University of Oregon School Psychology Program

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University of Oregon School Psychology Program

University of Oregon Counseling Psychology Program 2008-2009 Doctoral Degree Program Plan

Student: ______Advisor: ______

Date Student Entered Program: ______Term/Year

Instructions: This form is used to indicate the specific courses you plan to take, or have already taken to meet all the coursework requirements for the Ph.D. degree. Requirements are shown in the first column. When a specific course is listed in the first column, this particular course is required. If no course is listed, you must make a selection from the Doctoral Degree Requirements Checklist (see Handbook, and consult with your advisor about topical seminars that are offered from time to time that may meet course requirements).

If you plan to substitute or transfer graduate level course work taken at another institution, indicate the institution, course and title in the columns 2-4. Indicate the grade you earned in courses you intend to transfer, as well as the credit level and date completed. In the “Credits” column be sure to use the abbreviation “SC” to indicate credits earned in a 15-16 week semester-system institution. Note that your advisor will request documentation (syllabi, etc.) for all courses you intend to transfer and all course requirements you propose to waive. Please use the appropriate form to document your requests for transfer of credits (Transfer of Graduate Credit Form from the Graduate School).

For courses you have taken at the UO, or plan to take, indicate “UO” in the second column and the appropriate course information in columns 3 and 4. Indicate grade and credit level and dates for courses already taken at the UO. Follow the same procedure for courses you intend to take to meet program requirements. Credit level and proposed term for taking the course should be indicated in the last two columns. The “Grade” column is left blank for proposed courses. All other information should be filled in the appropriate columns below.

University of Oregon Counseling Psychology Doctoral Degree Program courses are divided into four basic domains (a) Psychological Foundations (b) Research Competencies (c) Practitioner Competencies (d) Professional Competencies. A minimum of 175 graduate credits are required. Doctoral students are also required to designate coursework as part of the 175 credit total that constitutes a supporting area for their major in Counseling Psychology. Please be sure to consult with your faculty advisor throughout this process.

This Plan should be completed no later than Spring term of your first year in the program. Once it is signed, turn it in to the Academic Secretary for your file.

Approved by faculty advisor: ______Date: ______

Approved by Training Director: ______Date: ______

Counseling Psychology Program Plan Revised 11/21/2008 Counseling Psychology Doctoral Degree Program Plan - 2008-2009

Domain 1: PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS (24 credits minimum) University Course Prefix Date Proposed Curriculum Domain and Course Requirement Course Title Grade Credits List University if transferring & Number or Completed Area 1: Biological Bases of Behavior (5 credits minimum) CPSY 607: Physiological Psychology (2) CPSY 610: Psychopharmacology (3)

Area 2: Social Bases of Behavior (5 credits minimum)

Area 3: Cognitive & Affective Bases of Behavior (5 credits minimum)

Area 4: Individual Bases of Behavior (6 credits minimum) SPSY 650 Child Dev & Psychopath (4) CFT 620: Psychopathology (3)

Area 5: History and Systems of Psychology (3 credits) CPSY 607: History & Systems of Psych (3)

Counseling Psychology Program Page 2 Revised: 2/22/06 Domain 2: RESEARCH COMPETENCIES (70 credits minimum) University Course Prefix Date Proposed Curriculum Domain and Course Requirement Course Title Grades Credits List University if transferring & Number or Completed Area 1: Methodological Foundations (12 credits minimum) TED 610: Philosophy of Research (4) SPSY 617: Tests & Measures in Education (4) SPSY 618: Statistics in Education I (4)

Area 2: Statistics and Research Design (16-20 credits required) SPSY 619: Statistics in Education II (4) EDLD 610: Multiple Regression (4) SPSY 620: Multivariate Stats (4) EDLD 607: Advanced Research Design (4) EDUC: Additional advanced stats class (4)

Area 3: Secondary Research Emphasis Area (4-8 credits required) TED 610: Qualitative Meth I: Interpretive Inquiry (4) TED 610: Qualitative Meth II: Reflexive Approaches (4)

SPED 607: Single Subject Design I (3) SPED 607: Single Subject Design II (3)

SPED 607: Program Evaluation I (3) SPED 610: Program Evaluation II (3)

Area 4: Pre-Dissertation Research (16 credits minimum) CPSY 601 Research CPSY 607 Doctoral Research Seminar

Area 5: Dissertation Research (18 credits minimum; need 3 credits each for the term prior to & term of the defense) CPSY 603: Dissertation

Counseling Psychology Program Page 3 Revised: 2/22/06 DOMAIN 3: PRACTICE COMPETENCIES (67 credits minimum) University Course Prefix Date Proposed Curriculum Domain and Course Requirement Course Title Grade Credits List University if transferring & Number or Completed Area 1: Core Knowledge and Applied Skills (27 credit minimum) CPSY 614: Theories of Counseling (3) CPSY 615: Counseling Diverse Pops (3) CPSY 617: Theories of Career Develop (3) CPSY: 641: Beginning Counseling Skills (4) CPSY: 642: Child-Family Interventions (4) CPSY 643: Community & Preventive Interven (3) CPSY 651: Adv. Indiv. Coun. Interventions (3) CFT 624: Group Psychotherapy (4)

Area 2: Practica & Advanced Practitioner Skills (24 credits minimum) CPSY 609: Adult Practicum (4 cr) CPSY 609: Adult Practicum (4 cr) CPSY 609: Adult Practicum (4 cr) CPSY 609: Child/Family Practicum (4 cr) CPSY 609: Child/Family Practicum (4 cr) CPSY 609: Child/Family Practicum (4 cr)

Area 3: Assessment (11 credits minimum) CPSY: 622: Psychological Assessment II (4) SPSY 672: Intellectual Assessment (4) 3rd Assess. class: rec: SPSY: Bx Assessment

Area 4: Pre-doctoral Internship (5 credits minimum) CPSY 704: Doc Internship (1900 clock hours)

Counseling Psychology Program Page 4 Revised: 2/22/06 DOMAIN 4: PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES (11 credits minimum) University Course Prefix Date Proposed Curriculum Domain and Course Requirement Course Title Grade Credits List University if transferring & Number or Completed CPSY 612: Professional Ethics (3) CPSY 613: Intro to Counseling Psych (3) CPSY 654: Supervision & Agency Admin (4) CPSY 609: Supervision Prac (optional) CPSY 609: Supervision Prac (optional) CPSY 609: Supervised College Teaching (1-5)

ELECTIVE SEMINARS OR COURSES (3 credits minimum) University Course Prefix Date Proposed Curriculum Domain and Course Requirement Course Title Grade Credits List University if transferring & Number or Completed Suggested: CPSY 510 Drug Detection & Intervention (3, sum) CPSY 609: Externship CPSY 609: Externship CPSY 609: Externship

Identify your Specialty Area: ______

Attach a brief, 1-page statement or list of objectives that identify coursework, research activity, practical experience, and professional activities that you plan to engage in and focus on during your doctoral training.

Total = *175 minimum credit hours requred

Counseling Psychology Program Page 5 Revised: 2/22/06

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