The Resolutions Listed Below (October 1966 Through March 1993) Are Not Yet Posted
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The Resolutions listed below (October 1966 through March 1993) are not yet posted
Please contact the Academic Senate CSU Staff for a copy
562-951-4010 or [email protected] AS-2142-93/TE Support for "Educator Preparation for California 2000: Draft of an Accreditation (Approved) Framework," (January 1993)
AS-2141-93/AA Assembly Higher Education Committee's Draft Report on Proposed Master Plan Revisions: (Approved Unanimously) Reaffirmation of Intersegmental Transfer
AS-2140-93/FA Opposition to the Creation of a New Campus at Fort Ord (Approved)
AS-2139-93/FA Maintaining Access to Full Range of Degree Programs for Place-Bound Students in the CSU (Approved)
AS-2138-93/FA Faculty Role in the Establishment of Charter Campuses (Approved)
AS-2137-93/FA Initial Staffing of the New CSU Campus at Fort Ord (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2136-93/AA Opposition to Duplicate Degree Tuition [SB 1972 (Anonymous) and AB 39 (Archie-Hudson) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2135-93/AA Draft Advisory Statement on Contract Degree Programs with Corporations of the Western (Approved Unanimously) Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) (October, 1992)
AS-2134-93/AA The Necessity of Lower Division Education to the CSU (Approved)
AS-2133-93/FAS Faculty Issues Related to Technology-Mediated Learning (Approved)
AS-2132-93/GA Fee and Financial Aid Policy for CSU Students [Replaced with AS-2148-93/GA, 2149, 2150, 2151, (Withdrawn) 2152]
AS-2131-93/EX Academic Senate CSU Calendar of 1993-94 Meetings (Approved Unanimously) AS-2130-93/CSIP Facilitation of CSU International Education Computer Bulletin Board (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2129-93/FA Opposition to Salary Setting Practices Which are Inequitable to Women in the CSU (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2128-93/CSIP Federal Communications Commission's Proposal for Local Multipoint Distribution Service (Approved Unanimously) (LMDS) – Educational Frequencies
AS-2127-93/TE An Expression of Concern About "A Vision of the New California High School - Second (Approved) to None (March 1992"
AS-2126-93/FA Impact of Special Provisions of the 1992 Early Retirement Incentive Legislation on CSU Hiring (Withdrawn) Practices
AS-2125-93/FA Repayment Policies for Forgivable Loan Participants (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2124-93/FA Endorsement of the Statement in Attachment B of the January 1993 Board of Trustees' Agenda (Approved Unanimously) Item "Procedures for the Selection of Presidents"
AS-2123-93/FA Prevention of Further Erosion of Educational Quality in the CSU (Approved)
AS-2122-93/AA Support for CSU Instruction in English for CSU Students Whose First Language is Not English (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2121-93/AA Project DELTA, Library Buildings, and Technology (Withdrawn)
AS-2120-93/AA Assessment of Perceptions of Campus Climate in Student Needs and Priorities Survey (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2119-93/FA Impact of Special Provisions of Golden Handshake Legislation on CSU Hiring Practices (Withdrawn)
AS-2118-93/FA Faculty Professional Responsibilities (Approved Unanimously) AS-2117-92/Floor Concern Regarding the Project DELTA Workshop (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2116-92/Floor Consultation With the Chancellor (Tabled)
AS-2115-92/AA Library Planning in the CSU (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2114-92/FA Budget Reduction and Layoff Notices at SDSU (Approved)
AS-2113-92/CSIP Commendation for the Commission on Extended Education (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2112-92/FA Note-Taking Businesses in the CSU (Approved)
AS-2111-92/FA Academic Freedom and Artistic Expression (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2110-92/AA Definition of Supplementary Criteria in Impaction (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2109-92/AA Draft Policy Statement (August 30, 1992) on Diversity of the Western Association of Schools (Approved) and Colleges (WASC)
AS-2108-92/Floor (Heisch, Censure of President Day Baker, Barrena, Hegstrom Jenson, Kelly, Marshall, McNeil Miller, Pincu, Randolph, Seleski, Silvers, Thobaben, Young) (Withdrawn)
AS-2107-92/FA Protecting the State's Investment in the CSU Faculty (Approved Unanimously) AS-2106-92/CSIP Project DELTA Proposal: Course Offerings (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2105-92/AA Project DELTA Proposal: Reconsideration of Timeline (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2104-92/AA& CSIP Project DELTA Proposal: Faculty Participation in Curricular Design (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2103-92/TE Effects on School Personnel of Implementation of Duplicate Degree Tuition (SB 1972) (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-2102-92/GA Commendation for the California State University Governmental Affairs office (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2101-92/Pomona Del. Resolution to Honor the Services of Patricia Zambell (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2100-92/Pomona Del. Resolution of Appreciation for Carl Rathmann (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2099-92/Long Beach Del. Commendation for Russel E. Orpet (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2098-92/Stanislaus Del. Commendation for Susan Middleton-Keirn (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2097-92/San Francisco Del. Resolution in Honor of Senator Margo Kasdan (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2096-92/ San Jose Del. Resolution of Commendation for Dr. Phyllis Connolly (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2095-92/ Los Angeles Del. Resolution of Appreciation for Dale Carter (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2094-92/ San Jose Del. Resolution of Commendation for Dr. Stephen Achtenhagen (Approved by Acclamation) AS-2093-92/FA Control of Note-Taking Businesses in the CSU (No Action Taken)
AS-2092-92/GA Relief from Budget Reductions (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2091-92/AA Support for Journal on Teaching and Learning (No Action Taken)
AS-2090-92/GA California Postsecondary Education Commission's Analyses of Options and Alternatives for (Approved Unanimously) California Higher Education
AS-2089-92/AA Concerning the Statement on Preparation in the Visual and Performing Arts Expected of (Approved Without Dissent) Entering Freshmen
AS-2088-92/AA Academic Implications of State-Supported Year Round Operation (YRO) Within the CSU System (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2087-92/CSIP Opposition to AB 3320 (Hayden) (Withdrawn)
AS-2086-92/GA Opposition to Policies Mandating Any Expenditures of Lottery Endowment Funds (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2085-92/GA Support for Proposition 153 (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-2084-92/TE Opposition to Removing Unit Limitations in Teacher Credentialing Programs, SB 1422 (Bergeson) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2083-92/TE Support for Projects Aimed at Building Career Ladders for Paraprofessionals (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2082-92/ Los Angeles Del. Commendation for Francesca (Kiki) Alexander (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2081-92/AA Support of the Statement of Competencies in Languages Other Than (Approved Unanimously) English Expected of Entering Freshmen, Phase II Chinese, Japanese, Russian AS-2080-92/FA Revision and Reaffirmation of Statement of Faculty Professional Responsibility (Tabled)
AS-2079-92/EX Policy Position Regarding 1992-1993 CSU Budget Requests and Proposed Student Fees (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2078-92/TE Endorsement of New Teacher Support and Assistance Projects (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2077-92/AA Support for AB 2364 (Farr): Sales and Use Tax Exemption (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2076-92/AA Support for AB 2276 (Cortese) Libraries: Fines and Fees: Sales and Use Taxes (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2075-92/AA Support for AB 2399 (Woodruff) California State University (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2074-92/GA Opposition to AB 3319 (Hayden: Postsecondary Education (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2073-92/CSIP The Importance of International Students Being Educated Within the CSU (Approved)
AS-2072-92/CSIP Standards for Distance Learning Courses (Tabled)
AS-2071-92/EX Academic Senate CSU Calendar of1992-93- Meetings (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2070-92/FA Review of Sexual Harassment Policies (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2069-92/AA "Draft Statement of WASC Commission Policy on Diversity" by the Accrediting Commission (Approved Unanimously) for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges
AS-2068-92/FA Recruitment and Retention Incentives for Maintaining a High Quality and Diverse Faculty (Approved Unanimously) AS-2067-92/EX Dealing With Reduced Funding: Maintaining the Quality of the Educational Program (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2066-92/AA Support for SB 1115 (Leonard) (Withdrawn)
AS-2065-92/CSIP Support for Increased Number of Tuition Scholarships for International Students (Approved)
AS-2064-92/AA Support for Executive Order on CSU General Education-Breadth Requirements (Supersedes (Approved Without Dissent) Executive Orders 338 and 342)
AS-2063-92/AA S-Factor Course Classification (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2062-92/AA& FA The Student-Athlete in the CSU (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-2061-92/FA Full Funding of Year Round Operation (YRO) Within the CSU System (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2060-92/AA& CSIP Electronic Access and Information Resources in CSU Libraries (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-2059-92/TE Opposition to Combining the Life Science Teaching Credential and Physical Science (Approved) Teaching Credential Into a Single Science Credential
AS-2058-92/FA Issues Raised by the Recent Layoff of Faculty in the Faculty Early Retirement (Approved Without Dissent) Program (FERP) at Two CSU Campuses
AS-2057-92/FA Affirmative Action Recruitment and Retention Incentive (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2056-92/FA Encouraging Open and Non-Threatening Discourse in an Increasingly Culturally Diverse (Approved) Campus Community
AS-2055-92/AA Opposition to Assembly Bill 633 (Hayden): Postsecondary Education: Financing (Approved) AS-2054-91/Floor The Oakland-Berkeley Fire of October 20-21, 1991 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2053-91/TE Support for the Proposed Design for the Preparation and Credentialing of Teachers for (Approved Unanimously) Limited-English-Proficient Students
AS-2052-91/CSIP Implementation of Instructional Technologies Within the CSU (Approved)
AS-2051-91/CSIP Endorsement of Priorities Number 1, 2, 4, and 5: 1. Educational Outreach to Under- served (Approved Without Dissent) Populations, 2. Technical and Professional Education and Reeducation, 4. International Programs, and 5. Distance Approved Without Dissent Education Technologies in the Report, Extended Education in the CSU: a Framework for Action. May 1991, Prepared by the Commission on Extended Education.
AS-2050-91/FA Faculty Professional Development: An Urgent and Timely Request (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2049-91/GA Support for Budget Proposals from the CSU That Appropriately Reflect the Needs of California's (Approved Unanimously) Citizens
AS-2048-91/CSIP Implementation of Distance Learning Pilot Projects as Provided by AB 2033 (Doris Allen) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2047-91/AA Legislation on Tax Exempt Status for CSU Libraries (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2046-91/GA& AA Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act: Support for Student Financial Aid Provisions (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2045-91/GA&AA Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act: Support for Early Intervention Provisions (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2044-91/GA&AA Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act: Support for Graduate Fellowships for Minority (Approved Unanimously) Graduate Students Interested in Becoming Professors
AS-2043-91/AA Editorial Change in the Definition of Critical Thinking for General Education- Breadth Program (Approved Unanimously) AS-2042-91/AA Support for California Conference on Foreign Languages (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-2041-91/AA Non-Credit for Beginning Foreign Language (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2040-91/GA Support for the Establishment of Campus Public Policy Networks (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2039-91/FA Improvements in the CSU Forgivable Loan/Doctoral Incentive Program (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2038-91/FA Support for Efforts to Obtain Judicial Review of AB 702 (Frizzelle) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2037-91/AA Support for an Education Satellite (Approved)
AS-2036-91/AA Support for "Policies and Standards for CSU Campus Library Facilities" (September 15, 1991) (Approved
AS-2035-91/FA Faculty Responsibility for Campus Discussion on Issues of Critical Importance to Higher Education (Withdrawn)
AS-2034-91/FA The Definition of "Indirect Instruction" in the 1991 Memorandum of Understanding Between the (Approved Unanimously) California State University and the California Faculty Association
AS-2033-91/AA Support for Policies and Programs Which Serve Underrepresented Groups Within the CSU (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2032-91/AA Response to the Board of Trustees CSU Agenda Item on the Report of the Asian Pacific American (Approved Unanimously) Education Committee
AS-2031-91/AA Support for the Authorization of the Degree of Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2030-91/FA Use of Difference-in-Pay Leaves to Supplement Full-Time Fellowships (Approved Unanimously) AS-2029-91/FA Flexible Difference-in-Pay Leaves (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2028-91/GA Opposition to AB 2134 (Polanco): Graduate Programs and Studies (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2027-91/GA Opposition to SB 976 as Amended (Hart): Education (Withdrawn)
AS-2026-91/TE Opposition to SB 215 (Craven), Teaching Credentials: Instruction in Self-Contained Classrooms (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2025-91/FA Reorganization of the Office of Faculty and Staff Relations (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2024-91/AA Commendation for Sally Casanova (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2023-91/CSIP Commendation for Harold Hellenbrand (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2022-91/San Bernardino Del. Commendation for Harry Hellenbrand (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2021-91/Fullerton Del. Commendation for Thomas Klammer, Senator from CSU, Fullerton (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2020-91/Hayward Del. Commendation for Arthur Simon (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2019-91/CSIP Commendation for Jay P. Christofferson (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2018-91/Chico Del. Commendation for Susan Gardner (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2017-91/San Diego Del. Posthumous Resolution of Commendation for Senator Lynn H. Peters (Approved by Acclamation) AS-2016-91/Christofferson Commendation for Jacqueline (Jackie) Johnson Stanislaus Del. (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2015-91/EX Commendation for Chancellor Ellis E. McCune (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2014-91/EX Commendation for Trustee Lyman Heine (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-2013-91/GA Opposition to SB 1091 (Hill): PERS Investments (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2012-91/GA Support for SB 1115 (Leonard): Speech and Other Communications on Campus (No Action Taken)
AS-2011-91/GA Support for SB 974 (Hill): Student Athlete Due Process No Action Taken
AS-2010-91/TE Opposition to SB 762 (Johnston): Single Subject Credentials in Drama and Dance (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2009-91/TE Qualified Support for the Concepts Contained in the Preliminary Report of the Commission (Approved) on Teacher Credentialing Advisory Panel for the Study of Ways to Streamline the Credentialing System
AS-2008-91/TE Support for AB 929 (Archie-Hudson) to Continue the Bilingual Teacher Grant Program (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2007-91/TE Opposition to Provisions of AB 795(Vasconcellos) That Are Likely to Lead to the (Approved Unanimously) Requirement that Coursework in Self-Esteem be Included in Teaching Credential Programs
AS-2006-91/TE Proposed Modification in Administration and Provision for Alternatives to Taking the (Approved Unanimously) State Basic Skills Proficiency Test (CBEST)
AS-2005-91/GA Support for AB 2150 (Brown), Post- secondary Education: Educational Equity (Approved Unanimously) AS-2004-91/GA Support for AB 617 (Hayden), Master Plan Omnibus Legislation (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2003-91/CSIP Endorsement of Recommendations in Final Draft "Extended Education in the CSU: (Tabled) A Framework for Action" Prepared by the Commission on Extended Education
AS-2002-91/AA Proposed Revision of WASC Standard 4.B.7 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2001-91/AA Budget Cuts and Intercollegiate Athletics (Approved Unanimously)
AS-2000-91/AA Proposed Title 5 Revisions to Implement the Intersegmental General Education Transfer (Approved Unanimously) Curriculum and Reciprocity between the California State University and the University of California
AS-1999-91/FA Removal of Upper-Age Limits for Teachers (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1998-91/FA Professional Responsibility and Sexual Harassment (Withdrawn)
AS-1997-91/GA Support for SB 121 (Hart): Public Post-secondary Education Transfer Function (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1996-91/EX 1991-92 California State University Budget Shortfall (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1995-91/ AA/FA/TE Support for Recommendations B, E and F in "Articulation of Assessment in Writing: (Approved Unanimously) Intersegmental Recommendations"
AS-1994-91/AA Engineering Programs in the CSU (Approved)
AS-1993-91/ AA/FA/TE Intersegmental Efforts to Improve the Quality of Instruction for Teaching California Students (Approved Without Dissent) Who Have Limited English Language Skills AS-1992-91/AA Proposed Change in the Content/Use of the ELM Examination (Approved)
AS-1991-91/ AA/CSIP Policies and Practices to Meet the Needs of Older, Part-Time Students (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1990-91/AA C Grades in Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1989-91/GA Support for AB 257 (Hayden) and for SB 119 (Hart), Higher Education Facilities Bond (Approved Unanimously) Act of June 1992
AS-1988-91/AA Qualified Support for Enriching California's Future: Asian Pacific Americans in the CSU, (Approved Without Dissent) A Report of the Asian Pacific American Education Advisory Committee
AS-1987-91/AA Recommendations on Study of Graduate Education (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1986-91/EX 1991-92 Schedule of Academic Senate Meetings (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1985-91/Fullerton Del. Recognition for George Watson, Senate Member from CSU, Fullerton (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1984-91/AA Support for Admissions Advisory Council Recommendations (Approved)
AS-1983-91/GA Support for Proposed Legislation to Allow Tax Deductions for Donations of Computer (Approved) Software and Maintenance
AS-1982-91/CSIP Communication Process (Withdrawn)
AS-1981-91/AA CSU Policy on Collegiality and Consultative Procedures (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1980-91/AA CSU Policy on Non-Discrimination and ROTC Programs (Approved Unanimously) AS-1979-91/AA Modification of General Education Certification Policy: Full- and Subject Area Certification (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1978-90/FA Security of on-Campus Professional Property of Faculty and Retired Faculty (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1977-90/FA The Educational Implications of the Use of Temporary Faculty in Faculty Positions in (Approved) the CSU in 1990 and Beyond
AS-1976-90/FA Leaves of Absence for California State University Faculty to Serve in the California (Approved) State Legislature
AS-1975-90/FA Support for "Campus Climate: Toward Appreciating Diversity, "A Report Prepared for (Approved Unanimously) the CSU by the Panel of Experts on Campus Climate
AS-1974-90/AA & FA Staffing Formula Work Group (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1973-90/CSIP Recommendation to Suspend CSU Israel Study Program (Tabled)
AS-1972-90/CSIP Proposed Revisions to Executive Order No. 486, CSU Policy on Student Air Travel (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1971-90/AA Proposed Policy for Testing Students With Disabilities in the EPT/ELM/EEE and GWAR (Approved Unanimously) Programs
AS-1970-90/TE Opposition to Non-Germane Requirements in the New Single Subject Waiver Program (Approved) Standards Being Developed by Advisory Panels to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing
AS-1969-90/TE Endorsement of the Draft "Report of the Accreditation Advisory Council" Prepared (Approved) by the CTC Accreditation Advisory Council
AS-1968-90/CSIP Health Insurance for International Students (Approved Without Dissent) AS-1967-90/AA Reorganization of (CCR) Computing and Communications Resources Office (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1966-90/EX On September 7th a Star Was Born (Deborah Hennessy) (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1965-90/GA Resolution of Commendation for Senator LeVell Holmes (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1964-90/AA Support for "A Framework for Implementation of the Intersegmental General (Approved) Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC)"
AS-1963-90/FA Commendation of Dean Judith Hunt (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1962-90/EX Amendment to CSU Academic Senate Constitution (Tabled)
AS-1961-90/ACSP A Resolution to Honor Joseph Weatherby (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1960-90/San Luis Obispo Del. Commendation for Joseph Weatherby (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1959-90/Fresno Del. Commendation for Ganesha Visweswaran (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1958-90/San Diego Del. Resolution of Appreciation for Professor William Phillips (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1957-90/ERFA Commendation of Leonard Mathy (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1956-90/Sacramento Del. A Resolution to Honor the Service of Jo Lonam (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1955-90/Northridge Del. Resolution of Commendation for Senator Kenneth Jones (Approved by Acclamation) AS-1954-90/Pomona Del. A Resolution to Honor the Service of Gene L. Houser (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1953-90/Los Angeles Del. Resolution of Commendation for Howard P. Holladay (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1952-90/Humboldt Del. Resolution of Commendation for Senator Simon Green (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1951-90/EX Commendation of Ray Geigle (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1950-90/TE Support for AB 3143 (Hughes): California Teacher Corps (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1949-90/GA Resolution Opposing AB 3993 (W. Brown) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1948-90/TE Support for AB 4321 (Lempert): The California Teaching Career Exploration Program (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1947-90/TE Support for AB 3120 (Lempert): to Change Teachers' Eligibility to Take the (Approved Unanimously) State Approved Language Development Specialist Examination
AS-1946-90/GA Support for AB 3237 (Chacon) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1945-90/TE Support for AB 4308 (Hayden): Project Teach Program (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1944-90/EX The CSU Central Administration in Transition (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1943-90/AA Accreditation: a Statement of Principles (Withdrawn)
AS-1942-90/ACSP Inventory of Credit-Bearing, Campus-Based Study-Abroad Programs (Approved Unanimously) AS-1941-90/ACSP Criteria for the Suspension or Restoration of CSU International Opportunities for (Approved Unanimously) Faculty and Students
AS-1940-90/GA Opposition to AB 3464 (Hayden): Higher Education Assessment Act of 1990 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1939-90/AA CSU Policy on Non-Discrimination and Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Programs (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1938-90/EX 1990-91 Schedule of Academic Senate Meetings (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1937-90/ACSP Procedure for the Use of Faculty Exchange Program Travel Funds (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1936-90/ACSP Resolution to Facilitate Student Services for Students Participating in Programs Off (Approved Unanimously) Campus (Domestic and Abroad)
