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Course Approval Template Architectural Interior Design
Part A: Course Definition Issue A, 01/09/2013 1 Academic Contact Sheila Greenwood Leading Proposal 2 Faculty Creative and Environment 3 School N/A 4 Programme Code CAAID 5 JACS Code K120 6 UCAS Code N/A 7 Target Award Title & Award Title Level Level FDEGS Architectural Interior Design 5 8 Contained Awards Award Title Level (specify each one on a CRTHE Architectural Interior Design 4 separate line and the level) 9 Title of Named Award Title Level Progression Route (if applicable) BA Hons Product Design Leeds Metropolitan 6 BA Hons University
Graphic Art and Design Leeds Metropolitan 6 University
10 Previous Award Title Award Title Programme (if replacing an existing Code course) NA N/A N/A 11 Existing Course Run NA Out Details 12 Joint Honours Provision NA (Insert name of lead Faculty and others involved in the development) 13 PSRB Name and Web NA Link
1 14 Nature of PSRB Involvement NA Date of next accreditation visit:
Awarding Body (if not NA our university) 16 Other External Body NA Contributing to Course Development 17 Source of Funding HEFCE NHS TDA CLOSED Other (please specify)
18 Scope/Age Range for NA Initial Teacher Training Courses
19 Mode of Study and Planned Duration (please complete all that apply including multiple, single mode deliveries (eg 2 different PT deliveries over different durations) Mode Tick Planned duration Mode Tick Planned duration Full-time 2 years Part-time 3 years Sandwich Block Distance full- Distance time part-time
20 Primary Delivery Location City Campus Leeds Calderdale College Not Applicable (Distance)
21 Course Delivery Dates See refocus handbook for further guidance Is this course delivered YES within the university UG framework? Please provide start and end Cohort 1 Cohort 2 Cohort 3 dates for each cohort. Start: Sept 2013 Sept 2014 Sept 2015
End: June 2015 June 2016 June 2017 If NO, please contact the Registrar and Secretary’s Office to discuss the delivery.
2 22 Academic Principles and Regulations All courses are expected to The course will adhere to the University Academic adhere to the University Principles and Regulations in full. Academic Principles and Regulations unless exemption to any regulation is requested here. Please specify which regulation you are seeking exemption from and the proposed change. You will be asked to submit a rationale or supporting documentation from your PSRB to support the request prior to approval.
23 External Examiner Arrangements Are you proposing to use Maggie Jones Bolton University existing External Examiner Seeking new examiner - current examiner tenure arrangements for this course expires Oct 2013 and if YES please specify the Examiner(s) currently appointed, their home institution and when their tenure expires Please note all changes to External Examining Arrangements and new appointments must be made through the External Examiners Sub-Committee.
3 Part B: Course Management and Development
24 Staff Managing the Course Staff with responsibility to manage the course should be listed and a current CV submitted for each. Where it is not possible to identify names then roles alone may be listed. Name Role(s) Sheila Greenwood Award Leader
25 Staff Teaching the Course Staff with responsibility to teach the course should be listed and a current CV submitted for each. Where it is not possible to identify names then roles alone may be listed. Name Role(s) Sheila Greenwood Personal Tutor, Module Leader Sheila Greenwood Module Leader: Design in Context, Technical Processes 1, Environmental Design, Ergonomic Design, Spatial Design, Contemporary Product Design, Contextual and Contemporary Practice, Work in Context for Architectural Interior Design 1, Work in Context for Architectural Interior Design 2 , Technical Processes 2 Patrick Dolan Module Leader Employability 1 for Architectural Interior design. Module Leader Employability 2 for Architectural Interior design Tutor Technical Processes 1 Tutor Technical Processes 2 Jane Crumack Tutor Technical Processes 1 Tutor Technical Processes 2
External Reference Points This section of the CAT will describe/ summarise how the course has been developed with reference to external reference points, commencing with the relevant subject benchmark statement. 26 Subject The QAA Foundation Degree Qualification Benchmark Benchmark(s) Statements nce/Documents/Foundation-degree-qualification- benchmark.pdf
4 The subject benchmark statements relating to Art and Design; Architectural Technology; Architecture; History of Art, Architecture and Design and Landscape Architecture have been used in the development of this award.
These statements describe the general characteristics, particular purpose and generic learning outcomes of a foundation degree qualification. Whilst it provides expectations relating to Level 6 honours degree qualifications rather than Level 5, it has been a source of reference in defining subject principles, generic knowledge and understanding, attributes and skills for this curriculum area.
The FdA Architectural Interior Design embraces the widening participation agenda and lifelong learning it provides graduates who are needed in particular skills within the labour force and especially supports the local area. This course encourages the participation of students who may not have previously considered a higher level qualification has been developed in conjunction with this guidance and aligns with the benchmark in the following ways:
Accessibility: work based learning, including freelance and live briefs are an integral part of the programme, enabling students to ‘earn and learn’.
Articulation and progression: using knowledge, skills and understanding that has already been developed as a result of learning through appropriate design and creative work, demonstrated in a current portfolio and references from employers, using APL where individually appropriate. A clear route through to Honours degree is provided by entry at Level 5 of Architectural Interior Design.
Flexibility: work based, part time and flexible delivery linked to employers and individually sourced freelance design work particularly in the Work in Context and Employability for Architectural Interior Design modules.
27 The This award has been benchmarked against the FHEQ Framework for Qualification Descriptor for a Level 5 Foundation Degree and Higher meets that specification in the following ways: Education Intellectual enquiry, concept frame work and values Qualifications o Knowledge and critical understanding of the well-established principles of research, problem solving for spatial and living environments, idea creation, idea development
5 and design processes
The capacity to be creative using sketchbooks learning journals and reflective diaries to demonstrate: o Ability to apply and use the design processes to explore and develop ideas using a range of traditional drawing techniques, digital techniques and visualising processes in the practice of spatial design
Give an understanding of site investigation, health and safety, business and management skills o Knowledge of the main methods of analysing spatial design problems, considering client/business needs and the appropriateness of different solutions and application of these in a work related context
The capacity to be creative and aesthetically sensible and work independently to apply analytical methodology by: o Creatively apply of the main methods of enquiry and research to the design development and content in self-generated design briefs
The ability to conduct research in a variety of modes and reflect upon technologies, social, legal and economic influences in a global context demonstrating: o Ability to start evaluating critically and communication theories, design movements from a diverse global cultural context, both orally and in a written form
Reflecting and applying one’s own learning and development o Synthesise to effectively communicate information, arguments, analysis and evaluation for spatial and living environments in a variety of formats
Other areas around levelness to demonstrate FHEQ requirements which may be referenced include: The Framework of Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area The Higher Education Credit Framework for England
See: 6 ations/Pages/default.aspx 28 QAA Code of The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) UK Quality Code for Practice Higher Education, which provides a definitive reference point for institutions involved in delivering higher education. Chapters B1, B2, B3, B6 and B10 may be cited as reference/support for Partner Colleges to add their own contextual detail where relevant.
