APOLOGIES: CLLR’S A. HUNT, K. JIGGINS. Resignation received this week from Cllr I Bendrey.

1869/14 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Apologies received from District Cllr Margaret Gallione, District Cllr Tom Cunningham and County Councillor J Abbott.

1870/14 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS. Cllr Clarke declared an interest in item 9 discussions on suggestion of yellow lines on Mary Ruck Way. Cllr Cousins declared interest in Item numbers: 16. Millennium Green, 17. Mower insurance and 18. The Byways.

1871/14 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME. 5 members of the public present along with 2 invited representatives from Crest Nicholson National Housing Builder.

The Clerk had received a visit from a lady regarding the request for a lay-by on Witham Road, the lady had given the Clerk a copy of a letter which she had received from P Patel. The letter was read out; the Chairman requested this item be put onto the Agenda for October and for a site visit by all Councillors be undertaken before the next meeting.

Cllr Smith suggested we re-instate & dredge-out the duck pond on Bakers Lane a Grant could be applied for to do this. In principal this is a good idea. Agenda item for October. Proposed Cllr Clarke Seconded Cllr Cousins Vote - Unanimous

2 ladies spoke regarding yellow lines and asked for an update on this. The Chairman advised that this was an agenda item later. 1 Gentleman spoke of concerns reported to him whilst litter picking with his wife; how overgrown it had become around Bulford Mill, Bulford Lane. The Clerk to contact Cressing Parish Council Clerk as this is out of Black Notley parish boundary.

Concerns expressed about rain water running straight out of the byway at Snakey Lane onto the road. The Chairman advised that this was an agenda item later.

It was reported that during the recent heavy rainfall the manhole cover opposite the old Mannadale Nursery School had lifted again. The Clerk to chase highways on this outstanding issue reported last month.

A brief presentation was given from Crest Nicholson National Housing Builders ref possible land development off Bakers Lane for a future housing development of a possible 90 houses. The presentation covered what they are proposing to put to BDC Planning. The Chairman explained that this could not be discussed this evening as it was not an agenda item; information to be received only. (Agenda item for the future.)

1872/14 REPORT FROM COUNTY COUNCILLOR AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS. A report had been received from County Councillor Abbott which was read out and discussed. It was agreed that a consultation with the neighbour’s regarding usage of featured roundabout on Mary Ruck Way was a good idea.

1873/14 MINUTES OF THE MEETING ON THE 27TH AUGUST 2014. 1858/14 spelling correction amended to ‘Masts’ not ‘masks’. Proposed – Cllr Smith Seconded – Cllr Cousins Vote – Unanimous

1874/14 CLERKS REPORT. This report had been circulated.

1875/14 CORRESPONDENCE. * Letter received from PKF Littlejohn External Auditor, completion of audit. * Letter received from BDC advising us that the New Round of Mi community Opens for Applications. * Cllr Clarke asked for it to be noted that he had been selected as the Labour Party Parliamentary candidate for the constituency of Witham, for the May 2015 General Election. He advised that this should not affect his position as Chairman.

1876/14 PROCEDURE TO FOLLOW FOR FLOODING IN THE VILLAGE. It was agreed that more sand bags to be purchased and sand and bags also to be stored at Cllr Martin’s address. Onto the list for volunteers for filling bags in the event of flooding to include Cllr’s Cousins and Martin. In addition, Cllr Clarke’s name to be added to the Emergency Plan list of contact telephone numbers.

1877/14 PLAYING FIELD UPDATE – A) Quote for clearing from telegraph pole to first tree – A Adair. It was agreed to go with this quotation of £186.00. Proposed – Cllr Clarke Seconded – Cllr Cousins Vote – Unanimous

1878/14 HIGHWAY ISSUES. FURTHER DISCUSSION’S ON SUGGESTION OF YELLOW LINES ON MARY RUCK WAY. Concerns discussed of how people are parking on the estate. When the estate is empty people appear to drive faster, the parked cars do seem to act as a traffic calming measure. The Chairman to draft an article for next edition of the Parish magazine. From the correspondence received there seems a common ground that it is the roundabouts and the corners that are the main area’s of concern. After putting an article in the magazine, the Parish Council to contact Colchester Parking Partnership for advice and guidance on how to move forward.

1879/14 FINANCE – A) CIRCULATION OF THE FINANCE LIST. E-on energy (lights supply) £141.23 Direct Debit

A & J Lighting Solutions Ltd £59.88 Direct Debit +3 lights out £323.70

EDF Energy £17.00 Direct Debit

Scottish power (gas for pavilion) £30.00

BT for Pavilion Office £43.20 Direct Debit 3528 Helen Waterfield (salary) £664.69 3529 Helen Waterfield (mileage £15.98 + elec £30 + 4 shower Curtains for changing rooms £27.88 + towel for changing Rooms for mopping up £3.75) £ 77.61 3530 Cash (postage) £ 12.72

