Windygoul Primary School Standards and Quality 2014-15
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Windygoul Primary School – Standards and Quality 2014-15 Development Plan 2015-16 Contents:
Page 3- Windygoul in Context
Page 4 – 1.1 Improvements in Performance
Page 5 – 2.1 Learners’ Experiences
Page 6 – 5.3 Meeting Learning Needs Windygoul Standards and Quality Report Page 7 - 5.1 The Curriculum Windygoul in context Page 8 – 5.9 Improvement Through Self Evaluation Windygoul Primary School serves the community on the South side of Tranent incorporating a wide and varied demographic footprint. The catchment area continues to grow and the school is projected to increase in roll over the next four years. This will require careful planning and is an ongoing priority for the school. Windygoul is co-educational and nondenominational.
Windygoul officially opened in November 2007 as part of East Lothian Council’s commitment to providing buildings to meet the needs of 21st Century Education. The school was formed from the closure and amalgamation of Tranent Infant and Tranent Primary Schools.
Windygoul Standards And Quality Report 2015-2016 Windygoul is increasingly becoming a strong and integral part of the community both educationally and socially. The catchment Secondary is Ross High School and there are nine linked Cluster Primaries. As a Cluster strong links have been made to work together to support the pupils across all schools and have a shared understanding of needs and expectations. The Cluster collaborates in shared projects to build on the sense of whole community involvement.
There is a fulltime Head Teacher, 1 full time Depute and 1 Depute working 4 days a week, 1 fulltime permanent Principal Teacher, 1 part time Permanent Principal Teacher, 2 Acting Principal Teachers and 1 part time Acting Principal Teacher. The PTs all have a teaching commitment, but have time out of class to support the ongoing development of the school. Windygoul has one full time Support for Learning Teacher who is supported by ASN’s and Classroom Assistants in order to meet the needs of the children across the school. Our fulltime Depute and part time principal Teacher jointly share in the responsibility of teaching in our Behaviour Base alongside an Assistant Behaviour Support Officer or Special Needs Auxiliary meeting the needs of allocated pupils from across the Authority.
The Head Teacher has been in post since August 2012 and one of the Deputes since 2011. There are 18 Special Needs Auxiliaries supporting a diverse range of needs within the school and 2 Classroom Assistants who also support the learning at Windygoul. Specialist teaching is provided by a full time P.E. teacher and an additional part time P.E. specialist who joins us two days a week. This investment in specialist P.E. time allows Windygoul as a school to ensure that 2 hours quality P.E. is delivered for all pupils. Our Music Specialist is with us two days a week and as well as teaching classes, will be using his expertise to establish musical groups within the school. The school have input from a Woodwind Teacher who is with us for part of the morning one day a week and a Strings Teacher who is with us one afternoon a week.
The current roll of the school is: 784. The classes comprise as follows:6 Nursery Classes made up of 2x20 groups morning and afternoon and 1x30 group morning and afternoon, 5 x P1, 3 x P2, 1 x P2/3, 3 x P3, 3 x P4, 3 x P5, 1 x P5/6, 2 x P6, 3 x P7 classes.
