Betchworth Parish Council s4

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Betchworth Parish Council s4


MINUTES of the MEETING of the BETCHWORTH PARISH COUNCIL held on MONDAY 7th April 2014, at 8pm in the Hamilton Room.

Present: Councillors Wilson, Hardy, Chalker, Savill, Taylor, Stow, the Footpaths Officer and the Clerk. PC Dominic Loraine was also present for part of the meeting.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. (475) Apologies were received from Councillor Higgins, District Councillor Potter, PCSO Ivor Williams and County Councillor Clack.

2. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING. (476) Two year changes were made to the previous minutes: Paragraph (464) The year was changed from 2013 to 2014 in two places. The updated minutes of the meeting held on 3rd March were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.

3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. (477) Councillor Taylor declared an interest in planning application MO/2014/0343/ECL as owner of the property (478) Councillor Stow declared an interest in planning application MO/2014/0216/PCL as a neighbour of the property.

4. CRIME AND ORDER. (479) One crime was reported in the period 3rd March to 7th April: tools were stolen from a shed. (480) It was reported that there are very long delays when reporting a crime using the 101 non-emergency telephone number, sometimes over one hour, generally averaging 30 minutes. It was agreed to write a letter to The Chief Constable and to The Surrey Police Crime Commissioner to complain about the delays. Action: Clerk, letter


(481) No members of the public were present. However, Councillor Chalker had received an email from a resident concerned about the safety aspect of permitting the sight-line change (MO/2014/0062). Agreed that MVDC planning department be asked for clarification on the speed survey used.

Action: Clerk, letter

6. TRANSPORT, HIGHWAYS AND FOOTPATHS. (482) The Footpath Officer reported on a very productive meeting with Hannah Gutteridge SCC to resolve the erosion problem with footpath 457. Ms Gutteridge was amenable to the solution suggested and has agreed to provide the necessary scalpings.

58 (483) It was noted that part of footpath 457, Brockham to Kiln Lane has been resurfaced. The bridge is to be replaced then the rest of the footpath to the boundary gate will also be resurfaced. (484) Ms Gutteridge has also agreed to source a replacement latch for the gate. (485) Burial Ground: scalpings have been sourced and used for the kissing gate. SCC to arrange a local facility to provide scalpings for elsewhere. (486) Footpath to Buckland: it was noted that two gates and path very muddy and impassable after rain. (487) Potholes: It was requested that individuals report potholes. Often people assume that a pothole has already been reported with the consequence that some potholes are not reported at all. (488) It was requested that the fingerpost on the triangle by The Street be repainted. Action: Footpaths Officer (489) It was agreed to purchase the signpost for Parr’s Corner but there was some concern that the post was not adequately substantial, compare dimensions with the fingerpost at top of The Street Action: Chairman (490) It was agreed to repair the bus shelter by the A25. Clerk to contact Rupert Gibbs to ascertain if he can supply shingles for the roof. Action: Clerk (491) A25 roundabout sponsorship. The roundabout is already sponsored. (492) School Parking. Councillor Stow reported back on the informal meeting between Walled Garden representatives and some parents of children attending the North Downs school. The outcome of the meeting was that both parties agreed that something needs to be done. A further meeting is scheduled for April 23rd, Lady Hamilton and representatives from the school are expected to attend. It was thought that the School would need some financial help to resolve the problems. The Parish Council voted to support a permanent solution to this problem.

7. PLANNING New Applications and Appeals (493) MO/2014/0216/PCL The Stables, Sandy Lane, Betchworth, RH3 7AA Certificate of lawfulness for a proposed development in respect of the erection of a two-storey rear extension. No Comment.

(494) MO/2014/0343/ECL Highridge, Brockhamhurst Road, Betchworth, RH3 7AP Application of Certificate of Lawfullness for an Existing Use in respect of occupation of dwelling house without restriction to occupation of the property by a person engaged in Agriculture. No Comment

(495) MO/2014/0217/PLAH The Stables, Sandy Lane, Buckland, Betchworth, RH3 7AA Insertion of roof lights and first floor windows at south and east elevations. No Comment.

Results (496) MO/2014/0080 The Coach House, The Street, Betchworth, RH3 7DJ Outline application for the consideration of access, layout and scale in respect of the erection of a detached chalet bungalow. WITHDRAWN

59 Other Matters

(497) The Evergreens, Reigate Road. The static home has been replaced 'temporarily' with a large touring caravan which is connected into the existing facilities. There is a further permitted touring caravan on the site. No permission was required for this change and this is not a breach of the Inspectors Decision. It is believed that a large static home will be delivered to the site in August 2014, this will replace one of the touring vans. It was reported that MVDC is monitoring the situation.

