* * * * * * * * * * * * Friday 21st November

10.30am - 11.00am AGM

11.00am Trade Exhibition Opens

12.30pm - 1.30pm Lunch

1.30pm Welcome and opening of Meeting: Richard Hildred & Monique Hope-Ross

Age-related Macular Degeneration Symposium Chairman: Miss Monique Hope-Ross

1.30pm - 1.50pm Setting up a VEGF Service – Nachiketa Acharya 1.50pm - 2.10pm Blue light in ARMD – Mohammed Musadiq 2.10pm - 2.30pm Multispectral image analysis – Antonio Calcagni 2.30pm - 2.50pm Lucentis in practice – Monique Hope-Ross 2.50pm - 3.00pm Questions and Answers

3.00pm - 3.30pm Afternoon Tea

Free Paper Session

3.30pm - 4.00pm Pattern Dystrophy using auto fluorescence - Vikki McBain 4.00pm - 4.30pm Management of diabetic maculopathy – Venkat Kotamarti 4.30pm - 5.00pm Computer analysis of digital retinal images - - Where are we now? – Grant Duncan

5.30pm Close

7.00pm Mead & Wine Reception – Hotel bar

7.30pm “The OIA Medieval Banquet” * * * * * * * * * * * *

Saturday 22nd November

9.00am Opening Remarks: Anne Bolton OIA Chairman

Symposium on Glaucoma Chairman: Prof. Steve Vernon

9.00am - 9.30am The use of Stereophotography in the management of Glaucoma and Glaucoma suspects - Paul Crompton 9.30am - 10.00am The use of HRT in the “Vitual Glaucoma Clinic” - Simon Longstaff 10.00am - 10.30am Detecting Glaucoma while screening for Diabetic Retinopathy – Steve Vernon 10.30am - 11.00am GDX: Can the light be switched on in the glaucoma tunnel? - Simon Walker

11.00am - 11.30am Coffee

11.30am - 12.30pm OIA Guest Lecture Professor Phillip Murray 'Everything you also wanted to know about Uveitis but were afraid to ask'

12.30am - 1.30pm Lunch

Free Paper Session

1.30pm - 2.00pm Modernising Scientific Careers – Chris Mody 2.00pm - 2.30pm Imaging the diabetic patient using OCT – Ian Pearce 2.30pm - 3.00pm “Ivan the terrible” – Sandy Taylor 3.00pm - 4.00pm Ocular Ultrasound made simple – Rhona Owen / Tarek El-Keshab / Hatem Atta 4.00pm - 4.30pm What the patient really sees! – Manoj Kulshrestha

4.30pm Afternoon Tea

Close of Conference