Data Format - Sell for Leisure Rates Phase 2 Ver 4.10

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Data Format - Sell for Leisure Rates Phase 2 Ver 4.10

Inside Link Data Formats for Leisure Rates Project Phase 2 AFE NUMBER: 003319

Version 4.10 May 8, 2006

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Date Page(s) Updates February 22, 2006 11 Added “PT” field to Sell response January 15, 2006 12, 23 Added “GM” guarantee/ deposit/ prepayment amount field September 15, 2005 10, 17, 20 Changed the length of CN field in Sell request. 17, 19, 23 Changed the length of BT field in modify request and response. Made changes to accommodate an additional level of vendor’s participation when a vendor doesn’t support new pricing qualifiers but can return new HLR2 fixed format fields: 9, 17, 19 Changed the field type of ‘NC’, ‘CA’ data items to “A” (applicable) type in sell and modify requests. 9 Changed the field type of ‘BT’ data item to “A” in a sell request. 17, 19 Changed the field type of ‘VR’ to “A” in a modify request. July 13, 2005 29 Changed the Rate Category Code table values July, 12, 2005 31,32,33, Added sample messages. June 24, 2005 12,23 Added ‘MP’ Meal Plan data item. June 16, 2005 “AC” code must be changed to “CA” and its length must change to 2. “Z0” remove this as well as “0Z” for Ages grouping “BA” now repeats upto 5 with max length of 99 each “GH” – change length to 4 and format only HHMM (e.g. no ‘.’)… April 29, 2005 Added new fields GD and XO to sell and modify responses March 7, 2005 Complete Update to HLR 2 May 8, 2006 29 Added “Z15” to a rate category table

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Purpose This document details the data records passed between a Galileo International Global Distribution System (GDS) and a Hotel Reservation System (HRS) for the RoomMaster Inside Link product. Refer to the RoomMaster Inside Link Functional Specification document for an overview and detail technical requirements of the product.

General Notes The Inside Link product uses a structured data block format to pass messages between the vendor hotel system and RoomMaster. The structured data block is divided into 3 sections:

 Source and terminal address  Total message length  Message Each Message section is divided into 3 sections:

 Character count of the field  Identifying keyword  Field data – text The maximum limit of characters allowed for transmission from RoomMaster Inside Link to the vendors system is 960. Within the 960 characters the maximum number of Field data - text, not including Character count and Identifying keywords is 750 characters. The maximum limit of characters allowed for transmission from vendors system to RoomMaster Inside Link is 960. Within the 960 characters, the maximum number of Field data – text, not including Character count and Identifying keywords is 400 characters. Note: The 400 character maximum limits the size of the message text field used for advisory, marketing, or general information to the remaining characters after subtracting all mandatory fields (i.e. confirmation number) and other optional fields (i.e. extra bedding) required in the message. The actual number of characters allowed for advisory, marketing and general information will always be less than 400 because mandatory fields are required to identify the message.

Unless otherwise indicated, EBCDIC Hex values are listed for text characters. The end-item character (Cross-of-Lorraine or vertical bar) has EBCIDIC value hex 4F. It translates to ASCII value 5C or the backslash (\).

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Avoid using any characters or symbols not described above. Special character or symbols like {, }, [, ], <, >, ?, ;, |, \, (, ), and ~ cause errors and truncation of data resulting in data which cannot be printed or sent to user external applications.

Use 3 character currency codes when displaying values in text (i.e. 30.00 USD). Avoid imbedded $'s.

 Header Information has fixed length data fields.  Specific Information has variable length data fields. The maximum length of variable length fields is provided. Variable length fields may have less information than the guideline.

On subsequent pages, the field types are:

Field Type Definition Definition GDS to HRS HRS to GDS M Field sent in every Field must be returned or Mandatory request. processing will error. R Field contains required Required N/A data, however processing will complete if not supplied. A Field sent when Field returned when Applicable information is entered information is available / Optional by user, if it applies or if it applies to the to the request, or request. vendor request data.