AS-1935-90/ACSP Support for the Report, "Mission, Challenge, and Opportunity: The California (Approved Unanimously) State University in the Information Age"
AS-1934-90/FA& AA Tuition Waiver or Reduction for Nonresident and Foreign Students (Approved)
AS-1933-90/FA Faculty Housing and Faculty Recruitment (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1932-90/GA& AA Support for AB 2543 (Tanner) College Preparation and College Admissions Test Preparation (Approved Unanimously) Program
AS-1931-90/FA Prevention of Sexual Harassment (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1930-90/TE Multicultural Education for Prospective Teachers and for All Baccalaureate Degree (Approved Unanimously) Recipients in the California State University
AS-1929-90/AA Request for Clarification of Requirements for Revising the Academic Calendar to (Approved Unanimously) Respond to Emergency Closure AS-1928-90/AA Postponement of Proposals to Authorize Doctoral Programs in Education Offered (Approved Without Dissent) Independently by Faculties in the California State University
AS-1927-90/GA Support for SB 989 (Watson): Minority Program of Loan Advancement and Loan Redemption (Withdrawn)
AS-1926-90/GA Support for SB 1912 (Bergeson): Campus Lighting Standards (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1925-90/GA Support for AB 2784 (Bader): Implementation of the Review of the Master Plan for Higher (Approved Unanimously) Education
AS-1924-90/AA Request for Postponement by the CSU Board of Trustees of its Action Item on the (Approved Unanimously) Independent Doctorate in Education
AS-1923-90/ACSP Bylaws Revision: Change in Name and Responsibilities of the Advisory Committee on Statewide (Approved Unanimously) Programs
AS-1922-90/AA CSU Conference on "The State of the Art in AIDS Education" (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1921-90/GA Support for Proposition 121 (Higher Education Facilities Bond Act of June 1990) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1920-90/GA Support for AB 2564 (O'Connell), "Bank and Corporation Taxes: Qualified Research (Approved Unanimously) Contributions"
AS-1919-90/GA Support for Market Value in the Appraisal of Art Donations (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1918-90/FA Commendation for the Systemwide Emergency Preparedness Committee (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1917-90/AA Qualified Support of a Revised 37-Unit General Education Transfer Curriculum (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1916-90/FA Management Salary Increases (Approved) AS-1915-90/AA Response to "Recommendations on Graduate Education in the California State University (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1914-90/ACSP Support for the Report of the Commission on Instructional Technology (Draft 7B, February, (Approved Unanimously) 1990)
AS-1913-90/AA Response to the Report on "Faculty Involvement in Student Retention and Advising" (Approved)
AS-1912-90/AA Campus Policies on Gifts and Associations (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1911-90/AA "Student Outcomes Assessment in the California State University" (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1910-90/AA Proposed Biology Preparatory Curriculum (Approved)
AS-1909-90/TE Enhancing Faculty Cooperation in California Higher Education (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1908-90/AA Condemnation of Plagiarism and Research Paper Sales (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1907-90/AA Support for Women's Centers and Re-Entry Programs (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1906-90/TE Continued CSU Participation in the Intersegmental Faculty Seminar (Approved)
AS-1905-90/FA Under-funding of the California State University (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1904-90/FA Support for Disabled Employees (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1903-90/FA Educational Equity and the Recruitment of a High Quality Faculty (Approved Unanimously) AS-1902-90/FA Support for New Faculty Positions to Recruit High Quality Faculty (Approved)
AS-1901-90/FA Budgetary Concerns in the Recruitment and Retention of a High Quality Faculty (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1900-90/FA Recruitment and Retention of High Quality Faculty (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1899-90/FA Planning for the Recruitment and Retention of High Quality Faculty (Approved)
AS-1898-89/FA Campus Faculty Involvement in Awarding Honorary Degrees (Approved)
AS-1897-89/FA Improvement of Presidential Search Advisory Committee Procedures (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1896-89/AA Support for the Report on Impaction and Redirection (Undergraduate Students) April, 1989 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1895-89/GA Qualified Support for SB 1570 (Nielsen): Public Postsecondary Education: Missions (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1894-89/GA Qualified Support for SB 507 (Hart): Public Postsecondary Education Transfer Functions (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1893-89/AA The California State University Growth Plan, 1990-2005 (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1892-89/GA Support for CSU Academic Senate White Paper on "Principles of Legislative CSU Academic (Withdrawn) Senate Interaction on Higher Education Public Policy Issues"
AS-1891-89/AA Support for "California's Limited English Language Students: An Intersegmental Agenda" (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1890-89/AA Student Outcomes Assessment (Withdrawn) AS-1889-89/ACSP Criteria for Establishment, Maintenance, Suspension, and Restoration of CSU Study Abroad (Approved Unanimously) Programs Where Health, Safety, or Social/Political Concerns May Affect the Program
AS-1888-89/TE Facilitating Subject Matter Waiver Program Reciprocity Among CSU Teaching Credential (Approved) Programs
AS-1887-89/FA Increase in Parking Fees for Unit 3 Faculty (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1886-89/GA Support for SCA 1, Traffic Congestion Relief and Spending Limitation Act of 1990 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1885-89/Sonoma Del. The Establishment of the CSU Academic Senate's Rhetorician Award (Commendation for Robert (Approved by Acclamation) Tellander)
AS-1884-89/ACSP Commendation for Robert Tellander (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1883-89/ Northridge Del. Commendation for Albert Baca (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1882-89/ Los Angeles Del. Commmendation for Frieda Stahl (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1881-89/EX Commendation for Virginia Ann Shadwick (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1880-89/AA Support for Transfer Reciprocity of Lower Division General Education Programs With the (Approved Unanimously) University of California
AS-1879-89/AA Support for Transfer Reciprocity of Lower Division General Education Programs Within the (Approved Without Dissent) California State University
AS-1878-89/TE Opposition to AB 2065 (Clute): Anabolic Steroids, and a Suggestion to Health Education Faculty (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1877-89/TE Comment on the Teacher Credentialing Aspects of SB 1357 (Torres): Torres Omnibus California (Approved) Schools Hate Violence Reduction Act of 1989 AS-1876-89/TE Support for SB 1636 (Roberti): California School Employee Teacher Training Scholarship (Approved Unanimously) Program
AS-1875-89/TE Opposition to AB 953 (Killea): Teacher Assignments and Credentials, Unless Amended (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1874-89/TE Support for AB 1215 (Clute), to Revise the Requirement that Certain Faculty Participate Actively (Approved Unanimously) in Public Schools
AS-1873-89/GA Legislation Affecting Diploma Mills in Private Postsecondary Education in California (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1872-89/TE Opposition to Provisions on Student Financial Aid of S-3, the Bill Entitled Citizenship and (Approved) National Service Act of 1989/90
AS-1871-89/FA Teaching Skills for New Faculty (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1870-89/TE Qualified Support for AB 2039(Woodruff) Requiring CPR Training for a Teaching Credential (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1869-89/TE Support and Proposed Amendments for SB 156 (Greene): Teacher Assistant Degree Program (Approved) in the Community Colleges
AS-1868-89/AA Support of the Student Services Master Plan (Failed)
AS-1867-89/FA Eligibility for Trustees' Outstanding Professor Award (Approved)
AS-1866-89/GA& ACSP Concurrent Enrollment (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1865-89/GA California Residency Status for Fees and Tuition for Military Personnel and Their Dependents (Approved)
AS-1864-89/AA Children's Centers and Child Study Centers in the CSU (Approved Unanimously) AS-1863-89/AA Support for Transfer Reciprocity of Lower Division General Education Programs Within the (Withdrawn) California State University and With the University of California
AS-1862-89/ACSP& AA Inclusion of CSU International Programs in Campus Catalogs (Approved)
AS-1861-89/ACSP Faculty Conference on Internationalizing the Curriculum (Approved)
AS-1860-89/ACSP Teaching with High Technology in the CSU (Approved)
AS-1859-89/EX Bylaws Revision: Establishment of the Teacher Education Committee (Approved)
AS-1858-89/ACSP Request for Task Force to Study Visa Student Needs (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1857-89/ACSP Encouragement for Cooperative Efforts in the Development of State Funded Campus-Based (Approved Unanimously) Study-Abroad Programs in the California State University
AS-1856-89/AA Endorsement of "Statement on Competencies and Preparation in Social Sciences - History" (Withdrawn)
AS-1855-89/GA& AA Support of AB 48 (Hughes): Education: Mathematics, Engineering, and Science Achievement (Approved Unanimously) Program
AS-1854-89/TE Support for a Summer Intersegmental Faculty Seminar on Teaching in Lower Division General (Approved) Education
AS-1853-89/AA Support of Continued Discussions with the Intersegmental Committee of the Academic Senates (Approved Without Dissent) Regarding the General Education Transfer Curriculum
AS-1852-89/FA Presidential Search Advisory Committee (Approved)
AS-1851-89/EX 1989/90 Schedule of Academic Senate Meetings (Approved Unanimously) AS-1850-89/AA Support of the "Report of the English as a Second Language Workgroup" (Approved)
AS-1849-89/AA Baccalaureate Credit for Elementary Foreign Language Study (Approved)
AS-1848-89/ACSP Review of Executive Order 486(Student Air Travel) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1847-89/TE California State University Conference on a Research Agenda for Teaching and Learning in K-12 (Approved Unanimously) Schools
AS-1846-89/GA Support for Efforts to Modify or Eliminate Article XII1-B (Gann Limit) of the California State (Approved Unanimously) Constitution
AS-1845-89/TE Endorsement of Proposed Changes in Conditions for Admission to CSU Basic Teaching (Approved Unanimously) Credential Programs
AS-1844-89/FA Campus Safety (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1843-89/FA Establishment of a Retired Tenured Faculty Senator in the Academic Senate CSU (Failed)
AS-1842-89/AA Support of the General Education Transfer Curriculum (Approved)
AS-1841-89/AA Full and Subject Area Certification of the General Education Transfer Curriculum (Approved)
AS-1840-89/AA Baccalaureate Credit for Elementary Foreign Language Study (Withdrawn)
AS-1839-88/Floor (Highsmith, Amendment to the Bylaws Regarding Election Procedures for the Academic Senate CSU Barnes, Cohen, Peters, Yarnall) (Failed) AS-1838-88/GA Opposition to Proposition 98 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1837-88/ACSP Endorsement of the Draft of the Executive Order on State Funded Campus Study Abroad (Approved) Programs in the CSU
AS-1836-89/ACSP Endorsement of the Draft Statement "A Practical Guide: Standards and Procedures for State (Approved Unanimously) Funded Campus Based Study Abroad Programs"
AS-1835-88/TE Continuation of Master Teacher Training Workshops (Approved)
AS-1834-88/AA Child Care Services for the Children of Student Parents in the CSU (Withdrawn)
AS-1833-88/TE Facilitating Transfer of Course Credit for the Liberal Studies Multiple Subjects Teaching (Approved Unanimously) Credential Waiver Program
AS-1832-88/FA Support for Access to Child Care Services for Faculty (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1831-88/FA Support for the Recommendations of the Study of Child Care Services (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1830-88/AA & FA All-University Responsibility for Competency in Writing (Approved)
AS-1829-88/FA Faculty Role in the Establishment of New Campuses (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1828-88/AA "Waiver" Guidelines for the CSU Foreign Language Admission Requirement (Approved)
AS-1827-88/GA Resolution of Commendation for the CSU Office of Governmental Affairs (Withdrawn)
AS-1826-88/GA Opposition to Proposition 102 (Dannemeyer) (Approved) AS-1825-88/GA The Higher Education Facilities Bond Act of 1988 (Proposition 78) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1824-88/GA Resolution in Favor of Proposition 99 (Tobacco Tax and Health Protection Act) (Approved)
AS-1823-88/FA Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity, and Faculty Professional Development (Referred Back to Committee)
AS-1822-88/ San Bernardino Del. Resolution of Commendation for Carol Goss (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1821-88/ San Francisco Del. Resolution of Commendation for Bernard Goldstein (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1820-88/EX Resolution of Commendation for Stan Cook (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1819-88/ Los Angeles Del. Resolution of Commendation for Rosemarie Marshall (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1818-88/ Sacramento Del. Resolution of Commendation for Peter Shattuck (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1817-88/EX Resolution of Commendation for Ed Matzdorff (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1816-88/ Hayward Del Resolution of Commendation for Senator Elwood Brooks (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1815-88/ Los Angeles Del. Resolution of Commendation for Eloise King (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1814-88/EX Resolution of Commendation for Dr. Kibbey M. Horne (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1813-88/ Fresno Del. Resolution of Commendation for Margaret Thorburn (Approved by Acclamation) AS-1812-88/GA Support of the Intent of ACR 126 and AB 4071 (Approved)
AS-1811-88/AA Assessment (No Action Taken)
AS-1810-88/TE Materials to Assist Faculty in Developing Procedures for Assessing Subject Matter Competency (Approved Unanimously) of Prospective Teachers
AS-1809-88/TE Support for AB 2707 (Hughes): Eligibility for Cal Grant Award Renewal By Post- Baccalaureate (Approved Unanimously) Initial Teaching Credential Candidates
AS-1808-88/AA Support of the Intent of AB 4130 (Hayden): Liberty Scholarship Program (Approved)
AS-1807-88/AA Statement on Competencies in Mathematics Expected of Entering Freshmen (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1806-88/AA AB 3973 (Chacon): Community Colleges' Nomination of Students for EOP Grants (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1805-88/AA All-University Responsibility for Competency in Writing (Referred to Committee)
AS-1804-88/AA Classification of Undergraduate Courses (Withdrawn)
AS-1803-88/AA Reclassification of Composition (Approved)
AS-1802-88/1E Qualified Support for SB 148 (Bergeson): Teacher Credentialing (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1801-88/TE Endorsement of the Draft Statement of Principles Regarding Teacher Education (Approved Unanimously) Legislation
AS-1800-88/GA Implementation of the Master Plan Report and Recommendations Approved By Consent AS-1799-88/GA AB 2019 (Hayden): CSU Mission (Withdrawn)
AS-1798-88/EX Support for 1988 General Obligation Outlay Bonds for Higher Education (Withdrawn)
AS-1797(B)-8B/AA Library Equipment Needs (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1797(A)-88/GA & ACSP Opposition to Payback on Concurrent Enrollment (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1796-88/FA Campus Responsibilities in Collegial Governance (Approved)
AS-1795-88/FA Proposed 1988-89 Lottery Revenue Budget (Approved)
AS-1794-88/GA Support for the Government Spending Limitation and Accountability Act of 1988 (Approved Unanimously) (Proposition 71)
AS-1793-88/FA Single Station Faculty Office Priority (Approved By Consent)
AS-1792-88/FA Guidelines for Distribution of Lottery Revenue (Approved By Consent)
AS-1791-88/AA The Decline in Quality of Library Holdings (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1790-88/FA Faculty Role in the Development of New Campuses (Referred to Committee) See AS 1929-88/FA (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1789-88/AA Support of the General Education Transfer Curriculum (Approved) AS-1788-88/TE Proposed Revision of Requirements for Adding a Supplementary Authorization to a Valid (Approved) Teaching Credential
AS-1787-88/Floor (Faculty Phasing-in of the CSU Admissions Requirement Course Pattern Members of the Admissions Advisory Council) (Approved)
AS-1786-88/GA Exploring the Feasibility of CSU Participation in the Establishment of California (Approved Unanimously) Centers for Manufacturing Competitiveness
AS-1785-88/EX 1988-89 Schedule of Senate Meetings (Approved)
AS-1784-88/GA Opposition to “Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome - AIDS, Initiative Statute” (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1783-88/AA Recommended Guidelines for General Education Programs in High-Prerequisite Majors (Approved)
AS-1782-88/EX Extension of Interim Status for the Teacher Education Advisory Committee Through 1988-89 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1781-88/AA & FA Lottery Revenue Budget Development (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1780-88/FA The Growth of Administration in the California State University (Approved)
AS-1779-88/FA 1987 “Statement on Professional Ethics” of the American Association of University Professors (Approved By Consent)
AS-1778-88/TE Opportunities to Increase Collaborative Activities Involving Education Faculty and Other Faculty (Approved)
AS-1777-88/TE The Use of School of Education Faculty Members as Resources (Approved) AS-1776-88/AA ‘The Master Plan Renewed”: Facilitating Transfer and Retention of Transfer Students in the (Approved) California State University
AS-1775-88/AA Accelerated Implementation of the California Articulation Number System (CAN) on CSU (Approved Unanimously) Campuses
AS-1774-87/Floor (Biggs, Earthquake Response Charnofsky, Cohen, Tellander, Watson, Wilcox) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1773-87/EX Criteria and Procedures for the Nomination of the Faculty Trustee (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1772-87/FA Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity and Faculty Professional Development: (Referred to Joint FA & AA Academic Senate Summary Writing Committees)
AS-1771-87/AA & GA Academic Governance in the CSU and “The Master Plan Renewed” (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1770-87/TEAC & AA Improvement of the Teaching of Science in Elementary Schools (Approved)
AS-1769-87/ACSP, AA, FA, & GA Alumni and Faculty Partnership Seminar Series (Approved)
AS-1768-87/AA & GA Support for the Mission of the California State University as Defined in “the Master Plan (Approved) Renewed’
AS-1767-87/1EAC The Commission on Teacher Credentialing’s ‘Revised Standards of Program Quality for (Approved Unanimously) Multiple Subjects Waiver Programs”
AS-1766-87/ACSP Approval and Implementation of the“Guidelines for the Establishment, Administration, and (Approved Unanimously) Evaluation of Campus-Based Study-Abroad Credit Programs for CSU Students’
AS-1765-87/FA Eligibility for Difference-in-Pay Leaves (Approved Unanimously) AS-1764-87/ACSP Directory of Campus-Based Study-Abroad Credit Programs (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1763-87/ACSP Membership of the Academic Council on International Programs (AC1P) (Approved)
AS-1762-87/FA “The Master Plan Renewed”: Resources for Enhancing Teaching Excellence (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1761-87/FA Recruitment of Underrepresented Minorities and Women to Faculty and Administrative (Approved Unanimously) Positions
AS-1760-87/FA “The Master Plan Renewed”: Necessary Resources for Enhanced Quality in the CSU (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1759-87/AA The Place of Student Community Service (Human Corps) Within the University (Approved)
AS-1758-87/GAC Support for Amendment of Article XIIIB of the California Constitution (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1757-87/AA Response to “Policy Guidelines - Athletic Governance and Financing” (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1756-87/GAC “The Master Plan Renewed” (Approved Unanimously)
Senate Staff Farewell to Bernie Goldstein - the World’s “Bestest” Chair (Deborah Hennessy, Andrea Cullins, Harriet Einhorn, Gina Worthington)
AS-1755-87/ Sonoma Del. Resolution of Commendation for Robert Brown (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1754-87/ San Bernardino Del Resolution of Commendation for Frederick Newton (Approved by Acclamation) AS-1753-87/ Academic Senate Resolution of Commendation for Estelle Goldstein (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1752-87/ San Jose Del. (Approved by Acclamation) Resolution of Commendation for Robert Wilson
AS-1751-87/ Los Angeles Del. Resolution of Commendation for Eloise King (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1750-87/ Fresno Del. Resolution of Commendation for John Donaldson (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1749-87/ Hayward Del. Resolution of Commendation for Bruce Glasrud (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1748-87/ Northridge Del. Resolution of Commendation for Elizabeth Brady (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1747-87/EX Resolution of Commendation for Bernard Goldstein (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1746-87/AA Guidelines for Area E of the General Education-Breadth Requirements (No Action Taken)
AS-1745-87/FA and AA The Faculty Role in the Development of Transfer Role Curriculum (No Action Taken)
AS-1744-87/AA Student-Faculty Ratio (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1743-87/AA Opposition to AB 51: American Sign Language (Approved)
AS-1742-87/AA The Role of Library Personnel in Decisions Concerning Library Computer Technology (Approved Unanimously) AS-1741-87/TE Qualified Support for AB 2064 (Hayden): California Teacher Service Fellowship Corps (Approved)
AS-1740-87/TE The Subject Matter Preparation of Elementary Teachers (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1739-87/CA Dissolution of the Consortium Advisory Committee (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1738-87/CA Assessing the Needs of Non-Traditional Students (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1737-87/TE Initial Reaction to the Teacher Preparation Aspects of AB 2619 (Vasconcellos) and SB 1677 (Approved) (Presley) as Originally Introduced
AS-1736-87/GA Support of Budget Language (1987-88) Regarding the Human Corps (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1735-87/GA Revision of Article X111B (Gann) of the California State Constitution (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1734-87/GA Qualified Support for AB 1820 (Vasconcellos; Principal Co-Author Hayden) on the Human (Approved) Corps
AS-1733-87/GA Support for AB 672 (Vasconcellos) (Approved)
AS-1732-87/GA Support for Implementation of the Comprehensive Course Pattern of High School (Approved) Preparation
AS-1731-87/FA Temporary, Acting, Or Interim Administrative Appointments (Approved)
AS-1730-87/AA Endorsement of Recommendations of the Report of the English Placement Test Evaluation (Approved Unanimously) Committee AS-1729-87/AA Baccalaureate Credit for Courses in Trigonometry (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1728-87/AA Master Plan for the California State University Libraries (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1727-87/AA and FA The Role of Faculty Scholarship in the Comprehensive University (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1726-87/AA Student Outcomes Assessment (Tabled)
AS-1725-87/AA and FA Position Paper on Faculty Professional Development (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1724-87/TE Principles Regarding the Use of Standardized Testing in the Assessment of Qualifications (Approved) for the Receipt of a Teaching Credential
AS-1723-87/AA Access to Postsecondary Education in California (Approved)
AS-1722-87/EX Reinterpretation of the Law Pertaining to University-Based Medical Technology Education (Approved Unanimously) Programs AS-1721-87/FA 1987 Report on Sabbaticals (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1720-87/CA Bylaws Change for the Statewide Academic Senate Relating to Standing Committees (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1719-87/AA Guidelines for Determining Baccalaureate-Level Coursework (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1718-87/TE Extension of Interim Status for the Teacher Education Advisory Committee Through (Approved Unanimously) 1987-88