Windygoul Standards And Quality Report 2015-2016 School’s self-evaluation
1.1 Improvements in performance
Standards of attainment over time Overall quality of learners’ achievement Impact of improvement plan
Using attainment data from INCAS assessments, pupils from P7 who required extra support before going on to High School were identified and were given extra support in the form of small group teaching, working on areas that required improvement through set measurable targets. This was to raise attainment in our most vulnerable learners and boost their confidence prior to transition. Read, Write Inc resource bought to raise attainment within Literacy in the Early Years. Pupils formed into Reading Teams to give focused and directed teaching. Depute Head for Early Years and SfL Teacher led the teaching and monitoring of effectiveness. All P1 teachers received 2 full days training in RWI. SEAL used to identify where each pupil is at in terms of Numeracy and then Number Counts planners used to ensure progression and breadth and depth of knowledge. A wide variety of standardised tests are being used within Windygoul from P1-P7; including PIPS, INCAS, NGRT, GL, STAR Reader from AR, SWST and SEAL. We also participate yearly in the SSLN to contribute to the collation of national data. Standardised tests are not only being carried out but the data is now analysed by teachers as well as SMT. Regular attainment meetings allow for professional dialogue to support and challenge, next steps for groups and individuals alongside planning and evaluation. A continued ethos of responsibility and accountability by all staff is being fostered through these meetings and expectations are in place for teachers to be challenging and supporting the learners within Windygoul. Wider achievement is celebrated at a classroom level and at a whole school level. Pupil achievements are celebrated at assembly and photographs are displayed on the TV screen in the foyer of the school. Pupils’ talents are utilised within the school and are encouraged to share these with the school community; for example, P6 pupils being involved in the Staff Nativity and the P7 football team captaining teams for the House Football challenge. P.E Star of the Week is highlighted at assembly. Staff Wider achievement is also celebrated in staff meetings and through newsletters. For the third consecutive year, teams of teachers and members of SMT have been involved in research and reflection by being part of Professional Enquiry Groups, in conjunction with Stirling University. The teams have used action research to inform and develop their practice and have shared their findings at the end of enquiry showcase and with staff back in school. High quality, professional discussions happen during CAT sessions. During CAT sessions staff engage with professional research and reading. Staff are beginning to transfer these findings consistently into practice. All staff continue to be trained in Co-operative Learning and are part of Co-operative Learning Home Teams within CAT sessions. The principles and methodologies of Co- operative Learning are becoming embedded within the whole school community. The pupils’ views of Co-operative Learning were collected and analysed by the Co-
Windygoul Standards And Quality Report 2015-2016 operative Learning Working Party and were found to be valued by the pupils. This was also evidenced during our QIO visit where the children were able to talk passionately about how this Co-operative Learning enhances and supports their learning. Pupils will continue to be encouraged to talk about how what they are learning will help them in the future. Parents and carers attended a very successful Growth Mindset Curriculum Evening which was led by teachers and pupils. This was the highest attendance that we have had at a curriculum evening. Feedback from this evening was extremely positive and showed that our pupils could also be lead learners. A group of pupils were not only involved in delivering a workshop but they also helped create it. They also delivered a longer version of the workshop at a an Authority led Numeracy Conference. Moderation champion has participated as part of a team visiting 3 Cluster Primaries to share in the Learning , Teaching and Assessment of Numeracy to ensure that there are shared expectations and understanding across the Cluster. Termly Evaluation focus teachers on teaching and learning, the impact their teaching and learning is having on their learners and to develop next steps for themselves and their pupils. Continued raised expectations for staff and pupils. Pupils and staff supported to progress and achieve. Pupils are given opportunities to represent the school in the middle and upper stages. An example of this is at sporting events, including cross country and Inter Scholastic Athletics competition and county swimming competitions. Pupils have also gone on to represent the school at national competitions. Pupils from P4-7 have represented the school at The Edinburgh & Lothians Burns Federation competitions held at Tynecastle High School. Pupils who have been entered have been placed and also received commendations. Pupils are given a wide range of responsibilities throughout the school including Pupil Council, Eco Reps, JRSO’s, Buddies to support Reading with younger classes and in P7 pupils can go for election as House Captains and Vice Captains. All P1-P7 pupils were involved in Citizenship Groups led by teaching staff, management and support staff, where pupil voice was heard and the pupils actively planned what their group was going to achieve throughout the year. School Improvement Plan used during CAT sessions to ensure progress is made. School Improvement Plan traffic lighted as part of evaluation throughout whole year. Teaching Staff led parts of CAT sessions and In-service days to feedback on work carried out by Working Party. What are we going to do next?
