World War I, 1920S Through New Deal

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World War I, 1920S Through New Deal

WORLD WAR I, 1920S To Great Depression 3.0 weeks

Organizing Principles -Disillusionment with the idealism of World War I led Americans to fear change and difference and to retreat into a superficial shell of self- satisfaction. The Great Depression and New Deal led to the expectation of government intervention to maintain the economic stability of the nation.

Topics: World War I [economic, political, social consequences], CPI, Red Scare, Treaty of Versailles) (fear of change and difference, value conflicts, mass society, consumerism, technological development, foreign policy, social changes, arts and entertainment, economics, normalcy, Great Depression,

Unit 3 The military believed that America Chapter 30 would not enter the war while politicians War to End all Wars were less sure. However, Bethmann- Three reasons for the United States to Hollweg's stance was hindered by the enter WW I. fact that the Reichstag's main parties 1 Unrestricted Sub Warfare – interfere supported unrestricted submarine with the freedom of the seas and warfare. American business. 2. Zimmerman Telegram – Mexico to On January 9th, 1917, Bethmann- side with Germans and get back South Hollweg went to a meeting at Pless. Western U.S. He found the navy's and army's 3. Idealistic reason to spread democracy hierarchy against him - and they had to the world (Wilson peace lover –peace already won over the Kaiser. The without victory) decision for unrestricted submarine Unrestricted Sub warfare warfare was made on that day and it started on February 1st 1917. By 1917, Germany was in a better position to engage in unrestricted Wilson broke off diplomatic relations submarine warfare. She had a fleet of 46 with Germany in an effort to bring large submarines capable of operating in Germany to its senses. He hoped that deep water. Germany also had 23 U- such an action would force Germany to boats that could operate at a coastal go back on its decision. This did not level. German naval intelligence happen and relations between America believed that unrestricted submarine and Germany became very strained warfare would result in the loss of 600,000 tons of shipping per month - Zimmerman Telegram double the tonnage that 'cruiser' warfare accounted for. Coupled with the British intelligence intercepted a internationally bad harvest of 1916, there message from Germany to Mexico was a belief in Berlin that Britain could whereby Germany offered her support to be starved into defeat within 5 months. Mexico if America entered the war against Germany because of unrestricted Americans began to eat “liberty Steak” submarine warfare. By March 21st, instead of hamburgers – and sauerkraut seven American merchant ships had became “liberty cabbage” been sunk by the Germans. Wilson summoned Congress and on(April 2nd Congress in a war and patriot fever asked for War go it on) April 6th 1917, passed the Espionage Act in 1917 and America entered the war the Sedition Act in 1918