Chapter B1 Programme Design and Approval: The design and approval of this award meets the requirements of the indicators of sound practice relative to programme design and approval by ensuring that the threshold standard of the award and the academic quality of the learning experience are: a) confirmed by external participation from subject experts and other stakeholders; evidenced by liaison with our industrial links including employers practitioners and clients providing challenging design briefs, and feedback, visiting speakers and the creative industry experience brought to the course by the course team. b) benchmarked against relevant subject and level guidance and, where relevant, sector expectations (see section 27) c) Supported by appropriate physical and learning resources a good working studio environment, good and appropriate IT facilities, library and learning resources and HE study support. The on-going appropriateness of the approved programme design will be monitored through the University’s defined Annual Monitoring and Review process and any other relevant indicators.
Chapter B2 Admissions is intended to help institutions to assure themselves and others that the policies and procedures they use to attract, recruit, select, admit and enrol students are clear, fair, explicit and consistently applied. Both stated Expectations and the related 12 indicators will be satisfied, particularly when considering non-traditional entry applicants. Widening participation supporting the local community is a particular strength of Calderdale College and the FdA Architectural Interior Design students drawn from many different backgrounds have been supported, encouraged and succeeded.
Chapter B3
7 Learning and Teaching, Section 2: Work-based and placement learning and its set of 8 indicators on arrangements for work- based and/or placement learning have influenced the award, ensuring careful arrangements are made for identified and agreed learning that will typically take place outside a higher education institution. The College has many years of experience of placement and work-based learning and processes and guidance to support this are well defined and adhered to. Students on the Architectural Interior Design course will have the opportunity to work on live briefs and national and international design competitions.
Chapter B6 Assessment and accreditation of prior learning and 15 indicators have been used in the development of the award including the definitions of assessment as being Formative, Summative and Diagnostic assessment which may lead to formal consideration of accreditation of prior learning for some students. Through the interview process potential student must be able to demonstrate their credentials in the form of an academic portfolio comprising of professional design work, written work and references from employers The University’s Academic Principles & Regulations and related quality assurance infrastructure are fully informed by the expectations and requirements of the QAA UK Quality Code. Benchmarking of regulatory process against the expectations and requirements of the code is undertaken as appropriate to ensure that threshold standards are maintained and academic quality is enhanced.
29 Employers, An important fixture in the academic year for the FdA Sector Architectural Interior Design is the annual summer exhibition. Practitioners This acts as a showcase for all students to exhibit their work. and PSRBs Recent exhibitions have been held in the Piece Hall Halifax, the Elsie Whiteley Design and Innovation Centre, and in the showcase atrium at Calderdale College’s Inspire Centre. The exhibition is designed, organised and hosted by students as well as all the publicity materials. The event is very well supported by the public, including industry employers, college partners and families and friends.
Calderdale Creatives is a regional networking organisation for all areas of the design industry. The hub of the operation is based at the Elsie Whiteley Design and Innovation centre Halifax, The course team are members and students are strongly encouraged to join. There are many industry related events, from exhibitions and networking to an exciting
8 programme of guest speakers ranging from fashion to film and design and journalism.
Live design projects and competitions feature strongly in the curriculum. Students are strongly encouraged to independently seek freelance opportunities whilst on the course, preparing them for the diverse nature of employment in the creative industries. Individual appropriate freelance work will wherever possible be linked to a module.
At Level 4 both the Work in Context and Ergonomic Design modules are structured to accommodate live briefs/real work.
At Level 5 both the Work in Context and the Spatial design modules are structured so that live briefs/real work should be used to achieve the module.
Live design projects are a feature of the current curriculum recent collaborators have included: Gower Furniture Ltd Halifax Revolution Viewing Leeds New Road School Sowerby, Halifax Harveys Department Store Halifax RSPCA Halifax Barn Conversion from industrial use to domestic. MG Caravan Company, Todmorden 30 Other External Design and Art Direction projects are incorporated into Level Reference 4 and 5 modules and sourcing of students own freelance work Points Royal Society of Arts Links already exist with local employers in this area and discussions have taken place to support the development and supply of this degree through a variety of channels.
Current creative industry contacts are: Stott Thompson Architects Studio Bard and Storah architectural practices Calderdale MBC in-house design departments Victoria Theatre stage and set design team Empty Space Theatre set design.
31 Resources The College Learning Resources Centre (LRC) comprises 3 integrated LRCs with both Library facilities and access to PCS. This has been part of a three year staged progression from Main Library and 3 IT Zones to 3 fully integrated areas that service mutually adjacent Programme areas and a Skill zone which targets raising the skill levels of both staff and students in the College. This is a collaborative service between Teaching and Advanced Learning Practitioners,
9 the LRC, the e-learning Support Officer and in liaison with HE Study support.
In addition to this we had feedback in our LRC Surveys and College HE surveys from HE students about the environment in the LRC, particularly wanting an area that was more suited to their style of learning. The first area to be finished two years ago was LRC1 on G floor which houses the resources for Education and Teaching, Business, Marketing, IT and Travel and Tourism. This was received very favourably by the students, who have used the area frequently to do individual study and group work and have built up a good rapport with the LRC staff. LRC Inductions, Skills sessions and HE study support (ASK) sessions have all been held in this area leading to a real sense of belonging for the students. This environment has also been available in LRC2 and 3 since Sept 2011.
The aim of this strategy is to give a totally integrated service to students and staff throughout the College and to enhance the ability to offer targeted services to support blended teaching and learning.