AS-1717-87/EX Campus Budget Advisory Committees (Approved Unanimously) AS-1716-87/FA Participation in the Early Retirement Program (Golden Handshake) for Faculty in the CSU (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1715-87/AA Report of the Commission on the Pacific Rim (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1714-87/EX 1987-1988 Schedule of Academic Senate Meetings (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1713-87/GA The Future of Concurrent Enrollment (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1712-87/FA Establishment of Emeritus Status in the CSU (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1711-87/TE and AA Recruitment of Underrepresented Minorities Into K-12 Teaching Credential Programs (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1710-87/CA and AA CSU and Community Colleges Cooperative Degree and Certificate Programs (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1709-87/AA Representation of Women in Mathematics, Sciences, and Engineering (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1708-87/AA Guidelines for the Establishment, Administration, and Evaluation of Study-Abroad Credit (Approved Unanimously) Programs for CSU Students
AS-1707-87/AA Review of the Current Faculty Budget Formulae (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1706-87/AA Transfer Admission Policies for the California State University (Approved)
AS-1705-87/AA Development of Broad-Based Abilities and Skills in Students (Approved)
AS-1704-87/FA and AA Review of the Effect of Specialized Accreditations on Curriculum (Approved Unanimously) AS-1703-86/FA The Educational Implications of the Use of Temporary Faculty in Faculty Positions in the (Approved Unanimously) CSU
AS-1702-86/GA Discussion Topics for Legislative Colloquy (No Action Taken)
AS-1701-86/GA Financing Postsecondary Education in California (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1700-86/FA Annual Teacher-Scholar Institute (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1699-86/CA Community Colleges and CSU "2 + 2" Cooperative B.A. Degree Programs (Withdrawn)
AS-1698-86/CA Guidelines for Franchised Statewide Programs (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1697-86/CA Guidelines for the Transfer of Consortium Programs (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1696-86/TE and AA Certification of Subject Matter Competence Prior to Admission to Student Teaching (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1695-86/TE and AA Review and Improvement of CSU Diversified Programs for the Multiple Subjects Credential (Approved Unanimously) Waiver
AS-1694-86/FA Support for Teaching in the CSU (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1693-86/FA and AA Faculty Participation in System Level Review of Proposed Degree Programs (Approved)
AS-1692-86/FA Recommendations Regarding Executive Review Policies and Procedures (Approved Unanimously) AS-1691-86/AA International Students in the CSU (Approved)
AS-1690-86/FA Faculty Professional Development (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1689-86/GA Support of Proposition 56: Higher Education Facilities Bond Act of 1986 (Supported Without Dissent by the Executive Committee with advice from its Governmental Affairs, Academic Affairs, and Faculty Affairs Committees)
AS-1688-86/EX Resolution of Commendation for Heather Salvatori Tompkins (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1687-86/FA Developmental Paper Separation of Rank and Salary (Approved)
AS-1686-86/FA and AA Opposition to Proposition 64 (AIDS Initiative) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1685-86/GA and AA Opposition to Proposition 61 (Gann Pay Initiative) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1684-86/CAC The Reorganization of the Consortium (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1683-86/ Stanislaus Del. Resolution of Commendation for H. Dieter Renning (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1682-86/ Sacramento Del. Resolution of Commendation for William R. Neuman (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1681-86/ San Diego Del. Resolution of Commendation for Robert L. Benjamin (Approved by Acclamation) AS-1680-86/ San Diego Del. Resolution of Commendation for C. Dale Johnson (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1679-86/ Long Beach Del. Resolution of Commendation for Nicholas “Perk” Hardeman (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1678-86/Academic Resolution of Commendation for David C. Cohen Affairs Committee (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1677-86/ Resolution of Commendation for Ray Pimentel San Jose Del. (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1676-86/ Resolution of Commendation for Clair Jennett San Jose Del. (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1675-86/ Resolution of Commendation for Barton C. Olsen San Luis Obispo Del. (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1674-86/AA SB 2409 (Hart): Foreign Languages Instruction (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1673-86/FA Editorial Emendation of AS-1468-84/EX, “Criteria for Nominees for Faculty Trustee” (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1672-86/FA Support of Summary Recommendations of the Self-Study Subcommittee on the (Approved Unanimously) Faculty
AS-1671-86/FA Support of Summary Recommendations of the Self-Study Subcommittee on (Approved) Governance and Academic Freedom
AS-1670-86/FA Tying Tenure and Promotion (Withdrawn) AS-1669-86/FA Developmental Paper on Change in Title 5 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1668-86/AA SB 1556 (Montoya): Injury and Athletic Scholarships (Withdrawn)
AS-1667-86/AA SB 1534 (Montoya): Five-Year Athletic Scholarships Referred to Academic Affairs Committee
AS-1666-86/AA Recommendation of the California Community Colleges Reassessment Study: General (Approved Unanimously) Education Transfer Core Curriculum
AS-1665-86/AA Recommendations of the California Community Colleges Reassessment Study: Assessment (Approved Unanimously) and Placement in Remedial Courses
AS-1664-86/AA Library Space Deficits and Joint Tenancy (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1663-86/EX Academic Senate of the California State University Self-Study of Undergraduate Education (Approved Unanimously) in the CSU
AS-1662-86/AA Academic Senate of the California State University Self-Study of Undergraduate Education (Approved Unanimously) Recommendation: CSU Teacher- Scholar Institute
AS-1661-86/FA Academic Senate Opposition to SB 1679 (Russell) (Withdrawn)
AS-1660-86/FA Relationship Between Tenure and Promotion (Withdrawn)
AS-1659-86/FA Developmental Paper on Length of Probationary Period (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1658-86/AA Academic Senate of the California State University Self-Study of Undergraduate Education (Approved Unanimously) Recommendations: the General Education Breadth Program AS-1657-86/AA Academic Master Planning and Program Review (Withdrawn)
AS-1656-86/AA Academic Senate of the California State University Self-Study of Undergraduate Education (Approved Unanimously) Recommendations: Excellence in Teaching
AS-1655-86/AA Endorsement of “Statement on Competencies in Languages Other Than English Approved Without Dissent Expected of Entering Freshmen: Phase I - French, German, Spanish”
AS-1654-86/GA Approval of Higher Education Programs Offered in California By Out-of-State Institutions (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1653-86/GA Ad Hoc Committee to Study Concurrent Enrollment Problems (Approved)
AS-1652-86/AA Academic Senate of the California State University Self-Study of Undergraduate Education (Approved Unanimously) Recommendation: Academic Advising
AS-1651-86/FA Developmental Paper on Student Evaluation of Instruction (Approved)
AS-1650-86/EX 1986-1987 Schedule of Academic Senate Meetings Approved Without Dissent
AS-1649-86/EX Support for Underrepresented Minority Students Taking the SAT or ACT (Withdrawn)
AS-1648-86/AA Policy on Conditional Admissions of First-Time Freshmen to Phase in the 1988 CSU Subject (Approved) Requirements and to Govern Application of English and Mathematics Requirements in 1986 and 1987
AS-1647-86/AA Support for AB 2617 (Brown) Concerning Educational Opportunity Program Grants (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1646-86/AA Advice Concerning the “Statement on Competencies in Languages Other Than English Expected (Withdrawn) of Entering Freshmen: Phase I - French, German, Spanish” AS-1645-86/AA Support for the California Articulation Number System (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1644-86/AA Guidelines for Deacquisition of Library Holdings (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1643-86/AA Support of the International Baccalaureate Program (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1642(B)-86/FA Emeritus Faculty (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1641(B)-86/EX and FA Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act (HEERA) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1642(A)-85/Flr Initial Bargaining Proposal - CSU(October 28, 1985) (Hardeman) (Approved)
AS-1641(A)-85/Flr (Brady, Ediger, Support for an Early Retirement Program for the Faculty Glasrud, Goss, Jennett, Jenson, Renning, Wilcox) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1640-86/GA Statement of Legislative Principles (Approved)
AS-1639-86/FA “Accuracy in Academia” (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1638-86/EX Review of Consortium Issues (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1637-86/FA CSU Public Notice Approved Without Dissent
AS-1636-86/FA Initial Bargaining Proposal - CFA (Approved) AS-1635-86/FA Resolution on Article 12, CFA Initial Bargaining Proposal (Withdrawn)
AS-1634-86/FA Assigned Time for Faculty Governance Approved Without Dissent
AS-1633-86/GA Allocation of Lottery Funds in the CSU Approved Without Dissent
AS-1632-85/Flr (Spear) Parking at CSU Headquarters (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1631-85/Senate Resolution of Commendation for Dorothy Miller (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1630-86/FA Resolution on Professional Responsibility and Sexual Harassment (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1629-86/FA Resolution on Scholarly and Professional Activity (Approved)
AS-1628-86/FA Resolution Regarding the CFA Contract Opener (Withdrawn)
AS-1627-85/AA Support for AB 906 (Hughes) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1626-85/FA Academic Senate Involvement in CSU Compliance with ACR 44 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1625-85/FA Academic Senate Involvement in Data Gathering for ACR 23 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1624-85/FA Sabbaticals in the CSU (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1623-85/EX CSU Policies Prohibiting Arbitrary Discrimination Against AIDS Victims (Approved) AS-1622-85/EX Report of the Task Force on the Role of Athletics in the CSU (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1621-85/FA Evaluation of Tenured Faculty (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1620-85/AA Articulation of the Basic Child Development Course Among the Segments (Withdrawn)
AS-1619-85/AA Conditional Admission Policy for Students With Discrepancies Between High School Course (Approved) Preparation and the Comprehensive Pattern of Collegiate Preparation
AS-1618-85/AA Comprehensive Pattern of Collegiate Preparation for Entering CSU Freshmen (Approved) Commencing Fall, 1988
AS-1617-85/AA The California State University Mission Statement (Approved)
AS-1616-85/AA Commendation for the English Equivalency Examination Program (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1615-85/AA Financial Planning for Postsecondary Educational Goals (Withdrawn)
AS-1614-85/AA “Survey of Student Needs and Priorities in the California State University 1984” (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1613-85/AA Initial Reaction to “Hispanics and Higher Education: a CSU Imperative” (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1612-85/FA Independent Doctoral Programs in the CSU Failed
AS-1611-85/FA Faculty Development Educational Equity Awards Program Approved Without Dissent
AS-1610-85/FA CSU Mission Statement Approved Without Dissent AS-1609-85/AA Support for Earlier Notification of Provisional Eligibility for CSU Admission and for Enhanced (Approved Unanimously) Monitoring of Subsequent Admissibility
AS-1608-85/GA Licensure of Higher Education Programs Offered in California by Out-of-State Institutions (Approved Unanimously) - SB 1036 (Montoya et al)
AS-1607-85/EX Change in Senate Schedule (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1606-85/FA Trustees’ Statement on Collegiality Approved Without Dissent
AS-1605-85/EX Amendment to the Bylaws re Governmental Affairs Committee (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1604-85/Long Beach Del. Resolution of Commendation for Russel Orpet (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1603-85/Academic Senate Del. Resolution of Commendation for Lori Erdman (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1602-85/San Jose Del. Resolution of Commendation for George Moore (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1601-85/San Luis Obispo Del. Resolution of Commendation for Thomas Hale (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1600-85/Los Angeles Del. Resolution of Commendation for Neil Rabitoy (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1599-85/Flr (Neuman) Support for AB 393 (Farr): Doctoral Student Stipend Program Failed
AS-1598-85/AA Support for AB 1113 (Chacon): California Transfer Program (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1597-85/AA Support for AB 2103 (Killea): Maintenance of Technical and Scientific Equipment (Approved Unanimously) AS-1596-85/AA Support for SB 1152 (Deddeh): Teacher Education and Training Projects (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1595-85/AA Support for AB 2092 (Farr): Requirement of Seven Class Periods Per School Day in (Withdrawn) Grades 7-12
AS-1594-85/AA Support for AB 718 (Hughes): Students for Literacy Program (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1593-85/AA Opposition to AB 1458 (Molina) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1592-85/AA Opposition to AB 163 (Alatorre): Fair Educational Testing Practices Act (Approved)
AS-1591-85/EX Schedule of Meetings - 1985/86 - Academic Senate CSU Approved Without Dissent
AS-1590-85/AA Continuation of Area E in General Education (Approved)
AS-1589-35/AA Support for AB 1420 (Hayden) Approved by Consent
AS-1588-85/AA Support for AB 1714 (Calderon) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1587-85/AA Support for AB 1706 (Farr): Elementary Schools Science Instruction Pilot Program (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1586-85/AA Support for AB 1698 (Calderon): Teacher Candidate Recruitment Programs Approved by Consent
AS-1585-85/AA Support for ACR 31 (Bader): Teacher Supply and Demand Approved by Consent
AS-1584-85/AA Support for AB 1078 (Farr): Advanced Placement Incentive Program Approved by Consent AS-1583-85/AA Support for SB 1210 (Hart): Program to Reduce Class Size Approved Without Dissent
AS-1582-85/GA & AA Substitute Faculty for Exclusive Representatives Approved Without Dissent
AS-1581-85/GA Evaluation of the California Basic Education Skills Test (CBEST) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1580-85/FA Opposition to ACR 23 (Bradley): Commission for the Review of Master Plan for Higher Approved Without Dissent Education
AS-1579-85/FA Resolution in Opposition of SB 195 (Maddy): Long Term Student Fees (Withdrawn)
AS-1578-85/GA Support of AB 42 (Hughes): Appropriation for Student Housing (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1577-85/GA Lottery Funds for California Higher Education (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1576-85/GA CSU Budget Augmentation for Redirected Concurrent Enrollment Funds (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1575-85/AA Support of SB 44 (Garamendi): Art in Public Buildings (Withdrawn)
AS-1574-85/AA Support of SB 45 (Garamendi): California State Summer School for the Arts (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1573-85/AA Campus Attention to the Information Contained in the CSU Response to CPEC Concerning (Approved Unanimously) ACR 71
AS-1572-85/AA Self-Study of Undergraduate Education in the CSU (Approved)
AS-1571-85/AA Removal of the “56-Unit” Exemption From the English Placement Test Program (Approved) AS-1570-85/FA Restoration of the Funds for Faculty Professional Development (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1569-85/FA Full Funding of the Faculty Position Formula (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1568-85/AA Minimum Grade Point Average Requirements for Completion of the General (Approved) Education-Breadth Program
AS-1567-85/AA Endorsement in Principle of the Intersegmental Committee’s Model Science Curriculum (Approved Unanimously) in High School
AS-1566-85/AA CSU Science Teaching Museums (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1565-85/AA Endorsement of the Report and Recommendations of the Workgroup on Teacher (Approved) Education Admissions
AS-1564-85/AA Proposed Science and Science-Mathematics Specialist Credentials for Support of Elementary (Approved Unanimously) Science Education
AS-1563-85/AA High School Instructional Day and the Increased University Admission Requirements (Approved)
AS-1562-85/AA Support for AB 3 (Campbell): Seymour-Campbell Matriculation Act of 1985 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1561-85/AA Prerequisites for Upper Division Courses (Withdrawn)
AS-1560-85/EX Ad Hoc Committee on CSU Alumni (Approved)
AS-1559-85/EX CSU Motto (Approved)
AS-1558-85/AA Restoration of Concurrent Enrollment Fee Income to the CSU Budget (Approved Unanimously) AS-1557-85/Floor (Thorburn) CSU Motto Translation (Failed)
AS-1556-85/AA Integration of Computer Use in High School Science Courses (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1555-85/FA Outstanding Professor Awards Guidelines (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1554-85/FA Market Condition Salary Specialization (Referred to Faculty Affairs Committee)
AS-1553-85/FA Meritorious Performance and Professional Promise Awards (Approved)
AS-1552-85/FA Statement on Emeritus Policy (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1551-85/FA Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Role of Emeriti Faculty (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1550-85/GA California State Lottery Educational Funds (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1549-85/AA Interim Response on "Statement on Preparation in Natural Science Expected of Entering (Approved) College Freshmen''
AS-1548-85/AA Preservice and Inservice Teacher Preparation to Meet Increased Science Requirements for High (Approved) School Graduation and University Admission
AS-1547-85/EX Underrepresentation of Women in Engineering, Mathematics and Science (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1546-85/EX CSU Motto Referred to Executive Committee AS-1545-85/GA Campus Guest Legislator Program (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1544-84/ Fullerton Del. Resolution of Commendation for John Wesley Bedell (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1543-84/ San Jose Del. Commendation for George Sicular (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1542-84/FA University Trustee Professorship (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1541-84/CAC Endorsement of the Role and Mission Statement of the Consortium CSU Approved Without Dissent
AS-1540-84/AA Revision of General Education Criteria for Area E (Withdrawn)
AS-1539-84/AA Library Funding (Withdrawn)
AS-1538-84/FA Implementation of Hughes-Hart Educational Reform Act of 1983 (SB 813) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1537-84/FA Implications of the Proposals for Implementation of the Hughes-Hart Educational Reform Act (Approved Unanimously) of 1983 (SB 813) on Working Conditions
AS-1536-84/AA The University Services Program (Approved)
AS-1535-84/AA Guidelines on New Bachelor's Degree Majors Approved Without Dissent
AS-1534-84/FA Salary Differentials (Referred to Faculty Affairs Committee)
AS-1533-84/EX Resolution Honoring Robert O. Bess (Approved by Acclamation) AS-1532-84/EX Resolution Honoring Senator Judith M.; Rymer (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1531-84/AA CSU Plan to Reduce Remedial Activity (Approved)
AS-1530-84/FA Educational Implications of the Use of Full-Time and Part-Time Lecturers (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1529-84/FA Collegiality in the California State University System (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1528-84/FA Support for the Program Change Proposal for Faculty Professional Development (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1527-84/EX Consent Agenda (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1526-84/EX Academic Senate CSU Observer to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1525-84/EX Academic Senate CSU Observer at the Collective Bargaining Table (Approved)
AS-1524-84/ Chico Del. Commendation of Gary Sitton (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1523-84/ Fresno Del. Commendation of Frank V. Powell (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1522-84/ Sacramento Del. Commendation of Dorothy A. Sexter (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1521-84/ Sonoma Del. Commendation of Yvette M. Fallandy (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1520-84/San Fran. Del. Commendation of. Robert: W. Cherny (Approved by Acclamation) AS-1519-84/Long Beach Del. Commendation of Hiden T. Cox (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1518-84/San Jose State Del. Commendation of William F. Gustafson (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1517-84/Humboldt Del. Commendation of Fred P. Cranston (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1516-84/Dominguez Commendation of Marilyn Garber (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1515-84/San Diego Del. Commendation of Robert C. Detweiler (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1514-84/San Luis Obispo Del. Commendation of Joseph N. Weatherby (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1513-84/EX Executive Order 345: Prohibition of Sexual Harassment (Referred to next year)
AS-1512-84/Flr CSU Endowment Fund (Referred to next year)
AS-1511-84/FA Academic Senate CSU Responsibilities Regarding Academically-Related Employees (Withdrawn)
AS-1510-84/EX Senate Bill 1570 (Nielsen): Master Plan for Higher Education Review (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1509-84/FA Demographic Study of CSU Faculty (Approved)
AS-1508-84/CC Support for SB 1609 - Amended - (Garamendi) Arts Education: California State Summer School (Approved Unanimously) for the Arts
AS-1507-84/EP Support for AB 3247 (Hayden) Student Members on CPEC (Approved Unanimously) AS-1506-84/CC Opposition to CPEC Report on Public Policy and Accreditation in California (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1505-84/EX Support for Faculty Trustee (Withdrawn)
AS-1504-84/CC Opposition to SB 1923 (Carpenter) Private Postsecondary Education (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1503-84/CC Support for SB 2151 (Watson) Private Postsecondary Institutions: Authority to Award Degrees (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1502-84/FA Educational Implications of the Use of Full-Time and Part-Time Lecturers (Referred to Faculty Affairs Com.)
AS-1501-84/CC Support for AB 3985 (Hughes) Engineering and Science Career Counseling for Minority (Approved Unanimously) Students, Grades 6 to 9
AS-1500-84/FA Support for AB 3464 (Molina) Continuation of Retirement Allowances to Surviving Spouses (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1499-84/FA Support for AB 2645 (Elder) Retirement Benefits for CSU Academic Employees Granted Leaves (Approved Unanimously) With Pay
AS-1498-84/EX Academic Senate CSU Administrative Fellows Program Study (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1497-84/CC AB 3286 (Hughes & Vasconcellos): Evaluation of Teacher Training Programs (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1496-84/CC Support for AB 3927 (Hughes) Certificated Employees: Reassignment (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1495-84/CC Support for AJR 121: Tax Incentives for Private Donations Relating to Equipment Maintenance (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1494-84/CC Request for Withdrawal of SB 1758 (torres and Petris) Regarding Postsecondary Standardized (Referred to Exec. Com.) Tests AS-1493-84/CC Request for Withdrawal of SB 1715 (Carpenter) Teacher Credentialing (Withdrawn)
AS-1492-84/CC Opposition to AB 3818 (Harris) Student Financial Aid: Cal Grants (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1491-84/EX Public Employment Relations Board (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1490-84/EX & FA Procedures and Facilities for Emergency Medical Care (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1489-84/EP Opposition to AB 3950 (Molina) Postsecondary Education: Articulation (Referred to Ex. Court.)
