Woodmoor Science Fair Registration Form

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Woodmoor Science Fair Registration Form

Woodmoor Science Fair 2017 Registration Form

Name: Grade: (First and last name) Teacher’s Name: Classroom Number:

A tri-fold presentation board and project ideas will be brought to your classroom once you register. The Science Fair is not formally judged, every participant is a winner.

Student’s Agreement: This science project will be my responsibility. I will abide by the guidelines below.

Student’s signature

Parent’s Agreement: I have reviewed the guidelines below. My child has my permission to participate in the Woodmoor Science Fair on Friday, March 31, 2017. I realize the school is not liable for anything getting lost or broken. I will make the necessary arrangements for the project to be delivered to the classroom no later than the morning of the 31st and removed after the Science Fair that evening (6 - 8 pm).

Signature of parent or guardian ------Here are the guidelines for Science Fair Projects:

1. Each project has 3 parts: • Doing some science (see back of form), • Making a display that explains what you did, and • Talking to your class about your project.

2. Please turn in your registration form to the school office by Thursday, March 16, 2017. Your registration form indicates your intent to participate. It does not imply that the project is finished. You should register even if you are not sure yet what kind of project you will be doing.

3. Once you turn in this registration form, we will bring a display board to your classroom with your name on it. You will also get a page with ideas to help jump start your science project.

4. Need help finding an idea? Ask the school librarian about resources in the library. Check out the cool links on the Woodmoor PTSA website for more ideas (http://woodmoorptsa.org).

5. Use drawings or photos to illustrate living, breakable, or potentially dangerous items used in the science project. Woodmoor and PTSA are not responsible for lost or broken items that come to school for the Science Fair.

We need several volunteers to make the science fair run smoothly and would love your help. If you are available to volunteer during the science fair, please sign up online at http://woodmoorptsa.org Top portion to be returned to child’s teacher or office.

------Woodmoor Science Fair Project Topics:

Science is FUN—and EVERYONE can do science! The Science Fair is not formally judged. Parents who encourage curiosity help their children make a difference in the world!

What makes a successful project? First, pick a question or topic that is really interesting to YOU! Second, follow the scientific method when doing your project. Third, do your best work while having FUN!

The steps of the scientific method are to:  Ask a Question  Do Background Research  Construct a Hypothesis (A hypothesis is an educated guess about how things work.)  Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment (Collect data by writing down what you did and what happened.)  Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion

Below are a few example questions to fire your creativity. Be sure to check out the Woodmoor Science Fair Headquarters tab on the PTSA website (http://woodmoorptsa.org) for more questions and tips.

 What kind of soda makes the most foam in a float?  What hot wheels car gets to the bottom of the slide first?  What cereal gets soggy fastest?  How much salt does it take to float an egg (try different salts)?  How can you change the color of a white flower?  Does the shape of an ice cube affect how quickly it melts?

Take a look around—there are questions surrounding you begging for an answer! Registración para la Feria de Ciencia en Woodmoor 2017

Nombre ______Grado

Maestra(o) ______Salón

Una tabla de presentación del tri-doblez e ideas de proyectos serán traídas a su salón una vez que usted registra. La Feria de Ciencia no es juzgada formalmente porque cada participante es un ganador.

Este proyecto es mi responsabilidad. Respetaré el guía de abajo. Firma del estudiante: ______

Padres: He revisado el guía de abajo. Mi niño tiene mi permiso para participar en la Feria de Ciencia en Woodmoor el viernes, el 31 de marzo de 2017. Me doy cuenta de que la escuela no es responsable de nada perdiéndose o roto. Haré los arreglos necesarios para que el proyecto sea entregado al salón para la mañana del 31 y quitado después de la Feria de Ciencia esa noche (6 - 8 p.m.).

Firma de padres: ______


Guía para la Feria de Ciencia

1. Cada proyecto tiene 3 partes: • Haga ciencia, • Haga una cosa que explica su proyecto, y • Hable de su proyecto a la clase.

2. Regrese su registración antes de jueves, 16 de marzo, del 2017. Su registración indica su intención de participar. No implica que el proyecto ya está terminado. Debe registrarse incluso si usted no esté seguro todavía qué clase de proyecto hará.

3. Una vez que usted entrega este formulario de registración, nosotros traeremos una tabla de presentación a su salón con su nombre. También recibirá una página con ideas para ayudar con su proyecto de ciencia

4. ¿Necesita ayuda para encontrar una idea? Hay ideas en la biblioteca y también miren al sitio del PTSA de Woodmoor (http://woodmoorptsa.org ).

5. Usa dibujos o fotos para demostrar cosas peligrosas. Woodmoor y PTSA no son responsables de artículos perdidos ni rotos que vienen a la escuela para la Feria de Ciencia.

Necesitamos a varios voluntarios durante la Feria de Ciencia y adoraríamos su ayuda. Si esta disponible para ser un voluntario durante la Feria de Ciencia inscribase en http://woodmoorptsa.org.

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