The Faculty of Education and Psychology
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UNIVERSITY OF LATVIA The Faculty of Education and Psychology
THE HIGHEST TEACHER’S PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION (Codes No. 2320, 2331, 2340) in the following specialities:
2320 01 high school teacher of the Latvian language and literature 451414 01 ) 2320 01 high school teacher of Latvian as a second language ( 451414 06 ) 2320 01 high school teacher of English/German ( 451414 02 / 451414 03) 2320 02 teacher of home economics and history of culture ( 451419 61 ) 2320 02 teacher of visual arts and art history ( 451419 46 ) 2320 02 teacher of handicrafts and drawing ( 451419 62 ) 2320 01 high school teacher of health education and sports ( 451419 72 ) 2320 02 teacher of applied information science ( 451414 22 ) 2331 primary school teacher ( 451412 01 ) teacher of history of culture and art history ( 45141943 ) social pedagogue ( 451438 01 ) 2340 special school teacher ( 451434 01 )
Programme Director: Dr. A.KOPELOVICH Prof., hab.paed. CONFIRMED CONFIRMED At the Council meeting At the Council meeting of the of the University of Latvia Faculty of the Education and Educational study branch Psychology December 10, 1997 of the University of the Latvia Minutes Nr. 2 September 25, 1997 Chairman of the Council Minutes Nr. 2 Chairman of the Council ...... I. prof. A.Kopelovich ...... doc. O.Zîds CONFIRMED At the Meeting of the CONFIRMED Academic Council At the meeting of the Council of the University of Latvia of October 22, 1997 the University of Latvia Decision No. 2 - 4 January 26, 1998 Academic Vice-Rector Decision No 187 Chairman of the Council ...... prof. J.Krûmiòð PROGRAMME SUMMARY ...... prof. E.Grçns
Study programme is envisaged as higher education for teacher’s professional qualification in one of the following fields of study:
1. high school teacher of the Latvian language and literature; 2. high school teacher of Latvian as a second language; 3. high school teacher of English/German; 4. teacher of home economics and history of culture; 5. teacher of visual arts and art history; 6. teacher of handicrafts and drawing; 7. high school teacher of health education and sports; 8. teacher of applied information science; 9. primary school teacher; 10.teacher of history of culture and art history; pedagogue; 12.special school teacher;
Length of studies - 10 semesters, amount - 200 credits.
Study programme contents is arranged in three parts: Part A (obligatory courses) - 80 credits (40%) must be acquired by all students who major in professional study programs.
Part B (selective courses) - 100 credits (50%) must be acquired by students in the framework of the teacher’s qualification subprograms.
Part C (free choice course) - 20 credits (10%).. II. GENERAL DESCRIPTION
The aim of study programme implementation is to create conditions for acquirement of highest teacher’s qualification which is the basis to begin teacher’s educational activities.
Tasks: 1. Ensure acquiring of academic and professional knowledge, skills, know - how and creative experience in the theories of education, teaching (socialization of personality). 2. Encourange combination of creative academic studies with practical educational activities. 3. Create conditions for students - would be teachers - to develop a tenacious personality for the activity in a democratic society. 4. Guarantee successful application of academic basic knowledge in teacher’s professional educational activities. 5. Build the thirst for self - education, stimulating further studies and life - long learning.
The programme is based on Education Law of Latvia (1991) Concept of Teacher’s Training (19.09.1995) Education concept of Latvia (1995) Regulations of Teacher’s Training (16.10.1996) and Bachelor’s of Education standard (Confirmed by Rectors’ Council (19.02.1997) demands.
The Studies provide the conditions for the acquirement of the higher education necessary for the teacher’s professional qualification determined in the professional classification catalogue of the Republic of Latvia. They are means of implementation of the University of Latvia activities as they ensure facilities and conditions for teachers’ acquirement of education in compliance with University academic standards and professional needs of state educational establishments. Other higher educational establishments - Daugavpils Educational University, Sports Education Academy of Latvia, Liepaya Educational Higher School, Riga Educational and Education Management Higher School et al. studies are implemented on the basis of similar programmes. Coordination of the academic care programmes which lead to acquirement of the content of the bachelor studies in the above mentioned educational establishments took place from October 1996 to April 1997. Programme Part A includes the standard part of the bachelor of education, forming the necessary theoretical and methodological basis for further studies. Part B embraces the study courses of the chosen school subject in the corresponding field of science and its methodology as well as the selected part of the course. Part A courses have been accepted by five educational higher schools: DPU, LSPA, Riga PIVA, LPA and UL Faculty of Education and Psychology administration and teaching staff at the meeting on April 16, 1997. Course descriptions have been elaborated by the teachers of the above mentioned higher educational establishments. They have been accepted for implementation as course directives for all the above mentioned institutions. Studies take place according to a Similar Model in the countries of European Union (Denmark, the U.K., Norway, Sweden) in North America (the USA, Canada) as well as in our neighboring countries Estonia and Lithuania.
The scientific and applied research at the Faculty is conducted in accordance with the grants of Scientific Council of Latvia on the basis of international programmes (TEMPUS, PHARE, Nordic Countries etal.) and Education and Science Ministry finances allotted for applied research. Research on the theory of Education, educational science, methodology of school subjects et al. and topics connected with the study process is conducted in the doctor research work as well as in bachelors’ and qualification papers elaborated at the faculty. The work conducted at the Faculty has received positive assessment on behalf of European Union, Nordic countries and leading institutions of Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia. III. STUDY CONDITIONS
Applicants are accepted for studies after acquiring secondary education without age limitations. Persons having acquired higher education or a bachelor’s academic degree can apply for studies paid by legal or physical entities. Studies are financed from state budget donations or students’ or other physical or legal unities’ tuition fees or other sources of financing. The amount of tuition fees and payment order for the following study semester is determined and approved by the Faculty Council. The study process is supervised by University of Latvia Scientific Study Programme Council, its implementation is effected by study Programme Director, Dean’s Office and tread of the Education chair. In accordance with the University of Latvia study pattern each student has the right to two year (or 4 semester) academic leave. On fulfillment of study programme the student is conferred the Bachelor of Education degree and it gives him/her the right to continue the studies for Master of Education degree. Studies in the Master degree courses in other educational establishments or professional study programmes can take place in accordance with study conditions of these programmes. IV. THE CONTENTS OF THE PROFESSIONAL STUDY PROGRAMM
PART A (80 credits) - COMPULSORY COURSES (for all fields of study)
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1. General Pedagogy 3 EXAM 2. History of pedagogy 3 EXAM 3. Pedagogical thought in Latvia 3 EXAM 4. School management 2 EXAM 5. Pre - school and school pedagogy 3 EXAM 6. Adult Education 2 EXAM 7. Field pedagogy 8 EXAM 8. Introduction into special education 2 EXAM 9. Didactics 3 EXAM 10. Theories and methods of Education 3 EXAM 11. Methodology and the research methods in 3 TEST education 12. General psychology and the biological foundation 4 EXAM of the psyche 13. Developmental psychology 2 EXAM 14. Social psychology and social education 4 EXAM 15. Education and psychology of interaction 4 EXAM 16. Pedagogical psychology 2 EXAM Total: 51 GENERAL COURSES: 1. Foundations of philosophy 3 EXAM 2. Information technology in education 4 EXAM 3. Practical foreign language 4 TEST, EXAM 4. Foundations of the humanities (logics, 8 EXAM profesional ethics, issues on language culture, the history of art, etc.) Total: 19
Qualification paper 10 EXAM (including also the basic demands of bachelor’s paper)
Total: 80 PART B (100 credits) - SELECTIVE COURSES - The 1st study Profile of Teacher’s Professional Qualification Programme Qualification " The Teacher of Latvian in Secondary School " (Study Director: doc. I.STIKÂNE)
No TITLE OF THE COURSE Credit Form of points testing
B1 - courses corresponding to the fundamentals of science
B1 - COMPULSARY (61 credits) 1. The modern Latvian language I - VII 20 exam 2. The history of the Latvian literature I - 20 exam VIII 3. The theory of the literature 3 exam 4. Introduction into linguistics I - II 4 test, exam 5. The history of the Latvian language 2 exam 6. History of the Latvian literary language 2 exam (standart latvian) 7. The Latvian folklore 2 exam 8. The introduction in baltistic 1 exam 9. General linguistics 1 exam 10. The Latvian children’s literature 1 exam 11. Punctuation 1 exam 12. The Lithuanian language 2 exam 13. Lexicostylistics 1 exam 14. The Latvian exile literature 1 exam
B1 - SELECTIVE (10 credits) 15. Selective courses in Latvian and literature: 10 test, exam Process of literary creation 1 Sociolinguistics 1 The poetry of Rainis 1 The poetry of Ojars Vacietis 1 Works of R. Blaumanis 1 The literary work of Poruks 1 Foreign literature I - VII etc. 7
B2 - courses of subject didactics
B2 - COMPULSORY (9 credits) 1. Methodology of teaching/learning Latvian 2 exam literature 2. Methodology of teaching Latvian 2 exam 3. Syntax at school 2 exam 4. Analysis of fiction at school. 3 exam
B2 - SELECTIVE (10 credits) 5. Selective courses in methods of teaching, 10 test, exam education and psychology Introduction into the history of the 1 methodics of teaching Latvian Methodology of ortography 1 The methodology of teaching essay writing 1 Experimental work at the lessons of 1 literature Lexicography – theory and school practice 1 Stylistics at scool 1 Problemsituations in lessons of literature 2 Dialectology -- theory and scool practice 1 The new Latvian literature at school 1 etc. School practice 12 weeks 6 test Course paper 2 test Qualification examination 2 exam Total part B : 100 PART C (20 credits)
Free choice courses 20 test, exam PART B (100 credits) - SELECTIVE COURSES - The 2nd study Profile of Teacher’s Professional Qualification Programme Qualification " The Teacher of Latvian as a Second Language in Secondary School " (Study Director: doc. I.STIKÂNE)
No TITLE OF THE COURSE Credit Form of points testing
B1 - courses corresponding to the fundamentals of science
B1 - COMPULSARY (61 credits) 1. The modern Latvian language I - VII 20 exam 2. The history of the Latvian literature I - 20 exam VIII 3. The theory of the literature 3 exam 4. Introduction into linguistics I - II 4 test, exam 5. The history of the Latvian language 2 exam 6. History of the Latvian literary language 2 exam (standart latvian) 7. The Latvian folklore 2 exam 8. Psychology of contrastive language 1 exam 9. General linguistics 1 exam 10. The Latvian children’s literature 1 exam 11. The modern Russian language 2 exam 12. Lexicostylistics 1 exam 13. Punctuation 1 exam 14. The Latvian exile literature 1 exam
B1 - SELECTIVE (10 credits) 15. Selective courses in Latvian language and 10 test, exam literature: Process of literary creation 1 Sociolinguistics 1 The poetry of Rainis 1 The poetry of Ojars Vacietis 1 Works of R. Blaumanis 1 The literary work of Poruks 1 Foreign literature I - VII 7 etc.
B2 - courses of subject didactics
B2 - COMPULSARY (9 credits) 16. Methodology of Latvian as a second 4 exam language 17. Practical phonetics of Latvian in minority 2 exam schools 18. Practical grammar of Latvian in minority 1 exam schools 19. Latvian and Russian contrastive grammar 1 exam 20. Nature of speech mistakes 1 exam
B2 - SELECTIVE (10 credits) 16. Selective courses in methods of teaching, 10 test, exam education and psychology Stylistics at scool 1 Methodology of ortography 1 The methodology of teaching essay writing 1 Lexicography – theory and school practice 1 Experimental work at the lessons of 1 literature Analysis of fiction at school 2 Analysis of fiction at school 3 Dialectology -- theory and scool practice 1 The new Latvian literature at school 1 etc. School practice 12 weeks 6 test Course paper 2 test Qualification examination 2 exam Total part B : 100 PART C (20 credits)
Free choice courses 20 test, exam PART B (100 credits) - SELECTIVE COURSES -
The 3rd study Profile of Teacher’s Professional Qualification Programme
Qualification " The Teacher of English/ German in Secondary School " (Study Director: doc. I.KANGRO)
No TITLE OF THE COURSE Credit Form of points testing
B1 - courses corresponding to the fundamentals of science
B1 - COMPULSARY (61 credits)
1. Introduction in the speciality 2 exam 2. The introduction of linguistics 1 exam 3. Latin 2 exam 4. Contemporary Latvian language 2 exam 5. Practical phonetics of English/German 3 exam language 6. Practical grammar of English/German 8 exam language 7. Lexically grammatical analysis of 8 exam English/German texts (I, II, III, IV) 8. Linguistically stylistic interpretation of 8 exam English/ German texts (V, VI, VII, VIII) 9. Written practice of English/German 9 exam language (I -IX) 10. Speaking practice of English/German 9 exam language (I - IX) 11. The history of English/German language 2 exam 12. Stylistics of English/German language 2 exam 13. Lexicology of English/German language 2 exam 14. Socio-linguistics of English/German 1 exam language 15. Tendencies of English/German language 1 exam development 16. Interdisciplinary project: English/German 1 exam speaking countries
B1 - SELECTIVE (9 credits) 17. Principles of English/German language 2 test, exam translation Antique literature 2 test, exam Literature studies of English/German 5 test, exam speaking countries German language dialectology and 1 test, exam linguisticS Special course in literature: the development of 1 test, exam German literature starting from March revolution till the expressionism Seminar about the bachelor paper etc. 1 test, exam
B2 - courses of subject didactics
B2 - COMPULSARY (9 credits) 1. Methodology of foreign language teaching 3 exam 2. Teaching literature in foreign language 2 exam lessons 3. Using of modern information technologies 2 exam in teaching foreigm languages 4. Studies of English/German speaking 2 exam countries
B2 - SELECTIVE (11 credits) 6. Second foreign language (English, German, 8 exam French, etc.) 7. Selective courses in methods of teaching, 3 test education and psychology The role of group-work and projects in 2 exam foreign language teaching process Teaching of English grammar at school 1 exam The principles of German language 2 exam translation (part II) The principles of general didactics 1 exam Introduction in pedagogics 1 exam Pluralism ideas in pedagogics 1 exam School practice 12 nedèîas 6 test Course paper 2 test Qualification examination 2 exam Total part B : 100 PART C (20 credits)
Free choice courses 20 test, exam PART B (100 credits) - SELECTIVE COURSES - The 4th study Profile of Teacher’s Professional Qualification Programme Qualification " The Teacher of House Economics and the History of Culture " (Study Director: lect. L.ÐELVAHA)
No TITLE OF THE COURSE Credit Form of points testing
B1 - courses corresponding to the fundamentals of science
B1 - COMPULSARY (62 credits) 1. History of culture 25 Sociology of culture 2 exam History of World culture 10 exam Fundamentals of history of Latvia 2 exam Traditional popular culture of Latvian 3 exam nation Traditional popular cultural of world's 2 exam nations Latvian popular art and civic 2 exam consciousness History of art 4 exam 2. Teaching of materials 2 exam 3. Teaching of food, methods of teaching 6 exam 4. Textile, methods of teaching 13 exam 5. Fundamentals of composition 8 exam 6. House economics 8 exam
B1 - SELECTIVE (8 credits) 7. Fine arts 4 (6) exam 8. Composition of nature materials 4 (5) exam
B2 - courses of subject didactics
B2 - COMPULSARY (10 credits) 1. Teaching practice 4 test, exam 2. Subject didactics 6 exam B2 - SELECTIVE (10 credits) 3. Practical classes 4 (5) exam 4. Optional courses 6 (9) exam School practice 12 weeks 6 test Course paper 2 test Qualification examination 2 exam Total part B : 100 PART C (20 credits)
Free choice courses 20 test, exam PART B (100 credits) - SELECTIVE COURSES - The 5th study Profile of Teacher’s Professional Qualification Programme Qualification " The Teacher of Crafts, History of Culture and Technical Drawing " (Study Director: lect. L.ÐELVAHA)
No TITLE OF THE COURSE Credit Form of points testing B1 - courses corresponding to the fundamentals of science
B1 - COMPULSARY (60 credits) 1. History of culture 25 Sociology of culture 2 exam History of World culture 10 exam Fundamentals of history of Latvia 2 exam Traditional popular culture of Latvian 3 exam nation Traditional popular cultural of world's 2 exam nations Latvian popular art and civic 2 exam consciousness History of art 4 exam 2. Metal processing and methods of its 6 exam teaching 3. Woodworking and methods of teaching 7 exam 4. Technical drawing 6 exam 5. Descriptive geometry 2 exam 6. Teaching of materials 4 exam 7. Composition 6 exam 8. House economics 4 exam
B1 - SELECTIVE (10 credits) 9. Fine arts 4 (6) exam 10. Repairs and construction work 2 exam 11. Teaching of machinery 2 exam 12. Housekeeping 2 (5) exam B2 - courses of subject didactics
B2 - COMPULSARY (10 credits) 1. Teaching practice 4 exam 2. Subject didactics 6 exam
B2 - SELECTIVE (10 credits) 3. Practical classes 4 (6) exam 4. Optional courses 6 (8) exam School practice 12 weeks 6 test Course paper 2 test Qualification examination 2 exam Total part B : 100 PART C (20 credits)
Free choice courses 20 test, exam PART B (100 credits) - SELECTIVE COURSES - The 6th study Profile of Teacher’s Professional Qualification Programme Qualification " The Teacher of Visual Arts and the History of Arts " (Study Director: lekt. J.NIKIFOROVS)
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B1 - courses corresponding to the fundamentals of science
B1 - COMPULSARY (71 credits) 1. Drawing 16 exam 2. Painting 13 exam 3. 2 dimensional design 8 exam 4. 3 dimensional design 8 exam 5. Graphic art 4 exam 6. Textile 4 exam 7. History and theory of art 14 exam 8. Basic problems of the History of World 4 exam culture B1 - SELECTIVE (8 credits) 10. Selective courses in visual arts,history of 12 exam art, course paper in speciality
B2 - courses of subject didactics
B2 - COMPULSARY (7 credits) 1. Methods of teaching visual art, course 4 exam paper 2. Methods of teaching history of art 3 exam School practice 12 weeks 6 test Teaching practice and course papers: - plaiairs, course paper in fine arts 2 exam - textile, course paper in textile 2 exam - museums, course paper in history 2 exam of art Qualification examination 2 exam Total part B : 100 PART C (20 credits)
Free choice courses 20 test, exam PART B (100 credits) - SELECTIVE COURSES -
The 7th study Profile of Teacher’s Professional Qualification Programme
Qualification "The Teacher of Health Education and Sports" (Study Director: doc. J.MELBÂRDIS)
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B1 - courses corresponding to the fundamentals of science
B1 - COMPULSARY (61 credits) 1. Human physiology 6 test, exam 2. Human anatomy 6 test, exam 3. Methods and theory of physical education 6 test, exam 4. Introduction into health education 2 exam 5. Sexual education 2 exam 6. Diseases, ways of avoiding them. 2 exam Security, safety, being beware of accidents 7. Hygiene, self-control 2 exam 8. Organization and structure of sport 2 exam 9. Being beware of drug usage 1 test 10. Development of teacher's bearing and the 2 test culture of movement 11. Physiology of sport 2 exam 12. Healthy food 1 test 13. Healthy environment 1 test 14. Health in the family 1 test 15. Gymnastics 4 test 16. Track and field athletics 6 test, exam 17. Basketball 6 test, exam 18. Volley ball 4 test 19. Selection and arrangement of the 1 exam competition site 20. Motion games in sport 2 test 21. Massage, its types 2 test
B1 - SELECTIVE (9 credits)
B2 - courses of subject didactics
B2 - COMPULSARY (14 credits) 1. Theory and methods of chosen sport: - History and development of chosen 2 test sport - Methods of improving sportic mastery 2 test 2. Methods of teaching swimming 2 test 3. Musical rhythmic gymnastics(women) 2 test 4. Aerobics (women) 2 test 5. Wrestling (men) 4 test 6. Improvement of pedagogical mastery: Methods of managing classes 2 test Application of scientific research 2 test, exam methods physical education
B2 - SELECTIVE (6 credits) 7. Handball 4 test 8. Skiing 3 test 9. Tourism 2 test 10. Orientation sport 2 test 11. Table tennis 3 test 12. Diagnostics and rehabilitation in physical 1 test education and sports 13. Football 2 test School practice 12 weeks 6 test Course paper 2 test Qualification examination 2 exam Total part B : 100 PART C (20 credits)
Free choice courses 20 test, exam PART B (100 credits) - SELECTIVE COURSES - The 8th study Profile of Teacher’s Professional Qualification Programme Qualification " The Teacher of Applied Information Sciences " (Study Director: doc. A.GRÎNFELDS)
No TITLE OF THE COURSE Credit Form of points testing
B1 - courses corresponding to the fundamentals of science
B1 - COMPULSARY (61 credits) 1. Basic principles in computer teaching 4 exam 2. Informatics mathematical methods 4 exam 3. Basic algorithm 4 exam 4. Basic principles of programming 4 exam 5. History of information technologies 2 test 6. Database 4 exam 7. Computer graphics 4 test 8. Computer nets 2 test 9. INTERNET and INTRANET 4 test 10. WWW page creating 2 test 11. Computer in education 2 exam 12. Juridical and aesthetical aspects of society 2 test informing 13. Computers in school management 3 test 14. Business programmes 8 exam 15. Practical informatics 4 test 16. Practical programming(I) 4 test 17. Practical programming(II) 4 test
B1 - SELECTIVE (9 credits) 18. Basic principles in theory of tests 4 exam 19. Test making systems 2 test 20. Output teaching courses with author- 4 exam programme 21. Basic principles of system analysis 2 test 22. 2 test
B2 - courses of subject didactics
B2 - COMPULSARY (14 credits) 1. Methodology in informating 6 exam 2. Multimedia systems methodology 6 exam 3. Using information technologies in teaching 2 exam material preparation
B2 - SELECTIVE (6 credits) 4. Modern teaching environment 3 test 5. Statystical processing of data 4 exam 6. Methodology in programming acquiring 2 test 7. Methodology in research comparing 2 test School practice 12 weeks 6 test Course paper 2 test Qualification examination 2 exam Total part B : 100 PART C (20 credits)
Free choice courses 20 test, exam PART B (100 credits) - SELECTIVE COURSES - The 9th study Profile of Teacher’s Professional Qualification Programme Qualification " Primary School Teacher " (Study Director: doc. A.BALDIÒÐ)
No TITLE OF THE COURSE Credit Form of points testing B1 - courses corresponding to the fundamentals of science
B1 - COMPULSARY (22 credits) 1. Children’ s literature 6 exam 2. Folklore 4 exam 3. Education of family 2 exam 4. Health education 2 exam 5. Principles of speech therapy 3 exam 6. Culture of language 2 exam 7. Defending Children’s Rights 3 exam
B1 - SELECTIVE (15 credits) 1. Altenative pedagogics 3 exam 2. Principles of defectology 3 exam 3. Principles of Surdopedagogics 3 exam 4. Principles of Typhlopedagogics 3 exam 5. Principles of Olygophrenopedagogics 3 exam 6. etc. 3 exam
B2 - courses of subject didactics
B2 - COMPULSARY (46 credits) 1. Latvian language and teaching 8 test, exam methodology 2. Mathematics and teaching methodology 8 test, exam 3. Natural sciences and teaching methodology 6 test, exam 4. Handicrafts and teaching methodology 6 test, exam 5. Visual arts and teaching methodology 6 test, exam 6. Physical education, theory and methods 6 test, exam 7. Music and teaching methodology 6 test, exam B2 - SELECTIVE (5 credits) 1. Pedagogical professional studies 3 exam 2. Caligraphy and Practical Writing 2 exam 3. etc. 2 exam School practice 12 weeks 10 test Qualification examination 2 exam Total part B : 100 PART C (20 credits)
Free choice courses 20 test, exam PART B (100 credits) - SELECTIVE COURSES - The 10th study Profile of Teacher’s Professional Qualification Programme Qualification " The Teacher of the History of Culture and History of Art " (Study Director: lect. A.AVOTIÒA)
No TITLE OF THE COURSE Credit Form of points testing
B1 - courses corresponding to the fundamentals of science
B1 - COMPULSARY (63 credits) 1. History and theory of Art: Introduction into 6 exam Science of Art. 2. History and theory of Art: Middle Ages and 8 exam Renaissance 3. History and theory of Art: Oriental and 8 exam Antique Art 4. History and theory of Art: New age, 17 - 8 exam 19th centuries 5. History of Latvian Art 5 exam 6. Philosophy of Art 2 exam 7. The History of the world culture. The 4 exam ancient Orient 8. The History of the world culture. The 8 exam ancient Orient 9. The History of the world culture. The 3 exam processes of developing the Christian culture 10. The History of the world culture. 2 exam Renaissance culture in Western Europe and Latvia 11. The History of the world culture. The 1 exam cultural historical processes of the New age and latest times 12. The History of Latvian culture. 2 exam 13. History of Philosophy 3 exam 14. Esthetics 3 exam
B1 - SELECTIVE (9 credits) 1. The basic problems of world history of 2 exam culture 2. History of esthetics 2 exam 3. History of Modern Art (20th cent.) 2 exam 4. Modern Tendencies in the contemporary 2 exam philosophy 5. Philosophical aspect of literature 3 exam 6. Latvian Theatre 2 exam 7. etc. 2 exam
B2 - courses of subject didactics
B2 - COMPULSARY (8 credits) 1. Methods of teaching the history of art 6 exam 2. Psychology of art 2 exam
B2 - SELECTIVE (4 credits) 1. History of Religions 4 exam 2. etc. 4 exam School practice 12 weeks 10 test Qualification examination 2 exam Total part B : 100 PART C (20 credits)
Free choice courses 20 test, exam PART B (100 credits) - SELECTIVE COURSES - The 11th study Profile of Teacher’s Professional Qualification Programme Qualification " Social Pedagogue " (Study Director: doc. A. RAÝEVA)
No TITLE OF THE COURSE Credit Form of points testing B1 - courses corresponding to the fundamentals of science
B1 - COMPULSARY (20 credits) 1. Development of the child 3 exam 2. Social politics 2 exam 3. Psychology of violence 2 exam 4. Pathopsychology 2 exam 5. Social hygiene 4 exam 6. Foundations of human genetics 3 exam 7. Protection of the rights of children and 4 exam family B1 - SELECTIVE (16 credits) 1. Alternative pedagogy 3 exam 2. Management theory 2 exam 3. Family education 3 exam 4. Introduction into sociology 4 exam 5. Accounting 2 exam 6. Apllied etiquette 2 exam 7. Methods of pupils' research 3 exam 8. Work of the class teacher 2 exam 9. Self-education and its possibilities in self 2 exam improvement today
B2 - courses of subject didactics
B2 - COMPULSARY (30 credits) 1. Healthy environment 3 exam 2. Social adaptation, rehabilitation and 8 exam integration of anomalous children 3. Social rehabilitation 19 exam B2 - SELECTIVE (22 credits) 1. Organization of space (environment) 2 exam 2. Selective courses in methods of 20 exam education ,psychology and sociology etc. School practice 12 weeks 6 test Course paper 2 test Qualification examination 2 exam Total part B : 100 PART C (20 credits)
Free choice courses 20 test, exam PART B (100 credits) - SELECTIVE COURSES - The 12th study Profile of Teacher’s Professional Qualification Programme Qualification " Special Education Pedagogue " (Study Director: lect. E.TEIVÂNS)
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B1 - courses corresponding to the fundamentals of science
B1 - COMPULSARY (20 credits) 1. Neuro- and psychophysiology, pathology 8 exam 2. Communication 7 exam 3. Special psychology 5 exam
B1 - SELECTIVE (42 credits) 1. Special pedagogy 8 exam 2. ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL COURSES FOR 20 exam SPECIALIZATION (one of: surdopedagogics, typhlopedagogics, oligofreno-pedagogics or speech therapy) 3. OPTIONAL COURSES for supplementary speciality - 14 exam three from the offered: Rehabilitation work with children with motor support disturbances Problems of speech rhythm and tempo defects children and adults. Rehabilitation work in out-of-school institutions with children with sight problems Rehabilitation work out of school institutions with children with hearing disturbances Special pedagogical support for children with behavioral disturbances Special pedagogical support for children with problems of psychic development Alternative language types and forms of application to teach anormalous children Mentaly retarded children (serious and average degree) and their education in the institutions of social maintenance, medicine, education Social maintenance of orphans and children without parental care Problems of general schools in completeor partial integration of anormalous children
B2 - courses of subject didactics
B2 - COMPULSARY (22 credits) 1. Methods of adjusting studies and 14 exam development 2. Practical classes in diagnostics 8 exam
B2 - SELECTIVE (4 credits) 1. Practical classes in communication 4 exam 2. Family education 2 exam 3. etc. 2 exam School practice 12 weeks 10 test Qualification examination 2 exam Total part B : 100 PART C (20 credits)
