Present: Cllrs K Payne (Chairman), N Wookey, V Smith, C Stockdale, T Graham, M O Halloran

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Present: Cllrs K Payne (Chairman), N Wookey, V Smith, C Stockdale, T Graham, M O Halloran


Present: Cllrs K Payne (Chairman), N Wookey, V Smith, C Stockdale, T Graham, M O’Halloran, Borough Councillor J Bone, PCSO P Hurst, A Palmberg (Clerk) and five residents

018/17 Opening Procedures a) Apologies: Apologies were received and approved from Cllr D Payne and Cllr Hallam b) Declarations of Interest from members: No c) Approval of Minutes from the last Parish Council Meeting: Members approved the minutes from the Ordinary meeting held on Monday 9th January 2017. All in were in favour of approving the minutes d) To discuss and where possible resolve matters arising from the meeting held on 9 th January, 2017 None

019/17 Public Time Speedwatch Scheme – The Clerk advised the PC that she had been in touch with Mr Mike Nicholls who co-ordinates the scheme in Earls Barton. He has informed her that approximately 10 volunteers are required to carry out speed checks between the months of March and October. The scheme also provides training for all volunteers. Ms Lorna Bell mentioned that Mrs Rosina Thornton has offered to help to co-ordinate the scheme in Mears Ashby. Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Clerk would respond to Ms Thornton and obtain more information from Ms Sharan Wildman. One resident mentioned the ongoing issues with frequent speeding on Earls Barton Road. Members RESOLVED: PCSO Paul Hurst said he will speak to the police and request the speed camera van for Earls Barton Road. Parking of pavements – P Hurst said that the police have been made aware of parking concerns and mentioned that those with pushchairs and guide dogs struggle on a daily basis. He suggested Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that P Hurst would put a polite note through parishioner’s doors. Ms Pat Hall mentioned that she has checked the mobile signal (EE) next to the defibrillator outside the village hall and advised the PC that the signal appears to be very strong. Mr David Callis suggested installing a streetlight at the bottom of Church Walk. Barrie Macey has agreed to accommodate a light on his wall. Mr Callis also requested a noticeboard at the top of the village. He further went on to request a playground in the village and added that perhaps some of the village charities and Mears Ashby Society could be approached.

020/17 Reports Police Report (January 2017) No crime reported in January

021/17 To receive an update on the proposed repairs of the Streetlight on North St/Glebe Rd junction. The Clerk advised the meeting that there was no update. Members RESOLVED: The Chairman requested that the Clerk would contact E.ON to follow up on the requested quote. Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that Cllr Smith would mark all the streetlights along with their ID number.

022/17 To receive an update on the VDS (Village Design Statement). The Chairman advised the Parish Council that the VDS was finally approved at the recent development meeting and requires final approval by the Borough Council at the full Council meeting in March per Cllr Jennie Bone. 1 060217 023/17 To receive an update on the planning training offer from WBC. Cllr Wookey, Cllr Smith and Cllr Stockdale suggested they attend a weekday training session at WBC. Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Clerk would contact Ms Carol Haybyrne at WBC to agree a mutually convenient date and time for the training to take place.

024/17 To discuss the Speedwatch Scheme and its requirements. See above

025/17 To receive an update from the sub-committee on Broadband/Mobile phone signal. Cllr O’Halloran advised the meeting that having spoken to Vodafone again, he continues to follow it up. He is uncertain that the installing of a Vodafone mast would be solely beneficial to Vodafone customers. Superfast Broadband is scheduled for April 2017. Superfast Broadband should be 25 megabytes and above.

026/17 To receive an update on the website The Clerk advised the PC that she has had difficulties in uploading data but is hoping that these issues will be resolved very soon.

027/17 To receive an update on the proposed adoption of the telephone box. The Clerk advised the meeting that there was no update on the telephone box from BT yet. Cllr Graham mentioned that Mears Ashby Society would consider taking responsibility of the box. David Callis offered to contribute £100 on behalf of Town Estates charity towards the maintenance of the box.

028/17 To receive an update from the Grants/Funding committee regarding the Lark energy funds and agree details to be included at the Annual Parish meeting.

From the hand delivered request for suggestions A total of 9 replies: 7 individual houses 1 company (Harpers Services) 1 from Town Estates

I have ranked suggestions by number of " votes": 5 votes playground and equipment: Issues: . Where to put equipment i.e. no identified site . Cost of a simple swing and slide fully installed approx. £8K . Insurance implications . Ongoing maintenance . Next step is to investigate potential sites in the centre of village . Possible contribution from Village Estates 3 Votes Mobile Phone Booster Next steps is for Councillor O'Halloran to continue to investigate booster. Traffic Calming The traffic calming will be subject to further conversations with Highways and the Police 2 Votes . Village Hall . Pedestrian path to Earls Barton . Church Walk Lights . Broadband

2[Type text] [Type text] [Type text] Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Clerk would contact E.on regarding a quote for cost effective lighting solution in Church Walk.