Evaluate and reflect on the impact and progression in place using Number Counts Structures Make further use of evidence gathered from Summative Assessment to track progress in learning across Numeracy and Literacy Focus on using Incas across P2-7 to allow annual comparison of progress data Build on the success of RWI to include new Primary 1intake Monitor measurable impact through use of Driver Diagrams across Literacy and Numeracy Increase the opportunities to share learning across the Houses within the school Continued participation in Cluster Moderation across Numeracy & Mathematics
Windygoul Standards And Quality Report 2015-2016 2.1 - Learners’ Experiences Learners are motivated, eager Learners make good progress in Learners know their views are Learners feel safe, nurtured, healthy, participants in their learning. their learning. sought and acted upon. They feel achieving, active, included, valued. respected. Pupils are actively involved in planning their learning from Nursery to P7, particularly for Interdisciplinary Learning. Progress of learners is monitored through regular attainment meetings between SMT and Class Teachers and on-going dialogue in classrooms. Learners are becoming more able to talk about their learning in a meaningful way and are developing the skills to be able to link why they are learning things.This was noted during the visit from The Cluster Moderation Team. Attachment training took place for all staff within the school to better equip the adults to deal with the challenges facing our pupils. After the training there was a high level of interest in becoming a supportive adult for our vulnerable pupils. Management Team have a clear Remit of Year Stages they are responsible for. They are responsible for the pastoral needs of these year stages. Robust transition programme in place between all stages of the Primary School and with the Primary School and Ross High School. Two day transition with new teachers, as far as possible and in the environment that they will be working in. Key ASN’s deliver care specific to the learners’ needs and ensure inclusion in conjunction with the Class Teachers. Parents and pupils have given these transition opportunities a very positive feedback with them stating that they can go into the holidays without worrying about their new classroom environment, peers and staff. Growth Mindset has been introduced within school with an expectation that all classes use the principles behind it. Parts of CAT sessions have been used to research the effect that Growth Mindset has on the learners. Pupils have a variety of forums where their views can be heard and are sought. This includes within the classroom setting and whole school setting. Pupil Council and monthly Citizenship Groups are two areas where this happens. Pupils from across the school volunteer for roles within the school and take their responsibilities very seriously. The Senior Pupil Council were activiely involved in planning meetings for our new school extension and were the first people to visit the site when it was safe enough for a tour. Views are sought on Learning and Teaching by some Class Teachers reflecting on their own practice and by SMT through Focus Groups, where random groups of pupils are selected to give their views on what is happening within their classrooms linked to the school priorities. Co-operative Learning is happening across the school from Nursery to P7 allowing all pupils to get their ‘voice on the table’. This feeds into CAT sessions and In-Service days where the same methodology is followed. P7 children identified from INCAS data to receive focused support in Numeracy. Alongside this, Growth Mindset was used to improve the learners perception of Numeracy and their own self-perception. All learners were questioned about their views prior to taking part in the work and at the end of the work. All learners that
Windygoul Standards And Quality Report 2015-2016 were involved reported an improved perception of Numeracy and their ability within it. SfL focused on improving attainment within Literacy through using RWI at the Early Stages and Fresh Start for the Upper children. Pupils in P5-P7 take part in JASS Awards and are involved in Community projects and Outdoor Learning led by the Outdoor Education Department. P7 children attend a Residential experience at Benmore Education Centre. Pupils with Additional Support Needs have the opportunity to go Horse Riding with RDA and DAP Multi Sports. There is also opportunity to access the Sensory Room within the school. SEBN children attend school camp, with support provided by the SEBN Teacher or BSO. SEBN pupils also attend climbing lessons led by Outdoor Education to encourage team building and trust. This is dependent on positive behaviour in school. Impact of High Quality PE has been noted and Good practice shared across the Authority and through Education Scotland. What are we going to do next? Outdoor Learning Newly appointed Acting PT has this as part of his remit and will explore the opportunities to further extend our use of outdoor space After Action Research pinpointing best practice Learning Walls will be evident within all classrooms showing the learning taking place and building on it through reflective comments and evidence being added from the learners as the term progresses. Teachers have been asked to use their creativity to make it fit for purpose within their own classrooms for their own learners. Key people have been identified for our most vulnerable learners and staff will check in with the pupils on a regular basis. Profiles to be composed for these pupils and used as part of the transition programme between teachers and other staff involved in their care. Pupils will have the opportunity to share their learning with parents/carers as a family through Open Mornings Increase the time for Specialist PE to build on the work started and allow extension of skills and support to be offered through team teaching opportunities Pupil voice to be included in Learning Teams Actioning school priority pages and involvement in Parent Consultations Increased opportunities to share learning with home and build on positive partnerships