The LRC supports the teaching, learning and research of both staff and students throughout the College. It plays a key role in the student learning experience and is an integral part of the College teaching and learning strategy. The Centre employs 15 staff (4 part-time), 1 LRC Manager, 2 administrative assistants and 12 which are involved in direct timetabled learner support at LRC service points. The LRC is split into two main expertise areas - The Library team consists of six staff – the Library Supervisor and 5 LRC Support officers (2 Library Info skills experts, 1 Audio-visual expert and 2 e-resources/e-learning experts) The ILT team consists of 6 staff (1 part time– the ILT Supervisor, three LRC Support Officers (2 ITQ experts, 1 Assistive Technology expert and 2 IT experts. They are all qualified to L3 standard, have MOS Master status and all staff except 1 holds a teaching qualification.
The LRCs provide the following services: Library lending and reference services for students and staff An excellent collection of print, audio visual and electronic information resources Access to web-based subscription e-resources on and off campus (e- journals, e-books, image databases, business information databases, etc) Access to the Library catalogue both on and off-campus A range of study areas to facilitate group work, private study, silent study and blended study 143 student access computers including the Skill zone LRC induction sessions. All students are given an Induction to the LRC and using Moodle. A large collection of e-resources (books, journals and databases), other information, literacy and IT support materials are available on the LRC Moodle page Information skills workshops for booked classes and 1:1 support - including: research skills, referencing, use of digital imaging software & equipment, PowerPoint presentations, using software to create CVs with impact, Mind mapping, Video editing and arrange of Assistive Technology sessions 10 The LRC works in conjunction with HE Support to give a holistic approach to supporting students. HE support offers a comprehensive range of skills sessions, drop-in clinics and workshops such as Academic writing, Analytical thinking, Reflective writing etc IT training workshops for staff – including: using e-resources, using Office applications, digital imaging, using assistive software such as Read & Write Gold, effective use of Moodle, Video editing, Using Photoshop, InDesign, etc A range of software and hardware to support learning including Assistive Technologies and digital imaging technologies Loan of IT and digital imaging equipment to staff – including: mobile Smart board and projector units; digital cameras; camcorders; flip cams; laptop computers and Livescribe Pens Moodle VLE administration
LRC staff monitor attendance at bookable sessions. Individuals and groups of students LRC induction Introduction to using Moodle Introduction to using E-resources effectively Critical use of the Web Creating Posters in Publisher Creative use of PowerPoint
Books, e-books and journals The library purchases and stocks all books on the course reading list with multiple copies available for key texts; e-book versions are also available for some of the key texts.
A growing number of e-resources are available on Moodle for students to access.
The LRC hold 150+ DVDs in stock covering a diverse range of topics. Many recordings are now being streamed onto Moodle using Netrecorder software. This is available for all students to view from any location.
Teachers are able to add specific on-line resources to their own Moodle courses via the Learning Resources block.
The LRC subscribes to the Turnitin plagiarism detection service.
LRC presence on Moodle (VLE) A range of art and design periodicals: Eye, British Journal of Photography, Computer Arts, Macuser, World of Interiors, Creative Review, Frieze, Blueprint, Design Week, Harpers Bazaar, a-n Magazine, Art Monthly, Vogue, FX
The LRC has a strong presence on Moodle. The LRC Moodle includes access to the library catalogue, to e-resources, to information and study skills resources 11 and a wide range of library and IT support resources. The LRC has 2 designated members of staff who support the use of Moodle and e-learning within the curriculum.
Library borrowing Students are entitled to take ten books on loan
Specialist Design Resources Design IT Suite with Apple macs and Pc’s design software: CS6 and a range CAD applications Laser Cutter Facilities for Photography, Printmaking, Textiles
IT Services The IT Support Unit provides all aspects of Information Technology support for all students and all faculty staff at Calderdale College. This includes the support for all educators directly and indirectly associated with the education of, and all students enrolled in FdA Architectural Interior Design
The IT Support Unit provides on-campus support from 08:00 to 19:00 Monday to Thursday, and 08:00 to 17:30 on Fridays. In addition to these times access to VLE and email is available 24/7.
A minimum of three PC’s are available in all classrooms across all campuses. In addition to this provision there are dedicated teaching and learning rooms, such as for FdA Architectural Interior Design , which require specific hardware and software i.e. Apple Mac computers and Adobe Creative Suite, Auto CAD and Sketch-up for students to use during their education.
The IT Support unit has a modern and robust strategic plan which includes continual service improvement for students. This improvement includes the installation of new computer hardware, specifically in areas with above average computing power requirements. Replaced hardware is then distributed to more general, and open learning areas – the redistribution to date has resulted in a student to computer ratio of 1:3.97, which the College believes is a better ratio than similar Colleges in the region.
During 2012 some significant IT improvement programmes were initiated, a number have already been completed and the remainder will be completed during the 1st half of 2013, these are: Completed the refresh of the network infrastructure and an upgrade to a 10G Backbone. Implemented a secure wireless network with access for students to use their own devices. Restructured software licencing agreements to standardise the base provision of applications. Installed additional SAN storage, increasing student online storage by 10, to a total of 1GB per student, and 2GB for specialist requirements. Cloud based access to work, email, timetables and other collaboration 12 activities, to be completed by July 2013. Microsoft System Centre 2012 to improve the provisioning of IT services to students, to be completed by July 2013.
The IT support unit has also made some very positive steps to be closer involved with student activities, have held a number of workshops to assist with setting up student devices on the campus wireless network, have been active in fresher’s week. An IT representative is also taking part in the Student Union meeting on a monthly basis so that problems and issues could be addressed quicker an before escalation into major situations.
Enhancing the learner journey at College is our primary concern and the IT Support unit will continue to improve access to IT, and therefore enhance the learner journey.
The IT Support Unit provides the following resources for FdA Architectural Interior Design: PC’s and Apple Mac computers in learning areas and PC’s in all the open learning areas. Student to Computer Ratio is 1:3 Printing facilities in all the LRC’s and learning areas Standard software image with productivity applications 1GB of network storage for each student Secure wireless access to all students for using their own devices 24/7 email access Robust IT Infrastructure 32 Academic and Pastoral Support for Students Students enjoy a wide range of academic and personal support; on programme, students are allocated a personal tutor who is available to provide academic and pastoral support through personal tutorials and via email and telephone communication. Due to the nature of the course students benefit from small group sizes therefore the personal tutor is in contact on a weekly basis. The award leader also acts as personal tutor, students benefit from personalised support from enrolment at the start of the academic year.
Support is also available from the college’s support services such as the counselling service, financial support services, advice and guidance, the academic skills unit (who also provide disability advice and support) and the learning resources centre.