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Inside Link All fields are Mandatory. The contents of the Specific Data Message Count field will vary according to the length of the message. Header Information Header Information (Fixed):

Length Data 2 Source System 1V – Apollo GDS 1G – Galileo GDS

6 LNIATA – terminal address 4 Specific Data Count Includes the number of characters from the start of the Specific Data Count field through the end of the last variable length field in the Specific Data section. Does not include End-of-Message or End-of- Transmission

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Sell Message The format for each field is Length (2 bytes), ID (2 bytes), and (GDS TO HRS) Data (variable length). "MS" must appear after the Specific Data Count in the fixed header section. Other fields may appear in any order. All pre-existing fields (those in black) will continue to be sent to all vendors currently receiving them. They will not be added for vendors not currently receiving them. Max Field Length Type ID Data ______5 M MS Action Code - ‘V’ for new sell ‘C’ for previously booked hotel segment. 2 A VR Version number for the Sell request 30 M NM Name of Customer - User can manually enter name 5 M IN In-Date 5 M OT Out-Date 7 M RO Booking Code 2 M NR Number of Rooms 1 M NO Number of Adults 1 A NC Number of Children 2 A CA Ages of Children (max repeat of 5) 3 A BT Number and Type of beds 5 M PN Property Number 19 M BS Booking Source (ARC/IATA Number) User can also manually enter BS data 2 M BD Vendor Code 9 M RF User’s ID 80 A AD Agency Address 20 A PH Agency Phone 12 A RT Nightly rate with currency code 2 A PT Pricing Type indicator to be used for totals. Options are: AP = Approximate Total Plus AT = Approximate Total 12 A TR Approximate Total from the Inside Availability or Rules response including the currency code. 1 A IA Inside Availability Indicator 8 A IP Point of Sale Direct Consumer 30 A CF Confirmation number previous booked 7 A RR Rate Requested/Booking Code 25 A CD Corporate Discount Number 80 A WA Customer Address 30 A IT Tour Identifier 25 A FT Frequent Traveler Number - Airline 25 A ID Customer ID Number

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50 A SI Remarks Field - text 29 A GT Guarantee Field - Credit Card - Deposit 99 A BA Credit Card Billing Address (rpt 5 max) 4 A CV Credit Card security ID 40 A CN Name on the credit card 25 A FG Hotel Frequent Guest number 9 A RA Roll Away Bedding Adult with number 9 A RC Roll Away Bedding Child with number 9 A CR Crib with number 9 A EX Extra Person with number 9 A EC Extra Child with number

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Sell Response The format for each field is Length (2 bytes), ID (2 bytes), and (HRS TO GDS) Data (variable length). "MS" must appear after the Specific Data Count in the fixed header section. Other fields are expected in the following order. All pre-existing fields (those in black) will continue to be sent to all vendors currently receiving them. They will not be added for vendors not currently receiving them. Max Field Length Type ID Data 5 M MS Sell Action Code - ‘VER’ , ‘VET’, or ‘VEN’ 2 M VR Version number for the Sell response 30 M NM Customer Name 30 M CF Confirmation Number 2 A PT Pricing Type indicator to be used for rates. Options are: PN = Nightly rate 12 M RG Rate Guarantee with currency code OR 12 M RQ Rate Quote with currency code 3 M RY Rate Category for this rate (see appendix A) 2 M PT Pricing Type identifier to be used for totals Options are: AP = Approximate Total Plus AT = Approximate Total 12 M TR Rate total for the stay with currency code 12 M TS Total Taxes and Surcharges for the Stay with currency code ** If the preceeding field is present, the following two will not be ** 12 M TA Taxes included in the total with currency code 12 M SC Surcharges included in the total with currency code 1 A CM Indicates if the rate is commissionable. Y = Commissionable N = Not commissionable Blank = Unknown 1 A SM Indicates if the room is smoking or not. Y = Smoking N = Non-smoking Blank = Unknown 1 A CL Credentials are required for booking Y = Credentials are required N = Credentials are not required Blank = Unknown 1 A DG Deposit / Guarantee / Prepayment required

