O/O the Telecom District Manager
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(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
O/o the Telecom District Manager HAJIPUR - 844101
Tender Document for Repairing & Servicing of Engine Alternator installed in various exchanges under HAJIPUR SSA
Tender No.:-TDR-195/2015-16 dated 08.02.2016
Name & Address of the Tenderer: ……………………………………………..
Cost of Tender Form: - Rs.573/=
Signature of Issuing Authority
Signature of Bidder with seal 2
Section No. Description Page No. TECHNICAL BID I Notice Inviting Tender 3 II Bid form 4 III Tenderer’s profile 5 IV Instructions to the bidders 6-11 V General (Commercial) Conditions of Contract 12-14 VI Special Conditions of contract 15-18 VII Scope of Work and Jurisdiction of Contract 19-24 VIII Security Deposit Bond Form 25 IX Agreement (Sample) 26-28 X Family/Relatives Declaration 29 XI Letter of authorization for attending bid Opening 30 XII Declaration of submitting web downloaded tender document 31 Declaration regarding blacklisting/debarring from taking part in Government XIII 32 Tender By DOT/BSNL/Govt. Dept./PSU XIV List of faulty E/As 33
XV Financial bid for Repairing of E/As 34-36
The bid document contains 36 pages.
Signature of Bidder with seal
(A Govt. of India Enterprise) O/o the Telecom District Manager Hajipur-844101
No.:- TDR-195/2015-16 Dated at Hajipur the: 08.02.2016
NOTICE INVITING TENDER Wax sealed tenders are invited by TDM-Hajipur on behalf of BSNL for Repairing & servicing of the Engine Alternators installed in various exchanges & NBSNL sites of Hajipur SSA from interested E/A manufacturing companies or their authorized dealer agents who are dealing with the engines of make Kriloskar/Cummins/Caterpillar /Eicher/ Mahindra/ Ruston/ Grieves/Escorts. Tenderer may visit at his/her own cost at the site and inspect the E/A before quoting the rates. The terms and conditions are mentioned in bid documents. Few details are as under: Name of work Estimated Bid security Date and Time of Time and date of cost (In Rs.) submission of tender opening tender Repairing & Servicing 1496038/- 37410/- 25-02-2016 15.00hrs. of of Faulty E/A Upto 14.00hrs. 25-02-2016 installed in various T.E. under Hajipur SSA
Schedule to the invitation of Tender: Sl. Tender No. TDR-195/2015-16 1 Issue of Tender Document UP to 15.00 hrs of 24.02.2016 2 Time and Date of depositing Up to 14.00 Hrs. of Dated: 25.02.2016 tender / Bid 3 Time and date of opening of 15 .00 Hrs. of Dated: 25.02.2016 Tender / Bid 4 Validity of tender offer 150 days from the date of Opening 5 Duration of contract One year from the date of Award of contract with an option of extension for a further period of one year on the same rate, terms and conditions.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain Bid Document from SDE (Plg) O/o the TDM, Hajipur on payment of Rs.573/=. (Rupees five hundred seventy three) only (non-refundable) by cash/DD on all working days upto15.00hrs. of 24.02.2016. The bids can be dropped in the tender box placed in the chamber of AGM (CFA-NWP) on 25.02.2016 upto 14.00 hrs. The payment for EMD will be accepted in the form of cross Demand Draft/BG drawn on any nationalized/Scheduled Bank payable at Hajipur in favour of Accounts Officer (Cash), O/o The TDM, Hajipur. The tender paper can also be downloaded through website” www.tender.bsnl.co.in.” The cost of the same must be attached with Tender document in form of Demand Draft drawn on any nationalized/scheduled Bank payable at Hajipur in favour of Accounts Officer (Cash), O/o TDM BSNL Hajipur.
Detailed terms and conditions are available in the tender document.
The TDM, Hajipur reserves the right to award work to one or more contractor(s) and reject any tender in part or full without assigning any reason and is not bound to accept lowest tender.
All tenders, in which any of the prescribed condition is not fulfilled or is incomplete in any respect, are liable to be rejected. False documents shall lead to forfeiture of EMD.
Signature of Bidder with seal O/o the TDM, Hajipur
4 Section II
Tender No. TDR-195/2015-16 Dated at Hajipur the: 08.02.2016
To, The Telecom District Manager Hajipur
Dear Sir, Having examined the conditions of contract, specification in the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, undersigned, offer to provide Repairing & Servicing of E/A installed in various exchanges of HAJIPUR SSA in conformity with the said conditions of contract and specifications as may be ascertained in accordance with financial bid attached herewith and made part of this Bid. We undertake, if our bid is accepted, to enter into agreement within one week of being called upon to do so and bear all expanses including charges for stamps etc and agreement will be binding on us. If our bid is accepted, we shall provide Repairing & Servicing of E/A installed in various exchanges of HAJIPUR SSA in accordance with specifications, time limits & terms, rate and conditions stipulated in the tender documents. If our bid is accepted, we will deposit security deposit as per NIT either in cash/Crossed DD/bank gurantee from a scheduled bank in favour of AO(C) O/o the TDM BSNL Hajipur. We agree to abide by this bid for a period of 150 days from the date fixed for bid opening Qualifying/Technical bid and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period. Until formal agreement is prepared and executed, this bid together with your written acceptance thereof in your notification of award shall constitute a binding contract between us. Bid submitted by us is properly sealed and prepared so as to prevent any subsequent alteration and replacement. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid, you may receive.
Dated this…… Day of…………..2016
Signatu re of authorized signatory ………………
In capacity of…………………………………………
Duly authorized to sign the bid for and on behalf of …………..
Phone/Mobile No. ……………………………………
Signature of the tenderer with seal
Signature of Bidder with seal 5 SECTION-III TENDERER’S PROFILE General: Passport size photograph of 1. Name of the tenderer/firm……………………………………………………….. the tenderer/ authorised 2. Name of the person submitting the tender whose photograph is affixed signatory holding power of attorney Shri/Smt………………………………………………………………………………………………
(In case of Proprietary/Partnership firms, the tender has to be signed by Proprietor/Partner only, as the case may be)
3. Address of the firm/tenderer ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Telegraphic Address……………………………………………………………………………………..
5. Tel no. (with STD code) (O)……………………….. (Fax)…………………………. …………..
6. Registered & in Corporation particulars of the firm
i. Proprietorship - ______
ii. Partnership - ______
iii. Private Limited - ______
iv. Public Limited - ______
7. Name of the Proprietor/Partners/Directors………………………………………………………..
8. Tenderer’s bank, its address and his/her current account number……………………… ......
10. Details of Technical and supervisory Staff ………………………………………………………..
11. Registration No. of EPF ………………………………………………………………………………….
12. Registration No. of Labour License ……………………………………………………………………………
13. Permanent Income Tax number/TIN No.…………………………………………………………………….
I/We hereby declare that the information furnished above is true and correct.
Date: Signature of the tenderer/authorised signatory……………………………………. Name of the tenderer………………………………………………………………………..
Signature of Bidder with seal SECTION- IV 6
INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ELIGIBILITY OF BIDDERS: The invitation of bids is open to all Enlisted or experienced contractor as mentioned in NIT of this tender document. 1. DOCUMENT ESTABLISHING BIDDER’S ELIGIBILITY AND QUALIFICATIONS: The bidder shall furnish, as part of his bid documents establishing the bidder’s eligibility, the following documents:
i) Registration certificate of the firm for shop and establishment. . ii) Authenticated copy of partnership deed in case of partnership firm. iii) Attested copy of Articles of Associations duly registered with Registrar of Company Affairs, in case of Limited/Pvt. Limited Company iv) Proprietor certificate from the Proprietor of the firm that he is the sole Proprietor of the firm on firm letter head or the same certificate issued by the notary public on non-judiciary Stamp paper, in case of Proprietary firm. v) Original “Power of Attorney “in case person other than the bidder has signed the tender document vi) PAN (Permanent Account Number)/ TIN Number. vii) Valid certificate of authorized service dealers pertaining to Bihar state who deal with BSNL approved Engines of make Kriloskar/Cummins/Catterpillar /Eicher/Mahendra/Greeves/Escorts/Leyland iii) The firm should furnish the list of equipment / tools and fixtures for repairing and testing of engine alternator. ix) Commercial Registration number of Jeep having arrangement to carry lub. Oil, spares and tools. x) Valid labour license issued by central / state government xi) Valid Registration of EPF with challan not older than Dec 2015. xii) Valid Registration of ESI with challan not older than Dec 2015. xiii) Bidder should have experience of successful completion of the work of AMC or Maintenance of above mentioned make E/A in any State Govt. /Central Govt./BSNL/MTNL/any other PSU for minimum amount of 30% of estimated cost in each year in the 3 financial years within last 7 financial years. xiv) Turn over Certificate by chartered accountant for the last three financial years xv) Bid Security in accordance to clause no.6. xvi) Tender document (s), in original, duly filled in and signed by bidder or his authorized representative along with seal on each page. All corrections and overwriting must be initialed with date by the bidder or his authorized representative. xvii) A certificate on relative working in BSNL. xviii) All the documents as per clause 2 of section-IV xix) Service Tax Valid Registration Certificate up to date challan not older than Dec 15. xx) Vat Registration certificate. All the above mentioned documents except original documents should be attested by Notary Public or Gazzetted officer. 2. BID DOCUMENTS: The scope of works of Repairing & Servicing of E/A and installed in various exchanges of HAJIPUR SSA, bidding procedures and contract terms are prescribed in the bid documents. The bid documents include. 2.1 Qualifying/Technical Bid: 2.1.1 Notice Inviting Tender. 2.1.2 Bid form dully filled up. 2.1.3 Tenderer’s Profile. 2.1.4 Instruction to bidders 2.1.5 General (commercial) conditions of contract 2.1.6 Special conditions of contract. 2.1.7 Scope of work and jurisdiction of the contract. 2.1.8 Security Deposit bond form 2.1.9 Letter of authorization for attending bid opening. 2.1.10 Agreement (Sample). 2.1.11 Family/relatives declaration 2.1.12 Declaration of submitting web downloaded tender document 2.1.13 Declaration regarding blacklisting/debarring from taking part in Government Tender By DOT/BSNL/Govt. Dept./PSU 2.1.14 All types of attested certificates which are required for eligibility as per NIT and clause 1 of section-IV
Non submission of any document or incomplete or unfilled and false information will lead to rejection of tender bid without further examination.