Free choice courses 20 test, exam V. STUDY PLAN The 1st Qualification " The Teacher of Latvian in Secondary School " TITLE OF THE COURSE Credi S e m e s t e r s No t poin 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ts PART A (80 credits) COMPULSORY COURSES 80 12 13 13 9 7 6 6 2 2 10 1. General Pedagogy 3 3 E 2. History of pedagogy 3 3 E 3. Pedagogical thought in Latvia 3 3 E 4. School management 2 2 E 5. Pre - school and school pedagogy 3 3 E 6. Adult Education 2 2 E 7. Field pedagogy 8 2 2 2 2 E E E E 8. Introduction into special education 2 2 E 9. Didactics 3 3 E 10. Theories and methods of Education 3 3 E 11. Methodology and the research methods 3 3 in education E 12. General psychology and the biological 4 4 foundation of the psyche E 13. Developmental psychology 2 2 E 14. Social psychology and social education 4 4 E 15. Education and psychology of interaction 4 2 2 E E 16. Pedagogical psychology 2 2 E 17. Foundations of philosophy 3 3 E 18. Information technology in education 4 4 E 19. Practical foreign language 4 2I 2 E E 20. Foundations of the humanities 8 2 2 4 E E E Qualification paper 10 10 PART B - SELECTIVE COURSES 100 8 8 8 10 12 11 10 14 14 5 1. The modern Latvian language I - VII 20 2I 2 3 3 3I 3 4 E E E E E E E 2. The history of the Latvian literature I 20 3 2 3I 3 3 2 2I 2 - VIII E E E E E E E E 3. The theory of the literature 3 3 E 4. Introduction into linguistics I - II 4 2I 2 E E 5. The history of the Latvian language 2 2 E 6. History of the Latvian literary language 2 2 (standart latvian) E 7. The Latvian folklore 2 2 E 8. The introduction in baltistic 1 1 E 9. General linguistics 1 1 E 10. The Latvian children’s literature 1 1 E 11. Punctuation 1 1 E 12. The Lithuanian language 2 2 E 13. Lexicostylistics 1 1 E 14. The Latvian exile literature 1 1 E 15. Selective courses in Latvian language 10 1 1I 1I 1I 1 1I 1 2 1 E and literature E E E E E E E E 16. Methodology of teaching/learning 2 2 Latvian language E 17. Methodology of teaching Latvian 2 2 literature E 18. Syntax at school 2 2 E 19. Analysis of fiction at school 3 3 E 20. Selective courses in methods of 10 1I 1I 4 3 1 E teaching, education and psychology E E E E 21. Course paper 2 2 22. School practice 12 weeks 6 3 3 23. Qualification examination 2 2 E PART C - FREE CHOICE COURSES 20 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 TOTAL: 200 22 23 23 21 21 19 20 18 16 17 The 2nd Qualification " The Teacher of Latvian as a Second Language in Secondary School " TITLE OF THE COURSE Credi S e m e s t e r s No t poin 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ts PART A (80 credits) 80 12 13 13 9 7 6 6 2 2 10 COMPULSORY COURSES 1. General Pedagogy 3 3 E 2. History of pedagogy 3 3 E 3. Pedagogical thought in Latvia 3 3 E 4. School management 2 2 E 5. Pre - school and school pedagogy 3 3 E 6. Adult Education 2 2 E 7. Field pedagogy 8 2 2 2 2 E E E E 8. Introduction into special education 2 2 E 9. Didactics 3 3 E 10. Theories and methods of Education 3 3 E 11. Methodology and the research methods 3 3 in education E 12. General psychology and the biological 4 4 foundation of the psyche E 13. Developmental psychology 2 2 E 14. Social psychology and social education 4 4 E 15. Education and psychology of interaction 4 2 2 E E 16. Pedagogical psychology 2 2 E 17. Foundations of philosophy 3 3 E 18. Information technology in education 4 4 E 19. Practical foreign language 4 2I 2 E E 20. Foundations of the humanities 8 2 2 4 E E E Qualification paper 10 10 PART B - SELECTIVE COURSES 100 8 8 8 10 14 11 10 12 14 5 1. The modern Latvian language I - VII 20 2I 2 3 3 3I 3 4 E E E E E E E 2. The history of the Latvian literature I 20 3 2 3I 3 3 2 2I 2 - VIII E E E E E E E E 3. The theory of the literature 3 3 E 4. Introduction into linguistics I - II 4 2I 2 E E 5. The history of the Latvian language 2 2 E 6. History of the Latvian literary language 2 2 (standart latvian) E 7. The Latvian folklore 2 2 E 8. Psychology of contrastive language 1 1 E 9. General linguistics 1 1 E 10. The Latvian children’s literature 1 1 E 11. The modern Russian language 2 2 E 12. Lexicostylistics 1 1 E 13. Punctuation 1 1 E 14. The latvian exile literature 1 1 E 15. Selective courses in Latvian language 10 1 1I 1I 1I 1 1I 1 2 1 E and literature E E E E E E E E 16. Methodology of Latvian as a second 4 4 language E 17. Practical phonetics of Latvian in minority 2 2 schools E 18. Practical grammar of Latvian in minority 1 1 schools E 19. Latvian and Russian contrastive 1 1 grammar E 20. Nature of speech mistakes 1 1 E 21. Selective courses in methods of 10 1I 1I 5 2 1 E teaching, education and psychology E E E E 22. Course paper 2 2I E 23. School practice 12 weeks 6 3I 3I E E 24. Qualification examination 2 2 E PART C - FREE CHOICE COURSES 20 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 4 2 2 TOTAL: 200 22 23 23 21 21 19 20 18 16 17
The 3rd Qualification " The Teacher of English/ German in Secondary School "
TITLE OF THE COURSE Credi S e m e s t e r s No t p/k punk 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ti PART A (80 credits) 80 14 12 10 7 7 8 4 6 2 10 COMPULSORY COURSES 1. General Pedagogy 3 3 E 2. History of pedagogy 3 3 E 3. Pedagogical thought in Latvia 3 3 E 4. School management 2 2 E 5. Pre - school and school pedagogy 3 3 E 6. Adult Education 2 2 E 7. Field pedagogy 8 2 2 2 2 E E E E 8. Introduction into special education 2 2 E 9. Didactics 3 3 E 10. Theories and methods of Education 3 3 E 11. Methodology and the research methods 3 3 in education E 12. General psychology and the biological 4 4 foundation of the psyche E 13. Developmental psychology 2 2 E 14. Social psychology and social education 4 4 E 15. Education and psychology of interaction 4 2 2 E E 16. Pedagogical psychology 2 2 E 17. Foundations of philosophy 3 3 E 18. Information technology in education 4 2I 2 E E 19. Practical foreign language 4 2I 2 E E 20. Foundations of the humanities 8 2 2 4 E E E Qualification paper 10 10 PART B - SELECTIVE COURSES 100 10 9 10 13 13 12 11 10 10 2 1. Introduction in the speciality 2 2 E 2. The introduction of linguistics 1 1 E 3. Latin 2 2 E 4. Contemporary latvian language 2 2 E 5. Practical phonetics of English/German 3 2I 1 language E E 6. Practical grammar of English/German 8 2I 2 2I 2 language E E E E 7. Lexically grammatical analysis of 8 2I 2 2I 2 english/ german texts (I, II, III, IV) E E E E 8. Linguistically stylistic interpretation of 8 2I 2 2I 2 english/ german texts (V, VI, VII, VIII) E E E E 9. Written practice of English/German 9 1I 1 1I 1 1I 1 1I 1 1 language (I -IX) E E E E E E E E E 10. Speaking practice of English/German 9 1I 1 1I 1 1I 1 1I 1 1 language (I - IX) E E E E E E E E E 11. The history of English/German language 2 2 E 12. Stylistics of English/German language 2 2 E 13. Lexicology of English/German language 2 2 E 14. Socio-linguistics of English/German 1 1 language E 15. Tendencies of English/German language 1 1 development E 16. Interdisciplinary project:English/German 1 1I speaking countries E 17. Principles of English/German language 2 2 translation E 18. Antique literature 2 2 E 19. Literature studies of English/German 5 1 1 1 1 1 speaking countries E E E E E 20. Methodology of foreign language 3 3 teaching E 21. Teaching literature in foreign language 2 2 lessons E 22. Using of modern information 2 2 technologies in teaching foreigm E languages 23. Special course in literature: the 1 1 E development of German literature starting from March revolution till the expressionism 24. Studies of English/German speaking 2 2 countries E 25. Second foreign language (English, 8 1I 1 1I 1 2I 2 German, french, etc.) E E E E E E 26. Selective courses in methods of teaching 3 3 E 27. School practice 12 weeks 6 3I 3 E E 28. Course paper 2 2 E 29. Qualification examination 2 2 E PART C - FREE CHOICE COURSES 20 5 4 6 5 TOTAL: 200 24 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 18 17 The 4th Qualification " The Teacher of House Economics and the History of Culture " Credit No TITLE OF THE COURSE S e m e s t e r s points 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 16 9 13 9 7 6 6 2 2 10 PART A (80 credits) 80 COMPULSORY COURSES 1. General Pedagogy 3 3 E 2. History of pedagogy 3 3 E 3. Pedagogical thought in Latvia 3 3 E 4. School management 2 2 E 5. Pre - school and school pedagogy 3 3 E 6. Adult Education 2 2 E 7. Field pedagogy 8 2 2 2 2 E E E E 8. Introduction into special education 2 2 E 9. Didactics 3 3 E 10. Theories and methods of Education 3 3 E 11. Methodology and the research 3 3 methods in education E 12. General psychology and the biological 4 4 foundation of the psyche E 13. Developmental psychology 2 2 E 14. Social psychology and social 4 4 education E 15. Education and psychology of 4 2 2 interaction E E 16. Pedagogical psychology 2 2 E 17. Foundations of philosophy 3 3 E 18. Information technology in education 4 2IE 2 E 19. Practical foreign language 4 2IE 2 E 20. Foundations of the humanities 8 2 2 4 E E E Qualification paper 10 10 PART B - SELECTIVE COURSES 100 4 11 5 9 12 12 12 14 15 6 1. Sociology of culture 2 2 E 2. History of World culture 10 2 2 2 2 2 E E E E E 3. Fundamentals of history of Latvia 3 2 1 E E 4. Traditional popular culture of Latvian 2 1 1 nation E E 5. Traditional popular cultural of world's 2 2 E nations 6. Latvian popular art and civic 2 2 consciousness E 7. History of art 4 2 2 E E 8. Teaching of materials 2 2 E 9. Teaching of food, methods of 6 3 3 teaching E E 10. Textile, methods of teaching 13 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 E E E E E E E 11. Fundamentals of composition 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E E E E E E E E 12. House economics 8 1 4 3 E E E 13. Fine arts 4 2 2 E E 14. Composition of nature materials 4 2 2 E E 15. Practical classes 4 1 2 1 E E E 16. Optional courses 6 2 2 2 E E E 17. Priekømetu mâcìbu metodika 6 1 1 1 1 2 E E E E E 18. Teaching practice 6 1 2 1 2 E E E E 19. School practice 12 weeks 6 3IE 3IE 20. Qualification examination 2 2 E PART C - FREE CHOICE COURSES 20 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 TOTAL: 200 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 The 5th Qualification " The Teacher of Crafts, History of Culture and Technical Drawing” Credit No TITLE OF THE COURSE S e m e s t e r s points 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. PART A (80 credits) 80 16 9 13 9 7 6 6 2 2 10 COMPULSORY COURSES 1. General Pedagogy 3 3 E 2. History of pedagogy 3 3 E 3. Pedagogical thought in Latvia 3 3 E 4. School management 2 2 E 5. Pre - school and school pedagogy 3 3 E 6. Adult Education 2 2 E 7. Field pedagogy 8 2 2 2 2 E E E E 8. Introduction into special education 2 2 E 9. Didactics 3 3 E 10. Theories and methods of Education 3 3 E 11. Methodology and the research 3 3 methods in education E 12. General psychology and the biological 4 4 foundation of the psyche E 13. Developmental psychology 2 2 E 14. Social psychology and social 4 4 education E 15. Education and psychology of 4 2 2 interaction E E 16. Pedagogical psychology 2 2 E 17. Foundations of philosophy 3 3 E 18. Information technology in education 4 2IE 2 E 19. Practical foreign language 4 2IE 2 E 20. Foundations of the humanities 8 2 2 4 E E E Qualification paper 10 10 PART B - SELECTIVE COURSES 100 4 11 5 9 12 12 12 14 15 6 1. Sociology of culture 2 2 E 2. History of World culture 10 2 2 2 2 2 E E E E E 3. Fundamentals of history of Latvia 3 2 1 E E 4. Traditional popular culture of Latvian 2 1 1 nation E E 5. Traditional popular cultural of world's 2 2 E nations 6. Latvian popular art and civic 2 2 consciousness E 7. History of art 4 2 2 E E 8. Metal processing and methods of its 6 2 1 2 1 teaching E E E E 9. Woodworking and methods of 7 2 1 1 3 teaching E E E E 10. Technical drawing 6 1 2 1 1 1 E E E E E 11. Descriptive geometry 2 1 1 E E 12. Teaching of materials 4 1 1 1 1 E E E E 13. Composition 6 1 1 1 1 2 E E E E E 14. House economics 4 1 2 1 E E E 15. Fine arts 4 4 E 16. Repairs and construction work 2 1 1 E E 17. Teaching of machinery 2 2 E 18. Housekeeping 2 1 1 E E 19. Practical classes 4 1 1 2 E E E 20. Optional courses 6 1 2 3 E E E 21. Methodology of teaching 6 1 1 1 1 2 E E E E E 22. Teaching practice 6 1 2 1 2 E E E E 23. School practice 12 weeks 6 3IE 3IE 24. Qualification examination 2 2 E PART C - FREE CHOICE COURSES 20 2 2 1 2 2 4 3 4 TOTAL: 200 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 The 6th Qualification " The Teacher of Visual Arts and the History of Arts “ Credit No TITLE OF THE COURSE S e m e s t e r s points 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. PART A (80 credits) 80 14 11 11 7 7 6 4 8 2 10 COMPULSORY COURSES 1. General Pedagogy 3 3 E 2. History of pedagogy 3 3 E 3. Pedagogical thought in Latvia 3 3 E 4. School management 2 2 E 5. Pre - school and school pedagogy 3 3 E 6. Adult Education 2 2 E 7. Field pedagogy 8 2 2 2 2 E E E E 8. Introduction into special education 2 2 E 9. Didactics 3 3 E 10. Theories and methods of Education 3 3 E 11. Methodology and the research 3 3 methods in education E 12. General psychology and the biological 4 4 foundation of the psyche E 13. Developmental psychology 2 2 E 14. Social psychology and social 4 4 education E 15. Education and psychology of 4 2 2 interaction E E 16. Pedagogical psychology 2 2 E 17. Foundations of philosophy 3 3 E 18. Information technology in education 4 2IE 2 E 19. Practical foreign language 4 2IE 2 E 20. Foundations of the humanities 8 2 2 4 E E E Qualification paper 10 10 PART B - SELECTIVE COURSES 100 6 9 11 11 12 13 12 10 12 4 1. Drawing 16 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 E E E E E E E E E 2. Painting 13 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 E E E E E E E 3. 2 dimensional design 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E E E E E E E E 4. 3 dimensional design 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E E E E E E E E 5. Graphic art 4 4 E 6. Textile 4 2 2 E E 7. History and theory of art 14 3 3 3 3 2 E E E E E 8. Basic problems of the History of World 4 2 2 culture E E 9. Selective courses in visual 8 2 2 2 2 E arts,history of art, course E E E paper in speciality 10. Methods of teaching visual art, course 4 2 2 paper E E 11. Methods of teaching history of art 3 3 E 12. Course papers ( 4., 6., 7., 8., 9. terms) VM MV Te Me Sp kst - eci tod al. . 13. Teaching practice and 6 2 2 2 course papers: E E E - plaiairs, course paper in 2 2 fine arts E - textile, course paper in 2 2 textile E - museums, course paper 2 2 in history of art E 1. School practice 12 weeks 6 3IE 3 E 2. Qualification examination 2 2 E PART C - FREE CHOICE COURSES 20 0 0 0 2 1 1 4 2 6 4 TOTAL: 200 20 20 22 20 20 20 20 20 20 18 The 7th Qualification "The Teacher of Health Education and Sports"
Credit No TITLE OF THE COURSE S e m e s t e r s points 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. PART A (80 credits) 80 14 12 10 7 7 8 4 6 2 10 COMPULSORY COURSES 1. General Pedagogy 3 3 E 2. History of pedagogy 3 3 E 3. Pedagogical thought in Latvia 3 3 E 4. School management 2 2 E 5. Pre - school and school pedagogy 3 3 E 6. Adult Education 2 2 E 7. Field pedagogy 8 2 2 2 2 E E E E 8. Introduction into special education 2 2 E 9. Didactics 3 3 E 10. Theories and methods of Education 3 3 E 11. Methodology and the research 3 3 methods in education E 12. General psychology and the biological 4 4 foundation of the psyche E 13. Developmental psychology 2 2 E 14. Social psychology and social 4 4 education E 15. Education and psychology of 4 2 2 interaction E E 16. Pedagogical psychology 2 2 E 17. Foundations of philosophy 3 3 E 18. Information technology in education 4 2IE 2 E 19. Practical foreign language 4 2IE 2 E 20. Foundations of the humanities 8 2 2 4 E E E Qualification paper 10 10 PART B - SELECTIVE COURSES 100 6 8 9 13 14 12 16 9 10 3 1. Human physiology 6 3IE 3 E 2. Human anatomy 6 3IE 3 E 3. Methods and theory of physical 6 3IE 3 education E 4. Introduction into health education 2 2 E 5. Sexual education 2 2 E 6. Diseases, ways of avoiding them. 2 2 Security, safety, being beware of E accidents 7. Hygiene, self-control 2 2 E 8. Organization and structure of sport 2 2IE 9. Theory and methods of chosen sport: - History and development of chosen 2 1IE 1IE sport - Methods of improving sportic 2 1IE 1IE mastery 9. Gymnastics 4 2IE 2IE 10. Track and field athletics 6 3IE 3 E 11. Basketball 6 3IE 3 E 12. Musical rhythmic gymnastics(women) 2 2IE 13. Aerobics (women) 2 2IE 14. Wrestling (men) 4 2IE 2IE 15. Selection and arrangement of the 1 1 competition site E 16. Handball 4 2IE 2IE 17. Methods of teaching swimming 2 2IE 18. Methods of teaching volley ball 4 2IE 2IE 19. Skiing 3 3IE 20. Motion games in sport 2 2IE 21. Tourism 2 2IE 22. Orientation sport 2 1IE 1IE 23. Table tennis 3 3IE 24. Methods of teaching football 2 2IE 25. Development of teacher's bearing 2 2IE and the culture of movement 26. Physiology of sport 2 2 E 27. Healthy food 1 1IE 28. Healthy environment 1 1IE 29. Health in the family 1 1IE 30. Diseases, ways of avoiding them. 1 1IE Security, safety, being beware of accidents 31. Diagnostics and rehabilitation in 1 1 E physical education and sports 32. Massage, its types 2 2IE 33. Improvement of pedagogical mastery: Methods of managing classes 2 1IE 1IE Application of scientific research 2 1IE 1 methods physical education E 1. School practice 12 weeks 6 3IE 3 E 2. Qualification examination 2 2 E PART C - FREE CHOICE COURSES 20 1 5 8 6 TOTAL: 200 20 20 20 20 21 20 20 20 20 19 The 8th Qualification " The Teacher of Applied Information Sciences” No TITLE OF THE COURSE Credit S e m e s t e r s points 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. PART A (80 credits) - COMPULSORY COURSES 80 14 12 10 7 7 8 4 6 2 10 1. General Pedagogy 3 3 E 2. History of pedagogy 3 3 E 3. Pedagogical thought in Latvia 3 3 E 4. School management 2 2 E 5. Pre - school and school pedagogy 3 3 E 6. Adult Education 2 2 E 7. Field pedagogy 8 2 2 2 2 E E E E 8. Introduction into special education 2 2 E 9. Didactics 3 3 E 10. Theories and methods of Education 3 3 E 11. Methodology and the research 3 3 E methods in education 12. General psychology and the biological 4 4 E foundation of the psyche 13. Developmental psychology 2 2 E 14. Social psychology and social education 4 4 E 15. Education and psychology of 4 2 2 interaction E E 16. Pedagogical psychology 2 2 E 17. Foundations of philosophy 3 3 E 18. Information technology in education 4 2IE 2 E 19. Practical foreign language 4 2IE 2 E 20. Foundations of the humanities 8 2 2 4 E E E Qualification paper 10 10 PART B - SELECTIVE COURSES 100 4 8 11 10 10 11 16 12 10 8 1. Basic principles in computer teaching 4 4 E 2. Informatics mathematical methods 4 4 E 3. Computer in education 2 2 E 4. Business programmes 8 4 E 4 E 5. Basic algorithm 4 4 E 6. Methodology in informating 6 6 E 7. Practical informatics 4 4I E 8. History of information technologies 2 2I E 9. Basic principles of programming 4 4 E 10. Statystical processing of data 4 4 E 11. Juridical and aesthetical aspects of 2 2I society informing E 12. Multimedia systems methodology 6 6 E 13. Computer nets 2 2I E 14. Modern teaching environment 3 3I E 15. Computers in school management 3 3IE 16. Computer graphics 4 4I E 17. Practical programming(I) 4 4I E 18. Practical programming(II) 4 4 E 19. Basic principles in theory of tests 4 4 E 20. Test making systems 2 2I E 21. Output teaching courses with author- 4 4 E pogramme 22. INTERNET and INTRANET 4 2I 2I E E 23. WWW page creating 2 2I E 24. Database 4 4 E 25. Using information technologies in 2 2 E teaching material preparation 26. School practice 12 weeks 6 3I 3 E E 27. Qualification examination 2 2 E PART C - FREE CHOICE COURSES 20 2 3 3 1 2 7 2 TOTAL: 200 20 20 21 20 20 20 20 20 19 20 The 9th Qualification " Primary School Teacher “ TITLE OF THE COURSE Credi S e m e s t e r s No t points 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 14 12 10 7 7 8 4 6 2 10 PART A (80 credits) 80 COMPULSORY COURSES 1. General Pedagogy 3 3 E 2. History of pedagogy 3 3 E 3. Pedagogical thought in Latvia 3 3 E 4. School management 2 2 E 5. Pre - school and school pedagogy 3 3 E 6. Adult Education 2 2 E 7. Field pedagogy 8 2 E 2 E 2 E 2 E 8. Introduction into special education 2 2 E 9. Didactics 3 3 E 10. Theories and methods of Education 3 3 E 11. Methodology and the research 3 3 methods in education E 12. General psychology and the 4 4 E biological foundation of the psyche 13. Developmental psychology 2 2 E 14. Social psychology and social 4 4 E education 15. Education and psychology of 4 2 E 2 E interaction 16. Pedagogical psychology 2 2 E 17. Foundations of philosophy 3 3 E 18. Information technology in education 4 2IE 2 E 19. Practical foreign language 4 2IE 2 E 20. Foundations of the humanities 8 2 E 2 E 4 E Qualification paper 10 10 PART B - SELECTIVE COURSES 100 6 8 8 11 13 12 10 10 16 6 1. Children’ s literature 6 3 E 3 E 2. Latvian language and 8 3 E 3 2 E teaching methodology E 3. Mathematics and teaching 8 2 2 E 4 E methodology E 4. Natural sciences and 6 2 E 4 E teaching methodology 5. Handicrafts and teaching 6 2 E 2 E 2 E methodology 6. Visual arts and teching 6 1 E 3 E 2 E methodology 7. Physical education, theory 6 2 E 2 E 2 E and methods 8. Music and teaching 6 2 E 4 E methodology 9. Folklore 4 2 E 2 E 10. Altenative pedagogics 3 3 E 11. Pedagogical professional 3 3 E studies 12. Education of family 2 2 E 13. Health education 2 2 E 14. Principles of speech 3 1 E 2 E therapy 15. Principles of defektology 3 2 E 1 E 16. Principles of 3 1 E 2 E Surdopedagogics 17. Principles of 3 3 E Typhlopedagogics 18. Principles of 3 2 E 1 E Olygophrenopedagogics 19. Culture of language 2 2 E 20. Calligraphy and Practical 2 2 E Writing 21. Defending Children’s Rights 3 3 E 22. School practice 12 weeks 10 4 E 6 E 23. Qualification examination 2 2 E PART C - FREE CHOICE COURSES 20 2 2 6 4 2 4 TOTAL: 200 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 The 10th Qualification " The Teacher of the History of Culture and History of Art “ Credit No TITLE OF THE COURSE S e m e s t e r s points 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 14 12 10 7 7 8 4 6 2 10 PART A (80 credits) 80 COMPULSORY COURSES 1. General Pedagogy 3 3 E 2. History of pedagogy 3 3 E 3. Pedagogical thought in Latvia 3 3 E 4. School management 2 2 E 5. Pre - school and school pedagogy 3 3 E 6. Adult Education 2 2 E 7. Field pedagogy 8 2 2 2 2 E E E E 8. Introduction into special education 2 2 E 9. Didactics 3 3 E 10. Theories and methods of Education 3 3 E Methodology and the research 3 3 11. methods in education E General psychology and the biological 4 4 12. foundation of the psyche E 13. Developmental psychology 2 2 E 14. Social psychology and social 4 4 education E 15. Education and psychology of 4 2 2 interaction E E 16. Pedagogical psychology 2 2 E 17. Foundations of philosophy 3 3 E 18. Information technology in education 4 2IE 2 E 19. Practical foreign language 4 2IE 2 E 20. Foundations of the humanities 8 2 2 4 E E E Qualification paper 10 10 PART B - SELECTIVE COURSES 100 6 8 8 11 13 12 10 10 16 6 History and theory of Art: Introduction 6 3 3 1. into Science of Art. E E History and theory of Art: Middle Ages 8 8 2. and Renaissance E History and theory of Art: Oriental and 8 2 6 3. Antique Art E E History and theory of Art: New age, 17 8 3 5 4. - 19th centuries E E 5. History of Modern Art (20th cent.) 2 2 E 6. History of Latvian Art 5 5 E 7. Philosophy of Art 2 2 E 8. The basic problems of world history of 2 2 culture E 9. Pasaules kultúras vèsture :Senie 4 2 2 austrumi E E The History of the world culture. The 8 4 4 10. ancient Orient E E The History of the world culture. The 3 3 11. processes of developing the Christian E culture The History of the world culture. 2 2 12. Renaissance culture in Western E Europe and Latvia 13. The History of the world culture. The 1 1 cultural historical processes of the E New age and latest times 14. The History of Latvian culture. 2 2 E 15. Methods of teaching the history of art 6 3 3 E E 16. Psychology of art 2 2 E 17. History of esthetics 2 2 E 18. Esthetics 3 3 E 19. History of Religions 4 2 2 E E 20. History of Philosophy 3 3 E 21. Modern Tendencies in the 2 2 contemporary Philosophy E 22. Philosophical aspect of literature 3 3 E 23. Latvian Theatre 2 2 E 24. School practice 12 weeks 10 3E 3E 25. Qualification examination 2 2 E PART C - FREE CHOICE COURSES 20 2 2 6 4 2 4 TOTAL: 200 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 The 11th Qualification " Social Teacher “ Credit No TITLE OF THE COURSE S e m e s t e r s points 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 14 12 10 7 7 8 4 6 2 10 PART A (80 credits) 80 COMPULSORY COURSES 1. General Pedagogy 3 3 E 2. History of pedagogy 3 3 E 3. Pedagogical thought in Latvia 3 3 E 4. School management 2 2 E 5. Pre - school and school pedagogy 3 3 E 6. Adult Education 2 2 E 7. Field pedagogy 8 2 2 2 2 E E E E 8. Introduction into special education 2 2 E 9. Didactics 3 3 E 10. Theories and methods of Education 3 3 E 11. Methodology and the research 3 3 methods in education E 12. General psychology and the biological 4 4 foundation of the psyche E 13. Developmental psychology 2 2 E 14. Social psychology and social 4 4 education E 15. Education and psychology of 4 2 2 interaction E E 16. Pedagogical psychology 2 2 E 17. Foundations of philosophy 3 3 E 18. Information technology in education 4 2IE 2 E 19. Practical foreign language 4 2IE 2 E 20. Foundations of the humanities 8 2 2 4 E E E Qualification paper 10 10 PART B - SELECTIVE COURSES 100 6 8 10 12 13 11 10 12 8 10 1. Development of the child 3 3 E 2. Healthy environment 3 3 E 3. Family education 3 3 E 4. Alternative pedagogy 3 3 E 5. Psychology of violence 2 2 E 6. Pathopsychology 2 2 E 7. Management theory 2 2 E 8. Social hygiene 4 4 E 9. Social politics 2 2 E 10. Introduction into sociology 4 4 E 11. Foundations of human 3 3 genetics E 12. Protection of the rights of 4 4 children and family E 13. Organization of space 2 2 (environment) E 14. Accounting 2 2 E 15. Apllied etiquette 2 2 E 16. Ocial adaptation, 8 2 2 4 rehabilitation and integration E E E of anomalous children 17. Social rehabilitation 19 3 3 3 4 4E 2 E E E E E 18. Selective courses in 20 2 2 2 2 4E 4E 4E methods of education, E E E E psychology and sociology etc. 19. School practice 12 weeks 10 2IE 2IE 2IE 4 E 20. Qualification examination 2 2 E PART C - FREE CHOICE COURSES 20 1 1 6 2 10 TOTAL: 200 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 The 12th Qualification " Special Education Pedagogue” Credit No TITLE OF THE COURSE S e m e s t e r s points 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 14 12 10 7 7 8 4 6 2 10 PART A (80 credits) 80 COMPULSORY COURSES
1. General Pedagogy 3 3 E 2. History of pedagogy 3 3 E 3. Pedagogical thought in Latvia 3 3 E 4. School management 2 2 E 5. Pre - school and school pedagogy 3 3 E 6. Adult Education 2 2 E 7. Field pedagogy 8 2 E 2 E 2 E 2 E 8. Introduction into special education 2 2 E 9. Didactics 3 3 E 10. Theories and methods of Education 3 3 E 11. Methodology and the research 3 3 E methods in education 12. General psychology and the biological 4 4 E foundation of the psyche 13. Developmental psychology 2 2 E 14. Social psychology and social education 4 4 E 15. Education and psychology of 4 2 E 2 E interaction 16. Pedagogical psychology 2 2 E 17. Foundations of philosophy 3 3 E 18. Information technology in education 4 2IE 2 E 19. Practical foreign language 4 2IE 2 E 20. Foundations of the humanities 8 2 E 2 E 4 E Qualification paper 10 10 PART B - SELECTIVE COURSES 100 6 8 8 11 13 12 10 10 16 6 8 1 E 2 E 2 E 1 E 2 E 1. Neuro- and psychophysiology, pathology 7 2 E 2 E 2 E 1 E 2. Communication 5 1 E 2 E 2 E 3. Special psychology 4. Special pedagogy 8 2 E 2 E 2 E 1E 1E 5. Additional optional courses for 20 2 E 4E 4E 4E 6 E specialization (one of: surdopedagogics, typhlopedagogics, oligofrenopedagogics or speech therapy) 6. OPTIONAL COURSES for 14 2 E 4E 2 E 2 E 2 E 2 E supplementary speciality -three from the offered: Rehabilitation work with children with motor support disturbances Problems of speech rhythm and tempo defects children and adults. Rehabilitation work in out-of- school institutions with children with sight problems Rehabilitation work out of school institutions with children with hearing disturbances Special pedagogical support for children with behavioral disturbances Special pedagogical support for children with problems of psychic development Alternative language types and forms of application to teach anormalous children
Mentaly retarded children (serious and average degree) and their education in the institutions of social maintenance, medicine, education Social maintenance of orphans and children without parental care Problems of general schools in completeor partial integration of anormalous children 7. Methods of adjusting studies and 14 2 E 2 E 4 E 2 E 4 E development 8. Practical classes in diagnostics 8 2 E 2 E 4 E 9. Practical classes in communication 4 2IE 2 E School practice 12 weeks 10 6IE 4 E Qualification examination 2 2 E PART C - FREE CHOICE COURSES 20 2 2 6 4 2 4 TOTAL: 200 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 SELF - EVALUTION REPORT on the Professional Study Programme of the University of Latvia
for Teacher’s Higher Professional Qualification
1998 The professional study programme provides opportunities of obtaining teacher’s higher profesional qualification. After the acquisition of the professional study programme one can continue studies to get a complete academic education in pedagogy or in one of the study profiles offered as a result of which receiving a master’s degree.
Aim of the study programme is to give an opportunity to get academic pedagogical and teacher’s profesional education, to develop the sciences of education, psychology and others connected with the study programme, to develop culture and artistic creativity. To further the development of a harmonious personality, teaching, educating and forming abilities and skills required in life, dveloping one’s physical and intellectual qualities, preparing the students for everyday work. To favour the development of a professional who is independent, proficient, conscientious, competent and able to compete in the labour market.
Tasks of the study programme To ensure the acquisition of academic and professional knowledge, abilities, skills and creative experience in the theories of education, teaching and educating (the personality’s socialization). To ensure effective implementation of the acquired basic academic knowledge in the teacher’s professional pedagogical activities. To furnish an environment for the future young teacher to develop into a harmonious personality ready for work in a democratic society. To show the need of self-education, encouraging continuing and lifelong education. To form a positive and active attitude towards education and pedagogical activity.
Comparison with foreign countries The White Book of the European Commission (1995) points out that the society of the future will be a society which will teach and at the same time learn, in which each individual will form his own professional qualification. There are two ways of getting education - the traditional one which is taken by most people - it is the wish to obtain theoretical qualification testified by a diploma and the other way - flexible opportunities in getting education by freely choosing and changing programmes in this country and abroad. Both these ways are general landmarks and are used to compare various programmes offered by different foreign countries. To carry out such a comparison there are not used concrete modificators, but there are given general guidelines: to favour the acquisition of new knowledge, to connect closer education with practical activity, to avert isolation forming community atmosphere, knowledge of three languages of the European Community countries, equal investment in the material values and education. The programme has been compared with the corresponding teacher training professional study programmes of Stockholm Institute of Education (SIE), the Royal Danish School of Educational Studies (RDSES) and West of England (Bristol). Stockholm Institute of Education offers four professional study programmes to get the following qualifications: Subject Teaching Commercial and Clerical Teaching
Skilled Trades Teaching Nursing Instruction The period of studies depending on the qualification is 4, 4.5 or 5 years. The programme envisages the studies of the foundations of the profile subject, the theories of education and psychology as well as of practice teaching. The students have a 20 - week compulsory practice teaching (see Appendix No. 5). The Danish approach to teacher professional training is slightly different. The programmes integrate academic and professional studies of 4 years or 8 semesters. The programme consists of: courses of education sciences and psychology, studies of the foundations of the profile subject, optional studies in practical creative teaching. The practice teaching (see Appendix No. 5). The Danish teacher training system has an essential peculiarity - one can acquire a study programme and get several teacher’s qualifications. The study programmes of the Faculty of Education, of University of West of England taking into consideration the module principle secure the opportunities to get a qualification (a certificate) or a post - graduation diploma in education which give the right to work at school. The study process comprises theoretical, professional and practical research courses. The combinations of the modules are comparatively vast and are balanced with the students’ interests and their future professional activity. The professional study programme of the Faculty of Education and Psychology of the University of Latvia has been drawn up in correspondence with the study practice in the above mentioned countries - it provides a system of compulsary and elective courses; the unity of theory, methodology and practical activity; it envisages opportunities of choosing additional courses. As a result it ensures a dynamic and qualitative study system.
Study Content and Organization Professional studies consist of three parts: Part A - compulsory for all future teachers irrespective of the study profile. Part B - the chosen study profile. Each study profile is divided into courses of the foundations of sciences and the methodology of subject teaching. There is a compulsory part and an elective part in each of them. Part C - free choice of all study profiles of any study programme offered by the University of Latvia. The period of professional studies is 5 years or 10 semesters.