The comprehensive induction process introduces students to the course structure, academic year plan and handbook. The first week gives a familiarisation tour of the facilities at Calderdale College and Leeds Metropolitan University and detailed explanation of useful student services in order for students to locate and become familiar with key staff from the course team and supporting services including: programme managers, student services, finance advisers, technical and learning support staff. Furthermore, the academic skills unit provide transition activities to equip students with knowledge and skills to
13 tackle their course, dispel apprehensions and facilitate peer support. In addition all health wellbeing and leisure facilities are introduced. Also all HE students meet for an informal lunch and ice breaking activities. During the induction week students will be taken on a cultural trip to one of the many local galleries in Yorkshire and a Historical walking tour of Halifax.
All students have access to a personal tutor; one to one activities take place daily and formally on request. Individual verbal and written Formative assessment tutorials take place during the middle of each module. There is a minimum of one group tutorial for every module often a work in progress activity. A final peer/client group presentation will take place at the end of the module. An Individual summative feedback tutorial is provided at the end of each module.
The academic skills unit provide a range of support throughout the year in the form of one-to-one academic support (on site and through electronic means) or class workshops on specific academic skills. Graduate attributes are embedded in the workshops by developing students’ academic skills in order to learn and study independently in technology enriched environments. The development of critical thinking skills allow students to consider global issues in relation to the course subject and reflective writing skills contribute to successful creative and problem solving skills which equip students with the means to be enterprising.
Admissions Profile This section will populate the admissions profile and will be publicly available information. Please note that admissions profiles for 12/ 13 entry will already have been lodged with UCAS. If any amendments are sought these must be clearly identified and would apply to the 13/ 14 intake onwards. 33 Entry Routes College / School Leavers Applicants offering post GCSE qualifications, detailed in the next section, will normally have or are predicted to achieve 160 tariff points with at least 120 from 6/12 unit awards. In addition, we will be looking for evidence of personal skills and qualities, as detailed in the third section, through your personal statement and references. Applicants with other qualifications and backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Qualifications and experiences not specifically named in this document will be carefully considered. Mature Students Mature applicants do not have to satisfy the same certificated qualifications entry criteria as college and school leavers. If you have good professional or other qualifications and appropriate work experience you will be considered and are encouraged to apply. As will those wishing to formalise their experience, or to update skills, knowledge and understanding. In addition, we will be looking for evidence of the personal skills and qualities, detailed over the page, through your 14 personal statement and references. Overseas Applicants Students whose first language is not English, with certificated qualifications, professional qualifications and or appropriate work experiences that are equivalent to those detailed above will be considered and encouraged to apply. In addition to these, you will also have to demonstrate that your standard of English is at IELTS 6.0 or better. We will also be looking for evidence of the personal skills and qualities, detailed over the page, through your personal statement and references. 34 Certified Introduction Qualifications Applicants should have studied for at least two years po st 16. There are a range of certificated qualifications wh ich form the basic admissions criteria, these are grouped under the following categories.
UCAS Tariff Qualifications GCE Advanced Level GCE Advanced Subsidiary VCE Advanced Level Double Award VCE Advanced Level Single Award BTEC National Diploma Scottish Advanced Highers Scottish Highers Key Skills (Communication, Application of Number & IT at levels 2, 3 & 4) Leeds Met Progression Module
Other Formal Qualifications NVQ level 3 Supervisory Award Irish Leaving Certificate International Baccalaureate Key Skills (wider areas at level 2,3 & 4)
GCSE / Standard Grade GCSE grade C or equivalent in English Language GCSE grade C or equivalent in at least 3 other subjects
Examples of GCSE equivalent qualifications include, Key Skill level 2 Communication, considered equivalent to GCSE English Language grade C Key Skill Application of Number, considered equivalent to GCSE Mathematics grade C Other Key Skills at level 2, considered as equivalent to a GCSE grade C 15 Note: If Key Skills are used to make up the GCSE profile, e.g. Communication in place of English Language, they cannot be included in the UCAS tariff points total, i.e. you cannot use / count the same qualification twice.
35 Personal Skills and INTRODUCTION Qualities Entry will be dependent upon both your academic abilities and your personal skills and qualities and a portfolio of design work. You may be stronger in one over the other. We will take this into account across the balance of your application. Your personal statement and reference should indicate how you meet some or all of the personal skills and qualities.
COMMUNICATION SKILLS Students on the FdA Architectural Interior Design must be able to communicate their ideas and design proposals using a range of verbal and visual methods in order to become professional creative practitioners. The course will require them to build up cohesive arguments in peer group presentations; develop the ability to give and receive constructive criticism; explain and sell their ideas and designs to clients, staff and peers. Verbal communication will be enhanced by digital literacy this will include the use of blogs, vlogs written reports annotated design sheets and evaluations. The need to develop skills to absorb both written and verbal feedback from a range of sources will be necessary.
At Calderdale College we expect a certain level for entry to all our courses and then deliberately seek to enhance them in all our students. Consequently we have an English language requirement of a grade C pass in GCSE, or Key Skill level 2 Communication or equivalent, for all our courses.
For students whose first language is not English the study and preparations which are needed to pass the IELTS test are particularly appropriate since they cover all four major language skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing.
NUMERACY Whereas there is a common minimum standard of communication skills for all our courses, how numerate you need to be varies from course to course and sometimes within a course according to the module
16 options you choose.
ICT SKILLS The role of computers is fundamental in most if not all spheres of working life today. The nature of the course will dictate the level of IT and computing skills you require but it is important for all our students to be able to use the current mainstream types of software e.g. word processing, email, www search engines. While previous experience of the use of computers is clearly advantageous, we recognise that your experience may vary according to your educational and social background. We therefore provide workshops and/or course-based learning to enable you to obtain the level of skills you require.
STUDY SKILLS We want to help all our students to work efficiently and effectively on their courses, so if you haven’t learnt much about time management, note-taking, effective reading and problem-solving strategies before you come to Calderdale College you will get the opportunity to do so early on in your course with our dedicated Academic Skills Tutors. Academic Skills Tutors provide a range of support including 1:1 tutorials and group workshops.
INTEREST IN THIS SUBJECT To succeed in your studies and derive maximum benefit from the course you will need to be really interested in what you are studying. When we consider your application we will want to be certain that you understand not only the structure and content of our course but how it can prepare you for the career for which you are aiming after you graduate. You should address these questions in the personal statement in your application.