2.2 Financial bid for Repairing & servicing of E/A installed in various exchanges of HAJIPUR SSA.
Signature of Bidder with seal The bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications in the bid documents. Failure to furnish all the information required as per bid documents or submission of the bids not substantially responsive to the bid documents in every respect will be at the bidder’s risk and shall result in rejection of the bid.
3 AMENDMENT OF BID DOCUMENTS : 3.1 At any time, prior to the date of submission of bid, BSNL may, for any reason whether suo motto or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective bidder, modify the bid documents by amendments.
3.2 The amendments shall be notified in writing or by Fax (Fax no. of the prospective bidders if provided.) to all prospective bidders on the address intimated at the time of purchase of bid documents from the BSNL and these amendments will be binding on them. In order to afford prospective bidders reasonable time to take the amendment into account in preparing these bids, the BSNL may, at its direction, extend the deed lying for the submission/opening of bid suitably. 4 COST OF BIDDING: The bidder shall bear all cost associated with the preparation and submission of the bid. The BSNL, will in no case, be responsible or liable for these cost, regardless of the conduct or out come of the bidding process 5 DOCUMENTS ESTABLISHING BIDDER’S ELIGIBILITY AND QUALIFICATIONS: The bidder shall furnish, as part of his/her bid documents establishing the bidder’s eligibility, all the documents as per NIT and clause 2.1 of section IV. 6 BID SECURITY (EMD): 6.1 The bidder shall furnish, as part of his bid, a EMD for an amount equal to 2.5% of the estimated cost. No Interest shall be paid by the BSNL on the bid security for any period, what so ever. 6.2 The bid security is required to protect the BSNL against the risk of bidder’s conduct, which would warrant the security’s forfeiture. 6.3 Bid Security shall be paid in the form of Crossed Demand Draft issued by a scheduled bank, drawn in favour of Accounts Officer, O/o TDM, Hajipur payable at Hajipur. 6.4 The bid security of unsuccessful bidder will be refunded as promptly as possible but not later than 30 days after the expiry of the period of bid validity prescribed by the BSNL. 6.5 The successful bidder’s bid security will compulsorily be added to part Bid Security Deposit.
6.6 The bid Security may be Forfeited: 6.6.1 If a bidder withdraws his/her bid during the period of bid validity specified in the bid document or 6.6.2 If a bidder makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the tender before acceptance of the tender, which are not acceptable to the BSNL or 6.6.3 If the bidder has submitted/attached fake document(s) as a part of tender or in case of successful bidder, if the bidder fails to sign the agreement in accordance with clause 1&2 of section IV. 6.6.4 A bid not secured in accordance with para12.1 shall be rejected by the BSNL as non-responsive at the bid opening state and returned to the bidder unopened. 6.6.5 The bid security of unsuccessful bidder will be discharged/returned as early as possible but not later than 30 days after the expiry of the period of bid validity.
7 BID PRICE: 7.1 The bidder shall quote as per financial bid of this bid documents. 7.2 The price quoted by the bidder shall remain fixed during entire period of contract & shall not be subject to variation on any account. A bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation will be treated as non-responsive and rejected. 7.3 “Discount” or extra charges, if any, mentioned by the bidders shall not be considered unless they are specifically indicated in the financial bid. 8 PERIOD OF VALIDITY OF BIDS: 8.1 The bid shall remain valid for 150 days from the date of opening of bid (Qualifying/Technical Bid). A bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by BSNL as non-responsive. 8.2 The BSNL reserves the right to request the lowest 3 bidders as per read out list on the opening day to extend the bid validity for a period of further 120 days and the bidders has to necessarily extend the bid validity. Refusal to extend the validity will result in forfeiture of the bid security. A bidder accepting the request and extending the bill validity will not be permitted to modify his/her bid.
8 9 SINGING OF BID: 9.1 The bidder shall submit, as a part of the bid, the bid document (in original) duly signed on each section of the bid document, establishing the conformity of his bid to the bid document of Repairing & servicing of E/A installed in various exchanges of HAJIPUR SSA.
Signature of Bidder with seal (Note: The tenderers are advised to keep a photocopy (at his own cost) of the bid documents for his/her own reference.) 9.2 The bid containing inter-lineation, erasers or overwriting except as necessary to correct errors made by the bidder in which case such correction shall be signed with date by the person or persons signing the bid. 10 METHOD OF PREPARATION OF BID:
10.1 The tender will be in two Bid systems: (i) Eligibility/Technical Bid (ii) Financial Bid. The Tenderer shall submit the tenders simultaneously in two sealed envelopes marked as I&II envelope respectively
10.2 These envelopes should contain the following:
Envelope Marked on the Contents of Envelope cover
-EMD deposited in the shape of demand draft of the Nationalized/scheduled Bank drawn in favour of Accounts Officer (Cash),O/o TDM, Hajipur Qualifying/ - In case the tender document downloaded from the website, Separate DD for the tender First Technical Bid cost shall be enclosed. All bid documents as per Para 1 & 2 of section IV All types of attested certificates which are required for eligibility as per NIT Financial bid should be separated from the bid document and put in this envelope, duly filled clearly and signed. Second Financial Bid Rates duly quoted by the tenderer in the prescribed format signed and complete in all respect along with rates quoted in figures and words.
On all these envelopes the name of the firm/Contractor and whether “Qualifying/Technical” OR “Financial” bid must be clearly mentioned and should be properly sealed with sealing wax. These envelops are to be placed inside an outer envelope and properly sealed with sealing wax/PVC tab. The tenders which are not submitted in above mentioned manner may be rejected. 10.3 All envelopes (2 inner & 1 outer) must bear the following; “Repairing & servicing of E/A installed in various exchanges of HAJIPUR SSA. The tenderer will be bound by all terms, conditions & specifications as detailed in the tender documents. 10.4 Any tender with conditions other than those specified in the tender document is liable to be summarily rejected. No modification by the contractor in any of conditions will be permitted after the tender is opened. 11 DOWNLOADED TENDER DOCUMENT: The tenderer has to submit the downloaded original computer print out of the documents from the website. The contractor/ firm has to submit undertaking (dully signed, in the format enclosed with the NIT as per Section- ) If during the opening the tender or during the process of tender finalization, it is detected that the tenderer has submitted tender documents after making any changes/addition/deletion in the tender document from the website, the offer shall be summarily rejected and the EMD deposited by the tenderer shall be forfeited in addition to any other action as per the prevalent rules. 12 SUBMISSION OF BID: 12.1 Tenders should be either dropped in person in the tender box placed in the office of AGM (CFA-NWP) O/o TDM-Hajipur, or sent through post so as to reach up to date & time mentioned in NIT. The BSNL will not be responsible for late receipt of bid sent through post by whatsoever reason. The slit of the tender box will be sealed immediately after the specified time for receipt of tender. Any tender presented in person after the sealing of box will not be received by TDM-Hajipur, BSNL or by any of the subordinates or will not be allowed to be deposited in the tender box. 12.2 Postponement of Tender opening: In case of postponement of date of opening of tender, the information regarding date of opening of tender will be communicated at least one day before the original date of opening. The reasons for postponing the tender shall be recorded in writing. If the date of opening of bids is declared as holidays, the bids will be opened on the next working date at the same time and venue. 12.3 The government of India if subsequently declares date fixed for opening of bids as holiday, the revised schedule will be notified. However, in absence of such notification, the bids will be opened on next working day, time and venue remaining unaltered.
9 13 LATE BIDS: Tenders will not be received after the specified time of closing of the tender and the same shall be rejected and returned unopened to the bidder. It is the sole responsibility of the tenderer that he/she should ensure timely submission of tender. 14 MODIFICATIONS AND WITHDRAWL OF BIDS: 14.1 The bidder may modify or withdraw his/her bid after submission and before opening provided that the intimation is deposited by the bidder in a properly sealed envelop (with wax in the tender box, before the scheduled time and date for closing of tender. 14.2 No bid shall be modified subsequent to the deadline for submission of bids. 15 OPENING OF THE BIDS BY THE BSNL: 15.1 The BSNL shall open the bids in the presence of bidders or his/her authorised representative who choose to attend, as mentioned in NIT. The bidder’s representatives, who are present, shall sign on attendance register. The bidder shall submit authority letter to this effect before they are allow to participate in the bid opening. 15.2 A Maximum of one (1) representative for any bidder shall be authorised and permitted to attend the bid opening.
