Cochise College Governing Board s1
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![Cochise College Governing Board s1](
Tuesday, April13, 2004 Benson Center 6:00 p.m.
1.1 Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Ms. Jane Strain, Board Chair, at 6:07 p.m.
Board Members Present: Mr. Juan Flores Dr. Randall Groth Mrs. Jan Guy Mr. Bob Nelson Mrs. Jane Strain
1.2 Pledge of Allegiance
1.3 Adoption of Agenda
Jan Guy made a motion to move item 4.09 to directly follow item 4.06. Juan Flores seconded the motion. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED. The agenda was adopted as changed.
1.4 Citizen’s Interim
Dr. Nicodemus noted that she had received an email from a College employee who would like to address the Board, but they would arrive late to the meeting. Ms. Strain stated that the Board would hear the person when they arrived.
1.5 Standing Reports
1.5.1 Representative to the AADGB
Ms. Jan Guy reported that the ACCA and AADGB met in April and approved the ACCA budget and new dues structure. A nominating committee of AADGB was appointed to put forth nominations of officers for next year. There was also discussion on the issue of community colleges offering baccalaureate degrees. The baccalaureate bill was heard in the House on April 12 and failed.
Dr. Nicodemus reported on the ACCPC meeting. She noted that a nominating committee was formed to make officer recommendations for next year. There will be an ACCPC retreat next year to identify strategic issues. The Council will meet with university presidents in November. Cochise College Governing Board Meeting 2 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 Also, Cochise College will be hosting the June 10th ACCA meeting on the Sierra Vista campus.
1.5.2 Senate Report
Mr. Chuck Perry, Senate President, provided the report. Mr. Perry stated that the Senate met in March and the approved policies, procedures and curriculum were forwarded to the President. The Senate is also soliciting comments and suggestions on the new policies and the report is on the Senate website.
1.5.3 Student Government Association (SGA)
SGA Sierra Vista campus President, Mr. Troy Acevedo, gave the Student Government report. Mr. Acevedo noted that the Sierra Vista campus SGA has raised approximately $4,125 for the academic year. The final SGA events will be the Red & White Ball on April 23 and a raffle at the Car Show on April 24. The new SGA officers will be introduced at the June Board meeting.
1.5.4 College President
Dr. Nicodemus reported that the revision of the College policies and procedures that were presented to the Board in their entirety at the March meeting will be moved forward as a first reading at the May meeting and then for a second reading at the June Board meeting.
The policies that seem to be generating the most discussion with employees are 601(At-Will Employment), 621(Hours of Work/Overtime Compensation), 624 (.49 Contract), 638 (Non-Renewal of Contracts) and 3017 (Course Ownership).
1.4 Citizen’s Interim Con’t.
Mr. Richard Dodge, Associate Faculty member, addressed the Board regarding item 4.04, Salary Adjustment, stating that he had only heard about this item last week. Mr. Dodge stated that the pay increase for associate faculty should match the percentage of the increase for full-time faculty. He feels that associate faculty earn 50% of full-time faculty pay, but put in 75% as much time as full-time faculty. Mr. Dodge stated that faculty working conditions are student learning conditions.
Dr. Nicodemus responded that information from the March 12 Governing Board Study Session regarding salary adjustment was conveyed to all full-time employees and associate faculty by email the week of March 15.
1.5.5 Monthly Financial Report
The Financial Reports for the months ending February 29, 2004, and March 31, 2004 were submitted to the Board for its review. The financial reports were accepted as presented. Summaries are attached.
Dr. Carter noted that the College has collected 89% of the projected revenue for FY 03/04. Cochise College Governing Board Meeting 3 Tuesday, April 13, 2004
2.1 Acceptance of Minutes, Special Meeting, March 12, 2004
The Minutes of the March 12, 2004, Special Meeting of the Cochise College Governing Board were approved and entered into record.
2.2 Acceptance of Minutes, Regular Meeting, March 12, 2004
The Minutes of the March 12, 2004, Regular Meeting of the Cochise College Governing Board were approved and entered into record.
