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TRUST for NATURE ANNUAL REPORT 09 | 1 A message from the Chairman and the Acting Executive Director Page 4 Trust for Nature is a not-for-profit organisation, About us Page 6 established in 1972, dedicated to protecting 2008-09 Highlights Conserving Victoria Page 9 2008-09 Summary of achievements Page 18 remnant natural bushland occurring on private Partners and donors Page 20 property throughout Victoria. Major donors Page 21 Finance and business Page 22 Our people Page 24 Our organisation Page 27 Organisational chart Page 28 Community engagement and achievements Page 29 Statutory compliance Page 31 Disclosure index Page 33 2 | ANNUAL REPORT 09 TRUST for NATURE 2008-09 TABLE OF CONTENTS A message from the Chairman and the Acting Executive Director Page 4 About us Page 6 2008-09 Highlights Conserving Victoria Page 9 2008-09 Summary of achievements Page 18 Partners and donors Page 20 Major donors Page 21 Finance and business Page 22 Our people Page 24 Our organisation Page 27 Organisational chart Page 28 Community engagement and achievements Page 29 Statutory compliance Page 31 Disclosure index Page 33 Published by Trust for Nature, Melbourne, October 2009. An electronic copy of this document is available on-line at Trust for Nature 2/385 Little Lonsdale Street Acknowledgements: Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia Trust for Nature gratefully acknowledges all the photographers Phone: 03 8631 5888 who have provided images for this document including: Fax: 03 9670 9977 IT’S A WILD LIFE for the threatened Golden Sun Moth and the Freecall: 1800 99 99 33 (Australia only) Olive Legless Lizard. Email: [email protected] Website: Chris Tzaros for the Grey-crowned Babbler, Orange-bellied Parrots and Blue-billed Duck. © State of Victoria, Trust for Nature. Doug Robinson and Brett Mills for staff photos. This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by Paul Sinclair for images of Neds Corner Station. any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. Liz Martin for drought-stressed leaves. Eris O’Brien for Grassland Froghopper. Printed by: Typo Corporate Services 97-101 Tope Street South Melbourne VIC 3205 Phone 03 9699 7722 Compiled by Renée Robinson and edited by Susanna Nelson. Designed by Nectar Design Phone: 9332 7337. This report is printed on 115gsm Envirocare 100% recycled paper. For more information call Trust for Nature’s Melbourne office on 1800 99 99 33. ANNUAL REPORT 09 | 3 TRUST for NATURE 2008-09 A MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR M AN AND THE ACTING EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR IT GIVES US PLEasURE TO DELIVER THis YEar’S ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE FINANCiaL YEar ENDING 2009. IT WOULD BE Fair TO saY THE YEar Has BEEN A CHALLENGING ONE FOR TrUST FOR NaTURE, ONE THAT Has TESTED THE CAPACIT Y OF OUR ORGANisaTION TO RESPOND TO issUES SUrrOUNDING NEW PROJECT FUNDING arraNGEMENTS, THE IMPACTS OF THE DEVasTATING BUSHFirES AND DROUGHT ON PriVATE LAND CONSERVATION PriOriTIES, AND siGNIFICANT CHANGE IN STAFF AND ORGANisaTIONAL STRUCTURE. The fact that Trust for Nature achieved great In March 2009, we mourned the passing of George successes under such circumstances is a testament Limb – husband of board associate Janet Limb. to the capability of our staff and trustees to deal George was a kind and generous supporter of effectively with these challenges and we are grateful Trust for Nature, both personally and through his for their individual and collective efforts. work as a director of the RE Ross Trust. He is a great loss to so many individuals and organisations We are mindful in writing this report that many of the and is dearly missed. activities and achievements were a legacy of our past Executive Director, Mike Gooey, who departed As we draw close to a total of 40,000 hectares of the organisation in April 2009. Trust for Nature is private land protected in perpetuity under Trust for indebted to Mike for his contributions over the past Nature conservation covenants, we would especially five years and the partnerships he forged to advance like to acknowledge the achievements of our our work conserving Victoria’s natural landscapes. dedicated team. From the head office staff that carry out various administrative, operational, fundraising The financial year saw the new appointments of and communication activities, through to the regional Sylvia Geddes and Greg Moore to our Board of staff undertaking the covenant and stewardship Trustees. Their experiences and qualifications will programs, we extend our sincere gratitude. Their be invaluable assets to the board as it continues to work has commonly been executed in partnership oversee the strategic and statutory responsibilities with Victoria’s 10 catchment management in delivering our existing and emerging conservation authorities and the Department of Sustainability and activities. We would also like to thank outgoing Environment (DSE), and employs a range of flexible board members Dr Margaret Lush, Professor approaches that stamp Trust for Nature’s unique role Richard Cotton and Graeme Henshaw for their in private land conservation. years of service and valuable contributions to the organisation. All three are passionate supporters of It’s worth noting that in addition to our current Trust for Nature – indeed two have Trust for Nature covenanted properties, Trust for Nature has covenanted properties – and we’re delighted that purchased, and will soon revolve, approximately they’ll continue on as Associate Board Members. 