Civics EOC Vocabulary and Key Terms

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Civics EOC Vocabulary and Key Terms

Civics EOC Vocabulary and Key Terms

** By Reporting Category **

Reporting Vocabulary Category EOC Content Key terms Focus (Recurring key terms) (Recurring Content Focus) Origins and  amendment  constitutio  Magna Carta  Acts of  grievances  preamble Purposes of  Anti-federalist nal convention Parliament  independenc (Declaration of  military law Independence) Law and  antifederalist  constitutio  bicameral e Government papers nal government  boycott  individual  ratify  natural law (25 %)  checks and  debt  colony rights  repeal  ordain balances  “ domestic  common law  just powers  self-evident tranquility”  posterity legislature  sovereign  civil law  compact  English Bill  preamble  liberty  consent of  tariff of Rights (Constitution) the governed  limited  taxation  Code of  precedent government  English  delegates without Hammurabi  separation of  monarchy representation Common Law  democracy powers  oppression  three-fifths  coin and print  electoral  social parliament compromise money  Enlightenm college  contract  unalienable ent  endowed  political  constitutional  regulate systems  “ establish  framers law justice”  Roman Law  popular  federalism sovereignty (“We  “ common federalist the people”)  Shay’s defense”  federalist rebellion papers  common law  founding  statutory law fathers “general  colonial welfare”  tax complaints trade  constitution  juvenile  unanimous  constitutional law  articles  viewpoint  juvenile rights Organization  Act of  enumerate  President  acquittal  grand jury  parole and Function of Congress d powers pro Tempore of Government  affirmative  House of the Senate  petition (25%)  Appeal  federalism action Representatives  regulation of  appellate  Florida immigration  amend  Indictment  plaintiff court Constitution  regulation of  amnesty  injunction  appellate  Florida trade  pocket veto process Declaration of  arraignment  joint Rights  reserved resolution  roll call vote  approval of powers  bill presidential  Florida  Judicial appointments Supreme Court  separation of  cloture Branch  Senate powers  Congress  Law  armed forces  foreign  Senator policy  services Legislative  bail  court order Branch  impeach  Speaker of  special  defendant  cabinet the House  line-item interest groups  implied veto  amendment powers  standing  District committee Attorney  misdemeano  summary  article  judge r judgments (constitutional)  special  electoral college  judicial committee  original  veto writ of  checks and review jurisdiction balances  Supremacy  Executive certiorari  jurisdiction Clause Branch  voice vote  Chief Justice  writ of  executive  justice  Supreme law  pardon habeas corpus  circuit court of the land (10 th order  lawmaking amendment)  coin and print process  filibuster money  statute  majority  felony  concurrent leader  steps in powers amending the  majority Florida  county court vote Constitution

 conference  mayor  treaty committee  minority  trial court  constitutional leader amendment  US Circuit process  naturalizati Court of Appeals on laws  declare war  US District  necessary Court  delegated and proper powers clause  US Supreme Roles, Rights,  alien  Equal  precedent  amend  docket  naturalized and  Amendment Rights  privacy  amendment  felony citizen amendment Responsibilitie Process  property  brief  grand jury  plaintiff  ex post th s of Citizens  appellate rights acquittal (5 amendment)  political facto law  (25%) process  resident  illegal  process  first  arraignment  bail responsibiliti immigration prosecution amendment   bill of   Bill of Rights es  immigration  five attainder  poll tax Brown v. right to bear injunction  freedoms   censorship   public law Board of arms (amendment 1) civics  international racial Education    forced  right to legal law profiling Bush v. Gore  citizenship  internment counsel  internet law  code  ratify  caucus  Gideon v.  rights  jurisprudenc  complaint  representativ  citizen Wainwright  roles e e  concurring  Civil Rights  Hazelwood  search and  juvenile opinion  reprieve Act 1964 v. Kuhlmeir seizure courts  consent  resident alien  Civil Rights  immigrant  states’ rights  law th  crime  segregation Act 1968  In Re Gault (10 amendment)  legal system  cross-  slander  constitution  independe  suffrage  libel examine  society  constitutional nt judiciary  summary  majority  deportation  summons amendments  Juries judgment opinion  defendant  testimony  cruel and  law of  summons  Miranda unusual blood  rule of law  democracy Rights (Rights of  tyranny punishment  law of soil  selective  discriminatio the accused)  volunteerism  District of service n  misdemeano  writ of Columbia v Heller  Marbury v. Madison  trial by jury  dissenting r habeas corpus  double Tinker v. Des opinion  native-born jeopardy  Miranda v.  Arizona Moines citizens  due process  naturalizati  US v. Nixon  eminent th on laws (14 Voting domain  amendment) Amendments (13,  enumerated  naturalizati 14, 15, 19, 24, 26) powers (9 th on process Voting amendment)   obligations Rights Act 1965  equal protection under  pleading the law the fifth  Plessy v. Ferguson Government  Absolute  human  political  absentee  electoral  public Policies and monarchy rights communication ballot college opinion Political  agencies  Internation  political  apathy  electronic  recall Processes  alliances al Red parties  assessor  exit poll  school Cross/Red (25%) allies  Prime ballot home rule district  Crescent   Minister  sheriff  ambassadors  Iran  Board of  incorporate  propaganda slander  anarchy Hostage Crisis Commissioners  incumbent   proposal  Bay of Pigs  issue  candidate  libel  special  public policy district  bias  issue-  censorship  mass media  qualification  strong mayor campaign based platform  city charter metropolitan  s  system  internation  city council area  communism  representativ  superintende al relations city national  Communist e democracy   nt  Korean government committee media Party  republic  totalitarianis War commission nominated  Confederal   m  Libertarian  Republican system  coroner  ordinance town hall Party Party   contemporary,  county  plank meetings  lobbying  Secretary of  diplomacy State  county clerk  platform  township  lobbyist  course of  socialism  county  precinct  two-party  Mayor action (public  Socialist manager  print media system policy)  media Party  dictatorship  public  weak mayor  Cuban Missile  military  special  District agenda system Crisis operation interest groups Attorney  winner-take-  debates  monarchy  State  elector all system  Democratic  monitoring Department Party  Non-  symbolism  diplomat governmental  terrorism Organizations  direct  trade ban democracy (NGO),  treaty  doctrine  North American Free  Unitary  domestic Trade system  domestic Agreement  United affairs (NAFTA) Nations (UN)  economics  North  United  elections Atlantic Treaty Nations  embassy Organization Children’s Fund (NATO) (UNICEF)  federal system  oligarchy  Vietnam War  foreign affairs  Parliament  watch dog  foreign policy ary system  World Court,  funds  political World Trade  Gulf Wars 1 action Organization and 2 committees (WTO)

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