3.1 Communications
Dr. Nicodemus shared the following communications:
Letters from Mr. Rod A. Risley, Executive Director of Phi Theta Kappa. Mr. Risley announced that both the Alpha Beta Zeta chapter on the Douglas campus and the Alpha Mu Zeta chapter on the Sierra Vista campus have been named “5 Star Chapters.” Alpha Mu Zeta has also achieved the Pinnacle Scholarship Chapter level for increasing its membership acceptance rate by ten percent over the previous year and has been awarded a one hundred dollar scholarship.
An email to the College from Ms. AnnaMay Stern, Douglas campus faculty and Phi Theta Kappa advisor. Ms. Stern noted that Douglas campus student, Juan Carlos Brandenburg, had been selected to the Third Team of the All USA Academic Team.
A letter to Ms. Quiana Rhodes and Mr. Philip Johns, Douglas campus students, from Ms. Murryelle Bothwell, Health Committee Chairperson, Greater Huachuca Area Branch NAACP. Ms. Bothwell thanked the students for participating in the NAACP annual health fair by taking blood pressures.
3.2 Monitoring Report – Faculty Credentials
Dr. Joanna Michelich, Vice President for Instruction/Provost, provided the monitoring report and distributed copies to the Board. Dr. Michelich noted that in the past, the former State Board had a provision whereby faculty who did not meet State Board credentialing standards could apply for a district-specific exception letter. Statewide, Cochise College had one of the highest rates for faculty requesting this letter. Since that time, the College has worked with faculty to diminish the number of exception letters. The College has adopted certification standards consistent with the Higher Learning Commission. At this time, there is only one full-time faculty member out of 86 who does not meet those standards; only 24 out of 324 associate faculty do not meet the standards.
3.3 Associate Faculty Exception to 9 Unit Limit Report Cochise College Governing Board Meeting 4 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 Dr. Michelich provided the report and distributed copies to the Board. She noted that there had been a discussion by the Board in August 2001 regarding the limitation on credit hours to be taught by associate faculty. For the fall semesters, the numbers have deceased. However, numbers have remained relatively the
same for the spring semesters due to unexpected loss of full-time faculty during those semesters.
3.4 Health Insurance Rates
Dr. Nicodemus noted that she and Mr. Bob Howell, Associate Vice President for Human Resources, had attended a planning retreat for the Cochise Combined Trust. Discussions included proposed changes in the benefit plans to include coverage for hearing exams and coverage for colonoscopies (asymptomatic) every ten years for those over fifty. There will be a 6.43% increase in the cost of the benefit plan. PPI prescription drugs have become over-the-counter medications, which will increase the cost to members. There will be no increase in the cost of dental, life or vision insurance.
3.5 Amerind Foundation
Dr. Nicodemus stated that, in the process of reviewing the College’s archeological collection, Ms. Becky Orozco, Consultant, Southwest Learning Center, discovered some boxes of artifacts that had been excavated from Amerind Foundation property. The artifacts are currently in process of being returned to the Amerind Foundation.
3.6 Santa Cruz Educational Services
Dr. Nicodemus noted that if the College is to continue providing services to Santa Cruz County, a new intergovernmental agreement will be required. The Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors has voted to continue the relationship with the College. Dr. Nicodemus attended a joint meeting of the Santa Cruz Board of Supervisors and Provisional Community College Board and gave an overview of the College’s budgeting process. The three revenue streams allocated to Santa Cruz are fees paid by Santa Cruz County; tuition and fees; and revenues from FTSE generated in Santa Cruz County. Dr. Nicodemus stated that expectations are for enrollment to increase.
4.1 Consent Agenda*
Jan Guy moved and Juan Flores seconded a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as corrected. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED. The following items were approved:
4.1.1 * Curriculum Changes 4.1.2 * Classified; Appointment (Carmen Morales, Administrative Assistant, Senior) 4.1.3 * Classified; Appointment (Jennifer Shiver, Administrative Assistant) 4.1.4 * Classified; Appointment (Kathaleen Staley, Student Services Technician) 4.1.5 * Administrative Support; Resignation (Yolanda Anderson, Dean, Extended Campus) Cochise College Governing Board Meeting 5 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 4.1.6 * Administrative Support; Resignation (Ron Darnall Coordinator, Workforce Training and Community Education) 4.1.7 * Faculty; Retirement (Jack Ziegler, Humanities Instructor)
4.1.8 * Faculty; Resignation (Fred Close, Business Administration Instructor) 4.1.9 * Classified; Resignation (Anna C. Contreras, Student Services Technician) 4.1.10 * Classified; Resignation (Karen Koehler, Executive Administrative Assistant)
Dr. Michelich introduced Jennifer Shiver to the Board. She also acknowledged Yolanda Anderson’s resignation and recognized her contributions to the College.