Signature of Bidder with seal 15.3 The Bid shall be opened in the following manner:- 15.3.1 The committee shall count the no. of bids and assign serial numbers to the bid for example; if 10 tenders have been received the bids shall be numbered as 1 of 10, 2 of 10 etc. All the members shall initial on the outer envelopes of all the bids with date. 15.3.2 The envelopes containing the tender offer and not properly sealed shall not be opened and shall be rejected outright. Closing the cover by gum/PVC Tape will not be treated as sealed cover. The reasons for not opening such tender offers shall be recorded on the face of the envelope and all the members of committee shall initial with date. 15.3.3 First the outer envelope containing the two envelopes be opened. The committee shall initial on two envelopes with date. 15.3.4 Among these two envelops, the envelop marked “Qualifying/Technical bid” shall be opened first and if proper bid security as per tender document found then papers/documents submitted by the bidder shall be examined and recorded by the Committee. After opening the Qualifying /Technical bid, all the documents contained therein shall be serially numbered and signed by the committee members and the qualified bidders shall be declared. 15.3.5 After recording of the “qualifying/Technical Bid” the same Committee will open the financial bid submitted by the bidder who have been declared as qualified bidder. 15.4 The Financial Bid shall be opened on the same day by the same committee in the following manner; 15.4.1 After opening the “Financial bid” the bidder’s name, bid prices, modifications, bid withdrawals and such other details as the BSNL, as its discretion, may consider appropriate; will be announced at the opening. 15.5 In case there is discrepancy in figure and words in the quote, the same shall be announced in the bid Opening, but the quote in words shall prevail.
16 CLARIFICATION OF BIDS BY THE BSNL: To assist in examination, evaluation and comparison of bids, the BSNL may, at its discretion ask the bidder for clarification of its bid. The request for its clarification and its response shall be in writing. However, no post bid clarification at the initiative of the bidder shall be entertained.
17.1 The same committee shall evaluate the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether any computational errors have been made, whether required sureties have been furnished, whether the documents have been properly signed and whether the bids are generally in order.
17.2 A bid, determined as substantially non responsive will be rejected by the BSNL and shall not subsequent to the bid opening be made responsive by the bidder by correction of the non-conformity. 17.3 The BSNL may waive any minor infirmity or non-conformity or irregularity in a bid which does not constitute a material deviation, provided such waiver does not prejudice or affect the relative ranking of the bidder.
18 EVALUATION AND COMPARISON OF SUBSTANTIALLY RESPONSIVE BIDS: 18.1 The BSNL shall evaluate in detail and compare the bids previously determined to be substantially responsive pursuant to clause 16. 18.2 The evaluation and comparison of responsive bids shall be on the basis of rate quoted by the bidders in their financial bids and as per criteria given in financial bid documents. 19 CONTACTING THE BSNL: 19.1 Subject to clause 15 no bidder shall try to influence the BSNL on any matter relating to its bid, from the time of bid opening till the time contract is awarded.
19.2 Any effort by the bidder to modify his/her bid or influences the BSNL in the BSNL’s bid evaluation, bid comparison or the contract award decisions shall result in the rejection of the bid. 20 AWARD OF CONTRACT: The BSNL shall consider award of contract only to those eligible bidders whose offers have been found technically, commercially and financially acceptable. 21 BSNL’S RIGHT TO VARY NUMBER OF E/As UNDER AMC: The BSNL, at the time of award of work under the contract, reserves the right to decrease or increase the no. of E/As specified in the financial bid without any change in the rates or other terms and conditions. 22 BSNL’S RIGHT TO ACCEPT ANY BID AND TO REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS: The BSNL reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids, at any time prior to award of contract without assigning any reason what-so-ever and without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders on the grounds for the BSNL’s action. No arbitration shall be permissible in such case. 23 ISSUE OF LETTER OF INTENT: 23.1 The issue of letter of intent shall constitute the intention of the BSNL to enter into the contract with the bidder(s). Letter of intent will be issued as offer to the successful bidder(s). 23.2 The bidder shall within 14 days of issue of intent, give his/her acceptance. 24 SINIGNING OF AGREEMENT:
Signature of Bidder with seal 24.1 The signing of agreement with the successful bidder shall constitute the award of contract on the bidder. The agreement with the successful bidder shall be signed by the BSNL within a week of submission of security deposit. 24.2 As soon as the tender is approved by the competent authority, the Bid Security deposited by the successful bidder shall be compulsorily returned or converted in to the security deposit, which will be held by the BSNL till the completion of warranty period.
25 ANNULMENT OF AWARD: Failure of the successful bidder to comply with the terms and conditions of the tender shall constitute sufficient ground for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of security deposit, in which event; the BSNL may make the award to any other bidder at the discretion of the BSNL or call for new bids.
26. PERIOD OF CONTRACT: Under normal circumstances, Repairing & servicing of E/A in various exchanges of HAJIPUR SSA against the tender is for one year from effective date of agreement. However contract may be extended for further period upto one year if agreed by the contractor and BSNL on the same rate, terms and conditions. 27. SERVICE HOURS: 24 ours a day on all days of the year including Sunday/holidays. 28. Log book/service book: The contractor shall maintain Log-Sheet and all the jobs done i.e. repair, overhauling, and inspection to ensure trouble free operation of E/A separate for, each E/As and shall be duly counter signed by the in-charge of Exchange in which the E/A is installed.
29. PAYMENT TERMS: Quarterly bills, dully verified and certified by the controlling officer shall be submitted in duplicate in the O/o AGM (CFA- NWP) duly counter signed by their respective AGM. Bills should be submitted within the next quarter only. Delay in submission of bills may invite imposition of penalty on bills.
30. Safety precautions and other site Precautions: The contractor shall adhere to, while executing the contract to the relevant safety standard/codes of safety of ISI for various works. The requirements or working goods of the pro-vicinal Govt. Municipal authorities. Whatever adhere mores stringent than those laid down by BSNL/TDM-Hajipur. In absence of stringent code the contractor shall adheres to such safety measures as directed by the BSNL /TDM-Hajipur or his authorized representative.
31. Removal of workman : The contractor on the request (either verbal or in written) of BSNL/TDM-Hajipur forthwith remove from the works any person employed there on by him who and in the opinion of the BSNL/TDM-Hajipur commits any misconduct himself or misbehavior or his doubtful character such person shall not again be employed on the works without the written permission. 32. PENALTY CLAUSE: a. In case the approved contractor is not able to comply with all the conditions, the department shall impose a penalty @ Rs. 500/- per day per E/A subject to a maximum of Rs. 5000/- per E/A in a month. b. In case of the contractor does not rectify the ‘fault condition’ even after imposing maximum penalty of Rs. 5000/- for a E/A in a month then:- i. The BSNL shall have the liberty to get the E/A repaired through any other agency even at higher rates and the extra cost shall be adjusted from the running bills/security of the contractor. ii. The BSNL shall have the liberty to initiate the case for terminating the contract by giving one month notice to the contractor. In case the contractor dose not respond favorably and to the full satisfaction of the BSNL then his contract shall be terminated by the BSNL after the lapse of one month from the date of issue of such a notice. c. However in a particular case if the TDM-Hajipur is satisfied based on the facts and circumstance of the case and also based upon any written representation that the contractor may make in this regard in that delay in the progress of work was due to reasons beyond the control of the contractor the TDM-Hajipur reserves the right to waive off the penalty. d. If the contractor fails to maintain E/A in running condition, the charges of which will be recovered from respective quarterly bill/security deposit and it may result into termination of contractor and forfeiture of security deposit. 35. JURISDICTION OF CONTRACT: The jurisdiction of contract shall be the approved Exchanges under particular SDCA of Telecom District Hajipur.
Signature of Bidder with seal
Signature of Bidder with seal 12 SECTION V
1. APPLICATION: The general conditions shall apply in contract made by the BSNL for the Repairing & servicing of E/A installed in various exchanges of HAJIPUR SSA. 2. PRICES: The Prices charged by the Contractor shall not be higher than the prices quoted by the Contractor in his/her bid. Price once fixed will remain valid for the whole period of contract. Increase and decrease of taxes/duties, price of spare/consumable items etc. will not affect the price during this period. 3. SUBCONTRACTS: The contractor shall not assign, sub contract or subject the whole or any part of the works covered by the contract, under any circumstances. 4. PERFORMANCE SECURITY DEPOSIT: The successful bidder shall be required to deposit as per NIT within 2 weeks of conveying BSNL’s intention for accepting the bid. The successful bidder shall be required to deposit an amount equal to 7.5% of the tendered value in the shape of D.D from any nationalized/scheduled Bank subject to maximum limit of Rs.5 Lakhs within 2 (two) weeks of conveying BSNL’s intention for accepting the bid as per Performance Security. EMD (2.5%) of the successful tenderer shall be added into performance security, which will be a non-interest bearing deposit on acceptance of the tender by the BSNL Hajipur; the Bid Security remitted shall be automatically converted into cash performance security. The performance security bears no interest and shall be refunded to the contractor(s) after expiry of one year from the date of payment of final bill during the validity of tender or during the extended period. The BSNL reserves the right to enhance the Bid security as and when felt necessary. Performance security deposit shall be submitted in Cash/Crossed DD from a scheduled bank in favour of AO(C), O/o TDM- BSNL, Hajipur. The proceeds of the security deposit shall be payable to BSNL as compensation for any loss resulting form the contractor’s failure to complete its obligations under the contract. If the contractor fails or neglects any of his obligations under the contract, it shall be lawful for BSNL to forfeit either whole or any part of security deposit furnished by the bidder as compensation for any loss resulting from such failure. Security deposit will be refunded after completion of contractor’s performance obligation under the contract provided there are no recoveries to be made arising out of violation of any terms and condition of the Contract as stipulated in the bid document. No interest will be paid to the contractor on the security deposit. 5. ISSUE OF WORK ORDER AND TIME LIMIT: The order for Repairing & servicing of E/A installed in various exchanges of HAJIPUR SSA to successful bidder(s) shall be issued by DE I/C under TDM- Hajipur. 6. The TDM-HAJIPUR, BSNL reserves the right of award the works 60 % to lowest bidder and 40 % to second lowest at L-1 rate. The AGM (Plg) shall mention the time limit to execute the Repairing & servicing of E/A installed in various exchanges of HAJIPUR SSA by the contractor. The BSNL, at the time of award of work under the contract, reserves the right to decrease or increase the no. of E/A Repairing of E/A contract specified in the financial bid without any change in the rates or other terms and conditions. 7. EXTENSION OF PERIOD OF CONTRACT: Under normal circumstances, the work AMC of E/As against the tender is for one year from effective date of agreement. However contract may be extended for further period upto one year if agreed by the contractor and BSNL on the same rate, terms and conditions. 8. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT: Contract will be terminated, If the contractor commits breach of any items of terms and conditions of the contract. If the contractor fails to execute Repairing of E/A during the period specified in the contract or any extension thereof granted by BSNL. If the contractor fails to maintain E/A under Repairing of E/A in good running condition and fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the contract. Upon termination of contract the security deposit shall be liable to forfeited and shall be absolutely at the disposal of BSNL. The contractor on the request (either verbal or in written) of BSNL/TDM-Hajipur forthwith remove from the works any person employed there on by him who and in the opinion of the BSNL/TDM-Hajipur commits any misconduct himself or misbehavior or his doubtful character such person shall not again be employed on the works without the written permission.
