Period 2 Constitutional Convention Debate Notes

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Period 2 Constitutional Convention Debate Notes

Period 2 Constitutional Convention Debate Notes Mr. Buggé & Mr. Quindlen’s writings

Virginia – drafted the Virginia plan for the constitution. They believe the articles need work and they are a faulty document they propose a bicameral legislature with two houses, House of Representatives and senate. House will be elected by the people of the states then the house elects people to the senate 13 legislative sections – bills nominated by 13 states, only bills to pass are some type of bills. Members of first branch serve for 3 years and the senate for 7 years nominated by state legislature. Population is the determiner for numbers of members of the House of Representatives. Under the VA plan it is determined by the population not an equal number.

New York – nice words to open, argued the legislative branch is the most important branch, they want the national legislature to be two bodies, senate and assembly, senate makes two members from each state. Wants to use ballots to vote not just their voice… You really didn’t say much

Maryland – branch should be the sole decision maker of the gov. as it is the most democratic, two houses House of Delegates and senates 10 from each state two in senate. Passing of laws must have 2/3rds – Needs more information

SC – As we all know the articles are not successful – split into two houses, senate and House of Delegates, senate elected from four different districts, house by people at large. No senate member serves more than four years. Voting ballot to elect House of Delegates senate and house should be paid from the national treasury, elections shall take place when both houses are in session, no state can make treaties or declare war and no state can impose interfering duties without permission, maintains an army, no legislature bill of any state can be passed without congress approving it

Pennsylvania – Congress consists of house of rep and senate makes and compose laws, house reps based on population – serve four years, senate serves six years –

New Jersey – the idea before the articles, they want one house of congress and one vote per state to stop larger states from overpo9wering – need 9 out of 13 or 2/3res to pass laws. Congress can raise funds based on number of people in state, can appoint people. Based the ideas on something called the New Jersey Plan

Delaware – legislature must assemble frequently, no one state has a right to suspend laws without legislative approval. Elections must be free and frequent; each state should have equal representation. Needs more information

Connecticut – two houses, senate and house of reps, senate should get equal opportunity house should be based on the population – Needs more Massachusetts – power needs to be distributed evenly between the gov and people – legislature needs to be divided between house and senate. All members have the right to vote. Each state should have the number of reps equal to population – any bill must be passed by a president. Senate has right to appoint or dismiss any members who don’t fulfill their responsibilities.

New Hampshire – articles are not working well. Men have right to vote regardless of religion or property to encourage more involvement, legislative should be unicameral to have 13 reps one from each state, so each small states can be heard. Requires 2/3rds to pass legislation

Georgia – under Great Britain’s rule we have misfortune, we need a strong executive but people must be the center. Legislature shall have the power to elect members of the executive and judicial branches, reps shall be white males who lived in Georgia for at least six months and own property. Must have 2/3rds of the legislature to agree to pass laws…

NC – legislature must include two sides the senate and house of reps. Senate must consist of 50 members and voting is by ballots and must be 25 or older and reside in the district immediately preceding your election. Must have house of reps of 120 members with same requirements... One presiding officer who will break ties titled the lt. governor.

Pennsylvania said there should

New York Point NY believes the legislature needs to have multiple bodies to make sure we’re listening to all people… Opposed to one vote to state but instead of population... If the smaller states are equally represented the larger states will be swallowed up.

VA Point – agrees with NY Plan for bicameral, it is crucial to have proportional representation as it is unfair to have the population not represented that way. He said RI would be small and why should they get an equal voice as this is not fair to democracy.

Virginia Bicameral branch (House of Reps & Senate) HOR (elected by people of states) Sen. (HOR elect the Senate) 13 State legislative groups, elected by people of each state. Can nominate bills to Senate… First branch (HOR) serve for 3 years Second branch (Sen Serve for 7) Nominated by state legislature, then confirmed by HOR. Rep of each state is determined by population of the respective state. Congress will have same power as current Congress under Articles of Confederation.