Scheme of Organization of Studies at the Faculty of Education and Psychology, the University of Latvia
Profesion Academic studies in Doctoral al Master’s studies studies degree Duration of Part A - studies - 3 Duration of years compulsory studies - 2 courses years (standard of the bachelor’s programme)
Part B - Bachelors’ Secondar studies in the the chosen y branch of educatio qualification profile science n corresponding Part C - to the profile free elective subject courses (supplementary qualification, etc.)
not less than 2 years Duration of studies - 5 years
Professional study programme Corresponding to the arrangement of the content of the programme it envisages the following number of credit points and the percentage.
Part A - (compulsory courses) - 80 credit points (40%), it must be acquired by all the students who have chosen the professional study programme. Part B - (elective courses) - 100 credit points (50%), must be acquired by the students of the teacher qualifi-cation profile. Part C - (free elective courses) - 20 credit points (10%).
Total: 200 credit points or 3200 contact classes.
The study programme is meant for obtaining higher teacher professional education in one of the offered study profiles: teacher of the Latvian language and literature of the secondary school; teacher of the Latvian language as a second language of the secondary school; teacher of the English/German language of the secondary school; teacher of domestic science and the history of culture; teacher of crafts and the history of culture; teacher of visual arts and the history of art; teacher of health education and physical education; teacher of information technology; teacher of elementary school; teacher of the history of culture and the history of art; social pedagogue; teacher of a special school.
Note: The study requirements of the University of Latvia state that 1 credit point equals 16 contact classes in a study week. The other 24 classes are envisaged for individual and autonomous learning.
Content of the professional study programme Part A courses (their titles and length are determined by Part A of the bachelor’s programme in education (see Appendix No. 4)
General Pedagogy General psychology and the biological foundation of the psyche Pedagogical concept in Latvia Developmental psychology History of pedagogy Social psychology and social education School management Contact pedagogy and psychology Pre - school and school pedagogy Educational psychology Adult Education Foundations of philosophy Field pedagogy ( of art, of sport, Information technology in environ-ment etc) education
Introduction into special education Practical foreign language Didactics Foundations of the Methodology and research methods in humanities(logics, profesional Education ethics, issues on language culture, the history of art, etc.) Theories and methodology of Education Qualification work
Part B courses - courses of the chosed study profile (see the professional programme Part B from B1 to B12).
Part C courses - students of their own choice acquire courses offered by other study programmes of the University of Latvia (one must get 20 credit points)
B + C
1 2 3 4 5
B + C - parts of the professional programme
A - parts of the bachelor’s programme
B 8 B 7 B 6 B 9 B 5
B 10 Part A Bachelor’s B 4 programme B 11 B 3 B 12 B 1 B 2 Requirements to obtaining qualification 1. Acquisition of the study programme with 200 credit points. 2. Passing of the state qualification. 3. Written and defended qualification work.
Resume The positive points In the study process special stress is laid on the teacher’s educational activity, only then comes the particular study profile chosen by the student. The research potencial has been established i.e. both professional and academic education go parallely. In the study process educational and teaching practice has gained a most important role. The use of resources is more rational. The student adaptation process and his involvement in educational activity are quicker.
Shortcomings Unsolved problems of financial character concerning practice teaching (low pay for the school teaching staff and the academic staff of higher education institution, etc.). Part of the students have a low motivation level for educational activity.
Solution To solve the problem of payment for practice teaching. To investigate and with educational means influence the student motivation for educational activity arouse his cognitive and profesional interest. To cooperate with schools to direct the pupils to educational activity and to train students for carrying out this work at schools.
Evaluation Taking into consideration the unity of the academic programme and the professional programme, as well as the positive references from schools on the educational activities at school of the graduates of the Faculty of Education and Psychology and the fact that they can compete in the labour market, we evaluate the professional study programme of the Faculty of Education and Psychology as “very good”. Evaluation of the studies, knowledge, abilities and skills The acquisition of the courses enumerated in the professional study programme takes place in lectures, seminars, practical classes, individual tutorials, laboratory works, teaching practices and student autonomous work (studies of basic and additional literary sources, reports, projects, abstracts, lesson plans, qualification work, etc.).
The aim of the study process and research work: to give updated knowledge, develop the students’ abilities and skills developing their scientific world outlook giving them the basis of educational workmanship both in theoretical and practical activity.
Tasks of the study process: to acquaint with and arouse interest in each study course; to give theoretical knowledge, practical abilities and skills in all theoretical and practical courses; to form the students’ educational abilities and skills in lessons, in arranging and guiding out-of-class activities at schools. When acquiring practical courses the stress is laid on the methodology of teaching the profile subject in primary school and secondary school. The theoretical conception of the courses, the acquisition of practical abilities and skills are facilitated by the close connection based on the professional experience of the academic staff.
During the study process different aspects of social requirements are taken into consideration (world outlook, life values, the professional, the academic, the scientific, the social psychological, professional efficiency, etc.). Therefore much place is given to active learning forms - studies of the latest literature, paying special attention to the students’ expression of their opinion, the culture of speech and language, logics of argumentation, skill to listen to the interlocuter, to integrate in their judgement the essentials of courses offered for studies. For this purpose the following is practised: discussions of reports, the analysis of the concepts of the corresponding sciences, analysis of practice teaching lessons, arranging educational and sociological research and the analysis of the results, arrangement and analysis of interviews and role plays, formation of skills in writing different plans and other forms of seminars and practical classes,
There is a continuous course assesment system at any lecture according to a 10 point system worked out by the Ministry of Education and Science and adopted by the University of Latvia in different kunds and forms of assessment - colloquys, tests, practical activities, technical illustrations, making up lesson and training class plans, etc. Assessemnet criteria have been worked out for each course.
To improve and develop further the study process the heads of the departments continuously improve the course programmes, prepare study materials, books, etc. to facilitate the study process. The main tendency is a gradual transition from the learning process to the studying process.
The positive points The 10 point system gives a wide enough assessement range; There exists and works a regular continuous assessement system of the study process and its results thus securing feedback between the students and teachers. Shortcomings it admits subjective assessment; mainly reproductive knowledge is required, there are few creative tests; there is not enough cooperation among the departments of the faculty, there is certain detachment between theory and practice, which can be observed in the students’ qualification works. Solution to stimulate everyday cooperation of different course lectures and the departments; to discuss regularly the assessement results; to involve both the students and the teachers in the assessment of the study quality and work out strategies for further work thus securing the realization of the aims and tasks set. Evaluation: - very good.
Study provision, supply and management The basis for the realization of the programme is course descriptions, study materials, the material technical foundation and qualitative academic staff. The programmes are being annually improved. They are aimed not only at the students’ learning facts but also to be aware of the processes going on in the intellectual and cultural development of Europe, to be able to make synthesis of the latest issues in the development processes in the world and in Latvia.
The realization of the curriculum requires scientific and academic potential of the academic staff. In the professional program work 10 professors, 10 Dr.habil., 33 doctors, 77 with a master’s degree. The academic staff are continuing work by improving their research proficiency.
Technical and material basis for studies Study process takes place permanently at 74/76 Jûrmalas gatve, Rîga where all the organization and activities are accomodated. There are two large rooms seating 150 listeners as well as rooms for group activities, seminars, workshops and laboratory work.
A computer class with 25 workplaces and INTERNET connection has been setup for student use as well as a closed circuit network if the University of Latvia - LUIS - meant for study process organization and information exchange.
For study purposes different kinds of studions and technical teaching aids are used.
Students have access to rooms for sport and other interest activities. There is a student’s hotel, cafe and dining room, too. The study process is satisfactorily supplied with study materials elaborated by one own teaching staff. The demands for qualification papers, methodological directions for course paper writing and students practice at school have been elaborated (see Appendix No 6, 7).
Faculty library contains 45 000 volumes at present. There are no foreign press publications.
The positive points Technical and material basis and information basis ensures the realization of all professional programmes. Original teaching materials. All the students and lecturers have a possibility to use INTERNET, E - mail, fax.
Shortcomings Insufficient funding Insufficient number of computers in the departments for the independent work of lecturers and students
Solution Work with the pedogogical personal to increase the scientific level. Activity in research work. To open a new computerslass .
Evaluation - very satisfactory.
Creative and scientific research work The scientific research work is an integral part of the work at universities. The whole academic personal, including students, participate in it. The in-service training of lecturers is facilitated by workshopsand scientific conferences, experience sharing business trips to the related high schools in Latvia and abroad, the visiting of colleagues classes cooperation with eoreign specialists in TEMPUS, SOROS foundation projects. The lecturers participate in the realization of the grants finansed by the Latvia Science Board. The lecturers widely participate in the studies funded by the Ministry of Education and Science. The publications testify to the creative potential of teaching staff (see the CV of the lecturers. Append. No 8).
Resume The positive points The research work of the academic staff is connected with working out and the realization of individual projects, projects of the department, of the faculty, of interfaculty, of the University of Latvia, of inter-higher education institutions and international projects. The academic staff partly involve students in the sphere of practical research. The academic staff participate in the work of professional associations. Many of them work as experts, consultants and councillors. Shortcomings The great load of work gives no possibilities for the academic staff to take a more active part in research and publish the results of their research. Insufficient scientific growth of the academic staff. The academic staff do not actively enough involve students in research. Solution: To involve students more actively in joint research projects the academic staff. To find means and ways of publishing the research results of students and the academic staff. To use more widely opportunities to study abroad and take part in joint education projects. Evaluation - very satisfactory.
Mechanism of securing quality and the guaranties The quality of professional studies is evaluated on different levels: the teacher’s self- evaluation; the annual evaluation of the quality of the department activity; the annual evaluation of the activity of each department at the faculty council;
demonstartion classes; visiting one’s colleagues’ lectures.
Quality evalution criteria realization of the study aims and tasks corresponding to the aims and tasks of the University faculty; supply of students with study materials and visual aids, equipment, stock, the latest scientific literature; the student assessment results; open defence of qualification works and reviws on them; the unity of student studies and their research work; results of student questionaires on the course and study gyality; professional competence of the academic staff (demonstration classes, lectures, seminars, research studies in other higher education institutions and abroad, participation in conferences, projects).
The positive points At the University of Latvia there is a quality assessment system which has a long history concerning the study programmes and their realization process and it is in a continuous process of updating. All the students, the academic staff and other workers are involved in the process of ensuring study quality.
Shortcomings Few education workers who have ordered the programmes have been involved in the assessment of the study quality. Not all the students are involved in the evalution of the study quality. Besides, the students mainly evaluate the work of the academic staff but they pay little if any attention to self-evaluation. Solution: To involve more education workers who have ordered the programmes (experts of the Ministry of Education and Science, members of examination commissions, etc.) in the assessment of the study quality. To encourage student self-evaluation in the study work by involving them more in the evaluation of the studies. To make use of student self-evaluation when evaluating the study process. To raise the role of student self-government to promote the pedagogical development of the study process. Evaluation - very satisfactory.
Dean, A.Kangro Deputy dean, O.Zîds Director of the Curriculum A.Kopelovièa ANNOTATIONS of the Obligatory Courses
Part A of the Teacher’s Qualification Programme 1. The course “ General Pedagogy” The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the general basis of education, methodology and research, to form skills to use the acquired knowledge in the practice, real life, to acquint with the novelty of education, to promote the interest of pedagogical activities. The course describes the main concepts, aims, objectives and categories of the pedagogy, the rise of the upbringing, the concept structure of the personality, the essence of the pedagogical process, its content and methodology, lifelong - learning theories of education, the personality of the teacher, its competences, research methodology.
2. The course “History of pedagogy”. The aim of the course is give students the possibility to acquire the main regularities about the development of different theories about school and upbringing starting from the ancient times till nowadays, to promote the creative thinking as well as to evaluate the experience of Latvia in the development of different pedagogical theories, to point out the value of the pedagogical heritage. The course includes the decription of the subject and points out the main tasks of it. The course acquiants students with the antique pedagogical theories and leads to nowadays, including the theories of different authors and generations. It describes school through centuries and different reforms.
3. The course "Pedagogical thought in Latvia" The course presents the history of the national pedagogical thought as a process, it describes the sources of ideas and the research methods. It shows the national pedagogy in the world context and acquaints students with the impact the foreign pedagogues had on the development of Latvian national pedagogy. The course acquaints students with the beginners of the national pedagogical thought as well as with the classics of Latvian national pedagogy.
4. The course “School management”. The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the system of educational management, its process documents, and the future of the organization of the school. The course promotes the formation of creative and flexible reacher. The course describes “school management” as a part of pedagogy as a science, its principles, research methods, different theories in management, decision making process, different styles of the management, the assessment of the school, the rights and duties of the teachers.
5. The course “ Pre - school and school pedagogy”. The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the pre–school and school based children`s peculiarities, different theories as well as to promote the students to use theacquired knowledge in practical life. The course characterizes the essence, structure, aims, objectives of pre--school pedagogy, as well as its role in the whole system of pedagogy as a science, the development of the child, the child as the value, different theories on pre--scool child and its development, upbringing in the family, the role of the kindergarden in the child`s development, the adapdation problems to the school, the categories of school pedagogy, the pedagogical process.
6. The course " Adult Education" The course deals with the problems of the necessity of life-long learning and adult education in nowadays. It describes the developmental periods of the adults, their physical, cognitive, biological development. The course characterizes the principles, process and methods of learning, the diversity of the adult life styles, their career, work, leisure time and studies. Special attention is paid to the motivation of learning, pedagogical means and ways of cooperation within the pedagogical process as well as to the lecturer's professional competence.
7. Field pedagogy
7.1. The course "Pedagogy of Art" The course acquaints students with the notion of visual art and compares the values in society and values in art, it clarifies the basic categories of the pedagogy of art and emphasizes the relations among the learner, art and society. The course describes the underlying principles of the contemporary pedagogy of art and the perception of the piece of art, it deals with the issues of taste and the influence of the post-modernism ideals on the pedagogy of art. The demands for the contents in visual art as a school subject.
7.2. The course " Pedagogy of Music" The course is intended to acquaint students with the action types of the music teacher - the teaching, performing and theoretical types. It also describes the notion of aim and motivation in pedagogy of music. The course deals with the national, psychological and cultural aspects of contents in pedagogy of music, and the subjective and objective sides in perception and understanding of music as well as the creative playing of music as a part of the music classes.
7.3. The course "Health promotion at school" The course focuses on health, its physical, psychic and social aspects and the notion of health promotion. It presents the contemporary conception on the child as an active personality, its participation in developing healthy environment. The course describes how children perceive and understand health, diseases, death according to the level of their psychic development. It also characterizes the social dominants of behaviour - family, peers, mass media, school, introduces the health promotion projects of the world and participation of Latvian schools in the European project of health promoting schools. The course compares a good school and health promoting school and describes the contents of health education and the modern teaching methods. Particular emphasis is put on the issues of mental health (self-esteem, communication, management of stress and emotional situations, solution of conflicts, peer pressure, etc.)
7.4. The course "Sports education" The course is intended to acquaint students with contemporary understanding of sport, the all-round development of personality and the role of sports in it, the types of physical activities and their importance in healthy life style, the pedagogical means and types of pedagogical cooperation in sport.
8. The course "Introduction into special education" The course aims at presenting special education, its subject matter, object of research, methods, aims and objectives, links with other fields of education. The course gives the general characterization of anomalous children, their division, problems they face, as well as the current issues of special education.
9. The course "Didactics" - (1) The course acquaints students with the beginnings of didactics and its development, its basic categories, links with other branches of science, the notion of teaching/learning process, the cognitive theory and study process, the unity of teaching and learning, motives of learning, learninhg theorires of today, the structure of study process, principles and methods of teaching/learning, the forms of organizing the study process, the main demands put forward to the lesson, the control of learners' knowledge, skills and abilities as well as the main causes of academic failures and the prevention work.
The course "Didactics" (II) The course aims at developing students' understanding of the theoretical principles of the teaching/learning process in connection with the contemporary school practice, at presenting the integrity of such components of the study process as the aims, principles, motives, contents, methods, organizational forms of the study process, the control and assessment of the academic results. These components are revealed in the historical and modern perspective placing special emphasis on the tendencies and directions of development.
10. The course “Theories and methods of Education” The aim of the coure is to acquaint students with the theoretical and methological basies of the development of the child, to promote the formation of the organizational skills in school, out off school as well as to favour the self development. The course includes the analysis and description of the essence of the process of the upbringing and development of the child, different theories, tecnologies of this process, the role of the teachers and parents in the development of the students, the influence of different social organizations on the personality, socializition e.t.c.
11. The course "Methodology and the research methods in education" The course acquaints students with the essence, underlying principles and objectives of the scientific research work, the methodology and technology of pedagogical research, the essence of the research method, its characteristic features and classification of methods. It also describes the methods of collecting empirical data: observation, questionaires, analyses of interaction, testing. The course characterizes the pedagogical experiment, the modelling of the pedagogical situation, mathematical statistics and its application in pedagogical research, the credibility of research.
12. The course "General psychology and the biological foundation of the psyche" The course intends to acquaint students with psyche, its concept, its highest level of development - the consciousness, the modified states of the consciousness, the structure of psyche. The course deals with the human cognitive processes: senses, perception, memory, thinking; attention, the emotional and volitional sphere of man, motivation, the human personality sphere. The course characterizes the bilogical foundations of the psysche and man as a biological being; it gives the norpho-functional charcteristics of neurons and the nervous system, describes the functional asymmetry of cerebral hemispheres, the neurochemical process of the nervous system, the sensory systems and the physiological basis of their functioning as well as the types of nervous system,
13. The course “Development of the child”. The aim of the course is to give the students the possibility to acquire the approach the development of the child that is based on the knowledge and understanding. The course characterizes different philosophical, psychological, pedagogical approaches to the development of the child, factors and circumstances, that infuence this process, the acquisition of the behaviour and habits, characterizes 7 competences of the development of the personality, the peculiarities of the teenagers, sex education e.t.a.
14. The course "Social psychology and social education" The course aims at providing students with knowledge on personality and society, the process of socialisation, the main theories of social psychology. The course acquaints students with the notions of a personality and group, groups co-operation, the psychological processes of masses. The course presents the categories and concepts of social education, the subject of social education in the humanism and holism centred approach, the functions of the social pedagogue, his professional skills and methods of work.
15. The course " Education and psychology of interaction" The course acquaints students with the concept of interaction, its functions, structure and types, the mechanisms of human mutual perception and understanding, the issue of stereotypes in interaction. The course describes the communication and its functions, the communicative barrier, the obstacles in effective communication, the efficient listening, non-verbal communication, the roles and positions in interaction, the conflicts and types of conflicts - conflicts at school and how to solve them, self-regulation and the skills of social presentations.
16. The course "Pedagogical psychology" The course gives a possibility to students to acquire knowledge on the subject matter, the aims and objectives of pedagogical psychology, to master teaching and learning strategies. The course presents learning as the adaptation to the environment, it introduces different learning styles and models, it focuses on psychology of teacher as a personality, the pedagogical interaction and teaching/learning motivation. ANNOTATIONS to Part B of the Teacher’s Qualification Programme The study Profile
“ Teacher of Latvian in Secondary School”
THE MODERN LATVIAN LANGUAGE I: PROPAEDEUTICS Practical classes with short theoretical rewiev of the Phonetics and the Grammar of Latvian Modern Literary Language). The content of the course is closely connected with the basic aims: 1. to strengthen the background (Secondary School) knowledge in Latvian Literary Language; 2. to prepare students for scientific studies in Latvian Literary Language; 3. to acquaint with the basic conceptions, categories and regularities; 4. to improve the culture of the speech and written language.
THE MODERN LATVIAN LANGUAGE ll: PHONETICS The course involves the history of the phonetics and phonology of the Latvian language, research methods, the categories of phonetics, orthoephy, orthography and phonology, the phonetic system, the standards of orthoephy and ortography; typical mistakes and their preclusion.
THE MODERN LATVIAN LANGUAGE III: LEXICOLOGY AND PHRASEOLOGY The course of lexicology and phraseology embraces the microsystem of semantic changes of legitimacy of functioning and development of lexics showing the word meaning changes in synchronic and diachronic aspect , and in that way preparing students for further acquiring of language course and insuring also the necessary bases for independent scientific work at school.
THE MODERN LATVIAN LANGUAGE lV: MORPHEMICS The course is provided to introduce the students to the morpheme system of the Latvian language, its functions and its meaning in the Latvian language. It also includes the derivative system of the Latvian language. The course aims at comprehending the role of the word building in the development of the Latvian language, as well as the derivative structures of a word and the role of semantics in the process of acquiring the language. Seminars are provided to strengthen the theoretical knowledge and the skills of analyzing words and wordforms in the morphemic and derivative aspect.
THE MODERN LATVIAN LANGUAGE V, Vl: MORPHOLOGY The course is intended to create the theoretical basis for the understanding of the morphological system of the Latvian language. To gain the understanding of the regularities of building the form of a word, the role of the grammatical categories and meanings in composing a text, to enhance the skill and competency of the morphological analysis of a text.
THE MODERN LATVIAN LANGUAGE Vll: SYNTAX The course deals with the elements of syntax, syntactic connection, simple and compound sentence in the traditional and structural aspect, textual units and types. The theoretical studies of the Latvian language are combined with the practical analysis of a text.
THE HISTORY OF THE LATVIAN LITERATURE l The brief introduction of the history and culture of Latvia in the 16th, 17th, 18th century and the first half of the 19th century. The life and work of N.Mollîns, G.Mancelis, S.G.Dîcs, the Old Stender, M.Stobe, J.Lange, G.Meríelis and other scholars. Literal trends and the impact of the other nationalities in Latvia from the 16th century till the middle of the 19th century.
THE HISTORY OF THE LATVIAN LITERATURE ll The brief survey of the history and culture of Latvia in the second half of the 19th century. The process of the development of the Latvian national literature, the trends, directions, influences of it.
THE HISTORY OF THE LATVIAN LITERATURE III The development of Latvian literature 1890 – 1905 ( the political and social process; the trends and tendencies of literature; the development of poetry, prose and plays); the creative work of writers (E.Veidenbaums, Aspazija, Rainis, J.Poruks etc.); the analyses of particular literary works.
THE HISTORY OF THE LATVIAN LITERATURE IV The development of Latvian literature 1905 – 1920( the political and social process; the trends and tendencies of literature; the development of poetry, prose and plays); the creative work of writers (K.Skalbe, F.Bârda, V.Plûdons, Rainis, J.Janðevskis, V.Eglîtis etc.); the analyses of particular literary works.
THE HISTORY OF THE LATVIAN LITERATURE V, VI The course focuses on the process of the development of the Latvian literature—the course of the social and political events, literary trends and movements, the development of the poetry, fiction and drama in the 20ies —30ies of the 19th century. The course views the life and literal activities of A.Èaks, E.Âdamsons, J.Ezeriòa, Z.Mauriòa, A.Upîts, J.Veselis, E.Virza etc.
THE HISTORY OF THE LATVIAN LITERATURE VII, VIII The development of Latvian literature 1940 – 1990( the political and social process; the trends and tendencies of literature; the development of poetry, prose and plays); the creative work of writers (L.Laicena, A.Upîða, A.Sakses, V.Lâèa, O.Vâcieða, I.Ziedoòa, R.Ezeras, G.Priedes, L.Stumbres, G.Repðes etc.); the creative works of writers, the analyses of particular literary works.
THE THEORY OF THE LITERATURE The course is aimed to acquire the basis of literature analyses: personage, plot, language and its rhythm, style etc. A brief insight is given in the theory of the genre and the development of the theory of literature from the ancient times till nowadays.
INTRODUCTION INTO LINGUISTICS I, II The course gives an introduction to the scientific study of language. The analytical and systematic overview of speech sounds, words, sentences and meaning as well as the overview of psychological, social and cultural aspects of language, the basic information on classification of languages, the evolution of writing, the history of linguistics will be offered. The discipline provides methodology and key terms necessary for the scientific study of languages. THE HISTORY OF THE LATVIAN LANGUAGE The course wives the kindship of the Latvian language with the other (Baltic and Indo-European) languages, the comparative historical method in linguistics, the history of phonetic system and grammatical structures of the Latvian language.
HISTORY OF THE LATVIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE (STANDART LATVIAN) The purpose of this course is to give profound information on the development of Standard Latvian beginning with the 16th century. This course gives a glimpse in the development of the language of religious and secular literature, in close connection with the development of the Latvian language and linguistics, in the context of society and culture. An overview of the formation of norm system and most important norm sources (dictionaries, grammars, textbooks) will be given. The analysis of written monuments will be carried out during the course of lectures.
THE LATVIAN FOLKLORE The course involves both the theory of the folklore studies and the questions of the folklore material and analysis, the concepts of the folklore and folklore studies, the function of folklore, its specific features, the main theories of the folklore studies, the history of the Latvian folklore studies, the relations of folklore and mythology folklore studies, the relations of folklore and mythology and magic, the relations of folklore and literature, the ethical and esthetical values. In the seminars the analyses of the main types and genres of the Latvian folklore are on focus, putting stress on the typical features, characters, motives and artistic peculiarities.
THE INTRODUCTION IN BALTISTIC The aim of the course is to introduce the students into problems of the history of ethogenesis and linguistics of Balts. The course includes historians’, etnographs’, archaeologists’, antropologists’ and linguists’ cognitions about Baltic nations, their languages from ancient times to nowadays. Students are introduced with the useful scientific literature too.
GENERAL LINGUISTICS The course gives a brief survey on the history of the development of the linguistic idea and the language research practice from the ancient India to nowadays around the world.
The course reveals the specific features of the children’s literature. The history of the Latvian children’s literature in connection with the latest discoveries in pedagogics and psychology. The most outstanding authors (Valdis, V.Plûdons, Rainis, K.Skalbe, J.Jaunsudrabiòð, A.Brigadere, O.Vâcietis, J.Baltvilks, Viks, Z.Çrgle, Dz.Rinkule-Zemzare, V.Belðevica etc.) and their contribution to the children’s literature. Analyses of their works is the main subject in the seminars.
PUNCTUATION Lectures and practical classes. A short content of the course: The origins of using the marks of punctuation. Punctuation – a branch of Linguistics. The fundamental principles of punctuation. The division of punctuation marks. The development of Latvian punctuation (and terminology). Punctuation as a part of Latvian Grammar. The rules of punctuation (in the Contemporary Latvian Literary Written Language). The punctuation at school. Stylistic significance of the marks of punctuation. The punctuation marks – the artistic expressive means of a literary work (the usage of the marks of punctuation in prose within the period from the end of the 19th century up to the end of the third decade of the 20th century). Etc.
THE LITHUANIAN LANGUAGE During the course students acquire the basic elements of the Lithuanian language, perfect their knowledge in the Baltic philology. The course also touches upon the questions of teaching the common phenomena of the Latvian and Lithuanian language at school.
LEXICOSTYLISTICS In the course of lexicostylistics the students are acquainted with the fundamental questions of stylistics, as well as with the stylistic potentials of lexics phenomena in details.
THE LATVIAN EXILE LITERATURE The Latvian Exile Literature (1944 – 1995) as a process in the different regions of the world, its types, genres, artistic means, the peculiarities of the sense of the world and its changes. The characterization and analyses of the writings of the most outstanding authors.
SOCIOLINGUISTICS The course provides and introduction to sociolinguistics, a subfield of linguistics which specifically studies the way language operates in society. This course gives an information on the history of sociolinguistics, research methods, key terms. Background information on social variation in language, language maintenance and shift, language planning etc. will be provided.
THE POETRY OF RAINIS The historical and critical conception of Rainis. The analyses of ideological and esthetic contents and artistic formation of particular poems and selection of poems.
THE POETRY OF OJARS VACIETIS The revelation of biographical peculiarities and personality of Vacietis. The essence of contents and artistic originality of peculiar selections of poems.
WORKS OF R. BLAUMANIS This course includes the aspects of the writers life and works. Students are introduced with development of the writers creativity, his theoretical and literary attitudes, sources of influence in his literary works. Works of R Blaumanis are observed within the contexts oh European literature. In seminars students analyze his works which are included in a secondary school curriculum, putting stress on generally human issues in his prose, poetry, and drama.
THE LITERARY WORK OF PORUKS The revelation of biographical peculiarities and personality of Poruks. The essence of contents and artistic originality of peculiar selections of poems. The originality of philosophic and esthetic outlook of Poruks, the expression of it in ideological and artistic formation of particular literary works.
FOREIGN LITERATURE I--VII In this course students follow the development of foreign literature history starting from an Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome period till the 20th century. Observation of development of the world’s literature is being carried out. They learn about literary tendencies, world’s most famous writers’ works, their aesthetical ideas, and creative originality.
METHODOLOGY OF TEACHING/LEARNING LATVIAN LITERATURE Aim of the course: to acquire methods of teaching the Latvian language and literature in elementary school. The guidelines: Characteristics of teaching/learning methods as pedagogical subbranch. Philosophy of culture - the methodological basis. Related sciences. Research methods. The system of concepts. Topical issues, searching of new approaches. Literature as oral art (various interpretations). Learning fiction as spiritual culture. Aesthetic education of pupils. The dialogical and value oriented process of cooperation of the teacher and learners. Ways of cooparation (teaching/learning methods). Promoting acquiring of various genres according to pupils abilities. Types of literature lessons at school. The teacher’s self improvement. Experiences of other countries.
METHODOLOGY OF TEACHING LATVIAN In this course students acquire modern methods and methodological structures in teaching Latvian literature at school.
SYNTAX AT SCHOOL Students receive the information about observation of questions of syntax in modern education documents and school books. Students learn different working styles, methodological ways acquiring syntax questions. They develop skills for selecting working materials for particular subjects.
ANALYSIS OF FICTION AT SCHOOL. Students are given different theoretical tendencies and approaches to analyzing literal works at school. Students practically are involved in discussions about analysis of literary works.
INTRODUCTION INTO THE HISTORY OF THE METHODICS OF TEACHING LATVIAN In this course students are introduced with the tendencies of Latvian language methodology latest 50 years.
METHODOLOGY OF ORTOGRAPHY In the course students are introduced with an orthography questions of Latvian language in elementary school and repetition in secondary school.
THE METHODOLOGY OF TEACHING ESSAY WRITING In the course students acquire different types of composition and their teaching methods.
EXPERIMENTAL WORK AT THE LESSONS OF LITERATURE Aims of the course: to introduce pedagogical research work, to promote development of students creative skills, to prepare for independent research projects. The guidelines: Research elements in the work of the literature teacher. Research methods, application in practice Experiment. Learning and reflection. Study of theoretical sources. Learning the pupils. Pedagogical artistic problems. Research project work. Results of teacher - pupils cooperation, data gathering and interpretation. Presentation of independent projects. Preparation for baccalaureate and qualification papers. LEXICOGRAPHY – THEORY AND SCHOOL PRACTICE In the course of lexicography students are acquainted with the history of Latvian dictionaries, the types of dictionaries, the principles of preparing dictionaries, as well as with the methods, problems and making use of possibilities of modern technology in lexicography. Students perform also execration and systematization work of lexics. A great place in seminars is devoted to discussions of topical problems in linguistics and pedagogics, as well as to creative exchanging of attitudes.
STYLISTICS AT SCOOL The course of lectures includes an overview of the functional styles of Latvian as a necessary part of Latvian language education at schools. The course focuses on the following concepts: the goals and key terms of stylistics a subfield of linguistics, classification of language strata, linguistic variation at different language levels. A practical training in correct use of language units will be carried out during the course.
PROBLEMSITUATIONS IN LESSONS OF LITERATURE Aims of the course: Developing of the teachers’ skills for organizing pupils’ value oriented, problem solving approach in acquiring Latvian literature. The guidelines: Fiction as oral art and its dialogical character (the aspect of philosophy of culture). Literature as subject at school, its content. The state standard. Pupils’ independence and creative activity as problem of methods. Integrity of the content and the process. Various approaches to perception and analysis of literature in secondary school. Actualization of the life and arts values in the process of acquiring literature. Development of problems in the lessons of literature. Types of problemsituations. Kinds of teacher - pupil cooperation (the system of teaching/learning methods). Experiences of other countries.
DIALECTOLOGY -- THEORY AND SCOOL PRACTICE The aim of the course is to introduce with the phonetical, lexical, morphological and syntactical peculiarities of regional dialects of the Latvian language, connecting with the ethuogenesis of Balts, history of Latvia and with the development of Latvian language. The course consists of the summary of dialects of Latvian and their formation. The students acquire the scills of phonetical transcription, acquire the features of speech, that are connected with local dialects and learn to avene them in own and pupils speech.