13 9. TERMINATION FOR INSOLVANCY: The BSNL may at any time terminate the contract by giving written notice to the Contractor, without compensation to Contractor, if the Contractor becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent as declared by the competent court provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any right or action or remedy which has occurred thereafter to the BSNL.
Signature of Bidder with seal 10. FORCE MAJEURE: If any time, during the continuance of this contract, the performance in whole or in part by either party or any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or delayed by reason of any war, or hostility, acts of the public enemy, civil commotion sabotage, fires, floods, explosions, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, lockouts or act of God (herein after referred to as events) provided notice of happenings, of any such eventuality is given by either party to the other within 21 days from the date of occurrence thereof, neither party shall by reason of such event be entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any such claim for damaged against the other in respect of such non-performance and work under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after such event may come to an end or cease to exist, and the decision of the BSNL as to whether the work have been so resumed or not shall be final and conclusive, provided further that if the performance, in whole or part any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may, at his/her option terminate the contract. Provided also that if the contract is terminated under this clause, the BSNL shall be at liberty to take over from the contractor at a price to be fixed by the BSNL, which shall be final. 11. ARBITRATION: In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under this agreement or in connection there-with except as to matter the decision of which is specifically provided under this agreement, the same shall be referred to sole arbitration of the TDM, BSNL, Hajipur or in case his designation is changed or his office is abolished them in such case to the sole arbitration of the officer for the time bring entrusted whether in addition to the functions of the TDM, BSNL, Hajipur or by whatever designation such officers may be called (hereinafter referred to as the said officer) and if the TDM, BSNL, Hajipur or the said officer is unable or unwilling to act as such to the sole arbitration or some other person appointed by the TDM, BSNL, Hajipur, or the said officer. The agreement to appoint arbitration will be in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. There will be no objection to any such appointment that the arbitrator is BSNL Servant or that he has to deal with the matter to which the agreement relates or that in the course of his duties as BSNL Servant he has expressed views on all or any other matter under dispute. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties. In the event of such arbitrator to whom the matter is originally referred, being transferred or vacating his office or being unable to act for any reasons whatsoever such TDM, BSNL, Hajipur or the said officer shall appoint another person to act as arbitrator in accordance with terms of the agreement and the person so appointed shall be entitled to proceed from the stage at which it was left out by his predecessors. The arbitrator may from time to time with the consent of parties enlarge the time for making and publishing the award, Subject to aforesaid Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 and the Rules made there under, any modification thereof for the time being in force shall be deemed to apply to the arbitration proceeding under this clause. The venue of the arbitration proceeding shall be the office of the TDM, BSNL, Hajipur or such other places as the arbitrator may decide. The following procedure shall be followed : In case parties are unable to reach a settlement by themselves, the dispute should be submitted or arbitration in accordance with contract agreement. There should not be a joint submission with the contractor to the sole Arbitrator. Each party should submit its own claim severally and may oppose the claim put forward by the other party. The bonus of establishing his claims will be left to the contractor. Once a claim has been included in the submission by the contractor, a reiteration or modification thereof will be opposed. The ‘points of defence’ will be based on actual conditions of the contract. Claims in the nature of ex-gratia payments shall not be entertained by the Arbitrator as these are not contractual. The question whether these conditions are equitable shall not receive any consideration in the preparation of ‘points of defence’.If the contractor includes such claims in his submission, the fact that they are not contractual will be prominently placed before the Arbitrator. The award of the sole Arbitrator shall be final and binding on all the parties to the dispute. SET OFF: Any sum of money due and payable to the contractor (including security deposit refundable to him/her) under this contractor may be appropriated by the BSNL or the Govt. or any other person or persons contracting through the Govt. of India and set off the same against any claim of the BSNL or Govt. or such other person(s) for payment or sum of money arising out of this contract made by the Contract with BSNL or Govt. or such other person(s) contracting through Govt. of India. 12. Schedule of works for maintenance covered under this contract shall be in accordance with the Engine manufacture’s standard service maintenance manual. In addition the Agency will diagnose problems in the engine, if any and recommend remedial measures. They will also give training and guidance to the personnel for proper operation and upkeep of the engine.
13. Damage due to negligence: Any loss/damages suffered by the plant or the allied equipment’s/controls due to negligence of the firm during servicing shall have to be made good to the entire satisfaction of the concerned DE In-charge. 14. Progress of work: The firm shall produce on demand the log sheet etc to the DE In-charge/SDE In-charge or his authorized representative for status of the maintenance. 15. Safety precaution and other site precaution: The firm shall adhere to, while executing the contract, the relevant safety rules of the Government EE (E). 16. Removal of workmen : The firm shall on the request of the DE In-Charge, forthwith remove from the works any person employed thereon by him who in the opinion of the BSNL/DE In-Charge, misconducts himself or misbehaves or has doubtful character. Such person shall not be employed again on the works. 17. Labour laws: The firms have to be abided by all labour laws of the appropriate local body applicable to that place where work is executed. The firm shall be responsible for all compensation payable under the Workman Compensation Act. 18. Compensation for delay: If the contractor fails to maintain the required services within the contract period or extended date of the contract period, he has to pay the compensation for delay which is limited to 1% per week of proportionate value of work order and
Signature of Bidder with seal thereafter subject to a maximum of 12% proportionate value of the work order for the exchange where the work is delayed and the firm is found responsible for the same. 19. VARIATION OF WORK: The work may vary upto 25% of the estimated cost of the tender.
Signature of the tenderer with Seal
Signature of Bidder with seal SECTION VI 15
1. The special conditions of contract shall supplement the instruction to the bidder as contained in section IV and general (commercial) conditions of contract as contained in section V and wherever there is a conflict, the provision herein shall prevail over those in section IV and section V. 2. In case the date fixed for opening of bids is subsequently declared as holiday by the Government of India, the revised schedule will be notified. However, in absence of such notification, the bids will be opened on next working day, time and venue remaining unaltered. 3. The BSNL reserves the right to disqualify such bidders who have a record of not meeting contractual obligations against earlier contract entered into with the BSNL. 4. BSNL reserves the right to blacklist a bidder for a suitable period in case he/she fails to honour his/her bid without sufficient grounds. 5. The BSNL reserves the right to counter offer price(s) against price(s) quoted by any bidder. 6. Any clarification issued by the BSNL, in response to query raised by prospective bidder(s) shall form an integral part of the bid document and it may amount to amendment of relevant clauses of the bid documents. 7. Tender will be evaluated as per criteria given in financial bid. 8. Whenever any claim(s) against the contractor for the payment of a sum of money arises out of or under the contract, the BSNL shall be entitled to recover such sum by appropriating in part or whole security deposit. 9. No official of Gazetted /Executive rank or other Gazetted Executive officer employed in BSNL or any other department of Govt. of India is allowed to work as a contractor within a period of two years after his/her retirement form BSNL/Government service without the previous permission of BSNL/Govt. of India or will be governed as per latest guideline of BSNL in this issue. 10. The liability under relevant sections of IPC causing death or permanent liability developed during maintenance of E/As by the contractor, the BSNL has no responsibility of whatsoever and will not entertain any claim in this regard under the provision of the law. 11. The engagement and employment of service person(s) and payment of wages to them as per existing provision of various labour laws and regulations is the sole responsibility of the contractor and any breach of such laws or regulations shall be deemed to be breach of this contract. All such person should have authorized Identity Card issued by contractor and its intimation should be given to BSNL. 12. No sub-contracting is permissible by BSNL. The near relatives of all BSNL employees (non-executive employees working in BSNL & executive employees also called Group-A & Group-B officers working in BSNL) either directly recruited or on deputation are prohibited from participation in this tender. The near relatives for this purpose are defined as: (a) Members of a Hindu undivided family, (b) They are husband & wife, (c) The one is related to the other in the manner as father, mother son(s), son’s wife (daughter-in-law), Daughter(s) & Daughter’s husband (son-in-law), brother(s) & brother’s wife, sister(s) & sister’s husband (brother-in-law). 13. The tenderer(s) should give a certificate to the effect that none of his/her relative(s) are working in the units of BSNL as defined above. In case of proprietorship firm, the certificate will be given by the proprietor. For the partnership firm, certificate will be given by all the partners and in case of limited company; certificate will be given by all director(s) of the company. Any breach of these conditions by the company or firm or any other person, the tender/work will be cancelled and earnest money/security deposit will be forfeited at any stage whenever it is noticed. The BSNL may also debar the tenderer for further participation in the concerned unit. 14. LABOUR WELFARE MEASURES AND WORKMAN COMPENSATION: 14.1 Obtaining License before commencement of work : The contractor shall obtain a valid labour license under the Contract Labour (R &A) Act 1970 and the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Central Rules 1971, before commencement of the work, and continue to have a valid license until the completion of work. The contractor shall also abide by the provisions of the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986. Any failure to fulfill this requirement shall attract the penal provisions of the contact arising out of the resultant non-execution of work. 14.2 Contractors Labour Regulations: 14.2.1 Working Hours 14.2.2 Normally working hours of an employee should not exceed 9 hours a day. The working day shall be So arranged that inclusive of interval for rest, if any, it shall not spread over more than 12 hours on any day. 14.2.3 When a worker is made to work for more than 9 hours on any day or for more than 48 hours in any week he shall be paid over time for the extra hours put in by him. 14.2.4 Every worker shall be given a weekly holiday normally on a Sunday, in accordance with the provisions of Minimum Wages (Central ) Rules 1960, as amended from time to time, irrespective of whether such worker is governed by the Minimum Wages Act or not. 14.2.5 Where the minimum wages prescribed by the Government, under the Minimum Wages Act, are not inclusive of the wages for the weekly day of rest, the worker shall be entitled to rest day wages, at the rate applicable to the next preceding day, provided he has worked under the same contractor for a continuous period of not less than 6 days. 14.2.6 Where a contractor is permitted by the Engineer-in Charge to allow a worker to work on a normal weekly holiday, he shall grant a substituted holiday to him for the whole day, on one of the five
Signature of Bidder with seal days, immediately before or after the normal weekly holiday, and pay wages to such worker for the work performed on the normal weekly holiday at the overtime rate.