8. AMENITIES (498) Allotments. Councillor Taylor is progressing the removal of the rubbish dump. The fence will be replaced, as agreed at a previous meeting, as soon as the rubbish has been removed. (499) Allotments. Invoices for annual rent have been sent, cheques have been received from three allotment holders. (500) Allotments. Water supply has been turned on. (501) Allotments. An allotment holder had questioned the bonfire ban in the new rules. After some discussion it was agreed to keep the ban to avoid smoke nuisance to The Walled Garden residents and to the Burial Ground. (502) Burial Ground fencing. The possibility of replacing the fence with native species hedging was discussed but it was thought that there is not enough space between occupied grave spaces and the allotments. All Councillors to inspect the fencing for discussion at next meeting. Action: All (503) Burial Ground Jubilee Pavilion. Shed has been emptied and is now ready for removal once this has been achieved Richard Norman will put in footings if marked out. Action: Chairman (504) “Jones” tablet – light grey granite, eggshell smooth finish. 18” x 12” x 2”. Inscription: “In Loving Memory of GEOFFREY FRANCIS JONES 1925 – 2001 and KAREN MARGARETHE JONES 1917 – 2013” was approved. Action: Clerk, letter (505) “Botting” memorial. An addition inscription to read: “Lily 17.5.1913 – 20.1.2014 Together” was approved. Action: Clerk, letter (506) The following burial ground charges were agreed for a terminally-ill non-resident with close relatives in Brockham: The ERB may be purchased by the Brockham relative at the Brockham rate, when the time comes the burial to be charged at the non-resident rate. (507) Goulburn Green Flagpole. The operation of a secure flagpole was discussed. It was agreed to ask the Annual Parish Meeting attendees to vote on the desirability of a flagpole for the green.

9. LOCAL ORGANISATION (508) Betchworth United Charities. Jean Hurman is the nominated Parish Council representative. Chairman to contact Mrs Hurman to check that she is willing to continue else Councillor Stow is willing to take over. Action: Chairman

10. COMMUNICATIONS (509) The new noticeboard for The Coombe has just been installed.

60 (510) It was agreed that noticeboards are to be used for Parish Council and Local Organisations only.

11. FINANCE (511) The end of year draft accounts were displayed and briefly discussed. (512) The following accounts were approved for payment and cheques duly signed:

1. Jacquie Sims (Clerks Salary & £ 407.12 working from home expenses, postage) 2. Village Hall – CHA/FABB £20, £ 48.00 APM £28 3. Rupert Gibbs – deposit for Kelly £ 800.00 Memorial Seat 4. Rupert Gibbs – deposit for Jubilee £ 2575.00 Pavilion seating 5. Surrey ALC Ltd - Subscription £ 310.14 6. CPRE Subscription £ 36.00 7. Surrey Estate Management – £ 520.00 grounds maintenance

12. ANY OTHER BUSINESS (513) Brockham Skatepark. Councillor Taylor reported that the Hamilton Estate have asked that we seek approval from the Brockham Youth Council before they release a copy of the draft lease. Clerk to contact the Brockham Youth Council. Action: Clerk (514) School Hedges. It was reported that the hedge still protudes too far over the footpath despite the hardcut last Autumn, the hedge by the nursery is acceptable. Clerk to contact school. Action: Clerk, email (515) Burial Ground. More reports of unleashed dogs in the Burial Ground. Clerk to contact the Mole Valley Dog Warden requesting visits to the Burial Ground. Action: Clerk (516) Annual Parish Meeting. John Foreman, the Footpaths Officer volunteered to source and serve refreshments.

14. FUTURE MEETING DATES (517) Next Parish Council Meetings – Mondays May 12 th (Annual Meeting) and June 2nd (518) Forum of Local Parish Councils meeting April 9th Leigh (519) BPC Annual Parish Meeting April 14th 7:30 (520) Dorking & District Preservation Society AGM April 17th (521) Highways Forum meeting May 15th Betchworth (522) Parish Magazine Article May, deadline 13/4/2014. Following Councillor Chalker’s stated intention of standing down at the Annual Meeting the

61 Chairman agreed to write an article inviting potential Councillors to come forward.

(523) The Chairman closed the meeting at 10:05pm.


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