THE NEW LATVIAN LITERATURE AT SCHOOL This course observes the latest works of Latvian literature in the aspects of modern methodology. They analyse problems in all genres. The study Profile “ Teacher of Latvian as a Secondary Language in Secondary School”
THE MODERN LATVIAN LANGUAGE I: PROPAEDEUTICS Practical classes with short theoretical rewiev of the Phonetics and the Grammar of Latvian Modern Literary Language). The content of the course is closely connected with the basic aims: 1) to strengthen the background (Secondary School) knowledge in Latvian Literary Language; 2) to prepare students for scientific studies in Latvian Literary Language; 3) to acquaint with the basic conceptions, categories and regularities; 4) to improve the culture of the speech and written language.
THE MODERN LATVIAN LANGUAGE ll: PHONETICS The course involves the history of the phonetics and phonology of the Latvian language, research methods, the categories of phonetics, orthoephy, orthography and phonology, the phonetic system, the standards of orthoephy and ortography; typical mistakes and their preclusion.
THE MODERN LATVIAN LANGUAGE III: LEXICOLOGY AND PHRASEOLOGY The course of lexicology and phraseology embraces the microsystem of semantic changes of legitimacy of functioning and development of lexics showing the word meaning changes in synchronic and diachronic aspect , and in that way preparing students for further acquiring of language course and insuring also the necessary bases for independent scientific work at school.
THE MODERN LATVIAN LANGUAGE lV: MORPHEMICS The course is provided to introduce the students to the morpheme system of the Latvian language, its functions and its meaning in the Latvian language. It also includes the derivative system of the Latvian language. The course aims at comprehending the role of the word building in the development of the Latvian language, as well as the derivative structures of a word and the role of semantics in the process of acquiring the language. Seminars are provided to strengthen the theoretical knowledge and the skills of analyzing words and wordforms in the morphemic and derivative aspect.
THE MODERN LATVIAN LANGUAGE V, Vl: MORPHOLOGY The course is intended to create the theoretical basis for the understanding of the morphological system of the Latvian language. To gain the understanding of the regularities of building the form of a word, the role of the grammatical categories and meanings in composing a text, to enhance the skill and competency of the morphological analysis of a text.
THE MODERN LATVIAN LANGUAGE Vll: SYNTAX The course deals with the elements of syntax, syntactic connection, simple and compound sentence in the traditional and structural aspect, textual units and types. The theoretical studies of the Latvian language are combined with the practical analysis of a text.
THE HISTORY OF THE LATVIAN LITERATURE l The brief introduction of the history and culture of Latvia in the 16th, 17th, 18th century and the first half of the 19th century. The life and work of N.Mollîns, G.Mancelis, S.G.Dîcs, the Old Stender, M.Stobe, J.Lange, G.Meríelis and other scholars. Literal trends and the impact of the other nationalities in Latvia from the 16th century till the middle of the 19th century.
THE HISTORY OF THE LATVIAN LITERATURE ll The brief survey of the history and culture of Latvia in the second half of the 19th century. The process of the development of the Latvian national literature, the trends, directions, influences of it.
THE HISTORY OF THE LATVIAN LITERATURE III The development of Latvian literature 1890 – 1905 ( the political and social process; the trends and tendencies of literature; the development of poetry, prose and plays); the creative work of writers (E.Veidenbaums, Aspazija, Rainis, J.Poruks etc.); the analyses of particular literary works.
THE HISTORY OF THE LATVIAN LITERATURE IV The development of Latvian literature 1905 – 1920 (the political and social process; the trends and tendencies of literature; the development of poetry, prose and plays); the creative work of writers (K.Skalbe, F.Bârda, V.Plûdons, Rainis, J.Janðevskis, V.Eglîtis etc.); the analyses of particular literary works.
THE HISTORY OF THE LATVIAN LITERATURE V, VI The course focuses on the process of the development of the Latvian literature - the course of the social and political events, literary trends and movements, the development of the poetry, fiction and drama in the 20ies - 30ies of the 19th century. The course views the life and literal activities of A.Èaks, E.Âdamsons, J.Ezeriòa, Z.Mauriòa, A.Upîts, J.Veselis, E.Virza etc.
THE HISTORY OF THE LATVIAN LITERATURE VII, VIII The development of Latvian literature 1940 – 1990( the political and social process; the trends and tendencies of literature; the development of poetry, prose and plays); the creative work of writers (L.Laicena, A.Upîða, A.Sakses, V.Lâèa, O.Vâcieða, I.Ziedoòa, R.Ezeras, G.Priedes, L.Stumbres, G.Repðes etc.); the creative works of writers, the analyses of particular literary works.
THE THEORY OF THE LITERATURE The course is aimed to acquire the basis of literature analyses: personage, plot, language and its rhythm, style etc. A brief insight is given in the theory of the genre and the development of the theory of literature from the ancient times till nowadays.
INTRODUCTION INTO LINGUISTICS I, II The course gives an introduction to the scientific study of language. The analytical and systematic overview of speech sounds, words, sentences and meaning as well as the overview of psychological, social and cultural aspects of language, the basic information on classification of languages, the evolution of writing, the history of linguistics will be offered. The discipline provides methodology and key terms necessary for the scientific study of languages. THE HISTORY OF THE LATVIAN LANGUAGE The course wives the kindship of the Latvian language with the other (Baltic and Indo-European) languages, the comparative historical method in linguistics, the history of phonetic system and grammatical structures of the Latvian language.
THE HISTORY OF THE LATVIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE The purpose of this course is to give profound information on the development of Standard Latvian beginning with the 16th century. This course gives a glimpse in the development of the language of religious and secular literature, in close connection with the development of the Latvian language and linguistics, in the context of society and culture. An overview of the formation of norm system and most important norm sources (dictionaries, grammars, textbooks) will be given. The analysis of written monuments will be carried out during the course of lectures.
LATVIAN FOLKLORE The course involves both the theory of the folklore studies and the questions of the folklore material and analysis, the concepts of the folklore and folklore studies, the function of folklore, its specific features, the main theories of the folklore studies, the history of the Latvian folklore studies, the relations of folklore and mythology folklore studies, the relations of folklore and mythology and magic, the relations of folklore and literature, the ethical and esthetical values. In the seminars the analyses of the main types and genres of the Latvian folklore are on focus, putting stress on the typical features, characters, motives and artistic peculiarities.
PSYCHOLOGY OF CONTRASTIVE LANGUAGE People’s psychology is a methodological linguistic base (W.Wundt; A.Potebnja), and a language is people’s spirit expression (Steintal). The goal of the studies course - students have to be acquaint with etnopsyhologycal problems and the way they can be solved in the Russian language. The course research base are the following: to observe the life speech (from the psychological speaker’s point of view); to analyze “inherent forms” of the word, sentence and the text in synchronistic and diachronistic aspects.
GENERAL LINGUISTICS The course gives a brief survey on the history of the development of the linguistic idea and the language research practice from the ancient India to nowadays around the world.
THE LATVIAN CHILDREN’S LITERATURE The course reveals the specific features of the children’s literature. The history of the Latvian children’s literature in connection with the latest discoveries in pedagogics and psychology. The most outstanding authors (Valdis, V.Plûdons, Rainis, K.Skalbe, J.Jaunsudrabiòð, A.Brigadere, O.Vâcietis, J.Baltvilks, Viks, Z.Çrgle, Dz.Rinkule-Zemzare, V.Belðevica etc.) and their contribution to the children’s literature. Analyses of their works is the main subject in the seminars.
THE MODERN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE The course is addressed to the students future Latvian language teachers in national minority schools. The goal of the studies course is to formulate students’ conception of system construction of the Russian language (at all levels of the language). The direction of the course has the practical disposition. The structural and semantic elements of the Russian language are compared with the same elements in the Latvian language (the comparision goal is to find the interference and transposition zones.
PUNCTUATION Lectures and practical classes. A short content of the course: The origins of using the marks of punctuation. Punctuation – a branch of Linguistics. The fundamental principles of punctuation. The division of punctuation marks. The development of Latvian punctuation (and terminology). Punctuation as a part of Latvian Grammar. The rules of punctuation (in the Contemporary Latvian Literary Written Language). The punctuation at school. Stylistic significance of the marks of punctuation. The punctuation marks – the artistic expressive means of a literary work (the usage of the marks of punctuation in prose within the period from the end of the 19th century up to the end of the third decade of the 20th century). Etc.
LEXICOSTYLISTICS In the course of lexicostylistics the students are acquainted with the fundamental questions of stylistics, as well as with the stylistic potentials of lexics phenomena in details.
THE LATVIAN EXILE LITERATURE The Latvian Exile Literature (1944 – 1995) as a process in the different regions of the world, its types, genres, artistic means, the peculiarities of the sense of the world and its changes. The characterization and analyses of the writings of the most outstanding authors.
PROCESS OF LITERARY CREATION During this course (using a psycho-analytical approach of S. Freid’s and K. G. Jung’s theoretical cognition) students learn how writers crate their works and how the value of a particular work establishes during the time. They acquire the knowledge of human brain asymmetry as a creative dialogue; intuition and imagination.
SOCIOLINGUISTICS The course provides and introduction to sociolinguistics, a subfield of linguistics which specifically studies the way language operates in society. This course gives an information on the history of sociolinguistics, research methods, key terms. Background information on social variation in language, language maintenance and shift, language planning etc. will be provided.
THE POETRY OF RAINIS The historical and critical conception of Rainis. The analyses of ideological and esthetic contents and artistic formation of particular poems and selection of poems.
THE POETRY OF OJARS VACIETIS The revelation of biographical peculiarities and personality of Vacietis. The essence of contents and artistic originality of peculiar selections of poems.
LITERARY WORKS OF R. BLAUMANIS This course includes the aspects of the writers life and works. Students are introduced with development of the writers creativity, his theoretical and literary attitudes, sources of influence in his literary works. Works of R Blaumanis are observed within the contexts oh European literature. In seminars students analyze his works which are included in a secondary school curriculum, putting stress on generally human issues in his prose, poetry, and drama.
LITERARY WORKS OF J. PORUKS The revelation of biographical peculiarities and personality of Poruks. The essence of contents and artistic originality of peculiar selections of poems. The originality of philosophic and esthetic outlook of Poruks, the expression of it in ideological and artistic formation of particular literary works.
FOREIGN LITERATURE I--VII In this course students follow the development of foreign literature history starting from an Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome period till the 20th century. Observation of development of the world’s literature is being carried out. They learn about literary tendencies, world’s most famous writers’ works, their aesthetical ideas, and creative originality.
METHODOLOGY OF LATVIAN AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Aim of the course - theoretical knowledge in the methodology of teaching Latvian language as a second language at other nationality schools. They learn how to choose teaching material, how to evaluate pupils’ knowledge, etc.
PRACTICAL PHONETICS OF LATVIAN IN MINORITY SCHOOLS The course introduces students with the methods, theoretical and practical knowledge about modern questions of learning Latvian language phonetics in other nationality schools.
PRACTICAL GRAMMAR OF LATVIAN IN MINORITY SCHOOLS In lectures, seminars, practical works students try to understand the methods and peculiarities of word-making and morphology in Latvian literature. They learn how to compare Latvian language morphology with other languages, they receive the knowledge in choosing teaching materials.
LATVIAN AND RUSSIAN CONTRASTIVE GRAMMAR In this course students become acquainted with common and different issues of Latvian and Russian phonetics, lexicology, morphology, and syntax.
NATURE OF SPEECH MISTAKES A speech mistake is a language fact, which has to be analyzed at linguistic and methodological levels. The goal of the studies course is to teach students: to classify speech mistakes that are made by students (not Latvian) in the Latvian language; to formulate the mistakes reason (linguistic and psychological); to find out the objective reason of the mistake; to find out the methodological ways of preventing and correction of speech mistakes.
STYLISTICS AT SCOOL The course of lectures includes an overview of the functional styles of Latvian as a necessary part of Latvian language education at schools. The course focuses on the following concepts: the goals and key terms of stylistics a subfield of linguistics, classification of language strata, linguistic variation at different language levels. A practical training in correct use of language units will be carried out during the course.
METHODOLOGY OF ORTOGRAPHY In the course students are introduced with an orthography questions of Latvian language in elementary school and repetition in secondary school.
THE METHODOLOGY OF TEACHING ESSAY WRITING In the course students acquire different types of composition and their teaching methods.
LEXICOGRAPHY – THEORY AND SCHOOL PRACTICE In the course of lexicography students are acquainted with the history of Latvian dictionaries, the types of dictionaries, the principles of preparing dictionaries, as well as with the methods, problems and making use of possibilities of modern technology in lexicography. Students perform also execration and systematization work of lexics. A great place in seminars is devoted to discussions of topical problems in linguistics and pedagogics, as well as to creative exchanging of attitudes.
EXPERIMENTAL WORK AT THE LESSONS OF LITERATURE Aims of the course: to introduce pedagogical research work, to promote development of students creative skills, to prepare for independent research projects. The guidelines: Research elements in the work of the literature teacher. Research methods, application in practice Experiment. Learning and reflection. Study of theoretical sources. Learning the pupils. Pedagogical artistic problems. Research project work. Results of teacher - pupils cooperation, data gathering and interpretation. Presentation of independent projects. Preparation for baccalaureate and qualification papers.
ANALYSIS OF FICTION AT SCHOOL Students are given different theoretical tendencies and approaches to analyzing literal works at school. Students practically are involved in discussions about analysis of literary works.
DIALECTOLOGY -- THEORY AND SCOOL PRACTICE The aim of the course is to introduce with the phonetical, lexical, morphological and syntactical peculiarities of regional dialects of the Latvian language, connecting with the ethuogenesis of Balts, history of Latvia and with the development of Latvian language. The course consists of the summary of dialects of Latvian and their formation. The students acquire the scills of phonetical transcription, acquire the features of speech, that are connected with local dialects and learn to avene them in own and pupils speech.
THE NEW LATVIAN LITERATURE AT SCHOOL This course observes the latest works of Latvian literature in the aspects of modern methodology. They analyse problems in all genres. The study Profile
“ Teacher of English / German in Secondary School”
INTRODUCTION INTO SPECIALITY Students become acquainted with the working style of the university. They are introduced to the pedagogical approach of the foreign language teaching and learning. The course contains the following themes: the essence, organisational aspects and cathegories of the higher education, the role of the student and the lecturer in the university, the place of the foreign language in the course of studies, the professional characteristics, qualities and competence of the foreign language teacher, the contents and the process of the pre-service and in-service teacher education.
INTRODUCTION INTO LINGUISTICS The aim of the course is to prepare the 1st year students for the further studies of the English/German language theoretical courses. The course gives basic knowledge about the essence of the language, its origin, function, developmental processes, as well as the classification of the world’s languages. The students study the development of written language, and the history, methods of investigation and branches of linguistics, and they are introduced to the scientific terminology.
LATIN The course deals with the main questions of Latin morphology and syntax . During the course the students have to develop the skills for the translation of Latin texts, analyse the questions of Latin grammar in connection with Latvian, English and German languages.
CONTEMPORARY LATVIAN Through this course the students enlarge their secondary school knowledge and develop their skills in Latvian literary pronunciation and orthography. This course provides theoretical knowledge about the problems of the Latvian language. Students are theoretically and practically prepared for the work in the language field.
PRACTICAL PHONETICS OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE The course of the practical phonetics deals with the pronounciation, intonation, stress and rhythm of the English language through the general language acquisition. During the course the following skills are formed and developed : the comprehension of the language, the ability to speak clearly and smoothly.
PRACTICAL PHONETICS OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE During this course the students acquire the comparison of the articulation of the German and Latvian languages, they learn about German articulated, acoustic and functional sound aspects, as well as the main rules of the German language sound co-articulation.
PRACTICAL ENGLISH GRAMMAR In this course the students learn to speak and write grammatically correct English, they learn to understand oral and written speech, to be able to read, translate, and at the same time recognise grammatical constructions. The students compare English and their native language grammar constructions and theoretically and practically perfect their knowledge and develop their skills in teaching of the morphology and syntax of the English language.
PRACTICAL GERMAN GRAMMAR During this course the students improve their skills in grammar, they develop professional skills of teaching grammar at school and preparing different exercises. Students acquire the morphology and syntax of the German language.
LEXICO-GRAMMATICAL ANALYSIS OF THE ENGLISH TEXTS The aim of the course is to give the possibility for the students to develop and improve their competence of the English language in order to speak fluently, to express themselves orally and in written form, read, comprehend and analyse the authentic texts of different levels and styles and to teach the language
LEXICO-GRAMMATICAL ANALYSIS OF THE GERMAN TEXTS In this course the students improve their reading and comprehension skills. They are encouraged to be creative in the process of the language acquisition and teaching , and they can expand their knowledge of the culture, history, economy and politics of the German speaking countries.
LINGUO- STYLISTIC TEXT ANALYSIS (ENGLISH ) In this course the students perfect their speaking and writing and teaching skills, they expand their vocabulary acquiring the etymology and phraseology of the words. The students master different functional styles of the language; they analyse an author’s individual style, and work with different types of dictionaries.
LINGUO- STYLISTIC TEXT ANALYSIS (GERMAN ) The students analyse texts, observe the structure of the text from the point of view of the foreign language teaching. During the course the students get clear idea about the text linguistics, definition, structure, reference, different types of texts in the German language teaching. (Doc., Dr. philol. L. Verþbicka)
WRITTEN PRACTICE OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (9cp) The aim of the course is to develop the skills of the students in order to be able to express their own opinion which is based on acquired grammatical and lexical material. They get theoretical and practical knowledge for their future work at school. The course contains the development of writing skills, starting with the sentence and paragraph writing till the research paper.
WRITTEN PRACTICE OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE In this course the students acquire the language spelling rules, the communicative forms of the German language and necessary skills for the future profession and the research paper writing. During this course the students acquire calligraphy, orthography, syntax, and reflection of visual and audio information in written form.
SPEACH PRACTICE OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE The course is divided into three levels. On the first level the students develop the skills of the monological speech, improve the dialogue formation skills and acquire the group work and the project work. On the second level the students develop the skills of the argumentation and discussion and mini lesson preparation.. On the third level - they are encouraged to use the speaking skills creativelly on the previously acquired knowledge and to conduct the lessons for the groupmates. The main themes of the course are - studies and assimilation, education and the relationship between the generations, job market, and topical questions connected with the United Kingdom.
SPEACH PRACTICE OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE The course is divided into three levels. On the first level the students develop the skills of the monological speech, improve the dialogue formation skills and acquire the group work and the project work. On the second level the students develop the skills of the argumentation and discussion and mini lesson preparation.. On the third level - they are encouraged to use the speaking skills creativelly on the previously acquired knowledge and to conduct the lessons for the groupmates. The main themes of the course are - studies and assimilation, education and the relationship between the generations, job market, and topical questions connected with Germany.
HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE The students acquire the history of the English language development among the other languages. They develop their linguistic skills. The course deals with the following themes : chronological and linguistical periodisation, regional dialects, literal heritage, borrowed words and the development of phonetical and grammatical tendencies.
HISTORY OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE This course gives the students the knowledge about the history of the German language, about the peculiarities of the development of the German language and the formation of the German language through the centuries as well as its relationships with the other languages.
STYLISTICS OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE The course introduces students to the basic elements of the stylistics, its differentiation. The students acquire functional styles and get guidance in the diversity of the stylistic devices.
STYLISTICS OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE During this course the students get acquainted with different types of texts, their characterisation; they develop their skills of a text interpretation, they improve the understanding of a text. The main topics of the course are: language style, style and grammar, the types of style, the different levels of the language, stylistical devices, text analysis.
LEXICOLOGY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE The students become acquainted with lexicology as a linguistic branch, specifically with the English language lexicology. During the course the students develop the skills of independent linguistic thinking and ability to manipulate with linguistics terms and conceptions, they learn how to analyse language material. They study the links between the grammar, phonetics, morphology, semantics, and stylistics. The acquired knowledge can be used in the foreign language lessons at school.
LEXICOLOGY OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE During the course the students acquire basic methods for working with the German vocabulary. The students get knowledge about word structure, about the formation of new words, about the German vocabulary structure and the meanings of the words in paradigm and syntagma, about the structure of the dictionary and its units.
SOCIO-LINGUISTICS OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE During this course the students acquire the general conception of socio-linguistics, the diversity of the existing relationships between the language and culture. The students are introduced to the attitudes between the language and the society, different functions of the language within the society, the peculiarities of the speech. SOCIO-LINGUISTICS OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE This course gives the students the knowledge of the German language functioning within the different German language levels, such as dialects, everyday conversation, social and professional group languages.
DEVELOPMENTAL TENDENCIES OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE The students are given a brief summary on the changes in the English language during the centuries and its developmental tendencies in the 20 th century. They study the diversity of the English language, changes in the development of the language on the sentence level and in the development of the structure and vocabulary.
DEVELOPMENTAL TENDENCIES OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE During this course the students are introduced to the changes in the German language and its developmental tendencies. They study the diversity of the German language, changes in the development of the language on the sentence level and in the development of the structure and vocabulary, as well as the history of the language after 1945.
INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECT: ENGLISH/GERMAN SPEAKING COUNTRIES During the course the students get the general idea about the geography, history, culture, sport, famous people of the English/German speaking countries. They acquire the knowledge about the peculiarities of the language in different countries. The students are encouraged to show initiative, independence and creative thinking. They study different informative and analytical materials about the English/German speaking countries, they watch video materials, listen to audio tapes, make discussions in bigger or smaller groups about some projects.
TRANSLATION PRINCIPLES OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE In this course the students learn the theory of translation, different approaches and methods. They develop the skills of text translations of different levels, and acquire the practical skills as one of the ways of teaching a foreign language at school. The students learn how to evaluate and analyse the quality of a text.
TRANSLATION PRINCIPLES OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE In this course the students become acquainted with the main principles of translation and its units, they meet with different problems and possible solution opportunities in the process of the translation. The students develop their translation skills translating from less difficult to difficult levels of texts from newspapers and magazines about politics, economy, culture and education.
ANTIQUE LITERATURE The course provides the students with the information about the most important literature issues of the ancient Greece and Rome, about different literature genres and problems. The main themes of the course are - Greek literature periodisation, epic art, Greek lyrics, theatre, and historiography.
ENGLISH LITERATURE OF CLASSICISM AND ENLIGHTEMENT PERIOD (FOREIGN LITERATURE) This course follows the processes of the development of the English literature in the 17th and 18th centuries. The students observe these processes within the historical events, existing opinions in the society and philosophical concepts according to the century. The attention is paid to works of such writers as J. Donn, J. Milton, S. Butler, J. Edison and others. The students get acquainted with the Enlightement period in Germany and France.
ENGLISH LITERATURE OF REALISM IN THE 19TH CENTURY This course introduces the students to the characteristical tendencies of 19th century and the most spectacular examples of the realistical literature. Main attention is paid to works of C. Dickenss, V. M. Hardy.
HISTORY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE During this course the students become acquainted with the history of American literature, the students learn how to use different methods in comparing American and Latvian literature.
THE FORMATION OF GERMAN LITERATURE AND ITS DEVELOPMENT TILL THE 17th CENTURY In this course a wide development period of the German language starting from the most formerly times till the Enlightenment centuries is included. Quite briefly students acquire Middle Age literature, as well as the main works of the humanist writers and writers of the Baroque. Special attention is paid to the German epoch “The Song about Niebelungs” and to the works of S. Brant, Roterdam Erasm and M. Luther.
THE DEVELOPMENT OF GERMAN LITERATURE STARTING FROM THE ENLIGHTMENT PERIOD TO CLASSIC OF VEIMAR In this course the students acquire the authors of German Enlightenment period such as Lesing, Herder, Vieland and other authors’ foundation of their literar heritage. The students find out about this period’s most brightest writers such as J. W. Goethe, F. Shiller and their most excellent works.
THE PERIOD OF VEIMAR CLASSICS IN GERMAN LITERATURE The students acquire the main works of the Veimar Classics period, main attention is paid to the important heritage of J. W. Goethe and F. Shiller. More close observation is given to such plays of J. W. Goethe as “Ifigenia in Taurid”, “Egmont”, “ Torkvato Tasso”; but from Shiller’s works- students look at those works where Shiller shows his aesthetic attitudes. In this course students briefly analyse J. w. Goethe’s “Faust” and Shiller’s classical dramas.
ROMANTIC PERIOD IN GERMAN LITERATURE The students acquire the heritage of German romantic ideas and aestheticism. The attention is paid to the reflection of the reality in the works of the romantic authors. The students get acquainted with the aesthetic works of the Brothers Shlegels, with the works of Wakenroder and Tiek. Special attention is paid to the works of Novalice, Helderlin, brothers Grimms, Shamiso and Kleist.
GERMAN LITERATURE IN THE EARLY 20TH CENTURY The students briefly acquire the main tendencies and the most important authors in German literature in early 20th century. The main attention is mostly paid to the following tendencies (impressionism, expressionism, modernism, post-war German literature and “zero hour”) and works of Hofmanstahl, Rilke, T. Mann, Kafka, Hesse, Breht.
GERMAN LANGUAGE DIALECTOLOGY AND AREAL LINGUISTICS This course is meant to expand the students’ linguistic view. It also introduces students to the German language teritorial forms and their research with realistic and dialectographic methods.
SPECIAL COURSE IN LITERATURE: THE DEVELOPMENT OF GERMAN LITERATURE STARTING FROM MARCH REVOLUTION TILL THE EXPRESSIONISM The students acquire German literature from the Revolution (1848) period, they get acquainted with the main works of German realism, as well as many style situation and tendencies in postnaturalism period till the Expressionism. They have closer look at Heine’s, Shtifter’s, Keller’s, Fontane’s and other classics works.
SEMINAR ABOUT THE BACHELOR PAPER The students are introduced to the main points of the research paper: the choice of the topic, literature study, work in libraries, searching for information and classification of it. Using of INTERNET in scientific work and in methodology. In this course the students acquire the knowledge how to quote science literature and electronical information.
METHODOLOGY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING (ENGLISH) The students acquire wide theoretical base in foreign language teaching (FLT) methodology. They become acquainted with the aims of FLT, main methods, work organisation, planning, assesment of the pupils’ work, and research work and research methodology. Theoretically and practically they are prepared for their school practice. METHODOLOGY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING (GERMAN) This course introduces the students to the theoretical base in foreign language teaching (FLT) and methodology, they become acquainted with the aims of FLT, they learn about teaching aims, research work and methods. Theoretically and practically they are prepared for their school practice. This course is based mainly on knowledge which was acquired in pedagogical and psychological lectures. (Doc., Dr. paed. K. Kanèa)
LITERATURE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE LESSONS This course gives the information about the methods and theory in teaching language in foreign language lessons with the help of literature. The students take part in discussions about the rolr of the literature in language lessons, they analyse integration possibilities of literature and language teaching. They develop their practical skills working with literal texts in English/German lectures.
USING OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN THE LANGUAGE CLASSROOM In this course the students are introduced to modern information technologies in foreign language teaching. They analyse different computer programmes, they develop their practical skills working with computer, creating their own computer programmes, work out suggestions for using them in foreign language teaching lessons at school.
STATE STUDIES OF ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES This course deals with the history of England. The students can follow the development of the country and its nation through the centuries. They get the understanding about the development of the country’s preconditions, about the past and current socio-political situation, they better can understand the nation’s peculiarities, its culture and their way of thinking.
STATE STUDIES OF GERMAN SPEAKING COUNTRIES This course gives the students the summary about the geography, history and culture of German speaking countries. The students learn to understand interaction of the past and present, they find out more about the national peculiarities and its mentality. They develop skills of analysing, reading, discussing different important questions in German history. The students develop their proffesional skills in collecting different materials about the topic, preparing reports and reading them.
ENGLISH AS A SECOND FOREIGN LANGUAGE In this course the students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English. The students acquire grammar, conversation, they learn how to make dialogues, and how to use English in everyday life situations, and they learn to express their own opinion and to support it. GERMAN AS A SECOND FOREIGN LANGUAGE In this course the students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in German. The students acquire grammar, conversation, they learn how to make dialogues, and how to use German in everyday life situations, and they learn to express their own opinion and to support it. The students learn to tell about themselves, their free time, youth problems in Latvia and other German speaking countries.. They learn how to write a letter, how to fill in an application form, and other documents.
FRENCH AS A SECOND FOREIGN LANGUAGE In this course the students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in French. The students acquire grammar, conversation, they learn how to make dialogues, and how to use French in everyday life situations, and they learn to express their own opinion and to support it. This course provides the improvement of the speech, it helps to expand their active and passive vocabulary.
THE ROLE OF GROUP-WORK AND PROJECTS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING PROCESS The students are introduced to the pedagogical interactive methods. They learn about the application of these methods in language teaching process. In this course the students deal with the following topics: teaching and learning, group-work and its methodology, project work, and the essence of interactive methods.
TEACHING OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR AT SCHOOL The students are prepared for teaching English grammar at school. The main attention during this course is paid to the comparison of English and Latvian grammar constructions. The stress is put on the Latvian language interference with English, and choosing best methods to avoid it.
THE PRINCIPLES OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE TRANSLATION (PART II) During this course the students acquire the basic principles of translating science terminology, methods, and theories. They develop practical skills by translating “technical” and scientifical texts, and others. The theoretical part of the course gives an opportunity to observe the history of translating in Latvia and in the world.
THE PRINCIPLES OF GENERAL DIDACTICS The sudents are introduced to the basic categories of didactics. They learn how to formulate the aims and tasks of a lesson. Pupils’ theories. A teacher’s role in a class from the pupils’ point of view. Latest methods in a foreign language teaching. Connection of the theory and practice.
INTRODUCTION IN PEDAGOGICS In this course the students acquire the main basic categories and the main scientific theories of pedagogics, also from the historical point of view. The development of pedagogics in Latvia and Germany. The connection of pedagogics with other branches of science. Students’ independent work is connected with the research of different topical pedagogical questions.
PLURALISM IDEAS IN PEDAGOGICS The sudents are introduced to the basic principles of Valdorf’s, Montesori, and other alternative pedagogics. The students develop skills of effective, fruitful, and analytical reading of pedagogical literature in one’s native or German language, they learn how to classify this information, how to support one’s own opinion in seminar discussions.
TEACHING PRACTICE It takes place in two levels. In the 7th semester the students have their school practice in grades 5 to 9, in the 9th semester they go to grades 9 to 12. The students practically apply the theoretical knowledge they have gained during their studies into practice. The study Profile “The teacher of house economics and the history of culture”
B 1 - the obligatory courses
Sociology of culture The course acquaints students with the foundations of sociology of culture, the contemporary achivements of the cultural sociological and anthropological thought, it helps to master the research principles of the sociodynamics and regulatory principles, to understand the cultural historical values and the peculiarities of innovations in social context.
History of World culture The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the main stages in the development of world (Western) culture, to reveal the peculiarities of each historical cultural period, to show the interaction of elements representing different cultures and the change of meaning, to show the succession of culture, traditions, norms, to characterize the problems of interpreting the ancient cultures.
History of World culture (introduction into the theory of culture) The course acquaints students with aims and objectives of the theory of culture, the importance of its metatheory in connection with the history of culture, the links with other subjects. It develops students' abilities of rational and logical thinking, the systemic understanding of culture, it supplements students' theoretical knowledge on the cultural processes, gives insight in the cultural processes of Latvia, preparing the students for the work at school.
Traditional popular culture of Latvian nation The course is aimed at developing a creative personality, efficiently training students for the work at contemporary school, giving knowledge about the Latvian mental and material values, linking the traditional Latvian culture with nowadays and the creative potential of each student.
Traditional popular cultural of world's nations The course is aimed at professional training of students for the teacher's work, providing the understanding of traditional cultures and the transformation of the traditional art nowadays.
Latvian popular art and civic consciousness The aim of the course is to promote students' understanding of the place of Latvian art and culture in the civic consciousness, on the basis of studying the popular art and integration of civic education to develop understanding of the basic values of Latvian national cultural heritage, to find ways of cultivating the Latvian mentality and the national self-esteem with the help of popular art.
Fundamentals of history of Latvia The course gives the insight in the most important events and problems in the history of Latvia from the ancient times to nowadays.
History of art, I - II The course is intended to promote the improvement of a professionally educated, creative personality, to promote the development of world outlook and the system of personal values, to extend the theoretical knowledge on the historical perspective which is illustrated by the works of art, to teach students to differentiate the turning points in the development of history and culture which are illustrated in art and thus integrate in our present-day life; to encourage the creative thinking with the help of the philosophy of art using the imagination, to foster the the integrative possibilities of the educational process through analyzing and actualizing the historical experience included in works of art.