14.2.7 Display of Notice Regarding Wages Etc. The contractor shall, before he commences his work on contract, display and correctly maintain and continue to display, in a clear and legible condition in conspicuous places on the work, notices in English and in local Indian languages spoken by the majority of the workers, giving the minimum rates of the wages fixed under Minimum Wages Act, the actual wages being paid, the hours of work for which such wage are earned, wages periods, dates of payments of wages and other relevant information. 14.3 Payment of Wages. 14.3.1 The Contractor shall fix wage periods in respect of which wages shall be payable. 14.3.2 No wage period shall exceed one month. 14.3.3 The wages of every person employed as contract labour in an establishment by a contractor, where less than one thousand such persons are employed, shall be paid before the expiry of seventh day and in other cases before the expiry of tenth day after the last day of the wage period in respect of which the wages are payable. 14.3.4 Where the employment of any worker is terminated by or on behalf of the contractor, the wages earned by him shall be paid before the expiry of the second working day from the date on which his employment is terminated. 14.3.5 All payment of wages shall be made on a working day at the work premises and during the working time and on a date notified in advance and in case the work is completed before the expiry of the wage period, final payment shall be made within 48 hours of the last working day.
14.3.6 Wages due to every worker shall be paid to him direct or to other person authorized by him in this behalf. 14.3.7 All wages shall be paid in current coin or currency or in both. 14.3.8 Wages shall be paid without any deductions of any kind except those specified by the Central government by general or special order in this behalf or permissible under the Payment of Wages Act 1956. 14.3.9 A notice showing the wages period and the place and time of disbursement of wages shall be displayed at the place of work and a copy sent by the contractor to the Engineer-in Charge under a acknowledgement. 14.3.10 it shall be the duty of the contractor to ensure the disbursement of wages in presence of the site Engineer or any other authorized representative of the Engineer-in-Charge who will be required to be present at the place and time of the disbursement of wages by the contractor to workmen. 14.3.11 The contractor shall obtain from the site Engineer or any other authorized representative of the Engineer-in-Charge, as the case may be, certificate under his signature at the end of the entries in the “Register of Wages” or the “Wage-cum-muster Roll”, as the case may be, in the following form:-
“Certified that the amount shown in the column No……..has been paid to the workman Concerned in my presence on ………….at ……………..” 14.4. Fines and deductions, which may be made from wages 14.4.1 The wages of a worker shall be paid to him without any deduction of any kind except the following:- (a) Fines (b) Deductions for absence from duty i.e. from the place or the places where by the terms of his employment he is required to work. The amount of deduction shall be in proportion to the period for which he was absent. (c) Deductions for damage to or loss of goods expressly entrusted to the employed person for custody, or for loss of money or any other deductions which he is required to account, where such damage or loss is directly attributable to his neglect or default. (d) Deduction for recovery of advances or for adjustment of overpayment of wages, advances granted shall be entered in a register. (e) Any other deduction, which the Central Government may from time to time, allows. 14.4.2 No fines should be imposed on any worker in respect of such acts and omissions on his part as have been approved of by the Labour Commissioner. 14.4.3 No fine shall be imposed on a worker and no deduction for damage or loss shall be made from his wages until the worker has been given an opportunity of showing cause against such fines or deductions.
14.4.4 Every fine shall be deemed to have been imposed on the day of the act or omission in respect of which it was imposed. 14.5 Labour records 14.5.1 The contractor shall maintain a Register of Persons employed on work on contract in Form XIII of the Contract Labour (R &A) Central Rules 1971. 14.5.2 The contractor shall maintain a Muster Roll register in respect of all workmen employed by him on the work under contract in from XVI of the CL (R & A) Rules 1971.
Signature of Bidder with seal 14.5.3 The contractor shall maintain a Wage Register in respect of all workmen employed by him on the work under contract in Form XVII of the CL (R & A) Rules 1971. 14.5.4 Register of accidents - The contractor shall maintain a register of accidents in such form as may be convenient at the work place but the same shall include the following particulars: a) Full Particulars of the labourers who met with accident. b) Rate of wages. c) Sex d) Age e) Nature of accident and cause of accident f) Time and date of accident g) Date and time when admitted in hospital h) Date of discharge from the hospital i) Period of treatment and result of treatment j) Percentage of loss of earning capacity and disability as assessed by medical officer k) Claim required to be paid under Workmen’s Compensation Act. l) Date of payment of compensation. m) Amount paid with details of the person to whom the same was paid n) Authority by whom the compensation was assessed o) Remarks. 14.5.5 The contractor shall maintain a Register of Fines in the Form XII of the CL (R &A) Rules 1971 the contractor shall display in a good condition and in a conspicuous place of work the approved list of acts and omission for which fines can be imposed. 14.5.6 The contractor shall maintain a Register of deductions for damage or loss in Form XX of the CL (R &A) Rules 1971. 14.5.7 The contractor shall maintain a Register of Advances in Form XXIII of the CL (R & A) Rules 1971. 14.5.8 The contractor shall maintain a Register of Overtime in Form XXIII of the CL (R & A) Rules 1971. 14.5.9 Attendance card –cum wage slip 14.5.10 The contractor shall issue an Attendance card cum wage slip to each workman employed by him. 14.5.11 The card shall be valid for each wage period.
14.6. The contractor shall mark the attendance of each workman on the card twice each day, once at the commencement of the day and again after the rest interval, before he actually starts work. 14.6.1 The card shall remain in possession of the worker during the wage period under reference. 14.6.2 The contractor shall complete the wage slip portion on the reverse of the card at least a day prior to the disbursement of wages in respect of the wage period under reference. 14.6.3 The contractor shall obtain the signature or thumb impression of the worker on the wage slip at the time of disbursement of wages and retain the card with him. 14.6.4 Employment card The contractor shall issue an Employment Card in the Form XIV of CL (R & A) Central Rules 1971 to each worker within three days of the employment of the worker. 14.6.5 Service certificate On termination of employment for any reason whatsoever the contractor shall issue to the workman whose services have been terminated, a service Certificate in the Form XV of the CL (R & A) Central Rules 1971. 14.6.6 Preservation of labour records The labour records and records of Fines and deductions shall be preserved in original for a period of three years from the date of last entries made in them and shall be made available for inspection by the Engineer-in-Charge or Labour Officer or any other officers authorized by the Ministry of Communication in this behalf. 14.7 Power of Labour officer to make investigations or enquiry The labour officer or any person authorized by the Central Government on their behalf shall have power to make enquiries with a view to ascertaining and enforcing due & proper observance of fair wage clauses and 18
provisions of these Regulations. He shall investigate into any complaint regarding the default made by the contractor in regard to such provision. 14.8 Report of Investigating officer and action thereon The Labour Officer or other persons authorized as aforesaid shall submit a report of result of his investigation or enquiry to the Engineer in-charge indicating the extent, if any, to which the default has been committed with a note that necessary deductions from the contractor’s bill be made and the wages and other dues be paid to the labourers concerned. The Engineer in-charge shall arrange payment to the labour concerned within 45 days from the receipt of the report from the labour Officer or the authorized officer as the case may be.
14.9 Inspection of Books and Slips
Signature of Bidder with seal The contractor shall allow inspection of all the prescribed labour records to any of his workers or to his agent at a convenient time and place after due notice is received or to the Labour Officer or any other person, authorized by the Central Government on his behalf, 14.10 Submission of Returns The contractor shall submit periodical returns as may be specified from time to time. 14.11 Amendments
15 The Central Government may from time to time add to or amend the regulations and on any question as to the application/interpretation or effect of those regulations.