Windygoul Standards And Quality Report 2015-2016 5.3 - Meeting Learning Needs
Tasks, activities and resources Identification of learning needs The roles of teachers and specialist Meeting and implementing the staff requirements of legislation
Differentiation was a focus during the second block of Shared Classroom Experience. This will continue to be a focus during session 2015/16. Children with a wide variety of additional needs are supported and integrated within the school community. Supplementary programmes of work engage, challenge and support pupils through responsive provision. This provision is supported by a motivated and knowledgeable ASN and Classroom Assistant Team. Pace of Learning is becoming more consistent and continues to be challenged through Shared Classroom Experience and Learning Trio feedback. An enhanced understanding of what moderation is by the moderation of Learning and Teaching within different curricular areas, non-negotiables within lessons, as well as what pupil work should look like at different stages. SAI’s co-ordinated and evaluated by DHT. There is a clear overview of where children are within the SAI process, actions are followed up and short term and long term targets are created in conjunction with the professionals and parents/carers. Collaborative working with other professionals. Positive partnerships have been forged with partner agencies and these are used to best support our learners. The HT currently meets regularly with the school nurse to discuss pupil well-being and to support them within the school setting. Staff (teaching and support staff) within Windygoul are engaging in Sign Along CLPL to ensure that children with difficulties communicating are having their needs met. Whole school policy of Cursive Writing from Nursery to P7 is continuing to embed and has a positive impact on attainment and children’s ability to engage with their written tasks. IEP’s, ASP’s and CSP’s form part of the SAI process and are evaluated during these meetings. Expertise of ASN’s is used to provide extra support to Dyslexic learners and children who require extra support with Reading. The whole child is supported through the GIRFEC agenda within the school. This is led by the Management Team and supported by Class Teachers and Support Staff. ASL Team provision continues to be reviewed and altered to ensure the needs of learners are met across the school both in the short term and in the long term. There is a shared responsibility from the whole team, including Class Teachers, Management, SfL, Behaviour Support Teacher and BSO within the SEBN Base, Special Needs Auxiliaries, Classroom Assistant and specialised staff from other centres. This enables more learners with a wide range of needs to be supported and challenged to be all they can be with high aspirations and expectations being encouraged. All teaching staff aware of pathways for support, using the Circle Document, meaning that appropriate strategies can be put in place in the classroom and referrals made if appropriate. Behaviour Support Officer runs two after school groups, identifying children who could benefit from extra support with emotional needs due to a variety of circumstances. The SEBN Teachers and BSO also offers advice and support to Teachers and Support Staff on dealing with challenging behaviour. Alternative curriculums are put in place for pupils who are finding it difficult to access the mainstream curriculum. SEBN pupils are part of a mainstream class as well as the Base and are supported to access class as much as possible and back in the Base, focused teaching takes place to ensure that the pupils improve their attainment and can take full advantage of all that Windygoul offers. The school continues to work closely with all stakeholders to build on a shared community vision. We welcome and respond to observations and concerns from school staff, parents/carers, parent agencies and pupils themselves in order to ensure equality and inclusive practices are embedded in our day to day practice. We adopt a Solution Focused approach to any barrier and expect to communicate effectively with other agencies to strengthen our responses to challenges. Strong links with Social Work for children being supported through their service to ensure everyone is working together in partnership. The school has an inclusive and nurturing ethos where diversity is celebrated and the promotion of tolerance and understanding underpin all we do. Windygoul has successful joint placements with specialist centres and work in conjunction with these centres and other professionals to make sure these children have their needs fully met. These pupils are fully integrated into their class on the days they are at Windygoul Primary.
What are we going to do next?
