Temporomandibular Joint. a Synthesis of Science and Practice
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Program of International Scientific and Practical Conference «Temporomandibular Joint. A Synthesis of Science and Practice»
September 14, 2017 MONIKI n.a. M.Vladimirsky, 61/2 Schepkina st., Moscow, Russia
08.30-09.00 Registration
09.00-09.15 Opening of the conference, welcome and introduction. Prof. D. Markov, DMS, Minister for Healthcare of Moscow Region; Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Prof. F. Paleev, DMS, Director of MONIKI n.a. M.Vladimirsky; Prof. Chi Yang, DMS, Director of Shanghai 9th People’s Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine Oral surgery Department, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Society of TMD & Occlusion, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Society of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery; R.M.Chukumov, PhD, Researcher at the Maxillofacial Surgery Department of MONIKI n.a. M.Vladimirsky, chairman of the conference.
09.15-13.30 Moderators: A. Sipkin, DMS; R. Chukumov, PhD
09.15-09.30 Maxillofacial Surgery Department of MONIKI n.a. M.Vladimirsky. Past, present and future A. Sipkin, DMS; R. Chukumov, PhD (MONIKI n.a. M.Vladimirsky, Russia)
09.30-10.30 Temporomandibular joint disc repositon technique - Yang's experience Prof. Chi Yang (9th People’s Hospital, Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China)
10.30-11.00 Research of the link between disk displacement and ICR Dr. Pei Shen (9th People’s Hospital, Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China)
11.00-11.30 Prospective study on disc reposition surgery Dr. Yingkai Hu (9th People’s Hospital, Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China)
11.30-11.45 TMJ arthroscopy R. Chukumov, PhD; A. Sipkin, DMS (MONIKI n.a. M.Vladimirsky, Russia)
11.45-12.00 TMJ replacement surgery M. Ilyin; R. Chukumov, PhD (MONIKI n.a. M.Vladimirsky, Russia)
12.00-12.30 Technique modificaiton on stock prosthesis replacement surgery Dr. Guo Bai (9th People’s Hospital, Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China)
12.30-13.00 Self-customized TMJ prosthesis design and application Dr. Jisi Zheng (9th People’s Hospital, Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China) 13.00-13.30 Tempromandibular joint reconstruction – Autogenous bone graft Prof. Chi Yang (9th People’s Hospital, Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China)
13.30-14.30 Break
14.30-18.00 Moderators: Prof. A. Drobyshev, A. Sipkin, DMS; R. Chukumov, PhD
14.30-14.45 Importance of complex radiological evaluation of patients with different TMJ disorders
Prof. E. Homutova
(Omsk State Medical University, Russia) 14.45-15.00 Reconstructive TMJ surgery in everyday practice of maxillofacial surgeon» I. Lyashev, PhD; D. Nazaryan, PhD; G. Zacharov, PhD; M. Potapov, A. Fedosov, D. Tetuhin, S. Kolyadin ( «Conmet», NCCO FMBA, Russia)
15.00-15.30 Combined TMJ – orthognathic - orthodontic treatment Prof. Chi Yang (9th People’s Hospital, Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China)
15.30-16.30 Disk reposition and occlusion +/- orthodontic treatment Dr. Qianyang Xie (9th People’s Hospital, Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China)
16.30-17.30 Combined skull - TMJ - mandible reconstruction treatment Prof. Chi Yang (9th People’s Hospital, Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China)
17.30-18.00 Discussion
September 15, 2017
09.00-10.00 Registration
10.00-13.30 Live surgery – Prof. Chi Yang
10.00-14.00 Moderator: R. Chukumov, PhD
Surgery translation: 1. TMJ disc repositioning via open surgery
- Neuromonitoring of the facial nerve during operations in the parotid region in children N. Grachev, PhD; I. Vorozhtsov; R. Chukumov, PhD; M. Kalinina; G. Polev, PhD; P. Pryanikov, PhD (Centre of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology n.a. D. Rogachev, Russia)
2. TMJ disc repositioning via arthroscopic surgery
13.30-14.00 Discussion 14.00-15.00 Break
15.00-18.30 Moderators: Prof. F. Losev, Prof.O. Orlova, A. Sipkin, DMS; R. Chukumov, PhD
15.00-15.15 Neurologic aspects of TMJ dysfunction development Prof.O.Orlova, PhD Z.Konovalova (First MSMU n.a. N.Sechenov, CMSN, Russia)
15.15-15.30 Facial pain syndrome – simple and complex cases E. Ekusheva, DMS; I. Lyashev, PhD (First MSMU n.a. N.Sechenov, NCCO FMBA Russia)
15.30-15.45 TMJ dysfunction in patients with chronic headaches Prof. O. Orlova, N. Latysheva, PhD (First MSMU n.a. N. Sechenov)
15.45-16.00 Unilateral facial pain: etiology, clinical findings, diagnostics, treatment» L. Mingazova, PhD (First MSMU n.a. N. Sechenov)
16.00-16.15 Orthopedic screening of patients with masticatory organ dysfunction Prof. D. Krasavina (SPbSPMU, Russia)
16.15-16.30 Conservative treatment of TMJ dysfunction M. Soyher, PhD (Head Dentist of Moscow Regional Ministry of Healthcare, Russia)
16.30-16.45 Functional TMJ evaluation in prosthetic dentistry Prof. F. Losev, V. Losev, PhD (MONIKI n.a. M.Vladimirsky, Russia)
16.45-17.00 Role of TMJ evaluation in treatment of patients with occlusal pathology I. Lyashev, PhD; G.Zakharov, PhD; A.Dybov, PhD (NCCO FMBA Russia, First MSMU n.a. N.Sechenov)
17.00-17.15 Minimally invasive treatment of degenerative TMJ disorders R. Chukumov, PhD; I. Tarasov, N.Perova, DBS (MONIKI n.a. M.Vladimirsky, Institute of Medical and Biological Technologies and Research, Russia)
17.15-17.30 Multidisciplinary approach to treatment of TMJ disorders with autogenous synovial fluid I. Zaslavsky; Prof. A. Drobyshev, S. Korzhikova, PhD; Z. Teplyashin; D.Shipka, PhD; A. Kuznetsov, PhD (MGMSU n.a. A. Evdokimov, Center of cell technology «Beauty plaza», Russia)
17.30-17.45 TMJ reconstruction after segmental mandibulectomy with exarticulation in patients with primary and secondary mandibular neoplasms Prof. M. Kropotov; Prof. V. Sobolevsk;, U. Dikov, PhD; L. Yakovleva, PhD; A. Lysov (Moscow Clinical and Research Center MHD Moscow, RONC n.a. N.Blochin, Russia)
17.45-18.00 TMJ replacement surgery using titanium and combined endoprostheses Prof. A. Drobyshev, D.Shipika, PhD (MGMSU n.a. A. Evdokimov) 18.00-18.30 Discussion
18.30 Closing of the conference