Board of Commissioners s4
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The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Colebrookdale Township was held on the above date at the Township Building. The meeting was called to order by President Todd Gamler at 7:30 PM with all present joining in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
The following Commissioners were present: Todd Gamler (President), William Spade (Vice President), Linwood Bartman, Barry Baus and Daniel Ritter.
Also present were Township Manager Cindy Conrad, Township CEO/Zoning Officer Allen Stauffer, Township Tax Collector/Treasurer Joan Herb, Township Solicitor Jeffrey Karver and Township Engineer John Sartor. Police Chief Christopher Schott was absent.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION No one addressed the Commissioners at this time.
MINUTES Motion by Commissioner Spade and seconded by Commissioner Baus to approve the minutes of the May 7, 2012 Board of Commissioners meeting minutes. Motion carried.
REPORTS Treasurer Herb submitted the Treasurer’s Report including balance sheet and trial balances for the month of April 2012. There were no comments from the Board.
President Gamler acknowledged submission of the Customer Balance Summary and Deposit Detail Report then read a list of the payment of bills from the following Township funds for approval:
General Fund Expenses 5/7/12 – 5/16/12 $ 40,646.08 Payroll Fund Expenses 5/11/12 $ 41,130.06 Street Light Fund Expenses 516/12 $ 788.20 Recycling Fund Expenses 5/16/12 $ 4,218.29 Health Reimbursement Fund Expenses 5/21/12 $ 304.06 Police Projects Fund Expenses 5/21/12 $ 48.76
Motion by Commissioner Ritter seconded by Commissioner Spade to pay the listed bills from the funds mentioned above. Motion carried. President Gamler acknowledged the submission of the Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual General Fund statement. The Statement was available to the public for review.
POLICE REPORT President Gamler noted a letter from the Gospel Riders about their annual Bike Show on July 14, 2012 at the park in Boyertown. They requested permission to have Madison Street closed between Second Avenue and Englesville Road for the event. Motion by Commissioner Bartman, seconded by Commissioner Baus to authorize closing Madison Street as requested and to provide fire police to assist with traffic control. Motion carried. Board of Commissioners May 21, 2012 Meeting Minutes 2 President Gamler acknowledged a 3rd place plaque presented to Corporal Babb, for the Police Department, at the Police Week event at the Coventry Mall the past weekend.
ROADMASTER REPORT Nothing submitted at this time.
CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER’S REPORT The following building permits were issued by CEO Stauffer: - Sean Doughtery, 38 Lindy Lane, to construct a 12’ x 13’ roof over an existing deck - Janet Smithson, 167 Popodickon Drive, replace a 10’ x 12’ deck with a larger one - Scott & Lisa Swartz, 659 Englesville Road, install a 10’ x 16’ deck for an above- ground pool - Richard & Jenni Wenhold, 632 Englesville Road, to construct a 12’ x 20’ deck
Concerning a request at the last meeting from Mr. Brunner for a permit to have a used car lot on his property at 600 Rte. 100 North, CEO Stauffer asked for direction from the Board. The Commissioners concurred they do not want a portable sanitary facility on the lot noting public sewer hookup is already there. They instructed CEO Stauffer to inform Mr. Brunner of their decision.
CEO Stauffer informed the Commissioners he spoke with Roger Lehmann and confirmed that the proposed Spring Creek Commons property reverted back to Jack Rehor. Mr. Rehor would like to keep six acres, zoned industrial and subdivide the house and barn keeping it as is; a non-confirming residential use. After a discussion, the Commissioners concurred to allow the house and barn to remain a non-confirming residential use.
The Commissioners were informed that BMMA will open the bids for the sewer upgrade project on Englesville Road near Madison Street on Wednesday June 7, 2012 AT 7:00 PM. It will be awarded that night as well. Commissioners Spade and Bartman will attend the meeting and poll, by phone, the other Commissioners on acceptance of the alternate bid for the culvert project.
President Gamler informed the Board that Engineer Sartor arranged a meeting at the Englesville Road culvert replacement project with him and Manager Conrad to discuss wall construction options. Also, there are two trees in the area that need to be removed. Roadmaster Sands will obtain three estimates to have them removed.
Commissioner Spade asked CEO Stauffer to continue to follow up on the property maintenance issues through out the Township as the grass and weeds are not being cut.
SEO REPORT Nothing submitted at this time.
PLUMBING INSPECTOR’S REPORT Nothing submitted at this time.
SOLICITOR’S REPORT A letter was submitted from Attorney Doll at the request of the Commissioners explaining his research into a question on Multiple Commercial Uses on a single lot. There was no discussion on the matter.
Solicitor Karver informed the Commissioners that the Comcast Cable Agreement Ordinance Board of Commissioners May 21, 2012 Meeting Minutes 3 No. 1-2012 has been advertised and will be submitted for adoption at the June 4, 2012 Commissioner’s meeting.
