Councillors: H Ashby, M Brady, Mrs Y Havard

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Councillors: H Ashby, M Brady, Mrs Y Havard

Minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Administration Committee of Chepstow Town Council held in the Council Chamber, The Gatehouse, High Street, Chepstow, on Wednesday 23rd July 2008 Present:

Chairman: Cllr H Hodges

Councillors: H Ashby, M Brady, Mrs Y Havard, Ms M Lewis, Mrs J Robbins


In Attendance: Ms S Bushell (Town Clerk)

33. Declarations of Interest in Items on the Agenda. None. 34. Minutes The Minutes of the Planning and Administration Committee Meeting held on 9th July 2008 were confirmed and signed as a true record. 35. Matters Arising. None. 36. Monmouthshire County Council Planning Decisions. To note the decisions of Monmouthshire County Council, detailed in the attached report. 37. Planning Applications. The meeting considered the following planning applications:- DC/2008/00753 Date:- 30/06/08 Applicant: Guy Matthews 16a Old Bulwark Road, Type:- FULL Parish:- Larkfield Chepstow Proposal:- New vehicular access and formation of new driveway. Observation(s): Chepstow Town Council recommends approval

DC/2008/00784 Date:- 02/07/08 Applicant: G J & T A Lee 16 Piercefield Avenue, Type:- FULL Parish:- St Kingsmark Chepstow Proposal:- Conversion of garage to living accommodation. Observation(s): Chepstow Town Council recommends approval.

22 DC/2008/00793 Date:- 07/07/08 Applicant: Mr & Mrs Bartlett 2 Tudor Drive,Chepstow Type:- FULL Parish:- St Kingsmark Proposal:- Two storey side annex extension. Observation(s): Chepstow Town Council recommends approval.

DC/2008/00794 Date:- 09/07/08 Applicant: Mrs MacKenzie Land at The Studio, Garden Type:- FULL Parish:- St Mary’s City Way, Chepstow Proposal:- Erection of new buildings to provide 8 flats, layout of parking facilities and ancillary works; demolition of existing bungalow and garage (revised scheme). Observation(s): Chepstow Town Council recommends refusal. Reason(s): 1. The Town Council considers the proposed development to be too close and of an over dominating density and design in respect of the Port Wall, an ancient scheduled monument. 2. The Town Council notes that the proposed development is immediately adjacent to the Chepstow Conservation Area and considers that its scale and density will have a very detrimental impact on the conservation area in respect of views into and out of the conservation area and the vistas within the area. 3. Furthermore the Town Council considers the proposed development to be contrary to UDP Policy CH12 “ Scheduled Ancient Monuments and sites recognised as being of archaeological or historic interest will be preserved and the protection and, where appropriate the enhancement of there setting will be sought” and para “10.15.1 …… As such there should be a presumption against development which will cause either physical damage or a diminution of the monument’s visual amenity”. The Town Council would request that, when determining any planning applications proposed for this site, the County Council make provision for a full archeological survey and excavation a conditional element of any planning approval.

DC/2008/00800 Date:- 09/07/08 Applicant: Mr & Mrs B Catlin 6 Gwentlands Close, Bulwark Type:- FULL Parish:- Larkfield Chepstow Proposal:- Erection of a PVCU conservatory to the rear of the property. Observation(s): Chepstow Town Council recommends approval.

DC/2008/00801 Date:- 04/07/08 Applicant: Vodafone Ltd Chepstow RFC, Western Type:- G100 (FULL) Parish:- Thornwell Avenue, Bulwark, Chepstow Proposal:- Swap-out of existing lighting column adjacent to the Rugby pitch, to re- install with new monopole mast incorporating telecoms equipment. Observation(s): Chepstow Town Council notes that there is strong local concern opposing the installation of this monopole mast incorporating telecoms equipment, but was unable to identify planning grounds on which refusal might be recommended.

23 DC/2008/00819 Date:- 09/07/08 Applicant: Mr M Peel 24 Mounton Drive, Type:- FULL Parish:- Larkfield Chepstow Proposal:- Two storey side extension and rear single storey extension to dining room. Observation(s): Chepstow Town Council recommends approval.

38. Correspondence (a) Fencing at School Hill Centre The meeting noted correspondence received in respect of the replacement of the fence to the rear on the School Hill Centre seeking the Town Council’s support for the proposal.

39. Summer Recess The meeting considered the delegation of authority to the Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman or Vice Chairman, to deal with urgent matters arising over the Council’s Summer recess.

RESOLVED: To delegate authority to the Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman or Vice Chairman, to deal with urgent matters arising over the Council’s Summer recess.

40. Items for Next Meeting 41. Date of Next Meeting. The next meeting of the Planning and Administration Committee of Chepstow Town Council will be held on Wednesday 10th September 2008 in the Council Chamber, The Gatehouse, High Street, Chepstow.

CLOSE: This completed the business of the meeting at 6.45 pm.

Signed …………………………….. Date ………………………….. CHAIRMAN


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