Monday Topic 11 Subtracting with Tens and Ones Study Guide
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Math March 18-22
Monday---Topic 11 Subtracting With Tens and Ones Study Guide Vocabulary: regroup Common Core Standards: 1.NBT.6, 1.NBT.5 Objectives: Students will use a hundred chart to subtract tens, use models to subtract from a 2-digit number, subtract a multiple of 10 from a 2-digit number, subtract a multiple of ten from another multiple of 10, cross out in a picture to subtract a multiple of 10 from a 2-digit number, and solve subtraction problems while drawing a picture. Work through Big Book Topic 11 story, “Tens at the Shoe Store.” Teacher will pass out Study Guide worksheet pages 381-382 Students will work together to complete the problems on the study guide, discussing and checking/correcting work on each problem as they go.
Tuesday---Topic 11 Subtracting With Tens and Ones multiple choice and constructed response assessment Common Core Standards: 1.NBT.6, 1.NBT.5 Vocabulary: regroup Objectives: Students will use a hundred chart to subtract tens, use models to subtract from a 2-digit number, subtract a multiple of 10 from a 2-digit number, subtract a multiple of ten from another multiple of 10, cross out in a picture to subtract a multiple of 10 from a 2-digit number, and solve subtraction problems while drawing a picture.
Wednesday---“Let’s Add Bigger Numbers” jaguar worksheet 13, “Find the Sums” deer, zebra, gazelle worksheet 16 Common Core Standards: 1.NBT.4 Objective: Students will add one-digit numbers to two-digit numbers without regrouping and record the sum. Students will add 2-digit numbers to other 2-digit numbers with and without regrouping. Teacher will pass out worksheet 13 and will remodel the first 2 rows of problems adding one-digit numbers to 2-digit numbers without regrouping. Students will work the rest of the problems on the page, while teacher will assist any students seeming to have difficulty. After work time, students will discuss, check and correct their work on this worksheet 13. Teacher will pass out worksheet 16 and will remodel the first row of problems adding 2-digit numbers to 2-digit numbers with and without regrouping. Students will work the rest of problems on the page, while teacher will assist any students seeming to have difficulty. After work time, students will discuss, check and correct their work on this worksheet 16.
Thursday---“Let’s Subtract Bigger Numbers” baboon worksheet 17 and “Crossnumber Puzzle” zebra, jaguar, and panther worksheet 20 Common Core Standards: 1.NBT.6, 1.NBT.5 Objectives: Students will subtract one and two-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers with and without regrouping. Teacher will pass out worksheet 17 and will remodel the first row of problems subtracting one-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers without regrouping. Students will work the rest of the problems on the page, while teacher will assist any students seeming to have difficulty. After work time, students will discuss, check and correct their work on this worksheet 17. Teacher will pass out worksheet 20 and will remodel the first row of problems subtracting 2-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers with regrouping. Students will work the rest of the problems on the page, while teacher will assist any students seeming to have difficulty. After work time, students will discuss, check and correct their work on this worksheet 20.
Friday---Topic 12: Length Teacher will pass out the Topic Opener worksheet 383 and discuss the letter to family, vocabulary words for the topic, review what you know questions, and the “Measure Up” game. Students will take this page home. Lesson 12-1: Comparing and Ordering by Length Common Core Standard: 1.MD.1 Objective: Students will compare and order lengths of objects. Teacher will introduce today’s lesson 12-1 with computer CD topic 12 lesson 1. 1. Daily Common Core Review worksheet 12-1: Teacher will place the worksheet under the document camera. Students will discuss to complete together to review the concepts: comparing and ordering whole numbers, addition with 3 addends, and ways to make numbers. 2. Develop the Concept: Interactive (packet sheet 385): Teacher will pass out lesson 12-1 packet to students and will follow directions in teacher’s guide pg. 385 for students to complete packet sheet 385. This will include comparing the length of different objects and put them in order from longest to shortest. 3. Develop the Concept: Visual: Teacher will discuss the tops of packet sheets 386-387 under the document camera to model how you can identify and order the longest and shortest objects in a group. Also, class will work together on problems on packet sheets 386-388 to answer questions on sheets and those questions given in teacher’s guide for teacher to ask same pages 386-388. 4. Independent Practice: Students will complete Practice worksheet 12-1. After work time, teacher will place her copy under the document camera and students will discuss and check/correct their work on this worksheet. 5. To check for understanding, teacher will place the following worksheets under the document camera and students will discuss and work together the problems on worksheets Reteaching 12-1, Enrichment 12-1, and Quick Check 12-1.