2000 hectares of significant habitat during this financial year. At the same time, Trust for Nature We also acknowledge the contributions made by the continues to own and manage a further 36,500 respective Chairs of the Committees and the vital hectares within its own conservation property role they play. In particular, Anthea Hancocks (Chair portfolio. Fundraising), Camilla Graves (Chair Governance, Risk Audit & Finance) and Rod Gowans (Chair The substantial gains made by Trust for Nature Conservation). over the 08/09 financial year mean we also need to recognise the numerous contributions from many other people and agencies that enable our organisation to operate effectively. 4 | ANNUAL REPORT 09 Trust for Nature is a not-for-profit organisation, whose operations are funded partly by State and Federal government, and to a significant extent by private donations and bequests. Our thanks to the Federal and State Governments To the organisations and groups that we have for allowing us, through ongoing funding, to carry out actively engaged with to achieve better outcomes core conservation work on their behalf. for conservation in Victoria, particularly staff from The Nature Conservancy and the Wettenhall Foundation, We are also grateful for the continued support mecu and our partners within the Victoria Naturally provided by our numerous major donors, regular alliance - Bush Heritage, Australian Conservation supporters and the Trust for Nature Foundation. Foundation, Environment Australia, Invasive Species The financial and in-kind assistance they have Council, Victorian National Parks Association, BOCA, given to our covenanting, stewardship and property The Wilderness Society and Greening Aust (Vic) - we management programs has been invaluable. We believe the positive benefits brought about through would like to make special mention of Bill and Carol this collaboration have been real and rewarding. Holsworth whose substantial donation formed part of a successful matching bid under the David Thomas It is on behalf of all those mentioned above that Challenge. These funds will be directed at improving we commend this report as a true and accurate our ability to undertake conservation works at Neds reflection of our achievements for the last year. The Corner. upcoming financial year will see the appointment of a new CEO for Trust for Nature and we look forward to We would like to recognise the contribution of our working with him or her to further the aspirations of Associate Members. Their willingness to volunteer our organisation to protect Victoria’s natural heritage. their time and their, often significant, individual expertise provides an important resource for the In accordance with the Financial Management Act organisation to call on when required. 1994, we are pleased to present the Trust for Nature Annual Report for the year ending 30 June 2009. Trust for Nature thanks Deacons, DLA Phillips Fox and Minter Ellison for providing critical pro-bono legal assistance and advice to our covenanting and revolving fund operations. To all our volunteers across Victoria, we personally offer a wholehearted thank you for your unconditional Peter Moulton Tom Tootell support to Trust for Nature. Our volunteers contribute Acting Executive Director Chairman in a variety of ways, whether standing on committees Date: 28 August 2009 of management, undertaking surveys, providing technical and administrative services or helping with events and field activities. We would like to take the opportunity to thank especially Frank Wallace, Malcolm Just, Catherine King, Colleen Barnes and Clive Crouch for their very generous time and support to our organisation during the year. ANNUAL REPORT 09 | 5 TRUST for NATURE 2008-09 ABOUT US VisiON AND PURPOSE TrUST FOR NaTURE’S BOarD OF TrUSTEES AND STAFF arE WORKING TOWarD THE VisiON OF CONSERVING ALL siGNIFICANT NATUraL arEas ON PriVATE LAND FOREVER. TO ACHIEVE THis VisiON, THE PURPOSE OF TrUST FOR NaTURE is TO CREATE SOLUTIONS THAT PROTECT, MANAGE AND CONSERVE BIODIVErsiTY THROUGH PriVATE NATURE CONSERVATION. VALUES Leadership Trust for Nature’s board and staff have high Trust for Nature staff continue to build on their expectations of ourselves and those we work with. knowledge, experience and skills. Coupled with a The culture of Trust for Nature is one of inspiration, drive for innovative solutions, Trust for Nature will leadership, collaboration and respect. strive to maintain its national leadership in private land conservation policy, programs and projects. Inspiration The commitment to protect and improve our Collaboration environment is inspiring.