New York Bicameral (Senate & Assembly) Senate (2 members from each state) Assembly (elected officials)

Maryland Legislative branch sole decision maker Bicameral House of Delegates (10 from each state, elected by popular vote) - 3 term limit of 6 years Senate (2 from each state, elected by delegates from the respective state) - 5 years ⅔ Vote for laws to be passed

South Carolina Bicameral (Senate & House of Delegates) Senate elected from 4 different districts. Delegates elected from people at large. Senate term limit 4 years Voting ballot to elect House of Delegates and Senate Officials paid from national treasury Election should take place in Congress assembly No one state can create treaties, declare war or impart duties. Congress should maintain an army No bill of any state can be passed without both houses approving

Pennsylvania Congress Bicameral (House & Senate) Each state will have Senate and House based on population House 4 years (21 years old and no criminal background) Senate 6 years (21 years old and no criminal background)

New Jersey Unicameral, one vote per state To pass law, 9/13 states must agree.

Congress can raise funds based on state population, slaves are ⅗

Approve trade In charge of war and treaties

Delaware No one state can suspend laws People of the state can work in govt, elections must be free Each state should be represented equally

Connecticut Bicameral (Senate & House) Senate equal opportunity, equal say HOR based on population

Massachusetts Bicameral (Senate & HOR) All men of each state can vote annually Qualified individuals can run for office HOR determined by population Any bill passed must go to the president for veto or to be passed Senate can dismiss individuals who don’t reach qualifications

New Hampshire Men right to vote, regardless of religion or property, to encourage more participation and the will of the people Congress should create laws that benefit people Unicameral (Equal representatives from each state) 9/13 to pass laws

Georgia Power to elect executive and judicial members Power to create laws White males over 21 lived in state for 6 months and own 150 acres property ⅔ of legislature must agree to pass laws

North Carolina Bicameral (Senate and HOR) Senate 50 members, voting by ballots, above age of 25 Stay in the district once you’re elected 120 members in the HOR with same requirements President of Senate with be Lt. Govt. (Only gets a vote if there’s a tie).

Penn (Equal rep within states)

NY POINT Separation between Congress (Bicameral, strengthens by going through multiple bodies. As a bigger state, we’re opposed to one vote per state, needs to be based on population. Proportional)

VA POINT Agree with NY for Bicameral, two bodies are better than one. Crucial for Congress to be proportional, it’s unfair to democracy to have uneven representation.

END OF DAY 1 OF THE CONVENTION Start of Day 2 of the Convention


New Jersey POINT VA ideas are selfish, as a small state, there should be equal representation and that’s shown in our New Jersey plan, which has a Unicameral body with equal representation, with a 9/13 vote among states to pass a law.

MA POINT Bigger states should have more representation because of a larger population. It’s selfish of the smaller states to have equal representation. A Bicameral body is essential.

CT POINT Agree, 2 votes from each state in the Senate and the representatives should be apportioned to the population. Congress should have control of the army, instead of asking for troops from each state is cited in the Articles of Confederation.

NH POINT Taxation without represenation and if the states are not represented its not fair, so we should have one vote per state.

NY POINT We’re appalled, larger states have been overpowered by the smaller states. EVeryone in the US should have an equal representation and the smaller states .

GA POINT It’s unfair that 3 states should have more votes than all the states put together. Why should VA have 16 votes and Delaware gets 1 vote. Each state should get one or two votes each.

PA POINT Representation should be based on population since we’re a large state. Equal representation favors smaller states.

VA POINT We believe that states should be represented by population, it’s unfair of smaller states get the same representation. We need to thinkk of ourselves as an entire population instead of a collection of states. The majority of the opoulation should have the power, not the states.

NC POINT Many states have said we’re selfish represented on population, but the larger a population, the more opinions and ideas, therefore the number of votes needs to increase. A smaller state has fewer opinon, so they don’t require as many votes.