Broadband is scheduled for April 2017

Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Clerk would send a letter to Harper Services thanking them for their letter and inform them of the schedule. Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Clerk would send a letter to Mr Barrie Macey thanking him for the offer of accommodating the proposed streetlight on the wall at Church Walk. 1 Vote . Pells Hill planting . Paddock Lane Kerbing . Updated residents book . Self defence course . Notice board at the top of the Village . CCTV . Signs at crossroad Potential criteria for selection  Most value to largest no of resident  Practicality  Cost  The decision as to which project/s will be taken by the PC.

Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that Cllr N Wookey would present a final report at the Annual Parish meeting.

029/17 To receive an update on the road sweeping request to Norse. The Clerk advised the PC that she has spoken to Steve Dunkley and there may be a possibility that they may contact the Clerk prior to a clean/sweep. Cllr Smith mentioned that there are still leaves on Manor Road by the School.

030/17 To receive an update on the proposed visit by PCC Stephen Mold. No update Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Clerk would follow-up with Mr Mold.

031/17 To receive an update on the latest Highways visit to Mears Ashby. The Clerk read out an email from Helen Howard as follows:

 The signage for the Wilby Road, Wellingborough Road and Duchess End junction is technically correct. The markings are a little faded and Kate was going to report this onto Street Doctor. There is every likelihood that this will be picked up as part of the routine lining maintenance programme.  All requests for a change of speed limit are now referred to our Speed Limit Review Panel for consideration – this includes various officers from the Road Safety and Traffic Engineering Teams, and a representative from the Police’s Safer Roads Team who has delegated authority from the Chief Constable with regard to agreeing changes to speed limits. Your request will be considered by the group taking into account the comments raised by the Parish Council, the general characteristics of the area, in addition to speed and collision data. If the Parish Council would like a change of/ alteration to a speed limit then you need to drop me an email outlining what you would like, but more importantly why you would like it.  I have included a lining scheme for the North St / Highfield Road junction to my small works list for the new financial year. This should hopefully reduce the junction down so the mouth of junction is not so wide. Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Clerk would respond to Helen Howard and request 3 060217 for the 30mph sign to be moved further up along the Wilby Road as well as a request to move the sign on Earls Barton Road, past the new development. Cllr Smith mentioned that the pot hole reporting system appears to be no longer available on the Street Doctor website. Members RESOLVED: The Clerk to contact Helen Howard on this matter.

032/17 To discuss setting up a sub-committee to agree grass cutting contract in relation to the budget. The Chairman requested for two councillors to review the contract. Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that Cllr Stockdale and Cllr Graham would review the Grounds Maintenance contract.

033/17 To discuss changing Parish Council meeting dates to either a Monday, Wednesday or Thursday during the last week of each month. Most Parish Councillors are happy to change the ordinary meeting dates to either the second or 4 th Monday of the month. Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that a decision will be taken at the Annual Parish Council meeting on Monday 8th May, 2017 when a date will be formally approved.

034/17 To agree attendance at “Data Protection and FOI” training on 10th June, 2017. Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that Cllr Smith and the Clerk would attend.

035/17 To receive, discuss and decide on new applications: Existing Applications: WP/16/00689 - Application permitted WP/17/00035 - Pending Removal of nine trees The PC have no objections to the above planning application.

036/17 Financial Matters: a) To receive the receipts and payments account to 31st January, 2017 b) Balance at bank before payments have been deducted: £8,746 c) Payments to be authorised

Feb-17 VAT Anna Palmberg 000645 Clerk's Salary (January) £372.60 Anna Palmberg 000646 Clerks Expenses (Stamps) £30.72 SSE Southern Electric 000647 Flood Lights, Church Street £97.52 £4.64 £40.0 S Garrett-Harvey 000648 Grounds Maintenance £240.00 0 £66.8 Balfour Beatty 000649 Streetlight Maintenance £401.35 9 £14.0 E.ON 000650 Streetlight Maintenance £84.55 9 E.ON 000651 Streetlight Maintenance £28.16 £4.69 Laptop c/o Currys PC £82.8 Anna Palmberg 000652 £496.99 World 3 £1,751.8 £213 9 .14

The above payments were approved. All were in favour. …………………………..Signature



4[Type text] [Type text] [Type text] LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1972 Please note, this is a public meeting and you may be filmed, recorded and published. Copies of all council papers are available at: Please note that these minutes are in draft format until formally approved and signed by the Chairman.

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