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for booking D = Deposit required G = Guarantee required P = Prepayment is required 13 A GA The date and time before a deadline for a payment goes into effect. It is expressed in the date/time at the property’s location. The time will be in a 24 hour clock format. A character T is used as a delimeter between the date and the time. The format for this is CCYYMMDDTHHMM, e.g. 20050122T1800, 20051101T0700. 2 A GD This will indicate how the following unit of time Off-set is applied to the above date. AB = After booking indicator Indicates that the above date is the booking date and the following unit of time Off-set is used to calculate the actual deadline for a payment after the booking date. BA = Before arrival indicator Indicates that the above date is the arrival date and the following unit of time Off-set is used to calculate the actual deadline for a payment in advance of the arrival. 6 A GO This is the optional units of time Off-set before or after the date/time that apply to the deadline. The format is YR-###, MO- ###, DY-### or HR-###, where ### is the number of units. If the above date is the arrival date, these units are used to calculate the actual deadline for a payment in advance of the arrival. If the above date is the booking date, these units are used to calculate the actual deadline for a payment after the booking date. For example, if the preceding date is the arrival date and this field contained DY-002, the actual deadline for a payment is two days before the arrival date. If the preceding date is the booking date and this field contained MO-003, the actual deadline for a payment is three months after the booking date. 4 A GH The time expressed as HHMM that the room will be held without a guarantee. 9 A GM This will contain the amount of guarantee/ deposit / prepayment that is required by the above mentioned date. 2 A RV View from the room in OTA standard 3 A ML This will indicate any meal is included in the rate. Each indicated meal is presumed to be provided daily. Char 1 - Breakfast is included (Y/N)

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Char 2 - Lunch is included (Y/N) Char 3 - Dinner is included (Y/N) 2 A MP Meal Plan in OTA codes (may repeat up to 5 times). 1 M NO Number of Adults 1 M NC Number of Children 3 A BT Number and Type of beds 1 A NF Stay is non-refundable Y = Non-refundable N = Refundable Blank = Unknown 13 R XC Last date and time the reservation can be canceled without penalty expressed in the date/time at the property’s location. The time will be in a 24 hour clock format. A character T is used as a delimeter between the date and the time. The format for this is CCYYMMDDTHHMM, e.g. 20050122T1800, 20051101T0700. 2 A XO This will indicate how the following unit of time off-set is applied to the above date. AB = After booking indicator Indicates that the above date is the booking date and the following unit of time Off-set is used to calculate the actual cancellation date after the booking date. BA = Before arrival indicator Indicates that the above date is the arrival date and the following unit of time Off-set is used to calculate the actual cancellation date in advance of the arrival. 6 A XT This is the optional units of time Off-set. It can only be used if the preceeding cancel date is the booking date or the arrival date. If the cancel date is the arrival date, these units are used to calculate the actual cancellation date in advance of the arrival. If the cancel date is the booking date, these units are used to calculate the actual cancellation date after the booking date. The format is YR-###, MO-###, DY-### or HR-###, where ### is the number of units. For example, if the preceding cancel date is the arrival date and this field contained DY-002, the actual cancellation date is two days before the arrival date. If the preceding cancel date is the booking date and this field contained MO-003, the actual cancellation date is three months after the booking date. 1 A XX Penalty amount contains taxes Y = Taxes are included

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N = Taxes are not included Blank = Unknown 1 A XF Penalty amount contains fees Y = Fees are included N = Fees are not included Blank = Unknown A cancel penalty must be returned in one of the 3 following forms. Only one needs to be returned. Exception is the combination of XE, XD, and XB fields if the cancellation penalty is expressed as a percentage applied to the given number of nights. 9 R XM This will contain the cancellation penalty amount with a currency code (Does not include a decimal point). 2 R XE This will the number of nights what will be assessed a the cancel penalty. 3 R XD This will contain the cancellation penalty expressed as a percentage of the following basis unit. 9 R XB This will contain the cost qualifier that explains what the percentage is applied to to calculate the cancel penalty. Options are “FullStay”, “Nights” or “FirstLast”. Options less than the full size of this field will be left justified and blank filled. VAR A MG Error or Advisory Message 9 A ER Error Number - see Inside Link Specification for details 9 A RA Roll Away Bedding Adult with rate 9 A RC Roll Away Bedding Child with rate 9 A CR Crib with rate 9 A EX Extra Person with rate 9 A EC Extra Child with rate

Error Response The format for each field is Length (2 bytes), ID (2 bytes), and (HRS TO GDS) Data (variable length). "MS" must appear after the Specific Data Count in the fixed header section, followed only by "ER". See Inside Link Specification for complete list of error numbers and descriptions.

