Employment Application Form

How to fill in this form

 Read all the information and guidance notes before you complete this application form  Type or write neatly in black ink, as this form will be photocopied  We want to ensure the recruitment process is accessible to disabled applicants, so if you would like us to make any arrangements in this respect please let us know  Continue on a separate sheet if you do not have enough room for your answers

If you have not heard from us within 4 weeks of the closing date your application for this job has not been successful.

A Job Applied For

Job Title:

Job Reference Number:

Applicant’s Name:

1 Thames Gateway South Essex Partnership Ltd – Employment Application Form (contd.)

B Personal Information Surname: Forenames:

Previous name/ Other name you may be known by (if applicable):

Date of Birth:

National Insurance number:

DFEE number (if applicable):


Email Address:

Telephone number: Day: Evening:

May we contact you during the day on any of the above? Yes/No*

Do you require a work permit? Yes/No*

Yes/No* Do you have a current full UK driving licence?

Do you own your own car? Yes/No*

What is your current notice period?

What is your current salary?

* Delete as appropriate

2 Thames Gateway South Essex Partnership Ltd – Employment Application Form (contd.)

C Employment History

Please list in order (the most recent first), the organisation(s) you have worked for full and part time, including relevant voluntary or unpaid work. Please include any periods of unemployment.

Employers name and Dates of Job Title and Reason for address employment (with Salary leaving month/year)

3 Thames Gateway South Essex Partnership Ltd – Employment Application Form (contd.)

D Education and Qualifications

Please give details of your Education – schools and colleges attended and any qualifications obtained, including membership of any professional bodies.

School/College Dates Qualifications G (namePERSONAL and address) STATEMENT Drawing upon your knowledge, experience, skills and abilities please explain how you meet the points on the person specification and what makes you suitable for this job. This is a very important part of the information you supply to us. You should take this opportunity to give examples of work you have done to demonstrate you abilities.

E Training and Development

Please tell us about any relevant training or development courses or activities you have taken part in and any qualifications obtained. Activity Dates Qualifications

4 Thames Gateway South Essex Partnership Ltd – Employment Application Form (contd.)

F Personal Statement

Drawing on your knowledge, experience, skills and abilities please explain how you meet the points on the person specification, and what makes you suitable for this job. This is a very important part of the information you supply to us. You should take this opportunity to give examples of work you have done to demonstrate your abilities.

5 Thames Gateway South Essex Partnership Ltd – Employment Application Form (contd.)

G Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (1974)

Please read the guidelines on applying for a post before you complete this section. The post you are applying for is not exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (1974). This means that you are not required to give details of any ‘spent’ convictions. However you are required to give details of any ‘unspent’ convictions, including dates and sentences, and attach them to this form. An offer of employment may be made on a conditional basis, subject to the relevant checks being carried out.

Any information given will be kept confidential and will only be considered in relation to the job you are applying for. Irrelevant information will not be considered in the decision making process.

Failure to declare unspent convictions will result in withdrawal of a job offer or, if subsequently discovered, to disciplinary action and/or dismissal.

Unspent convictions may be convictions for which the rehabilitation period has not been completed or convictions which are excluded from the Act (i.e. never unspent). If you are unsure about any matter, please contact the relevant manager or personnel officer (see the covering letter to the recruitment pack).

You are required to complete the following declaration: I have an unspent conviction(s) the details of which are attached* I do not have any unspent convictions*

* delete as appropriate

Signed: Date:

6 Thames Gateway South Essex Partnership Ltd – Employment Application Form (contd.)

H References

Please provide the following information for your two referees: 1. Employment reference: 2. Personal/other reference: Name: Name:

Address: Address:

Email Address: Email Address:

Tel. Number: Tel. Number:

Job Title/Capacity Known: Job Title/Capacity Known

Please note, references will only be taken up after the interview process has been completed


I confirm that to the best of my knowledge the information given in this employment application form is true and correct and can be treated as part of a subsequent contract of employment.

Signature: Date:

7 Thames Gateway South Essex Partnership Ltd – Employment Application Form (contd.)

I Monitoring Information

Your Name:

Job Applied for:

Job Reference Number:

Are you: Female/Male (delete as necessary)

What is your ethnic group? Choose one section from (a) to (e) then tick the appropriate box to indicate your cultural background (a) White (b) Mixed

British White and Black Caribbean

Irish White and Black African

Any other White background White and Asian Please write in below ...... Any other mixed background Please write in below

...... (c) Asian or Asian British (d) Black or Black British

Indian Caribbean

Pakistani African

Bangladeshi Any other Black background Please write in below

Any other Asian background ...... Please write in below ......

(e) Chinese or Other ethnic group


Any Other Please write in here ......

Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes/No (delete as necessary)

How did you find out about this vacancy? (please give the name of the newspaper/journal)