . ss D all of . these
30. Samantha's class is learning about conductors and insulators of electricity. She studies an appliance cord that has been cut to show the two main parts. The cord is made up of a metal wire and a plastic covering.
The metal wire is ______, and it... A an insulator; does not allow electricity to . flow. B a conductor; does not allow electricity to . flow. C an insulator; allows electricity to . flow. D a conductor; allows electricity to . flow.
31. Through which of the following ways does the Sun primarily transfer its heat energy to the Earth? A convecti . on B reflecti . on C conducti . on D radiati . on
32. Which of the following is an example of heat transfer by radiation? A a fire warming a group of . campers B the Sun warming the . Earth C an electric space heater warming a . room Page 9 of 14 D all of . these 33. Which of the following statements about radiation is true?
A Radiation is the only form of heat transfer that is experienced on . Earth.
B Radiation is the only form of heat transfer that can travel through the vacuum of . space.
C Radiation is the only form of heat transfer that is unable to travel through the vacuum of . space.
D Radiation is the only form of heat transfer that is not experienced on . Earth.
34. Kelly made an electrical circuit using copper wire, a lightbulb, a battery, and a lemon. When she connected the circuit by sticking two wires into the lemon, the lightbulb lit up. What does this demonstrate about the lemon? A Lemon skin is a good insulator of . electricity. B Electricity can be conducted by any . material. C Lemon juice is a good conductor of . electricity. D Copper wire is a good insulator of . electricity. 35. Which of the following is a true statement about heat transfer? A Heat never transfers from solids to . liquids. B Heat always flows from cooler objects to warmer . objects. C Heat always flows from warmer objects to cooler . objects. D Heat never travels in a similar . pattern. 36. Once heat from the Sun penetrates the Earth's atmosphere, the heat is circulated as warm air rises and cold air sinks. What is this process called? A convecti . on B reflecti . on C conducti . on D radiati . on
37. In which of the following methods of heat transfer is it necessary for the objects to be directly touching one another? Page 10 of 14 A radiati . on B conducti . on C convecti . on D all of . these
38. Which types of heat transfer involve heat flow from hot objects to colder objects? A convection, but not conduction or . radiation B convection, conduction, and . radiation C convection and conduction, but not . radiation D convection and radiation, but not . conduction
39. Which of the following is the correct definition of conduction?
A the transmission of heat across empty . space
B the transmission of heat across . matter
C the transfer of heat by currents within a liquid or . gas
D the electromagnetic radiation from the surface of an object which is due to the object's . temperature
40. A thermometer contains liquid mercury, and the volume of that mercury grows as the temperature grows, allowing us to make accurate measures of temperature. Which of the following properties of mercury is described here? A thermal . contraction B thermal . growth C thermal . stasis D thermal . expansion
Page 11 of 14 41. Bob has a cup of hot chili. It is too hot to eat.
After ten minutes, the chili is cool enough for him to eat. What has happened to the chili's thermal energy? A It has increased the chili's potential . energy.
B It has increased the air's thermal . energy.
C It has increased the air's potential . energy.
D It has increased the chili's kinetic . energy.
42. Heat will flow from a hot object to a cold object until the objects reach A equilibriu . m. B boiling . point. C stabilit . y. D collaps . e. 43. Jared is building an electrical circuit that includes a battery and a lightbulb. He knows that the circuit needs to be a closed loop, so he connects the battery to the lightbulb with a plastic string, then connects the lightbulb back to the battery with another plastic string. He checks to make sure that everything is connected, but the lightbulb does not light.
What is most likely the problem with the circuit? Page 12 of 14 A The light bulb is . broken. B Plastic is not a conductor of . electricity. C The battery is . dead. D Plastic conducts too much . electricity.
44. Heat energy is transferred by conduction whenever molecules A change . forms. B spread . apart. C collid . e. D fuse . together.
45. Which of the following is the correct definition of radiation?
A the electromagnetic radiation from the surface of an object which is due to the object's . temperature
B the transfer of heat by electrical . currents
C the transfer of heat by currents within a liquid or . gas
D the transmission of heat across . matter
46. Ice is placed in hot water. What happens to the temperature of the ice and the water? A The ice gets cooler, and the water gets . warmer. B The ice gets warmer, and the water stays the . same. C The ice gets warmer, and the water gets . cooler. D The ice and the water both get . cooler.
47. A light bulb lights up because energy, in the form of an electric current, is transferred from a power supply to the filament inside the light bulb. This kind of energy transfer is known as ______. A convecti . on B conducti
Page 13 of 14 . on C radiati . on D mechanical . energy
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