Error Number

Max Field Length Type ID Data 5 M MS Action Code - ‘ERN’

9 M ER Error Number - sample errors "532" - No response from HRS; default to RoomMaster MVS information. "032" - Reservation Requires Guarantee

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"004" - Number of Rooms Exceed Limit "045" - Advance Deposit Required "095" - Customer Address Req in W- Field "176" - Form of Deposit Required in /G- "516" - /RA- Number Exceeds Limit

Advisory Message / Error – Text Examples



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Cancel The format for each field is Length (2 bytes), ID (2 bytes), and Data (variable length). "MS" must appear after the Specific Data Message Count in the fixed header section. Other fields may appear in (GDS TO HRS) any order. Max Field Length Type ID Data 5 M MS Action Code - ‘X’ 30 M CF Confirmation Number 2 M BD Vendor code 9 M RF User / Agent ID 5 A IN In-Date 5 A OT Out-Date 1 A NO Number of Adults 25 A CD Corporate ID number 7 A RR Rate Requested Code 5 A PN Property Number 8 A RT Rate with currency code 29 A GT Guarantee 2 A NR Number of Rooms

Cancel The format for each field is Length (2 bytes), ID (2 bytes), and Data (variable length). "MS" must appear after the Specific Data Response Count in the fixed header section. Other fields may appear in (HRS TO GDS) any order. Max Field Length Type ID Data 5 M MS Action Code - ‘CAN’ 30 M CF Confirmation Number 30 M CX Cancellation number VAR A MG Error or Advisory Message 9 A ER Error Number - see Inside Link Specification for details

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Modify The format for each field is Length (2 bytes), ID (2 bytes), and Message for Data (variable length). "MS" must appear after the Specific Data Current Count in the fixed header section. All pre-existing fields (those in black) will continue to be sent to Session all vendors currently receiving them. They will not be added for (GDS TO HRS) vendors not currently receiving them. Max Field Length Type ID Data 5 M MS Action Code: ‘C’ 2 A VR Version number for the Modify request 30 M CF Confirmation Number 2 M BD Vendor Code 9 M RF User’s ID 30 R NM Name of Customer 5 R IN In-Date 5 R OT Out-Date 7 R RO Room Type 2 R NR Number of Rooms 1 R NO Number of Adults 1 A NC Number of Children 2 A CA Ages of Children (max repeat of 5) 3 A BT Number and Type of beds 5 R PN Property Number 19 R BS Booking Source (ARC/IATA Number) 80 A AD Agency Address 20 A PH Agency Phone 2 A PT Pricing Type identifier Options are: PN = Rate is nightly 12 A RT Rate from the booked segment 2 A PT Pricing Type indicator to be used for totals. Options are: AP = Approximate Total Plus AT = Approximate Total 12 A TR Total Amount with currency code Optional data fields allowed in a Modify 7 A RR Rate Requested/Booking Code 25 A CD Corporate Discount Number 80 A WA Customer Address 30 A IT Tour Identifier 25 A FT Frequent Traveler Number - Airline 25 A ID Customer ID Number 50 A SI Remarks Field - text 29 A GT Guarantee Field - Credit Card - Deposit 99 A BA Credit Card Billing Address (rpt 5 max) 4 A CV Credit Card security ID 40 A CN Name on the credit card 9 A RA Roll Away Bedding Adult with number 9 A RC Roll Away Bedding Child with number 9 A CR Crib with number 9 A EX Extra Person with number

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9 A EC Extra Child with number 19 A BS Booking Source override by user entry 30 A CF Confirmation Number entered by user 30 A NM Customer Name override by user entry

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Modify The format for each field is Length (2 bytes), ID (2 bytes), and Data (variable length). "MS" must appear after the Specific Data Message for Count in the fixed header section. Previous All pre-existing fields (those in black) will continue to be sent to Booking all vendors currently receiving them. They will not be added for vendors not currently receiving them. (GDS TO HRS) Max Field Length Type ID Data 5 M MS Action Code: ‘P’ 2 A VR Version number for the Modify request 30 M CF Confirmation Number 2 M BD Vendor Code 9 M RF User’s ID 30 R NM Name of Customer

