Grounding Class Bible Study 1

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Grounding Class Bible Study 1

GROUNDING CLASS BIBLE STUDY 1 Directions: Fill in the blank by looking up the answers in your Bible. 1. By Jesus bearing our sins in His body on the tree (cross), how are we now able to live (1 Peter 2:24)? ______2. What else did Jesus’ death on the tree (cross) accomplish for us (1 Peter 2:24)? ______3. Jesus is the propitiation (sacrifice) for our sins (believers). Who else is Jesus’ sacrifice for (1 John 2:2)? ______4. In the Old Testament, Israel had to get a lamb and sacrifice its blood to pay for their sins each year. How many sacrifices is Jesus (the lamb of God) required to offer for us (Hebrews 10:10)? ______5. Who declared Jesus to be the Son of God (Romans 1:4)? ______6. What are two consequences for believers if Christ is not raised from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:17)? ______7. What are two names we can apply to Christ (John 11:25)? ______8. What does it mean when Jesus says, “Though we were dead, yet shall he live” (John 11:25)? ______9. After Jesus was crucified, how many days did it take for Him to rise from the dead (Matthew 20:19)? ______10. If the third day was on the first day (Sunday), and it took three days for Him to be raised, on what day do you believe Jesus was crucified? ______11. How did Jesus return back to Heaven (Acts 1:9-10)? ______12. How will Jesus come back to the earth (Acts 1:11)? ______

1 13. Many false Christs will try to say they are the Christ who is to return. How will we know the real Christ (Acts 1:11)?


14. Where did Jesus go after He was taken up? Where is Jesus seated today (Mark 16:19)? ______The right hand was significant because it was the place reserved for the Messiah. It meant equal honor, authority, and power with God. He was exalted above all and restored back to glory. (See also Luke 22:69; Acts 2:33; Ephesians 1:19-21; Matthew 22:41-45).

15. What is Jesus presently doing at the right hand of God (Hebrews 7:25-26)? ______16. Name four reasons why we cannot be condemned because of our faith in Christ (Romans 8:34). ______17. Catholics have viewed Jesus’ mother Mary as the mediator between God and man. This means they believe that, in order to get to God, they must ask Mary to go to Him on our behalf. Why is this not true (1 Timothy 2:5)?

______18. An advocate pleads the cause or case of others. When we sin, who pleads our case with the Father (1 John 2:1)?

______19. What has Jesus gone to do for us who believe Him (John 14:1-3)? ______20. How will we see Jesus when He returns (Matthew 24:30)? ______21. How will the world be when the Son of Man is revealed (Luke 17:28-30)? ______22. Does Jesus know when He will return to earth? Why (Matthew 24:36)? ______

2 The Trinity (Triune God) Our God is one God who manifests or reveals Himself in three distinct persons. 1. In Genesis 1:26, what three words indicate there was more than one person involved in man’s creation (Genesis 1:26)? NOTE: One word is repeated twice. ______2. Some denominations believe that the Trinity Godhead of God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are all the same. Some believe they are all Jesus; God is Jesus, and the Holy Ghost is Jesus. In Matthew 3:16-17, identify the three persons of the Godhead and show where they are located (Matthew 3:16-17). ______This proves that the Trinity is revealed as three separate, distinct persons because they are not all in the same place at the same time. One example of the Trinity is water: Rain, sleet, and snow are three different forms of the same substance – water. Another example of the Trinity is the sun. The sun itself is an example of God the Father. The light from the sun is Jesus, and the heat is the Holy Ghost. 3. What did God say about man in Genesis 3:22? The man is become as ______. 4. When God went down to confound the people’s languages (Genesis 11:7)? ______Our God is one God (Deuteronomy 6:4). The word one means “united.” For example, one basketball team has many team members, but they are all united as one team. So when we say one, we mean “united.” 5. Where is the Trinity phase in Isaiah 6:8? Man is a three-part, three-dimensional being. Man is SPIRIT, he has a SOUL, and he lives in a BODY. Man is three in one. Man is one person who manifests himself in three ways. 6. List the words or names that reveal the Trinity in the following passages: A. John 3:34 ______B. Luke 1:35

______7. In what names did Jesus tell us to baptize people (Matthew 28:19)? ______8. Reveal the persons of the Trinity in Romans 8:11. ______

3 ______9. Reveal the persons of the Trinity found in the conclusion of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians (2 Corinthians 13:14). ______

10. In Acts 2:32-33: A. Who raised Jesus from the dead?

B. Who is at God’s right hand?

C. What was the promise the Father sends to us?

11. In Acts 10:38: A. Who anointed Jesus?

B. Jesus was anointed with?

C. Who went about healing the oppressed?

12. In John 14:16, 26: A. Who did Jesus say he would pray to (v. 16)?

B. He will give you another (v. 16)

C. Who is the comforter (v. 26)?

D. Who sent the comforter (v. 26)?

E. The comforter would be sent in whose name (v. 26)?

13. To whom did Jesus pray (Matthew 26:42)? 14. Name the three who bear record in Heaven (1 John 5:7). Remember, Jesus is the Word. ______God manifested and revealed Himself in three separate persons in order to save us. While Jesus died for our sins, God the Father was able to stay in heaven to raise Jesus. Once Jesus returned back to heaven to be seated at the right hand of God, the Holy Spirit was sent to dwell in us individually.

4 Christian Denominations The doctrines of Christ and the Trinity are the foundations of the Christian faith and are not for debate. As we have studied in the past, any religious group or religion that denies or rejects the doctrines of Christ is not a Christian denomination (2 John 7-11). Please check every group below that is NOT a Christian denomination. Those groups you check are considered to be cults or false religions. Even though Christian denominations vary in their beliefs, we must believe the foundational doctrines of Christ to be considered Christians. This is what makes a denomination Christian. NOTE: We will review these answers in the next lesson. Please bring the entire lesson back to the next class. 1.  Baptist 14.  Catholic 2.  Methodist (CME) 15.  Mormons 3.  Methodist (AME) 16.  Church of Nazarene 4.  Mason 17.  Disciples of Christ 5.  Lutheran 18.  Universalism 6.  Presbyterian 19.  Rastafarianism 7.  Protestant 20.  Apostolic 8.  New Age 21.  Quaker 9.  Pentecostal 22.  Islam 1.  Charismatic 23.  Full Gospel 2.  Eastern Stars 24.  FourSquare Gospel 3.  Episcopalian 25.  Fundamentalists 4.  Christian Science 26.  Seventh-Day Adventists 5.  Churches of Christ 27.  Born Again 6.  Non-Denominational 28.  Independent Christian Church 7.  Jehovah’s Witnesses 29.  Christian Reform 8.  Assemblies of God 30.  Church of the Brethren 9.  Church of God in Christ 31.  Zen Buddhism 10.  Evangelical 32.  Wicca 11.  Spiritualism 33.  Black Muslims 12.  Scientology 34.  Unification Church 13.  Church of God


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