16 No Engineer in gazetted rank or other gazetted officer employed in engineering or Administrative duties in an Engineering Department of the Government of India is allowed to work as a contractor for a period for two years after his retirement from Government service, without the previous permission of the Government of India in writing this contract is liable to be canceled if either the contractor or any of his employees is found any time to be such a person who had not obtained the permission of the Government of India as aforesaid before submission of the tender or engagement in the contractors service.
17. The contractor shall assign the job of Repairing Contract of E/As only to qualified and experienced person(s). Minimum qualifications and experience required for principal technical representative, preferable he should be diploma in electrical/mechanical engineering.
Attested copy and document in support of this should be attached at the time of agreement.
18. The Notice Inviting Tender shall form a part of the contract document. The successful tenderer/contractor, on acceptance of his tender by the Accepting Authority, shall within 15 days from the stipulated date of start of the work sign the contract.
20. The notice inviting tender, all the documents including additional conditions, specifications and drawings if any, forming the tender is issued at the time of invitation of tender and acceptance thereof together with any correspondence leading thereto.
21. The TDM-HAJIPUR, BSNL reserves the right of award the works 60 % to lowest bidder and 40 % to second lowest at L-1 rate.
22. Government taxes/duties as per rule will be deducted from the bills.
Signature of Bidder with seal 19 SECTION-VII
OF WORK ENGINE ACTION TO BE TAKEN 1) Check the foundation bolt. 2) Check the torque of all fasteners. Proper tightening to be done 3) Check the oil leakages in Pipe Line. Proper tightening to be done Remove the leakage if persists 4) Check the water leakages in radiator. Remove the leakage by repairing. 5) Check the alignment of all equipment. Align the equipment’s, if needed 6) Check the greasing /oil greasing of Greasing at all points to be done Auxiliary equipment and linkages. 7) Clean the radiator To be done 8) Check the lube oil level in the sump Change the Oil (Purchased from engine Manufacturer.) Or top up in between 9) Check the fuel pump for proper functioning if required, to be repaired & calibrated From MICO. 10) Check the valve tappet clearance Adjust if required 11) Check the fuel timing Adjust if required 12) Check the belt tension Adjust if required 13) Check the condition of v belt Replace if defective 14) Check the smoke condition Take action for proper smoke 15) Check fuel filter element a) Pre-filter insert Replace at every 250 hrs run b) Micro filter insert Replace at every 250 hrs run 16) Check the lube oil filter Replace at every oil change.
17) Check air cleaner. To be cleaned or replaced as reqd. 18) Check bypass filter To be replaced if reqd.
19) Clean the button filter of feed pump To be cleaned. 20) Clean the cylinder barrel and To be cleaned Cylinder head fins 21) Check the battery water level If less adds distill water
22) Check the water level in radiator for Top up if required Water cooled engine 23) Check CR element and CR plate Replace if reqd. 24) Check exhaust pipe for leakage and Silencer Remove leakages and clear choking Restriction 25) Check sediment in fuel tank. Clean if required 26) Check hose pipe. Replace if defective
27) Check status of battery. If defective, intimate in charge along With rate for prior approval 28) Check self starter, charging alternator. If defective/ burnt, repair/ rewind. 29) Check measuring instrument If defective, repair/ rewind. 30) Check for safety trip for (if provided)
a) For high cylinder temperature in air Cooled engine.
Signature of Bidder with seal To be adjusted if required b) For high water temperature in To be adjusted if required water.
c) For low lubricating oil pressure. To be adjusted if required d) For low lubricating oil pressure. To be adjusted if required e) For low level diesel in tank
To be adjusted if required 20
31) Check for loss of power of engine or If deficiency is noticed the Heavy smoke. Intimation may be given to In charge along with rates of Overhauling for prior approval (overhauling Rate not to be included in the tender).
1) Check for tightness of cable end termination. Ensure proper tightening
2) Check the tightness/ condition of the coupling. Tighten properly / replace if required 3) Check the blower fan etc. Ensure proper running 4) a) Check the slip ring for bedding. To be replaced if worn out b) Check the slip ring holder and carbon brush. To be replaced if worn out 5) Check A.V.R. /Transformer If defective, replace. 6) Check the greasing /status of bearings. Greasing to be done 7) Check the terminal voltage on no load. Adjust if needed 8) Check the terminal voltage on load. Adjust if needed 9) Check the frequency on no load. Adjust if needed 10) Check the frequency on load. Adjust if needed 11) Check power factor on load. If pf is less than 0.85 intimate In charge to improve the power Factor of exchange load. 12) Check full load current. If load current is more than Rated capacity of E/A set In charge may be intimated To reduce the load of exchange On E/A set. 13) Check the noise level of the bearing. Intimate to in charge if bearing Needs replacement to be done
14) Check alternator. Check rotor, armature winding, Field coil, if defect is found in any of them, Intimate in charge along with Rates for prior approval.
If exhaust fan is burnt, rewind. 15) Check ventilation of room /exhaust fan If room temperature is still more than 5 c, over ambient temp the cause may be Intimated to in charge to improve Ventilation of room. 16) Servicing of the E/A
17) One extra servicing As per the schedule of running hours of E/A
Signature of Bidder with seal 21 Control panel
1) Check the incoming switch a) Fuse / switch fuse unit. Change with correct rating if required.
b) MCCB / MCB Check the tripping/functioning if Not proper, change with correct Rating if required. 2) Check wiring for contact looseness. Tighten properly /rewire if required. 3) Check measuring instruments. If faulty, replace. 4) Electronic Protection Unit If faulty replaces.
5) Electronic Hour Counter to be checked and if faulty should be repaired/replaced. Meters should be recorded on weekly basis and be maintained till (NON-SETTABLE) completion of contract.
Note: 1) In-charge means SDE/JTO in-charge. 2) The spares shall be purchased from the manufacturer of Engine, Alternator & various Component of control panels respectively. 3) Quoted rates include servicing /Repairing/ Replacement of the all faulty parts. 4) The firm will maintain Engine /Alternator in proper manner to ensure prolong life, less Wear and tear and minimum interruptions. The firm has to carry out necessary work as pointed out by departmental officer from time to time during their inspection. 5) In case of E/A which is faulty at the time of agreement will be repaired / overhaulled at the above quoted rate first. Then CAMC will come into effect.(Payment of replaced Part will made separately as per latest authorized rate of Kriloskar/Cummins/ Caterpillar /Eicher/ Mahendra/ Ruston/ Grieves etc. make – This is for faulty E/A only). 6) The spares required for this, shall be purchased from the manufacturer of E/A and various component of control panels as per the latest rate of the company.
7) DIESEL will be supplied by the BSNL HAJIPUR.
8) Mobile (grade specified by manufacturer of E/A) will be supplied by Contractor for Servicing/top up. 9) After execution of agreement with successful bidder in each zone, work order for repairing of E/A will be issued.
Signature of Bidder with seal 22
No of inspection /servicing………. Date …………….
Exchange Detail Name of Exchange………………………………. Name of Exchange In charge …… Exchange Telephone no…
Engine Detail Alternator Detail Sr. no. Sr. no. Capacity Capacity Model Model
Control Panel Detail Safety Control of engine
Incoming switch TPN / MCCB / MCB High Cylinder Temperature Yes / No Capacity LLOP Yes / No
Lack of Fuel Yes / No
Reading after Servicing Meter No Load Load r.p.m Oil Pressure Voltage Ampere Frequency Hour meter mechanical Hour meter Electronic
Diesel consumption on available load in 1 hour Remark of Service Engineer (List out defect found during servicing which is not covered in service contract to be charged extra)
Checking, Cleaning and Servicing done as per Annexure I of Agreement and EA set running alright.
Signature of Service Engineer.
Signature of S.D.E. (I/C) / J.T.O. (I/C) of the Exchanges.
Signature of Bidder with seal
Signature of Bidder with seal
Annexure: III Telecom District - Hajipur
Name of Make & Capacity Voltage Load in Engine Average Exchange model of & make Ampr. run in hrs Diesel Engines Of During Consumption Alternator monthly During one hr. Period testing.
Signature of Service Engineer.
Signature of S.D.E. (I/C) / J.T.O. (I/C) of the Exchanges
Signature of Bidder with seal
Annexure: SERVICE REPORT OF E/A SETS AS ON ………………… 24 Name of S.S.A. ………... Name of District. …… SL No. Exchange SDCA Main / Equip. ENGINE ALTERNATOR RSU Cap. Capacity Mode Serial Cap Make Serial
Signature of Agency Signature of the S.D.E (I)
Signature of Bidder with seal 25 SECTION VIII SECURITY DEPOSIT BOND FORM
i. In consideration Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd, Hajipur having agreed to exempt…………………………………………... ……………………………….. (Here in after called the said contractor(s) from the demand of security deposit/earnest money of Rs………………………….. on production of D.D of Rs…………………………………….. For the due fulfillment by the said contractors of the terms & conditions to be contained in an agreement in connection with the contract for supply of …………………………………………………………………………………… we, (name of the bank) …………………………………….. (Here in after referred to as “The Bank”) at the request of ………………………………….. Contractor’s do hereby undertake to pay to the AO (C), O/o TDM-Hajipur, BSNL ………………………….. an amount of not exceeding…………………………………………., against any loss or damage caused to or suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Hajipur BSNL, by reason of any breach by the said contractors of any of the terms & conditions contained in the said agreement. ii. We (name of the bank)………………………………………………………………… do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the Hajipur BSNL, stating that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damages caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the Hajipur BSNL, reason of breach by the said contractor’s of any of the terms & conditions contained in the said agreement or by reason of the contractors failure to perform the said Agreement. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs………………….. iii. We undertake to pay to the AO (C), O/o TDM-Hajipur, BSNL, any money so demanded not with standing any disputes raised by the contractor(s)/supplier(s) in any suit or proceeding pending before any court or tribunal relating there to our liability under the present being absolute and equivocal. The payment so made by us under this bond shall be valid discharge of our liability for payment there under and the contractor(s)/supplier(s) shall have no claim against us for making such payment. iv. We …………………………………………………………………………….. further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect immediately for a period of one year from date herein and further agrees to extend the same from time to time (one year after) so that if shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the Hajipur BSNL, under or by virtue of the said agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till Hajipur BSNL, certifies that the terms & conditions of the said agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said contractor(s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee. v. We ………………………………………………………………………………………… further agree with Hajipur BSNL, that the Hajipur BSNL, shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner out obligations here under to vary and of the terms & conditions of the said agreement or to extend time of performance by the said contractor(s) from time to time or to postpone for any time to time any of the powers exercisable by the Hajipur BSNL, against the said contractor(s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms & conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation, or extension being granted to the said contractor(s) or for any forbearance, and or any omission on the part of the Hajipur BSNL, or any indulgence by the Hajipur BSNL, to the said contractor(s) or by any such matter or this whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provision, have effect of so relieving us. vi. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the contractor(s)/supplier(s).