Date Modifies 5 M IN* In-Date 5 M OT* Out-Date Room Modifies 7 M RO* Room Type - for Room Modifies 2 M NR* Number of Rooms - for Room Modifies 1 M NO* Number of Adults - for Room Modifies 1 A NC Number of Children 2 A CA Ages of Children (max repeat of 5) 3 A BT Number and Type of beds 12 A RT Rate from the booked segment with curreny code 2 A PT Pricing Type indicator for this total. Options are: AP = Approximate Total Plus AT = Approximate Total 12 A TR Total for this rate with currency code.

Additional Segment data for Modifies 5 A XP Property Number 5 A XI In Date 5 A XO Out Date 7 A XT Room Type 2 A XN Number of Rooms 1 A XA Number of Adults 12 A XR Rate with currency code 7 A XQ Rate Requested with currency code 29 A XG Guarantee Field Optional data fields allowed in a Modify 7 A RR Rate Requested/Booking Code 25 A CD Corporate Discount Number 80 A WA Customer Address 30 A IT Tour Identifier

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25 A FT Frequent Traveler Number - Airline 25 A ID Customer ID Number 50 A SI Remarks Field - text 29 A GT Guarantee Field - Credit Card - Deposit 99 A BA Credit Card Billing Address (rpt 5 max) 4 A CV Credit Card security ID 40 A CN Name on the credit card 9 A RA Roll Away Bedding Adult with number 9 A RC Roll Away Bedding Child with number 9 A CR Crib with number 9 A EX Extra Person with number 9 A EC Extra Child with number 19 A BS Booking Source override by user entry 30 A CF Confirmation Number entered by user 30 A NM Customer Name override by user entry

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Modify The format for each field is Length (2 bytes), ID (2 bytes), and Response Data (variable length). "MS" must appear after the Specific Data (HRS TO GDS) Count in the fixed header section. Other fields may appear in any order. All pre-existing fields (those in black) will continue to be sent to all vendors currently receiving them. They will not be added for vendors not currently receiving them.

Max Field Length Type ID Data 5 M MS Action Code - ‘CHG’ 2 M VR Version number for the Modify response 30 M NM Customer Name 30 M CF Confirmation Number 9 A ER Error Number VAR A MG Error or Advisory Message 9 A EX Extra Person with rate 9 A EC Extra Child with rate 9 A CR Crib with rate 9 A RA Roll Away Bedding Adult with rate 9 A RC Roll Away Bedding Child with rate 7 A RR Rate Requested 3 M RY Rate Category for this rate (see appendix A) 2 A PT Pricing Type identifier Options are: PN = Rate is nightly 12 A RG Rate Guarantee with currency code OR 12 A RQ Rate Quote with currency code 2 M PT Pricing Type indicator to be used for totals. Options are: AP = Approximate Total Plus AT = Approximate Total 12 M TR Rate total for the stay with currency cd 12 M TS Total Taxes and Surcharges for the Stay with currency code (Does not include a decimal point, i.e. “04TS8593”.) This field is to be used by hotel vendors that can not separate the total surcharges from the total taxes. ** If the preceeding field is present, the following two will not be ** 12 M TA Taxes included in the total with currency code 12 M SC Surcharges included in the total with

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currency code 2 A NR Number of Rooms 1 A CM Indicates if the rate is commissionable. Y = Commissionable N = Not commissionable Blank = Unknown 1 A SM Indicates if the room is non-smoking or smoking. Y = Smoking N = Non-smoking Blank = Unknown 1 A DG Deposit / Guarantee / Prepayment required for booking D = Deposit required G = Guarantee required P = Prepayment is required 13 A GA The date and time before a deadline for a payment goes into effect. It is expressed in the date/time at the property’s location. The time will be in a 24 hour clock format. A character T is used as a delimeter between the date and the time. The format for this is CCYYMMDDTHHMM, e.g. 20050122T1800, 20051101T0700. 2 A GD This will indicate how the following unit of time Off-set is applied to the above date. AB = After booking indicator Indicates that the above date is the booking date and the following unit of time Off-set is is used to calculate the actual deadline for a payment after the booking date. BA = Before arrival indicator Indicates that the above date is the arrival date and the following unit of time Off-set is used to calculate the actual deadline for a payment in advance of the arrival. 6 A GO This is the optional units of time Off-set before or after the date/time that apply to the deadline. The format is YR-###, MO- ###, DY-### or HR-###, where ### is the number of units. If the above date is the arrival date, these units are used to calculate the actual deadline for a payment in advance of the arrival. If the above date is the booking date, these units are used to calculate the actual deadline for a payment after the booking date. For example, if the preceding date is the arrival date and this field contained DY-002, the actual deadline for a payment is two days before the arrival date. If the preceding date is