MOTIVATION Higher Education and all that it entails can be a challenging experience and you need to have the motivation, not just for short periods of time but for the duration of your course, to persevere and succeed in your studies. We would like to know about any experiences in your life that can demonstrate this quality in you.
WORK EXPERIENCE In your own personal development, experience beyond the world of formal education is invaluable. In the
17 absence of formal qualifications, some forms of work experience can be sufficient on their own to equip mature students for study in higher education. If you are coming to us straight from school or college some previous employment or voluntary work experience can provide you with workplace skills and knowledge that are a useful supplement to your formal learning. The fact that you have held down a responsible position of any kind can indicate to us that you should have the maturity and commitment you need to successfully complete your course with us. Similarly, experiencing life in a specific profession by work-shadowing is an important means of deciding whether that career is the right one for you. On this course you will be expected to complete work experience either through your full time or part time employment or through voluntary work experience.
INPUT TO THE COMMUNITY A major part of Calderdale College’s mission is to equip people to be able to make a full contribution to the communities in which they live and work. We are therefore very interested not just in students’ study and work achievements and what they have gained for themselves but in how they have been able to give something back to others. You may have participated in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme or been involved in community groups, charity work etc. If so, we would like you to tell us about it in your application.
OTHER QUALITIES WE ARE LOOKING FOR You won’t be surprised to hear that we like our students to display individuality and a certain degree of independence. We expect you to learn not just from our teaching staff but also from each other and therefore we are looking to fill our courses with people from a range of backgrounds so that each individual has something distinctive to contribute to and learn from the course. We hope that you will want to participate fully in all aspects of the course and not restrict your energy to the formal parts of it.
18 Part C: Programme Specification
36 Overview and Aims The labour market analysis in the route document indicates high growth in the creative industries, especially in design and as a result of new technologies, and skill shortages. The Architectural Interior Design Award sits within the Creative and Environment Route and aims to develop intermediate and higher skills in design to meet demand and respond to current and forecast skill shortages across a range of specialist disciplines
The award aims to provide a high quality programme of study to enable individuals to undertake preliminary, intermediate and higher technical learning in the fields of design, and to provide individuals with the opportunity to develop multi-transferable skills including: spatial awareness, contextual, business and personal knowledge; skills and understanding to prepare for employment and self-employment in the creative design industries within the following areas: interior design, textile, furniture and product design, exhibition and retail design and theatre set design. Students of this route will be prepared to take up employment in the design industries, related growth industries to fill the national skills shortage. Students will also develop niche skills in specialisms at a time when demand for highly qualified professionalism is growing. The course specifically seeks to widen participation in the Spatial design field and to improve access to higher education from under-represented groups in the local community. This contributes to the skill base of the region and other local economies in the context of the rapid developments taking place particularly in creative and industries. By producing capable and well-rounded graduates who will make a contribution to the labour force needs of Calderdale and the local economies. Students will have appropriate knowledge, skills and professional practice standards within the field of Spatial design. Through live industry briefs students will gain real work based practical experience of creating work for a design brief, gaining feedback from potential employers, whilst developing content for their professional portfolio of work. This will be then be used as a tool to gain future employment.
Aims To provide curricula, informed by external reference points, which develop a range of technical, professional, vocational, employability transferable and key skills appropriate to the level of the award; To develop lifelong, independent and reflective students; To enhance the employability and career prospects of students; To produce capable and well-rounded graduates who will contribute to the skill base of the local economy and region; To provide a range of multi-transferable skills within design To develop niche skills in design specialisms
19 37 Employability and Professional Context
Designers working in the living environment field must be flexible, responsive, adaptable and able to work across the shifting design boundaries. They must be able to embrace new technologies and address rapid change and also be open to new challenges and opportunities. The scope for designers who specialise in the living environment is wide as the public awareness for environmental concerns increases.
The FdA in Architectural Interior Design offers students the opportunity to engage with this design world. It is a multi-disciplinary course offering learning opportunities in a wide variety of design disciplines. It aims to provide a specialist design education which will allow students to work to their personal, individual strengths and interests. Throughout their course of study students will be constantly updating and adding to a design portfolio. On completion of this award students will be well prepared for careers in the creative industries. This course will be a natural progression route for students studying on Level 3 Art and Design BTEC National Diploma courses and A level or equivalent students and opportunity for mature student wanting a career change.
In line with the QAA Foundation Degree Framework this course has links with local employers including building developers, soft furnishing companies, architects, interiors designers, theatres, hotel chains and regional charities.
Independent learning, critical thinking and creative and conceptual ability are key elements in the structure of this degree, with emphasis on employer engagement, through live briefs, work experience and International competitions.
Holders of this degree will be equipped to enter the exciting and constantly evolving design workplace, in areas as diverse as Interior Design (domestic and commercial), Human Scale Design, Exhibition Design, Product and Textiles Design. In addition to employment, students may also progress on to further study. On completion of the programme there will be opportunities to join relevant BA Hons Top Up degrees.
38 Course Learning Outcomes Please link to “Key Concepts” in the Course Development Principles document
1 Knowledge and critical understanding of the well-established principles of research; problem solving for spatial and living environments; idea creation; idea development and design processes 2 Ability to apply and use the design processes to explore and develop ideas using a range of traditional drawing techniques, digital techniques and visualising processes in the practice of spatial and living design 20 3 Knowledge of the main methods of analysing spatial design problems, considering client/business needs and the appropriateness of different solutions and application of these in a work related context 4 Creatively apply the main methods of enquiry and research into the design development of a range of self-generated design briefs 5 Ability to start evaluating critically and communicating theories and design movements from a diverse global cultural context, both orally and in a written form 6 Synthesise to effectively communicate information, arguments, analysis and evaluation for spatial and living environments in a variety of formats
39 Level Learning Outcomes Not used 1 2 3 4 5 6 40 Graduate Attributes
Students on this award will develop all three graduate attributes of being enterprising, digitally literate and having a global outlook, progressing developmentally over the two levels.
High levels of digital literacy will be developed across all modules to develop confident and critical use of information and digital technologies to enhance academic, personal, and professional development.
The course is structured around spatial design projects with associated research and critical analysis. Digital literacy will be introduced and developed through the design development cycle inherent in all modules.