MA POINT We should not be talking about individual states, but us as a nation, we’re talking about the common good, to have an equal share there has to be a proportional number among votes. Larger states should get more votes

NY POINT Porportional represetnation is needed in order to beneficial the legislative branch. We’re not suggesting that because we’re a bigger state, we should get more votes. We have more people, we have more opinions.

Proportional Representation 9/12 vote passed.

NH POINT We shouod move onto the power of COngress. They should be able to create laws and tax the states.

SC POINT Agree with NH, we believe the AofC didn’t do a good job of enforcing taxes, which led to riots and rebellions. We ned to strengthen and centralize our government.

MD POINT How do we determine population, should slaves be counted?

NJ POINT NJ agress with MD, slaves should be ⅗ of a person. Congress should be able to tax the states, based on population.

NJ POINT Taxing should be population.

Vote on slaves as ⅗ of a person 7/12 vote, denied.

MD Northern states are manufacture, South is farmers, MD has a larger population than NJ & NH. Tax should be based on income, because manufacturing states earn more.

GA We believe slaves should be counted as one person.

PA Slaes should be given full representation, hence we’re abolitionists.

MA POINT Agree with PA, slavery should be abolished because ti’s immoral. We have come to talk about unification, but how can we discuss that while having slaves.

SC POINT We disagree with MA and PA, slaves should not have a full vote. Our economy is based around plantation and slaves are not worth a lot. They’re used as tools, they are not people.

NC POINT Agree with SC, slaves are not given a full vote because they’re not a full person. They’re only workers, they’re not educated enough to vote.

VA POINT We believe slavery cannot be abolished, it’s a part of the southern way of life. It’s part of our economy and if we abolished it our way of life would collapse. We will make the compromise that slaves represent ⅗ of a person.

NH POINT Slaves should be free but not equal, because they’re uneducated and unfit to contribute to our way of life.

MD POINT Est VA population, 300,000 white, 300,000 colored. If we included black slaves in population, VA representation would double. 3/5 should stay.

MA POINT We need to move forward, not take a step back

NY POINT We believe slavery should be abolished, NY has already abolished slavery and our economy is fine. We need to be unified.

NJ POINT ⅗ should stand and we need to compromise as a nation. It’s beneficial for the Southern states, and for the Northern states it would be simple. We can’t give representation based on population and not tax on that same population.

PA Vote Counting slaves as a full person (5/12) denied

VA POINT It’s not fair how the Northern states are ganging up on us. In this convention, we all have an equal say. All the Northern states seem to agree that slavery should be abolished. The South would lose so much from abolishing slavery. They shold leave our economy alone. We need a compromise over this. Slaves should count as ⅗ of a person, but we should not abolish slavery.

CT POINT Slaves should count as a person. A compromise, we should stop import, but not abolish slavery.

GA POINT Many Norhtern states believe slaves should be counted as a fraction of a person. If slaves should be abolished, slaves must be counted as one person. Abolishing it would create chaos in the South, so we must gradually abolish slavery.

PA POINT We have passed a law of proportional representation. If we cound slaves as one person, they will get more rep.

NJ POINT South only wants slavery for their own benefit.

VA POINT Vote on slaves being ⅗ of a person. (7/12) vote denied

MD POINT North wants to abolish slavery because they think the South is being selfish. In the south, the work is different and we need slaves.

NY POINT Progress is what we need. Slaves have been treated as lesser, but they are people like us. Slaves fought with us for our nations independence. They have brought culture to our states. South states view on slavery don’t unify us as a nation.

PA POINT Slavery is abolish, the Southern backbone will be taken away. The South should want good for the whole nation. MA POINT We agree with PA, we’re all humans we should all have equality, but we do recognize VA point about Southern states economy. Working conditions should be improved.