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the booking date and this field contained MO-003, the actual deadline for a payment is three months after the booking date. 4 A GH The time expressed as HHMM that the room will be held without a guarantee. 9 A GM This will contain the amount of guarantee/ deposit / prepayment that is required by the above mentioned date. 2 A RV View from the room expressed in OTA codes. See Attachment B. 3 A ML This will indicate any meal is included in the rate. Each meal will be provided daily. Char 1 - Breakfast is included (Y/N) Char 2 - Lunch is included (Y/N) Char 3 - Dinner is included (Y/N) 2 A MP Meal Plan in OTA codes (may repeat up to 5 times). 1 A NO Number of Adults 1 A NC Number of Children 3 A BT Number and Type of beds 1 A NF Stay is non-refundable Y = Non-refundable N = Refundable Blank = Unknown 13 A XC Last date and time the reservation can be canceled without penalty expressed in the date/time at the property’s location. The time will be in a 24 hour clock format. A character T is used as a delimeter between the date and the time. The format for this is CCYYMMDDTHHMM, e.g. 20050122T1800, 20051101T0700. 2 A XO This will indicate how the following unit of time Off-set is applied to the above date. AB = After booking indicator Indicates that the above date is the booking date and the following unit of time Off-set is used to calculate the actual cancellation date after the booking date. BA = Before arrival indicator Indicates that the above date is the arrival date and the following unit of time Off-set is used to calculate the actual cancellation date in advance of the arrival. 6 A XT This is the optional units of time Off-set. It can only be used if the preceeding cancel date is the booking date or the arrival date. If the cancel date is the arrival date, these units are used to calculate the actual cancellation date in advance of the arrival. If the cancel date is the booking date, these units are used to

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calculate the actual cancellation date after the booking date. The format is YR-###, MO-###, DY-### or HR-###, where ### is the number of units. For example, if the preceding cancel date is the arrival date and this field contained DY-002, the actual cancellation date is two days before the arrival date. If the preceding cancel date is the booking date and this field contained MO-003, the actual cancellation date is three months after the booking date. 1 A XX Penalty amount contains taxes Y = Taxes are included N = Taxes are not included Blank = Unknown 1 A XF Penalty amount contains fees Y = Fees are included N = Fees are not included Blank = Unknown A cancel penalty must be returned in one of the 3 following forms. Only one needs to be returned. Exception is the combination of XE, XD, and XB fields if the cancellation penalty is expressed as a percentage applied to the given number of nights. 9 A XM This will contain the cancellation penalty amount with a currency code (Does not include a decimal point). 2 A XE This will the number of nights what will be assessed a the cancel penalty. 3 A XD This will contain the cancellation penalty expressed as a percentage of the following basis unit. 9 A XB This will contain the cost qualifier that explains what the percentage is applied to to calculate the cancel penalty. Options are “FullStay”, “Nights” or “FirstLast”. Options less than the full size of this field will be left justified and blank filled.

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Ignore Message The format for each field is Length (2 bytes), ID (2 bytes), and (GDS TO HRS) Data (variable length). "MS" must appear after the Specific Data Count in the fixed header section. Other fields may appear in any order.

Max Field Len Type ID Data 5 M MS Action Code - ‘I’ 2 M BD Vendor Code 9 M RF User / Agent ID 30 M CF Confirmation Number

Ignore The format for each field is Length (2 bytes), ID (2 bytes), and Response Data (variable length). "MS" must appear after the Specific Data (HRS TO GDS) Count in the fixed header section. Other fields may appear in any order.

