Birch Parish Council

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Birch Parish Council

Birch Parish Council MINUTES Of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 4th October 2016 at Birch Memorial Hall at 7.30 pm. ______

Members present: Mrs. E Bowtle. Mrs. C Boyce, Mrs. M Campion, Mr. P Walsh, Mrs. C Cottrell, Mr. D Ninnim, Mr. A Condron (Clerk) & Clr J Maclean

1. Chairman’s opening remarks

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies for absence

Mr. C Harvey, Clr A Ellis, & Clr K Bentley

3. Declarations of Interests to any agenda items

To give any Councilor an opportunity to declare a Personal or Prejudicial interest on any matters covered by the agenda. Members are reminded that, when considering any item, if it became clear that they had an interest they must declare it.

Mrs. Cottrell declared her interest as a major local land owner and member of the PCC.

4. Public Participation

The public could ask questions relating to work and services of the Council. Questions cannot always be answered at the meeting but will be dealt with appropriately. If a question is also to be discussed by the Council it will be added to the agenda for the next meeting.

Mr. R Carr & Zone Wardens Mr. G Cole & Mr. T Brennan attended

5. Reports from Borough Councilors and Police etc. (Because the new Ward covers 15 Parish’s the three Councilors will alternate their attendance at Parish Meetings as required, ideally at least one Councilor attending each meeting) Councilors supplied reports and issues discussed

Any action points from the last meeting as in agenda item 7 below

Clr Mrs. J Maclean reported on CBC Wheelie Bin proposals

Colchester Zone Warden Gary Cole supplied a report & update.

There are now six zone areas and an increased number of wardens details can be found on the Parish Council website

It was agreed that a litter pick would be organized for 26 October starting at the Village Hall from 12 noon to 2 pm.

Details were given regarding to changes being implemented at CBC recycling Centre which in some cases will limit the amount of waste that can be disposed of in one trip. Details can be found on CBC website

The Police no longer supply reports to the Parish Council

Any action points from the last meeting in agenda item 7 below

6. Approval of Minutes – 6th September 2016

The minutes of the meeting held on the 6th September 2016 were approved and duly signed by the Chair

7. Matters arising.

St Peters Church –The formal enquiry meeting will be held in May next year subject to an updated development plan being supplied by Mr Cottee by 30th September 2016 – no further news

Play Equipment Safety Checks- Mr. Harvey was unable to supply an inspection report so no issues were discussed. The dolphin springer seat reported at the last meeting has been looked at.

Condition of Parish Roads – No further pot holes reported, white lining has started throughout the Parish.

Sign Post Hardy’s Green--The wooden sign post at Hardy’s Green has a section missing due to wood decay and Highways have this pending for future action. The Clerk has asked for the sign post at Fountains Lane to be looked at as well – no further news

Direction Sign in Birch Park—Work to resurface the road has been carried out though no action was taken to a leaking spring at the Heckford end of the road. Hopefully all the other things that need to be completed will also be done. – Clr Bentley following up as a matter of urgency. Play area parking --. It was agreed that the parking bay and access area to the playing field should be remarked and the number of disabled bays reduced to one – Clr Bentley following up.

Heckford Bridge Fences--the bridge painting work has still not been done though Cllr Bentley has confirmed this is on Highways list of action points

Grass Cutting—since the last meeting Guildhall Services have tended their resignation from October due to being unable to maintain the cutting standards required. A new supplier will be required for the 2016 schedule. It was agreed that a subcommittee of Mr. Harvey & Mr. Ninnim review tender quotations once they have been obtained by the Clerk.

CBC Local Housing Plans - It has been announced that Birch may get 15 new properties as part of the CBC Local Plan. Clr Ellis will report on any news at the next meeting. A number of residents had written expressing their concern over any further development in Birch and these letters plus a covering letter from the Parish Council have been sent to the Planning Dept. for consideration.

Remembrance Sunday 13 November -the poppy wreath has been ordered and a donation of £50 pounds will be made to the appeal fund. The Memorial Village Hall will be open on the day for tea & coffee. Mr. Walsh is unable to lay the wreath on the day so it was agreed that Mr. Ninnim will lay it.

Audit Commission Report – The Annual accounts have been signed off by the Commission. Recommendations regarding changes in the reporting of the precept will be implemented for next years report.

8. Payments Made/Money Received etc.

AMOUNT CHEQUE NO. DETAILS £295.49 101515 Clerk’s wages for Sept 2016 & PAYE including tax to inland £59.20 (tax) 101514 revenue AC & AJ Condron- BPC office £34.94 101516 hire & Clerks Expenses for Sept 2016 £50 101517 Birch Hall hire July 7 Sept 2016

£30 101518 Clacton Business Service PAYE Admin Quarter ending Sept 2016 £5000 RECEIVED Solar Farm one off payment.

£5032.50 RECEIVED Precept Oct – March 2016

£50 PAID 101513 EALC Clerks Training Course

All invoices were approved and signed 9. Letter/E mail/Tel Issues

Essex Air Ambulance fund raising letter

ECC highways Dept. re closure of Orpens Hill

10. Neighbourhood Watch

Nothing reported.

11. Web page

The usual monthly updates plus the Annual Audit Report have been added to the Web Page. Our host server is being relocated to another datacenter in November 2016 Mr. Carr has this in hand.

12. Correspondence

Making the Links –October issue 2016 issue

EALC –September issue 2016

CALC Minutes 1st September 2016

13. Planning applications/approvals


14. Fly/tipping Issues

Builders rubbish in Pudding Lane

15. Parish Councilor Responsibilities reports

Mr. Harvey – Play & Wildlife area & Grass reports – (see item 7 above)

Mr. Ninnim –Parish Grass Strimming report. (see item 7 above)

Mrs. Campion – has received complaints regarding the removal of a number of recently planted hedges (within the last two years). It is believed this has been done for line of site safety reasons.

Mrs. Bowtle – has had complaints about rubbish and children on Greenfields which will be passed on to Clr Ellis to follow up. 16. Training Courses October2016—December 2016

Cemetery Management – October 4

VAT Course – October 6

Social Media – October 11

Chairman’s Day – October 12, November 2 and November 23

Council Finance – October 13

New Clerk’s Briefing - October 19

Greens, Commons & Open Spaces – October 20

Vine HR – November 1

FOI/Data Protection – November 10



17. Parish Council Provisional Meeting Dates 2017 . The meeting approved the Parish Council Meeting dates for 2017 which will be published on the Parish Council website and Notice Boards.

18. Local Government Finance Consultation

The consultation document has been circulated to all Parish Councilors. It was agreed that the Clerk should contact the relevant organization objecting to any change in the powers of Parish Councils.

19. Local Potential Flooding Areas

Highways are conducting a survey of flooding hot spots that create a hazard or damage to property. It was agreed that no action was required at present.

20. Essex Mineral Sites Award

Birch Quarry has on a Gold award for operating in an environmentally sensitive manner. The Parish Council has been invited to attend the presentation of awards on Friday 25 November and Mrs. Cottrell will attend on the Councils behalf.

THE NEXT -PARISH COUNCIL MEETING- will be held on Tuesday 1st November 2016 at 7.30 pm.

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