2. TEACHING OF MATERIALS The aim of the course is to train profesionally the house economics teachers to present the textile topics in the comprehensive schools. The students master the classification of textile materials, their general features; bleaching of the materials, dying with the chemical and nartural dyes.
3. TEACHING OF FOOD, METHODS OF TEACHING, I - II The course is intended to give the knowledge of teaching the foundations of food in its theoretical, practical and methodic aspects, to create interest in students to master knowledge on the necessity of healthy food and skills in preparing and serving high quality food, to develop the creative skills of the teachers and to observe the traditions of our nation.
Technology of sewing The course is aimed at professional training of students, enabling them to teach sewing ar school and educational out-of-school institutions. Students master the use of sewing materials and tools, the exploitation of sewing machines, the preparation of the functional detailes, artistic design and implementation.
Construction and modelling of clothing The aim of the course is to train students, to promote their abilities and skills to teach sewing ar school and out-of-school educational institutions. Studnets master the following themes: the factors forming the outer changes of the clothing, criteria of choosing the lodels, the types and characterization of sewn articles, the preparation of the technical drawings of the basic details according to individual measurements of the body, the ways of modelling clothes.
Embroidering I The course is intended to train students for the work at school and out- of-school educational institutions. The themes of the course cover the following: the historical development of embroidering techniques and the materials used, the stitches of coloured works, the finishing of the edges, the technique and types of layer stitches, applique work, quilting. They also master how to use these techniques at school.
Embroidering II The course is intended to train students for the work at school and out- of-school educational institutions. The themes of the course cover the following: the historical development of embroidering techniques and the materials used, the embroidering techniques of white works, the finishing of edges, special techniques. They also master how to apply these techniques at school
Knitting The course is intended to develop the understanding of the wide possibilities of applying the knitting techniques and to train them professionally for teaching textile works at school.
Crochetting The course is aimed at acquainting students with the crochetting technique and possibilities of its application and to train them professionally for teaching the theme "Crochetting "at school.
Batik The course trains the students to use the batik techniques, the necessary materials and tools, the composition of the batik and how to teach this subject at school.
Tapestry The aim of the course is to train professionally the house economic teachers to teash weaving at school. The students learn the weaving techniques, making the textile work in accordance with the creative composition, the possibilities of mastering weaving in the school curriculum for different age groups.
Synthesis of textile techniques The course is intended to help students master and teach the creative synthesis of textile materials and textile techniques, the students get acquainted with the peculiarities of textile mosaic and applique works, the diversity of the materials which can be used and the application of tools as well as the preparing the creative work.
Fundamentals of weaving The course intends to train professionally the house economics teachers for the work at school and other educational institutions. The course covers such themes as the use of weaving instruments, setting the cloth in the frame, the weaving according to the sketch, the possibilities of teaching weaving to children of different age groups.
Fundamentals of composition The course aims at acquainting students with teaching the means of expression of applied art compostions, the students master the application of basic elements of composition in creative work, the teaching of colours, the technical ways of making the composition, the foundations of composition in school syllabus.
Composition I The course aims at professional training of students to teach the principles of organizing the composition of applied art at school or other educational institutions. The students master the rhythm of forming the composition, the movement, the proportions of the composition, the preparing of the creative work using the means of artistic expression, the possibilities of mastering the foundations of composition in the school syllabus.
Composition II The course is intended to provide professional training for teaching the textile composition and composition of other types of applied art at school. It helps students to master the principles of developing ethnographical pattern, the use of ornaments and signs in the creative work, the links between nature and ethnography, the posibilities of using ethnography in the creative works at school with children of different age groups.
Composition III The course is intended to provide professional training for teaching the textile composition and composition of other types of applied art at school. It helps students to see the principles of making compositions in nature, to use the means of expression to obtain a definite result, preparing the copies of creative work and composition, the possibilities of using the stylization of nature in the creative textile works at school with children of different age groups. Composition IV The course is intended to provide professional training for teaching the textile composition and composition of other types of applied art at school. It gives insight in the history of costume, helps to make a copy of the costume of the historical style, helps to depict the textile technique and the possibilities of mastering this theme in school syllabus for children of different age groups.
Composition V The course is aimed at providing professional training for teaching textile composition at school and other educational institutions. The students master the sketching of human figure, the proportiond of the silhoutte of the clothes,the possibilities of mastering this theme in school syllabus for children of different age groups.
Composition VI (interior) The course is intended to provide professional training for teaching the textile composition and composition of other types of applied art at school and other educational institutions. Students master the principles of organizing the room, division of space, lighting, proportions of furniture, possibilities of mastering this theme at secondary school.
Composition VII (visual aids) The course aims at providing professional training to students enabling them to make visual aids necessary at school or other educational institution. The course acquaints students with the setting text in the space, selection of visual aids to represent a topic, the selection of means of expression acoording to the theme.
Everyday chemistry The course provides training for creative activities at school and other educational institutions, it describes the role and classification of chemical substances used in our everyday life, the means of cleaning, washing, the ways of removing spots. Fundamentals of Economics The course acquaints students with the basic economic knowledge (micro- and macroeconomics) in the conditions of market economy, it characterizes the basic issues and problems of economics, the mechanism of market activities in different economic systems, the consumer behaviour in the market.
House economics The aim of the course is to train the students for creative pedagogical work, to develop the system of household knowledge including the modern conclusions on house economics, food, environmental protection, environmental hygiene, the rational use of material values and technical equipments, the issues of human everyday culture and behaviour.
Introduction in electrotechnology The course aims at providing students with theoretical and practical knowledge on electrotechnology which is necessary for using the household electrical appliances, the modern gadgetry, to acquaint students wtih the possibnilities of rational use of electrical appliances and their characteristic features.
Practical classes in house economics (machine knitting) The course provides training for creative activities at school and other educational institutions to teach machine knitting. The students master the structure and working principles of the knitting machine, the mechanism of forming the stitches, the selection of materials used in knitting and preparing them for work, the mastering of the machine knitting technique and possibilities of using it at comprehensive school with children of different age groups.
Practical classes in house economics ( machine embroidering) The course provides training for creative activities at school and other educational institutions to teach machine embroidering. The students master the range of materials and instruments to be used in embroidering, the transfer of drawing on the cloth, the embroidering of different stitches, the applique work and possibilities of using this technique at schools.
Accounting The aim of the course is to promote the understanding on accounting and book-keeping, processing and analysis of the accounting data, to learn the principles of organizing the accounting and book-keeping, the laws and normative acts of the Republic of Latvia on accounting.
Man and environmental protection The course acquaints students with the system of household knowledge which includes the latest conclusions about the human food, rational use of health, the environmental hygiene and to know the laws that maintains the environmental protection.
B 1 Optional course Fine arts. Applied graphics, I -II The course acquaints students with the basis of teaching of letters, the creative and diverse possibilities of its application, the students master calligraphy, the constucted bold letters, the creative use of the teaching of letters, the formation of the author's fonts and monogramms, the analysis of one's own work and that of the colleague. Drawing, I - II The aim of the course is to train students for creative pedagogical work, to teach them understand the structure and proportions of geometrical forms, the regularities of the linear perspective, to perceive the relations of the lights and darks.
Painting, I - II The aim of the course is to acquaint students with colour as a means of expression and to master the basic principles of using colours, it also describes the basis and terminology of the teaching of colours, the basic questions of composition in the work with colour, the peculiarities of working in plain air, the analysis of the work.
The course aims at training teachers according to the demands of contemporary education, the developmental tendencies of the world, it gives a possibility to the would-be teacher to acquire the experience of perceiving nature, to promote the development of the consciousness, of nature.
Technology of wicker-work of nature materials The course is intended to train the students for creative pedagogical work and teaching wicker-work at school.
B 2 - OBLIGATORY courses
Methods of teaching history of culture The course aims at professional training of the students for the work as the teachers of history of culture, at being able to select the contents of teaching, means and forms of realization, establishing the system of evaluation.
Contents of house economics The course acquaints students with the contents of house economics, it historical development, modern trends and aims at school. The studends learn to characterize the contents of house economics in Latvia, Nordic countries, Europe and America as well as the possibilities of using house economics in physical and social rehabilitation.
Methods of teaching The course aims at professional training of the students for the work as the teachers of house economics and history of culture, at being able to select the contents of teaching, means and forms of realization, establishing the system of evaluation.
Methods of teaching house economics The course aims at professional training of the students for the work as the teachers of house economics and history of culture, at being able to select the contents of teaching, means and forms of realization, establishing the system of evaluation.
Evaluation of academic results The aim of the course is develop the students' skill to assess and evaluate objectively pupils' academic achievements, to acquaint with the main types and methods of controlling the academic achievements, the pedagogical demands in controlling ans aassessment, the criteria of assessing the textile works.
Methods of performing the scientific work The course aims at preparing the students for independent scientific and research work, generalization of results, designing and defending the work.
B 2 - optional courses 3. Practical classes
Paper plastic arts The aim of the course is train the teachers of house economics for teaching paper plastic arts at school. It acquaints students with basic methods of working with paper, the classification of paper works, the possibilities of mastering paper plastic arts at school syllabus and other educational institutions.
Treatment of leather The aim of the course is to train students for work as teachers of house economics to teach the treatment (processing) of leather at school or other educational institutions.
Applied ceramics The course aims at all-round training of the teacers of house economics, giving insight in the mastering of the fundamentals of ceramics, it tries to clarify the possibilities of integrating art and education, to study the role of ceramics as a specific method of educating emotions with the help of art and improvization, to reveal the diversity of tasks in ceramics and its possibilities in the house economics classes.
Design (wood) The course aims at training students for work as teachers of house economics to teach the fundamentals of woodworking.
Design (metal) The course aims at training students for work as teachers of house economics to make decorations and jewelry.
4. Optional course
Descriptive geometry The course is intended to train students for work as teachers of house economics to teach the mutual relations of the forms of plane and spatial objects in comprehensive schools.
Art of flower arrangement The course aims at training students to meet the demands of contemporary education, the development trends of the world, it tries to promote the process of getting aware of nature through consolidating the versatile knowledge in practical creative action, the perception- understanding- thinking- consciousness- action.
History of religions The course acquiants students with different religions and helps to orient themselves in the modern religious processes, the formation and developemnt of the biggest and most popular religions, the religious processes operative for the modern man.
Cultural heritage in the museums of Latvia The course aims at developing the understanding of the urgent necessity of integrating art and education in optimization of the ducational system, to develop a considerate attitute towards the cultural environment, to encourage a systematic approach to investigation of the cultural heritage of Latvvia and its application in the development of cultural environment not only in the educational institutions.
Puppets The course acquaints students with the types of puppets and ways of using textile techniques to make them, the methods of making puppets at school, possibilities of making puppets for mastering specific themes in the house economic classes or interest groups.
Laces The course aims at training students to make fine laces by hands and to acquaint students with the rarely used techniques of making lace.
Silk painting The course intends to train professionally the students for working as teachers of house economics and textile works to teach silk painting at school.
Textile print The course intends to train professionally the students for working as teachers of house economics and textile works to teach textile print of the silk at school and other educational institutions. The study Profile “The teacher of crafts , history of culture and technical drawing”
B 1 - the obligatory courses
Sociology of culture The course acquaints students with the foundations of sociology of culture, the contemporary achivements of the cultural sociological and anthropological thought, it helps to master the research principles of the sociodynamics and regulatory principles, to understand the cultural historical values and the peculiarities of innovations in social context.
History of World culture The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the main stages in the development of world (Western) culture, to reveal the peculiarities of each historical cultural period, to show the interaction of elements representing different cultures and the change of meaning, to show the succession of culture, traditions, norms, to characterize the problems of interpreting the ancient cultures.
History of World culture (introduction into the theory of culture) The course acquaints students with aims and objectives of the theory of culture, the importance of its metatheory in connection with the history of culture, the links with other subjects. It develops students' abilities of rational and logical thinking, the systemic understanding of culture, it supplements students' theoretical knowledge on the cultural processes, gives insight in the cultural processes of Latvia, preparing the students for the work at school.
Traditional popular culture of Latvian nation The course is aimed at developing a creative personality, efficiently training students for the work at contemporary school, giving knowledge about the Latvian mental and material values, linking the traditional Latvian culture with nowadays and the creative potential of each student.
Traditional popular cultural of world's nations The course is aimed at professional training of students for the teacher's work, providing the understanding of traditional cultures and the transformation of the traditional art nowadays. Latvian popular art and civic consciousness The aim of the course is to promote students' understanding of the place of Latvian art and culture in the civic consciousness, on the basis of studying the popular art and integration of civic education to develop understanding of the basic values of Latvian national cultural heritage, to find ways of cultivating the Latvian mentality and the national self-esteem with the help of popular art.
Fundamentals of history of Latvia The course gives the insight in the most important events and problems in the history of Latvia from the ancient times to nowadays.
History of art, I - II The course is intended to promote the improvement of a professionally educated, creative personality, to promote the development of world outlook and the system of personal values, to extend the theoretical knowledge on the historical perspective which is illustrated by the works of art, to teach students to differentiate the turning points in the development of history and culture which are illustrated in art and thus integrate in our present-day life; to encourage the creative thinking with the help of the philosophy of art using the imagination, to foster the the integrative possibilities of the educational process through analyzing and actualizing the historical experience included in works of art.
2. Metal processing and methods of its teaching
Fundamentals of designing projects The course aims at professional training of students to work as teachers of crfats, history of culture and technical drawing. It provides the theoretical basis necessary to work out projects in teaching of crafts, to acquire the skills necessary to use graphical and technical knowledge in a new sphere, appropriate to the task, to accustom students to professional self-education and applying the information from the technical literature in practice.
Fundamentals of metal processing The course trains students in practical work to process metal, the students master the physical, chemical and mechanic properties of different metals, types of metal processing, the working equipment and machinery.
Fundamentals of artistic procesing of metals The course aims at training students for teaching the artistic processing of metal at school, the students get acquainted with archeological and ethnographic adornments, the use of metal in artistic creative work, the possibilities of mastering the theme in school syllabus for children of different age groups.
Design of adornments The course aims at training the crafts teachers to make the adornments, the students study the historical heritage of the ornamnets and adornments, the composition of adornments, making the adornments, the possibilities of mastering the theme in school syllabus for children of different age groups.
3. Woodworking and methods of teaching
Fundamentals of woodworking The course acquaints the students with the structure of wood-pulp, the species of trees, their physical and mechanic properties, the wood processing, the possibilities of mastering the theme in school syllabus. Technology of artistic woodwork The course aims at training the crafts teachers to master the artistic woodwork , the students research the ethnographic heritage, the change of styles in the course of time, the types and ways of repairing and restoring furniture.
Methods of teaching the artistic woodwork The course acquaints students with the possibilities of using the ethnographic heraitage in the artistic woodwork, the role of contents of artistic woodwork, possibilities of teaching at school and other educational institutions.
Technology of woodworking The course aims at providing knowledge on the most characteristic articles of carpentry and furniture, the development of visual aids for teaching the contents of technology of woodwork at school.
Wicker-work The course trains the students to master the wicker-work to teach it at school and other educational institutions.
4. Technical drawing
Geometrical technical drawing The course aims at professional training of teachers and to give them wide knowledge of doing the technical drawing, the basic regulations to design the geometrical curves, the basis of constructing the figures and bodies, to acquaint them with the history of development of technical drawing, the instruments, matrerials, tools, and to promote the inculcation of the culture of work when preparing the work documentation.
Drawing of projections The course provides the theoretical basis on right angle projection, acquaints students with the main regulations of preparing technical drawings, teaches how to read and prepare the drawings and how to use independently the supplementary teaching materials.
Technical drawing The course is intended to acquaint students with the theoretical basis on the documents used by the designers, the drawings of separate parts, the demands, set for the technical drawings, the regulations of depicting groups of different parts and to promote the inculcation of the culture of work when preparing the work documentation.
Technical drawing in mechanical engineering The course aims at developing students' skills to perform spatial transformations and to perceive the parts presented by different graphic means, to enlarge students' technical outlook, to develop logical and successive approaches of reading the drawings.
Technical drawing in construction The course provides wide theoretical knowledge for the future professional activities, it acquaints students with the main regulations for technical drawings in construction, the most important methods, means and forms of organizing work, develops the ability perceive the information coming from different graphic means correctly.
5. Descriptive geometry The course acquaints students with the essence, aims and objectives of descriptive geometry, they master the drawings of the plane, the drawings of the polyhedrons and curved sufaces, the possibilities of mastering the descriptive geometry at school syllabus.
6. Teaching of materials
Paper plastic arts The aim of the course is train the crafts teachers for teaching paper plastic arts at school. It acquaints students with basic methods of working with paper, the classification of paper works, the possibilities of mastering paper plastic arts at school syllabus and other educational institutions.
Teaching of materials The course is intended to provide a possibility for students to master the woodworks, the general safaty instruction, preparing the visual aids to teach the contents of woodwork at school.
Teaching of materials (metal) The course provides the theoretical basis for teaching of materials, it acquaints with the structure and properties of metals, accustoms students to professional self-education and application of technical literature in practice. Teaching of materials (ceramics) The course gives the insight in development of ceramics in Latvia from the neolith era up to nowadays, it acquaints students with the technological basis of ceramics, clarifies the peculiarities of its formation, helps to master the regularities of the means of expression and the applicable materials and to master the fundamentals of the technological process.
Fundamentals of composition The course aims at professional training of students to teach the principles of organizing the composition and the means of expression of applied art at school or other educational institutions.
Composition I The course is intended to provide professional training according to the demands of contemporary education and trends of development in the world. It gives a possibility to gain the experience of getting aware of nature, and to promote the development of the sense of nature.
Composition II The course is intended to provide professional training for teaching the woodwork, metal work composition and composition of other types of applied art at school.
Composition III (3 dimensional composition) The course is intended to provide the insight in the basic concepts of spatial perceiving of the forms, to investigate and master the regularities between the means of srtistic expression and the compositional solutions. Composition IV (interior) The course is intended to provide professional training for teaching the woodwork, metal work composition and composition of other types of applied art at school and other educational institutions.
Composition V (visual aids) The course aims at providing professional training to students enabling them to make visual aids necessary at school or other educational institution.
Everyday chemistry The course provides training for creative activities at school and other educational institutions, it describes the role and classification of chemical substances used in our everyday life, the means of cleaning, washing, the ways of removing spots. Fundamentals of Economics The course acquaints students with the basic economic knowledge (micro- and macroeconomics) in the conditions of market economy, it characterizes the basic issues and problems of economics, the mechanism of market activities in different economic systems, the consumer behaviour in the market.
House economics The aim of the course is to train the students for creative pedagogical work, to develop the system of household knowledge including the modern conclusions on house economics, food, environmental protection, environmental hygiene, the rational use of material values and technical equipments, the issues of human everyday culture and behaviour.
Accounting The aim of the course is to promote the understanding on accounting and book-keeping, processing and analysis of the accounting data, to learn the principles of organizing the accounting and book-keeping, the laws and normative acts of the Republic of Latvia on accounting.
B 1 - optional courses 9. Fine arts Applied graphics, I -II The course acquaints students with the basis of teaching of letters, the creative and diverse possibilities of its application, the students master calligraphy, the constucted bold letters, the creative use of the teaching of letters, the formation of the author's fonts and monogramms, the analysis of one's own work and that of the colleague.
Drawing, I - II The aim of the course is to train students for creative pedagogical work, to teach them understand the structure and proportions of geometrical forms, the regularities of the linear perspective, to perceive the relations of the lights and darks.
Painting, I - II The aim of the course is to acquaint students with colour as a means of expression and to master the basic principles of using colours, it also describes the basis and terminology of the teaching of colours, the basic questions of composition in the work with colour, the peculiarities of working in plain air, the analysis of the work.
10. Repairs and construction work Fundamentals of constructing furniture The course aims at providing knowledge and skills in planning and organization of the construction work, students get acquainted with the construction materials and building structures, the natural and artificial materials and binding substances, the possibilities of mastering the theme in the school syllabus.
11. Teaching of machinery The course provides an overview on the basic principles of the machinery analysis, their structural and comstructural formation, it explains the the basic principles of formation of surfaces, and systematization of methods, it acquaints with the performing parts of the machinery, the gear, the structure or management sud systems and the construction of the most important elements. At tghe end of the course the student must be able to orient himself in the principles of adjusting the machinery.
12. Housekeeping Electrotechnology The course aims at providing students with theoretical and practical knowledge on electrotechnology which is necessary for using the household electrical appliances, to acquaint students wtih the structure and properties of electrical appliances, to accustom students to professional self-education and application of the methodic literature in practice.
Fundamentals of sewing The course trains the students for teaching sewing syllabus included in the school curriculum, the students have to master the factors forming the changes in the outer forms of the clothes, the criteria of choosing the model, the practical methods of modelling the clothes.
Technical electrotechnics The course is intended to provide students with the theoretical and practical knowledge on security systems necessary in teaching of crafts, to acquaint students with the security systems in flats, public and educational institutions, to accustom students to professional self-education and the use of methodic literature in practice.
Electrical supply The course is aimed at providing students with the theoretical and practical knowledge on electrical supply necessary in teaching of crafts, to acquaint students with the tasks and systems of electrical supply, the distribution of energy in private and public premises, to accustom students to professional self-education and the use of methodic literature in practice. Man and environmental protection The course aims at acquainting students with the system of housekeeping knowledge which would also include the current statements about food, health, rational use of environmental hygiene as well as to know the laws ensuring the environmental protection.
B2 - obligatory courses
2. Subject didactics Methods of teaching history of culture The aim of the course is to train students for the pedagogical work, to enable them to select the contents of teaching, the means and forms of implementation, the system of assessment in comprehensive schools and other educational institutions.
Methods of teaching crafts The course acquaints students with the contents of the subject, its history and development, current trends and aims at school. It also deals with the development of schools of art and work in the world, the contents of teaching crafts, its characteristic features in Nordic countries, Europe and USA, the possibilities of teaching crafts in physical and social rehabilitation.
Methods of teaching crafts I The course envisages professional training of students for selection of contents of teaching, choice of means and forms of implementation, system of evaluation and assessment.
Methods of teaching crafts II The course is aimed at professional training of students enabling them to select the contents of teaching, means and forms of implementation, system of evaluation and assessment.
Assessment of academic achievements The course promotes students’ ability to assess objectively the pupils’ academic achievements, the students also get acquainted with the main types and methods of controlling academic results, the pedagogical demands in controlling and assessing the academic results.
Methods of scientific work The course is intended to train students to perform independent research and scientific work, the summarizing of results, preparing the work for final evaluation and the defense of the work.
3. Practical classes Fundamentals of teaching on food The course is aimed at developing a creative, intellectually rich and harmonious personality whose life is based on healthy everyday habits as well as to accustom the students to professional self-education.
Ceramics. Methods of teaching. Practical classes I. The aim of the course is to acquaint the students with the Basis of working with clay starting with the preparation of the clay mass and till the exhibition of the completed piece of article, the exhibition of small plastic arts, clay plasta and the articles prepared on the lathe. It also gives a chance to study the possibilities of applying the visual aids and the creative use of interactive methods.
Ceramics. Methods of teaching. Practical classes II The course provides an insight in mastering the basis of ceramics, starting with preparing clay for work till the completed work. Organization of exhibition, widening of students’ outlook in the field of national art and culture.
Treatment of leather The course trains the students for teaching the treatment (processing) of leather at schools.
Artistic woodwork The aim of the course is to prepare students for work at school and teaching the artistic woodwork at comprehensive schools and other educational institutions.
4. Optional courses Descriptive geometry: perspective The course acquaints students with the elements of constructing the perspective, the measurement in perspective, the construction of shadows and the possibilities of acquiring perspective in school syllabus. History of religious The course is aimed at enabling students to orient themselves in the current religious processes, to acquaint students with the development of the largest and most popular religions, the religious processes faced by the contemporary man. Cultural heritage in the museums of Latvia The course is intended to promote the understanding of the necessity to integrate art and education in the optimization of the educational system, to develop considerate attitude towards the cultural environment and to foster a systematic approach to the investigation of the cultural heritage in Latvia and its application in developing the cultural environment. Methods of teaching technical drawing The course aims at providing students with the theoretical basis for practical work, Acquainting students with the most significant methods, means and organizational forms in teaching technical drawing, teaching students to plan, implement and assess pupils’ learning experience. Techniques of wicker-work The aim of course is to train students to creative teaching of techniques of wicker-work at school, the students master the classification of wicker-work, its historical development, the materials used, the types, possibilities of mastering wicker-work in different age groups. Technical modelling The course acquaints students with the wide possibilities of applying the technical modelling, it also trains students for professional creative work at school. Textile works The course is intended to train students in textile work, and enable them to teach textile work at school and other educational institutions. The study Profile “The Teacher of Visual Arts and the History of Arts”
B 1 - the obligatory courses
Drawing, term I The course deals with the elements of the language of art: the dot, line, square, tone, the compositional principles and means of expression, the depiction of geometrical figures.
Drawing, term II The course introduces students to the proportions and structure of objects, the peculiarities of representing the light, size, form and space, the constructive structure of figures from different angles, the perspective, determination of mutual proportions, materials.
Drawing, term III The course characterizes the shadow (the falling shadow, self- shadow), reflections, the tonal relations, the drawing of reliefs, capital, basis; the problem of space in still life, the techniques of drawing in pencil, Indian ink, washable Indian ink.
Drawing , term iV The course is based on the studies of the parts of the face, foot and palm, it also focuses on anatomy, proportions and structure; the texture created with different means of expression, drawing in pencil, pen -and-ink, charcoal.
Drawing , term V The course aims at developing students understanding of the compositional peculiarities of studying the inner space ( foreground, background, middle of the picture), the influence of the lighting, studies of materials, drawing of human portraits, plastic anatomy, the skull.
Drawing , term VI The course acquaints students with the constructive structure, proportions, the position of turning in drawing the head, the application of tone, the peculiarities of lighting, the lights and darks, the gloss, moving light, shadow, self-shadow, reflection and the falling shadow, the portrayal of plaster head.
Drawing , term VII The course acquaints students with the peculiarities of drawing the portraits, the facial muscles, the structure of the head and proportions, the age and gender peculiarities, the portrayal of the character.
Drawing , term VIII The course focuses on the half figures, the mutual proportions of separate parts of body, the plastic anatomy, the neck, shoulders, back, breasts, arms and palms, different angles of portrayal, the structure of the torso.
Drawing, term IX The course acquaints students with the figure, the proportions of human body, the plastic anatomy, the body from different angles, sketches and long-term drawings.
Painting, term III The course acquaints students with the application of the elements of the language of art (colour, tone, square, line, texture) in painting, the regularities of composition, the still life, the local colour, the differences of tones and nuances, the silhouette, proportions, the painting technologies (gouache, acryl, oil).
Painting, term IV The course acquaints students with the possibilities of still life, the impact of the lighting, lights and darks on the tonal relations of the colours and the warm-cool relations of the colours, it deals with the structure and proportions, the painting technologies (gouache, acryl, oil).
Painting, term V The course continues to acquaint students with the still life, the relations of colours, their regularities in the tonally spatial painting (gloss, light, sliding light, shadow, falling shadow and self-shadow, reflection), composition, structure, proportions, the technologies of gouache, acryl, oil, the copy of the classical tonally spacious painting.
Painting, term VI The course aims at providing the students with knowledge of complex still life in the space and the tonal painting, it reveals the regularities of lighting, colours and perspective, the solution of many planes. The course also deals with the composition, perspective, structure and proportion; the painting of flowers, the techniques of water-colours, crayon, gouache, distemper, acryl and oil.
Painting, term VII The course is intended to continue work on still life, the tonally spacious painting, the painting of objects, the techniques of gouache, acryl, oil. It also characterizes the painting in nature, from memory and imagination, it deals with the generalization and stylization; the decorative painting and the techniques of acryl, collage and mixed techniques.
Painting, term VIII The course aims at helping students to master the interior, the tonally spatial painting, it emphasises the lighting, regularities of colours and perspectives and the techniques of acryl and oil, the acquisition of experimental methods using different means of expression, the untraditional application of classical technologies.
Painting, term IX The course focuses on portrait, the character of the image, the angles, the primary and the secondary in the portrayal, the emphasis, stylization, the relations of light and shadows, the tonality, the material of the clothing, working out of the details, portrayal of the accessories and the clothing, emotionality and expression.
2 dimensional design, term I The course acquaints students with the elements of visual art : the line (dots),colour, square (size), surface (the finish and its reproduction in the texture), form (the importance of the space and volume); the structure, compositional principles of the piece of art : symmetry (asymmetry), contrast (proportion, contrasts), rhythm ( motive, pattern), emphasis ( the centre of attention), balance, unity etc., the sketches of classical examples.
2 dimensional design,term II The course aims at acquainting students with the teaching of colours, the spectrum, the chromatic colours, the triad of basic colours, the derived colours (secondary, opposite colours, supplementary colours), the tone, intensity, local (objective) and subjective colours, neutral (achromatic) colours, the regularities of perception, the sketches of classical examples.
2 dimensional design,term III The course acquaints students with the letters and caligraphy, the regularities of forming and developing the font types in the historical and esthetic aspect, the study of classical examples; techniques of writing letters; the materials and tools, the principles of drawing and constructing letters. The course describes the applied graphics and the arrangment of basic elements of art to create informative, advertising compositions, the graphic generalization, the font in the esthetics of commercial art, analysis of different styles and materials.
2 dimensional design,term IV The course continues to acquaint students with the applied graphics; the specific use of the fonts and basic elements of composition - lines, square, tone, colours and the principles of their combining in accordance with the demands of the communicative and esthetic functions in information, advertising, packaging and commercial art.
2 dimensional design,term V The course acquaints students with the art of posters in the historical, theoretical, functional and esthetically observing aspect; the means of expression in art and the principles of composition to portray the ideas and contents, the sketches of classical examples, techniques and materials, the projection of author's posters.
2 dimensional design,term VI The course aims at introducing students to collage, the technology, tools and materials; the principles of collage composition, the centre of interest of art work, proportions, rhythm, textures. The course acquaints students with contrast of visual elemets, the image in original composition and the paradox of form and contents.
2 dimensional design,term VII The course aims at acquainting students with exhibitions, image and concept of the show, the experimental forms of artistic expression, the selection of materials and media. It also deals with the advertisement of the artistic output, formation of catalogue, special attention is given to collage and computer graphics, the stylistic coherence.
2 dimensional design, term VIII The course is intended to provide students with understanding of conceptual art, the priority of idea in art, the total art, identity of art and art process as well as the social importance of an art event. It focuses on artist himself/herself as an embodiment of art work, the performance, happening, the synthesis of art forms and the art documentation in video, photo.
3 dimensional design, term II The course acquaints students with the elements of art: form, space, line, texture, the arrangement of planes in space; the problems of balance and rhythm, peculiarities of stylization and textures. It also deals with the working methods and materials - paper, cardboard, plasticine, clay.
3 dimensional design, term III The course aims at providing students with knowledge on relief, low relief and high relief, the scale depiction of subjects and still life, artistic abstraction and spatial image, style as well as working methods, materials and tools, The analysis of results.
3 dimensional design, term IV The course acquaints students with sculpture, the round sculpture, proportions of composition, the unity of image, elabioration of details, sculptural methods, materials, tools as well as the portrait, plastical anatomy, the structure of form and analysis of art work.
3 dimensional design, term V The course describes sculpture, the abstract and realisitc image; the supporting frame, static and dynamic composition, the shaping of image, textures, casting and molds, practical work and the analysis of resultas.
3 dimensional design, term VI The course focuses on constructing, the principles of forming the volume and the specific means of expression, the monolyth and the open volume, the construction of the object. It also describes the logical problems connected with modules, bionics, frame and sectional constructions, materials; a mixed technique and different materials, the analysis of the design.
3 dimensional design, term VII The course presents the concept of the spatial environment, the forms, materials and perception of space; the compositional factors of the interior (function, the architectonic and object forms, constructions, materials), elements ( eqipment, furniture, colouring, light) and the principles.
3 dimensional design, term VIII The course acquaints students with the functions of architecture, the concepts of constructive, esthetical, philosophical planning, the compositional elements and principles of architectonic forms, the modelling of architectonic forms, modelling materials and the scale.
3 dimensional design, term IX The course acquaints students with the concept of environment, the basic terms of planning the environment - the specifics of perceiving the environment, function and the esthetic conception, the choice of the compositional elements of the environment and the principles of their arrangement according to the definite function, the design of the equipment, furniture, information, advertising elements, decorations.