Max Field Len Type ID Data 5 M MS Action Code - ‘IGN” 30 M CF Confirmation Number

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End Transact The format for each field is Length (2 bytes), ID (2 bytes), and Message Data (variable length). "MS" must appear after the Specific Data (GDS TO HRS) Count in the fixed header section. Other fields may appear in any order.

Max Field Len Type ID Data 5 M MS Action Code - ‘E’ 2 M BD Vendor Code 9 M RF User / Agent ID 30 M CF Confirmation Number 6 M AP Record Locator

End Transact The format for each field is Length (2 bytes), ID (2 bytes), and Response Data (variable length). "MS" must appear after the Specific Data (HRS TO GDS) Count in the fixed header section. Other fields may appear in any order.

Max Field Len Type ID Data 5 M MS Action Code - ‘CON” 30 M CF Confirmation Number

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RoomMaster The RoomMaster Validation Table (a.k.a. Universal Access Validation Table or GAC table) controls what data Galileo International Table sends across the link to the HRS for both Inside Link and Inside Availability request. The following settings are optional and may be requested by the vendor based on HRS functionality. To activate specific RoomMaster validation items use the form located in the ‘Standards of Performance - MARKETING’ section of this document and fax to Galileo International Product Marketing at the number shown.

Validation items: VA1-BIT0 set to “Y” means GDS validates the Booking Code in the sell message is stored in RoomMaster.

VA1-BIT1 set to “Y” means GDS validates rooms with the Booking Code in the sell message are Available in RoomMaster.

VA1-BIT2 set to “Y” means GDS validates the Length of Stay rule in RoomMaster for dates requested in the sell message. VA1-BIT4 set to “Y” means GDS validates the Reservation Lead-Time by looking at the number of days between the booking date and the arrival date stored in RoomMaster.

VA1-BIT5 set to “Y” means GDS validates the Maximum Consecutive Stay from the dates in the sell message against the Length of Stay rule stored in RoomMaster.

VA1-BIT6 set to “Y” means GDS validates the Occupancy allowed by validating the number of people booked does not exceed 1 or 2 , excluding extras.

VA1-BIT7 set to “Y” means GDS validates the sell message meets the Deposit / Guarantee requirements for Method of Payment rules stored in RoomMaster.

VA2-BIT0 set to “Y” means GDS validates the Maximum Number of Persons, including extras, in the sell message do not exceed the room rule stored in RoomMaster.

VA2-BIT1 set to “Y” means GDS validates the Maximum Number of Beds in the sell message do not exceed the total number of rollaway beds allowed stored in RoomMaster.

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VA2-BIT2 set to “Y” means GDS validates the total Number of Rooms does not exceed the maximum number of beds allowed in the chain policy record stored in RoomMaster.

VA2-BIT3 set to “Y” means GDS validates a rate access code entered in the sell against the Point of Sale rule stored in RoomMaster.

VA3-BIT7 set to “Y” means GDS validates if the booking is being done by a Direct Consumer and sends a “D” point of sale indicator in the sell message.

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Attachment A

Possible Bedding Types

* = Bedding type unknown or unspecified C = Crib D = Double bed F = Futon K = King M = Murphy bed Q = Queen R = Rollaway S = Sofa bed I = Tatami mats T = Twin

Possible Rate Categories codes (note: these GI codes map to OTA code table ‘RPT’) A09 - Association B14 - Club C02 - Corporate F08 - Family Plan G03 - Government I13 - Travel Industry L11 - Special M04 - Military P05 - Package R01 - Regular or Rack S06 - Senior Citizen T10 - Tour V12 - Convention W07 - Weekend Z15 - All

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Attachment B

Possible OTA Standard Room Views Codes (RVC)

01 – Airport View 02 – Bay View 03 – City View 04 – Courtyard View 05 – Golf View 06 – Harbor View 07 – Intercoastal View 08 – Lake View 09 – Marina View 10 – Mountain View 11 – Ocean View 12 – Pool View 13 – River View 14 – Water View

Possible OTA Standard Meal Plan Types (MPT)

