A*Star Tekes Joint Research Project
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Proposal Number*:
Submission Date* :
Proposal Title: Principal Applicants: (Singapore)
* To be completed by Finnish National Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (TEKES) and Singapore’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)
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This document contains ten (10) separate sections. Please complete ALL sections
Completed forms must be submitted no later than 26 February 2010 (Date of Submission) via the following means.
For Singapore Applicants For Finnish Applicants
Submission via email and hardcopies (with Completed form should be annexed to the signatures) should be sent by post to: electronic application to Tekes, which can be found in the following web addresses: Ms. Shirlene Liew 1) www.tekes.fi/rahoitus/laitos/hakemuslomakkeet. Senior Officer html (research institutes and universities) Science & Engineering Research Council 2) www.tekes.fi/yritys/hakemuslomakkeet.html Agency for Science, Technology and (companies) Research Alternatively, a hardcopy of the joint application Address: form in English (with signatures), with reference to 1 Fusionopolis Way, #18-10 Connexis, the e-application, could be sent by post to: S138632, Singapore Email: [email protected] Ms Marita Paasi Manager, Global Operations Tekes
Address: Kirjaamo, Tekes, PL69, 00101, Helsinki
Email: [email protected]
Important! : Relevant privileged or confidential information should be disclosed to help convey a better understanding of the project. However, such information must be clearly marked in the proposal.
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A. Overview of Application
A1. Proposal Title: (The title should fully describe the proposal – max. of 250 characters with spaces)
A2. Proposal Plan Overview (Provide a succinct and accurate scientific description of the proposal)
Status Required Man M(Main Participant) A3. Partners Organization Name Role1 Power P(Participant) (Man/Month) S(Subcontractor)
A4. Technological Field
A5. Budget and Duration Start Date Duration End Date 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Total (if applicable) (if applicable) Budget Finland Singapore Finland Singapore Finland Singapore Finland Singapore (Euros) (SGD) (Euros) (SGD) (Euros) (SGD) (Euros) (SGD) (a) Funding Requested2 (b) Applicant3 Contribution (In-cash / In- kind4) (c) Others5 (if any) (In-cash / In- kind) Subtotal6 Total7
1 Role of Partner: R&D, Integration, Coordination, Test bed, Beta site, Commercialization. A partner can have more than one role. 2 Funding requested is in cash only. For Finnish participants, indicate amount of funding requested from Tekes. For Singapore participants, indicate amount of funding requested from A*STAR. 3 Applicants from Singapore refer to A*STAR research institutes. Applicants from Finland refer to Finnish research institutes, universities and companies. If there is more than 1 applicant, please specify breakdown of contribution for each applicant. 4 Applicants from Singapore are required to indicate the in-kind contribution (in addition to the funding requested) by the research institute for the project. 5 Indicate funding amount from other funding sources (if any). Detailed breakdowns of the sources of cash and in-kind contributions are to be explained in an annex to this application. 6 Subtotal = (a) + (b) + (c) 7 Based on exchange rate of Singapore : Euro = 1 : 2
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B. Partner Information
Finnish Participants
B1A. Name of Main Participant: Country: Finland Organization Name : Your position : Telephone number : Fax number : E-mail :
B1B. Name of Participant: Country: Finland (If applicable) Organization Name : Your position : Telephone number : Fax number : E-mail :
B1C. Name of Subcontractor: Country: Finland (If applicable) Organization Name : Your position : Telephone number : Fax number : E-mail :
* If there is more than one participant or subcontractor, insert tables as appropriate.
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Singapore Participants
B2A. Name of Principal Investigator (PI): Country: Singapore Organization Name : Your position : Telephone number : Fax number : E-mail :
B1B. Name of Co-PI: Country: Singapore (If applicable) Organization Name : Your position : Telephone number : Fax number : E-mail :
B1C. Name of Collaborator: Country: Singapore (If applicable) Organization Name : Your position : Telephone number : Fax number : E-mail :
* If there is more than one participant or subcontractor, insert tables as appropriate.