Idealism Under theses acts most of the IWW (radical union) and presidential Wilson wanted peace not war once war candidate Eugene Debbs went to jail for was declared Wilson had to convince an years. Supreme court case also revoked isolationist nation to go to war. (6 1st amendment rights in Schenck v U.S. senators and 50 representatives voted (speech causes a clear and present against war) Wilson turned to war into a danger) just cause – “To make the world safe for democracy” This had a stronger and War time economy more emotional affect on the American people than he had anticipated – Herbert C Hoover was placed in charge America overwhelming supported the of the Food Administration – he was war effort and converted easily to a war against war time rationing but called for time economy and environment. “wheatless Wednesdays” ”Meatless Tuesdays” “Gasless Sundays” “lightless Selling the War nights” “heatless Mondays “and to grow liberty gardens and for kids to be This went to a new government patriotic to the core and to not waist any committee called the Committee on food – would create a generation of Public Information 150,000 employees people who conserved and did not waist. 75,000 just to give speeches – headed by In 1919 the 18th amendment of George Creel – he had two goals sell prohibition was passed- The promotion America on he war and sell the world on of war bonds and war bond parades and Wilson Idealism – he had created some posters were created to help fund the war of the best war time propaganda posters effort. $21 billion collected by the bond and speeches – films called hang the drives – Kaiser and the Beast of Berlin were made. – George M Cohan was hired to War time make patriotic music. “Over There” 100,000 soldiers in the army ranked 15th This caused a giant Anti German in the world – war department sent out hysteria in the country – German adds saying “Work or Fight” – the Af of Americans were attacked business L lead by Samuel Gompers supported destroyed and individual publicly killed. the government and the war – this Schools band the teaching of the German helped to double in size after the war – language books were burned and IWW turned t sabotage. – labor strikes Wagner and Beethoven’s stopped being still plagued America during the war the played by orchestras around the country. largest occurred in the steel industry – as industry workers went on strike – black worked – The Spring Offensive 300,000 workers began moving North to take the Germans were switched from the jobs of the strikers (and the Great Eastern front to the Western front and Migration began) this would cause pushed through the allies to the outskirts several race riots to occur throughout the of Paris when they ran into the fresh Midwest. troops of the Americans. American trops Women would also rush to the factories were called the AEF lead by General to take up the jobs of the men who went John Pershing – and fought in three of to war. The fight for democracy was the the wars last major engagements July- true hope for women’s rights;. This November 1918– the second battle of the would lead to the 19th amendment Marne ,St Mihiel salient and the last on Women got the right to vote. Argonne Forrest. The battle for the Argone Forrest lasted 47 days involved 1917 1.2 million Americans. most Americans thought this would be a In October 1918 the Kaiser fled to naval war – several volunteer units of Holland and Germany on Nov 11 at the Americans went to France to fly in the 11th hour on the 11th minute at the 11th war before America got in the fight – second surrendered. May of 1917 the Europeans told the American Govt. that without out US Wilson’s peace plan ground support the war would be lost. ^ weeks after declaring war the US Wilson did not easily ask for a instituted the draft ages 18-45 the declaration of war – and once it was military grew to 4 million men and for declared Wilson moved to create a peace he first time women. The need for US plan – if would be his 14 points that troops was more eminent when the Red would become the heart of the Paris revolution in Russia toppled the White peace talks and the treaty of Versailles democratic Govt. and the Bolsheviks seized power and withdrew Russia from The Points the War Treaty of Brest Litovsk (this would keep Russia from the peace talks 1-5 incredible broad in nature and at the end of the war) and lead Russia translation – no secret treaties – freedom into a Civil War and ultimately U.S. of the seas – no trade barriers – Intervention on the Eastern part of reduction on arms racing – limitation on Russia at Archangle to fight the reds future empire building – and the Western side of Russia at Vladivostok to fight the REDS and 6-13 had to do with the occupied and watch the Japanese who sent 90,000 beaten countires and territories at the end troops to “aid” the allies in WW I. of the war and how they should be Fighting in France treated and – Russia, Turkey, Belgium, France, Austria/Hungary, Italy, What Berlin believed in 1916/17 that if they would become Yugoslavia. restarted unrestricted Submarine warfare and got peace with the REDS they could Point 14 - the idea to create a League of knock out France and Britain – Almost Nations – The United States would not ratify the treaty on this point – called for issues –this destroyed his health and did the league to maintain world peace and not change the vote in congress – to work together – US Congress would Senator lodge lead the opposition to it not give up its power to control the US but Wilson’s determination of all or military and destiny did not want to be nothing for the treaty killed it – which locked into a European problem by ultimately destroyed the League of belonging. nations and contributed to the rise of Hitler and WW II. Treaty of Versailles 1920 Election Germany and Russia were not invited to in 1919 T Roosevelt died no more bull the peace talks – Germany because the moose party or republican split – Kaiser fled – and Russia because the Harding/Coolidge ticket – for pulled out Treaty of Brest Litiovsk republicans Democrats nominated James Cox and Results Wilson’s 14 points accepted as FD Roosevelt (VP) treaty – Italy was not allowed to carve into the old Austro/Hungarian Empire –

Germany was not to be punished by Wilson’s idealism however France and Britain wanted Germany punished – League of Nations would control the SAAR valley for 15 years so France could collect payment in resources from Germany- A security treaty was created for the U.S. and Britain would aid France if Germany ever invaded again. (Entangling Alliance with Europe) – Japan took control of the Germany pacific islands but was force to give them to the League – the Middle East was placed in parts under league mandates for France and Britain - Clause 231