Inventive, enterprising design projects, live work related briefs and competitions are a fundamental aspect of spatial design. This will enable students to participate in a range of work based projects which promote individual initiative.
Designers are informed by a vast array of global cultural influences and information from outside their personal experience and identity. Global perspectives make a vital contribution to the design development cycle of spatial Design. To cross cultural boundaries students need to engage with diverse, global influences and international perspectives in order to develop a strong visual sensibility.
21 41 Course Learning Outcomes Mapping
Title and Level Core CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO6 Level 4 (Y) Design in Context Y
Environmental Design Y
Ergonomic Design Y
Technical Processes 1 Y
Work in Context for Y Architectural Interior Design 1 Employability for Y Architectural Interior Design 1 Title and Level Level 5 Spatial Design Y
Contemporary Y Product Design Contextual and Y Contemporary Design Technical Processes 2 Y
Work in Context for Y Architectural Interior Design 2 Employability for Y Architectural Interior Design 2
22 42 Course Structure
Level 4 120 Credit Points (CP) Semester 1 Modules Core CP Semester 2 Modules Core CP
Environmental Design Y 20 Ergonomic Design Y 20 Design in Context Y 20 Technical Processes 1 Y 20 Employability for Y 20 Work in Context Y 20 Architectural Interior Design 1
Level 5 120 Credit Points (CP) Semester 3 Modules Core CP Semester 4 Modules Core CP
Employability Y 20 Work in Context Y 20 Architectural Interior Design 2 Spatial Design Y 20 Technical Processes 2 Y 20 Contemporary Product Y 20 Contemporary and Y 20 Design Contextual Practice
43 Work Related Activities (Approximately 200 word explanation of activity) Foundation degrees integrate academic and work-based learning providing vocational qualifications intended to equip students with the skills and knowledge relevant to employers. Over several years the college has built up a number of diverse industry links. Students are also supported and strongly encouraged to be enterprising by sourcing their own work related projects. In addition the course incorporates National and International design competitions into its structure this reinforces the global and cultural attributes. Hence this award has a strong emphasis on professional development and work-based learning across both levels equating to one third of the credits on the course. Because of the strong digital and practical nature of the course, students will assimilate and apply their theoretical knowledge in practical exercises, assessments and projects, students will apply their learning within a range of work related activities. Placement or Work Related Activity Level: The Work in Context modules in particular, will present opportunities for work experience internships and freelance design opportunities. Work Related Activity Length in Weeks: 5 weeks per level Work related activity: This will be delivered either through freelance design work, design competitions, internships, case studies and voluntary work
44 Learning & Teaching Approaches Teaching and learning strategies are based on the HE vision to develop sustainable, high quality, responsive higher education, with a clear focus on employability and widening participation.
The HE Strategy is one of several cross-college strategies developed as part of the annual strategic planning process. The HE Strategy articulates with the overall College Strategic Plan and with cross-college strategies, policies and groups including: Teaching, Learning & Assessment Strategy, Widening Participation Strategy (including the Fair Access Policy), and Equality & Diversity Strategy, Responsiveness Management Group.
The College mission is ‘Inspiring students to succeed in life and in work’ and it is in this spirit that the College has focused its HE Strategy to support the development of higher skills in a range of vocational areas. This will be delivered by: Recognising and bringing out the talents of our students Helping develop skills and achieving qualifications to increase the employability of all students. Enabling students to make a positive contribution to College life and the wider community. Developing students’ commitment to their own learning and development. Working with employers and partners to enhance learning opportunities.
Key objectives to enhance the quality of teaching and learning include; Monitor the areas of improvement and examples of good practice in HE teaching and learning to ensure continuous improvements. Embed e-learning opportunities within all HE courses. Provide opportunities for all staff teaching on HE courses to update their professional skills and keep abreast of new developments in teaching and learning. Ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of resources by improving the learning environments and by reviewing models of curriculum delivery.
Every learner is entitled to good teaching and learning and this strategy is to drive improvements in the quality of teaching and learning across the organisation, which is a vital contribution to the success of students. A key objective is to develop strategies to drive improvements in the quality of teaching and learning across the College in recognition of the vital contribution teaching and other interventions have on the learning and subsequent success of our students. Depth of learning is a key principle informing teaching and learning approaches to higher education at the college. Approaches to teaching and learning encourage student engagement via student centred approaches which enable independent and autonomous learning through engaging and challenging design briefs. 24 Opportunities for embedding research and practitioner informed teaching is included in the Work in Context modules where students will research current design practitioners to inform their own design discipline.
The student experience involves progressively deepening learning over the levels of the course. The acquisition of knowledge and comprehension gained at level 4 will be closely supervised in all tasks, the content will be broad based and students will experiment with a variety of design disciplines. This gained knowledge will be built upon at all Level 5 modules and students will have the opportunity to specialise in a design discipline and be more self-critical by applying suitable solutions to more complex design problems. This will be evidenced In year 2 by students devising and formulating their own specialist design briefs and building a comprehensive portfolio of visual design work with supporting written evaluation in preparation for Level 6 study or employment.
Assessment methods and criteria require students to demonstrate deep learning by participation in group discussion and critiques which encourage deeper reflection on the design process and critical analysis of own practical portfolio work.
In Level 5 Higher levels of intellectual challenge in assessments will be demonstrated by a balance of increasingly independent practical activities the theory will vary, depending on the particular module. All modules will include practical activities. The practical work will include computing activities, case studies, problem solving, design projects, role play and simulations, teamwork, digital research activities networking and blogging.
45 Learning and Teaching Activities The course begins with an extended induction process which will ensure students know what support is available to them, who provides it and how to access it. As part of this induction, students will also undertake a skills audit, a reflection on study skills and time management activities, designed to support students who have been out of education for a while. A diagnostic assessment will also be used alongside our HE academic study support team individual tutorial support from the course team will further enhance this.
The Course employs a wide range of learning opportunities and teaching methods. Following induction the use of lectures, tutorials, practical work, work-based learning, simulations, role play, case studies, projects, peer group discussions group critiques and self-managed teams. This range of activities should provide opportunities for students to build confidence and work to their individual strengths. Students should feel that they are being challenged by the range and level of activities and assessments but should also feel supported and know how to access that support. Feedback on learning and assessment activities will be both formative and summative, supporting students in reflecting on their progress. Students are expected to participate in opportunities for formative feedback at a specified date for every module. In addition to this opportunities for one to one discussion are available daily.