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C. Problem Formulation
Instructions: . To be jointly completed by Singapore and Finnish Participants. . Please do not exceed four (4) pages for this section.
C1. Describe the problem you are addressing and proposed solution
C2. Describe the state-of-the art of your technology
C3. Describe anticipated technology developments
C4. Describe the research issues and main objectives proposal is going to address
C5. Describe project scope and constraints
C6. Identify expected deliverables upon project completion: products, prototypes, IPR, new processes etc. Note: Articulate in a clear and concise manner, the Finnish component and the Singapore component of the research for the deliverables.
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D. Potential Impact / Markets / Commercialization
Instructions: . To be jointly completed by Singapore and Finnish Participants. . Please do not exceed three (3) pages for this section.
D1. State the likely impact and applications of the work (social, technological, economic, environmental)
D2. State the envisaged market
D3. Discuss the estimated market size and expected market share
D4. Highlight the position of each partner in the market
D5. Indicate the status of the competition in the market
D6. Highlight any potential for exploitation and the necessary follow-up arrangements
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E. Case For Support
Instructions: . To be jointly completed by Singapore and Finnish Participants. . Funds from A*STAR will only support the Singapore component and cannot be allotted to collaborators from Finland. Similarly, funds from Tekes will only support the Finnish research component. . Please do not exceed seven (7) pages for this section.
E1. Highlight detailed research approach and methodologies Note: PIs should describe the methods and technical approach chosen, the alternatives that have been or can be considered, why the chosen methods were preferred, and whether the investigation is to occur in stages and if the stages would be sequential or parallel.
E2. Articulate succinctly the novelty of your approach
E3. Articulate the competitive advantage of your research and innovation and benchmark with current international efforts Note: Indicate if there is any possibility of the use of research results arising from this project in the applicants’ countries.
E4. Articulate how the proposed research would leverage on the capabilities of Finnish and Singapore collaborating partners Note: For both Finnish and Singapore collaborating partners, highlight if there is any previous preliminary work done.
E5. Indicate the level of contribution of the Finnish main participant and Singapore PI and the scope of co-operation in the joint project For Finnish Participants Name of participants and a brief description of their activities in the project Main Participant 1
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Participant (1)
Subcontractor (1)
For Singapore Participants Name of participants and a brief description of their activities in the project Principle Investigator (PI)
For BOTH Finnish and Singapore Participants Articulate the scope of cooperation in the joint project and explain clearly how the research activities undertaken by the participants are synergistic with each other.
E6. Describe IPR Ownership Arrangements Note: State clearly and succinctly, the IPR ownership arrangements in the collaboration between Finnish entities and A*STAR research institutes. For Finnish participants, state the IPR ownership arrangements with companies (if companies are participating in this joint research project). The same applies for Singapore participants. State NIL if not applicable.
E7. Justification of resources required from A*STAR and Tekes (including manpower and major equipment justification) Note: Indicate if there is access to funding from other sources for this project.
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F. Project Responsibilities and Implementation Schedule
Instructions: . To be jointly completed by Singapore and Finnish Participants. . Technical activities associated with the implementation of the task, such as purchase of equipment and materials, preparation of reports are not considered as research tasks.
F1. Identification of Project Milestones and Responsibilities Deliverables Work Entity No. of (quantitative targets Package Objective Name of research task implementing tasks would be preferred, (WP) the task if applicable) WP1 WP2 WP3
F2. Project Schedule Year 2 Year 3 Research Tasks Year 1 (if applicable) (if applicable) WP (Task No. and Task Name) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
WP 1 1. Task 1
WP 2 2. Task 2
F3. For Singapore Participants only Please complete and submit Form PSF16 – Capabilities Indicator together with this application.