NC POINT Slavery should not be abolished, the slave population is about ⅓ of the population. If they’re freed our entire economy will fail.

VA POINT MD made a good point about half our population being slaves. If it were abolished, half our population would walk away and plantations would be abandoned. Our entire state would lose everything it had. We support the ⅗ compromise, but we will not abolish slavery.

CT POINT Compromise, we will not abolish slavery, but ban importation of slaves. 3/12 vote failed

SC POINT The other states are out of their mind, if we lose these slaves, that rep ⅓ of our pop, our economy would crumble. We can’t make up for that economic losss, so we can’t sacrifice our slavery system. Slaves are unedcated, so they can’t help us in voting.

NY POINT We don’t believe we should be resising the right to vote because someone is unedcucated. We are willing to compromise, if we consider slaves as ⅗ of a population, so long as conditions improve.

Vote for ⅗ of person for slaves. (6-12) vote failed.

MD Vote (Taxes based on income) 5-12 Vote fails

MD Inquiry Why did you guys not vote for our proposal.

NJ POINT TIresome process, the only thing that holds us back is morality from the North and greed from the South

Slaves will be counted as a full person Slaves will be ⅗ for tax reasons. Vote 4-12 vote denied

MA Vote Slaves become ⅗ of a person. We need to compromise. 8-12 vote approved

NY POINT The population should vote by ballot, not by voice. We want to ensure our privacy and liberties.

NC POINT Agree with NY point, voiced vote could result in retaliation.

NY VOTE Vote by ballot instead of voice 12 unanimous vote

VA POINT Bicameral branch, house of reps and Senate, it will be better. Senate is appointed by the house.

MA POIINT We agree with VA, we believe a unicameral system did not work. We need a bicameral branch, because we need a Senate to keep balance, while the HOR will be the voice of the people.

MD Vote Bicameral system 10-12

SC Countrol of currency. The AoC didn’t do a good job, which led to economic problems. Congress should take control of our currency, this will unify nation.

NH Agree with SC, we should have national currency. Congress should have power to enforce laws on states.

GA calls vote for regulate currency 12 unaminous

NY POINT Sturcture of legislative body Specific number of delegates. At least 70 reps in the HOR and fewer in the Senate. Senate rotates every 4 years. HOR elected by the people, the Senate appointed by the HOR.

NC POINT We agree with that because the more people in the HOR and voting by ballot, it’s better.

DE POINT We agree with NY, the HOR should have more members than the Senate, and the HOR should be appointed every 2 years, Senate every 4 years.


SC Vote HOR 2 year terms, Senate 4 year terms 8/12 vote passes

MA PT Senate right to appoint or dismiss members who don’t follow the rules to ensure everyone is doing their job correctly and so no individual has power or privileges over the rest.

MD PT Legislative branch should be able to pass laws, declare war, levy taxes and impeach corrupt politicians. The Senate should be able to regulate these things to control the government and remain democratic.

MA VOTE Allow the Senate to dismiss members of the Senate who commit a crime or violate the rules. 10-12 vote passes

MD VOTE Powers of Congress, pass laws, declare war, levy taxes and impeach corrupt politicians and create treaties. 10-12 vote passes

VA VOTE Congress should have authority to override state legislature

MD PT Speakers in Congress should be allowed freedom of speech.

NY VOTE End talk of the legislative branch 9-12 vote passes.

Executive Branch

MD Strong president, enforce all acts of the government and lead diplomatic relations. President cannot pass laws, but the president can veto the legislative branch. Legislative branch can override the President by a ¾ vote. Pres can be impeached by the Supreme Court. Limited power with the militia, 20 days mobilization. Anything beyond 20 days must be approved by Congress. Allows for emergency but restrains the power.

NY Highest power will be vested in the president Public election every 4 years through ballot chosen by popular vote. Manage militia and navy. Protect US citizens Council of revisions to veto. 5 trusted cabinet members to review.