Nurture Group identified for 3 year olds within the Nursery Peeps group formed Lego Groups formed to support communication challenges Build on partnership with School Nurse to support Learning experiences, liaise with parents/carers and ensure best practice within Care Zone Audit resources and ensure there are no barriers to learning that can be addressed through better resourcing Include IEPs, ASP and CSP reviews as part of SAI 5.1 The Curriculum
The rationale and design of the The development of the curriculum Programmes and courses Transitions curriculum Numeracy and Mathematics All teachers and some support staff trained in SEAL and using Number Counts within the classroom. Expectation that this is used right throughout school with the foundations being put in place in Nursery. Stages from SEAL are reviewed annually to track progress and also form part of the attainment discussions between SMT and class teachers. Capacity for leadership utilised within this area as Number Counts Level 2 trained staff take on the role to train new staff and ensure consistency within practice. DHT oversees this and monitors progress. Sound leadership in this area, as DHT is involved at authority level developments and National developments within SEAL and Number Counts. All children given a clear progression within Numeracy and foundations to build on their understanding of Number. P1 children are assessed on a 1:1 basis when they start school as part of their initial assessment at the same time as PIPS Baseline Assessment. The teacher uses this information to group the children at an early stage which ensures support and challenge and progressing from where the individual child is. New Acting Principal Teacher to take responsibility for the continued development of Numeracy and Mathematics as part of her remit. A need to focus on Maths has been identified to ensure that learners are becoming proficient and confident in both Numeracy and Maths and can transfer their skills across contexts. Took part in Authority Moderation of Numeracy and received very positive feedback about the experience and the children’s knowledge within contaxt.
Literacy and English RWI purchased and implemented across the Infant stages to raise attainment at the early stages of schooling. P2s will be continuing the programme building on their success alongside a select group of children from P3 who require focused intervention. Fresh Start programme is targeting pupils in the Upper school who require further support with Reading and Writing. This is co-ordinated by SfL Teacher and supported by ASN staff who have been trained in-house. Literacy Evolve used from P2-P7 in order to deepen the learners’ understanding of writer’s craft, to investigate themes running throughout texts and to raise levels of comprehension. Additional texts – both fiction and non-fiction, have been purchased through support of The Parent Council and are available digitally within school. This also supports Listening and Talking Accelerated Reading is used from P5-P7 as a tool to assess comprehension and identify next steps. Key staff have received training in how to make further use of AR as a teaching tool. This will be rolled out across P5-P7 staff as a CLPL opportunity. Annual Scots Week held in school with a raised expectation of every child being involved at a class level and an increasing number of children being put forward for competitions. Progression of Scots language activities and skills is being worked on and a Scots Corner will be set up in the Library. National Strategy for Spelling used from P2 to P7. SWST used annually to track progress. Tracking in place for Reading and Writing. Writing Tracking will be reviewed to ensure that adequate and meaningful data is collected and analysed.
Science, Social Studies and Technology Framework in place for Scientific Reports which was developed following advice from Ross High School. Development of this area was taken on by a Class Teacher with a background in Science. She developed the reporting format and fed back to staff on the most effective way to teach this. Draft Policy for Social Studies and Technology is in place. This was developed using the Principles and Practice papers and best practice for what we want for our learners in Windygoul. This will be reviewed this session to ensure that it reflects our current practice. Overview for topics in Science, Social Studies and Technology are in place and being used throughout the school. Amendments will be made in light of composite classes. Resources for Science and Social Studies have been organised under E’s and O’s within the Resource Room to help teachers see links between the E’s and O’s to the experiences they are giving their learners. Peer observations within Science have enabled staff to hold professional discussions around practice within Science. One of our newly appointed Acting Principal Teachers has the overview of Social Subject and Science as part of her remit and another Principal Teacher has the responsibility for Technologies.
Expressive Arts As part of her remit one of the Principal Teachers has researched a position paper to ensure that we are covering the Curriculum prior to it being one of our School priorities. She has reviewed resources and been given a budget to fill any gaps. A new Music Specialist has been appointed to work predominantly with the Middle Stages of the school, but will also support the class teachers in their delivery of the Curriculum RME As part of her remit one of the Principal Teachers has written a draft policy for RME to ensure that we have a progressive curriculum in place that matches the expectations of CfE until it is a priority within our Action Plans. She has established contacts with representatives from World Religions to ensure there is an expert to support the learning in class. Meetings have taken place with the new Minister of the local Parish Church and regular contact and support offered both in school and at the Church. HWB One of our newly appointed Acting Principal Teachers has taken on the role of HWB Co-ordinator and will be able to lead this from the position of PE Specialist. What are we going to do next?