Signatur e of Bidder with seal 26 SECTION - IX AGREEMENT (SAMPLE)
No.: ______Dated at HAJIPUR the ______
This agreement made on this _____day of ______20__ between ______hereinafter called “The Contractor” (Which expression shall unless executed by or repugnant to the context, includes its successor, heir and includes, administrative representatives and assignees) of the one part and the TDM-Hajipur BSNL hereinafter refereed to as the BSNL of other part. Where as the contractor has offered to enter into contract with the said BSNL for Repairing & servicing of E/A installed in various exchanges of Hajipur SSA on the terms and conditions herein contained and the rates approved by the BSNL (Copy of the rates annexed) have been duly accepted and where as the necessary security deposits has been furnished in accordance with the provisions of the tender documents and where as no interest will be claimed on the security deposits.
Now these presents witness and it is hereby agreed and deposited by and between the parties to these present as follows.
1. The contractor shall, during the period of this contract that is to say from ______to ______or completion of the contract period for Rs. ______(in words______) which ever is earlier or until this contract shall be determined by such notice as is hereinafter mentioned, safely carryout, by means of ______employed at his own expenses and by means of tools, implements and equipments etc. to be supplied by him/her to his/her ______at his own expenses, all ______and other associated works as described in the tender documents (annexed to the agreement), when the TDM-Hajipur, BSNL or any other persons authorised by TDM-Hajipur in that behalf required.
2. The NIT (Notice Inviting Tender), Bid Documents (Qualifying/Technical and Financial). letter of intent etc. annexed hereto and such other additional particulars, instruction, as may be found requisite to be given during execution of the work shall be deemed and taken to be an included in the expression “The Agreement” or “The Contract” wherever herein used.
3. The contractor shall abide by the terms and conditions, rules, guidelines etc. stipulated in the tender document along with its annexure and such other rules and regulations as may be framed from time to time by the BSNL.
4. The contractor hereby declares that nobody connected with or in the employment of the BSNL is not/shall not ever be admitted as partner in this contract.
5. The TDM-Hajipur, BSNL shall be at liberty by giving notice in writing to the contractor to rescind the contract in any or every of the following clauses (Stated in sub Para a to i) and the contractor shall there upon pay to the TDM-Hajipur, BSNL, in addition to any sum(s) of money which the contractor may be liable to pay such sum as the TDM-Hajipur, BSNL may decide to be reasonable under the provision of agreement. The decision of the TDM-Hajipur, BSNL shall be final and conclusive against the contractor.
a. If any fraud or fraudulent action by the contractor is detected while working for BSNL. b. If the contractor demands undue charges not stipulated in the contract. c. If any person connected to the BSNL or any official drawing salary from the BSNL becomes in any way interested in the contract. d. If the contractor himself/herself or any of his/her servants found guilty of fraud or attempted to any fraud in connection with the BSNL work or to any official drawing salary from the BSNL’s and / is attached with the contractor. e. If the contractor employees any outside agent or sublet contract or extend any right for payment there under without the consent in writing of the TDM-Hajipur, BSNL. f. If in the event of any deduction being made from the contractor from the security deposit and the contractor fails to make good the amount of such deduction within the time herein before specified. g. If the contractor becomes insolvent or applies for relief in insolvent debtors and/or in case the contractor is a company and it is bind up or in case the contractor is a partnership firm and when it is dissolved during this contract. h. If the contractors makes defaults in or fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions put forth in this contract and or. i. If the contractor’s work is found unsatisfactory in the opinion of the TDM-Hajipur, BSNL.
6. In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under this agreement or in connection there-with except as to matter the decision of which is specifically provided under this agreement, the same shall be referred to sole arbitration of the TDM-Hajipur, BSNL or in case his designation is changed or his office is abolished then in such case to the sole arbitration of the officer for the time 27
being entrusted whether in addition to the functions of TDM-Hajipur, BSNL or by whatever designation such officers may be called (hereinafter referred to as the said officer) and if the TDM-Hajipur, BSNL or the said officer is unable or unwilling to act as such to the sole arbitration or some other person appointed by the TDM-Hajipur, BSNL, or said officer. The agreement to appoint an arbitrator will be in accordance with the arbitration and conciliation act, 1996. There will be no objection to any such appointment that the arbitrator is BSNL servant or that he/she has to deal with the matter to which the agreement relates or that in the course of his/her duties as BSNL servant he/she has expressed views on all S ignature of Bidder with seal or any of the matter under dispute. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on both the parties. In the event of such arbitrator to whom the matter is originally referred, being transferred or vacating his/her office or being unable to act for any reasons whatsoever such TDM-Hajipur, BSNL or the said officer shall appoint another person to act as arbitrator in accordance with terms of the agreement and the person so appointed shall be entitled to proceed from the stage at which it was left out by his/her predecessors.
The arbitrator may from time to time with the consent of parties enlarge the time for making and publishing the award, subject to aforesaid Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and rules made there under, any modification thereof for the time being in force shall be deemed to apply to the arbitration proceeding under this clause.
The venue of the arbitration proceeding shall be the office of TDM-Hajipur, BSNL or such other places as the arbitrator may decide.
The award of the sole Arbitrator shall be final and binding on all the parties to the dispute.
7. If there is any court case in connection with this work it shall be entertained only Hajipur and at no other place.
8. Tender document supplied for this tender will be also a part of agreement.
9. The payment will be made quarterly at the end of quarter.
10 Inspection \ Servicing of Engine Alternator Set and control panel (Scope of Work)
10.1 The firm shall carry out monthly visit for inspection of Engine Alternator sets and Carry out maintenance as per ANNEXURE I to ensure effective performance of Engine Alternator Sets. If any defect arises in between the servicing dates, the firm shall have to make extra visit on intimation by the incharge.
10.2 Quoted rates include Seriving /Repairing/ Replacement of the all faulty parts.
10.3 The firm will maintain Engine /Alternator in proper manner to ensure prolong life, less wear and tear and minimum interruptions. The firm has to carry out necessary work as pointed out by departmental officer from time to time during their inspection.
10.4 In case of the top overhauling /complete overhauling, rewinding of stator & rotor of alternator, of engines if required will be done by agency at the quoted rate.
10.5 The firm shall provide monthly visit per exchange for inspection/servicing of the Engine Alternator Set during the year. Extra visit shall also be provided if required, without any extra charges.
10.6 Schedule of works for maintenance covered under this contract shall be in accordance with the Engine manufacture’s standard service maintenance manual. In addition the Agency will diagnose problems in the engine, if any and recommend remedial measures. They will also give training and guidance to the personnel for proper operation and upkeep of the engine.
10.7 Visits of service representative will be acknowledged by signing the Log Sheet as per ANNEXURE II on completion of each service. The consolidated report in the form of Annexure IV shall be submitted to S.D.E concerned after completing the visit of Exchanges.
10.8 Those E/A which are Breakdown at the time of agreement will be first repaired by . Payment of replaced part (this is for only those E/A which are in breakdown Condition at the time of agreement) will made at the rate of supplied by Kirloskar Authorized dealer.
10.9 In case of E/A which is faulty at the time of agreement will be repaired/over haulled at the above quoted rate first.
10.10 DIESEL will be supplied by the BSNL, HAJIPUR.
10.11 Mobile (grade specified by manufacturer of E/A) will be supplied by Contractor for Servicing/top up. 10.12 List of exchanges along with following details for Engine Alternator sets will be provided by the Department to the successful Tenderer after signing the agreement:
S ignature of Bidder with seal A). Engine make, model. B). Alternator make, capacity. C) Contact person and Telephone no. D) No. of hours run by the engine till date. .
11. The TDM-Hajipur, BSNL reserves the right to terminate tender at any time without assigning any reason.
In witness whereof the parties present have here into set their respective hands and seals the day and year in ------
Above written:
Signature & Seals Delivered by the above named contractor in the presence of .
Signed & delivered on behalf of the BSNL.
I/We ………………………………………………………………………………………… resident of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………hereby certify the none of my relative(s) as defined in the tender document is/are employed in BSNL unit as per details given in tender document. In case at any stage, it is found that the information given by me is false/incorrect, BSNL shall have the absolute right to take any action as deemed fit without any prior intimation to me.
S ignature of Bidder with seal Signature of the Bidder with Seal
NOTE: The above declaration should be given on minimum Rs. 20/- non-judicial stamp paper (Original copy to be submitted).