VA Guiding force Elected by Congress for one term for 4 years. Council of revisions appointed by the president. Authority to veto Congress’ bills, only to be overridden by a ⅔ vote. Can veto any state legislation that violates federal rules.

NJ Federal executive, multiple people appointed by Congress. They cannot be reelected. Federal executive appoints the Supreme tribunal(Judicial Branch) Secure borders

NH Powerful but limited. AUthorize treaties unless it is overwritten by Congress.

DE Every 4 years a new govern elected through general election 35 years old and citizen for 12 years Govern of army, navy militia. Able to remove an official All bills must be passed through both house and the governor.

SC President elected through popular vote using ballots. Appoint heads of different departments in his council. President can be a member of Congress. Pres can be impeached at any time by a ⅔ vote of Congress. This will prevent the president from taking control of our nation in undesirable ways. President can veto any bill, but a ⅔ vote of COngress will override the president.

CT President, VP, Cabinet, serve 2 years. Born in the US. Make treaties, Senate must approve treaties. Assign members of his office. Congress can impeach president with ⅔ vote.

GA The legislature shall appoint the president. One executive. Limit the power of the executive so that one person alone cannot decide our fate. 2 terms of 3 years each, but not consecutively.

MA President, limit the power. Pres or VP commits treason or crimes will be impeached. One leader, addressed as President of the USA Annual election for new President (Must be a resident) Any legislation passed must be approved by the president. VP will perform Pres duties when the Pres is not capable.

PA Head armed forces and provide protection. Pres will sign laws and enter into agreement with other nations. 30 years of age 5 year terms, max 3 terms. Naturalized citizen of the US.

NY We cannot appoint a tyrant. The executive branch should be in charge of foreign affairs and in charge of military, navy. Allowed to veto bills, but if ⅔ of Congress approves they can override the president.

MD Agree with NY. President can control the militia, but Congress should control the militia if it’s used for more than 20 days. Pres control is limited to 20 days.

SC PT Agree with MD, we just came out of a revolution against a tyrant. We cannot give so much power to the president by allowing him to control the military.

MD VOTE 20 days limit for presidential control of the military. Vote denied.

MA PT Majority of vote will be appointed president. If there’s no majority, the Congress will decide. By allowing the HOR to choose the president, it allows for more opinions.

NJ PT Senate should appoint president to the executive branch. President can only serve for one year and cannot serve consecutively.

CT PT Our president should be elected by the Magistrates of the state.

NY PT Elected by the people so they have a say. Elected every 4 years. It takes more than a year to achieve progress. President should control the Army and militia.

MA PT How will you give the power to the Senate. The people should have the right to elect the president. This will cause national unrest.

GA PT If the people vote for the president, it would disrupt daily life and hinder our progress. The legislature is elected by the people so the legislature should choose the president.

PA PT Depriving people the right to vote will cause more chaos and a great divide in our nation. The citizens should have a right to vote, but the states with a bigger population will have a bigger influence.

NH VOTE People elect the president 6-12 vote fails

NJ PT What should the president be? There should be multiple people who represent the executive branch.

VA PT Strong national leader. Vote to establish a president elected by Congress.

SC PT Federal executive should be a group(Sec of foreign affairs, Sec. of War, etc) They will control the many issues our nation faces.

DE PT Who is the face of our executive branch. The governor is going to be elected by the people every 4 years. Then the COngress, then the Senate if all else fails.

MA VOTE President elected by popular vote, if that’s a tie, both house choose, if that’s a tie the Senate chooses. 8-12 vote passes

MA PT In absence of the president, the VP shall perform all duties of the president. The VP is thought to make the best decisions in the absence of the president.

NY PT Before the death of the president, we want to talk about other people in the executive branch. The president will appoint members to serve in the council of revisions. Any bills will be reviewed by the council of revisions. This council is necessary to show that legislation is approved by multiple people. Vetoes can be overridden by a ⅔ vote from Congress.

