A Word Part That Is Added to the BEGINNING of Another Word Or Word Part

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A Word Part That Is Added to the BEGINNING of Another Word Or Word Part

Prefixes (#1) 9/5

(A word part that is added to the BEGINNING of another word or word part)

PREFIX MEANING EXAMPLE bene- good, well benefactor circum- around circumference contra- opposed contradict en-, intro- into enlist, introvert extra- outside extraterrestrial hemi- half hemisphere hyper- over, above hyperactive in-, im-, non- not invisible, improper, nonprofit inter- between, among international intra- within intravenous mal- bad maltreat mis- wrong mislead post- after postpone pre- before preview retro- backward, behind retroactive

Words can be broken down into parts

(1) NONCONFORMIST non = not conform = to follow or accept customs or traditions without question ist = a person who does, makes, or practices

DEFINITION: A person who does not follow accepted customs or traditions

(2) INCREDULITY in = not cred – believe ity = condition or state of

DEFINITION: An unwillingness or inability to believe Prefixes (#2) 9/11

PREFIX MEANING EXAMPLE a-, ab- up, out, not arise, absent, abnormal anti- against anticensorship col-, com-, con- together collect, compile, conduct de- away from, reverse action derail, defrost dis- lack of distrust equi- equal equidistant mid- halfway midday pro- forward, before propel, proceed re- back, again repay, replant semi- half, twice in a period semicircle, semiannual sub- under, beneath submarine super- beyond, very large superhuman, superhighway trans- across, over transfer, transcend un- not, opposite unhappy, unacceptable with- against, back withstand, withdraw


VERB SUFFIXES MEANING EXAMPLE -ate, -fy to make activate, simplify -ize, -en to become mobilize, lengthen

ADJECTIVE SUFFIXES MEANING EXAMPLE -able, -ible able to readable, convertible -al, -ant, -ic, -ish relates to memorial, triumphant, heroic, foolish -age belonging to mileage, storage -ious, -ful, -ous full of vivacious, harmful, furious -less without painless -ly like ghostly, scholarly -most at the extreme topmost, outermost -ness being kindness, seriousness -some having worrisome, burdensome

NOUN SUFFIXES MEANING EXAMPLE -an one who vegetarian -ant occupant -eer auctioneer -er performer -ician musician -ist artist -or editor “Midterm” Week 9/25 Prefix List 1-2 and Suffixes test 9/29

WORD ROOTS #1 10/2 17 words A word root cannot stand alone but must be combined with other word parts.

WORD ROOT MEANING EXAMPLE anthrop human anthropology aster, astr, stella star asteroid, constellation auto self autonomous bibl book bibliography bi, bio life biology cede, ceed, cess go recession, proceed chron time chronology cred believe credit, credible crac, crat govern democracy dem people epidemic gen birth, race generation geo earth geography gram, graph write grammar, paragraph hydr water dehydrate jur, just law jury, jurisdiction log word dialogue logy study of psychology

WORD ROOTS #2 10/9 16 words A word root cannot stand alone but must be combined with other word parts.

WORD ROOT MEANING EXAMPLE meter, metr measure speedometer neo new neonatal nym name pseudonym ortho straighten orthodontist pan entire panoramic phil love philosopher phobia fear claustrophobia phon sound telephone psych mind psychology scope see telescope soph wise sophisticated tele far, distant television theo god theology therm heat thermometer capt take, seize capture volv roll revolve, involve WORD ROOTS (#3) 10/16 17 words

A word root cannot stand alone but must be combined with other word parts.

WORD ROOT MEANING EXAMPLE dic, dict speak, tell dictate duc, duct lead induce, conductor fer, port carry transfer, portable ject throw, hurl eject, inject junct join junction, conjunction miss, mit send dismiss, admit mot, mov move motion, movie par get ready prepare, repair pon, pos, posit place, put component, deposit scrib, script write scribble, scripture spec, spic / vid, vis see spectacle, vista, video stat stand, put in place statue, stature ten stretch, hold tendon, tenant tract pull, move tractor, retract ven, vent come convene, event vers, vert turn versatile, invert voc, vok call vocation, invoke

WORD ROOTS (#4) 10/23 17 words A word root cannot stand alone but must be combined with other word parts.

WORD ROOT MEANING EXAMPLE alt, alti height altimeter, exalt cumul pile, gather cumulative, accumulation dign worthy dignify, indignant fid, fide, fidel faith, trust infidelity, confide flor, flori flower, blossom floral fract break, bend fracture, infraction juxta beside juxtapose lev, levita raise elevator, levitate luc, luci light, shine elucidate, translucent noct, nocti night nocturnal prud good judgment, careful prudent, imprudence rap, rapt seize, carry away rapture rect, recti straight, right rectify, direction sent, senti feel sentiment, resentment son, sonor sound ultrasonic, consonance strict tighten, bind restrict, constriction vad go invade, pervade

WORD ROOTS (#5) 10/30 16 words A word root cannot stand alone but must be combined with other word parts.

WORD ROOT MEANING EXAMPLE amor love enamor, amorous ampli wide, large amply, amplify dorm, dormi / som, somni sleep dormancy, insomniac fall false fallible, infallible grat, grate, grati pleasing, appreciation gratify, grateful macul dirty, stain immaculate mar sea marine oscill, oscillo swing (move to & fro) oscillate paleo, palaeo ancient, prehistoric paleography, Paleolithic penuri poverty penurious sciss cut scissors secr sacred consecrate, desecration tact touch contact, tactile trud, trude thrust, push protrude, intrude ultima, ultimo last, final ultimatum, ultimate ver, veri true verify, veracious

Roots Final Exam Friday, November 3

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