AS-1488-84/EP Support for "Step to College" Program (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1487-84/CC Support of ACR 83 (Chacon et al.) Postsecondary Education: Low-Income and (Approved Unanimously) Underrepresented Ethnic Minority Students
AS-1486-84/CC Encouraging Campus Efforts to Address Computer Literacy Curricular Issues (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1485-84/EX Advisory Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility (Approved)
AS-1484-84/EX The California-State University Press (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1483-84/EX Schedule of Meetings 1984/85 Academic Senate CSU (Approved)
AS-1482-84/EP Admission of First-Time Freshmen (Approved)
AS-1481-84/FA Support for the Needs of the Disabled on CSU Campuses (Approved Unanimously) AS-1480-84/FA Faculty Participation in the Selection of CSU Vice Chancellors (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1479-84/FA Selection of Faculty to Participate in Review of Presidents (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1478-84/CC & CAC CPEC Report on Public Policy and Accreditation in California (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1477-84/EP Election of Academic Regulations (Approved)
AS-1476-84/EP Opposition to AB 2570, Draft Registration/Financial Aid (Approved)
AS-1475-84/CC Opposition to SB 1542 (Montoya) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1474-84/CC Opposition to AB 2678 (Hughes) (Approved)
AS-1473-84/FA Faculty Participation in the Review of Vice Chancellors (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1472-84 Foreign Language Task Force Report Recommendations (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1471-84/CC Alternative Methods of Compensating K-12 Teachers. Who Supervise CSU Student Teachers (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1470-84/CC Support for Funding and Passage of AB 2398 (Hughes) California Academic Partnership Program (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1469-84/EP Funds for School Administrator Training (Withdrawn)
AS-1468-84/EX Criteria for Nominees for Faculty Trustee (Approved Unanimously) AS-1467-84/EX Consultation and Collegiality in the California State University (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1466-84/EP Proposed Policy on Out-of-State and Out-of-Country CSU Programs (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1465-84/San Jose Del. Commendation for George Sicular (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1464-84/FA Faculty Participation in Selection of Assistant Vice Chancellors (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1463-84/Flr (Hardeman) The California State University Press (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1462-84/Flr Sacramento Del. Commendation for Louis V. Messner and D. Dale Hanner (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1461-84/Northridge Del. Commendation for DeWayne B. Johnson (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1460-84/FA Full Funding for CSU Faculty Staffing Needs (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1459-84/Committee Adoption of the Revised Bylaws of the Academic Senate of the California State University to Review Senate Structure (Approved)
AS-1458-84/EX Proposed Motto Change for the California State University (Approved)
AS-1457-84/EP Baccalaureate Credit for Intermediate Algebra (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1456-84/FA Awards to Faculty for Scholarly or Creative Activity (Approved Unanimously) AS-1455-84/FA State Support for Faculty Professional Development (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1454-84/EX Academic Senate California State University Recommendations to the Agent and Management (Approved) Regarding the Collective Bargaining Contract
AS-1453-84/EX Commendation for Juanita S. Matthews (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1452-84/EP Improvement of College Preparatory Programs through High School Accreditation (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1451-84/FA California Postsecondary Education Commission Study of Faculty Salaries, 1984-1985 (Approved)
AS-1450-84/EP & EX Faculty Participation in Campus Responses to ESS 83-15, Consolidation of Educational Equity (Approved Unanimously) Programs and Services
AS-1449-83/Fresno Resolution of Commendation for Lyman H. Heine (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1448-83/EP & CC Grade Distribution Reports (Withdrawn)
AS-1447-83/FA Faculty Housing Program (Approved)
AS-1446-83/FA Joint Appointment of Academic Administrators with Retreat Rights (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1445-83/FA Proposed California State University Management Personnel Plan (Approved)
AS-1444-83/Committee Editorial Emendation of the Constitution of the Academic Senate CSU to Review Senate Structure (Approved) AS-1443-83/EP Graduate Fee Differential (Withdrawn)
AS-1442-83/EP (Rev) Interinstitutional Outreach Programs (Referred to Committee)
AS-1441-83/CC Graduation Writing Assessment in the California State University (Approved)
AS-1440-83/EX Academic Senate CSU Relations with the California Faculty Association (Failed)
AS-1439-83/FA Faculty Trustee Participation in the Academic Senate CSU (Postponed Indefinitely)
AS-1438-83/FA Constitutional Amendment (Referred to Committee)
AS-1437-83/CA Consortium Name Change (Approved)
AS-1436-83/EP Opposition to Linking Financial Aid and Criminal Law Enforcement (Solomon (Approved) Amendment)
AS-1435-83/CC Campus Involvement in the Response to the Report "Excellence in Professional (Approved Unanimously) Education"
AS-1434-83/CC Academic Senate CSU Involvement in the Implementation of Senate Bill 813 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1433-83/EP Opposition to Increased Student Fees to Provide Student Financial Aid (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1432-83/FA Faculty Participation in Budget Decisions (Approved Unanimously) AS-1431-83/FA Revisions of Campus Policy Compilations (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1430-83/EP Economic Impact Report (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1429-83/EP Reciprocity of Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (Withdrawn)
AS-1428-83/CC Campus Involvement in the Implementation of Senate Bill 813, the Hughes-Hart (Approved) Education Reform Act of 1983
AS-1427-83/EX Resolution of Commendation Upon the Retirement of Robert E. Tyndall (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1426-83/EX Resolution of Commendation Upon the Retirement of Alex C. Sherriffs (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1425-83/EX Resolution of Commendation Upon the Departure from CSU Headquarters of Gary R. Levine (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1424-83/EX Resolution of Commendation Upon the Retirement of Executive Vice Chancellor Harry Harmon (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1423-83/Stanislaus Del Resolution of Commendation for Douglas Taylor (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1422-83/Long Beach Del. Resolution of Commendation for Jim Ryan (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1421-83/San Luis Obispo Del. Resolution of Commendation for Max Riedlsperger (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1420-83/San Diego Del. Resolution of Commendation for William H. Phillips, Jr. (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1419-83/Los Angeles Del. Resolution of Commendation for Robert D. Kully (Approved by Acclamation) AS-1418-83/Northridge Del. Resolution of Commendation for John Fodor (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1417-83/Chico Del. Resolution of Commendation for Marion Epting (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1416-83/Sonoma Del. Resolution of Commendation for Philip Beard (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1415-83/FA (Rev) Reaffirmation of Academic Senate CSU Position on Faculty Travel (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1414-83/FA Academic Senate Relations With Collective Bargaining Agent (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1413-83/FA Presidential Review (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1412-83/CC Support of Assembly Bill 259 (Chacon) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1411-83/CC Opposition to Assembly Bill 2048 (Farr) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1410-83/EP Assembly Bill 1948 (Hughes) - Common Course Numbering system (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1409-83/FA Academic Senate CSU Support of Faculty Trustee (Referred to Committee)
AS-1408-83/CC Legislative Support for the Teaching Profession (Referred to Committee)
AS-1407-83/CC Provisional Support of Senate Bill 1024 (Montoya) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1406-83/EP Assembly Bill 1915 (Moorhead) (Approved) AS-1405-83/EP Senate Bill 1128 (Hart) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1404-83/FA Transmittal of Proposed Revisions to the California State University (Approved)
AS-1403-83/FA CSU Faculty Access to U.C. Campus Libraries (Referred to Committee)
AS-1402-83/CC Support for AB 1492 (Bergeson) Pursuant to Amendment (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1401-83/CC Guidelines for Designating Baccalaureate Level Courses (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1400-83/EX Senate Bill 1006 (Alquist): CSU Dormitory Construction Fund (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1399-83/EX Senate Bill 1067 (Petris): Technological Innovation Research Institute (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1398-83/FA (Rev) Supplement to AS-1362-83/FA, Faculty Participation in Retention and Nonretention of (Approved Unanimously) Administrators
AS-1397-83/FA (Rev) Notice of Nonreappointment for Temporary Academic Employees (Referred to Committee)
AS-1396-83/EP Funding Mathematics Instruction (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1395-83/EP (Rev) Faculty Advisory Committee on Foreign Students (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1394-83 /CC & EP Information on Implementation of a Foreign Language Requirement (Withdrawn)
AS-1393-83/CC & EP (Rev) Report by Task Force on Foreign Language Requirement (Approved Without Dissent) AS-1392-83/EX Schedule of Meetings: 1983-84 Academic Senate CSU (Approved)
AS-1391-83/FA Participation of Lecturers in the Academic Senate CSU (Failed)
AS-1390-83/FA Improving Affirmative Action in CSU Academic and Academic/ Administrative Personnel Matters (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1389-83/CC Legislative Analyst's Report: Item 6420 Avocational, Recreational and Personal Development (Approved Unanimously) Courses
AS-1388-83/CC Opposition to SB 583 (Torres) Curriculum Content in Teacher Preparation Programs (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1387-83/CC Opposition to AB 640 (Hughes) Faculty Involved in Teacher Education (Approved)
AS-1386-83/CC Opposition to AB 822 (Bergeson) Teacher Education Entry & Exit Assessment Process (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1385-83/CC California Basic Education Skills Test Scores (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1384-83/EP AB 383 (Hughes, Chacon, Harris, Campbell, Davis, Molina, Moore, and Waters) (Approved)
AS-1383-83/FA Funding for Merit Step Advancements (Approved)
AS-1382-83/EX Affordable Student Housing at the California State University (Approved)
AS-1381-83/FA Implementation of Executive Order No. 402 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1380-83/EP Library Funding 1983/84 (Approved Unanimously) AS-1379-83/EP Conformance to Executive Order 338 (Withdrawn)
AS-1378-83/EP Additional Points for Grades in Honors Courses (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1377-83/FA Assembly Bill No. 106 (Nolan) - Authorization for Payroll Deductions for Individual Retirement (Approved Unanimously) Accounts
AS-1376-83/EP Remedial Instruction in Mathematics (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1375-83/CC Faculty Participation in "Final" Campus Academic Master Plans (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1374-83/FA Joint Responsibility of the Academic Senate CSU and the Board of Trustees Regarding Peer (Approved) Evaluation of Tenured Faculty
AS-1373-83/CC & EP Encouragement of Math and Science Teachers (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1372-83/EP Encouragement of Students to Pursue Careers in the Teaching of Mathematics (Withdrawn)
AS-1371-83/EX Student Financial Aid (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1370-83/EX Criteria for Nominees for Faculty Trustee (Approved)
AS-1369-83/FA Additional Service Credit for Voluntary Retirement (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1368-83/FA Funds for State Supported Summer Quarters at Quarter System Year-Round Operation State (Approved) Universities
AS-1367-83/CC Endorsement of the Recommendations in the Advisory Committee Report "Excellence in (Approved Unanimously) Professional Education" AS-1366-83/CC Study of Transferability of Televised Courses (Approved)
AS-1365-83/CC Assembly Constitutional Amendment 1 (Bane) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1364-83/CC Credit/No Credit Grading Policy (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1363-83/CC Evaluation of Non-Traditional Instructional Modes (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1362-83/FA Faculty Participation in Selection and Review of Administrators (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1361-83/EP Changes in Transfer Admissions Policies (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1360-83/CC Selection of Academic Regulations (Approved)
AS-1359-83/FA Alternatives for Recruiting and Retaining Faculty (Approved)
AS-1358-83/EP Faculty Consultation in 1982/83 Budget Reductions (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1357-82/Sitton The Foundation of the Academic Senate CSU (Withdrawn)
AS-1356-82/EP (Rev) Support for Public Schools in California (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1355-82/CC Campus Development of Programs for Post-Baccalaureate Certification of Major Requirements (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1354-82/FA Executive Order No. 402 (Approved) AS-1353-82/Hardeman Proposed Selection Procedures for Faculty Nominees to the CSU Board of Trustees (Approved)
AS-1352-82/CC (Rev) Faculty Consultation on the Determination of California Community Colleges/California State (Approved) University Course Similarities
AS-1351-82/CC Systemwide Honors Program Task Force (Approved)
AS-1350-82/EP (Rev) Minimum Scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1349-82/EP (Rev) CSU Requirements for the Second Baccalaureate Degree (Approved)
AS-1348-82/CC (Rev) Recommendations for Ryan Act Revisions (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1347-82/EX (Rev) Amendments to Bylaws of the Academic Senate of the California State University (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1346-82/FA Faculty Participation in Selection of Systemwide Administration (Approved)
AS-1345-82/FA (Rev) Inadequate Financial Support for the California State University (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1344-82/FA Trustee Task Force on Academic Freedom (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1343-82/FA Proposed Student Services Classification Plan (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1342-82/ San Jose Del. Resolution of Commendation for George Moore (Approved by Acclamation) AS-1341-82/Flr (San Diego, Financial Support to Preserve Educational Quality in the CSU Northridge, and Fresno Delegations) (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1340-82/San Bernardino Del. Resolution of Commendation for Carl P. Wagoner (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1339-82/Northridge Del. Resolution of Commendation for Earl Wallis (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1338-82/Los Angeles Del. Resolution of Commendation for Donald A. Moore (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1337-82/Stanislaus Del. A Parliamentary Ode Commemorating the Retirement of Gary Shaw (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1336-82/Dom Hills Del. Resolution of Commendation for Judson A. Grenier (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1335-82/San Jose Del. Resolution of Commendation for Fay Bower (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1334-82/Hayward Del. Resolution of Commendation for Susan D. Schaefer (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1333-82/San Francisco Del. Resolution of Commendation for Anita Silvers (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1332-82/EX Commendation of Robert D. Kully (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1331-82/EP CSU Auxiliary Organization SB 1491 (Greene) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1330-82/EP Admission of Adult Applicants (Approved Unanimously) AS-1329-82/CC Replacement of Instructional Equipment in the California State University (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1328-82/CC Proposed Amendment to AB 3298 (Chacon) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1327-82/CC CSU Faculty Representation on Commission to Study Teaching Profession (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1326-82/CC Transferability of Televised Courses (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1325-82/CC The Effect of Travel Reductions on Academic Programs (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1324-82/FA The Effect of Travel Reductions Upon Professional Development (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1323-82/EX Opposition to Proposed Reduction of Academic Senate CSU's 1982/83 Travel Budget (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1322-82/EX Resolution Upon the Retirement of Chancellor Glenn S. Dumke (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1321-82/EP-CC Approval of "Statements on Preparation in English and Mathematics" (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1320-82/EP State Research Contracts - 3488 (Imbrecht) (Withdrawn)
AS-1319-82/EP California Mathematics Project - Senate Bill 424 (Carpenter; Coauthor Hart) (Withdrawn)
AS-1318-82/EP California Computer Literacy Project Assembly Bill 3253 (Hart) (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1317-82/EP California Science Project Assembly Bill 3266 (Hart) (Approved Unanimously) AS-1316-82/EP Campus and Systemwide Performance Reporting to California High Schools and Community (Approved Unanimously) Colleges
AS-1315-82/CC Senate Advisory Committee on Teacher Quality SR 35 (Watson) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1314-82/EP Remedial Reading Assistance (Approved)
AS-1313-82/EP General Education Requirement in Ethnic Studies Courses - AB 3207 (Hughes) (Approved)
AS-1312-82/CC Endorsement of AB 3472 (Hart) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1311-82/FA Sabbatical Leave Report (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1310-82/EP Professional Standards for Systemwide Testing (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1309-82/CC Credit-Bearing Extended Education Courses (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1308-82/EP Draft Recommendations of Task Force on Entry-Level Math Skills (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1307-82/EP-CC Task Force on International Education (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1306-82/EP (Rev) Consultation with Faculty Concerning Academic Structure of the University (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1305-82/CC Income Tax Indexing (Approved)
AS-1304-82/FA Students on Personnel Committees (Withdrawn) AS-1303-82/EX Schedule of Meetings 1982/83 Academic Senate CSU (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1302-82/Flr (Shaw) Hiring of Laid-off Tenured Faculty Members in the CSU (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1301-82/EX Faculty Membership on any Ad Hoc Committee to Develop CSU External Fund Raising Efforts (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1300-82/CC Opposition to SB 1498 (Nursing) (Withdrawn)
AS-1299-82/CC Executive Order 167 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1298-82/FA Lecturers: Election to and Membership in the Academic Senate CSU (Failed)
AS-1297-82/FA Fee Waivers for Temporary Faculty (Approved)
AS-1296-82/EP Study of CSU Admissions Issues (Approved)
AS-1295-82/EP CSU Graduate Charges (Approved)
AS-1284 (A)-82/Flr Augmentation of the Governor’s Budget (Detweiler/Bedell) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1283 (B)-82/CC (Rev) Resolution on the Use of Concurrent Enrollment by Matriculated Students (Approved)
AS-1284 (B)-CC Endorsment of Assembly Concurrent Resolution #81 (Approved) AS-1285-82/CC Post-Baccalaureate Certification of Major Requirements (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1286-82/CC (Rev) Administrative Services Credential (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1287-82/CC Recommendations Regarding Amendments to the Ryan Act Concerning the Diversified Subject (Approved) Major for Credential
AS-1288-82/CC Workshop Credit (Approved)
AS-1289-82/FA Modification of Board of Trustees Policy on Evaluation of Tenured Faculty (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1290-82/Flr (Sonoma Del.) Layoff at Sonoma State University (Rev) (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1291-82/CC Student Services Fee (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1292-82/EP (Rev) Resident Tuition for Non-Resident Graduate Students who are Employed by the California State (Approved) University
AS-1293-82/EP Increased Grade Point Credit for High School Honors Courses (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1294-82/EP Investment in People Program (Approved)
AS-1283(A)-IS/EN The Faculty Advisory Committee for the Selection of a New Chancellor (Approved)
AS-1282-82/FA (Rev) Academic Senate Communications With Bargaining Agents (Failed) AS-1281-82/EP (Rev) Recognition of Intersegmental Cooperation in the Correction of Basic Skills Deficiencies (Referred to Committee)
AS-1280-82/FA Legislation on Emergency Augmentation on Faculty Salaries (Approved)
AS-1279-82/FA Trustees’ Proposal on Faculty Housing (Approved)
AS-1278-82/FA Local Solutions to the Housing Problems of New Faculty in the CSU (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1277-82/EP Student Retention Data (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1276-82/CC Recommendations Concerning the Single Subject Credential to the Academic Senate (Approved Unanimously) Representatives to the Ryan Act Task Force
AS-1275-81/CC Clarification of One Section OF AS-1204-81/CC, “Culminating Experience for Graduate (Approved as Amended) Degree Programs”
AS-1274-81/FA (Rev) Use of Documents From Peer Evaluation of Faculty Instructional Performance (Approved)
AS-1273-81/FA The California State University Trustee Professorship (Approved)
AS-1272-81/EP CSU Admission Requirements and Recommended Preparation in English (Approved) and Mathematics
AS-1271-81/EP-CC (Rev) Joint Academic Senate Statements on Preparation in English and Mathematics (Approved)
AS-1270-81/CC Joint Academic Senate Statements on Preparation in English and Mathematics (Withdrawn) AS-1269-81/Flr Reorganization of Teaching Service Areas (Bedell, Foster, Coombs) (Approved)
AS-1268-81/EX and Ad Hoc CSUC Replacement Funding for 1982/83 Committee on Quality Education (Rev) (Approved)
AS-1267-81/EP Faculty Participation in the Decision to Seek “Impacted” Status and in the (Approved Unanimously) Selection of Supplementary Criteria and Standards for Admission
AS-1266-81/FA (Rev) Disciplinary Procedures for Administrators (Approved)
AS-1265-81/FA Review of Teaching Service Areas (Approved)
AS-1264-81/FA Faculty Representation on the Board of Trustees (Approved)
AS-1263-81/Sacramento Del. Recognition of Jack Livingston (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1262-81/FA The California State University and Colleges Distinguished Service Professorship (Approved)