Graphic art, term V The course characterizes the print, the four basic techniques of graphic art - the letterpress, the deep print, flat bed and silk screening, the reproducing and artistic graphics, the technology of preparing the sterotype block, the printing process of graphic works.
Textile, term V The course acquaints students with the textile and environment, the use of textiles in organizing the spatial environment, the correlation of proportions, conformity of materials and colours, making the textile compositons for a definite room in accordance with the accents of style and fashion, experimenting with traditional and untraditional materials in textile, making the exhibits.
Textile, Stylization and rhythm in applied art, term VI The course is devoted to stylization and rhythm in applied art, it describes the application of nature forms in textile, the ways of stylization of plants and animals, the decortative fabric in the printing technique, the rhythm in the cloth woven in the frame, setting the cloth in the frame, the practical preparation of the object.
History and theory of art, term I The course deals with such questions as : what is the science of art, science and emotions, workmanship and the creative activity. The ability to express oneself with the help of colours and lines. Applied art and word, applied art and music. It also describes types of art and artistic means of expression,as well as the techniques of painting, graphics, techniques of print, sculpture and the problems of material and the links between art and the social, ideological, political and economic situation and cultural policy.
History and theory of Art, term II The course acquaints students with the ancient Oriental art and the religious ideas, the eternity and the idea about the soul, the cannons, the art of Mesopotamia, ideas of power, Babylonia, Assyria; the art of Aegea, idea of life, the art of Crete, Mycenae, antique art, Greek art, Etruscan art, cultural links with Greece, Roman art, the time of republic and empire.
History and theory of Art, term III The course is intended to acquaint students with the art of early Christianity and Byzantium, Romanesque and unified system of notions about the world, the Gothic style, the cathedral of the town, towns - the religious and scientific centre of the town, Renaissance, Revival of the antique art, Renaissance in the Netherlands, Germany, art and architecture in France and Spain.
History and theory of Art, term IV The course acquaints students with the art of the 17th century, Italy -the centre of Baroque, Baroque and catholism, 17th century art in protestant countries of Europe, realism, ascetism, Holland and the new social situation, the private order for art, themes and genres. It also presents the insight in the art of the 18th and 19th centuries, Rococo - the continuation of Baroque, the similarities and differences, new classicism and romanticism. Enlighteners, romanticism in peotry, music, art; synthesis in thinking, The New world, realism and rationalism, Impressionism, landscape, the Sun - light - world; Post-impressionism, the conditioned division,the difference of individual style. History of Modern Art, term V The course aims at providing the student with the terminology, principles needed for an understanding and orienting in the development of modern art, its phenomena and theories. It deals with the birth of Modern Age in European culture in the second half of the 19th century, Impressionism - a revolution in painting, new qualities of landscape painting, symbolism, post-impressionism - its classical and romantic wings, Fauves - the dominance of colour, Cubism- one of the most important trends in Modernism, Expressionism - main groups in Germany, the first generation of abstract artists, modern design and applied art. Art nouveau, futurism in Italy, Dada, surrealism and modern sculpture.
Basic problems of the History of World culture, term II The course clarifies such questions as the aim of the development of culture, the contents of the word "culture". The course analyzes the materials which have to be treated before analyzing the value of the cultural process putting the stress on the fact that references on the literature or other sources are not the main but the processes taking place in the reality of this world are more important, thus, the basic literature to be studied is the original documents of the given time not the later interpretations prepared by specialists. It examines if the objective viewpoint on the history of culture is possible and if objectivity is possible at all.
Basic problems of the History of World culture, term III The course acquaints students with the concept of art in deiffernt centuries and different ethnical cultures, only today and here we understand such narrow fields of human activity as painting, graphics, sculpture, applied art, fine arts, etc. The contents of this word changes along with the time, thus each historical period and geographical place may understand something else by art. The course also discusses the style, the transition from art to other shperes of human activity, seeing the similarities in the processes - politics, natural sciences, religion, etc.; it deals with the developmental regularities of art, its links with the menatlity of the given nation and it clarifies such terms as creative and able to create, emotional and rational, chaotic and arranged, etc.
Mask (elective) The course deals with the mask, its traditional and artistic functions, the exaggeration of the depicted character, associative perception of image, technology, materials (papier - mache), colouring of shape, inlay work, the show of mask (exhibition, action), analysis of work.
Painting (figure) The course acquaints students with the figure in space and half-figure, the proprortions of figure, the plasticity of forms, the movement and expressivity, gestures, the characteristic and peculiar, the primary and the seconf=dary in the depiction, amphasis, stylization, the relations of light and shadows, tonality, the material of clothing, elaboration of details, depiction of accessories and clothing, emotionality and expression.
Painting tecniques (water-colour) The course aims at acquainting students with the water-colour, technique, materials, tools, It describes the "dry" method: a la prima, the layers of colour, value and hue, still life, flower, interior portrait painting, stages of work, studies of nature, praparation of materials, preliminary drawing and painting, analysis of results.
2 dimensional design (poster) The counrse introduces students to poster, the importance of the fonts, the letters as visual signs, the use of photo materials and collage. It also deals with the transformation of the poster's forms in the cultural environment: the outdoor media, windows of the shops, monumental advertising. The art of posters in Latvia.
Paper art The course deals with the history and traditions of making paper, technology, tools, raw materials, the preparation of the fibre mass, the casting of paper, projects of paper work.
Plays and games for visual art activities The course is aimed at presenting the survey of methods of teaching visual arts, it also descriobes the introduction of new strategies of teaching visual art : the projects, group work, plays and games, the plays for cognitive activities, development of movement, encouraging imagination, developing of ingenuity, etc., the preconditions of using the plays and games: the contents, the psycho physiological characterization of children; the designing and approbation of plays or games of visual art.
Techniques of sculpture, I The course is devoted to the relief- mask, the treatment of solid materials with a chisel, ax, knife, saw, the material - aerated concrete, the sketches, photographs, measurements, from the conception to the completed work.
Techniques of sculpture, II The course aims at providing students with knowledge and experience on the stylization of human figure, its appropriateness in the surrounding environment, the frame, construction, weight, extra tools, the clay for the rest of the mass. Techniques of sculpture, III The course acquaints students with the stylization of the animal, reptile, insect or other images, the use of untraditional materials in sculpture ( straw, paper, foam, cloth, etc.), the frame, construction, weight, extra tools.
Textile, the History of Costume The course presents the historical development of the costume, the role of costume in ancient culture in dveeloping the outer appaearnce, the male and female costumes; the importance of materilas, fabric, development of textile manufacturing in Renaissance and Baroque, ornaments, accessories. The fashion, fashion magazines, consumers, style; the practical study of details in costumes of different historical periods.
Textile, patchwork The course acquaints students with the history and techniques of textile mosaic, the specifics of composing textile mosaics, the contrasts in textile mosaic - forms, size of square, texture, patterns and colours; the idea of the designed work, its form and contents; treatment of the fabric and designing according to functions of the textile work.
Gobelin tapestry The course acquaints students with the classical tapestry, the history of the tools and fabrics in Latvia and the rest of the world, the materials used in weaving, the materials of ancient Egypt, Peruans and Incas, Chinese, Japanese and Indian silk, the carpets of Persia, the pacement of ormanets in ancient fabrics in the world, Latvian ethnography. The traditional, clasical techniques of tapestry, the creative work in the gobelin tapestry.
Textile, batik The course aims at acquainting students with the batik, its essence and history, the practical batik with folding, binding fast, pattern in the hot solution, the varieties of the wax batik to prepare definite compositions, the designing of the batik fabrics according to the application.
Textile, portrayal of man in textile The course presents ways of portraying man in textile, it shows the portrayal of man in the historical development in different textile techniques and materials, the large format creative work and elaboration of its composition on the theme "Man", its implementation in author's technique.
Graphic art, I The course acquaints students with print, the letter press and deep print, the combination of stripes and open etching, the preparation of the impression from one plate, using several colours, colourgraphy - the applied materials, the possibilities of mixed techniques in colourgraphy.
Graphic art, II The course continues to acquaint students with art of printing, the silk screening and the variations connected with it, use of computer graphics in silk screening, the graphics of small forms, the ex libris in etching, engraving and linocut, coloured etching and linocut, printing on a literary theme or the illustration of the literary work.
Contemporary Art The course is aimed at providing students with the knowledge and understanding of the crisis in the Western European culture after World War 2, the location of art centres in New York, the abstract expressionism, colour field and hard edge, opart ans minimalism, fashion style as visual art, art as an idea - conceptual art, changes in the traditional criteria of art analysis and criticism, the crisis of Modern Age, art and language, visual qualities of language and verbal qualities of visual art, post- modernism as a trend of contemporary art.
Philosophy of art The course is intended to acquaint students with the philosophical, transcendal meaning of creating and enjoying art, to help them understand the relations and proportions of the visible and invisible, art as the object of investigation, the aim and method of esthetics, analogy between the humanitarian and natural sciences, art as the mirror of culture and way of existence, art as a form of expression and form of self-expression. Art as a measure of humaneness. J. Mariten's integral theory of humaneness. The philosophical, social and material value of art, search for truth and absolute value.
History of Christian Art The course acquaints students with the ancient Christian time in art and the mergence of the first symbols, the development of icons and cannons, the importance of medieval cloisters, the Gothic cathedral - the power and strength of the town, the beginnings of reformation, Dante, reformation in Germany, the art of Renaissance and the Bible, the popularity of Christian plots and the secular interpretation, Rembrandt as the illustrator of the Bible, the Christian art and the 20th century.
History of Religions The course acquaints the students with the emergence and development of the biggeste and most popular religions, the religious processes in the life of modern man, integration of these teachings in the conditions of centemporary society, the beginning of any world outlook is connected with the religious processes.
Philosophy of colours The course is aimed at characterizing the philosophy of colours in different times and different cultures, colours in phiosophy, medicine, religion, psychology, fashio, their therapeutic abilities, the colours of nature in the landscape of personal living place, our mentality, taste and psyche, my mood and colours.
Methods of teaching art for primary level The course presents a balanced programme for art education at primary level, it deals with the mental development of children - analysis of children's art by R.Kellog, foundations of contemporary art education by A. Hurwitz and M. Day, the contents of art lessons at primary level"drawing and painting, sculpture and ceramics, printing, design,new media; art history, esthetics, museum education, curriculum planning, classroom organization, evaluation and assessment of the learning process and the outcomes.
Methods of teaching art for Elementary anf High school level The course acquaints students with a balanced programme of art education, the preadolescent stage of children - their special interests and needs in art - realistic drawing from nature, imagination, symbols, etc.; the contents of art lessons - basic techniques and mixed media, art criticism - teaching methods to develop critical skills, art history in the context of practical visual art, museum education, curriculum planning, classroom organization, evaluation and assessment of the learning process and the outcomes.
Methods of teaching the history of art The course aims at providing the knowledge and practical skills for a successful pedagogical work. The course covers the following themes : the place and role of the subject 'History of Art' in the educational process, the specifics of teacher's work in teaching the history of art, the efficient methods - independent work, excursions, scientific research.
Teaching practice The course prepasres the students for practical work ar school, it extends the skills and professional competence as a development of work at schools, with particular emphasis on classroom management and the organization of the whole class learning, the system of tasks in art education, evaluation and assessment of results.
Plain air practice The course acquaints students with the work in plain air, the nature studies, the investigation of the surrounding environment and the chouise of motives in the drwaing, painting, the urban and rural landscape, the studies of separate buildings, their fragments, investigation of the technologies, vehicles, production lines, tools, drafts of the movements (individual figures or the group). Textile practice The course acquaints students with the preparing a textile project for a definite room, the functions of the project, the outside form of the textile work, the dominant range of colours, stylization, textures, realization of the projects in textile materials.
Museum practice The course deals with the organization of the museum practice, the scientific research, the investigation of the museum exposition and interviewing the staff, working out the methodic materials, the possible offers for the next academic year or events connected with some holiday.
Cultures of Ancient East The course is intended to help students identify the topical problems of modern culture in the ancient Oriental cultures. It basically looks upon the history of culture of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Iran and Latvia. The aim of the course is not to give a detailed enumeration of facts because every nation, every time and every person has the right to have its own understanding, notion of the ancient cultures. The course verifies the question what should be called a document and how we ourselves change the contents of the words in documents in the course of time thus creating new documents.
Antique culture The course is intended to acquaint students with the antique culture and the attitude of the modern man towards the antique culture. The answer must be found to the question - why these cultures form the basis. It examines and analyzes the process of deforming the facts by comparing the initial factology of the antique cultures and the contemporary interpretation and ideas. It deals with the question of ideology, the revision of chronology, the religion of the antique cultures and the teaching of life and their links with contemporary life, the quotations of the autoritative people instead of studying the processes of nature. The course characterizes the Indo- European culture and course of development; the cultural problems of Latvian territory in connection with the problems of the antique culture in myths, versions, facts, their connection in the respective time periods and the spheres of influence today.
Formation process of Christian culture The course looks upon the development of the Christian culture from the times of Judaism till the Renaissance, paying attention to how the contents of many words, phrases and sentences has changed in the course of time, completely changing the philosophy of these texts, stressing that the sectraian culture is a fragment of those parts of culture where the Christian culture feels the influence of the antique culture. The processes of interaction of the Christian culture and different local cultures.
Renaissance culture in Western Europe and Latvia The course aims at providing students with the understanding of the Renaissance terms and values in the context of contemporary cultural processes. It deals with Renaissance as the national romantism, the reflection of nature and the imitation of nature's creative processes, the positive and negative expresions of provincialism in culture - in the zone of Baltic culture.
Cultural and historical processes of early modern art and modern age The course acquaints students with the cultural processes in Western Europe, Far East and America. It looks upon the problems of ecology of nature and consciousness. The crises of Renaissance and processes of romanticism, ways of developing the national consciousness, the importance of national self-esteem; rebel towards all the old, the value and aims of historical vision, the pluses and minuses of the theory of relativism, the conditions of developing the personality cult, great and lonely personalities as a logical result of the development of Western culture, the topicality of the unity, human dependence on the comfort - the greatest problem of today. Man - thing. The study Profile
“The Teacher of Health Education and Physical Education"
B 1 - the obligatory courses
Handball The course looks upon the issues of the fundamentals of the theory of handball, the history of development, the latest ideas on how to master the technique and the tactic. It also deals with the imporovement of the skills, methods of teaching , the regulations of the competitions and umpiring.
Skiing The course is intended to acquaint students with the fundamentals of the theory, the history of development, the methods of teaching the skiing steps and technical elements as well as the demands for organizing the competitions, the regulations of the competitions and umpiring
Tourism The course aims at acquainting students with the issues of evolutionary development of tourism. It also is intended to help students master the knowledge, skills and abilities in the main kinds of tourism and the safety measures and techniques in tourism; the organization, management and umpiring of tours and activities, the simplest competitions. It also reveals the theory and methods of teaching tourism and the development of the professional abilities.
Orientation sport The course describes the history of development of the orietation sport and helps students master the knowledge, skills and practical abilities necessary in the orientation. It gives a deeper insight in the application of maps in orietation sport and the types of this sport, it explains types of distances : command, choice and marked distance as well as the methods of teaching orientation sport and management of practical classes and the relay races and tests.
Table tennis The course is aimed at acquainting students with the history of table tennis, its development in the world, Latvia, University of Latvia. Special attention is paid to the regulations in teble tennis: the umpiring, organization of competitions and the methods of teaching the paying technique and its elements in table tennis : serves, acceptance of serves, the wound (attack) and the cut (defence) drives from the right side and the left side, the meaning of the 'top-spin' drive, the game tactics in singles and doubles. Football The course acquaints students with the fundamentals of the theory on football and aims at mastering the regulations of the game, skills of umpiring and organizing the matches, the performance of the technical approaches and the tactical cooperation; to use football as the means of physivcal education in the primary, elementary and secondary school as well as to use the acquired skills and abilities in trainings and contests.
Diagnostics and rehabilitation in physical education and sports The course acquaints students with the knowledge, theoretical notions and practical skills in curative physical education, water cure (hydrotherapy), sport massage, sport traumatology. It also describes the methods of renewing the pedagogical, psychological, medical capacity of work ; the social importance of diagnostics and rehabilitation, the classification of traumas, their causes, elimination of consequences of light traumas, different principles of curing the sport traumas. The course explains the work of medical groups at the educational institutions, reveals the essence of medically pedagogical studies, observations and methods; the role of water cure in the rehabilitation process, different types of curative showers, sport massage and the possibilities of applying curative physical education in the physical education classes, instituttions of higher learning.
Theory and methods of the chosen sport : gymnastics The course is intended to provide knowledge on the history of rhythmic gymnastics, aerobics, female gymnastics, the theory and methods of increasing the sportive mastery. It offers a possibility to master different techniques of gymnastics - gymnastics with subjects, without subjects, elements of acrobatics and to gain experience in organizing and running the competitions of rhythmic gymnastics and aerobics, in methods of preparing performances. It also provides skills in the work with scientific and specialized literature, to master the abilities necessary to work on the course papers.
Theory and methods of the chosen sport : track and fiield athletics The course acquaints students with the history of track and field athletics,trends of its development in Latvia and the world; the methods of organizing trainings and ways of improving one's sportive mastery, participation in competitions, the organization of athletic competitions, umpiring; registering the team for the competitions, team mjanagement during the competitions. It also describes the scientific research methods in physical education and sport and ways of their application in the practical and theoretical work.
Theory and methods of the chosen sport : basketball The course is aimed at acquainting students with theoretical knowledge on the latest developments and ideas in basketball, the ways of improving one's skills and abilities and to apply the methods of scientific research work in investigating practical problems. It also improves students' skills of independent work in the work with literature.
Theory and methods of the chosen sport : volley ball The course aims at providing knowledge on the history of volley ball, its development in the world, Latvia, University of Latvia. It describes the equipment necesdsary in the volley ball match, the size of the court, regulations, umpiring, organization and running of the competitions. It allows to master the elements of playing volley ball and improve one's technique of playing : upper and lower services, serves and their acceptance, smashing, blocking, the elements of body technique; the increase of the general and specialized physical preparedness; improvement of the elements of the playing technique and tactics; the basic principles of the theoretical research and methods of performing, practical preparation and actual writing of the scientific work, the reflection of the results and defence of the work.
Theory and methods of the chosen sport: skiing, orientation The course treats the history of developing the theory on skiing and orientation sport in the world, Latvia, University of Latvia, it introduces the latest information on mastering the technique and tactics, the methods of teaching the skills and ways of their improvement, as well as the organization of competitions and the regulations concerning the umpiring. The course gives special attention to the mastery of the scientific research methods of physical education and sport,, their application in the practical and theoretical work.
Methods of teaching swimming The course is envisaged to provide knowledge on the history of development of swimming, on theory and methods of teaching swimming, the swimming techniques, it develops the skills of independent pedaghogical work. During the practical classes students learn the technique of sport swimming and the regular swimming, the methods of teaching and trainings thus improving their theoretical, practically methodic and organizational skills in swimming.
Musical rhythmic gymnastics The course acquaints students with the history of the rhythmic gymnastics, the psychological aspects of the rhythmic gymanstics, methods or organizing and running practical classes, regulation of load, the medical and pedagogicasl control during the classes. The students master the technique of rhythmic exercises, exercises of athletic line, stylized steps of dances and combinations of steps.
Aerobics The course provides knowledge on the historical development of aerobics,different types of aerobics, planning of the classes , their intensity, selection of music, regulations of making a phonogram. During the course students get acquainted with practical elements of aerobics, different types of exercises, methods of teaching physical aerobic exercises, importance of the relaxing exercises; it provides practical experience in running the aerobic session on according to the principle of base choreography.
Wrestling I The course acquaints students with the history of Greco-Roman wrestling, its development in Latvia and the world, the methods of teaching it, organization of competitions. The course helps to master the main technical and tactic actions of wrestling and to improve the general and special physical preparedness which is necessary in the professional pedagogical work.
Wrestling II The course aims at acquainting students with the history of free style wrestling and judo, the tendencies of development in Latvia and in the world, methods of teaching these kinds of wrestling, the main regulations of the competitions, organization and management, running of the competitions. It also allows to improve the general and special features of wrestling, the special physical preparedness necessary in the professional work.
Improvement of the pedagogical workmanship: gymnastics The course is aimed at providing knowledge on the terminology of different kinds of gymnastics, rules of making the lesson plans and summaries; on theory of music, theory and praktice of sport trainings in rhythmic gymnastics, aerobics, the psychology of trainings, management of trainings, the role of the pedagogue in the technically tactic training of learners in gymnastics; the role of including stylized dancing steps in the practical classes, types or choreography in aerobics, the planning of load in different periods of trainings. The course improves the students skills and technique in exercises with objects (balls, ropes, etc) as well as gives knowledge applying scientific research methods in the process of physical education.
Improvement of the pedagogical workmanship: track and field athletics The course is aimed at improving the pedagogical workmanship by running the lessons and specialised track and field activities, the improvement of technical and tactic mastery using the progressive pedagogical methods and evaluating the growth of the sportive and pedagical workmanship, applying the latest pedagogical methods in practical work as well as using the scientific research methods in the process of physical education. Improvement of the pedagogical workmanship: basket ball The course is intended to give possibilities for the students to improve their skills and abilities in technically tactic preparedness to play the basketball and in methods of teaching. Students master the professionally pedagogical skills necessary to organize and run lessons devoted to teaching basketball at school and it gives skills in using the scientific research methods in the process of physical education.
Improvement of the pedagogical workmanship: volley ball The course reveals the influence of the sport games on the functioning of the human organism. It describes the structure of the pysical education class at school, principles of running lessons at school as well as planning the physical education work at school. It explains the application of different methods of sport and pedagogical workmanship in lessons and activities at school, their evaluation and analysis. It acquaints students with the tactics of volley ball in attack and defence according to the preparedness of the players. The use of scientific research methods in physical education at school, collecting materials for writing the qualification paper, putting it into shape and processing of results, actual writing of the qualification paper and its defence.
Improvement of the pedagogical workmanship: skiing, orientation sport The course is aimed at improving the pedagogical workmanship by practical run of the classes, the improvement of the technical and tactic mastery using the latest methods of pedagogical mastery, the evaluation of growth of the sportive and pedagogical mastery, the use of scientific research methods in physical education at school.
Human physiology The course acquaints students with the human organism in general and the structural principles and mechanisms of individual organs. It provides knowledge on the physiological changes in children and teenagers' organisms.
Human anatomy The course acquaints students with the human organs, their systems ( motory and support systems, cardio- vascular system, lymphatic syste, breathing and digestion apparatus, their structure and basic principles of action.
Methods and theory of physical education The course is based on regularities of pedagogy and physiology, it analyzes the basic principles of physical education and sport, means and methods, it also deals with the problems of developing perosnality in the process of physical education in close connection with the moral, aesthetic and work education as well as the possibilities of improving human physical properties, means and methods.
Introduction into health education The course acquaints students with the concept of health - psychic, physical and social, the philosophy of health education, its aims, objectives and contents of health education, the teaching methods use. It alos describes the health education teacher and the promotion of health at school and its priority directions, the promotion of health education at school
Sexual education The course looks upon the psychological problems of sexual education which is based on ethical principles, the issues of peculiarities of sexual education and sex iidentification in sport. Sexual education includes also the biological basis, the knowledge on the functions and structure of organisml it develops also feelings and views on love, sexuality and responsibility towards oneself and others which is one of most important tasks of sexual education.
Diseases, ways of avoiding them. Security, safety, being beware of accidents The course acquaints students with the problems of safety at school and outside it, the responsibility of the teachers and the staff about the safety of pupils, the probable and most frequent accident at school and out of it, being beware of accidents, the motivation and possibilities of the first aid; violence towards the child, teenager, ways of protecting oneself from violence The course also characterizes the terms health and disease : the prevention and treatment, the importance of healthy life style in protection oneself and the family members from falling ill, the prophylactic vaccination. Methods of teaching, strategies of teaching health education at school.
Hygiene, self-control The course provides knowledge on hygiene of physical activities and education, the hygiene of air, water, work, food and personal hygiene, the hygienic education in the family and at school, the hygiene of children and teenagers, the control of the adjustment skills of the organism to load.
Organization and structure of sport The course acquaints students with the organization of sport as the arrangement of working process in the whole system of aport, its main objective being to ensure rational operation of sport. The course characterizes the work of the contemporary public (non- governmental) and state sport organizations, the essence of Olympic movement, its operation, the aims and objectives of the sport organizations and their link with the social aims and objectives. The contents includes such apects as the organization of sport in sport bodies, sections, federations, associations and unions. The course devotes special attention to the organizational forms of children and youth sport life as well as to the popular sport and organization of high sport results in high schools and the sport clubs of higher educational insitutions.
Being beware of drug usage The course acquaints students with harmful effect of the drugs and other toxic substances on human, especially children's health, it deals with issues of being beware of smoking, alcohol and toxic substances and provides skills of the possibilities to avoid using the drugs, alcohol, etc.
Development of teacher's bearing and the culture of movement The course provides knowledge on morphophysiological propertie of the bearing, poise and its role in the teacher's professional activity, it also gives versatile knowledge on the possibilities of developing and improving correct bearing. During the course students receive knowledge on technical preparation of exerices and methods of teaching: exercises to develop correct poise, elegant gait, good manners, perfection of gestures and refining the body plasticity.
Physiology of sport The course gives the overview on the physiology of the skeleton muscles and support structures, regulation of movements, the peculiarities of the energy metabolism of organism having the physical load; contemporary views on the peculiarities of the physiological processes which are observed in the organism during trainings, loads of different character as well as during the period of renewal; the problems of fatigue, stress and adaptation.
Healthy food The course acquaints students with the food regime and its role in human health, the food components, their characterization and importance, food substances containg them, vitamins and their importance, the natural sources of vitamins; ways of preserving the foof, role of advertising in selecting the food; the food of children and teenagers, its influence on the growth and development, obesity and boulimia, absolute fasting and anorexia; the role of food in development of illnesses, food at school. Methods of teaching the theme "Healthy food"at school.
Healthy environment The course provides understanding of the healthy environment, its role in the individual and social health situation. It teaches how to determine and assess the pollution of the environment, its types and sources, influence on environment and human health; to understand the environment and the situation of its protection, the main problems and ways of solution, how to avoid fhe unfavourable influence of the environment. The course alos acquaints students with different approaches to environmental education, its aims, essence, means and methods, and helps to master skills in implementing the environmental education.
Health in the family The course aims at showing the role of heredity and environment on health in the family, the responsibility of the potential parents, factors determining health in family, the rights and duties of the child, protection of the child and safety in the family, the impact of the health education lessons and the health promoting activities organized by school on the health in the family. Methods of teaching the theme at school.
Gymnastics The course provides knowledge on the theoretical basis of gymnastics and the impact of exercises on human organism. During the course the students master the terminological basis of gymnastics, the methods of compiling the exercise set, get experience in practical running of the exercises, preparing simple rthythmic compositions and mastering some simple elements of acrobatics and exercises with objects.
Track and field athletics The course describes track and field athletics as the most effective means of preserving health, for improving the culture of everyday movements and for the physical perfection of oneself. The mastery of the technical performace of separate disciplines, the peculiarities of methods of teaching the contents of track and field athletics in groups of different ages, the structure, organization, analyses and assessment of classes. The biomechanic analysis of movement in track and field disciplines, the basis for the development of the necessary physical properties, the application of the scientific reserach methods in the study and analysis processes.
Basketball The course is intended to give knowledge on the theoretical foundations of basketball, the history of development, the latest trends of development, the mastery of the chiel technical and tactic skills and their improvement; general understanding on basketball as spoort to improve the physical properties. It also gives knowledge on methods and means of teaching, experience on organizing and running the matches.
Volley ball The course gives the overview on the emergence of volley ball, the history of its development in the world, Latvia and University of Latvia It describes the equipment necessary in the volley ball match, the size of the court, regulations, umpiring, organization and running of the competitions. It allows to master the elements of playing volley ball and improve one's technique of playing : upper and lower services, serves and their acceptance, smashing, blocking, the elements of body technique; the analysis of the technique and tactics , the systems of attack and defence, principles of running lesson and methods of teaching at school by mastering the technical elements . Selection and arrangement of the competition site The course acquaints students with the Code of legislation on work and analyzes the demands set forward from the point of view of labour protection and safety in selecting and arranging the site for the competitions, the organization, management and umpiring of the activities; the security demands in separate places,sport halls (according to their type and importance) sport arenas, halls, stadiums, the security protection in the practical classes of open air activities and competitions, the places of the participants, fans (spectators) and referees, umpires , information as the organizational factor, the cloak rooms, depositories, parking spaces; the arrangement and security measures in open swimmig pools, skating-rinks, shooting grounds, skiing tracks, etc.
Motion games in sport The course provisdes knowledge and skills on the importance of motion games, the possibilities and conditions of application in the process of physical education. It acquaints students with a brief history of motion games, its peculiarites and properties and possibilities of using in the sport ;esson aof the diverse viarity. It analyzes and substantiates the tasks of motion games, and gives the classification on the bases of the set aim, peculiarities of the pupils group, contidions of whether and place, it gives the theoretical and methodic description, drawing etc. The games are observed and analyzed, the results are determined and assessed. Massage, its types The course explains the importance of masage for alla people, healthy people, including sportsmen , use massage to clean,purify the organism and to mainatin normal functioning of all organs and systems. massage improves the physical and mental capacity for work, it is an effecitve means to renew the capacity for work in ill people, indications and contraindications for different diseases, self-massage, caressing, rubbing, kneading, vibration - the essence of influence, physiological influence, peculiaritiers of massage in case of varicose veins, scoliosis, physical and mental overexertion, hypertony, hypotony, diseases of joints, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, massage with the help of apparatus, Children and massage, the possibilities of using self-massage at school, high schools, process of training. The study Profile
“The Teacher of Applied Information Science”
BASIC PRINCIPLES IN COMPUTER TEACHING The main aim of this course is to give knowledge and introduction about informatics’ definitions, information processes, and organisation. Main themes of the course: definition of informatics, processing of binary codes in a computer, processor, PC memory organisation, programme making, structure of a programme.
INFORMATICS MATHEMATICAL METHODS Students acquire main basic mathematical methods. Main themes of the course: function, function’s border, function study, integral, Turing’s method, etc.
BASIC ALGORITHM Definition and main principles of algorithm, algorithm-doer. Examples. Written forms of algorithm: graphical (block-sheme, structured programming), algorithm language. Algorithm structures: linear structures, web-structure, structure of cycles. Methods of algorithm ordering.
BASIC PRINCIPLES OF PROGRAMMING Students acquire main skills working with BASIC and PASCAL programmes. Semantical and syntactical questions of programming language. Data. Operations. Programme input, editing, saving.
HISTORY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Students learn about development of information technologies, qlasification, its place and role in social processes. Students become acquainted with development of computerized data processing, editing, searching.
DATABASE Database in PC, local net, internet. Basic rules of creating of database, system analysis. Information searching in database. Report organising.
COMPUTER GRAPHICS This course looks upon questions connected with computer graphics. Basic principles of computer graphics. Simple pictures. Business-wise graphics. Transformation possibilities of a picture. Movable pictures. Windows in pictures. Three-dimensional pictures. Application of computer graphics. Computer graphics as a teaching method. Main computer graphic programmes in MS Window. Special programmes working with computer graphics.
COMPUTER NETS Main themes: computer nets and informing of society. Internet connection with the global thinking, politeness and manners in computer nets. Intranets, internet. WWW servers. Database in local nets, information exchange.
INTERNET AND INTRANET Main themes of the course are connected with the information practical exchange through nets. E-mail, its main functional principles. File Transporting Protocol (FTP), FTP servers. WWW servers. Hypertext TP (HTTP), hyper text making language (HTTL). Information searching in Internet. Internet and intranet in offices, at home, in education, in free time and entertainment.
WWW PAGE CREATING This course introduces students with WWW servers, information saving in them. WWW document and file creating. HTML. HTML codes.
COMPUTER IN EDUCATION This course analyses informatics as a separate subject. It looks upon integration of computers in teaching process. During this course students acquire different experience of informatics establishment at schools (aims, content, methodology, etc.)
JURIDICAL AND AESTHETICAL ASPECTS OF SOCIETY INFORMING This course introduces the effects which are caused by computerising of society (increase of unemployment, etc.) Students analyse work effectivity and quality. Business strategy. Information technology effects on individual. Ability to improve the quality of work in different professions, handicapped people and computers.