Nurture Group identified for 3 year olds within the Nursery Peeps group formed Lego Groups formed to support communication challenges Build on partnership with School Nurse to support Learning experiences, liaise with parents/carers and ensure best practice within Care Zone Audit resources and ensure there are no barriers to learning that can be addressed through better resourcing Include IEPs, ASP and CSP reviews as part of SAI Audit of HWB Resources purchased for Expressive Arts and RME 5.9 Improvement through self-evaluation
Commitment to self-evaluation Management of self-evaluation School improvement Action pages from School Improvement Plan are used as a focus during CAT sessions, Working Party meetings and In-service days. All staff are involved in auditing where we are in terms of the Quality Indicators. This year, it has been done throughout the school year on an on-going basis. This has meant that staff are aware of the progress being made and areas we are still working on. Teaching staff have been involved in the creation of the Action Pages for the School Improvement Plan. Continued involvement with Professional Enquiry through Stirling University. Teachers and members of the Management team involved in developments at authority and National level. Teachers taking on responsibility for self-evaluation within their classrooms HT involved in Evaluation visit to other school as part of Evaluation Team and as part of an Attainment Group across four of the larger primaries in East Lothian. Management Team undertaking additional training in Coaching. PRD used by SMT to identify members of staff to take on key responsibilities and development opportunities within the school. Active engagement with QIO through regular scheduled support and challenge meetings and informal ongoing work. Moderation work – looking at Learning and Teaching, non-negotiables within lessons and what work would look like at different levels. Learning Trios – observing lessons and feeding back on what had been seen. DHT’s PT’s and Class Teachers all involved in this process. Pupil views sought on the Learning and Teaching happening and direction the school is going in. This is done though Pupil Focus Groups, questionnaires for Working Parties, Pupil Council Meetings, responsibilities within school and Citizenship groups. The views of parents are sought on a regular basis including at Parents’/Carers’ Evenings, Curriculum Evenings, Parent Council Meetings and Head Teacher Surgeries. Learners from across the school contribute to the life of the school and create stalls for the Christmas/May Fair, School Ambassadors show parents or visitors around on open days and make decisions on the charities the school should support and how the money will be raised. What are we going to do next?
Review reporting format and move towards a sharing of learning Learning Trios repeated with agreed focus Increased opportunities for dialogue about learning for pupils, staff and parents/carers Lead learners identified sharing their experiences across Numeracy, Visible Learning and Acting PT roles Pupil involvement in Learning Teams House opportunities increased Summary of evaluations against key indicators Windygoul Primary School June 2015 Evaluation key: Level 6 Excellent Outstanding or sector leading Level 5 Very Good Major strengths Level 4 Good Important strengths with areas for improvement Level 3 Satisfactory Strengths just outweigh weaknesses Level 2 Weak Important weaknesses Level 1 Unsatisfactory Major weaknesses
Windygoul Primary School Evaluation 1.1 Improvements in Performance 4 2.1 Learners’ experience 4 5.3 Meeting learners’ needs 4 5.1 The Curriculum 4 5.9 Improvement through self-evaluation 4 Driver Diagram Reporting Fit For Purpose – Windygoul Primary Action Page 1 Our vision: Reporting will be an ongoing partnership between school and home where learning is shared, targets known and achievements celebrated by all
Driver Diagram Making Planning Fit For Purpose – Windygoul Primary Action Page 2 Our vision: Planning will allow each child to have their needs met through relevant and purposeful lessons by teachers who are Confident in their knowledge of pedagogy and understanding of the importance of strong links with assessment and reporting
Driver Diagram for Raising Attainment For All At Windygoul Primary Action Page 3 Our vision: Windygoul should be a centre of excellence. We want our pupils to enjoy a progressive, planned curriculum that offers flexibility and uses the best resources to deliver opportunities to be successful in their learning and prepared for their future.
Windygoul Standards And Quality Report 2015-2016