AS-1261-81/CC Marketing System for Extended Education (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1260-81/FA Program Change Proposal for Disabled Employees (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1259-81/CC Program Content of Single Subject Categories of the Ryan Act (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1258-81/EX Education and Professional Activity in the CSUC (Approved Unanimously) AS-1257-81/FA Faculty Participation in the Selection of a Chancellor (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1256-81/EP University and Colleges Opportunities Program SB 1061 (Watson) (Approved)
AS-1255-81/FA Evaluation of Tenured Faculty (Approved)
AS-1254-81/EP Student Participation in the English Placement Test (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1253-81/CC Foreign Language Task Force (Approved)
AS-1252-81/Northridge Del. Resolution of Commendation for Robert Lamb (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1251-81/Humboldt Del. Resolution of Commendation for Janice Erskine (Approved by Acclamation)
A5-1250-81/San Bernardino Del. Resolution of Commendation for Gordon Stanton (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1249-81/Dorninquez Hills Del. Resolution of Commendation for William Blischke (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1248-81/Bakersfield Del. Commendation for E. David Cooke (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1247-81/San Jose Del. Commendation for William Gustafson (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1246-81/Flr (Peters) Standards of Proficiency for Admission to Baccalaureate Classes (Referred to Committee)
AS-1245-81/EX Resolution of Commendation for Dr. Mary Jean Pew (Approved by Acclamation) AS-1244-81/Hayward Del. Resolution of Commendation for Tudor Jones (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1243-81/FA Reduced Worktime Program for Academic Teaching Employees (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1242-81/CC (Rev) Proficiency Testing for Teaching Credentials (Approved)
AS-1241-81/CC Faculty Advisory Committee on Foreign Students (Referred to Committee)
AS-1240-81/CC Western Association of Schools and Colleges Approval of Coursework Offered By (Approved Unanimously) Out-of-State Institutions
AS-1239-81/Flr Ad Hoc Committee on International Education (Coombs Subst.) (Referred to Committee)
AS-1239-81/EP Ad Hoc Committee on International Education (Referred to Committee)
AS-1238-81/EP Examination for Determining Entry-Level Learning Skills in Mathematical Computation (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1237-81/CC Statewide Standard for Entrance to Freshman Composition Courses (Approved)
AS-1236-81/EP Intersegmental Faculty Committee Draft Statement Approved on Coursework and (Approved) Admission Requirements in English and Mathematics
AS-1235-81/EX Schedule of Meetings 1981-82 Academic Senate CSUC (Approved)
AS-1234-81/ (Number not used)
AS-1233-81/Long Beach Del. Resolution From Remaining Remnant of the Long Beach Delegation (Ryan, Orpet, (Approved by Acclamation) Hardeman, Respectively, Regretfully and Very Respectfully) AS-1232-81/Flr (Sicular) Companion to AS-1221-81/CC (Failed)
AS-1231-81/Flr (Sicular) A Resolution to the President of the United States and Congress From the Academic (Approved) Senate of the California State University and Colleges on Behalf of the National Science Foundation
AS-1230-81/EP Student Affirmative Action (Approved)
AS-1229-81/EP Graduate Tuition (Approved)
AS-1228-81/EP Joint Doctoral Programs (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1227-81/FA Faculty Overload Compensation (Referred to Committee)
AS-1226-81/CC Role of Faculty in Graduate Education (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1225-81/CC Performing Arts Curricular Restudy (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1224-81/FA (Rev) Statement on Emeritus Faculty (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1223-81/FA Evaluation of Tenured Faculty (Approved)
AS-1222-81/CC Request for Withdrawal of SB 101 (Marks) Regarding the Disclosure of (Approved) Standardized Test Questions and Answers
AS-1221-81/CC A Resolution to the President of the United States and Congress From the Academic (Approved) Senate of the California State University and Colleges on Behalf of the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities AS-1220-81/CC CPEC Study on Program Review Procedures (Approved)
AS-1219-81/FA Motion to Clarify AS-1023-78/FA (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1218-81/EX CSUC: Name Change (Approved)
AS-1217-81/EX Endorsement of the Document Entitled “Responsibilities of Academic Senates (Approved Unanimously) Within a Collective Bargaining Context”
AS-1216-81/EP Undergraduate Grading Definitions and Guidelines (Approved)
AS-1215-81/EP Selected Studies of Grade Reporting (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1214-81/EP Intersegmental Faculty Committee Draft Statement on Coursework and Admission (Approved) Requirements in English and Mathematics
AS-1213-81/FA A Proposed Amendment to the Pre-retirement Reduction in the Time Base Program (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1212-81/EP CSUC Admission Requirements in English and Mathematics (Approved)
AS-1211-81/FA Resolution on Teaching and Professional Activity (Approved)
AS-1210-81/EP Plus and Minus Grading Designations (Approved)
AS-1209-81/Flr Funds for Implementation of Revised Salary Schedule (Bedell, Phillips, Wallis) (Failed) AS-1208-81/EP Certification of General Education Breadth Requirements By Other Institutions (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1207-81/Flr (Elliott) Motion to Amend AS-1023-78/FA (Not Added to Agenda)
AS-1206-81/CC (Rev) Executive Orders on Nontraditional Credit (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1205-81/FA Faculty Support for the CSUC Foundation (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1204-81/CC Culminating Experience for Graduate Degree Programs (Approved)
AS-1203-81/EX Precipitate Implementation of Annual Merit Salary Review (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1202-81/FA Special Salary Augmentation for Appointment and Retention Under Emergency (Approved) Circumstances Which Cannot be Resolved Otherwise
AS-1201-81/EP Definition of Continuous Education (Referred to Committee)
AS-1200-81/EP Certification of General Education-Breadth Requirements by Other Institutions (Approved as Amended Without Dissent)
AS-1199-81/CC Graduate Level Instruction (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1198-81/FA Potential Loss of Autonomy for Women in College Sports (Withdrawn)
AS-1197-81/FA Task Force on Publication and Promotion in CSUC (Referred to Committee) AS-1196-81/FA Proposal for Revision of Title 5, Section 43572, Effecting the Terms of Appointment and (Withdrawn) Rights of Directors of Athletics and Athletic Coaches
AS-1195-80/Flr Suggested Repeal of Objectionable Portions of Trustee Policy on Evaluation of Tenured (Approved) Faculty
AS-1194-80/Flr (Detweiler) Transfer Rights for Tenured Faculty Members (Failed)
AS-1193-80/FA Regulations Concerning Difference-In-Pay Leaves Approved Without Dissent
AS-1192-80/EP English Language Admission Policies for Foreign Students (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1191-80/EP IRS Ruling on Publishers Inventories Approved Without Dissent
AS-1190-80/FA Proposed Faculty Salary Schedule (Approved)
AS-1189-80/FA Intersegmental Efforts to Improve Entry Level Learning Skills of Students Entering (Approved) College
AS-1188-80/FA Principles for Evaluation of Academic Administrators (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1187-80/FA Statement of Presidential Selection (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1186-80/CC Faculty Advisory Body on Foreign Student Affairs (Failed)
AS-1185-80/EP Board of Registered Nursing Statement of Implementation of Transfer and Challenge (Approved Unanimously) Policies
AS-1184-80/EP Quality Education and Funding Levels in the CSUC (Approved) AS-1183-80/CC External Agencies and Degree Requirements (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1182-80/FA Funding for Early Retirement (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1181-80/FA Review of Academic Administrators (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1180-80/FA Proposed Amendments to the Procedure for the Selection of Presidents (RFSA 7-80-16) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1179-80/FA A Proposal for a Revised Faculty Salary Schedule for the CSUC Approved Without Dissent
AS-1178-80/Flr (CCC) William H. Hopkins (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1177-80/Flr (Fresno Del.) Resolution of Commendation for Philip Walker (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1176-80/Flr (Chico Del.) Resolution Commendation for Royce Delmatier (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1175-80/Flr (Humboldt Del.) Commendation for Richard Gilchrist (Approved by Acclamation)
As-1174-80/Flr (SA Spec.) Commendation for Jackie Faris-Rees (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1173-80/Flr (CPSU, SLO Del.) Resolution Commending the AS CSUC Service of Dr. Mike Wenzl (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1172-80/Flr (CSC, Stan. Del.) Senator William Hayes (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1171-80/Flr (SFSU Del) Resolution Honoring Senator William Hopkins (Approved by Acclamation) AS-1170-80/Flr (Pom. Del.) Resolution of Commendation for Gloria Ricci Lothrop (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1169-80/Flr (Northridge Del.) Resolution in Behalf of Professor Mary McEdwards (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1168-80/Flr (Bedell) The Role of Faculty in the Selection of the Vice Chancellor for Faculty and Staff Affairs (Approved)
AS-1167-80/Flr (Sicular) Proposition 9 Not Added to Agenda by Senate Vote
AS-1166-80/EP Faculty Athletics Representative (Approved)
AS-1165-80/Flr Instructions to the Chair on Tabled Resolutions (Withdrawn)
AS-1164-80/EP Intercollegiate Athletics Tabled
AS-1163-80/FA Fixed Terms for Academic Administrators Referred to Executive Committee
AS-1162-80/EP-FA Funds for Professional Development (Approved)
AS-1161-80/FA Consultation on Presidential Selection (Approved)
AS-1160-80/AA Res. California State University and Colleges Affirmative Action Policy (Approved)
AS-1159-80/EP (Sub.) Tuition (Approved)
AS-1158-80/EP Guidelines for the Future of the Consortium (Approved) AS-1157-80/EP-CC (Revised) English Placement Test (Approved)
AS-1156-80/FA (Revised) Revision of the Presidential Selection Procedures (Approved)
AS-1155-80/FA Realignment of the Librarian Salary Schedule Through Consolidation of Ranks (Approved)
AS-1154-80/EP Eligibility Criterion for Early Admission Commitment (Approved)
AS-1153-80/CC Contingency Planning for Proposition 9 (Approved)
AS-1152-80/CC External Assessment in Academic Program Review (Approved)
AS-1151-80/FA (Revised) Review of Academic Administrators (Approved)
AS-1150-80/CC Revision of Subsumption Categories of the Ryan Act (Title 5, Section 80005) (Withdrawn)
AS-1149-80/CC English placement Test (Withdrawn)
AS-1148-80/EP Voluntary Reduced Work Time Program (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1147-80/EP Student Expulsion (Withdrawn)
AS-1146-80/EP AS 2434 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1145-80/EP External Support for Quality Education (Approved) AS-1144-80/EP Conditional Registration (Approved)
AS-1143-80/FA Evaluation of Tenured Faculty (Approved)
AS-1142-80/EP-CC General Education (Approved)
AS-1141-80/EP Fraudulent Course Credit (Approved)
AS-1140-80/EX 1980-81 Academic Senate CSUC Meeting Schedule (Approved)
AS-1139-80/EP (Revised) Credit/No-Credit Grading (Approved)
AS-1138-80/EP Recommendations of the Commission on Extended Education (Approved)
AS-1137-80/FA Certification of Faculty Over Age 70 (Approved)
AS-1136-80/EP Undergraduate Grade Definitions and Guidelines (Approved as Amended)
AS-1135-80/EP Graduation Honors Criteria (Approved as Amended)
AS-1134-80/Flr (Johnson/Elliottt) Contingency Planning for Jarvis Tax Initiative Referred to Executive Committee
AS-1133-80/EP Implementation of Special Sessions (Approved)
AS-1132-80/SLO Delegation Use of the Title Department Head in the CSUC (Approved Unanimously) AS-1131-80/FA Failure to Consult by the Office of Faculty & Staff Affairs (Withdrawn)
AS-1130-80/FA Review of Tenured Faculty (Approved)
AS-1129-80/EX Role of the Department Chair in the CSUC (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1128-80/FA 1980-81 Salary Proposal (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1127-80/EP SB 666: Consolidated Nursing Reform Act of 1980 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1126-80/CCC Academic Planning and Program Review in Extended Education (Approved)
AS-1125-80/CCC Systemwide Credit By Examination Committees Approved Without Dissent
AS-1124-80/FA Eligibility for Leaves of Absence (Approved)
AS-1123-80/EP Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Advising (Approved)
AS-1122-80/FA Jarvis II (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1121-79/FA Retirement Credit for Unused Sick Leave (Referred to Committee)
AS-1120-79/Flr (Siculat/Orpet/ Treatment of Iranian Students Detweiler/Wenzl/Weatherby) (Approved Unanimously) AS-1119-79/FA Evaluation of Tenured Faculty (Approved)
AS-1118-79/FA Transfer Rights for Tenured Faculty Members (Approved)
AS-1117-79/FA Temporary Faculty on the Academic Senate of the CSUC (Withdrawn)
AS-1116-79/EX Study Group on Collegial Process (Approved)
AS-1115-79/EP Student Withdrawal for Serious and Compelling Reasons (Approved)
AS-1114-79/EX Role of Faculty in Shared Governance (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1113-79/EP SB 666: Consolidated Nursing Reform Act of 1980 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1112-79/EP Graduation Honors Designation (Withdrawn)
AS-1111-79/Flr Amendment to the Constitution of the Academic Senate of CSUC (Failed)
AS-1110-79/CCC Credit by Evaluation (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1109-79/CCC Reconstruction of Imperial Valley Campus (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1108-79/EPC Educational Policies for Disabled Students (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1107-79/FAC Publications Task Force Approved Without Dissent AS-1106-79/FAC Policy on Student Taping of Lectures (Approved)
AS-1105-79/FAC-EPC Professional Development of Faculty (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1104-79/FAC Students on Personnel Committees (Approved)
AS-1103-79/Flr (Lothrop/Hardeman) CSUC Archives (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1102-79/FA Budget Language and Students on Personnel Committees (Approved)
AS-1101-79/EP Honorary Bachelor's and Master's Degrees (Approved)
AS-1100-79/EP-SAS Student Housing Study (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1099-79/EP Moratorium on New Courses (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1098-79/FA Summer Session & Extension Salaries (Approved)
AS-1097-79/CCC (Rev) Credit by Evaluation (Approved)
AS-1096-79/EP Early Admission Commitment (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1095-79/FA Personal Privacy and Personnel Decisions (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1094-79/FA (Rev) Students on Personnel Committees Failed AS-1093-79/CCC-EP (Rev) Moratorium on New Programs (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1092-79/Flr (Los Angeles Del.) Commendation on Leonard G. Mathy (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1091-79/SA Commendation of CSSA Representative (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1090-79/EX Commendation of David H. Elliott (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1089-79/Flr (Sacramento Del.) Resolution in Honor of Kenneth Berger (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1088-79/Flr (Fullerton Del.) Resolution of Commendation for Gerald Marley (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1087-79/Flr (Fullerton Del.) Commendation of Julian Foster (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1086-79/EX Program Change Proposals for 1980-81 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1085-79/EX Academic Policy-Making by Budget Committees of the State Legislature (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1084-79/Flr (Northridge Del.) Resolution Commending Dewayne Johnson (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1083-79/Flr (Los Angeles Del.) Task Force on Diseconomies of Scale Referred to Executive Committee
AS-1082-79/Flr (Chico Del.) Commendation of Charles Adams (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1081-79/Flr (SLO Del.) Commendation of Barton C. Olsen (Approved by Acclamation) AS-1080-79/Flr (Chico Del.) Commendation of Karl Kumil (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1079-79/AA Disability Benefits for Pregnancy Died
AS-1078-79/FA Response to the Report of the Committee on Faculty Appointments (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1077-79/EP Project Team on Academic Programs (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-1076-79/FA Presidential Review (Approved)
AS-1075-79/EP Project Team on Support Programs (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1074-79/FA Faculty Workload Credit for Teaching Large Classes Died
AS-1073-79/EP Interim Policy for the Discontinuance of Academic Programs Died
AS-1072-79/EP Definition of Extended Education (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1071-79/Senate Structure Bylaw Change: BL-4 Group (Approved)
AS-1070-79/AA Faculty Involvement in Student Affirmative Action (Approved)
AS-1069-79/Flr (Phillips) (Rev) Athletic/Physical Education/CSU, Sacramento Refer to Ex. Committee AS-1068-79/FA Proposed Amendment to AB 1091 (Approved)
AS-1067-79/SA Discrimination Against Students in Housing (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1066-79/FA Opposition to SB 252 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1065-79/EP Legislation Analyst’s Intrusion Into Curricular Affairs (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1064-79/EP Entrance Preparation of Transfer Students (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1063-79-EP Mini Grant Funding (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1062-79/SA Students on Personnel Committees (Failed)
AS-1061-79/SA Course Requirement Information (Approved)
AS-1060-79/FA Accommodations for Handicapped Employees (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1059-79/AA Affirmative Action and Layoff Procedures (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1058-79/AA Disability Benefits for Pregnancy (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1057-79/EP General Education Requirement in Foreign Language (Approved as Amended Without Dissent) AS-1056-79/EP Academic Quality as a Primary Criterion for Academic Program Review (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1055-79/FA Information on Collective Bargaining (Failed)
AS-1054-79/FA Transfer in Lieu of Layoff (Referred to Committee)
AS-1053-79/EP Abolition of Installment Plan Degree Awards (Withdrawn)
AS-1052-79/FA Manual on Grievance Procedures (Approved)
AS-1051-79/FA Interagency Transfer of Faculty (Approved)
AS-1050-79/EP (Rev) Certification of Baccalaureate and General Education Credit (Approved as Amended)
AS-1049-79/AA (Rev) Report of the Child Care Study Committee (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1048-79/AA-EP-SA Enrollment of Persons 60 Years Or Older (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1047-79/EP (Rev) Assessment of Prior Learning (Approved)
AS-1046-79/FA Pay for Teaching Substitutes for Faculty on Sick Leave (Approved)
AS-1045-79/SA Foreign Student Policy Task Force (Withdrawn)
AS-1044-79/EP Recommendations of the Admissions Subcommittee of the Educational (Referred to Committee) Policies Committee AS-1043-79/EP (Rev) Admission of Lower Division Transfer Students (Approved As Amended)
AS-1042-79/EP Local Senate/Council Participation in the Fund for Innovation and Improvement (Approved) in Education Consultation and Selection Process
AS-1041-79/EP Endorsement of Proposed Consultative and Selection Procedures for the Fund for (Approved Unanimously) Innovation and Improvement in Education
AS-1040-78/EX Response to the Governor’s Directive Regarding the 1979-80 CSUC Budget (Approved)
AS-1039-78/Flr (Peters, Payback Policy Detweiler, Shaw) (Referred to Faculty Affairs Committee)
AS-1038-78/Flr (Coombs) Tuition II (Referred to Executive Committee)
AS-1037-78/Flr (Coombs/ Governor’s Attendance At Board of Trustees Meeting Humphrey) (Postponed Indefinitely)
AS-1036-78/Flr (Sicular) Procedures for Layoff (Approved as Amended)
AS-1035-78/San Diego Del. Tuition (Approved Unanimously) As Amended
AS-1034-78/San Francisco Del. Leo MC Clatchy (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1033-78/EP Salary Savings (Approved Unanimously as Amended) AS-1032-78/EP Adverse Effects of Budget Cuts (Referred to Committee)
AS-1031-78/EP Maintaining Academic Standards for Handicapped Students (Approved)
AS-1030-78/EP Certification of Graduation Writing Competence (Approved)
AS-1029-78/EX Governor’s Directive Regarding 1979-80 CSUC Budget (Approved Unanimously as Amended)
AS-1028-78/FA (Rev) Temporary Faculty and the Quality of Instruction (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1027-78/FA Presidential Review (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1026-78/FA Temporary Faculty and Equitable Employment Practices (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1025-78/SA-AA Student Affirmative Action (Approved)
AS-1024-78/EP Adult Special Admission (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1023-78/FA (Newly Rev) Transfer Rights for Tenured Faculty Members) (Approved)
AS-1022-78/Flr (Hardeman) Layoff Procedures Request (Approved)
AS-1021-78/SAFA Student Role in the Evaluation of Teaching (Approved)
AS-1020-78/EX By-Law Change: BL-4 (Referred to Committee) AS-1019-78/FA Presidential Selection Procedures (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1018-78/FA Sabbatical Leaves for Librarians (Approved as Amended)
AS-1017-78/EX Progress Probation & Progress Disqualification (Approved)
AS-1016-78/FA Procedures for Layoff (Approved Unanimously As Amended)
AS-1015-78/FA Law Enforcement Records Approved As Amended
AS-1014-78/EP Admissions Requirements in English (Written Communication) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-1013-78/Flr (Chico Del.) Commendation of Arthur K. Karinen (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1012-78/Flr (Los Angeles Del.) Commendation for Donald O. Dewey (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1011-78/Flr (Sonoma Del.) Commendation of Mary Arnold (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1010-78/Flr (San Fran. Del.) Commendation of David Meredith (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1009-78/Flr (Hayward Del.) Commendation of Gene Poschman (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1008-78/Flr (SLO Del.) Commendation of Lezlie Labhard (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1007-78/Flr (Fullerton Del.) Commendation of Herb Rutemiller (Approved by Acclamation) AS-1006-78/Flr (D. Johnson) Proposition 13 Died
AS-1005-78/Flr (Fresno Del.) Commendation of John A. Cagle (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1004-78/Flr (Northridge Del.) Commendation of Vern Bullough (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-1003-78/EX Proposed Amendment to Intent Section of AB 1091, Collective Bargaining (Berman) (Approved)
AS-1002-78/EX By-Law Change: BL-4 (Died in Committee)
AS-1001-78/FA Grievance Procedures (Approved)
AS-1000-78/EP Opposition to SB 1416 (Gregorio) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-999-78/FA Effective Date for Health Insurance Coverage for New Faculty (Approved Unanimously)
AS-998-78/FA Fringe Benefits (Approved)
AS-997-78/FA (Rev) Librarian Personnel Plan (Approved Unanimously)
AS-996-78/AA Definition of “Best Qualified” (Died in Committee)
AS-995-78/FA-EP Distribution of Concurrent Enrollment Funds (Approved)
AS-994-78/FA CSUC Employee Overload Policy (Withdrawn) AS-993-78/FA Regulations Concerning Difference in Pay Leaves (Approved)
