Spanish 1 and 2 September 2017 to June 2018

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Spanish 1 and 2 September 2017 to June 2018

Spanish 1 and 2 September 2017 to June 2018 Carol Barnett: [email protected] Hours: 7: 30 am to 3 pm Planning period: 3rd period: 10:10 to 11:00 am

Content: Welcome to 1st year Spanish. This year we will learn LOTS of Spanish vocabulary and speak lots of Spanish in class. We will learn to greet people, be polite, talk about our families, our school, and ourselves. We will learn vocabulary for food, families, school objects, classes, teachers, hobbies, house terms, descriptive adjectives, ordering in restaurants, playing sports, games, and clothing. We will learn how to conjugate verbs in Spanish, how to use adjectives and how nouns are either masculine or feminine in Spanish. We will learn about unique holidays in Spanish, and celebrate them. You will speak in words and phrases this year.

Expectations: I expect each student to come to class, on time, prepared to work, with all necessary supplies, assignments and books ready to learn. I expect you to follow all classroom rules, and to make every effort to be in class each day. Please note that electronic devices are not welcome in class. Keep your cell phone out of sight. You have only 55 minutes a day in class in which to learn Spanish, you can text your friends at lunch or after school. 

Behavior – All ARHS rules apply. Pay close attention to the electronics rules in your student handbook. No soda in class. No junk food in class. Please join the conversation in Spanish and respect your classmates. Listening to your classmates speak Spanish is also important. Cheating and plagiarism (including the use of language translators) is unacceptable. Using a translating devise is not acceptable for writing assignments. If you cheat expect to receive a zero for the said test, project or assignment until it is completed by you with integrity.

Grading: Each teacher at Auburn Riverside will use the same letter grade scale: Letter grade Percentage Points A 100-92.51 A- 92.5-89.51 B+ 89.5-86.51 B 86.5-82.51 B- 82.5-79.51 C+ 79.5-76.51 C 76.5-72.51 C- 72.5-69.51 D+ 69.5-66.51 D 66.5-59.51 F Below 59.5 Your final grade will reflect your mastery of first year Spanish. Washington State World Language Standards are available at: Grade categories are: 21 Century skills= 20%, Assessments = 80% (Tests, quizzes, presentations, projects).

20% 21st Century Skills (21st Century Skills are a set of abilities that students need to develop in order to succeed in college/work/military.)  1. Conducts self in a respectful, professional manner (participation). o Attendance o Punctuality o Respectful Behavior/Professional Decorum o Engaged/On-task Participation o NO Electronics (unless specified by teacher for an in-class activity)  2. Is accountable for results (assignments). (Assignments will vary in points). o Completes practice work/activities in class and at home. o Is engaged in learning (note-taking, being prepared with class supplies, active listening, responding to/asking questions, making corrections on assignments).

ASSESSMENTS - Students will do a variety of presentations in this class demonstrating use of the Spanish language - these may include dialogues, poems, or cultural presentations or specific themed projects such as Dia de los Muertos, their school schedule or a family tree presentation. In addition we will have quizzes and tests. There are weekly quizzes in this class and tests are administered at the end of a chapter, which is about every two weeks. These are the measurement of whether or not students have mastered the learning standards. These will be part of the ASSESSMENTs section and equal 80% of the semester grade. However, because students achieve or come to mastery at different times there are some instances that may warrant a student re-taking a test. This is an option that will only be available to students that have completed all practice for that standard and that complete a form, signed by the parent, explaining how they will prepare for a re-take of the test. Students will have two weeks from the time of a test to appeal for a second test and will only be granted permission to do so if the student submits an adequate preparation plan and presents evidence of its completion. Test retakes are at my discretion and will be limited to one or two per semester maximum!

Daily language practice and proficiency checks: We will be practicing Spanish daily in class, whether this be answering questions in class, asking questions in class, singing songs, listening to songs, working with a partner, or the teacher. These Proficiency Checks may be part of your practice and/or part of your assessments.

Make up work: I do not correct late practice work. When you are absent due to illness you have one week after your return to school to turn in the assignments or take the tests you missed. If you have a planned absence due to a field trip, family trip or appointment, you should turn in your work ahead of time, and where possible take your test ahead of time. Please keep in contact with me via email when possible when you miss class so that your return to school will be less stressful. Make up tests need to be taken before or after school. If those times are impossible for you, we can make arrangements for testing during lunch.

Commitment Pledge: As your teacher you may expect me to have a lesson ready each day. I will make every effort to have tests and quizzes back to you within two teaching days and projects within two weeks. I will make every effort to accommodate all learning styles, from auditory to visual to kinesthetic learners. I will work to preserve a positive learning environment in which all students can learn. This means maintaining discipline in the classroom, and assisting students who need extra help. I am more than happy to assist students before or after school when you need a little extra explanation, just let me know when you’d like to come get help as occasionally I have other meetings or other students needing assistance. You have the right to expect a fair evaluation of your work. If you are feeling like a test score doesn’t reflect what you have learned, please come see me, and we can discuss it. Grades on line: I input grades once a week, unless we have just had a reporting period. I put make-up work from absences and make up tests in the computer only every 6 weeks. Feel free to bring in a grade print out, and I will sign a missing assignment spot to show your parents that you have made up the work, it just hasn’t been put into the computer yet.

For success this year be flexible, ask for help if needed, study, and use the book site: and speak Spanish in class all you can.

Spanish 1 and 2 Instructor: C. Barnett for 2015 and 2016. I have read and understand the expectations of Spanish One and Two. Please sign and return this portion of the syllabus to me.

Student name______

Student signature______Date______

Parent name______

Parent signature______Date______

Best way to contact parent phone or email?

Home phone ______Work phone______


This class requires: one spiral notebook (75 -100 pages), one 3 ring binder (1.5 inches), red pens, highlighter, paper, pen, and pencil.

If you are able, we would really appreciate either: One box of Kleenex OR one container of disinfectant wipes OR one bottle of hand sanitizer. You may earn ONE free homework pass for bringing in one needed item to our class.

WE ARE LOW ON Tissues and hand sanitizer at this time! I bought the first 4 boxes of Kleenex, the rest depend on you!

PS A reminder to Students and Parents: cell phones should be turned off and out of sight during class time; neither should students be listening to music instead of practicing Spanish during class time.

On my teacher pages please find a copy of the syllabus, the World Language state standards, proficiency charts, and various rubrics.

I am looking forward to getting to know each student, meeting your parents/guardians, and helping you master first year Spanish! Welcome to my class.

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