U.S. rejects the treaty Senator Lodge – wanted the treaty defeated or changed – as it went to the senate in 1919 – he read all 264 pages and caused a deadlock on the vote in the senate by using Article X of the treaty as a challenge to the authority to the U.S. constitutions and congresses power to declare war. Wilson toured the country to get public support as he had with past Chapter 31 Prohibition American Life in the Roaring Implemented by the Volstead Act - `18th Twenties Amendment – banned alcohol in the Red Scare U.S. more disadvantages than 1919-120 red Hysteria – fall of Russia advantages and failure to stop Lenin – America fears Returning soldiers hated it communism – Attorney General A Moonshine began – homebrew bathtub Mitchell Palmer – “Fighting Quaker” gin - and rotgut – speakeasies/night rounded up nearly 6000 American clubs were created with their own suspected reds – Bombed his house and language – he slowed down his pursuit of reds – Gangsters Chicago – Al Capone – 1923- The “Soviet Ark (Ship Buford) S.O.S 29 accused of St Valentines Day Ship or shoot – 249 American reds sent massacre convicted of tax evasion – to Russia – Mysterious bombing of wall Prostitution, Gambling, and Narcotics street – 38 killed 100’s wounded – becomes big business – Antiforeigner as well – Birth of Organized Crime in America – Sacco and Vanzetti – a shoe sales man 1932 kidnapping of Linderburgh Baby and a fish peddler – accused of and murder of murdering a paymaster and guard – 1921 –Prejudice trial from the start – both Scopes Trial 1925 were Italian, atheists, anarchists, and Popular Biology teacher John T Scopes draft dodgers – case lasted 6 years and in Dayton TN Evolution Science V. ended in their execution. teaching in TN William Jennings Bryan V Clarence KKK Darrow – highly publicized and listened Different from the 1860/70’s to by the nation – focused more on the 1920’s Klan Anti Foreign, Anti Catholic, two lawyers than the case –found guilty anti black, anti Jew, anti pacifist, anti and fined and later revoked $100.00 communist, anti internationalist, anti after a great speech by Darrow – Bryan adultery, anti birth control - died of a heart attack days later – PRO Anglo Saxon , pro “native American” 5 million including 1920’s saw America become a politicians – congressional investigation Consumer Economy found corruption and racketeering in the Advertisment booms Klan – Electric power spreads throughout America Red scare and Klan activity caused a Baseball – Babe Ruth Era begins fear of foreigners in the U.S. and the Boxing and Jack Dempsey Emergency Quota Act 1921 was passed Buying on Credit becomes the America – allowed in only 3% of foreign way – buy today pay tomorrow – headed population that was present in 1910 the nation toward Depression example British immigrants in 1920 could number 65,000 while Italian only 5000 – Statue of Liberty turned the page Detroit and the Automobile developed throughout the 1920’s – 1903 Father of scientific Management the first story line movie was created Fredrick Taylor gives us the assembly “The Great Train Robery” the film line maker of the time created 3 hour long Henry Ford put America on Rubber tires epic films on huge budgets – D.W and helped to create new industry as a Griffth – Birth of a Nation story of result of the mass produced reconstruction and the KKK interchangeable part Model T the “Tin Hollywood is born in Ca and movie stars Lizzie” any color as long as black begin to make more money than the Cost $260.00 – 1914 he had 500,000 president. made by 1930 20 million on the road 1 1927 we get the first “talkie” the Jazz in 4 Americans had one Singer Auto Industry employed 6 million workers and spurred employment in The Decade itself supplier industries like steel and oil and 1920 census more people lived in the rubber cities than the country for the first time Birth Control becomes public by Black Gold Margaret Sanger (sign of the times) In creased oil and gas production 1923 the National Women’s Party is created by Alice Paul promoted equal Aviation rights – pushed for jobs for women and Dec 17th 1903 Kitty Hawk NC Wright the women’s “job” was created clerical Brother flew first plane – 1927 Charles and office jobs Lindburgh Luck Lindy Flew the Spirit of It was the Dawn of the Flapper a shift St Louis across the Atlantic in a solo from conservatism to a more liberal flight from New York to Paris outlook for the youth it was termed “ sex o’clock” Radio Smoking was popular for both genders hemlines came up and tops were lowered Created by Marconi in Italy – – make up was all red the Flapper 1920 became the entertainment of became the goddess of the era and Jazz America it brought families together at became sacred music – from New night for evening shows like Amos and Orleans to St Louis to Detroit – most Andy and Sports like Baseball and major cities were affected rural areas Boxing were listened to by the family at were left to conservatism. night 1920 Harding’s election was announced over the radio 1928-29 Long Distance radio was achieved – it was now possible to broadcast from sea ship to ship and the Trans Atlantic cable began construction.