SC/NY VOTE Council of revisions to approve legislation 5-12 vote fails

GA We have already created a body in the legislature, why should we create another in the executive branch.

VA PT A council of revisions is necessary, composed of the national executive and a Supreme tribunal and should be able to veto any bills passed by COngress. Council of revision makes it so that only one person can veto bills.

NY PT The council of revision is necessary to strengthen the laws and approve Congress’ bills. The council will prevent a single person from obtaining supreme authority.

PA PT Every has the right to have their voice heard. The council of revision is needed for our country and the president shouldn’t have sole authority. The power should be split. NJ President along with a council, there should be both. VOTE for a president and a council of revisions to comprise the executive branch.

9-12 vote passes

NY PT The powers should be convening the assembly and senate for special occasions. President and executive will have control over the army, militia and navy.

NY VOTE Executive branch power over the military 9-12 vote passes

MA PT Pres, VP or any individual commits treason, bribery or other crimes will undergo impeachment and can be removed from office.

DE Agree with MA, governor or Lt governor, if duties cannot be upheld, Sec of State or Attorney General will stand in for the job.

MD PT AGree, impeachment should exist. TO be impeached, a ⅓ vote in COngress to begin impeachment. Judicial branch will make final decision.

NJ Agree with MD, but a majority of vote from Congress should be required to impeach.

VA VOTE 2/3 of COngress required to impeach 10-12 vote passes

PA PT END OF DAY 3 Day 4 – Last Day of Notes

MD PT Term limit of 2 years for president.

NY Vote President term limit of 4 years 7-12 vote fails NY Vote President term limit 3 years 4-12 vote fails

GA PT 3 year term limit compromise.

SC PT 4 year term limit, so the president can have enough time in office to develop their policies. 2 years is not enough time.

SC Vote President term limit 4 years 7-12 vote fails

MA INQ to 2 year term states WHy 2 year terms?

MD PT We want 2 years, but we’ll compromise on 3 years. In order for multiple voices to be heard, a shorter span is necessary. If they are good, they’ll be reelected.

VA PT 4 years is necessary for a president to do anything in office. The president has to campaign immediately after being elected.

SC INQ to 3 years as opposed to 4 years?

MD PT 3 years

NC PT Stability requires more time, more than 2 or 3 years.

NJ PT Agree with MD, fewer years, if a president isn’t doing their job, it would be easier to remove/vote in a new one.

NY PT 2 years is not enough for a single face to represent our nation. The president has many responsibilities and has to go through many people to enact policy. The president must adapt and 2 years is not enough time.

SC Vote 4 year term 8-12 passes Judicial

VA Composed of lower courts who handle daily affairs. Independent but established by Congress. Appoint 1 or more Supreme tribunals for life, appointed by president and council of revisions. Before a bill becomes a law it must be reviewed by the Judicial branch.

NY ⅔ majority Supreme Court cannot hold any other office Judges appointed by ballot from HOR and Senate. Officers in court should list reasons, but judges should make the final decision.

MD Supreme Court with lower federal, state and local courts. Incarceration determined fairly and equally At least 6 jurors for each trial. Allowed to question witness. No excessive bail, fines or punishment. Cannot hold any other office in govt.

DE Supreme Court, 5 Justices, must be citizens. 1 chief Justice, and others appointed by governor and approved by the majority of the Senate. Split by political parties 3/2 split. 4 year term for first year, 6 year for second, 8 years for third.

CT 7 Justices appointed by the president. Serve for life. Supreme Court.

GA Freedom of religion and the press, Judicial will protect these rights. Supreme Court, state courts. Judge and jury will be selected.

NJ Supreme tribunal (handles larger cases) Appointed by executive Has authority in federal impeachment cases Serve for life. Congress will appoint people for admiralty courts(lower national court)

SC Senate and House of Reps should establish court of admiralty for each state. All judges should be chosen by ballot from Congress. Only Senate should be allowed to approve appointment. Judges can create their own juries. Congress can nominate certain judges and the executive branch will choose from these nominations. Not entitled to any fees. In a vacancy, filled by legislative council.