25 Verbal feedback is given throughout; in addition students are encouraged to gain formative feedback on written and academic work from the academic skills tutors.
46 Use of VLE All library and information resources are centrally catalogued and are available to search and access via the VLE. Courses make use of the VLE by making available a range of resources and recommended reading via the VLE. Furthermore, electronic versions of course documents such as course and individual module guides can be accessed on the VLE. Many courses make use of the ‘Turnitin’ software available via the VLE in order to check for potential plagiarism. Information about support services such as student finance, AIG and academic/disability support (with additional support material) is also provided on the VLE in a HE specific section. Course specific details are available on the VLE and are updated regularly; these include modules, course handbook and links to other resources to support their work. Students can access their tasks from this resource and post their design and written work for assessment.
47 Use of Blended Learning The use of e-learning is a common and consistent feature of all HE courses and is a key learning tool in the majority of higher level courses. Classroom based activities are an important aspect of design courses particularly for presentations and group critiques. One to one tutorials are also important however this kind of supportive activity can be supplemented by the use of distant learning activities through email and internet telephony technology. Students are expected to engage in blogging and vlogging, these digital activities make a useful contribution to the digital literacy graduate attribute.
48 Assessment Strategy The assessment schedule with dates will be issued to students at the beginning of each year. The modules will be consecutively spread throughout the semesters with the exception of the Technical Skills module which will run concurrently across both semesters. At the start of each module the assessment criteria will be fully explained and there are group activities requiring students to unpick the brief. All modules require students to produce a design development file; within this students will show how they will approach the project. Formative assessment will take place approximately half way through the module during a one to one tutorial. Summative assessment with written feedback will be provided by the module tutor and double marked by members of the course team relating to the learning outcomes. These assessment activities will be regular and evenly spaced throughout the duration of the course. Students build upon all modules for progression and development which is mainly evidenced in a portfolio of visual design work and supported by written reviews and reflective self-evaluations. 26 Recent assessment activities have included video recordings of presentations and peer group assessment, both of these activities were well received by students. To ensure students are taking the opportunities to progress on their gained knowledge and skills previous written feedback for improvements is referred to and linked to the current module. To prepare students for work in the workplace and wider society both levels 4 and 5 engage with live briefs and national and international competitions to gain industrial experience.
49 Feedback on Assessment Verbal feedback will be a constant activity throughout the delivery of the course. Formative written feedback will take place mid module. Further comprehensive summative feedback will be delivered at a one to one tutorial at the end of each module. Students will participate in individual and group presentations which will enable them to give and receive informal feedback from their peers.
27 50 Assessment Method Mapping – Please enter % weighting for a maximum of two pieces of summative assessment per module. Add additional rows for available option choices. The types of summative assessment methods permitted can be reviewed in the Academic Regulations C5.7.3
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Module Titles w Level 4 Design in Context Y 30% 70% Environmental Design Y 70% 30% Ergonomic Design Y 70% 30% Work in Context in Y 50% 50% Architectural Interior Design 1 Technical Processes 1 Y 60% 40% Employability for Y 50% 50% Architectural Interior Design 1 CA3AI02 Level 5 Spatial Design Y 70% 30% Contemporary Product Y 80% 20% Design Contextual and Y 70% 30% Contemporary Design Work in Context for Y 50% 50% Architectural Interior Design 2 Technical Processes 1 Y 100% Employability for Y 100% Architectural Interior Design 2
51 How is feedback from students Student feedback is collected in a variety of gathered and used in course ways including through Module Evaluations, design/ enhancement? focus groups, HE SPOCs and the National Student Survey (NSS). Additionally the 28 College uses the Student Written Submission (SWS from the IQER) in order to gather feedback on the student experience. Course representatives play a key role in facilitating feedback from their fellow students. They facilitate the module evaluations and focus groups and then present this feedback at the biannual enhancement and development meetings. These meetings are attended by academic and management staff, therefore feedback can be reviewed and managed quickly.
Feedback via students surveys such as the NSS are reviewed at the end of the year in processes such as the HE self-assessment report and the Leeds Met annual review process. 52 How is feedback about the As the course representative is present at the course given to students? enhancement and development meetings; they take back responses to feedback almost immediately, closing the feedback loop. For issues that can’t be responded to at the meetings, the course representatives are regularly updated through the HE officer on the student executive and staff involved in learner engagement and quality. Feedback is also disseminated by course leaders who endeavour to flag up changes to the college and the course based on student feedback to highlight the strength and influence of the student voice.
Indicators of Quality and Standards 53 Rationale for Change We are reviewing all our Undergraduate courses, drawing on past and current successes, to ensure that all courses are: Focused on student and employer needs and demands Supported by consistently good teaching Designed to offer all students work related learning and participation in volunteering and/or international exchange. Integrated with technology Underpinned by effective resources, both physical and virtual
We are listening to students, employers and are 29 simplifying the course structures, clarifying course content, ensuring summative assessment is balanced and timely and reviewing all course titles.
Refocusing of the Undergraduate curriculum will ensure that our graduates are distinguished by three overarching features: Enterprising Digitally Literate Global Outlooks
As a result of Refocusing the Undergraduate Curriculum we will: Improve student progression, achievement and employability Enhance the market attractiveness of our Undergraduate portfolio 54 National Student Survey: The following results are at college level, due to the low number of final year students results at award level are not available Staff are good at explaining 92% things Staff have made the subject 83% interesting Overall, I am satisfied with 75% the quality of my course I have received sufficient 83% advice and support with my studies Feedback on my work has 81% been prompt Feedback on my work has 73% helped me clarify things I did not understand The library resources are 54% good enough for my needs Note: Due to low completion numbers, these results are not representative of the main student opinion. Feedback has therefore been collected from students at Course Student Forums which is then presented at HE Enhancement and Development meetings. Students’ verbal feedback suggests that they are very happy with resources provided by the LRC, both physical and online, and that they value the support they are given by the LRC Support Officers. We feel this is a more accurate method of collecting satisfaction levels from each course. 30 I have been able to access 67% general IT resources when I needed to 55 Teaching Quality Information The quality of teaching is reviewed and monitored throughout the academic year and evidenced through a wide range of activities: Lesson Observation, Annual Appraisal, External Examiners, Module Evaluation, Student Feedback and Student Satisfaction Surveys. These processes are in place to support the overall professional development of staff and to sustain and enhance the quality of teaching and learning processes for students. At the end of each academic year the quality of teaching along with many other award related functions are considered through the Annual Review Process. Issues which are raised or ideas for improving the student experience, are implemented either through minor or major modifications. 56 Module Evaluation Module evaluations data and module leader reports are discussed at Annual Review and Enhancement Meetings. Appropriate Action points are determined and actions reported to the next meeting or if appropriate discussed in studio with student group. The quality unit publish a document entitled “You Said We Action” which publishes how we have rectified student concerns Recent examples of evaluations and actions include the need for academic skills tutorials earlier in the course were identified in module evaluations therefore a programme of workshops was put in place at the beginning of the year.