Films Thomas Edison would give us the moving picture and It would be became the voice as a lobby group for veterans. By 1924 veterans had more benefits than any previous veterans. July 1921 Congress finally declared that Unit 3 Chap 32 hostilities between U.S. Germany The Politics of Boom and Bust 1920 – Austria were concluded – 3 years after 32 the treaty of Paris. Return of the republicans to Washington America’s false sense of security 1920 Warren G Harding was elected In the Middle east America realized the President and signified the return of the importance of Oil and began competition Republican Party control – he would with Britain for the right to dig in the serve less than three years as president new “mandates” of the middle east’ before dieing. In that three years he would appoint 4 supreme court justices In America the people were tired of and name ex president Taft as the Chief funding the military no war no need for Justice . He would appoint future military – No one wanted to fund a president Hoover to the secretary of Naval Arms race any more or have an commerce and he would appoint two Empire in the Pacific – Harding was corrupt politicians Albert B fall an anti- forced to call for the Washington Naval conservationist to be secretary of the Conference 1921 – 1922 interior and Harry Daughtry a small This would create the 4 power 5 power town lawyer and crook as the attorney and 9 power treaties and make America general. They were known as the militarily week. “OHIO GANG” Harding’s Supreme 4 Power treaty France Britain U.S. Court shot down most progressive Japan – Status Quo in the Pacific- legislation and said no that women were 5 power treaty called for a year holiday equal under the 19th amendment that the on building battleships and stopping a laws granting them special treatment in naval arms race – 5 5 3 1.75 1.75 treaty the work place were now limited the amount of tonnage allowed in unconstitutional. The “Gang” also a ship – Britain U.S. Japan Italy and ignored the antitrust laws and allowed France – Step 4 to Pearl Harbor corporate to once again grow unchecked 9 Power Treaty – open door to China – Hoover told business to regulate itself so the government would not have to. this conference did not restrict smaller ships and the Arms race continued After the War between Britain and Japan as America America left the war time economy and buried its head. industry was returned to the private Washington Naval Conference 1921 – sector - Esch-Cummins Transportation 1922 Act – encouraged private consolidation also called the Pact of Paris – attempted of the railroads as they were returned to to outlaw War but allow for defensive private usage in the post war years. 1921 war the Veterans bureau was created to look and care after Americans veterans – the Tariffs American Legion was created and Under Harding and Coolidge the 1928 election Americans began to raise tariffs on Hoover R almost all goods – fear of cheaper Gov of New York Smith European Goods and a small recession in The radio was used widely throughout 1921 spurred the tariff wall – as America the campaign – raisd tariffs so did Europe – this had Race religion and immigrants played a extreme consequences in Germany and factor in the race the solid south went would give fuel to the NAZI party with Smith Hoover took a land slide victory As corrupt as Grant Forbes head of Veterans Bureau took Farmer Help $200mil Hoover believing in self help over govt. Teapot dome Scandal 1921Sec Interior help – did push several quick acts in Albert Fall Navy oil given to dept of congress to aid farmers- Agricultural Interior then leased to private firms Fall Marketing Act June 1929 – help farmers was bribed $100,000.00 sent to jail in get loans and start farm cooperatives – It 1929 created a farm board which was used to 1924 Attorney General Daugherty buy up surplus crops to control prices – illegally sold liquor permits caught in a And the highest tariff in U.S. history was senate investigation – he hid behind the passed the Hawley-Smoot Tariff of dead president Harding saying he told 1930. to the foreign market this was him to case was dropped to save the economic warfare. white house. Harding died of pneumonia Aug 2 Oct 29 1929. Black Thursday – the 1923 Stock Market crashed – Favored Big Business would serve 5 Over 16 million stocks were sold that years as President – and sought to lower day. Within 2 months $40 billion had taxes to support American business been lost – 4 million people unemployed 1924 election it would triple in 1932 – supply out did Coolidge R demand – and the rich invested in stocks Davis D rather than employees – buying on credit La Follette Prog The times were too good in the 1920’s to Govt. forced to react let the republicans out of office and For the first time in U.S. history the Coolidge swept in for 4 more years. govt. was being forced to address domestic concerns on a broad scale – no Foreign Policy under Coolidge longer could the govt. not interfere with Continued to use Marines in and out of economics Adam Smith days were gone. the Caribbean on an as needed basis. Hoover was a strong Anti Socialist and U.S. wanted payment from Europe on its did not support any time of potential $10 bill loan – resulted in the Dawes Act socialism – he did secure through 1924 - US – Germany-france – Brit – congress a public works program back to US Result in 1929 US never amounting to 2.25 billion this would hire saw its money – only Finland paid us workers to build the Hoover dam on the back by 1976 Colorado river. 1930-36 – Hoover vetoed what FDR would later Pass the TVA and the damming of the TN River at Muscle shoals AL.

1932 he created the RFC - Reconstruction Finance Corporation it became the govts. Lending bank –

BEF Bonus Expeditionary Force Promised bonuses and jobs for serving in WW I thousands of veterans were told they would not get them until 1945 do to the economy – they marched on Washington and converged on the capital in 1932 built a village on the mall called Hoover Ville – The President ordered general Douglas Macarthur to force the veterans out – he did so with tear gas and bayonet.

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