COMPUTERS IN SCHOOL MANAGEMENT Main themes of the course: standard programme, business correspondence, catalogues, accountancy, forming of database (personal, pupils) at school. Internet at school.
BUSINESS PROGRAMMES In this course students to acquire basic skills working with main business programmes. Students get knowledge and practical skills working with modern tecnology, they individually acquire skills working with new versions of programmes.
PRACTICAL INFORMATICS Students get knowledge of practical usage methods of main business programmes. Main stress is made on using programmes of different practical work preparing.
PRACTICAL PROGRAMMING (I, II) In this course students acquire main skills working with IBM PC, they do different level exercises in programming; algorithms.
BASIC PRINCIPLES IN THEORY OF TESTS In this course students learn how to do assessment. Test theory. Stastitical conceptions of test theory. Validity of tests. Veracity of tests. Basic principles of Question Analysis. Determination and interpretation of tests.
TEST MAKING SYSTEMS In the course students learn how to make tests and realise them in practice in VB1tes1L system. Basic principles in programming in Visual Basic language.
OUTPUT TEACHING COURSES WITH AUTHOR-PROGRAMME Different structures of Curriculum. Curriculum programming: choice of the theme in a subject, etc. Author-system “PLUS” for IBM PC. Dialogue instructions. Programming in T-language. Tuning and testing of the programme. Processing of results.
BASIC PRINCIPLES OF SYSTEM ANALYSIS Students learn about main bacis principles of System Analysis, its role in modern information exchange and communication technologies. Condition of the system. Hierarchy of systems. Observation of a system’s micro and macro features. Computer systems. Development of new computer systems. Work of system analyst.
METHODOLOGY IN INFORMATING Students observe informating subject and with it connected subjects; their role in Latvian education system in elementary and secondary classes. Education standards. Curriculum. Exam questions. Content of Education standards, thir analysis.
MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS METHODOLOGY History of multimedia systems. Forms of information: texts, grapfics, computerslides, audio, video. Information restrictions and consequences. CD-ROM. Basic standards of CD-ROM: Green book, Orange book, Red book. Multimedia technics: MPC, SOUND CARD, video, scaners, graphical tables, VR glasses, VR helmet. “Live”-books. Electronical libraries, E-encyclopedias, E-atlas: Education, Nature, Travelling, Art, Cinema, Medicin, History, Music, CAD, Databases, Catalogues, Instalation. ERIC - education database. Virtuality Reality: VR worlds, Habitat, MUD, VR libraries, VR schools.
USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING MATERIAL PREPARATION Programme for adapting of different information from INTERNET for different subjects. Searching, copying, printing, and saving of texts and graphical materials in files of standardprogramme. Application of CD-ROM database information for preparing of teaching materials.
MODERN TEACHING ENVIRONMENT This course introduces student with modern tecnologies which are developing a modern teaching process. Information exchange in local nets, and global net: e.g., INTERNET (E-mail, international databases, WWW, teleconferences, etc.),multimedial systems, etc.
STATYSTICAL PROCESSING OF DATA Students acquire the main principles of data processing. Questions of research, research methods, types; mathematical methods, quality of tests, their safety, choice of research participants, interpretation of data, etc.
METHODOLOGY IN PROGRAMMING ACQUIRING Students learn about basic and general principles of programming. Elements of business programmes in MS Window (windows, instruction card, pictogrammes, working condition, dialogue). Main phases of learning and acquiring unknown programmes (description, HELP file system, analogies with other systems).
METHODOLOGY IN RESEARCH COMPARING SSPS for Windows - a programme for analysis of statistical data in MS Window. Acquiring of programmes working phases: literature, help file, practice file. Principles of work organisation of the programme (windows: Data, Output, Syntax, Chart). Main methodes of modeling (LISREL, PLS, HLM). The study Profile “Primary school teacher”
B 1 - the obligatory courses
Children " s Literature The contents: The subject is intended for introducing students with the specific aspects of children"s literature as one of arts. It deals with the history of of children"s literature and gives theoretical basis for analysing literar works and illustrations. It gives also the concept of childrens literature and the comparison with the adult literature. children"s prception of literature depending on their age is also discussed, as well as the demands to the artistic design of children"s books.The subject deals also with different aspects of Latvian children"s literature: development tendencies, the first Latvian literary works for children , the variety of genres.The folklore for children and its role in upbringing is discussed. The children"s literature in Latvia beginning from the end of the 19th century up to nowadays is studied in more details. Students are introduced also with the most famous foreign authors and their works (particularly the masters of literary fairy - tales like brothers Grimm , H.K.Anderssen and others).
Latvian language and teaching methodology The contents : The subject is intended to provide the necessary theoretical knowledge and professional skills in Latvian language teaching methodology. It discusses the link of the Latvian language teaching methodology with other sciences and its place in the teaching - learning process at school. It provides also the view on the historical development of methodology and possibilites to apply the historical heritage to nowadays work. The following aspects are discussed more detailed: teaching ABC, different approaches and techniques; the pre - ABC stage, the ABC stage, the post - ABC stage teaching reading, techniques and their comparison, developing reading skills, work with texts, teaching poetry, variability of literature lessons, literature reading lessons teaching the language, language aspects covered during primary school, phonetics, morphology, syntax, visual and didactic aids in language teaching lessons techniques of teaching spelling and orthography , most frequent mistakes and their causes, visual aids developing spoken and written speech, main tasks of developing speech, reproductions and essays.
Mathematics and teaching methodology The contents: The subject is intended to provide the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills in teaching mathematics in primary school. It allows to improve knowledge of the basic principles in mathematics. Information about the historical aspect and the foreign experience of the subject is provided. The questions of teaching mathematics in primary school, the didactic principles, planning the teaching process, and the choice of materials are discussed. The subject includes also the principles of developing skills. It touches upon the latest tendencies in control, evaluation and assessment. Students are introduced with different approaches to teaching arithmetics. They learn how to model the possible solutions when teaching algebric and geometric quantities using the acquired theoretical knowledge. Discussions of solving the theoretical and practical questions in the primary school standard programs are also organized.
Natural sciences and teaching methodology The contents: The subject is intended to provide students with the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to prepare for work in the integrated studies at school. It deals with the thoretical principles of comprehensive physical geography, botany, zoology, human anatomy, physiology, and hygiene. Students" skills are developed on the basis of the theorethical knowledge. They discuss topical questions of teaching methodology. The course of thoretical and practical lessons for the integrated studies is offered. Students discuss ecological questons and the possibility to evaluate the ecological situation in Latvia. The subject includes also the issues of hyhiene and school hygiene. During practical lessons students learn to prepare excursions and model the lessons at school.
Handicrafts and teaching methodology The contents: The subject is intended for providing the necessary knowledge and developing the necessary skills for evoking children"s creativity and helping to express it. Students are introduced with the system of teaching handicrafts in school. They acquire the thorethical material and practical experience. The following topics are included: work with paper and cardboard, with nature materials, with textiles; tecnical modelling and introduction to home economics. Within each topic teching techniques, ways of using different material for each age group, gathering and preparing the materials, choice and usage of tools, safety tecniques. During the course of studies shows of studenys" creative works are argenized and different teaching aids are created. Students are introduced with different tendencies and approaches in theaching various aspects and in evaluating and assessment.
Visual arts and teching methodology The contents: The subject is intended to efficiently prepare students for teaching visual arts in primary school, developing the understanding of the role of visual arts in raising a harmonious personality. The subject discusses the phylosophic,physiological principles of visual arts based on the knowledge of the differences in functioning of the two cerebral hemispheres. Drawing is looked upon as a way of self - expressing. The teaching of colours, texture, ligts and darks, conture and spatial drawings, portraits, human figures, sketches and drawings from nature are acquired during the course of studies. The specific characteristics of perception of different age groups and the setting of adequate tasks are discussed. Excursions are considered as a teaching method. During the practical lessons students complete perception exercises, create sketches for certain tasks, make works with the chosen techniques and material, organize the show of works, and take part in the evaluation.
Physical education, theory and methods The contents: The subject is intended to provide students with the necessary thoretical knowledge and dvelop skills of applying it to practice in school. The subject includes questions of the theory of physical education. Students have to acquire knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, to be able to understand and explain the necessity of different physical exercises for junior -form children. the teaching techniques and approaches are discussed. in the course of studies lessons and out of class activities are modelled. Students leran the principles of evaluation and assessment. In addition, ways of using non standard sports applyances are acquired.
Music and teaching methodology The contents: The subject is intended to professionally and efficiently prepare teachers for teaching music in primary school. Students are introduced with the development in music teaching in the world. The first part of the study course includes the thory of music (sheet music, mtetrorhytm, tempo, dynamics, sounds, notes). The second part of studies includes ways and forms of pupils" musical activities. The third part deals with different techniques of promoting pupils" creative activity and the modelling of these techniques. Students discuss the latest tendencies in music teaching and learning in primary school, and the role of music in the child"s development in junior forms.
Folklore The contents: The subject is intended to give opportunity to acquire the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to promote creatvity in children. The studies include the introduction with the traditional culture, and different types of folklore: epic folklore, traditonal mythology, seasonal and family festivities, games; teaching of sound, ethnography. Students discuss also the forms of self - expressing in modern cuture, modern folklore and gathering and preserving it. They acquire theory of teching methods and their application to modelling lessons and different out class activities. In the practical lessons students have an opportunity to develop and improve their skills.
Altenative pedagogics The contents: The subject is intended to help students to orientate in the teacing methods of different alterntive systems of education . Students are introduced with the understanding of human nature, upbringing and education by representatives of alternative pedagogical theories ( M. Montessori, R .Steiner, P.Petersen and others ). Pedagogy as the science of spirit in the views of Z.Z.Russeau, H.Pestalozzi, E.Naumann, Z.Gebser, E.Fromm. They are also introduced with the idea of 7 years life cycle, child"s development and the promoting factors, the working principles of Waldorfschool. F.Foebel "s system of pedagogical principles and their practical realization is discussed. Students acquire knowledge of working alone and cooperation as stimulating factors of personality development as they are considered by J. Dewey, G.Kershensteiner, and H.Gaudig.
Methods of learner investigation The contents:The subject is intended to develop the understanding of ways of learner investigation in school and to give the opportnity to acquire methods of investigation. The subject discusses the nature, goals tasks and the ethical aspect of learner investigation. It deals also with the cooperation with school administration, classteachers and parents in the course of investigation. The following methods are mentioned and characterized: analysis of documents, analysis of learners" works, contentanalysis, iquiries (discussions, debate, inter-views, questionnaires, pedagogical observation, sociometry, repherentometry, tests, pedagogical council. The applying of the acquired results to prectice is also discussed.
Education of family The contents: The subject of education of family, the main range of problems, specific aspects of the science. The sources of family education. The topicality, the goal and tasks of the subject. The main giudelines. The concept of family education and the influence of the social situation in the state , culture and family on understanding it. The concepts of the traditional and modern education ; their basic features and factors of existance. The concept of family and marriage. Differences in the usage of these terms as reflected in scientific works. Scieces that investigate family and marriage, their contribution to pedagogics. Educational abilities, nature, birth and history of a family. Family rights : sources and principles. The connection of family educatuion with the basic problems of family psychology. Family values as a factor of creating harmonious relationship.Therol contents and tasks of sex education depending on the age. Specific features of family education ( intimacy ,etc. ). Preparedness for the role of a parent ( spiritual , social ). Mistakes in education ( typical and specific ). Upbringing and educating more gifted and less gifted children in the family. The positive and negative aspects of the traditional education.The positive and negative in the modern education. Mother , father and other family members as educators, the pedagogical ability of the family: with on child , many children,without one parent, in young families. Family as a social group, Its origins development level and choce of methods in educating. Cooperation of families and educational institutions. Unused possibilities. Pre - schoolage and schoolage child inthe family. The child"s leaving the family for independent life. The model of future family , parents' influence. The influence of social institutions on the parents" pedagogical viewpoints.The title of the subject : Health education
Pedagogical professional studies The contents: In the course of studies students get acquainted with the constitution of human body and acquire knowledge of the functions of different organs. They analyze the main factors that determine the mental and physical health. The importance of personal hygiene in preseving high working potential is stressed. The subject provides also the principal knowledge of promoting the strength of an organism and avoiding illnesses at different ages.
Principles of speech therapy The contents: The science of speech therapy, its development, place among the other sciences, the subject of investigation, goals, tasks, and main problems. The classification of speech disorders and the correction work. The dyagnostics opf these disorders and the necessary technical aids. The teachability of children with speech disorders, methods. Organizing the special education, methodology of socialization.
Principles of defektology The contents: The science of special education , its origins, subject of investigation, system of cathegories.Its connection with medicine, psychology and comprehensive pedagogics. The cognitive, communicative and psychosocial phenomenon of the concept of development. Regularities of anomalous development. early dyagnostics of anomalous children, their characterisation and classification. Branches of special education, their subject, main goals and tasks. Special and social education today. The structure and tendencies of special education.. The attitude of the society towards the legal protection of anomalous childrens' rights. Special problems with the children with a complicated primary defect. The work of special administrative, legislative, and religious organisations in specialisation of anomalous children. Principles of Surdopedagogics The contents: Surdo pedagogics as a science, its development, place and role among other sciences, object of investigation, subject, goal, and,tasks. Pedagogical audiology. primary teaching of words and its intensification. Alternative languages and their usage. Methodology of teaching and developing skills. Examining childrens" hearing ability. The special technical aids. Socialisation and education of children with hearing disorders.
Principles of Typhlopedagogics The contents: The science of typhlopedagogics, its development place and role among the other sciences, the object of investigation, goals and tasks, system of categories. The early and clinical diagnostics of sight disorders. The corrections in development of children in pre - school age. The pedagogical corrections of visual perception. Organising the work in special education , methods of socialisation. The necessary aids for diagnostics, teaching and everyday use.
Principles of Olygophrenopedagogics The contents: The science of olygophrenopedagogics, its development, place and role among other sciences, object of investigation, goals and tasks. The dyagnostics of mental disorders in children. Problems of correction the language and speech disorders. Place and specific role of handicrafts in the process of socialization, possibilities of integration in the labour market. Special teaching, learning and dyagnostic aids.
Culture of language The contents: Oratory as an important and integral part of social life. The birth of the classical oratory andits development in Ancient Greece and Rome. Social attitudes to the spoken word in the Middle Ages Renaissance period and later. The specific features of the public speech in our days. The features of cultivated public speech: purposefulness, audibility, adequacy to the standard language, understandability , ability to create interest. The role of the personality of the speaker.Aurthority as an important factor. Choice of the topic. Types and genres of the public speech. Techniques of speaking and debating. Communication between the speaker and the listener. Overcoming the barriers in communication. Body language. Specific features of the teacher’s speech. Teacher’s speech in the classroom, during out - class activities, at conferences, lectures, etc. Teacher’s work in developing pupils" speaking culture.
During the practical lessons of this study course students voce, pronunciation, and diction is improved. Students are engaged in breathing and articulation training.
Calligraphy and Practical Writing The contents: Development of handwriting. Conditions of developing neat handwriting. Intentional writing of letter elements, and writing letters following the given guidelines. Letter - writing exercises. Writing punctuation marks. Writing numbers in lines. Exercises for joining letters. Copying texts. Copying neatly by hearing. Observing the individual features of the learner when developing handwriting. Practical writing.
Defending Children’s Rights The contents: In the course of studies students are introduced with the history of defending children’s rights in the world , its origins and regularities, as well as with its history in Latvia. Students have the opportunity to get acquainted with legislative acts, resolutions and documents dealing with the subject of concern. Students discuss the integration of Latvia in the international work in defending children’s rights. Students are offered practical situations for analysis and solving. They are also allowed to get acquainted with the work of the institutions realising the defending of children’s rights in Latvia. The study Profile “Teacher of the History of Culture and History of Art”
B 1 - the obligatory courses
History and theory of Art: Introduction into Science of Art. The contents: The course is intended for students to learn how to integrate the academic experience with the knowledge on the centuries of European history of art and their philosophical importance in the development of culture. It deals with such questions as: what is the science of art, science and emotions, workmanship and the creative activity. The ability to express oneself with the help of colours and lines. Applied art and word, applied art and music. History of Art, the first historians, poroblems of chronology, principles of dividing the centuries, changes and innovations. The first critics of art. rationalism and emotionalism as the impulsive force of the world's history. Types of art: architecture, sculpture, painting, graphic drawing, applied art, etc. and their specifics. Artistic means of expression, line, coulour, contrast, texture. Techniques of painting - water colour, fresco, oil-painting. Van Eick and Leonardo da Vinci. Mosaic and stained glass, acryl. Modern composite techniques, graphics, techniques of print-high pressure letter print, deep print, flat printing. Guttenberg and Durer. Development of printing. Black and white, coloured graphics. Silkscreening and photosynthesis; sculpture and problems of material. Casting, forging, forming, engraving. Basic principles of analysing the pieces of art, different approaches, structural analysis. Composition, its elements. Style and synthesis of art. Renaissance and Baroque. Value - absolute, material, personal. Demand. Art of demand, its qualities, connections with the social, ideological, political and economic situation and cultural policy.
History and theory of Art: Middle Ages and Renaissance The contents: The course is intended for developing students' knowledge and understanding of art of different centuries . It covers the following themes: The Art of early Christianity and Byzantium - Christianity before edict, links with the antique mythology, language of symbols, Christianity - the official religion of Roman state, Constantine the Great, Art of Byzantium, St. Sophia's Cathedral, monument and symbol, iconography. Romanesque. Unified system of notions about the world. Artist - craftsman. Cloister churches. Genesis of basilica, scriptoria of the cloisters, handwritings and illustrations (illuminations). Gothic style. The cathedral of the town, the religious and scientific centre of the town, two dimensional perception of the world - top - bottom; good - evil; light - dark. Stylisation, democratisation, stained glass, mysticism of light. Dante and Jotto, search for balance, the Latin and Greek, structure -plasticism and colouring. Renaissance. Renaissance in Italy, Revival of the antique art. Artist - scientist. Regularities, reality as a wholeness, search for the essence of reality, beauty and synthesis, frescos of Mazzacco, Giberti, rhythm, linear perspective, humanism, Fre Angelico, Donatello, Bramante, Boticcello, Leonardo da Vinci. Great Renaissance. Partonage of the Pope, Rome, principle - individuality. Three dimensional function, light, shadow, the perspective of light. Raphael, Michelangelo, the colourists of Venice. Renaisance in the Netherlands. The link with the antique art and medieval culture, stability. Trinity - triptich - altar. The synthesis of the realism of the Northern Netherlands and the religious plots. Bosh and Breigel. Renaissance in Germany. Reformation movement and art. Direr, Kranach, Greenewald. Graphics and printing techniques. Paper and print. Art and architecture in France and Spain.
History and theory of Art: Oriental and Antique Art The contents: The course acquaints students with the Ancient Oriental art and the sources of West- European art and the Art of ancient Egypt. It deals with the history of investigation, religious conceptions, the eternity and the idea of soul, canons. Other themes covered are: relief - the diary of life, art of Mesopotamia, ideas of power, Babylonia, Assyria; hieroglyphs, cuneiform characters, development of cursory writing. The art of Aegea, idea of life, archeological escavations, periodization, self-expression, techniques of construction. The art of Crete, ceramics and application of potter's disc, expressively dynamic painting. Mycenae, cycloptic piling of stones, treatment of gold, Vapio goblets. Antique art, Greek art, history of awareness, the connection between the art and the antique philosophy and mathematical thinking; the beuaty of separate items and phenomena; search for the ideal and permanent value in the material world; essence and formula, movement; periodization of Greek art, Homer's time, archaics, classics, order in architecture, the chiselled and cast sculpture, the secret of ideal measures. the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian. The balance and tectonics, the temple, the Acropolis of Athens and synthesis of art, ceramics - the main representatives. Hellenism - culmination, the forms and application of vessels, the style of black figures and the red figures. The altar of Pergamum. The Etruscan art, cultural links with Greece, houses, temples, sepulchres, the problem of vaults. Roman art, periodization, the influence of Etruscan and Greek art, power and rationalism, the time of republic and empire. The analysis of the earlier achievements, acquisition, synthesis and application of the useful. The tectonics of Greek order and Roman arch; new construction materials, Coliseum,Pantheon, buildings of Triumph, utilitarian constructions, genesis of basilica, thermae and markets, Pompeii and Heraculan, styles and techniques of painting.
History and theory of Art: New age, 17 - 19th centuries The contents: The course aims at providing a basic knowledge of development of history of art in the New age and understanding the directions of art in the 17 -19th centuries. It covers the following themes: Art of the 17th century : Italy - the centre of Baroque, Baroque and catholism, art - synthesis, the sculptural painting and pictorial sculpture; emotions and reason, the emotional imterpretation of the religious plots, patronage, competition, demand. Architecture of Rome, Jesus church in Rome, the architecural development of St. Peter's cathedral, the reconstruction of Vatican, bernini - the sculptor and achitect. Monumental painting, the problems of optic effects; academic and Caravaggism, Bologna and the creative work of brothers Caracci; the influence of Caravaggi style and the development of Spannish art, Surbaran, Velazquez, Rubens and Van Drake. Art in the protestant European countries in the 17th century. Materialized intuition, idea, thought, realism, ascetism, Holland and the new social situation, the private order for art, themes and genres. Halls, Rembrandt. The religious themes, the problem of self-portraits,Vermeer, composition, perspective, lighting. Art of the 18th and 19th centuries. Rococo - the continuation of baroque, the similarities and differences, the subtlety of emotions and exaggeration; aims of art, French aristocracy and the order for art. Problems of interior, Rococo and the independence of the piece of art, themes, Vatto and Bushee, Hogarth and Scharden. New classicism and romanticism. The links and differences, Enlighteners, the history of art by .J.Vinkelmann, the excavations at Pompeii and thefashion in Europe. The ideas of French revolution, Napoleon's empire. Romanticism in peotry, music, art; synthesis in thinking, David and Decklarua. The New world. Realism and rationalism, the criticism of art and Didro, the active spectator. Impressionism. Landscape, the Sun - light - world; the warmly cool relations, texture. Post-impressionism. Conditioned division,the difference of individual styles, the local colour, contrasts, the prerequesites of developing and the development of eclectism, historicism and art nouveau. The link of the classic modernism with the discoveries of the historical styles. The formal negation. "Newly discoved" authors.
History of Modern Art The contents: The course aims at providing the student with the terminology, principles needed for an understanding and orienting in the development of modern art, its phenomena and theories. The course deals with the following themes: the beginning of modernism in the 19th century, the changes introduced in painting by impressionism, the landscape painting of a new quality, the idea of modern world, its reflection in art. Symbolism - infatuation with the critical, unknown. Post-impressionism - classicism and romanticism in its expressions. Fauvism- the dominat of colour, Cubism, its special place at the beginning of the 20th century. Expressionism - ways of revealing feelings in the piece of art, the groups "The Bridge" and "The Blue Rider". The beginnings of abstractionism; Russian school, suprematism, constructivism. P. Mondrian and "De Stilje". Paintings and art theories of V. Kandinsky.Bauhaus movement, its influence on the development of art in Germany and Europe. The beginning of modern design. Applies art. Art nouveau in Austria, the rest of Europe, its connection with symbols. Italian futurism as a social movement, its forms of expression in art. Dadaism - a social movement, a peculiar form of protest, the most important groups in Switzerland, Germany, USA, "The Parisian school", its most significant representatives in the 10 - 40ies of the 20th century. Interest in subconsciousness, surrealism in painting and sculpture, the peculiarities of sculpture of the 20th century, A.Rodin - the beginer of the modern sculpture. Reflection of modernism trends in sculpture.
History of Latvian Art The contents: The course aims at providing students with systematic knowledge of history of art of Latvia and providing them with a possibility to use this knowledge in the practical professional work. The course covers the following themes: The general characterization of the development process of the Latvian fine arts, end of the 19th century (80-90ies) and the beginning of the 20th century. St. Petersburg - the centre of professional education for Latvian creative intellectuals. The role of Petersburg's Academy of Art and Stiglic's Central technical drawing school in training the new painters, sculptors, graphic artist, specialists in the field of applied and decorative art. The participation of J.Rozentâls, V.Purvìtis, J.Valters, E.Vìtols, R.Zariðø, G.Øæilters, T.Zaîkalns in the art life of St. Petersburg, participation in the exhibitions of artists ("Mir iskustvo", "Sojuz ruskih hudoýðikov"). The beginnings of creative work of Latvian artists in their Motherland, the participation of artists in issuing the satirical journal "Svari" / Scales/ - J.R.Tilbergs, A.Romans, R.Zariðø, a.o. A group of young artists - J.Grosvalds, E.Kazaks, K.Ubâns, A.Drèviðø, a.o. The relations of Latvian artists with trends of Russian vanguard, West European post-impressionism and modernism. Development of fine arts in Latvia in 20-30ies. Foundation of the Academy of Art. The artist groups "Sadarbs"/Co-work/, "Zaîâ vârna"/ the green crow/, "Rìgas mâkslinieku grupa"/The group of Rìga artists/. Soviet power in Latvia in 1940, foundation of the Artists'Union of the LSSR in 1941, Latvian artists - beginners of "the harsh style" (E.Iltners, I.Zariðø, R.Valtnere, B.Bèrziðø a.o.). Fine arts in the second part of the 20th century, its development in 60 - 70ies. Formalism. The development of portrait. U.Zemzaris, R.Valtnere, search for genre synthesis, M.Tabaka, the conditioned landscape, B.Bèrziðø, R.Pinnis, H.Siliðø, L.Múrnieks. The peculiar features of the art schools. The periodical publications as one of the methodological sources in understanding the art phenomena. The situation of art criticism and research in Latvia in 20-30ies, chronicles and essays describing the events in art, monographies, etc. The time of new collisions and reestimation of values - 80ies and a new generation of painters in Latvia.
Philosophy of Art The contents: The course is intended to acquaint students with the philosophical, transcendal meaning of creating and enjoying art, to help them understand the relations and proportionsd of the visible and invisible, to perceive a piece of art as a concentrated expression of culture. It deals with such topics as the essence of the pieces of art, art as the object of investigation, the philosdophical, aesthetic, economic basis for crating the piece of art , the expression of mental values in a material form. The aim and method of aesthetics - dogmatic, historicsl. Analogy between the humanitarian and natural sciences. Art as the imitator of nature and art for art's sake. Culture as an all -embracing feature of human existence, art as a mirror of culture and form of existence, existential archtypes and the image of art. Attitude towards art as the expression of culture, the social prerequisites. Art as a form of expression and form of self-expression. The realization of the mental aim of the piece of art in the communication process. Art as a measure of humaneness. Theories of humaneness. Art as reflection of language of symbols or the result of consciousness and archtypes. World as a"body of symbolic forms"and its reflection in pieces of art. The role of art in man's life. The expression of "ego"and the importance of social demand. The philosophical, social and material value of art, search for truth and absolute value.
The basic problems of world history of culture The contents: The course clarifies such questions as the aim of the development of culture. It tests how well the students know or do not know the direction of the development, it also examines the contents of the scientific terms we use every day with the aim of getting rid of outdated and as if definite phrases. At the same time the course looks upon the contents of the word "culture", finds out the relations between the terms "knowledge" and "wisdom", considering that we have started to emphasize the collection of self-valuable knowledge but forgetting to consider the general human value of this knowledge, in other words, today we cannot guarantee that in all cases knowledge means wisdom. The course analyzes the materials which have to be treated before analyzing the value of the culture process putting the stress on the fact that references on the literature or other sources are not the main but more important are the processes taking place in reality in this world. Thus, the basic literature to be studied is the original documents of the given time not the interpretations preparted by specialists at a later period. The task of the course is not to be able to give the "most correct"conclusion about some values of the culture process but giving a person a possibility "to feel well " in this world. It examines if the objective viewpoint on the history of culture is possible and if objectivity is possible at all.
The History of the world culture. The ancient Orient The contents: The course is intended to help students identify the topical problems of modern culture in the ancient Oriental cultures. It basically looks upon the histroy of culture of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Iran and Latvia. The aim of the course is not to give a detailed enumeration of facts because the practice has shown that it is not useful. Every nation, every time and every person has the right to have its own understanding, notion of the ancient cultures. The course verifies the question what should be called a document and how we ourselves change the contents of the words in documents in the course of time thus creating new documents. The course offers different alternative variants in selecting the facts of ancient history and interpretation when analyzing the motivation of attitude characteristic to a contemporary man and the result. Every zone of culture has its own current cultural events . Mesopotamia will be a place where we will consider the question about the definition of a document. It is also a place which provides illustrations for the oldest events described in the Old Testament. Egypt will the place where we can look for the beginnings of modern Western ocultism as well as the beginnings of the culture of the empire and academic cultural in general. The ancient Orient is interesting for being the oldest Indo-European culture zone, and knowing the fact that the Baltic cultures are acknowledged to be as archaic as the culture of ancient India.
The History of the world culture. The ancient Orient The contents: The course is intended to acquaint students with the antique and Chriatian culture as the key elements of the Western culture. The course looks upon the attitude of the modern man towards the antique culture. The answer must be found to the question - why these cultures form the basis. It examines and analyzes the process of deforming the facts, the comparison between the initial factology of the antique cultures and the contemporary interpretation and ideas. It deals with the question of ideology, the revison of chronology, the religion of the antique cultures and the teaching of life and their links with contemporary life, the quotations of the autoritative people instead of studying the processes of nature. It compares the people's attitudes to nature, society and individual in the Orient culture and the antique culture; the Oriental man as a man for whom his own individual power is the most important, who is independent of the supplementary equipment of the society and technological progress; the Western man who increases his dependence on the society and social comfort; the Oriental man who gathers knowledge that helps him survive and develop his inner talents and abilities; the Western man who collects knowledge in order to trade them later. Thus the main value of knowledge in the Western cultures is their ability to be bought and sold. The course characterizes the Indo- European culture and course of development; the cultural problems of Latvian territory in connection with the problems of the antique culture in myths, versions, facts, their connection in the respective time periods and the spheres of influence today. The course tries to find the answer to the question - why the tradition of the antique culture chosen as the dominant in Europe.
The History of the world culture. The processes of developing the Christian culture The contents: The course looks upon the development of the Christian culture from the times of Judaism till the Renaissance, including such themes as the exagesis of separate parts of the Old and New Testament, paying attention to how the contents of many words, phrases and sentences has changed in the course of time, completely changing the philosophy of these texts, sectarianism stressing that the sectraian culture is a fragment of those parts of culture where the Christian culture feels the influence of the antique culture. The form of the sectarian cultural is the antique tradition, it is connected with the culture of cloisters, the processes of developing the catholic, orthodox and lutheran parishes; the interaction of the Christian and Islamic cultures, the aggressive positivism, its origin and its philosophical value. The interactions of the Christian and the local archaic cultures, the significant impact of the Christian culture on the local European cultures , too little attention being paid to the folklorization process of Christianity - the Christian philosophy we use in our everyday life is a rather folklorized version of the archaic Christianity. The processes of interaction of different cultures and assimilation.
The History of the world culture. Renaissance culture in Western Europe and Latvia The contents: The course aims at providing students with the understanding of the Renaissance terms and values in the context of contemporary cultural processes. It deals with Renaissance as the national romantism. Each culture should be treated not only in its time but also place. Actualization of humanism or dehumanism? The theatre of life. Do our aims agree with what we want to achieve in reality? The human attitude to nature today. The two dominant types of attitude to nature - the reflection of nature and the imitation of nature's creative processes. The above given attitudes in different times and in different expressions of human culture. The kitsch culture. The positive and negative expresiions of provincialism in culture - in the province or the peripheries of big cultures the people feel freer from the central dogmatists and what we are used to call today the academic culture. However, even here there is a risk for diletantism to flourish. There is only one step from vanguard to diletantism. The emphasis is laid on the zone of Baltic culture. Why a natural man can turn out to be impolite? The norms of politeness and behaviour can also be a feature of provincialism. The unified truth. Ideology as a product of empire thinking. Are we interested in the truth or order?
The History of the world culture. The cultural historical processes of the New age and latest times The contents: The course acquaints students with the cultural processe in Western Europe parallely giving some insight into the most important cultural processes in the Far East and America. It looks upon the problems of ecology of nature and consciousness. The crises of Renaissance and processes of romanticism, ways of developing the national consciousness, the importance of national self-esteem; can you increase the national self- esteem by sacrifying the mutal relations of people? Rebel towards all the old, the problem of the old in separate cultures and respective times. Should a person look back into the past or only forward into the future? The value and aims of historical vision, the problem of perspective, the philosophy of space in different spheres of human culture, the pluses and minuses of the theory of relativism, the conditions of developing the personality cult, great and lonely personalities as a logical result of the development of Western culture, the mutual relations - simply the theatre dictated by norms of behaviour and politeness, disarrangement of the world, the topicality of the unity, human dependence on the comfort - the greatest problem of today. Man - thing.
