Item 11.11 for 2 Oct 2012 Spiritual Care 04 05 12

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Item 11.11 for 2 Oct 2012 Spiritual Care 04 05 12


NHS GRAMPIAN Minute of the Spiritual Care Committee held on Friday, 4 May 2012 at 10.00 am in Conference Room, Summerfield House

Present: Board Meeting 02 10 12 Councillor Bill Howatson, Chairman (Chair) Open Session Laura Gray, Director of Corporate Communications Item 11.11 Jenny Greener, Non-Executive Director Nigel Firth, Equality & Diversity Manager Jim Simpson, Chaplain Graeme Longmuir, Presbytery Representative Sharon Duncan, Staff Side Representative Stuart Hannabuss, Humanist Society Ian Groves, Part-time Chaplain Mark Rodgers, Co-ordinating Chaplain Vincent Perricone, Part-time Chaplain, Scottish Episcopal Church Abdulrashid Siddique, Muslim Community Sue Kinsey, Lay Member Bill Cowling, Project Manager, Mental Health

In Attendance:

Mary Innes

Item Subject Action 1. Apologies

Apologies had been received from Gladys Buchan, Ruth Richardson, Sandy Reid, Colin Dempster, Linda Oldroyd and Dorothy Tervitt

2. Minute of 3 February 2012

This was agreed as an accurate record.

3. Matters Arising

3.1 National Recruitment & Retention Premium

A decision had been made at national level to cease payment of recruitment and retention premium for chaplains and despite a lot of effort and discussion from NHSG to stop this, it was confirmed that this would be going ahead. As of 1 April 2012 this premium had been reduced by 50% and in 2013 it would be removed APPROVED

Item Subject Action completely. This was a great disappointment as it was recognised that this would have a significant financial impact on chaplains’ salaries and expectations. It was highlighted that this was previously a housing allowance for chaplains (pre AfC).

It was noted that work was ongoing at looking at other ways of compensating for this loss. One area of consideration was that due to the redesign of the team most chaplains had taken on extra workload, and the possibility of extra remuneration for this. Another area was in relation to the delivery of Sunday Services where historically chaplains had time off during the week but, with the increasing workload, this was not always possible, so extra remuneration for this service could be considered.

3.2 Mortuary Update

As reported previously, concern had been expressed around the state of the public areas of the mortuary. This was discussed at the Endowment Committee and £125k had been allocated towards reconfiguration of this area. More funding would be required but this initial sum would enable plans to start.

3.3 Oaks Unit, Elgin – Update

Interviews had taken place but no appointment was made to the chaplain’s post for the Oaks Unit and at the moment cover was being provided by a chaplain from Dr Gray’s. The post had been re-advertised and it was hoped to interview in June. Interim arrangements were working in the meantime.

4. Reflections of Life

Reflections of Life had been a very much appreciated resource and it had just been confirmed that funding of £51 k had been made available for a reprint. Extra copies would therefore be available for circulation around hospitals.

5. Sector Reports

5.1 Acute – no report

5,2 Aberdeen City CHP – nothing new to report

5.3 Aberdeenshire CHP – nothing new to report APPROVED

Item Subject Action 5.4 Mental Health

The following was noted:

 A pro-active approach was being taken to raise public awareness of the Sunday services as attendance at these had dropped.  Through the response to the Mental Health Strategy for Scotland 2011-15, one area of focus was early access to psychological therapies. A meeting had been held with the Scottish Government, particularly around psychological therapies, and it emerged that NHSG was behind other Boards in this area. Work was ongoing to improve the range of skills within NHSG staff after which would work would start with primary care and the voluntary sector. This would be discussed at the next Clinical Board meeting. Regular updates would come to the Committee  Under good practice, it was noted that the number of internal referrals had increased considerably leading to the development of a Patient Referral Form

5.5 Moray Community Health & Social Care Partnership (CHSCP)

The problems in contacting chaplains had been resolved with the issue of pagers and the supply of new notices to each ward and reception area.

In relation to the lack of resources for other faiths, contact was being made with faith groups to assist in the supply of appropriate materials, eg prayer mats, etc.

There was an ongoing issue around local ministers’ concerns at not being informed when parishioners were admitted to hospital. To assist with this, churches had been highlighting that the patients/families should let local ministers know about hospital admissions.

Under good practice – it was noted that hospital chaplains were involved in discussions on the reconfiguration of Dr Gray’s hospital.

6. Enhancing Quality and Value – Conference Report

Feedback was given by Laura and Jenny on the 3 day event and the following highlighted:

 The first day of this conference was set up for strategic and APPROVED

Item Subject Action co-ordinating chaplains across Scotland and was a very full day and well attended. The morning session was very intense with no opportunity to ask questions. A vast amount of information was presented on the strategic context on where chaplains were situated and with specific examples from other parts of the country. The afternoon was an opportunity for workshops - one led by Muriel Knox of NHSG on reflective practice and others related to community listening with examples of where these were implemented in Scotland – particularly in rural areas. It was a good day but set up more for leaders and co-ordinators.  The second day was also a packed day with the main theme being the Community Listening Project. The workshop on singing groups for people with dementia, etc was very stimulating.  Of particular note was Harry Burns excellent presentation on his view around spiritual angst in Scotland and the massive health gap that still existed in areas of Scotland.  Thomas Moore was an inspiring pre-dinner speaker highlighting that in order to connect with people in a spiritual way you had to listen with an empty head.

7. A Humanist as a Chaplaincy Volunteer

Stuart Hannabuss gave an interesting and informative presentation on his experience as a chaplain at ARI and for the University of Aberdeen.

8. Chaplaincy Tam Update

8.1 Chaplaincy Listening Project

The Scottish Government was now funding Phase 3 of the community listening project - £100,000 for next 3 years. It was agreed to invite James Falconer to a subsequent meeting to give an update of his experience and work.

8.2 Study Day – 6th June (Community Chaplains)

This Study Day was for full time and community chaplains and was being held on Wednesday 6, June in the Acorn Centre in Inverurie. Rev Tom Gordon, a retired chaplain, would be speaking on diminishment. APPROVED

Item Subject Action 8.3 Staffing

It was reported that an appointment had been made to the full-time chaplain’s post for ARI through the internal route – Liz Campbell from Stonehaven was successful and due to start on 31 May. It was hoped she would also have a base in the Emergency Care Centre. There is now a vacancy in Stonehaven.

9. For Information

9.1 UKBHC Newsletter Vol 21.1 – Noted.

10. AOCB

10.1 Religions and Cultures

This publication had been an incredibly valuable resource All for staff. After the previous reprint, we were now down to the last 100 copies and the Committee agreed to a further reprint. Any updates or revisions to be passed to Nigel prior to reprint.

10.2 The Client Data Form was being updated and would now include questions on whether a visit was wished from the hospital chaplaincy team or from the patient’s own religion/faith leader. It was hoped this would be finalised in the next few months.

10.3 Information was given on Muslim Aid, a charity in relation to a project in Glasgow and Edinburgh which involved distributing gifts to all sick children in hospital. This project was being extended to Aberdeen Children’s Hospital in mid August. A further update would be given.

10.4 Prayer Room

Due to the increase in membership, the lack of space in the Prayer Room, particularly on Fridays, was highlighted. LG It was confirmed that a long term solution was planned and Laura agreed to meet with Dr Siddique and his team to discuss a short term solution.

14. Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting is 14 September 2012 in the Conference Room, Summerfield House (subsequently changed to the Board Room, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary) APPROVED

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