1 - All inclusive 2 - American 3 - Bed & breakfast 4 - Buffet breakfast 5 - Caribbean breakfast 6 - Continental plan 7 - English breakfast 8 - Open 9 - Open 10 - Full board 11 - Full breakfast 12 - Half board/modified American plan

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Attachment C Sell Sample Messages


UA040464242 01MSV 02VR02 ---- Version number for the Sell request 12NMJOHNSON TEST 05IN23AUG 05OT26A UG 05PN20377 07ROIA00272 01IAY 07RT8900USD 02PTAP ---- Pricing Type indicator to be used for 08TR28759USD ---- Total Rate Amount 08BS14537482 01NO1 ---- Number of Adults 01NC2 ---- Number of Children 02CA04 ----- Ages of Children (max repeat of 5) 02CA04 ----- Ages of Children 03BTA2D ---- Bedding type 01NR1 12PH000.000.0000 32AD6901.S.HAVANA.ST DENVER CO 80112 24GTAX370000000000028EXP1209 32BA6901.S.HAVANA.ST DENVER CO 80112 ---- Credit Card Billing Address (rpt 5 max) 04CV1234 ---- Credit Card security ID 12CN JOHNSON TEST ---- Name on the credit card 11SINON SMOKING 01CR1 02LOBF 02BDRD 09RFUAC098268 12ANGALILEO.TEST

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PHASE 2 Sell REPLY FORMAT (note- guarantee and cancel fields are same for HOC & HOV replies)

UA04046423603 MSVET 01VR02 ---- Version number for the Sell response 07CF00291S1 12NMTOWNSIE TEST 07RG8900USD 03RYC02 ---- Rate Category for this rate 02PTAP ---- Pricing Type identifier 08TR28759USD ---- Total Rate Amount 04TA2839 ---- Total Taxes included in the above total 04SC2000 ---- Total Surcharges included in the above total ---- Note: previous two fields TA & SC can be replace by one TS field (combining tax & sur chrg) 01CMY ---- Indicates the rate is commissionable 01SMY ---- Indicates the room is smoking 01CLY ---- Credentials are required

01DGD ---- Deposit/Guarantee/Prepayment required for booking 13GA20050406T1800 ---- Date and time deposit is required by 02GDAB ---- After Booking / Before Arrival indicator 06GOMO-003 --- Unit of time Off-set 04GH1800 ---- Time the room will be held without a guarantee 02RV04 ---- View from the room expressed in OTA codes 03MLYNN ---- Any meal included in the rate 02MP03 ---- Meal Plan in OTA codes (repeats 5 max). 02MP05 ---- Meal Plan in OTA codes 01NO1 ---- Number of Adults 01NC2 ---- Number of Children 03BTA2D ---- Number and Type of Beds 01NFN ---- Stay is non-refundable (Y/N) 13XC20050523T1800 --- Date and time used with the following unit of time Off-set to calculate the last date and time the reservation can be canceled 02XOBA ---- After Booking / Before Arrival indicator 06XTMO-004 ---- Unit of time Off-set 02XD05 ---- Cancellation penalty percentage 09XBFIRSTLAST ---- Cost qualifier 05CR10.00 ---- Crib with rate 23MG89.00 3NT TA COMM 10PCT 52MGDEPOSIT OF 297.44 WILL BE CHGD TO CREDIT CARD TODAY 50MGEXCITING AWARDS ARE JUST BOOKINGS AWAY MODIFY NOW 47MGAND RECEIVE 2670 POINTS CHECK DRS FOR DETAILS

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Modify (previous) Sample Message

PHASE 2 REQUEST FORMAT (Room Type modify)

UA040464242 01MSP 02VR02 ---- Version number for the Sell request 12CF123742174549 02BDRD 09RFUAC098268 12NMJOHNSON TEST 07ROIA00272 01NR1 ---- Number of Rooms 01NO1 ---- Number of Adults 01NC2 ---- Number of Children 02CA05 ----- Ages of Children (max repeat of 5) 02CA05 ----- Ages of Children 03BTA2K ---- Bedding type 07RT8900USD ---- Nightly Rate 02PTAP ---- Pricing Type indicator to be used for 08TR28759USD ---- Total Rate Amount

PHASE 2 Modify Reply FORMAT (same as sell reply)

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