Ecology Unit Test Study Guide Name:______

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Ecology Unit Test Study Guide Name:______

Ecology Unit Test Study Guide Name:______Complete this guide completely! Use it to study for the test. Date:______

1. What are some ways you could use your completed study guide to study for the test?

2. For a population of rabbits, would the following environmental factors lead to an increase or a decrease in the population? Decrease in resources decrease Increase in resources increase Decrease in predators increase Increase in predators decrease Decrease in disease increase Increase in disease decrease Decrease in pollution increase Increase in pollution decrease

3. As energy flows through an ecosystem, most of it is used for daily activities.

4. For the food web above, which organisms compete with the trout for food? Salamander, frog

5. For the food chain phytoplankton dragonfly  salamanderbald eagle draw and fill in an energy pyramid. Describe how energy flows through the pyramid. Label where the most and least energy are available. Label where the largest and smallest population are represented.

6. What is the organism in the web that is the producer? phytoplankton

7. Which organism in the web gets energy directly from the sun? phytoplankton

8. According to this food web, which organisms are herbivores? Mayfly

9. According to this food web, which organisms are carnivores? Salamander, frog, snake, eagle

10. According to this food web, which organisms are omnivores? trout

11. The matter that is contained in the salamander is transferred to which organism? Snake or eagle

12. Describe how three other populations would be affected if the frog was removed from the food web? Mayfly or dragonfly population could increase; snake could decrease or would have to eat more salamanders 13. In the food web above, which animal feeds on the largest variety of organisms? trout 14. What role do bacteria play in a food web? decomposers

15. What is the most direct source of energy used by a plant? sun

16. Describe a predator-prey relationship. Give an example of one. A predator hunts and kills prey for food. An example is a bobcat and a rabbit.

17. For each type of symbiosis, describe it and give an example. For each example, tell which organism benefits/is harmed/is unaffected.

Mutualism both organisms benefit; example- bee pollenating a flower – bee gets food, flower gets pollenated

Commensalism one organism benefits, one is unaffected; example – cattle egret birds and cow – birds get easy/free food, cows unaffected

Parasitism one organism benefits, one is harmed; example – tick on a dog – tick gets food, dog gets blood taken away, and could get diseases

18. What is competition? Describe it and give an example. Competition is the struggle between two of the same or different species for limited resources. Example – deer trying to use the same food, water, or shelter

19. How are symbiosis and competition different from each other? In symbiosis, organisms live closely together and at least one is helped. In competition, no one ever helps each other.

20-26 For each situation below, tell whether it describes mutualism, commensalism, parasitism, or competition.

20. Mature Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) usually stay in single-sex groups for most of the year. During the mating ritual, called the rut, mature stags compete for the attentions of the females and will then try to defend females that they attract. competition 21. Nitrogen fixing bacteria are found on the roots of some plants. These bacteria are provided energy and a home by the plants while the bacteria convert nitrogen to a form that helps the plant. mutualism 22. Barnacles create home sites by attaching themselves to whale. This relationship neither harms nor benefits the whale. commensalism 23. An American Goldfinch is a bird that eats mostly seeds. It may share a tree with a Great Crested Flycatcher, which eats mostly insects. Neither affects the other. competition 24. A remarkable 3-way symbiosis appears to have evolved between an ant, a butterfly caterpillar, and an acacia in the American southwest. The caterpillars have nectar organs which the ants drink from, and the acacia tolerates the feeding caterpillars. The ants appear to provide some protection for both plant and caterpillar. mutualism 25. Two students in the cafeteria are fighting over one plate of French fries. Competition 26. Tapeworms live inside the intestines of humans and farm animals. They obtain digested food and shelter from their hosts. Hence, the hosts are likely to suffer from malnutrition. parasitism

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