Level 4 Feedback from students relating to modules in recent years has been varied. This year changes have been made to encourage more use of the Illustrator software for improved visual language. Sessions have been put in place for the HE study support to come to the class room and delivery academic support.
Level 5 Some student have expressed the need for more time in order to produce more in depth work, this will be addressed by the introduction of fewer modules but at 20 credits. Students enjoyed the
31 experience of live briefs and international design competitions. This will be developed further.
57 What methods are used to The award undergoes annual review in line with monitor and assess quality? Leeds Met University and College requirements. The following specific issues will be considered within the Annual Review Process: Applications/admissions, student profile patterns of non-completion and drop-out, Student withdrawal; Student progression; Student achievement.
The following matters will also be considered: Curriculum design, content and organisation, Assessment, Learning and Teaching, Learning Resources (to include materials, accommodation and equipment), Identification of issues which need to be addressed at College, Faculty, and Business Unit or at Award level.
Student Feedback The modules and the course will be subject to module evaluation. Student Representatives will be sought to take part in meetings with Award Leaders, Module Tutors, Programme Area Managers other Student Representatives to provide feedback on their student experience to help provide solutions to the issues that students are facing. In addition student forums and student focus groups are open to students on the award.
Progress Indicators A bi-annual progress review meeting will be undertaken within the course team to monitor the progress of the students through the course and the personal tutor will meet students to discuss their progress at the end of each semester.
An External Examiner will be appointed to the course who works in another university to provided confirmation of the effectiveness and quality of the course. They are required to provide an annual report to which the course team has to respond to within 30 days. The report and the course teams responses for an integral part of the quality processes and are considered within the school, faculty and at
32 university level.
33 58 External Examiner Reports The External Examiner reports that the standards set for the awards are appropriate and the standards of student performance are comparable with similar courses and subjects in other UK HE institutions. The content was deemed appropriate for Levels 4 and 5
She sampled student work from the FdA Architectural Interior Design course and was satisfied with the standard.
The processes for assessment, examination and the determination of awards was found to be sound and fairly conducted. The team were commended on their hard work and effort they put into each student individually and the rate of progression onto ‘top-up’ degrees confirms this. All recommendations from the external have been acted upon and she has noted the improvements. Concerns over written English have been addressed by the course team and the HE study support team, consequently the team is better prepared to help students with progression to HE6. Positive comments were made regarding module assessment and these have been deemed to be fair and consistent. 59 Research and Scholarly All Staff teaching on HE courses will be offered Activity the opportunity to upgrade their qualifications where necessary, to provide opportunities for on- going scholarly activity, to engage with academic research and to provide opportunities for industrial updating.
Research and scholarly activities are best exemplified by staff engaging in industrial practice and by maintaining an active interest in current design developments. All members of the course team are current design practitioners, the impact of professional design activities on course development and engagement with students is vital, as real work experience can inform and reinforce the importance and need for the three graduate attributes.
The course team are all members of Calderdale Creatives.
In 2012 the team have attended: Design Your Future UCAS Fair Manchester 34 2012 First Cut Manchester City Art Gallery The Hepworth Wakefield Victoria and Albert Museum The Royal Academy of Arts: Hockney Exhibition 60 Staff Development All staff members are expected to keep a full record of developmental activities undertaken. The College will keep a central record of all events and activities attended by a member of staff for which a Staff Development Application/Booking Form was submitted. The College will add to the individual’s record any other events that the individual has attended and informed the Staff Development Department of. Staff development records will be forwarded to appraising managers annually in March ahead of the appraisal window (April). Records may also be provided to an individual on request with an expected turnaround of five working days.
Developmental records should: Feed into an individual’s personal development plan with short and long term aims and objectives aligned to their current job role, the Colleges plan for future development and Faculty/Unit development plans and objectives Show how staff’s personal development activities relate to their personal development needs, targets and objectives Record evaluations of each development event/activity undertaken detailing new skills/knowledge acquired and how this is proposed to be used Detail reflection after each event to illustrate practical application of new competencies acquired as a result of the developmental activity/event Be of use to both the College and to the individual as evidence of development linked to appraisals and renewal of memberships with professional associations i.e. CIPD, IfL Be an easy reference for staff to up-date their CV’s with relevant staff development activity.
35 In addition, and with particular relevance to staff delivering HE Provision, attendance at networking events should be recorded along with key aspects of the event linking in to personal development. Attendance at partner Higher Educational Institute events is encouraged but it is requested that staff forward details of events to Staff Development for central recording. Should the events take place during normal teaching hours, or have any associated expenses, application for this should be made via Staff Development Application Form ahead of attending the event.
Staff development activity attended in 2012: Refocus event LMU and CC Teaching squares Mentor training
Part D: Faculty Approval This section must be completed by the Associate Dean
62 Module Approval Templates have been checked and approved for submission
63 Curriculum vitae for staff teaching on the course have been checked and approved for submission 64 Public Information has been checked and approved for submission 65 Course Approval Template has been checked and approved for submission 66 Approved on behalf of the Faculty of 67 Date submitted to QSRE
36 Part E: Final Approval This section must be completed by the Registrar and Secretary’s Office.
68 Approved by External Advisor See Accompanying Comments 69 Date 70 Approved by RSO See accompanying comments 71 Date 72 Approved by DVC, Student Experience 73 Date 74 If No, date re-submission required 75 Re-submission Approved by External Advisor 76 Date 77 Re-submission Approved by RSO 78 Date 79 Re-submission Approved by DVC, Student Experience 80 Date 81 Not Approved If course is not approved on re-submission state reasons and select action. 82 Final approval date 83 Next review date 84 Version Control
Version number Version number Version number