The History of Latvian culture. The contents: The course aims at providing students with systematized knowledge of specific Latvian phenomenon and to synthesize it in the world context. The course covers the following themes: The specifics of the history of Latvian culture, the cultural level of Stone age, use of bronze in adornment, the culture of iron age (5. -9th cent.) development of blacksmith's craft.Archeological data on the Latgalian costumes, technical execution, flourishing of the Liiv culture in the 10th century. The archeological evidence about the esthetic and mythological views, influence of Christianity. "The Chronicle of Latvian Henry" 1225 -1227 - reflection on how Latvian tribes were conquered. "The Chronicle of Reverberation"1236. The peculiarities of feudal culture in the dispersed territory of Latvia. Representation of mythological notions in ornaments, the cult of the Sun, Fire, Thunder, Moon , its reflection in the ornaments, specifics of making the decorations; the spread of the cult of the snake or grass-snake, symbolism and superstition. Application of ornaments in everyday objects, arms, clothing, jewelry, furniture. The evidence from the archeological excavations and other found deposits about the trade and cultural links with other countries. India and Byzantium. Folklore as a phenomenon. The connection of the folklore world outlook with the Christian worl outlook. The understanding of God. Using the stone in construction -the German experience, spread of the historical styles in the territory of Latvia. The development of the Romanesque and Gothic styles of architecture in Latvia, Foundation of Rìga, the regeneration problems of Old Riga today. Cèsis, Bauska, Kuldìga. The religious and secular education, the movement of Herrnhuters. The Enlightment in Latvia, close links with Russia, the first professionals of culture. Latvia in the 20ies of the 20th century - education, culture. The press in 1920-1940s. Minority and provincial pres. Printing, publishing of books 1920-1940s, the biggest printing-houses. History of the University of Latvia, professorship.
Methods of teaching the history of art The contents: The course aims at providing the knowledge and practical skills for a successful pedagogical work. The course covers the following themes: pedagogical teaching methods, the place and role of the subject 'History of Art' in the ducational process, the specifics of teacher's work in teaching the history of art. The importance of A.Dauge' s contribution, the efficient methods - independent work, excursions, scientific research. The peculiarities of learners' perception. A piece of art and the esthetic experience. The impact of the visual and emotional experience on memory. The possible integration with the practical classes of visual art. Possibilities of using the material of the history of art in integrating and correlating different subjects. Work with the library catalogues. Importance of selecting the facts. The problem of conformity between the contents and form. Teacher's work in the minority schools. Specifics of forms of testing.
Psychology of art The contents: The course is intended to give the students a possibility to master the terms applied in psychology and to understand the essence and meaning of art as a psychological activity. The course deals with such questions as : psychology on artistic activity. The importance of psychic processes and personality features in creative activity, the ability to create and enjoy, the universal abilities, the world in man. The personality and the social consciousness, the individual style, the conscious and the collective unconscious. k.G.Jung and the theory of personality types, its role in the artistic activity, creativity and cognitive processes, senses, perception, notions, memory, thinking, imagination. Adaptation and the basic stages of the creative activity. Talent as a positive deviation and psychological phenomenon. Intellectual prodigies and the creative process. The role of imagination. Feelings and will, reality, skills and imagination, psychoanalysis. Z.Freud and surrealism, consciousness and subconsciousness, reality and dream. Intellect, the human and the computer intellect. Natural gifts of mind and the psychological problems of perceiving art. Psychological trainings, the biological maturity and the development of psyche. Conformisms, A.Adler and the social trend of psychoanalysis. The psychological influence of colours and music, the therapy of art. Talent and the educational problems, society and artist, images and memory. The theory of cognitive processes. The memory and thinking. Methjods of testing, problems of prognozing, the descriptive and inductive statistics.
History of esthetics The contents: The course aims at providing the students with knowledge on esthetic phenomena and developing the skill of using this knowledge in the profession and development of the personality. The course reveals the history of esthetics, the need of the esthetic aspects of research in sociology of art, design and the influence or advertising. It covers the following themes: the key stages of history of esthetics as a theoretical discipline, esthetical terms as the result of intellectual reflection. The evolution of the term "beautiful", the connection between the esthetically sublime and the expressions of the sacred (M. Paîèviàa). The tragedy of life (M. de Unamouno) and the problems of genres in art. The development of the main esthetical categories in antique period and the Middle Ages. The nuances of esthetic experience and evaluation in the New Age. The terms of environment and the political esthetics (H.Ârente). The tendencies of intellectualizing the esthetic evaluation nowadays. The problem of style in art and other fields of esthetic activity. The expression of the peculiarities of the esthetic thinking and trends of art and the author's "handwriting" in the term of 'style'. The concept of "author's death" in modern art and perseption of style. The role of style in the applied art and fashion. The possibilities of sociology to predict fashion. Design, the possibilities of defining its effectivity. The esthetic qualities of the advertisement, thier role and place in the measurements of the effectivity of the advertisement. The peculiarities of the esthetics of modernism. Post-modernism.
Esthetics The contents: The course aims at developing the understanding of the essence of the esthetic phenomenon, forms and fields of expression, the perception of art and skills and abilities of understanding. The course covers the following themes: The esthetical phenomenon, its essence and expressions in the interaction process of the objective prerequisites and subjects. Esthetically important experience, the figurativeness of perception,perfection of notions and perception, images - optimal result of this process. "Becoming a part of smth." (T. Lipss, B. Kroche), the role of the evaluation of feelings and intuition (A.Bergson, R. Ingarden). The problem of modern "New Sensibility"and its influence on developing the esthetic notions. The meaning of the esthetic value. Art as an esthetically significant way of human creative self-expression, as a functioning form of a social value and an institutional formation. A piece of art, peculiarities of its perception. Perception and understanding. Principles of sociology of art and the methods of empirical research. History of Religions The contents: The course aims at acquainting students with the ideas and aims of different religions, revealing their similarities and differences when improving the stability of the world outlook. It covers such questions as: the difference of religions in the world, the historical context of the forms of expression. Religions of the South Asia. Hinduism - a way of liberation, the Vedic culture and religion. different world outlooks of |Hinduism (orthodox schools). The religious life and thinking of India during the years of oppression. Jainism - the way of winners. Jainism in modern times. Budism - the way of the enlightened. The life and activity of Buda, the spread of Budism in the world. Sikhism - the way of followers. Religions of the East Asia. Taoism - the way of nature. Confucianism - the way of humanity. Confucianism as a state religion. The tradition and cult of Confucius in the 20th century. Sintoism - the way of Cami. Religions of the Near East. The religion of Iran -zoroastrianism -the way of the struggle between the good and the evil. Zarathustra and his reform. The cult of zoroastrianism. Judaism - the way of laws. The oldest stage of Judaism: the Holy Writ, the activity of prophets, their teaching. Judaism in the Middle Ages and in the latest stage: Judaism from the 18th century to nowadays. Christianity - the way of faith. The first parish of the Christians, the development of church and teaching, the monks and monasteries. reformation. Christianity in the 19th and 20th centuries. religions formed around Christianity. Islam - the way of obedience and submissiveness. Koran. The teaching of Mohammed. The development of Islam from Middle Ages to nowadays.
History of Philosophy The contents: The course covers the following themes: the philosophy of ancient India, Upanishads, the lokayata of Chervak and the early Budism. The philosophy of early China, Confucianism, Legism and Daoism. Philosophy of ancient Greece. Cosmological stage in the history of ancient Greece, its main trends. Anthropocentric stage in the history of ancient Greece. Sophists, Socrates and Socratic schools. Eudaelogical stage. Plato's teaching on ideas and state. Aristotel as the critic of Plato's teaching of ideas. Aristotel's teaching on four causes, the importance of his ideas in the history of science. Philosophy of Hellenic age (scepticism, philosophy of Epicurus,stoicism).Gnosticism and neo-platonism. The attitude of Christianity towards the antique culture and philosophy. St. Augustine. The general description of the Medieval philosophy.Scholasticism and mysticism. The struggle of nominalism and realism the the Medieval West European philosophy. The most important problems and trends of the Renaissance philosophy. rationalism and empirism in the philosophy of 17th -18th centuries. I. Kant's theory of cognition and ethics. The method and system of Hegel. L. Faerbach. The criticism of Hegel's philosophy in the first part of the 19th century ( A.Schopenhauer, K.Marx, a.o.)
Modern Tendencies in the contemporary Philosophy The contents: The course aims at revealing necessity and possibility of the modern philosophical views, it stresses the topicality of philosophical basis of modern art. The course covers such themes as: science and the influence of its problems; seach for the mathematical, physics, philosophical basis. Achievements in biology - the notion of chaos. Complexity as order whose code is unknown. Psychology, psychoanalysis. M. Clein, Winicott, Balint. The main tendencies : from the individual subject to the scientific unity . Science as the model of human solidarity. Structuralistic revolution, the change of paradigm : from the subjectivity to language. Return to the classicism: human nature and structure (L. Stross). C.L. Stross: structural antropology and the project of human sciences. From criticizing ideology to analysis of bureaucracy. Altiser: the end of dialectics. Castoriadis, Leford, Lipovetsky: the age of emptiness - the triumph of Narciss.The authority on which education is based, the adults have destroyed (H.Arendt). The characterization of the society (society of performances, barbarism, etc.). What is post-structuralism? Its main authorities. Disappearance of the man and criticism of duman sciences. Man and language. Order and discourse. Question of understanding the history. Notions of genealogy, archeology. The project < the history of today>. The question of power, to punish and supervise, the disciplineary society, care about oneself. The art of life. The ethics of the self. The question of philosopher's responsibility. Justice and ways of its expression. Philosophy and humanitarian sciences. The rights on philosophy. Philosophy as a part of democracy. From monological philosophy to the philosophy of differences. Philosophy of differences and care about the Different. Ethics as the first philosophy. < Oedipus > analysis, philosophy of testimony and justification of the ethics of joy. The question of unity, how to understand < we> today? The relations between Europe and the contemporary.
Philosophical aspect of literature The contents: The course is aimed at acquainting students with the diverse possibilities of interpreting a literary text, giving an insight into the main tendencies of art reflected in Latvian literature. The course covers the following themes: the literary scientific methods and their impact on the interpretation of the literary work. The method of existentialism, its roots in the existentialism philosophy.Solution of existentially important problems in the story "Bagâti radi" by Apsìøu Jèkabs. Psychoanalytical approach in interpretation of literary works. Fairy -tales from the psychoanalytical angle. The method of positivism in A.Brigadere's creative work. The carnival world outlook and its influence on literature of different nations and different times. The carnival traditions in Latvian folklore. The features of carnival philosophy in the creative work of J.Ezeriðø. Hedonism, its features in the work of È. Adamsons and A.Eglìtis. Symbolism of colours and their significance in the litearry work. Theories of colours and attitude to them in the literature of different nations and different times. The sense of colour in latvian folklore, The colour in poetry of A.Àaks and È. Adamsons. Features of different literary trends in the creative work of separate authors. The esthetics of romanticism. Impressionism. realism, romanticism and impressionism in the works of J.Jaunsudrabiðø. Realism and impressionism in the short stories of E.Birznieks-Upîts.
Latvian Theatre The contents: The course is devoted to the history of Latvian theatre.Its aim is to acquaint students with the most important phenomena of art in Latvian theatre, help them understand the specific features of theatre art, understand the place of latvian theatre in the European context. It touches upon such themes as: the beginnings of Latvian theatre, first plays and performances in Latvian.Â.Alunâns - actor, producer, playwright, theatre pedagogue. Professionalization of Latvian theatre at the end of 19th century. E.Smiîåis and his principles of production. A.Amtmanis-Briedìtis and his traditions in the National theatre. The latest tendencies in Latvian theatre, the features of post-modrnism. The study Profile “Social teacher”
B 1 - the obligatory courses
PEDAGOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY The course acquaints with the anthropological theories, the problems of interpreting the child and childhood as a specific phase of human development, the influence of the cognitive process of the world on the aspect of developing understanding of man. The problems of individual self-organization paradigm: the understanding of self-education, the self- organizing forces and spheres of influence, the self-organization of mental sphere.
PEDAGOGICAL CONFLICTS: THEORY AND PRACTICE The course explains the concept of conflict and its essence, the types of conflicts and signals, the factors causing conflicts, the tactics and methods of solving the conflicts, the relations and interrelations in the pedagogical activity, the interaction as a means of developing interrelations with pupils,pedagogical situations and the types of conflicts, specific features of situations and conflicts in forms 1 - 4, in forms 5 - 9, and forms 10 -12. The course also deals with the analysis of the pedagogical situation and ways of solving it, the preclusion of conflicts.
ORATORY The course treats oratory as an important and integral part of the social life, it acquaints students with the emergence and development of oratoty in ancient Greece and Rome, the public attitude to the spoken word in the Middle Ages, Rennaisance and later periods of history, the peculiarities of the public speech in nowadays, The course also describes the role of the orator's personality, the authority - one of the most essential preconditions of aq successful public speech, the issues of choosing the topic, the communicative barriers, ways of overcoming them, the body language during the public speaking.
DIALECTICAL EDUCATION The course aims at providing students with the essence of dialectical education It deals with such issues as the dialectics of pedagogical thinking, the dialectics of scientific research methods of educational process. D. Schleiermaher and his educational theories. The experimental nature of I. Kant's pedagogical theories. Interpretation of educational theories ( T. Litt, T.Adorno, Fischer, J. Derbolav and other philosophers ) the attitudes of educational theory and practice.
SOCIAL REHABILITATION: children's literature The course acquaints students with the essence and specifics of children's literature, the folklore of Latvian children, the periodical publications for children, the latest Latvian poetry, prose and drama for children (80ies -90ies). Latvian literature in exile for children, the literary fairy-tales.
SOCIAL REHABILITATION: art The course presents the functions of art in society, it explains the role and place of art as a means in social rehabilitation, the positive and negative information provided by art, the possibilities of art to develop experience and attitude, the development of emotions, the forms of manifestation in the process of creating art, observation of results and evaluation.
SOCIAL REHABILITATION: artistic processing of leather The course acquiants students with the history of the artistic procesing of leather and the materials that can be used, how the materials are prepared for work, the basic materials and the asupplementary materials, the tools and their application, the ways of dying the leather, the process of work, producing different leather works.
SOCIAL REHABILITATION: paper plastic arts The course describes the history of paper, paper production, the general features of paper, the tools necessary to work with paper as well as the supplementary materials; the basic methods of working with paper: folding, cutting, clipping, etc. ; classification of paper works: applique work, foldings, paper cuttings.
SOCIAL REHABILITATION: composition of nature materials The course presents the ethics of mutual relations between man and nature and its topicality in the modern world, It describes the compositions of nature materials, their theoretical and practical aspects; social rehabilitation through nature materials making the compositions.
SOCIAL REHABILITATION: textile A The course acquaints students with the representation of man in different materials and techniques, the mimicry, type, mask; types of puppets and use of textile techniques in making them, painting on the cloth with textile dyes; sources of inspiration in making the composition: nature, its elements, the object environment, ethnography; stylization, printing the cloth with textile dyes, textile and environment; the use of mature materials in textile works. SOCIAL REHABILITATION: textile B The course characterises different textile materials, their versatility, peculiarities, ways of application; the practical action in different textile techniques; short-term and long-term works, possibilities of making them, individual and group works, cooperation during the work process.
APLLIED ETIQUETTE The course describes the etiquette and protocol, their importance in the mutual official and private interaction, standards of good behaviour.
SOCIAL ADAPTATION, REHABILITATION AND INTEGRATION OF ANOMALOUS CHILDREN The course acquaints students with special pedagogy as science, its development, subject of research, system of categories; the anomalous development, the subbranches of special pedagogy. It also characterizes the modern tendencies of special pedagogy and social pedagogy as well as the work of special administrative, legal, religious organizations in the socialization process of anomalous children.
INTRODUCTION INTO MONTESSORI THEORY The course acquaints students with the life and pedagogical activities of M.Montessori, its views on child as an individuality and its rights on free choice of activity which would promote the development of slikks and talents, the role of child's absorbing mind, the characterization of adults functions, the role of environment in the process of developing the personality and individuality, the role of parents in children's development.
INTRODUCTION INTO WALDORF'S PEDAGOGY The course acquaints students with Goethe and his views on the developmental processes, R. Steiner's anthropology, the mental and emotional aspects of education, the free education, the chief pedagogical ideas of Waldorf's pedagogy, the main principles of organizing the Waldorf's school, the role of work in Waldorf's school, eurithmy.
LATVIAN NATIONAL EDUCATION The course explains the concept of Latvian national pedagogy, its subject and sources: the folklore, historical and ethnographic materials, traditions and beliefs The course characterizes the typical features of Latvian popular education and the use of Latvian national education nowadays.
SELF-EDUCATION AND ITS POSSIBILITIES IN SELF IMPROVEMENT TODAY The course acquaints students with the essence of self-education, its pedagogical, psychological aspects, the structure of self-education, its components, their specifics, the essence of self-education in different age groups, the self-education programme, its development ,implementation and analysis.
EDUCATION OF ABILITIES The course provides a brief insight in the history of the problem, describes the essence of abilities and their types, the pedagogical abilities and the possibilities of their development, the structure of abilities and compensation, the sensitive periods in the development of abilities, the manifestation of natural gifts, the degrees of ability development, the methods of determining the abilities, the main problems of ability development in Latvia and in the world.
MANAGEMENT THEORY The course acquaints students with the basic concepts of the management theory, the processes of democratization and the management of work at the institutions, the functions performed by the manager, planning of work, the structure of organizations, the flow of information in the organization. The course characterizes the manager's working style, its influence on the staff , the career.
HEALTH PROMOTION IN THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT The course focuses on social and physical health, the factors that determine health. Contemporary concepts on the child and teenager as an active personality, the priority directions of health promotion, the health promotion projects , the role and place of health education and health promotion.
WORK OF THE CLASS TEACHER The course is intended to acquaint students with the main tasks of the class teacher. It analyzes the all-round development of the personality and the problems of assessing behaviour. The course also touches upon such problems as the study of the whole class and individual pupils, the pedagogical characterization of the class and individual pupils, the solution of conflicts in the class and the work with parents.
FAMILY EDUCATION The course aims at providing students with understanding the concept of family, the concept of possibilities of the family education, the family values as the factor harmonizing the relations, sexual education in family, getting ready for the parents' role, the peculiarities of educating the gifted children and less gifted children in the family, the cooperation of family and different educational institutions. METHODS OF PUPILS' RESEARCH The course aims at introducing students to the essence of pupils' research in the pedagogical process, its aims and objectives, the ethical and pedagogical demands for this research, the cooperation with school administration, class teachers and parents, the methods used in the research, their characterization, the application of results in education.
ACCOUNTING The course is intended as an introduction into accounting, it characterizes document as the basis of accounting, deals with the organization of accounting and principles of book-keeping, the classification of accounts, the accounting statements and their elements in the process of social pedagogy. The legislation of the Republic of Latvia and the normative acts on accounting.
HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT The course deals with the concept of environment, the human influence on environment, the natural resources, the pollution, its types and sources; the social, economic and legal aspects of environmental protection, the problems connected with the environmental protection; the environmental education, its necessity, aims and objectives. The course also characterizes the underlying principles of environmental education, its contents and approaches for including it in the curriculum and curriculum planning as well as the methods and forms used in environmental education.
HEALTHY FOOD The course acquaints students with the food regime and its role for human health, the motivation for food consumption. It also describes the components of the food, the ballast substances, mineral substances and microelements, the vitamins and their sources; the children and teenagers' food, its impact on growth and development. The course treats the problems of obesity, boulimia, absolute fasting, anorexia; the role of food in breaking out of some diseases, the food at school and in the family.
DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHILD The course acquaints students with the endogenous and exogenous factors determining the development of children and the environmental factors in the development of children. The course presents the periodization of development, the regularities of groth and development, the peculiarities of children and teeenagers' nervous system, Special attention is paid to the stress, the endocrine system and its functions, the development of the sexual system. It also characterizes the support apparatus of child's movements, the children and teenagers' heart and blood - vessel system. INTRODUCTION INTO SOCIOLOGY The course deals with the subject of sociology, its problems and main sources, the trends of sociology and sociology of education, in particular. It analyses the peculiarity of research on personality, society and mass, it touches upon the methodological problems of investigating the mental processes and the basic directions in the development of sociology of education. The methods of data collection, the analysis of the empirical data, the programme of research and the organization of research.
SOCIAL POLITICS The course reveals social politics as the field of political action and characterizes the common and the different in the studies of social politics and other sciences. It compares the social politics and the economic politics; the power and the spheres of manifestation of social politics, the functions of social politics as well as the aims of social politics.
PROTECTION OF THE RIGHTS OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY The course acquaints students with the concept of human rights, gives the historical aspect of the protection of children's rights and the policy of protecting children's rights in Latvia. It also analyzes the legislation acts in this field and the structures protecting children's rights in Latvia. It discusses such issues as social security, health and well-being, protection of family rights.
SOCIAL HYGIENE The course describes social hygiene as the science of the health of the society and gives its theoretical foundations, it presents the historical development of social hygiene, shows the social hygiene in the relations with other branches of science - medical, biological, sociological, philosophical, psychological and economic aspects. It characterizes the health of the society, its dynamics and gives insight in the demography and stattistics.
ORGANIZATION ON SPACE (ENVIRONMENT) The course acquaints students with the concepts of space and environment, the objective factors of perceiving the spatial environment, the perception of the room and the composition, the compository factors of the space: the function, form, architectonic construction of the space. The social and physical function of the space, the composition principles: unity, the primary and the secondary, the background and the accent, orientation, contrasts and nuances, rhythm, balance, proportions and the scale. ALTERNATIVE PEDAGOGY The course presents the alternative pedagogical theories, such as the pedagogical ideas of Montessori and Waldorf, the alternative schools and their development. It explains how to use the alternative pedagogical ideas in the resocialization process of children.
SEXUAL EDUCATION The course acquaints students with the role and place of sexual education in the general health education at school, it also describes the sexual education in the family, the sexuality and personality, the physiological functioning of the sexual system, the contraception and the sexually transmissive diseases, homosexualism as an activity, the teenager and his/her family.
DISEASES, BEING BEWARE OF THEM SAFETY AND BEING BEWARE OF ACCIDENTS The course focuses on health and diseases, the prevention and treatment, it characterizes the most frequent illnesses, the healthy life style and its importance, the preventive vaccinations, safety at school and outside it. It also deals with the violence and child abuse and the help in the case of need.
FUNDAMENTALS OF LANGUAGE CULTURE The course analyses the oratory as a significant and indispensable part of the social life, the emergence of oratory and its development in ancient Greece and Rome, the peculiarities of public speech of today, the role of the speaker's personality, authority and its role, the body language, the specific features of teacher's language, the dvelopment of child's speech culture.
PATHOPSYCHOLOGY The course acquaints students with pathpsychology as science and characterizes its links with psychiatry and other brancheas of medicine and psychology. It describes the memory and thinking disturbances, the speech disorders and their assessment, the disorders of the emotional sphere, depressions and delusions, disturbances of volition processes, the specific disorders of particular age groups, alcoholism, drug addiction, toxicomania, expert investigations, their types.
PSYCHOLOGY OF VIOLENCE The course explains the theories of aggression, analyzes the types and forms of violence, the factors that influence violence, their characterization, the characterization of the personalities performing violence and the victims of violence, children as specific victims of violence. Sexual abuse of children in the family, psychological help in different cases of violence, the psychology of violence in the society.
FOUNDATIONS OF HUMAN GENETICS The course reveals the human heredity aspects, the main regularities of heredity, their links and interaction with the surrounding environment, sexual determination and the differentiation of genders, the possible deviations in this process, the differences of somatic and chromosome syndroms, the development and analysis of genealogy, the genetics of behaviour, the human behaviour in cases of different congenital syndroms.
STATISTICAL PROCESSING OF DATA The course acquaints students with the types of investigations, research, the application of mathematical methods in data processing, the graphic representions; tests, their reliability and quality, interpretation of data, the general body and the selective body of data, hypotheses and their kinds, statistical hypotheses; using computers in the processing of results. The study Profile “Special education pedagogue”
B 1 - the obligatory courses
Neuro- and psychophysiology, pathology The contents: The course aims at providing students with the knowledge necessary to cooperate with the specialists of the related fields on the medical terms to help to state the functional disorders in children and in their further development. The course is intended for training students for team work, pedagogical observation so that they could explain the psychic peculiarities they have observed in children from the point of view of the biological mechanism. The course covers such themes as: central nervous system ,its central and peripheral parts, anatomy of the organs of senses, apparatus of movements (including articulation), physiology , the basic terminology of general pathology, thier links with CNS, the operation of the sense organs and apparatus of movement. The cognitive, communicative and psychosocial phenomenon of the term 'development'. Introduction into psychiatry, the children's psychosomatic diseases. The variants of disontogenesis.
Communication The contents: The course aims at training students for theoretical reflections on the personal social pedagogical contribution in adjusting the communicative operation of children, in the compensatory studies as well as to giving information and instuctions to other members of the team doing the joint work. It also creates basis for more detailed studies on specific disorders of communication and language activities in children with vision, hearing, motoric disturbances. The course covers the following themes: human communicative development, the pre-language and language period. The aspect of the form, contents and functions of the language (phonology, prosody, morphology, syntax, lexics, semantics, pragmatics). Development of different forms of language application, their mutual relations, erraneous development, disturbances of communicative activity which express themselves as difficulties of expression, etc. Description of child's language (including, the anomalous)and analysis. Psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics. The alternative forms, supplementary means and methods of word-of-mouth language, its written forms - reading, analysis and assessment of spelling disorders.
Special psychology The contents: The course is aimed at training the students to understand the deviations from the normal behaviour in groups of children, their individual divergence, study difficulties, emotional disorders. It also deals with the development of skills of informing the anomalous children their parents, other people connected with their care about the psychological diagnostics and possibilities of psychocorrection. The course touches upon the following themes: theories of the development of personality, emphasizing the cognitive, social and emotional aspect. The motivation of compensatory studies, teaching/learning processes. Social psychology, norms, sanctions, normal human behaviour and exceptions. Problems of autism, psychosis, social emotional difficulties. The psychological basis of social pedagogical research. Getting acquainted with the psychological diagnostics of anomalous children, possibilities of psycho-correction. Orientation in practical exercises, consultations and instructions. Methods of intervention, cooperation with families. Functions of the consultant, organization of supervision.
Special pedagogics The contents: The course is intended for training students to participation in general examining the anomalous children, to giving the contribution in describing their action and process of development and pedagogical assessment.It trains students to work as a practical organizer, coordinator of rehabilitation and to work in a team for the compensatory studies with children of light and medium degree of developmental disorders on the pre- school and primary school level. The course covers the following issues: the science of social pedagogics, its origin, field of research, subject, object, investigation methods, aims and objectives, the system of categories. The terms introduced by Vigotsky -'anomalous child', 'anomalous development', the regularities of development. The general characterization of the anomalous children. The early examination of anomalous children. The main branches of special pedagogics, their field of investigation, subject, object, problems. Special pedagogics, its organizational structure, tendencies. Social pedagogical understanding of functions, interaction, physical incapacity, the relativity of treatment and norms. Tghe contemporary tendencies of special pedagogics and social pedagogics, the legal foundation of education, including the special pedagogics. The reseach activities of the special padagogics, processing of its results, statistic data on possibilities of teaching of the new generation. The cooperation with the related branches (work in teams). The paradigm of the humanitarian education, protection of children's rights.
Surdopedagogics The contents: The course is intended for training students to represent independently the readiness of children with serious disorders of hearing functions to participate in the studies the diagnostic councils , to instruct professionally the deaf and children with weak hearing, to consult the parents and others on the questions of their adjustment, to carry out the work of the surdopedagogue in specialized pre-school institutions, schools, rehabilitation centres, hospitals and to work in teams in partly integrated studies of the comprehensive schools. The course deals with such questions as the science of surdopedagogics, its development, role and place among other sciences, object and subject of research, aims and objectives. Conceptual trends of surdopedagogics. Pedagogical audiology. The first teaching of word-of-mouth language, its intensification. Alternative types of languages, forms of their application. Methods of adjusting and correcting. Examination of child's hearing function. Special diagnostic teaching and everyday technical means. Methodology of socialization of the deaf children and children with weak hearing. Surdopsychology, The education of the deaf children and children with weak hearing.
Typhlopedagogics The contents: The course is aimed at training students for the work of a typhlopedagogue in the educational, social care, medical institutions of the pre-school, primary school and secondary school level, to represent independently the interests of children with vision disorders in the diagnostic councils which examine their readiness to learn, to act as a consultant and instructor to people involved in education of the anomalous children. The course deals with the following themes: the science of typhlopedagogics, its development, role and place among other sciences, object of research, aims and objectives, system of categories. The clinical diagnostics of vision defects. The early diagnostics of fcunctions of vision, the adjustment of developemnt of the pre-school children. The padagogical correction of the perception of vision. typhlopsychology. Organization or work of special education, methodology of socialization. Thetechnical means necessary for diagnostics, studies and everyday life.
Oligofrenopedagogics The contents: The course aims at training students to master the knowledge and skills necessary to represent independently the interests of children who have disorders of intellectual activity of different degrees in the diagnostic councils, to instruct professionally the anomalous children, consult their parents and other people connected with their education and adjustment, to carry out the functions of the special pedagogue in the ducational, social care, medical institutions on the pre-school and elementary school level. The course covers the following themes: the science of oligofrenopedagogics, its development, role and place among other sciences, object of research, aims and objectives. The diagnostics of disorders of mental development. Problems of language and speech, their adjustment, correction. The role of handicrafts and specifics in the process of socialization, possibilities of integration in the job market. The special teaching and technical means of diagnostics. The psychology of mentally retarded children.
Speech therapy The contents: The course aims at training students master the knowledge and skills necessary to work as a speech therapist in the educational, social care and medical institutions of the pre-school and primary school level, to represent independently the interests of the children with speech disorders in the diagnostics councils. The course touches upon the following themes: the science of speech therapy, its development, role and place among other sciences, object of research, aims, objectives and main problems. The differntial diagnostics of the language and speech disorders. The description of the disorders of speech tempo and rhythm, correction work. The organization of the work of special education, methodology of socialization. The special teaching and technical means of diagnostics.Psycholinguistics.
Additional optional courses for specialization The contents: The courses are intended to deepen and supplement students' knowledge in the chosen field of special pedagogics, the topical but less investigated problems of rehabilitation and integration of anomalous children, to create interest in students about the general investigation of the children with complicated primary defects and to further study the protection of rights of the anomalous children. The courses cover such themes as: the rehabilitation problems for children with motoric disorders, children with the checking of psychic development, children with behaviour disorders,children with complicated primary defect. Problems with compensatory application of the alternative communication means, their role and place in studies, everyday life. Children with disorders of speech rhythm and tempo. Problems in the work of general comprehensive schools due to organization of integrated studies. Information on the orphans of in the social care and the anomalous children without parents.
Methods of adjusting studies and development he contents: The course aims at acquainting the students with the most popular theoretical and practical methods of teaching, correcting and adjusting the development, diagnostics of readiness for learning and methodic approaches. It also trains students how to use these methods and approaches in the functioning educational , social care and medical institutions or in specially modelled pedagogical situations The course covers the following themes: the methods of first teaching of word-of-mouth language, development of hearing perception, lip reading, subject action, reading and writing, mathematics, nature studies, spoken language and text creation methods in the schools of deaf children and children with weak hearing. The methods of teaching the written form of the word-of-mouth language,development of the vision perception, orienting in the room, orienting outside the classroom. The methods of teaching other subjects in the schools for blind children and children with weak vision. The methods of testing the thinking operation, methods of assessment, methods of correcting and adjusting the language and speech .Methods of teaching other subjects - handicrafts, Latvian language, mathematics, nature studies, history, visual and vocal art in the specialized schools for mentally retarded children. The methods of sound pronunciation, formation of words, phrases, sentences, methods of testing and assessing children's speech. The methods of eliminating the disorders of speech rhythm and tempo, disorders in the written forms of the language for the speech therapists.