AS-992-78/FA Treatment of Temporary Faculty (Referred to Committee)
AS-991-78/Flr (San Fran Del.) Loyalty Oaths: Support for AB 3026 (Levine) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-990-78/EP “Diploma Mills” (Approved Unanimously)
AS-989-78/EP CSUC Media Policy (Approved)
AS-988-78/EP Economic Education Program Change Proposal Failed
AS-987-78/EP Bilingual/Bicultural Competency Examination (Approved Unanimously)
AS-986-78/AA Affirmative Action Internship Program (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-985-78/EX By-Law Change (BL-6) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-984-78/EP (Rev) Future of the Consortium OF THE CONSORTIUM (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-983-78/PA Sabbatical Leaves for Academic Employees (Referred to Committee)
AS-982-78/EP Upper Division Writing Requirements (Approved Unanimously)
AS-981-78/EX Program Change Proposals for 1979-80 (Approved) AS-980-78/FA Emeritus Faculty Status (Approved Unanimously)
AS-979-78/FA Retirement of Faculty: Interim Regulations (Withdrawn)
AS-978-78/EX (Rev) Shared Governance and Collective Bargaining (Approved Unanimously)
AS-977-78/SA Student Affirmative Action (Approved)
AS-976-78/SA Learning Assistance Centers (Referred to EPC)
AS-975-78/SA Student Discrimination in Housing (Approved)
AS-974-78/SA Resolution on Vinous Nutritive Sustenances (Approved)
AS-973-78/CONS. (Rev) Future of the Consortium (Referred to EPC)
AS-972-78/EP (Rev) Assignment of Grades (Approved)
AS-971-78/FA Task Force on Faculty Renewal and Travel (Approved)
AS-970-78/EP Economic Education Program Change Proposal (Withdrawn)
AS-969-78/EX Resolution of Appreciation to Winifred H. Lancaster (Approved By Exec. Committee)
AS-968-78/EP Report of the Consultative Committee on Industrial Arts/Industrial Technology/Engineering (Approved Unanimously) Technology AS-967-78/SA-FA (Rev) Student Evaluation of Instruction (Approved)
AS-966-78/EP Systemwide General Biology Equivalency Examination (Approved)
AS-965-78/FA Legislation on Retirement of Faculty (Approved)
AS-964-78/FA Merit Step Advancements During Periods of Leave (Approved)
AS-963-77/Flr. (McEdwards) Revision of the Senate Directory (Referred to Executive Committee)
AS-962-77/FA Collective Bargaining and Some Alternatives (Approved)
AS-961-77/EP (Rev) Admissions Requirements in English (Referred to Committee)
AS-960-77/EP (Rev) Single Subject–Matter Credential (Approved)
AS-959-77/SA Student Evaluation of Instruction Guidelines (Referred to Faculty Affairs and Student Affairs Committee)
AS-958-77/EP Writing Skills (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-957-77/FA Privacy and Social Security (Approved Unanimously)
AS-956-77/FA Presidential Selection Procedures (Withdrawn) AS-955-77/SA Student Right to Inspect Letters of Reference (Approved Unanimously)
AS-954-77/FA (Rev) Personal Privacy and Personnel Decisions (Approved)
AS-953-77/FA-EP Task Force on Faculty Travel Funds and Related Concerns (Approved Unanimously)
AS-952-77/EP (REV.) Remedial Instruction (Approved)
AS-951-77/EP Recognition and Transfer of Graduate Credit (Approved Unanimously)
AS-950-77/EP Grading Standards and Practices (Approved)
AS-949-77/SA (Rev) Instructionally Related Activities Fee (Approved)
AS-948-77/EP University Services and Action Program (Approved)
AS-947-77/Flr (Detweiler) Review of Presidential Selection Procedures (Approved)
AS-946-77/EX Amendment of Program Change Proposal Priorities (Approved Unanimously)
AS-945-77/Flr (Pomona) Presidential Selection Advisory Committee: Pomona (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-944-77/EX Economic Education Program Change Proposal (Approved Without Dissent) (Replaces AS-940-77/FA)
AS-943-77/EX Disposition of First Reading Items (Approved Unanimously) AS-942-77/FA Report of Special Study Commission Review Matters at California State University, (Approved Without Dissent) Sacramento
AS-941-77/EX Consortium Program Change Proposal (Withdrawn)
AS-940-77/FA Economic Education Program Change Proposal (Replaced by 944-77/EX)
AS-939-77/EP (Rev) Residence Requirements (Approved)
AS-938-77/EX Collegial Model (Referred To FA Committee)
AS-937-77/SA Waiver of Access to Letter of Recommendations (Died in Committee)
AS-936-77/EX Program Change Proposals for 1978-79 (Approved)
AS-935-77/Flr (Sacramento Del.) Referendum of Collegial Model (Referred To FA Committee)
AS-934-77/FA Monitoring of Grievance Procedures (Approved)
AS-933-77/FA Allocation of Faculty Positions (Approved Unanimously)
AS-932-77 (Number not used)
AS-931-77/SA Admission of Non-Matriculating Students (Referred To EP-SA Committees)
AS-930-77/EP Evaluation of English Placement Test (Approved Without Dissent) AS-929-77/EP Certification of General Education (Approved)
AS-928-77/EP Student Writing Skills (Approved)
AS-927-77/FA Temporary Faculty (Postponed Indefinitely)
AS-926-77/FA Augmentation of Faculty Travel Funds (Approved)
AS-925-77/FA Reallocation of Promotional Monies (Approved)
AS-924-77/EX CPEC Salary Recommendations (Approved by Executive Committee)
AS-923-77/EX Recommendations on Legislation (Referred to Committee)
AS-922-77/FA Law Enforcement Files on Campus (Approved Unanimously)
AS-921-77/AA Improved Rights and Working Conditions for Temporary and Part-Time Faculty (Withdrawn)
AS-920-77/EX Implementation of Trustee Policy on Student Writing Skills (Approved)
AS-919-77/EX Arbitrator Referral Service (Approved Unanimously)
AS-918-77/FA Early Retirement (Approved Unanimously)
AS-917-77/FA Elimination of CPEC Salary Reports (Approved Unanimously) AS-916-77/FA Distribution of Faculty Salary Raise, 1977-78 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-915-77/EP Study of Concurrent Enrollment (Approved Unanimously)
AS-914-77/FA Collective Bargaining Legislation (Approved)
AS-913-77/FA Recession of Academic Senate Position on Collective Bargaining (Approved)
AS-912-77/FA Collective Bargaining Legislation Specifically for Public Higher Education (Approved)
AS-911-77/FA Composition of the Task Force on Temporary Faculty Full-Time/Part-Time (Approved Unanimously)
AS-910-77/AA-FA Effective Date of Tenure for Academic Employees (Approved)
AS-909-77/EP Proposed Revision to Title 5, Section: 40404 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-908-77/AA-SA Priorities for Enrollment Quotas in the CSU (Approved)
AS-907-77/AA Makeup of Local Advisory Boards (Failed)
AS-906-77/SA-EP Learning Assistance Centers (Approved)
AS-905-77/SA Support of Child Care Centers (Withdrawn)
AS-904-77/EP Admissions Criteria for Impacted Campuses (Approved) AS-903-77/Flr (Lothrop/Hardeman) Outstanding Professor Award (Referred to Committee)
AS-902-77/EX Resolution of Appreciation to Clayton L. Sommers (Approved)
AS-901-77/FA Faculty Salaries 1977-78 (Approved)
AS-900-77/EP Ryan Act Single Subject Credentials (Approved Unanimously)
AS-899-77/EP Joint Conference of University of California and the California State University (Approved) and Colleges
AS-898-77/EP American Institutions Requirement (Information Item)
AS-897-77/SA Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Advisement (Approved)
AS-896-77/FA Privacy and Personal Information Management: Proposed Amendment to Title 5 (Approved)
AS-895-77/FA Studies of Campus Problems (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-894-77/FA “Payback” Policy (Approved Unanimously)
AS-893-77/FA Allocation of Promotion Monies (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-892-77/EP Writing Skills Requirement in Teacher Credential Programs (Approved)
AS-891-77/FA The Proper Use of the “Lecturer” Rank (Approved Unanimously) AS-890-77/EP Ryan Bill Funding (Approved)
AS-889-77/EX By-Law Change (Approved)
AS-888-77/FA Special Session Salary Schedules (Approved)
AS-887-77/FA Concurrent Enrollment (Approved)
AS-886-76/Flr (Foster/Elliott) Preprint Senate Bill No. 18: Collegial Model of Academic Governance (Failed)
AS-885-76/Flr (Sacramento Del.) Local Option Experimentation With Model of Academic Governance (Approved)
AS-884-76/FA Study of Collegial Governance (Referred to Committee)
AS-883-76/EP General Education Task Force (Approved)
AS-882-76/EP Systemwide General Biology Equivalency Examination (Approved)
AS-881-76/EP Commission on Extended Education (Approved)
AS-880-76/FA CSUC Membership in the Center for Research Libraries (Approved)
AS-879-76/Flr (Bullough) Transfer of Promotion Funds (Failed)
AS-878-76/AA Proposed Changes From the Office of Federal Contract Compliance, United States (Approved Unanimously) Department of Labor AS-877-76/SA-EP Writing Skills Diagnostic Test Fee (Approved)
AS-876-76/FA Open Files: SB 1588 (Roberti) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-875-76/EX Consortium Policy on Transfer of Credit for Examinations (Approved Unanimously)
AS-874-76/EP Proposed Revisions to Executive Order 171 (Approved)
AS-873-76/FA Study of Faculty Personnel Processes (Approved)
AS-872-76/AA (Rev) Proposed Meeting With Hew Representatives (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-871-76/FA Uses of Lecturer Rank (Approved)
AS-870-76/FA Provision of Reasons for Negative Retention, Tenure, Promotion Recommendations (Approved)
AS-869-76/FA Salary Negotiations, 1976-77 (Postponed Indefinitely)
AS-868-76/Flr (Hayward) Resolution Commending Tudor Jones (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-867-76/Flr (San Bernardino Del.) Resolution Concerning Florence Mote (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-866-76/Flr (Northridge Del.) Resolution Commending Mary McEdwards (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-865-76/Flr (San Luis Obispo Del) Resolution for Commending Paul Murphy (Approved by Acclamation) AS-864-76/EX Redirection of Instructional Funds (Referred to Committee)
AS-863-76/Flr (Neuman) Resolution on the Retirement of Bob Donaldson (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-862-76/EX Resolution Professor Cole (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-861-76/Flr. (Sicular) Grievance Procedures (Approved)
AS-860-76/EX Resolution Commending Vice Chancellor, Keene (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-859-76/EP Use of Examinations for Credentialing Purposes (Approved)
AS-858-76/FA Special Session and Extension Salary Schedule (Failed)
AS-857-76/FA Assembly Bill 3470 (Berman) (Withdrawn)
AS-856-76/EX Academic Senate Guidelines – Interactions With State Legislature (Approved)
AS-855-76/EP Certification of General Education (Approved Unanimously)
AS-854-76/EP Continuing Education Unit: Criteria and Guidelines (Approved Unanimously)
AS-853-76/EP Student Writing Skills (Approved)
AS-852-76/FA Requests for Reports on Personnel Management Reviews (Approved Unanimously) AS-851-76/FA Faculty Representation on the Board of Turstees (Approved)
AS-850-76/EP Library Staffing (Approved Unanimously)
AS-849-76/EP “Dance” as a Single-Subject Major (Approved)
AS-848-76/FA A Special Proposal for Improving the Quality of the Faculty (Approved)
AS-847-76/FA Professional Development Appointments (Approved)
AS-846-76/AA Affirmative Action in Campus Retention, Tenure and Promotion Procedures (Approved)
AS-845-76/FA Senate Bill 1588 (Roberti): CSUC Employee Records (Approved)
AS-844-76/EX Ms. Lynn Smith (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-843-76/Flr (Becker) A Collegial Model of Academic Governance (Approved)
AS-842-76/Flr (Glide) Special Session and Extension Salary Schedule (Rescission of Senate's January 1976 action (Postponed Indefinitely) revising resolved clause of AS-806-75/FA
AS-841-76/EX Layoff Provisions in Statute (Approved)
AS-840-76/FA Authority for Executive Committee to Conduct a Faculty Referendum (Approved)
AS-839-76/AA Chancellor’s Response to Resolution on Unfair Discrimination in Group Insurance Policies (Approved) Available to CSUC Employees AS-838-76/AA Revision of CSUC Maternity Leave Policy (Approved)
AS-837-76/AA-SA Campus Compliance with Title IX Regulations (Approved)
AS-836-76/FA Student Participation in Faculty Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Process (Approved)
AS-835-76/FA Removal or Replacement of Department Chairpersons (Approved Unanimously)
AS-834-76/EP Interim Report of the Task Force on Student Writing Skills (Approved)
AS-833-76/EP Premedical Education (Approved Unanimously)
AS-832-76/EP Identifying Credit Earned by Evaluation on Students’ (Approved Unanimously)
AS-831-76/FA Faculty Involvement in “Layoff by Merit” Policy (Approved)
AS-830-76/Flr (Mathy) Appreciation to Professor Fred Meyers (Approved Unanimously)
AS-829-76/FA Layoff by Specialization Within Class (Approved Unanimously)
AS-828-76/EX-FA Grievance Procedures: Working Party Proposal (Approved)
AS-827-76/Los Angeles Del Sex and Race Discrimination in Textbooks & Course Content (AA/Subst.) (Approved) AS-826-76/Flr(Josephson) Grievance Procedures: “Working Party” Recommendations (Approved)
AS-825-76/Flr (Newman) Grievance Procedures: Authorization for Independent Legal Assistance (Approved)
AS-811-76/CB Cooperation and Possible Merger Among Faculty Membership Organizations (Approved)
AS-812-76/FA Proposed Amendment to Title 5: Layoff by Specialization Within Class (Approved)
AS-813-76/FA Title 5 Change Proposal: Layoff Procedures for Professional Librarians (Postponed Indefinitely)
AS-814-76/AA-FA Affirmative Action and Early Tenure (Failed)
AS-815-76/SA Campus Peace Officers Firearm Policy (Approved)
AS-816-76/SA General Fund Support for Instructionally Related Activities (Approved)
AS-817-76/SA Veterans Administration Regulations on Satisfactory Progress and Attendance (Approved Unanimously)
AS-818-76/SA General Fund Support for Disabled Students (Approved)
AS-819-76/FA Faculty Salary Increase Request (Approved)
AS-820-76/EP Regional Distribution of Programs (Approved Unanimously)
AS-821-76/EP Minor Changes in Masters Program Unit Requirements (Approved Unanimously) AS-822-76/EP Proposed Amendment to Executive Order 203 Grading Systems (Approved)
AS-823-76/EP Grading Systems (Approved Unanimously)
AS-824-76/Flr (Detweiler) Request for Chancellor’s Position on “Ritchie Amendment” Re: Layoff by Relative Competency (Approved Unanimously)
AS-810-75/EX 1976-77 Support Budget (Approved)
AS-809-75/L.A. Del Rescission of Resolutions on Sex & Race Discrimination (Withdrawn)
AS-807-75/FA Selection, Retention, Replacement and Removal of Department Chairpersons (Approved)
AS-806-75/FA Special Session & Extension Salary Schedule (Approved)
AS-805-75/SA-EP Tuition Reciprocity with Foreign Universities (Approved Unanimously)
AS-804-75/FA Intervention into Malfunctioning Departments or Other Academic Units (Approved Unanimously)
AS-803-75/FA Excess Enrollments (Approved)
AS-802-75/FA-EP Individual Offices for Faculty (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-801-75/CB CB: Rodda Hearings (Approved) AS-800-75/AA-SA Programs Supporting Equal Opportunity for the Disabled (Approved Unanimously)
AS-799-75/FA Reduced Employment Base & Partial Early Retirement (Approved Unanimously)
AS-798-75/CB Rescission of Academic Senate Position on CB (Approved)
AS-797-75/FA Delegation of Complete Authority for Campus Layoffs - Proposed Amendment to Title 5, California (Approved) Admin. Code
AS-796-75/FA Title 5 Amendment: Changes in Provisions for Transfer in Lieu of Layoff (Approved Unanimously)
AS-795-75/AA-SA 1976-77 Support Budget Program Change Proposals (Withdrawn) With Consent of the Body)
AS-794-75/Flr (Donaldson) Selection and Appointment of Department Chairs (Approved)
AS-793-75/EX Faculty Salary Increase Request (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-792-75/FA (Rev) Report on the Procurement & Retention of Quality Faculty (Approved)
AS-791-75/CB (Rev) C.B.: Role of the Academic Senate (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-790-75/CB C.B.: the Faculty as Bargaining Unit (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-789-75/CB C.B.: Part-Time Faculty in Bargaining Unit (Postponed Indefinitely)
AS-788-75/EP Off-Campus Instruction (Approved) AS-787-75/FA Proposed Method for Projecting Faculty Need (Approved)
AS-786-75/FA (Rev) Personal Holiday for Faculty (Approved)
AS-785-75/AA (Rev) Implementation of U.S. Regulations Barring Sex Discrimination in Education (Approved Unanimously)
AS-784-75/AA Grant Applications (Approved Unanimously)
AS-783-75/S.F. Del. Equal Status with Teaching Faculty for Library and Student Affairs Professionals in CSUC (Approved Unanimously) Governance
AS-782-75/AA-SA Possible Discrimination in Occupational, Interest Aptitude and Other Testing and Informational (Approved Unanimously) Instruments
AS-781-75/Flr (Hardeman) Women Administrators of Physical Education & Athletic Programs: Proposals (Approved Unanimously)
AS-780-75/Flr (Kessler/Elliott) Budgetary FLexibility to Avert Layoffs (Tabled)
AS-779-75/Flr (Foster) Conference on Credit by Evaluation (Approved)
AS-778-75/FA Proposed Amendment to Title 5: Lengthening of Normal Probationary Period for Academic (Approved Unanimously) Employees
AS-777-75/FA Proposed Amendment to Title 5: Delegation of Authority to Presidents for Approval of Layoffs (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-776-75/FA AB 1266 (Kapiloff): Permanent Status for Part-Time (Postponed)
AS-775-75/AA Women's Advocate Position (Withdrawn) AS-774-75/FA Proposed Changes in Title 5: Assignment of Faculty to Teaching Service Areas & Transfer in Lieu of (Postponed) Layoff
AS-773-75/FA Proposed Method for Projecting Faculty Need (Approved)
AS-772-75/FA Elimination of "T" Steps (Approved Unanimously)
AS-771-75/EX Layoff Procedures (Approved)
AS-770-75/EX Faculty Representation at Exit Conference in Internal Audits (Approved Unanimously)
AS-769-75/SA Recommendations for Pending 1975 Legislation (Report)
AS-768-75/SA Campus Security Advisory Boards (Approved Unanimously)
AS-767-75/AA Freeze on Tenure Track Hiring and Imposition of Tenure Track Quotas (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-766-75/EP SB 646: Occupational Experience Credit (Approved)
AS-765-75/EP Academic Standards (Approved)
AS-764-75/EX By-Law Changes: Senate Committee Structure (Approved)
AS-763-75/FA (Approved Without Dissent) Reallocation of Promotion Funds
AS-762-75/CONS Funding of the Consortium & External Degree Programs (Approved Unanimously) AS-761-75/ no document/number skipped
AS-760-75/SA Services for Prospective Students (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-759-75/SA Undergraduate Academic Advisement (Approved)
AS-758-75/AA Continuation of Affirmative Action Committee (Withdrawn) Prior to Consideration)
AS-757-75/AA SCR 34 (Raines): the Joint Committee on Legal Equality (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-756-75/AA Federal Grant to Assist Implementation of AS-710-75/AA (Approved)
AS-755-75/AA Appointment of Minorities to Department Chairs and Administrative Positions (Approved)
AS-754-75/AA (Rev) Violation of Affirmative Action and Other Fair Employment Principles & Guidelines in Job (Approved) Descriptions
AS-753-75/EP (Rev) Credit by Evaluation (Approved Unanimously)
AS-752-75/FA Proposed Amendment to Title 5 Deleting Provisions for Appeals to the Chancellor on TTP Decisions (Approved Unanimously)
AS-751-75/FA Proposed Amendment to Title 5: Pay Periods (Withdrawn) prior to consideration)
AS-750-75/FA Announcement of Faculty Recommended for Promotion (Approved)
AS-749-75/FA CSUC Budget: Funds for Removal of T-Step (Approved Unanimously) AS-748-75/FA CSUC Budget: Promotions Funding (Approved Unanimously)
AS-747-75/FA Establishment of Procedures for Presidential Review (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-746-75/FA Recommendation for Modifying Summer Session Faculty Pay Schedules (Tabled)
AS-745-75/FA Proposed Method for Projecting Faculty Need (Approved Unanimously)
AS-744-75/FA Establishment of Special Sessions and Redesignation of Summer Session as "Special Session" (Approved)
AS-743-75/SA-AA Educational Provisions for Senior Citizens (Approved)
AS-742-75/SA Sale of Beer on Campus (Approved)
AS-741-75/SA General Fund Support for Instructionally Related Activities (Approved Unanimously)
AS-740-75/SA Restoration of Funds for Instructional Supplies and Services (Approved Unanimously)
AS-739-75/FA AB 804(Berman): CSUC Grievance/Disciplinary Procedures (Approved)
AS-738-75/FA Reduced Employment Base and Partial Early Retirement (Approved Unanimously)
AS-737-75/EP State Support for CSUC External Degree Programs (Approved Unanimously)
AS-736-75/EP Credit for Prior Learning (Approved) AS-735-75/EP International Program (Approved Unanimously)
AS-734-75/FA SB 275(Dills): Collective Bargaining Legislation (Approved)
AS-733-75/FA SB 57(Alquist): CSUC Employee Personnel Files (Approved Unanimously)
AS-732-75/GR Legislative Report, March 1975 (Report)
AS-731-75/FA Proposed Copyright Policy (Approved Unanimously)
AS-730-75/EP Conditional Admissions (Approved Unanimously)
AS-729-75/EP Commission on New Directions in the Educational Process (Approved Unanimously)
AS-728-75/Flr (Larsen) Bargaining Unit Determination (Approved Unanimously)
AS-727-75/Flr (Kessler) CLEP Evaluation (Approved)
AS-726-75/Flr (San Jose) Disfranchisement of Economics Department Faculty at San Jose State University (Approved)
AS-725-75/FA Faculty Control in the Process of Collective Bargaining (Approved Unanimously)
AS-724-75/AA Survey of Possible Sex Discrimination in Athletic Programs (Postponed)
AS-723-75/FA Steady State Staffing Committee Report (No document) (Report) AS-722-75/EX The Governor's Proposed Budget for 1975-76 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-721-75/GR-FA Faculty Consultants to Legislature (Withdrawn) prior to consideration)
AS-720-75/GR-FA Assembly Bill 240: Faculty/Student Representation (Approved)
AS-719-75/GR-FA (Rev) Open Personnel Files (Approved)
AS-718-75/FA The Berryhill Total Compensation Act (Approved Unanimously)
AS-717-75/FA The Role of Students in Collective Bargaining (Approved)
AS-716-75/FA Collective Bargaining Legislation Specifically for Public Higher Education (Approved)
AS-715-75/F-FA Promotion Budget Requests & Allocations (Approved Unanimously)
AS-714-75/SA Student Attrition Rate (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-713-75/AA Campus Child Development Centers (Approved)
AS-712-75/EP Basic Skills Task Forces in English Composition and Mathematics (Approved)
AS-711-75/AA Unfair Discrimination in Group Insurance (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-710-75/AA Sex and Race Discrimination in Textbooks (Approved Unanimously) AS-709-75/AA Removal of Terms Connoting Sex Discrimination from the Governing Documents of the CSUC (Approved Unanimously)
AS-708-75/AA-SA Increased Security Measures for Faculty, Students, and Staff (Approved Unanimously)
AS-707-75/AA Possible Sex and Race Discrimination in Course Content (Approved)
AS-706-74/Flr (Crist) Trustee Appointments (Failed)
AS-705-74/FA Center for Professional Development: Composition of Policy Board (Approved Unanimously)
AS-704-74/FA-EP Center for Professional Development: Faculty Participation (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-703-74/AA Training and Development Programs for Women & Minority Faculty (Approved)
AS-702-74/AA-FA Grievance Procedures for Temporary and Part-Time Faculty (Lecturers) (Approved)
AS-701-74/AA-SA(Rev) Career Advisement for Minority & Women Students (Approved)
AS-700-74/EP Funding of Instructionally Related Activities (Assembly Bill 3116) (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-699-74/SA (Rev) Composition of the Board of Trustees (Failed)
AS-698-74/SA-AA Funding for Child Care Centers 1976-77 (Approved)
AS-697-74/EP Review of Center for Professional Development Proposals (Incorporated with AS-704-74) AS-696-74/SA Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (Approved)
AS-695-74/SA Invited Speakers (Approved Unanimously)
AS-694-74/EP Proposal for a New Administrative Grading Symbol (Approved)
AS-693-74/FA Collective Bargaining: Relations with Faculty Organizations (Approved Unanimously)
AS-692-74/EP (Rev) Proposed Changes in Title 5: Residency Provisions (Approved)
AS-691-74/EP Administrative Grading Symbol: Wording Change in Executive Order 171 (Approved)
AS-690-74/F Faculty Salary Adjustments (Approved Unanimously)
AS-689-74/Flr (Larsen) Sympathy to Trustee Roy Brophy on the Loss of His Son (Approved Unanimously)
AS-688-74/Flr (Larsen) In Memory of James P. Heath (Approved Unanimously)
