Members present: Bill Ecke; Steve Fellman; Ken Monger; Jim Peterson; Sandy Steinke; John Swanke.

Members absent: None

Others present: Sheriff Randall Wright; Terry Moede; Ann Holcomb; Frank Pascarella; Jerry Erdman; Mike McClelland; Deb Noffke; Diane Rusch; Bert Grover.

Location & Time: 7:00 p.m., Shawano County Courthouse, Rooms A & B

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Steve Fellman.

Public Comment: None

Approve Minutes: Fellman made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted, second by Steinke. All in favor and motion carried.

Review Decision Document: The Decision Document for assistance in guiding the committee was discussed. Fellman made a motion to approve the document, second by Swanke. All in favor and motion carried.

Motion to deviate – Fellman made a motion to deviate should it become necessary, second by Steinke. All in favor and motion carried.

Discuss scope of committee assignment: Steve Fellman provided the following handouts: Ad Hoc Evidence Storage Facility Scope; a list of available sites; questions for the Sheriff’s Office; other considerations. Fellman read the portions of the Storage Facility Scope to ensure the Committee was understanding the same thing.

Review Available Sites: Committee talked about all the sites that were listed on the handout by Steve Fellman. Committee added and discussed a Day Care on Green Bay Street and the former City Hall and former Ford garage. Steinke indicated that she and Peterson looked at the hall and garage the night before and that the seller is motivated. The Committee reviewed the list and deleted sites that would not work. The following properties were deleted from the list: 3D Apparatus; Country Store; Shawano Fire Department; Lincoln School and the Day Care. The following sites will be looked at further: Fellman Center; Eagle Knitting; Braun Dairy; old 3D Apparatus; Rollman Homes; former Ford Garage; former City Hall; Lot 6 and the Huber Facility. Ecke stated that Lot 6 should be removed from the list, due to politics. Holcomb indicated that it is not about politics, that Lot 6 is the best place for the facility, but Ecke stated yes, it is about politics. It was also mentioned to add “purchase property to build on” to the site information, but Pascarella questioned why we would want to purchase property when we own property. Ecke stated he called all the realtors already. Fellman asked about the training room at the Sheriff’s Office being used for the Computer Lab and the Sheriff stated that is used for the Emergency Operations Center and training center and that it is not just used by Law Enforcement, but by Jail personnel alike.

Ecke asked about moving offices around in the Courthouse. Fellman asked about shared facilities with the Shawano PD and Menominee County. Sheriff said that was already discussed and will not work. Fellman stated that committee members may add properties to the list, but the cut-off will be January 4, 2012. AD HOC EVIDENCE STORAGE FACILITY DECEMBER 14, 2011, page 2…

Financial considerations: Financial aspects were discussed. Any new debt would need approval by ¾ vote at the County Board.

Review Statutory Guidelines Letter from the Department of Justice: Ecke stated the letter from the AG’s Office is only a recommendation. Holcomb corrected Ecke in that the letter is not from AG’s Office, but from the Director of the State Crime Lab in Milwaukee and are the standards that Sheriff’s Office abides by and that they are the subject matter experts in evidence.

Compile and confirm list of information to be requested from Sheriff’s Department: From the list the outstanding questions are:  Current location Describe what the current space would be used for if not for evidence storage  Existing properties Identify pros/cons of each location for the newly suggested buildings that were added to list

Committee Member assignments for next meeting: Monger will meet with Diane in Finance for all financial questions; Ecke and Peterson will look at the buildings on the list. Ecke also volunteered someone he knows who can go and inspect the buildings for free. Frank stated that someone from the Sheriff’s Office and the Maintenance Supervisor will also go. Currently scheduled for December 28th.

Suggested agenda items for next meeting: Report on finance Report on buildings If anyone needs the use of the projector or laptop to conduct their briefings, let Holcomb know. There will not be one available unless contacted.

Gathering information from other counties regarding evidence storage matters. Fellman stated that a letter was sent out, prior to Committee approval, to surrounding counties for input of their evidence facilities. Erdmann stated he was approached to send out letters to other counties and he went through the Corp Counsel for approval.

Adjourn: At 9:10 p.m., Fellman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, second by Monger. All in favor and meeting was adjourned.

Ann Holcomb Recording Secretary