ABRAHAM Lesson 3 Homework Genesis Chapters 15 17 for February 7, 2011

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ABRAHAM Lesson 3 Homework Genesis Chapters 15 17 for February 7, 2011

ABRAHAM Lesson 3 Homework Genesis Chapters 15—17 for February 7, 2011 ______

Day One Read Genesis 15:1—6. Abram has been to war, and last week we saw the outcome. Abram was victorious and generous with the spoils. What three things does God tell Abram? 1. ______2. ______3. ______

Abram obviously thinks of his reward with regard to the covenant promises of God to give him many descendants, but so far . . . . How does God describe Abram’s descendants in Gen. 12:2 Gen. 13:16 How does Abram suggest that God fulfill His promises?

What are the two specifics of God’s reply? 1. ______2. ______

Verse 6 is critical in our understanding of salvation. This is the first use of the word “reckoned.” It is Strong’s #2803. Also look in an English dictionary for a comprehensive meaning.

Our understanding of what occurred here is made clear in Romans 4:1—25. What did Abram receive? ______How did Abram receive it? ______When did he receive it (relative to circumcision) ______(relative to the Law) ______What was the extent of Abram’s descendants? ______Rom. 4:18

In addition to descendants, God repeats His promise for the land. Abram asks for assurance and God responds with a ceremony in Gen. 15:9—11, 17. Draw (yes, draw) below a picture of the ceremony. Day Two Continuing in Chapter 15, read verses 12—16. This is Abram’s vision or dream. What words indicate the seriousness of the vision? ______Fill in the blanks: . . . your descendants will be ______they will be ______and ______for ______years. At the end of that time, God will ______and they will ______with ______and they will return (where) ______(be specific) God gives additional information concerning the time of slavery. What has to be completed? ______What do you know about the Amorites? Gen. 14:13 ______Review Genesis 12:10—20 and note any pattern.

What was God’s promise to Abram, who had gone to war, and who thought that he was already old.

Read Gen. 15:18—21. The land is described in two ways: Geography and inhabitants. Look at your map and see if you can determine the area described.

Day Three Read Gen. 16:1—6 List everything you learn from these verses about




In verse 3, some translations say Hagar was given to Abram as his wife, and some say concubine. The Strong’s number for this word is 802 ishshah. Look up this word for a clear definition.

Now read verses 7—16. Hagar encounters “the angel of the LORD”. Answer the following:

If Hagar is on her way to Shur, where might she be headed? ______What instruction does the angel give her? ______The angel addresses Hagar’s descendants. What is promised? ______What does the angel tell her about her unborn child?

The child will be a ______. Name him ______, which means ______. Who heard and gave heed to Hagar’s affliction? ______What was her “affliction”? ______What kind of disposition will this child have? ______What will define his relationships with others? ______Where will he live? ______

How many generations have inherited this pronouncement? ______

Verse 13 says that it was the LORD who spoke to her, even God. Here is a new name for God which reveals something about his character. In Hebrew it is El Roi, which means ______.

Verse 7 says Hagar stopped by a “spring” and verse 14 names the well that is there. Note the name.

Read Gen. 16:15—16. From these two verses we learn Hagar went ______Hagar’s child was a ______Abram named the child ______(Do you think he believed Hagar’s story?) How old was Abram when this child was born? ______

These events have serious future consequences for the people involved and their descendants. Write out some of your observations and evaluate if Hagar’s encounter with the LORD was one of blessing or judgment for Hagar— for Sarai— for Abram— for Ishmael— for Isaac—

Day Four Read Gen. 17:1—14 How much time as passed since Gen. 16:16? ______How does God introduce Himself (a new name)? ______In Hebrew this name is El Shaddai. How does Abram react to the appearance of El Shaddai? (v. 3) What instruction does He give Abram? ______Again, God addresses His covenant with Abram. The covenant involves two things. What does God say about the people? ______the land? ______How long will this covenant be in effect? ______

God gives Abram a sign for the covenant. This is the second covenant which has a specific sign. (Review Gen. 9:12—17) What is the sign of this covenant with Abram?

What is its purpose?

Who is included in this covenant/sign?

What is the consequence of not observing this sign?

At what age will future generations receive this sign? How long will this covenant be in effect? ______

Now we have come to Gen. 17:15. Here we learn that God changes Sarai’s name. In verse 5 above, God changed Abram’s name. What is the context of the name changes? ______We will discuss the significance of these changes in class. To be prepared, cross reverence

Gen. 32:24—30

Isaiah 62:1—4

Rev. 2:17

Day Five Continuing with Gen. 17:16—21 God continues speaking with Abraham concerning Sarah. What does God promise for Sarah? (4 things)

When will these promises commence? (v. 21) ______

What was Abraham’s reaction? ______How would you characterize this response?

Does Abraham show any confidence in God’s promise? (v. 18)

God names the promised son in a way which will remind Abraham of his response. What does the name Isaac mean?

What does God reveal about Isaac?

about Ishmael?

Completing Chapter 17, verses 22—27 we see that Abraham obeys God and begins to mark every male with the sign of this covenant. Who was included in this sign? ______How old was Abraham? ______How old was Ishmael? ______

For a quick review, list the major events of each chapter we have covered.

Genesis 11:24—32______Genesis 12______Genesis 13 ______Genesis 14 ______Genesis 15 ______Genesis 16 ______Genesis 17 ______

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