Dr. Nicodemus acknowledged Karen Koehler’s resignation. She also acknowledged Jack Ziegler’s retirement and his many contributions over 31 years at the College as teacher, photographer, historian and author.
4.2 Policy 4953, Use of Tobacco Products – Second Reading
Randall Groth moved and Jan Guy seconded a motion to approve Policy 4953, Use of Tobacco Products.
Dr. Nicodemus noted that this policy has been conveyed to Student Government. Students who fail to comply with the policy, after being asked to do so, may be asked to leave campus. Employees who fail to comply, when requested to do so, will be subject to College personnel policies.
The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.3 2004-2005 Student Tuition and Fee Schedule
Jan Guy moved and Randall Groth seconded a motion to approve tuition and fee increases as outlined in Option B, 2004-2005 Tuition and Fee Schedule.
Dr. Nicodemus stated that this was one of two options presented at the last Board study session. The five dollar increase would result in the elimination of most lab fees.
The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.4 Salary Adjustment
Jan Guy moved and Randall Groth seconded a motion to grant salary adjustments effective July 1, 2004.
Dr. Nicodemus reviewed the adjustments as proposed. She noted that there has been a philosophical difference as to what to use as a comparison. The administration’s view has been to use other Arizona community colleges for comparison. Mr. Dodge’s view is that associate faculty should be paid comparable to full-time faculty.
Juan Flores then moved and Bob Nelson seconded (for purpose of discussion) an amended motion to raise associate faculty pay from $10/credit hour to $20/credit hour. The remainder of the original motion would remain the same. Cochise College Governing Board Meeting 6 Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Discussion followed. Mr. Flores stated that associate faculty should receive the same adjustment percentage as full-time faculty. Dr. Nicodemus then questioned
if part-time employees should also receive the same percentage as full-time employees. The cost to the College with the amended motion would be an additional $66,000. Dr. Groth suggested the Board vote in favor of the administration’s recommendation but that there be further study on the issue to determine market comparisons.
The vote was three to two against the amended motion, with Jan Guy, Jane Strain and Randall Groth casting the dissenting votes. MOTION FAILED
The Board unanimously approved the original motion. MOTION CARRIED.
4.5 Food Services Contract
Randall Groth moved and Jan Guy seconded a motion to adopt a resolution authorizing the President to enter into a contract with Chartwells for food services for FY2005.
Dr. Carter reviewed the brief and attachments.
The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.6 Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Douglas
Juan Flores moved and Randall Groth seconded a motion to adopt a resolution authorizing the President to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the City of Douglas.
The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.9 Executive Session for Legal Advice
The Board may wish to enter into executive session pursuant to A.R.S. §38- 431.03(A) (3); for the purposes of “Discussion or consultation for legal advice with the attorney of the public body.”
Jan Guy moved and Juan Flores seconded a motion to enter into executive session. There was no discussion by the Board.
The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
At this point, the Board took a break to await attorney’s arrival.
The Board entered into executive session at 7:45 p.m.
The Board adjourned from executive session at 8:15 p.m.
4.7 Executive Session for Legal Advice Cochise College Governing Board Meeting 7 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 The Board may wish to enter into executive session pursuant to A.R.S. §38- 431.03(A) (3); for the purposes of “Discussion or consultation for legal advice with the attorney of the public body.”
Randall Groth moved and Jan Guy seconded a motion to enter into executive session. There was no discussion by the Board.
The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
The Board entered into executive session at 8:35 p.m.
The Board adjourned from executive session at 8:50 p.m.
The regular meeting resumed at 8:51 p.m.
4.8 Authorization to Legal Counsel
Randall Groth moved and Jan Guy seconded a motion to authorize legal counsel to file and litigate fully two or more counterclaims against Mr. Loren Cooper.
The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
There were no comments by the Board.
Jane Strain adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
Ms. Karen M. Koehler, Executive Administrative Assistant, Office of the President
Mr. Juan Flores, Secretary to the Governing Board
KMK 4/14/04