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G. Researcher Attachment
Instructions: . To be jointly completed by Singapore and Finnish Participants. . Please complete this section if researcher attachments are proposed.
For Singapore Participants only . Please note that the budget for researcher attachments will be drawn from the Travel vote. . Please record any proposed researcher attachments in the Travel vote in Form PSF01B – Budget Proposal (as indicated in Section H).
G1. Researcher Attachment Attachment Relevant Sending Hosting start date Duration WP Deliverables Institution Institution (e.g. Year 1, (months) (e.g. WP1, Q3) WP2, etc.)
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H. Budget Proposal
For Singapore Participants only
H1. Summary of Proposed Project Costing EOM: S$ OOE: S$ Equipment: S$ Travel (including researcher attachment): S$ Proposed grant amount (A): S$
Applicant Contribution (In-cash/In-kind8) (B) S$ Others9 (if any) (In-cash/In-kind) (C) S$ Co-Funding Source: S$ (please state if others) Proposed total project cost (A+B+C): S$
H2. Breakdown of Fund Request Please complete and submit Form PSF01B – Budget Proposal together with this application. Please ensure that Sheet 3(b) (Title: Co-sponsorship: In-kind Contributions Only) is appropriately filled in and accurately reflects the PI’s in-kind contributions, e.g. EOM of PI based on estimated time spent on project, projected cost of equipment time on existing equipment at contributing organisation, etc.
8 If there is more than 1 applicant, please specify breakdown of contribution for each applicant. Applicants from Singapore are required to indicate the in-kind contribution (in addition to funding requested) by the research institute for the project. Please specify the in-cash and/or in-kind contribution accordingly. 9 Indicate funding amount from other funding sources (if any).
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I. Goals and Expectations
Finnish Participants
I1. Goal in participating in the project and expected benefit from the project Main Participant
Participant (1)
Subcontractor (2)
Singapore Participants
I2. Goal in participating in the project and expected benefit from the project Principal Investigator
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J. Declaration and Signatures
Instructions: . Insert participating organizations’ logos here
The participants signing below intend to co-operate on the project as described in this form. In addition, the participants have or intend to put in place, a formal collaboration agreement.
They agree to provide their respective program coordinators with updates of this form whenever significant change occurs.
Finnish Participants
J1. Co-signature of main participant Organisation name Full Name
Name of PERSON signing Last Name First Name
Position in Organization
Signature and Date
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Singapore Participants
J2A. Declaration by Singapore Participants a) My/Our proposal involves the use of (please indicate within box) Human Subject Use of Human Tissues or Cells Animal Experimentation Use of Animal Tissues or Cells Requirement for containment Class 2 and above Has the necessary ethical clearance been obtained for the proposal?
Yes. A copy of the ethics approval is attached with the application.
No. A copy of the ethics approval will be submitted before the commencement of the project.
Name of Ethics Committee: ______
b) My/Our proposal does not involve the use of any of the above c) Please tick against the following additional documents which are attached in support of the grant application Letter(s) stating financial commitment from co-sharing partners Quotations
I/We declare that the facts stated in this application and the accompanying information are true and that this is an original and latest version of the proposal.
Name of Applicant Signature Date
Principal Applicant:
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To be completed by the Head of Department/Division (or his nominee) of the Singapore Applicant.
J2B. Department/Division Ranking and Comments Exceptional I would rank the proposal as High (in the order of decreasing merit) Moderate Low Specific Comments (please use a separate sheet if necessary):
The Department/Division supports/does not support10 this version of the research proposal.
Designation: Date: Signature:
10 Please delete accordingly.
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To be completed by the Executive Director (or his nominee) of the Singapore Applicant.
J2C. Institute Ranking and Comments Exceptional Exceptional I would rank the proposal as High (in the order of decreasing merit) Moderate Low Specific Comments (please use a separate sheet if necessary):
The Institute supports/does not support11 this version of the research proposal.
Designation: Date: Signature:
11 Please delete accordingly.
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