3531 Barry Smith (salary + 2 hours overtime putting up bars) £301.23 3532 Hazel Ward (salary) £203.54

3533 Acumen Wages Service (£20.00 + VAT) £ 24.00 3534 Information Commissioner Data Protection Registration (CCTV at Pavilion) £ 35.00

3535 Andrew Adair (cutting and trimming on playing field) £235.00

3536 Essex Playing Field Association (after May the cost went to £30, so extra £5 to be paid) £ 5.00

3537 PKF Littlejohn (external auditor) £360.00

3538 1159 Productions Ltd (hearing loop) £474.00

3539 P G Bones Ltd (service of boiler and to carry out Landlords Gas safety check and issue of certificate) £183.71

3540 Navigus Planning Ltd (subscription to Journal of Local Planning) £ 50.00

3541 A Adair (cutting of war memorial and play area) £120.00

3542 HM Revenue & Customs (1/4ly NI) £ 87.29

Amounts paid in £7.70 cash sale of a Black Notley Hospital Book

Proposed – Cllr Reid Seconded – Cllr Martin Vote – Unanimous


1880/14 UPDATE ON COUNCILLOR VACANCY. Due to the recent resignation of Cllr Bendrey we now have two casual vacancies to fill. Susan Pedder, a lady living in the village, had expressed interest last month. It was agreed to write to Susan Pedder & invite her to become a Parish Councilor. Proposed – Cllr Clarke Seconded – Cllr Martin Vote – Unanimous

1881/14 FURTHER DISCUSSION REGARDING THE RECENT REQUEST FOR A SKATE PARK / RAMP. Concerns were expressed about the location of the potential skate park, the lady who had expressed a wish start a ‘group’ along with the Parish Council are to look at ideas for location. It was mentioned there may not be enough space between the two football pitches and the basketball hoop on the playing field. No decision yet made, a site visit to take place. It was agreed that the Lady and the 'group' need to be the driving force with PC-backing; this is needed for the 'group' to be able to apply for Mi funding. 1882/14 FURTHER DISCUSSION’S ON THE REQUEST FOR A BUS SHELTER AT BEDELLS AVENUE. The Clerk had received a telephone call and letter from Mr and Mrs Beck who said they are writing on behalf of all the residents of Oxley House and that they are all in favour of a bus shelter. A proposal to go to the November meeting for the vote for the Bus Shelter to go ahead. Proposed – Cllr Clarke Seconded – Cllr Reid Vote – Unanimous

1883/14 PLANNING. Circulation of information received from P Patel from Vodafone for 3G phone coverage. Cllr Smith reported that this is a boaster box to go on chimneys, 12 locations only to be selected. This is a pilot scheme. Nobody on the Council felt strongly to move a motion for or against.

14/00265/TPO – TPO 27 Hadfield Drive, Black Notley, Essex, CM77 8XW. Cllr Smith reported that this is a healthy well formed mature tree. This tree needs only a minimal trim by a qualified tree surgeon to maintain it as a well formed specimen, and the progress of the sun shouldn’t be completely restricted by this tree. This is a shady sunken garden and the light is further restricted by other trees in their garden.

1884/14 VILLAGE CAROLS – CLLR REID. Cllr Reid had been contacted by the Vicar, she asked if the Parish Council would like to host the Christmas Carols again this year. It was agreed yes. She is available for the 15th 16th and 17th December. Wednesday 17th was suggested at 6pm. The Christmas tree and food to be purchased by the Parish Council the total budget agreed was £250.00. Proposed Cllr Clarke Seconded Cllr Smith Vote - Unanimous

1885/14 REQUEST FROM THE JOHN RAY MELLINNIUM GREEN TRUST TO USE THE MEETING ROOM FOR THEIR AGM IN NOVEMBER – Cllr Cousins. It was agreed yes they can use the hall at 7pm for their AGM. Proposed Cllr Cousins Seconded Cllr Clarke Vote - Unanimous

1886/14 DISCUSSION ON ADDING NAMES TO THE INSURANCE POLICY FOR THE OUTFRONT MOWER – Cllr Cousins. The Clerk confirmed she had spoken to the Insurance company and with the permission of the Parish Council anyone can use the mower. Cllr Cousins asked Cllr Martin if he would assist in grass cutting of Cokers Peace he said yes but he is only available on Sundays . It was agreed to ask Andrew Adair and pay him his time for doing this. Proposed Cllr Cousins Seconded Cllr Clarke Vote - Unanimous

1887/14 UPDATE ON THE BYWAYS. Tree Warden reported that some of the outfalls have collapsed in Snakey Lane. Cllr Cousins reported he had recently walked Snakey Lane & it has been cut out, however since the recent heavy rain fall, the large ruts are full of water. The culvert under Witham Road are completely blocked and needs jetting out as soon as possible and cleaning out of the ditches. The Clerk to request that this is done as soon as possible by Highways and to add that it is a dangerous flooding spot on Witham Road it runs down the byway onto the main road. The Parish Council would be available for site visit.


The meeting closed at 9.40pm. (Cllr Clarke and Cllr Cousins advised that they would be absent for the next meeting.)

CHAIRMAN………………………………………….. DATE ……………………………