AS-687-74/F Pay Plans (Approved Unanimously)
AS-686-74/FA Augmentation of Faculty Salaries from Outside Sources (Approved)
AS-685-74/GR Legislative Report, September 1974 (Report)
AS-684-74/FA Proposed Changes in Title 5: Lay-Off Procedures (Approved) AS-683-74/F-SA Student Fees and Services (Approved)
AS-682-74/FA Disciplinary Action Procedures (Approved Unanimously)
AS-681-74/FA Presidential Selection Procedures (Approved)
AS-680-74/EP Endorsement of Provision for Academic Renewal (Approved)
AS-679-74/Flr (Donaldson) Discretionary Fund Augmentation (Approved Unanimously)
AS-678-74/Flr (Hardeman) Harmer Act & Executive Order 112 (Approved)
AS-677-74/Flr (Sacramento) Recognition of Outstanding Teaching Achievement (Approved)
AS-676-74/F Graduate Augmentation (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-675-74/SA-GR Recommendations for Pending 1974 Legislation – Student Affairs Committee (Approved)
AS-674-74/F Employee Fee Waiver (Assembly Bill 3958) (Approved)
AS-673-74/F Separation Benefits (Senate Bill 2016) (Approved)
AS-672-74/F-FA Fringe Benefits (Senate Bill 1764) (Approved) AS-671-74/FA (Rev) Grievance Procedures (Approved)
AS-670-74/FA-F Partial and Early Retirement (Approved Unanimously)
AS-669-74/EP Faculty Involvement in Registration Decisions (Approved)
AS-668-74/EP Instructional Faculty Development (Approved Unanimously)
AS-667-74/EP California Community Colleges Transfer Courses (Approved)
AS-666-74/FA Workload Standards for Credit by Examination (Approved)
AS-665-74/FA Open Files Legislation (Senate Bill 1808) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-664-74/FA Faculty Exchanges Report Endorsement (Approved Unanimously)
AS-663-74/FA Collective Negotiations: Ratification of Agreements (Approved)
AS-662-74/FA (Rev) Collective Bargaining: Lecturers and Part-Time Faculty (Approved)
AS-661-74/AA-SA-GR Affirmative Action & CSUC Athletic Programs (Approved Unanimously)
AS-660-75/AA-FA (Rev) Rights of Temporary and Part-Time Faculty (Lecturers) (Approved)
AS-659-74/AA-FA Nepotism Policy (Approved) AS-658-74/AA Affirmative Action Practices in appointment, Promotion, and Advancement, and in (Approved) Appointment to Administrative Positions
AS-657-74/EX Proposed By-Law Changes (Approved)
AS-656-74/Flr Appreciation for Allen C. Christensen, Parliamentarian (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-655-74/SA Student Affairs Report (Report)
AS-654-74/F Survey of Faculty Opinion on Fringe Benefits (Approved)
AS-653-74/F Fringe Benefits in Governor's Budget (Approved)
AS-652-74/EX Grading Policy and Academic Standards (Approved Unanimously)
AS-651-74/F Academic Senate CSUC Budget for 1975-76 (Approved)
AS-650-74/F Board of Trustees' Salary Recommendations (Approved)
AS-649-74/Flr Teacher Preparation & Licensing Act of 1970 (Approved)
AS-648-74/FA Grievance Procedures (Approved)
AS-647-74/FA Steady State Staffing: Tenure-Track Quotas (Approved)
AS-646-74/FA Full Information Concerning Lay-Offs (Approved) AS-645-74/EX Senate Response to Audits Publicity (Approved)
AS-644-74/FA Copyright Policy (Approved Unanimously)
AS-643-74/EP Academic Forgiveness Policy (Approved)
AS-642-74/W,F Child Care Centers (Approved)
AS-641-74/W Appointment of Women to Department Chairs & Administrative Positions (Approved)
AS-640-74/W Freeze on Tenure-Track Hiring (Approved Unanimously)
AS-639-74/GR Governmental Relations Committee Report (Report)
AS-638-74/SA Student Representative on Postsecondary Education Commission (Senate Bill 1169) (Approved)
AS-637-74/EX Affirmative Action Committee (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-636-74/Flr Summer Session Salary (Approved)
AS-635-74/FA Faculty Rights on Reassignment for Faculty Exchanges (Dropped - Superseded by AS-664-FA)
AS-634-74/SA Learn, Earn and Reimburse Plan (Assembly Bill 2590) (Approved) AS-633-74/SA Student Representation on Board of Trustees (Senate Bill 1168) (Approved)
AS-632-74/SA Materials and Service Fee (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-631-74/FA Proposed Grievance Procedures (Approved)
AS-630-74/FA Recommendations for Modification in the California State University and Colleges Summer (Approved) Session Faculty Salary Schedule
AS-629-74/SA Policy for the Position of Student Governmental Representatives funded by Associated (Tabled) Student Fees
AS-628-74/EP Maximum Summer Session Credit (Approved)
AS-627-74/Flr Differential Pay For Department Chairpersons (Approved)
AS-626-74/FA Affirmative Action (Approved)
AS-625-74/GR-EP Ryan Act Revision (Endorsement of Policy Proposed by Commissioner Robert Kelly) (Approved)
AS-624-74/EX Deletion of 60/40 Rule From State College Administrative Manual (Approved Unanimously)
AS-623-73/Flr Study of Department Chairpersons Policy Implementation (Approved)
AS-622-73/FA Extension & Summer Session Salaries (Approved)
AS-621-73/Flr Funding for Elimination of Class I (Approved) AS-620-73/EX Proposed Senate Constitutional Amendment (Failed)
AS-619-73/EX Statement on Allegations of Faculty Improprieties (Approved)
AS-618-73/FA Extension Teaching During The Academic Year (Approved Unanimously)
AS-617-73/GR Trustees' Annual Legislative (Approved)
AS-616-73/EP Credit By Examination (Approved)
AS-615-73/FA Application of 60-40 Quotas (Approved)
AS-614-73/F Sabbatical Leave Funding (Approved Unanimously)
AS-613-73/F Presidential Recruitment Funding (Approved)
AS-612-73/F Graduate Augmentation (Approved Unanimously)
AS-611-73/FA Endorsement of AAUP and HEW Statements on Procedures for Lay-Offs (Approved)
AS-610-73/GR Role of Women in the California State University and Colleges (Approved)
AS-609-73/FA Statute of Limitations for Disciplinary Action Cases (Approved)
AS-608-73/FA Resolution on 5% Salary Differential for Department Chairmen (Failed) AS-607-73/Flr Senate Participation on Ad Hoc Committee on Salary Schedule Revision (Approved)
AS-606-73/Flr (Elliott) Proposed Revision of the Academic Senate CSU Constitution (Approved)
AS-605-73/FA Appointment and Terms of Office for Faculty Members Serving as Department Chairmen (Approved)
AS-604-73/FA ACR 70 (Faculty Promotion) (Approved Unanimously)
AS-603-73/EX CSU San Francisco Academic Senate Seat (Approved)
AS-602-73/SA Foreign Student Counselors (Approved)
AS-601-73/SA Disabled Persons (Approved Unanimously)
AS-600-73/SA Non-Resident Tuition for Foreign Students (Approved Unanimously)
AS-599-73/SA Assembly Bill 203 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-598-73/FA Monitoring Committee - Grievance Procedures (Approved Unanimously)
AS-597-73/F Assembly Bill 1206 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-596-73/F Elimination of Class I – Class II (Withdrawn)
AS-595-73/F Faculty Salary Revisions (Approved) AS-594-73/EP Freshman English Equivalency Testing (Approved)
AS-593-73/EP Requirements for Graduate Students (Approved)
AS-592-73/EP Organizational Structure Guidelines (Approved)
AS-591-73/Flr Executive Committee Membership (Failed)
AS-590-73/Flr Instructional Contact/Academic Administrators (Referred to Committee)
AS-589-73/EX-EP Advisory Committee of the Consortium (Approved Unanimously)
AS-588-73/FA Use of Lectureships & Tenure Reg. (document unavailable) (Approved)
AS-587-73/Flr Commendation - Bob Lambright (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-586-73/Flr Commendation - David Grant (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-585-73/Flr Commendation - Leo Gainor (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-584-73/Flr Commendation - Jerome L. Fox (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-583-73/Flr Commendation - Brij Khare (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-582-73/Flr Commendation - Anatol Balbach (Approved by Acclamation) AS-581-73/Flr Commendation - John Giles (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-580-73/Flr Commendation - Royce Delmatier (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-579-73/Flr (Becker) Library Development (Approved Unanimously)
AS-578-73/EX Appointment of Trustees (Approved Unanimously)
AS-577-73/FA Executive Order 171 & Faculty Workload (no document available) (Information Item – Withdrawn by Committee)
AS-576-73/FA Senate Participation in the Monitoring Committee on Grievance and Disciplinary Action (Failed)
AS-575-73/FA Tenure Regulations (Approved)
AS-574-73/FA California State University and Colleges Auxiliary Organizations Administration of Grants and (Approved) Contracts in Support of Research, Workshops, Institutes, and other - Executive Order 168
AS-573-73/FA FSA 73-25 (Librarian Personnel Plan) (Approved)
AS-572-73/OPA (Flr) Outstanding Professor Awards (Approved)
AS-571-73/EP Provisions for Establishment of the Consortium of The California State University & Colleges (Approved)
AS-570-73/FA-cn Analysis of Collective Negotiation Bills in the California Legislature, 1973 (Information Item – Report) AS-569-73/FA-PS Policies and Procedures in the Selection of CSUC Presidents (Approved)
AS-568-73/EP Residence Credit for Specified Extension Courses (Approved)
AS-567-73/EP Amendment of Probation and Disqualification (Approved)
AS-566-73/EP Non-Traditional Grading (Approved)
AS-565-73/Flr (Marley/Bradley) Local Senate/Council Chair on Academic Senate, CSUC (Failed)
AS-564-73/EP Report on Instructional Media and Resources (Approved)
AS-563-73/FA Interim Faculty Workload Norms and Measurement (Approved)
AS-562-73/GR March Legislative Report (Report)
AS-561-73/GR Discontinued Federal Support of CSUC Activities (Referred to Educ. Policies Cmt)
AS-560-73/EP Reduction of Baccalaureate Degree Requirements (Approved)
AS-559-73/EP Facilitating Concurrent Enrollment & Transfer Within The California State University and Colleges (Approved)
AS-558-73/EP Planned Student Leaves (Approved)
AS-557-73/EP Academic Credit for Action Service (Approved) AS-556-73/F Parking Fee (Approved)
AS-555-73/SA Educational Opportunities. Programs, AB 361 (Approved)
AS-554-73/SA Student Travel Expenses, AB 203 (Approved)
AS-553-73/SA Voluntary Student Body Fees, AB 159 (Approved)
AS-552-73/SA Work-Study Program Funding, AB 23 (Approved)
AS-551-73/EX Grievance & Disciplinary Procedures (Approved)
AS-550-73/FA (Approved) Librarian Salary Increases
AS-549-73/F (Approved Unanimously) Proposed Budget 1974-75 Academic Senate, CSUC
AS-548-73/FA (Approved) Affirmative Action for Academic and Academic Related Personnel
AS-547-73/EX (Approved) Distribution of $1.9 Million
AS-546-73/Flr (Exec Cmt Substitution) (Approved) Salary Schedule Referendum
AS-545-73/F (Approved) Fringe Benefit Priorities
AS-544-73/F (Approved) Development of Comparison Institutions AS-543-73/EP (Approved) Policy Statement on Acquisition for Libraries of the California State University & Colleges
AS-542-73/F (Failed) Proposed Increase in Parking Fees
AS-541-73/GR (Failed in Committee) Recordation of Telephone Messages
AS-540-73/GR (Approved) Tuition for Excessive Units
AS-539-73/FA Faculty Participation in Selection & Retention of Administrators (Approved)
AS-538-73/FA Executive Order No. 158 (Approved)
AS-537-73/FA Removal of Step Inequities (Approved)
AS-536-73/FA Executive Order 173 Grievance Procedures (a second additional resolution, not a duplicate) (Approved)
AS-535-73/FA Executive Order 173 Grievance Procedures (an additional resolution, not a duplicate) (Approved)
AS-534-73/FA Executive Order 173 Grievance Procedures (Approved)
AS-533-72/Flr Proposed Study for Comprehensive Health/Insurance Package (Approved)
AS-532-72/Flr (G.Marley) Allocation of $1.9 Million for Removal of "Inequities" (Approved)
AS-531-72/FLR Consultation (Tabled) AS-530-72/Ex New Salary Structure (Approved)
AS-528-72/F Governor's Task Force on Comparative Salaries (Approved)
AS-527-72/EP Transfer Admission Requirements (Approved)
AS-526-72/F Comparison Universities (Withdrawn)
AS-525-72/FA Policy on Faculty Rights, Responsibilities and Procedures in the Development and Use of (Approved Without Dissent) Instructional Television in the California State University and Colleges
AS-524-72/EP Lower Division English Credit (Approved)
AS-523-72/SA Parking Revenue Funds, SB 148 (Approved)
AS-522-72/SA Educational Opportunity Program AB 1703 (Approved)
AS-521-72/EX New Salary Structure (Tabled)
AS-520-72/FA-CN Sub. Inclusion of State Employees in Proposed Legislation of Public Employee Negotiations (Approved)
AS-519-72/FA-CN Faculty Responsibility for Professional Decisions under Collective Negotiation (Approved)
AS-518-72/FA-CN Sub. Clarification of Senate Positions on Impasse Procedures (Approved)
AS-517-72/EP Administrative Grading Symbols (Approved) AS-516-72/EP (Approved) Consortium of the California State University & Colleges
AS-515-72/EP Committee on Academic Standards (Approved)
AS-514-72/EP Commission on the Educational Process in the California State University & Colleges (Approved)
AS-513-72/FA Comparison Institutions (Approved)
AS-512-72/Flr Additions to By-Laws (Approved)
AS-511-72/Flr Affirmative Action (Approved Unanimously)
AS-510-72/Flr Full Discussion (Failed)
AS-509-72/FA Department Chairman - Nine-Month Appointments (Approved)
AS-508-72/F Study of Faculty Compensation (Approved)
AS-507-72/F Proposed Salary Increase & Fringe Benefits (Approved)
AS-506-72/EP Transferability of Credit (Approved)
AS-505-72/EP Administrative Grading Symbols (Approved)
AS-504-72/EP (Approved Unanimously) International Programs’ Overseas Offering of Extension Courses AS-503-72/SA (Approved) Student Participation in Materials and Service Fees
AS-502-72/SA (Approved) Responsibility for Associated Student Body Fees
AS-501-72/SA (Approved) Financial Support of Instructionally-Related Activities
AS-500-72/GR (Approved Unanimously) Senate Positions on Legislation
AS-499-72/GR (Approved Unanimously) Appointment of Trustees
AS-498-72/GR (Deferred) Senate Position on Salary Schedule
AS-497-72/FA (Approved) Role of the Department Chairman
AS-496-72/FLR (Approved) Supplementary Employment of Academic and Administrative CSUC Employees
AS-495-72/FA (Approved) Disposition of Salary Inequity Funds
AS-494-72/EP (Approved) Performing Arts Report
AS-493-72/EX (Approved) Academic Retreats
AS-492-72/EX (Approved) Additions to By-Laws
AS-491-72/EX Salary Increase of 13-1/2% for Academic Employees (Approved Unanimously) AS-490-72/Flr Master Plan Report (Approved)
AS-489-72/Flr Commendation of David H. Provost (Approved Unanimously By Acclamation)
AS-488-72/Flr Resolution of Appreciation To Captain E. Richard Barnes (Approved Unanimously)
AS-487-72/EP Concurrent Enrollment & Transfer Within the CSU And Colleges System (Approved Unanimously)
AS-486-72/EP C.L.E.P. (Oral Report By R. Hunt) (Voided)
AS-485-72/SA Admission Application Deadline (Approved Unanimously)
AS-484-72/EP Support for Research & Development in the CSU And Colleges (Approved)
AS-483-72/FA-CN Subcommittee Senate Positions on Elements of Collective Negotiation (Approved as Amended)
AS-482-72/SA Qualifications of Student Body Officers (Approved)
AS-481-72/FA Concurrent Enrollment & Faculty Workload (Approved)
AS-480-72/F 1973-74 Proposed Budget for the Academic Senate CSUC (Withdrawn)
AS-479-72/FA Supplementary Employment - Activities & Teaching Overloads (Approved Unanimously)
AS-478-72/SA Residency Requirements (Approved Unanimously) AS-477-72/Flr Commendation of C.M. “Mac” Larsen and the Sub Committee on Collective Negotiations (Approved By Acclamation)
AS-476-72/EP Provisions for Continuing Education (Approved Unanimously)
AS-475-72/EP Performing Arts (Approved)
AS-474-72/EX Resolution of Appreciation - William Norris (Approved Unanimously)
AS-473-72/EX Resolution of Sympathy - Dudley Swim (Approved Unanimously)
AS-472-72/EX Resolution of Appreciation - Mrs. Philip Conley (Approved Unanimously)
AS-471-72/EX Resolution of Sympathy - E. Guy Warren (Approved Unanimously)
AS-470-72/EP Faculty Exchange Program (Approved)
AS-469-72/EP Guidelines for Non-Traditional Grading Policies (Approved)
AS-468-72/F Salary Savings (Approved Unanimously)
AS-467-72/F Student-Faculty Ratio Calculations (Approved)
AS-466-72/EX Name Change Referendum-Document Endorsed (Approved)
AS-465-72/EP Involvement of Faculty in Pilot Innovative Programs (Approved) AS-464-72/FA Affirmative Action (Approved)
AS-463-72/FA-F Budget Augmentation (Approved)
AS-462-72/FA Monitoring Committee on Grievance/Disciplinary Procedures (Approved Unanimously)
AS-461-72/Flr Commendation on Theodore Treutlein (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-460-72/Flr Commendation on Frankie Newman and Karen Korich (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-459-72/EX Second Annual Academic Retreat (Approved Unanimously)
AS-458-72/FA Application of Tenure and Promotion Regulations to New Faculty Members (Approved Unanimously)
AS-457-72/F Six Percent Fringe Benefit Legislation (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-456-72/F Governor’s Salary Recommendations (Approved)
AS-455-71/Flr Commendation on Frankie Newman and Margaret Maul (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-454-71/Flr Instruction to Subcommittee on Collective Negotiations (Approved)
AS-453-71/Flr Proposal to Alter Tenure Requirements to Make Provisions for Part-Time Faculty (Failed)
AS-452-71/Flr Special Admission for Certain Conscientious Objectors (Approved) AS-451-71/GR Advertising for Sale of Term Papers (Approved)
AS-450-71-GR Judicial Review of Academic Personnel Decisions (Approved Unanimously)
AS-449-71/FA Foreign Degree (Approved)
AS-448-71/FA Complaints to the Trustees (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-447-71/FA Affirmation of Senate Approval of Task Force Committee Recommendations (Approved)
AS-446-71/EP-I&II College Level Examination Program (CLEP) (Approved)
AS-445-71/EP Provisions for Continuing Education (Approved)
AS-444-71/EP Concurrent Enrollment (Approved)
AS-443-71/F Faculty Salary & Fringe Benefits Augmentation (Approved)
AS-442-71/EX Ad Hoc Committee on Minorities (Approved)
AS-441-71/Flr Commendation on Maxine Warren (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-440-71/FA First Report To Academic Senate CSU From Faculty Affairs Subcommittee On (Information Item) Collective Negotiation
AS-439-71/EX Amendment of By-Laws – 2 (Approved) AS-438-71/EX Amendment of By-Laws – 1 (Approved)
A5-437-71/EP Special Admission for Veterans (Approved)
AS-436-71/EP Provisions for Continuing Education (Approved)
AS-435-71/EP External Programs Leading To Degrees - Authority To Establish Fees (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-434-71/EP Programs Leading To Degrees - Approval of New Academic Programs (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-433-71/EP External Programs Leading To Degrees - Courses for Residence Credit (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-432-71/SA Augmentation of Student Health Services (Approved Unanimously)
AS-431-71/Flr Commendation of Ken Johnson (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-430-71/Flr Commendation of Lynn Smith (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-429-71/Flr Commendation of Jerome Richfield (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-428-71/Flr Commendation of Levern F. Graves (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-427-71/Flr Sacramento State College Convocation (Approved)
AS-426-71/Flr Endorsement of Senate Bill 249 (Approved) AS-425-71/F Certification Restriction on Equipment Items (Approved)
AS-424-71/ No Document (Withdrawn by Committee)
AS-423-71/FA Transmission of Faculty Review Reports (Approved)
AS-422-71/Flr Commendation of Former Trustee Al Ruffo (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-421-71/Flr Commendation of Former Trustee Theodore Meriam (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-420-71/Flr Statements on the Budget Crises (Approved)
AS-419-71/F Released Time for Statewide Senators (1st & 2nd reading only, no other action noted)
AS-418-7l/F-EP Faculty Staffing Formula (Approved)
AS-417-71/EP External College (Approved)
AS-416-71/EP Revised Grading Policies (Approved)
AS-415-71/EP Criteria for Review of Low-Productivity Programs (Withdrawn by Committee)
AS-414-71/EP Graduate Admissions Procedures (Approved Unanimously)
AS-413-71/FA Sick Leave Transfer from University System (Withdrawn by Committee) AS-412-71/FA Investigations into Allegations of Violations of Academic Freedom (1st & 2nd reading only, no other action noted)
AS-411-71/FA Recommendations on the Statement on Professional Responsibility (Approved Unanimously)
AS-410-71/FA Principle of Consultation and Title 5 Revisions (Approved)
AS-409-71/SA-FA Equivalency in Professional Student Personnel Staff (no document) (Withdrawn by Committee)
AS-408-71/SA Use of Student Body Fees for Legislative Advocacy Committee (no document) (Withdrawn by Committee)
AS-407-71/SA Outside Speakers on Campuses (1st & 2nd reading only, no other action noted)
AS-406-71/SA Student Rights and Responsibilities (Approved)
AS-405-71/EX Proposed Ad Hoc Committee on Master Plan (Approved)
AS-404-71/F1r Proposal for a Committee on Public Relations (Referred to Exec. Committee)
AS-403-71/Flr Ad Hoc Committee on Role of Women (Approved)
AS-402-71/EP Increased Use of Credit by Examination (Approved)
AS-401-71/EP-SA Request for Study by Chancellor’s Task Force II (Approved)
AS-400-71/EP Degree Credit Extension Offerings (Approved) AS-399-71/FA Payroll Certification (Approved Unanimously)
AS-398-71/FA Local Option on Tenure for Coaches (Not Approved)
AS-397-71/FA Proposed Changes in Board Review of Dismissal (Approved)
AS-396-71/FA Tenure Proposal (Approved)
AS-395-71/SA Student Health Services (Withdrawn)
AS-394-71/F Budgetary Flexibility (Approved)
AS-393-71/F Proposed Student Fee Increases (Tabled)
AS-392-71/F Trustees’ Budget (Approved Unanimously)
AS-391-71/F Staffing Formula (Approved)
AS-390-71/EP Position Paper on the External College (Received as non-action item)
AS-389-71/EP Chancellor’s Proposals on Academic/Curricular (Approved)
AS-388-71/TFC Report of the Special Task Force Committee on More Effective Representation (Approved) Of the California State College Faculty
AS-387-71/Flr Distribution Recommendation for AS-385-71/FA & Supporting Documents (Approved) AS-386-71/FA Procedural Objections Regarding Chancellor’s Tenure Proposals (Approved)
AS-385-71/FA Quality Faculty Recommendations (Approved)
AS-384-71/PA Monitoring Committee (Approved)
AS-383-70/Flr Commendation of Lowell Walter (Approved Unanimously)
AS-382-70/FA I&II A Statement of Professional Responsibility - Implementation of the Statement on (Endorsed) Professional Responsibility And Professional Self-Discipline
AS-381-70/F Summer Sessions Budget (Tabled)
AS-380-70/EP-F Book Budgeting Practices (Approved)
AS-379-70/EP-F Library Development Program (Approved)
AS-378-70/TFC Task Force Committee Recommendation (Referred to the Task Force Committee)
AS-377-70 Periodic Performance Review of Tenured Faculty (Approved)
AS-376-70/Flr Request to Trustees to Defer Action on Tenure Proposal (Approved Unanimously)
AS-375-70/Flr Proposed UPC Position Paper on Campus Unrest (Referred to Task Force Committee)
AS-374-70/Flr 1970-71 Budget for the California State Colleges (Approved Unanimously) AS-373-70/Flr Commendation of Donna Michaud, former Senate Secretary (Approved Unanimously)
AS-372/FA Response to Chancellor’s Proposal on Tenure w/attached position paper “Need for (Approved) Academic Tenure”
AS-371-70/FA Request for Legal & Professional Assistance (Approved)
AS-370-70/FA Special Task Force Committee (Approved)
AS-369-70/F Campus Participation in Budget Deliberations (Approved)
AS-368-70 Reduction in Support FTE Funds (Approved)
AS-367-70/F Faculty Salary & Fringe Benefit Augmentations (Approved)
AS-366-70/EP Graduate Augmentation (Approved)
AS-365-70/EX Request to Faculty Affairs Committee for Code of Ethics Proposal (Approved)
AS-364-70/EP Increased Admissions to Specialized Classes (Approved)
AS-363-70/FA Meyers, Milias, Brown Act (Postponed)
AS-362-70/FA General Response to Grievance & Disciplinary Procedures (Approved Unanimously)
AS-361-70/EP Grading Policy (Approved) AS-360-70/FA Advice Regarding Grievance & Disciplinary Procedures (Approved)
AS-359-70/SA Foreign Students (Approved)
AS-358-70/Flr Commendation of John Stafford (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-357-70/Flr Commendation to California State College and University (Approved) Faculty Association (C. C.U.F.A.)