As per Government of India’s CCS conduct rule no.4 Government servant shall in the discharge of his/her official duties deal with any matter or sanction any contract to any company or for any other person if any member of his/her family is employed in that company or firm or under that person if he/she or any member of his/her family is interested in such matter or contract in any other manner and the Govt. Servant shall refer very such matter or contract to his official superior. This clause is applicable to all BSNL employees and in view of this as soon as any BSNL employee becomes aware of the above subject. He must intimate this to the prescribed authority.
Therefore, it has been decided that the near relatives of all BSNL Employee either directly recruited or on deputation are prohibited from participation in tender and execution of the work in the different units of BSNL. The detail guidelines in this regard are given in the following paragraphs.
The near relatives for this purpose are defined as:
(a) Members of Hindu undivided family. (b) They are husband and wife. (c) The one is related to the other in the manner as father, mother, son(s) & son’s wife (Daughter-in-law(s)) & daughter’s husband (Son-in-law) brother(s) & brother’s wife, sister(s) & sister’s husband (brother- in-law).
Telecom District Manager, Hajipur
S ignature of Bidder with seal 30 SECTION-XI
Telecom District Manager, Hajipur
Subject: - Authorization for attending bid opening in the Tender for repairing & servicing of E/A vide TDR-195/2015-16
Following person is hereby authorized to attend the bid opening for the tender mentioned above on behalf of…………………………………………………… in order of preference given below:
Order of Preferences Name Specimen Signature I. II.
Alternate Representative
Signature of the tenderer Or Officer authorized to sign the bid Document on behalf of the tenderer
Note: 1. Only one representative will be permitted to attend bid opening.
2. Permission for entry to the hall where bids are opened may be refused in case authorization as prescribed above is not received.
(i) I/ We that/We are submitting the downloaded original computer print out of the documents from the web site. (ii) I/We certify that no changer/additions/deletions in the tender documents from the web site have been made, if during the opening of tender or during the process of tender finalization, it is detected that I/We have submitted tender documents after making any changes/additions/deletions in the tender documents from the web site, knowingly by me/us be forfeited in addition I/We shall be liable for any other action as per prevalent rules.
Section – XIII 32
S ignature of Bidder with seal DECLARATION REGARDING BLACKLISTING / DEBARRING FROM TAKING PART IN GOVERNMENT TENDER BY DOT / BSNL / Govt. Dept. / PSU (To Be Executed On stamp paper Of Rs. 20/- by the tenderer)
I / We Proprietor / Partner (s) / Director(s) of M/S hereby declare that the firm / company namely M/S has not been blacklisted or debarred in the past by DOT / BSNL /PSU/any other Government or Semi-Government organization from taking part in Government tenders. was blacklisted or debarred by * from taking part in Government tenders for a period of ….… years w.e.f. ... … … …. The period is over on… … …and now the firm / company is entitled to take part in Government tenders.
In case the above information s found false I / We are fully aware that the tender / contract will be rejected / cancelled by Hajipur Telecom SD shall be forfeited In addition to the above Hajipur Telecom will not be responsible to pay the bills for any completed / partially completed works. Signature Name:
Capacity in which as signed Name & address of the firm
S ignature of Bidder with seal 33 LIST OF faulty E/As UNDER Hajipur SSA
Sl. S.No. Remarks Name of Exchange Make Capacity Status No. 1. Phulhara Kirloskar 22.5 KVA Faulty 03.1176/0100032 2. Malang Mahindra 15 KVA Faulty M61R15/43/34/SAL 3. Ghataro Kirloskar 22.5 KVA Faulty 03.1176/0100118 4. Sirsa Ram Rai Kirloskar 12.5 KVA Faulty 02.1143/0000418 5. Chhoti Marai Escort 15 KVA Faulty N/A 6. Masjid chowk Mahindra 15 KVA Faulty J3B9AC4756 Trolly Engine under 7. Kirloskar Faulty SDE(OCB) 40 KVA 04.1701/9800269
8. Chaksikandar Kirloskar 22.5 KVA Faulty 03.1176/0100040 9. Mahnar Kirloskar 40 KVA Faulty 04.170/0000478
10. Jandaha Kirloskar 40 KVA Faulty 04.1701/000378 Bhartipur 02.1143.0000887 11. Kirloskar 12.5 KVA Faulty
12. Patepur Kirloskar 40 KVA Faulty 04.1701.0000377 13. Kr. Wajitpur Mahindra 15 KVA Faulty 3GM12959A 14. Harpur Belwa Kirloskar 25 KVA Faulty 03.1176/0100117 Kirloskar 32.5 KVA Faulty 04/1701/0000115 15. Laxmanpur Mahindra 25KVA Faulty 46NE.21601 16. Murtazapur Kirloskar 12.5 KVA Faulty 0301301109 17. Guruchowk Escort 30 KVA Faulty 3077570 18. Goraul Kirloskar 40 KVA Faulty N/A
19. Birna Lakhan Sen Kirloskar 40 KVA Faulty 04170/0000373 20. Premraj Kirloskar 40 KVA Faulty N/A 21. Kanhauli Escort 30 KVA Faulty E-3071988 22. Dogra Kirloskar 12.5 KVA Faulty 02.1143/001246 23. Chehrakalan Kirloskar 32.5 KVA Faulty 04.1153/0200035
S ignature of Bidder with seal
34 Section- XV
To, The TDM BSNL, Hajipur
Subjects: Our Financial Bid for repairing & Servicing of E/As of different capacity
Ref.: NIT No. TDR-195/2015-16 Dated at Hajipur the :08.02.2016
Dear Sir, Having examined the tender documents, terms and conditions stipulated therein, specifications of work etc., we the under signed offer to execute the repairing & servicing work of E/As of different capacities in conformity with the said specifications and conditions of contract at the percentage (below/at par/above) on standard schedule rates quoted as under:
Sl. Tender No Name of Approx. Estimated cost Rate Rate quoted by bidder in % (incl. all taxes & No. SSA Qty. (list of work (Rs.) quoted in transportation except service tax) enclosed (list enclosed in (Figure / in page- page-35) Word) Below At par Above 33) Figure 1 Word
If our Bid is accepted, I/we shall submit the securities as per the conditions mentioned in the contract.
I/We agree to abide by this Bid for a period of 150 days from the date of opening of financial bid and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiry of that period.
Dated...... /...... / Signature of the Bidder......
Name of Bidder......
S ignature of Bidder with seal
35 Estimated schedule of rates for repairing & servicing of E/As of different capacity
A: Estimated Repairing cost Sl. S.No. Remarks Name of Exchange Make Capacity Status No. 1. Phulhara Kirloskar 22.5 KVA Faulty 03.1176/0100032 52000/- 2. Malang Mahindra 15 KVA Faulty M61R15/43/34/SAL 72000/- 3. Ghataro Kirloskar 22.5 KVA Faulty 03.1176/0100118 105000/- 4. Sirsa Ram Rai Kirloskar 12.5 KVA Faulty 02.1143/0000418 98500/- 5. Chhoti Marai Escort 15 KVA Faulty N/A 70000/- 6. Masjid chowk Mahindra 15 KVA Faulty J3B9AC4756 18000/- Trolly Engine under 56000/- 7. Kirloskar Faulty SDE(OCB) 40 KVA 04.1701/9800269
8. Chaksikandar Kirloskar 22.5 KVA Faulty 03.1176/0100040 78000/- 9. Mahnar Kirloskar 40 KVA Faulty 04.170/0000478 25000/-
10. Jandaha Kirloskar 40 KVA Faulty 04.1701/000378 40550/- Bhartipur 02.1143.0000887 28000/- 11. Kirloskar 12.5 KVA Faulty
12. Patepur Kirloskar 40 KVA Faulty 04.1701.0000377 76000/- 13. Kr. Wajitpur Mahindra 15 KVA Faulty 3GM12959A 28000/- 14. Harpur Belwa Kirloskar 25 KVA Faulty 03.1176/0100117 72000/- Kirloskar 32.5 KVA Faulty 04/1701/0000115 102780/- 15. Laxmanpur Mahindra 25KVA Faulty 46NE.21601 51500/- 16. Murtazapur Kirloskar 12.5 KVA Faulty 0301301109 49000/- 17. Guruchowk Escort 30 KVA Faulty 3077570 52000/- 18. Goraul Kirloskar 40 KVA Faulty N/A 70000/-
19. Birna Lakhan Sen Kirloskar 40 KVA Faulty 04170/0000373 80000/- 20. Premraj Kirloskar 40 KVA Faulty N/A 65000/- 21. Kanhauli Escort 30 KVA Faulty E-3071988 17000/- 22. Dogra Kirloskar 12.5 KVA Faulty 02.1143/001246 22500/- 23. Chehrakalan Kirloskar 32.5 KVA Faulty 04.1153/0200035 38000/- 1366830/- Total=
S ignature of Bidder with seal 36 B: Estimated Servicing cost Quantity Estimated Servicing Cost (In Nos.) Sl.No. Estimated Rate Estimated Cost for Details of work. per E/A. E/A. (In Rs.) (In Rs.) 1. Servicing of E/A of capacity12.5 KVA. to 15 KVA 08 4008.00 32064.00 2. Servicing of E/A of capacity 22.5 KVA to 25 KVA 05 5194.00 25970.00 3. Servicing of of E/A of capacity 30 KVA to 32.5 KVA 03 5821.00 17463.00 4. Servicing of of E/A of capacity40,50 & 63 KVA 07 7673.00 53711.00 Total 23 Rs.1,29,208.00
Total (A+B)=1366830.00- + 129208.00- = Rs.1496038.00
S ignature of Bidder with seal