MA All searches without warrant can be rejected. ANy person running for judicial officer must take an oath, but no religious test is required. Power to pass rulings. Fed judges are trusted to make impartial decisions.

PA 5 Supreme Court Justices Ultimate law of the land Appointed by Pres and approved by COngress. Larger states should have at least one Supreme Court representation. Citizens allowed to carry guns.

NC 2 courts, trial of impeachments and general court of justice. 3 branches in the appellate. Not more than 8 Justices

NH Supreme & Superior Courts Tenure expressed in commission, 5 years only. No one should be arrested unless tried before court and proven guilty.

DE PT Sole judicial power should be in the Supreme Court with 5 justices, one being the chief.

NY PT Agree with DE, 13 judges, one from each state. Responsibility of the Judicial branch to uphold values in the Constitution. Justices cannot serve in any other office.

NH PT Judicial should only have 5 judges. 13 judges means they’ll be loyal to their state, creating more arguments.

VA PT One of more Supreme Court tribunals. Propose vote Appointed by the President 8-12 vote passes

MA PT Supreme court makes final decision in disputes. Establish formal authority.

SC PT 5 Justices is a better fit than 13 and will avoid disputes.

DE PT Agree, 5 Justices, because more would be too many opinions.

MD PT Fixed amount of Justices.

PA PT 5 Justices, won't’ be as many conflicted ideas and easier to agree. Background check to determine honesty.

NY PT Supreme Court will not “pass easily”, We’re willing to compromise to 8 Justices. Propose a vote Supreme Highest authority. 11-12 vote passes

SC Vote 5 Supreme Court Justices 4-12 vote fails

GA INQ to NY 13 Justices to represent the states? If you have 5 or 8, who elects them and who do they represent.

MA PT How will judges be appointed? We need a number. 8 would be a good compromise. 13 is too difficult to come to a conclusion.

MD PT Instead of 8, there should be 9, in case of a tie. Propose vote on 9 Justices 5-12 vote fails

MA INQ Why do people disagree with 9 delegates?

NY Vote 9 Justices 4-12 Vote fails Your Constitution

Legislative Branch

Passed Votes Proportional Representation. (9/12) Slaves become ⅗ of a person. (9/12) Vote by ballot instead of voice. (12/12) Bicameral system. (10-12) Congress can regulate currency. (12/12) House of Reps - 2 year terms, Senators - 4 year terms. (8/12) Senate can dismiss members of the Senate who commit a crime or violate the rules. (10-12) Congress has the power to pass laws, declare war, levy taxes, create treaties and impeach corrupt politicians. (10-12)

Failed Votes Counting slaves as a full person (5/12) Vote for ⅗ of person for slaves. (6/12) Taxes based on income. (5/12) Vote on slaves as ⅗ of a person (7/12) Slaves will be counted as a full person towards population, but ⅗ for tax purposes. (4-12)

Executive Branch

Passed Votes President is elected by popular vote, if it’s a tie, both houses choose, if that’s a tie the Senate chooses. (8/12) Executive Branch has control over the military (9/12) 2/3 of Congress required to impeach. (10/12) A president and a council of revisions to comprise the executive branch. (9/12) Presidential term is 4 years (8/12)

Failed Votes 20 days limit for presidential control of the military. (Not endorsed) People elect the president. (6/12) Council of revisions to approve legislation. (5-12) Presidential term is 4 years (7/12) Presidential term is 3 years (4/12) Judicial Branch

Passed Votes Supreme Court the highest authority. (11/12) Supreme Court Justices appointed by the President (8/12)

Failed Votes 5 Supreme Court Justices (4/12) 9 Supreme Court Justices (4/12)

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