AS-356-70/Flr Commendation of Lloyd Ahlem (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-355-70/Flr Resolution on James Cole (Approved)
AS-354-70/Flr Commendation of Jerome Richfield (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-353-70/Flr Referendum Implementation (Approved)
AS-352-70/Flr Recommendation Regarding the Proposed Salary Schedule (Approved)
AS-351-70/Flr Referendum (Approved)
AS-350-70/Flr Withdrawal of Trustees’ Agenda Item on Grievance/Disciplinary Action Procedures (Approved Unanimously)
AS-349-70/FA Revisions of Grievance/Disciplinary Action Procedures (Tabled)
AS-348-70/Flr Commendation of Bertram McGarrity (Approved) AA-347-70/F-FA Oppose Use of General Salary Increase Funds for Revision of Schedule (Approved)
AA-346-70/EX Funding Summer Quarter (Year Round Operations) YRO (Approved)
AS-345-70/EX Proposed Salary Schedule (Tabled)
AS-344-70/P Support of Policy Seeking Single-Man Lease- Purchase Office Space (Approved)
AS-343-70/F Implementation of New Academic Administration Budget Formulae (Referred to Finance Committee)
AS-342-70/F General Administrative Use of Instructional Positions (Approved)
AS-341-70/F-GR Educational Opportunity Program Funding (Approved)
AS-340-70/FA Sick Leave (Approved)
AS-339-70/FA Local Campus Personnel Procedures (Approved)
AS-338-70/FA Grievance/Disciplinary Procedure (Approved)
AS-337-70/EP Industrial Arts/Industrial Technology (Approved)
AS-336-70/Flr Resolution to Robert Fisk (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-335-70/a-h Presidential Selection (Approved Unanimously) AS-334-70/Flr Instructions to Senate Representatives on the Ad Hoc Committee on Salary Schedule (Tabled)
AS-333-70/Flr Amendment to Proposed Salary Schedule (Failed)
AS-332-70/Clr Five-Day Rule (Approved Unanimously)
AS-331a-70/AH Rationale (Approved)
AS-331-70/F Salary Schedule Proposal, CSC (Approved)
AS-330-70/EX Professional Student Personnel Staff (Approved)
AS-329-70/F Preservation of Local College Foundations (Approved Unanimously)
AS-328-70/FA Temporary Suspension (Approved)
AS-327-70/EP Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (W.I.C.H.E.) (Approved)
AS-326-70/FA-F Amendment to Proposed Salary Schedule (Failed)
AS-325-70 No document/number skipped
AS-324-70/FA-EX Personnel Case at San Jose State College (Approved Unanimously)
AS-323-70/EP Recommended Title 5 Changes on Grading Policy (Approved) AS-322-70/F Centralized Headquarters for ASCSC (Approved)
AS-321-70/F Local Senate Involvement in Budgeting for Educational Priorities (Approved)
AS-320-70/F Chancellor’s Office In Budgeting for Educational Priorities (Approved)
AS-319-70/Flr Senate Representation on Ad Hoc Committee on Educational Priorities (Postponed Indefinitely)
AS-318-70/Flr Ad Hoc Committee on Educational Priorities (Tabled)
AS-317-70/EP-SA Proposed Title V Changes In Admissions Policy (Approved)
AS-316-70/Flr Martin Luther King, Jr. (Approved Unanimously)
AS-315-70/Flr Merger of Governing Boards of Higher Education (Approved
AS-314-70/Flr Meeting With Governor (Withdrawn)
AS-313-70/EX Internal Audit (Approved)
AS-312-70/EX Tuition-Free Education (Approved)
AS-311-70 No document/number skipped
AS-310-70/FA Principles to Govern Faculty Appointments (Approved) AS-309-70/F Instructional Priorities (Tabled)
AS-308-70/F Restoration of Simplicity in Summer Session. Fiscal Regulations (Approved)
AS-307-70/EP Name Change (Approved)
AS-306-70/SA Vice Chancellorship in Student Services (Approved)
AS-305-69/Flr Guidelines for Hiring (Tabled)
AS-304-69/EX Appointment Guidelines (Approved)
AS-303-69/EX Change In Title of Chancellor’s Staff Position (Approved Unanimously)
AS-302-69/F Educational Opportunity Program (Approved)
AS-301-69/F Establishment of Summer Session Revenue Reserve Fund (Approved)
AS-300-69/F Quarter System Cycling Budgets (Approved)
AS-299-69/F Salary Proposal (Approved)
AS-298-69/SA Student Body Fees (Approved) AS-297-09/EX Marvin X Case (Referred the Issue, not document, to ASCSC)
AS-296-69/EX Marvin X Case (Referred to Ex. Cmt. - Replaced by AS-304-69/EX)
AS-295-69/SA Common Admissions Council (Approved)
AS-294-69/EX Senate Position on Support Budget 1970-71 (Tabled)
AS-293-69/Flr Personnel Practices At Fresno SC (Approved)
AS-292-69/A-H Chancellor’s Staff Salary Schedule Proposal (Approved) This document replaces Senate document AS-278-69/F & AS-279-69/F
AS-291-69/SA Student Publications (Approved)
AS-290-69/Flr Consultation (Approved)
AS-289-69/Flr Executive Order No. 79 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-288-69/F Salary & Benefits Increase Proposal (Approved)
AS-287-69/Flr Standards for Student Elections And Qualifications for Student Officers (Approved)
AS-286-69/EX Ad Hoc Committee on Educational Priorities (Approved) AS-285-69/FA Senate Position on Tenure Review Proposal (Approved)
AS-284-69/FA Constructive Programs on Current Issues (Tabled)
AS-283-69/FA Mandatory Leaves (Approved)
AS-282-69/FA Difference of Pay Leaves (Tabled)
AS-281-69/F Elimination of Class I Per Salary Schedule Adjustment (Tabled)
AS-280-69/F Trustees Proposed Budget Adjustments (Approved)
AS 278 and AS 279 Replaced with AS-292-69/AH
AS-277-69/EX AAUP/Metzger Case (Approved)
AS-276-69/EX Publication of Newsletter ASCSC (Approved)
AS-275-69Flr Elimination of Class I (Approved)
AS-274-69/Flr Commendation of John Stafford, Chairman 68-69 (Approved Unanimously)
AS-273-69/Flr Protest Against Suppressive Force (Approved)
AS-272-69/FA Study of Collective Negotiation (Information Item) AS-271-69/GR Educational Opportunity Program (Approved Unanimously)
AS-270-69/SA Consultation on Appointment of Dean of Student Affairs (Approved)
AS-269-69/Flr Acknowledgments (Approved Unanimously)
AS-268-69/Flr Commendation of All Past Chairmen of the Senate (Approved Unanimously)
AS-267-69/Flr Commendation of Milton Dobkin (Approved Unanimously)
AS-266-69/F Budget for 1970-71 (Approved)
AS-265-69/EP Graduate Degree Requirements (Proposed Changes in Title 5) (Approved)
AS-264-69/FA Representation on Governing Boards (Approved)
AS-263-69/FA Rank of Lecturer (Senate Position) (Approved)
AS-262-69/F Fractional Retirement & Fractional Teaching (Approved)
AS-261-69/Flr Inquiry on Berkeley Situation (Approved)
AS-260-69/Flr Courtesy Resolution (Approved)
AS-259-69/EX Commendation of Paul Spencer (Approved) AS-258-69/Flr Delegation of Authority on Student Disciplinary Problems (Approved)
AS-257-69/FA Collective Negotiations (Approved)
AS-256-69/SA Ad Hoc Committee to Explore a Student-Faculty Coalition (Approved)
AS-255-69/EX Commendation of Louis Heilbron (Approved)
AS-254-69/FA Procedure for Selection of a President (Approved)
AS-253-69/FA Collective Negotiations Report (Information Item)
AS-252-69/SA AAA Participation in Academic Senate SCS Activities (Tabled)
AS-251-69/Flr Librarians (Approved)
AS-250-69/Flr Sanction Procedures (Referred to FGA)
AS-249-69/GR Enrichment Programs Budget (Approved)
AS-248-69/F Explanation of Difficulties in Application of Proposed Salary Schedule (Tabled)
AS-247-69/SA Career Placement Files (Approved)
AS-246-69/SA Proposed Revision of Title 5, Sections 41301, 41303, and 41304 (Tabled) AS-245-69/EX Faculty Referendum on Collective Negotiations (Approved)
AS-244-69/EX One Day Withdrawal of Faculty Services (Approved)
AS-243-69/AdHoc One Day Withdrawal of Faculty Services (Referred to FA Committee)
AS-242-69/Flr Resolution Regarding Conference with Governor of January 16, 1969 (Never Introduced)
AS-241-69/FA Board of Trustees Policy Regarding Conduct on California State College Campuses (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-240-69/AdHoc Statement of Clarification on ASCSC Resolution AS-236-69/Ad Hoc (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-239-69/EX Fact-Finding Committee (Failed)
AS-238-69/EX Amendment of Academic Senate CSC By-Laws (Approved)
AS-237-69/AdHoc The Situation of the CSC Faculty in Current Crisis (Adopted In Principle Without Dissent)
AS-236-69/AdHoc Election of Faculties Regarding Question of Negotiating Agent for the Faculties (Approved) of the C.S.C.
AS-235-69 Executive Committee Directed to Establish Ad Hoc Committee to Study Events of (Referred to FA) Collective Negotiations
AS-234-69/Flr Spokesman for Faculty in the CSC System (Withdrawn)
AS-233-69/EX Executive Committee Authorization to Seek Consultative Services of Dr. Robert Smith (Approved Unanimously) AS-232-69/EX Resolution on Academic Senate Recommendation to the Board of Trustees Regarding (Failed) Student/College Relationships
AS-231-69/SA Proposed Revision of Title V. Section 41301 (Tabled)
AS-230-69/F Resolution on Academic Senate Recommendation to the Board of Trustees Regarding (Approved) Compensation for Extension
AS-229-69/F Continuing Education (Approved)
AS-228-69/Flr (Stocking/McCabe) Crisis in College/Student Relationships (Failed)
AS-227-69/Flr A Statement of Policy for the California State College International Programs (Approved)
AS-226-69/EP Proposal for a California State College Experimental Program of Televised General (Approved) Studies
AS-225-69/EP Resolution on Academic Senate Recommendation to the Board of Trustees Regarding (Approved) Faculty Staffing
AS-224-69/Flr Resolution on Academic Senate Recommendation to the Board of Trustees (Approved)
AS-223-68/Flr Courtesy Resolution (Approved)
AS-222-68/Ad Hoc Meeting With Board of Trustees And Student Organizations to Study Causes And Effects (Approved) Of Campus Disorders
AS-221-68/FA Appointment, Reappointment, Tenure, Promotion, and Reassignment (Approved)
AS-220-68/Flr Implementation of Minority Studies Programs in the C.S.C. (Approved) AS-219-68/EPFA State Supported Faculty Research and the Policies and Procedures for the Administration (Approved) of Research Funds Provided by the State
AS-218-68/Flr Recommendation on the Study of Progress in the Educational Process (Approved)
AS-217-68/FASA Student Affairs Classification Plan (Approved)
AS-216-68/F Salary Budget for 1969-70 (Approved)
AS-215-68/AdHc Recommendation on Future Status of the ASCSC (Referred to Ad Hoc Committee)
AS-214-68/EX Faculty Referendum (Approved)
AS-213-68/SA Student Involvement in the Selection of College Presidents (Approved)
AS-212-68/Flr Operation and Communication Policies (Referred to Ad Hoc Committee)
AS-211-68/Flr Advisory Boards (Approved)
AS-210-68/Flr Advisory Boards (Approved)
AS-209-68/Flr Official Faculty Body - Independent of Trustees (Approved)
AS-208-68/Flr Resolution of Appreciation (Approved)
AS-207-68/Flr Advisory Boards (Approved) AS-206-68/Flr Advisory Boards (Approved)
AS-205-68/Flr Sabbatical Leaves (Approved)
AS-204-68/FA Campus Autonomy in Personnel Matters (Approved)
AS-203-68/Ad Hoc Year Round Quarter System Operation (Approved)
AS-202-68/Flr Referendum (Approved)
AS-201-68/EP Faculty Participation in Campus Curricular Matters (Approved)
AS-200-68/Flr Presidential Accountability and Authority Vis-à-Vis Resolution on Advisory Boards (Referred to Ex Cmt)
AS-199-68 No document/number skipped
AS-198-68/SA-F Support of EOP Augmentation Budget (Approved)
AS-197-68/FA-SA Standards for Student Affairs positions (Approved)
AS-196-68/F Budget (Approved)
AS-195-68/FA Role of Advisory Boards (Referred to Ex Cmt)
AS-194-68/FLR Memorial to Samuel E. Wiley (Approved) AS-193-68/FA Implementation of Grievance Policies (Approved)
AS-192-68 Disciplinary Action Procedures (Adopted)
AS-191-68/F Faculty Supported Auxiliary Organizations (Approved)
AS-190a-68/AS Resolution on Adjournment (Tabled)
AS-190-68/AS Relationship of the Chancellor with the Academic Senate of the California State Colleges (Approved) (ref: AS-137-68/Flr)
AS-189-68/Flr Resolution of Commendation (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-188-68/Flr Resolution of Commendation (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-187-68/Flr Resolution of Commendation (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-186-68/Flr Restatement of Grievance Procedures (Approved)
AS-185-68/EX Establishment of “Bank” of Expert Witnesses (Approved)
AS-184-68/EX Governance of Higher Education in California (Approved)
AS-183-68/EP Report on Proposed Changes in Teaching Credentialing Legislation (Report)
AS-182-68/EP Requirement for Graduation in the Area of Health and Physical Education (Report) AS-181-68 No Document/Number Skipped
AS-180-68/EX Memorial to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Approved Unanimously)
AS-179-68/EP Instruction to Culturally Disadvantaged (Approved)
AS-178-68/F Implementation of Any Salary Increase (Approved)
AS-177-68/SA Resolution on Placement (Approved)
AS-176-6B/FA Faculty Personnel Files (Approved)
AS-175-68/EP Interim Report of Ad Hoc Committee to Evaluate Year-Round Quarter-System Operation (Approved Unanimously)
AS-174-68/FA Revised Grievance Procedures (Approved as Amended)
AS-173-68/Flr Acknowledgments (Approved by Acclamation)
AS-172-68/F Cycling Costs of Operation of Quarter System (Approved)
AS-171-68/Flr Annual Report of the Fiscal Affairs Committee (Report)
AS-170-68/GR Statutory Establishment of the Academic Senate(s) (Approved)
AS-169-68/SA Due Process on Grievance Procedures for Students (Approved) AS-168-68/SA Resolution on Selective Service Lottery (Approved)
AS-167-68/SA Resolution on Establishment and Functions of Student Affairs Committee (Approved)
AS-166-68/Flr Presidents at Senate (Referred to Ad Hoc Committee)
AS-165-68/FA Hiring of Minority Faculty Members (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-164-68/EP Resolution on Remedial Instruction (Replaced by AS-179-68/EP)
AS-163-68/EP Special Admissions Program (Approved)
AS-162-68/EP Establishment of Office for Minority Group Affairs (Approved)
AS-161-68/EP Minority Group Studies (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-160-68/FA Hudson Roysher Commendation (Approved Unanimously)
AS-159-68/FA Candidate in Philosophy (Approved)
AS-158-68/EX Legislative Establishment of Marine Program at Dominguez Hills (Approved)
AS-157-68/GR (Rev) Politics in Higher Education (Approved Unanimously)
AS-156-68/Flr Procedures for Nominating and Electing Academic Senators to the Executive Committee (Tabled) AS-155-68/GR Equal Salary Increases for Professional Librarians (Approved)
AS-154-68/F Fringe Benefits (Postponed Indefinitely)
AS-153-68/F Implementation of any Salary Increase (Replaced by AS-178-68/F)
AS-152-68/EP Possible Elimination of Lower Division on Some State College Campuses (Approved)
AS-151-68/EP Special Curriculum Studies (Approved Without Debate)
AS-150-68/EP Faculty Participation in International Programs (Approved)
AS-149-68/EP International programs/Experimental Program In Israel (Approved)
AS-148-68/FA Incompatible Activities of Faculty (Approved)
AS-147-68/PA Minimum Standards for Local Senates (Approved)
AS-146-68/FA Legislation Concerning Academic Freedom (Withdrawn)
AS-145-68/Flr Concluding Acknowledgments (Approved Unanimously)
AS-144-68/FA Faculty Role in Policy Development (Tabled)
AS-143-68/FA Resolution on Possible Legal Action (Postponed Indefinitely) AS-142-68/FA Emergency Trustee Regulations Of December 9, 1967 (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-141-68/Flr Special Committee Of the California State Colleges System (Referred to Committee)
AS-140-68/FA Faculty Recruitment (Approved)
AS-139-68/Flr Joint Conferences (Approved)
AS-138-68/Flr Request for Legal Opinion on Double Jurisdiction (Approved)
AS-137-68/Flr Review of Relationship of the ASCSC and the Chancellor (Approved)
AS-136-68/EX Guidelines for Maintaining Educational Process in College Campuses (Approved)
AS-135-67/Flr Concluding Acknowledgments (Approved Unanimously)
AS-134-67/Flr Resolution on Representation to a Statewide Association of Senates (Referred to Ex. Cmt)
AS-133-67/Flr Statement to the Trustees and to the Chancellor (Approved)
AS-132-67/Flr Special Trustees Meeting Regarding San Francisco State College (Approved Unanimously)
AS-131-67/Flr Statement by ASCSC to California State Legislature (Approved)
AS-130-67/Flr Resolution on “Within-Rank Promotions” (Referred to FA Committee) AS-129-67/EP International Programs (Approved)
AS-128-67/GR Resolution on Burgener Bill - Accompanying Statement to Resolution on Burgener Bill (Approved)
AS-127-67/FA Fullerton Resolution (Approved Unanimously)
AS-126-67/Flr Statement on Academic Freedom (Approved Without Dissent)
AS-125-67/FA Academic Freedom (Approved)
AS-124-67/F Program Budgeting (Approved)
AS-123-67/SA Academic Affairs Assembly (Approved)
AS-122-67/SA Student Auxiliary Organizations (Approved)
AS-121-67/Flr Resolution of Appreciation (Approved)
AS-120-67/Flr Resolution of Best Wishes - Lynn Smith (Approved)
AS-119-67/Flr Resolution on Delegation of Authority (Postponed)
AS-118-67/Flr Executive Committee Statements at Board of Trustees Meetings (Tabled)
AS-117-67/F Program Augmentation - 1968-69 Budget (Approved) AS-116-67/SA Resolution of Commendation (Approved)
AS-115-67/F Department Chairmen Salary Differential (Failed)
AS-114-67/F Faculty and Related Salary Budget Advance Commitment (Approved)
AS-113-67/Flr Resolution of Commendation - Mr. Les Cohen (Approved)
AS-112-67/EX Procedures for the Development of an Agenda for the Academic Senate CSC (Approved)
AS-111-67/SA Academic Affairs Assembly Recognition (Approved)
AS-110-67/F Faculty and Related Salary Budget Increase (Approved)
AS-109-67/LL Proposed Constituency Political Action Program-Substitute Resolution (Approved)
AS-108-67/FA Resolution on Consultation on Presidents of New Colleges (Approved)
AS-107-67/SA Resolution on Student Due Process in Disciplinary Actions (Approved)
AS-106-67/SA Resolution on Racial Discrimination (Approved)
AS-105-67/FA Reaffirmation of Position on Grievance Procedures (Approved) (see AS-68-67b/FA and AS-68-67/FA)
AS-104-67/LL Resolution on Functions of Legislative Liaison Committee (Approved as Amended) AS-103-67/EP General Education Breadth Requirement Recommendation (Approved)
AS-102-67/Flr Commendation of Jesse B. Allen (Approved Unanimously)
AS-101-67/Flr Resolution of Appreciation (Approved Unanimously)
AS-100-67/Flr Short Range EDP Programs (Approved)
AS-99-67/EX Metzger Case (Approved)
AS-98-67/Flr Research and Creative Leave Return Service (Approved)
AS-97-67/EP Goals and Objectives of General Education (Approved)
AS-96-67/SA Federally Sponsored Student Programs (Approved)
AS-95-67/Flr Return Service Requirement for Sabbatical Leaves (Approved)
AS-94-67/LL Legislative Liaison Chairman - Released Time (Approved)
AS-93-67/LL Opposition to 1967 Legislation (Approved)
AS-92-67/FA Probationary Period (Approved)
AS-91-67/Flr Class Ranking (Referred to Ex. Cmt) AS-90-67/FA Status and Benefits for Librarians (Approved As Amended)
AS-89-67 No Document/Number Skipped
AS-88-67/EX Membership on CCHE Committees (Approved)
AS-87-67/Flr Chancellor’s Office - Investigation of Allegations (Referred to Ex. Cmt)
AS-86-67/F Fringe Benefits (Approved)
AS-85-67/F New Salary Schedule Implementation (Approved)
AS-84-67/ No Document/Number Skipped
AS-83-67 No Document/Number Skipped
AS-82-67 No Document/Number Skipped
AS-81-67/EP City/Regional Planning (Approved)
AS-80-67/Flr Resolution on Name Change (1st reading only, no other action listed)
AS-79-67/Flr Resolution of Appreciation (Approved Unanimously)
AS-78-67/FA Recommendation Relative to Faculty Space Requirements (Approved)
AS-77-67/SA Recommendation Relative to State-wide Student Assembly in Relation to Academic (Approved as Amended) Senate AS-76-67/EP Recommendation Relative to Redistribution of Library Funds (Approved)
AS-75-67/SA Recommendation Relative to Student Participation on Local Campus Government (Approved)
AS-74-67 No Document/Number Skipped
AS-73-67/F Recommendation on Work Study Program Funds (Approved)
AS-72-67/FA Recommendation on Faculty Classification [Replaced by AS-85-67/F] (Approved)
AS-71-67/EP Library Development [Replaced by AS-76-67/EP] (Approved)
AS-70-67/LL Recommendation on State Constitutional Revision (Approved)
AS-69-67/F Recommendation on Salary Schedules (Approved as Amended)
AS-68-67/FA Recommendation on Grievance and Disciplinary Action Procedures (Approved as Amended)
AS-68-67b/FA Statement of AS Position on Grievance Procedures (see AS-105-67/FA) (Presented)
AS-67-67/EP Recommendation on Revision of Minimum Breadth Requirements for Graduation (Approved)
AS-66-67/F Recommendation on Academic Senate Budget for 1968-69 (Approved)
AS-65-67/Flr Resolution of ASCSC (Approved) AS-64-67/Flr By-Laws of Constitution of ASCSC (Withdrawn)
AS-63-67/EP Recommendation on Curtailment of Enrollment (Approved)
AS-62-67/Flr Resolution on Commendation of Support Services for Senate Meetings (Approved)
AS-61-67/EX Recommendation on Budgetary and Related Matters (Approved)
AS-60-67/FA Faculty Rights During Periods of Lay-Off (Referred to FA Cmt)
AS-59-67/SA Financial Aid Programs and Potential Student Access (Approved)
AS-58-67/F Recommendation on Consultation on Fringe Benefits (Approved)
AS-57-67/Flr Recommendation Relative to Clark Kerr (Approved)
AS-56-67/F Tuition (Approved)
AS-55-67 No Document/Number Skipped
AS-54-67/LL (2) Constituency Political Action (Postponed)
AS-53-67/LL State Constitution Revision (Approved)
AS-52-67/F Health Insurance Support (Approved) AS-51-67/F Tuition (Withdrawn)
AS-50-67/F 18.5% Salary Request and Assurance of Quality (Withdrawn)
AS-49-67/F Support of Original Budget Proposal (Withdrawn)
AS-48-67/F Fringe Benefits and Tax Sheltered Annuities (Approved)
AS-47-67/FA Government Proposed Policy Change of CSC (Referred to FA Cmt)
AS-46-67/EP Chancellor and B.0.T. Commendation (Approved)
AS-45-67/EP Maintenance of Educational Quality (No document available) (Referred)
AS-44-67/EP Resolution on Curtailment of Enrollment (Replaced by AS-63-67/EP)
AS-43-67/EP Resolution on Remedial Instruction (Approved)
AS-42-67/Ad Hoc Sample Ballot (Approved)
AS-41-67/Ad Hoc Resolution on Collective Bargaining Election (Approved)
AS-40-67/EP Resolution on Freezing Programs and New College Development (Approved)
AS-39-66/Flr Metzger Case (Approved) AS-38-66/Flr Metzger Case (Approved)
AS-37-66/Flr Metzger Case (Approved)
AS-36-66/Flr Refer AS-12-66/EX to Executive Committee for Appropriate Actions (Approved)
AS-35-66/EX Policy File and Senate Actions (see AS-12-66/EX) – (No document available)
AS-34-66/EX Policy File and Senate Actions (see AS-12-66/EX) – (No document available) Referred
AS-33-66/Flr Standing Committee - Campus Planning/Physical Development (Referred)
AS-32-66/F General Fund Reimbursement by SC Foundations (Approved)
AS-31-66/Flr Courtesy Resolution (Approved)
AS-30-66/FA Evaluation of Foreign Degrees (Approved)
AS-29-66/LL Name Change for State Colleges (Approved)
AS-28-66/LL-SA Tuition (Approved)
AS-27-66/Ad Hoc Sample Ballot (Collective Bargaining) (Received)
AS-26-66/Ad Hoc Issues And Answers (Collective Bargaining) (Adopted in Principle) AS-25-66/F SERS Credit for Out-of-State Teaching (Approved)
AS-24-66/F Summer Session Salary Adjustment (Approved)
AS-23-66/Ex Collective Bargaining Referendum (Withdrawn)
AS-22-66/EX (Rev) Collective Bargaining Position Paper (Withdrawn)
AS-21-66/Flr Courtesy Resolution (Approved)
AS-20-66/F Program Budget Conversion (Approved)
AS-19-66/Flr Consultation in Selection of Presidents for New CSC (Approved)
AS-18-66 VOID
AS-17-66/Flr Collective Bargaining - ASCSC Position (Approved as Amended)
AS-16-66/Flr Collective Bargaining Elections (Approved)
AS-15-66/F Salary Schedule Revision (Approved)
AS-14-66/Ad Hoc Collective Bargaining Report from Ad Hoc Committee (Withdrawn)
AS-13-66/EX Tentative Budget for 1966-67 (Received) AS-12-66/EX Report Of the Status of Policy File and Senate Actions (see AS-36-66/Flr) (Referred)
AS-11-66/EX Status of Ad Hoc Report on Development of Policies and Administrative Procedures (Approved)
AS-10-66/SA Student Health Services Report (SA-410) (Postponed Indefinitely)
AS-09-66/LL Academic Freedom & the Superintendent of Public Instruction (Withdrawn)
AS-08-66/F CCHE Recommendations on Augmentation Budget (No document available)
AS-07-66/F Faculty Salaries (Referred to Exec Cmt) (Approved as Amended)
AS-06-66/FA Selection of Chancellor’s Staff at Levels of Statewide Dean or Above (Approved)
AS-05-66/FA Consultation in Selection of Presidents for New CSC (Approved)
AS-04-66/FA Evaluation of Faculty Performance (FA-254) (Approved)
AS-03-66/EP Consultation Concerning Curriculum Development (Approved)
AS-02-66/EP City/Regional Planning Report - October 1966 (EP-143) (Approved)
AS-01-66/EP Library Development Committee Report - April 1966 (Approved)