Solicitor Karver submitted for approval Resolution #05-03-12 Rejection of Plan of the Mildred Frey Minor Annexation Plan. He noted that in a discussion with Ms. Frey’s Attorney, she asked if she can submit a similar plan in the future. The Board agreed. Manager Conrad noted the Township holds her escrow funds. After all expenses and Attorney fees are paid she will refund the balance of the fund to Mrs. Frey. Motion by Commissioner Ritter, seconded by Commissioner Bartman to approve RESOLUTION #05-03-12, REJECTION OF PLAN of MILDRED FREY MINOR ANNEXATION PLAN. MOTION CARRIED.
Attorney Karver submitted the easements agreements for the Englesville Road culvert replacement projects and asked CEO Stauffer if he would get them signed by the residents for the next meeting.
ENGINEER’S REPORT Numerous emails were submitted to the Township office sharing discussions with Boyertown Borough Manager on the Englesville Road culvert replacement project and the Borough water lines. Also submitted were the endwall and headwall design plans. The design plans were discuss earlier in the meeting.
A letter was received at the Township office from PA DEP listing ‘Technical Deficiencies’ in the Englesville Road culvert replacement project. The letter was forwarded to Engineer Sartor. There were no comments from the Commissioners.
COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT Commissioner Bartman informed the Board that he looked at repairing the water fountain in the Township building hallway. He found there is a UV light installed in the boiler room however, it was unplugged. There may be bacteria in the well and that may be why the unit was installed. It was unplugged most likely due to a burned out UV bulb. Commissioner Bartman ordered replacement parts needed for the fountain itself. The Commissioners concurred to replace the UV bulb.
MANAGER’S REPORT Manager Conrad submitted an email from Mark Sullivan, Director Boyertown Community Library outlining the dates and time for the Board of Trustees’ meetings. She noted that the current appointees’ terms will expire on June 15, 2012 and new volunteers are needed. There were no suggestions from the Commissioners. One resident in the audience, Robert Tremer of 907 West Philadelphia Avenue volunteered and asked that his name be submitted.
Manager Conrad submitted a letter from Chuck Neubauer informing the Officials of Boyertown Borough, Douglass Township Berks County and Colebrookdale Township that the final radio worksheets were completed. He will arrange a meeting to explain the worksheet. She said she would gladly attend the meeting. President Gamler said he would also attend.
Manager Conrad submitted to the Commissioners a memo that she is sending each employee concerning the policy of addressing computer problems. A procedure has been outlined for documenting repairs to be handled by Ridge Support Technologies during their quarterly service call. There were no comments from the Board. Board of Commissioners May 21, 2012 Meeting Minutes 4
Manager Conrad informed the Commissioners there will be a PA Stormwater Coalition meeting May 24, 2012 at the Upper Merion Township Building at 2:00 pm. She also reminded the Board that there will be a staff meeting with Fred Beans Ford of Boyertown on May 23, 2012 at 10:00 am. She received the signed contract and fee payment for the professional costs of the meeting.
Manager Conrad requested approval to renew the Symantec Server Backup Software at the annual cost of $237.00. Motion by Commissioner Spade and seconded by Commissioner Ritter to authorize the renewal of the stated software for $237.00. Motion carried.
Manager Conrad submitted for consideration a letter from Keystone Marker Trust, Inc. requesting approval and matching funds of $1600.00 to restore two markers in the New Berlinville area of the Township. The Commissioners discussed the costs suggesting generating donations from private sources. No decision was made.
The Township received a certified letter from FEMA reminding the Township of the July 3, 2012 deadline to adopt the new Floodplain Management Ordinance. Manager Conrad explained the original draft was sent February 3rd and in April found out the draft was not reviewed because the person handling it left the job and her replacement could not find the draft. After resubmitting twice, it was reviewed, sent back with revisions and reviewed by Engineer Sartor. Manager Conrad will resubmit the revised draft to meet the deadline.
The Township received a Confidential Investigation Report on May 21, 2012 from PA DEP concerning issues at 203 Water Street. Their latest inspection of the property on May 3, 2012 states the property appears to be cleaner each time it was inspected. The complaint is now closed.
Manager Conrad informed the Commissioners the installation of the septic system at the Birt property is completed and working.
Manager Conrad informed the Commissioners that the Nextel Direct Connect service is being phased out. Currently the service is spotty and at times there is no coverage. She spoke with the Sprint representative and was told they have a ‘push-to-talk’ service and will upgrade the Township’s current phones at 99 cents each. The Board concurred that she should ask for a new phone to try before committing to a contract to see if their service coverage is adequate.
COMMITTEE REPORT Nothing submitted at this time.
OLD BUSINESS - There was no old business to discuss at this time.
Royer/County Line Road – Final – July 15, 2011 All County & Associates submitted an application, plan and waiver request letter. December 19, 2011 the Board of Commissioners approved all recommended waivers in the Township Planning Commission letters of 10/21/11 and 11/7/11, the G & A email of 12/19/11 and Resolution #12-3-11 the Board of Commissioners May 21, 2012 Meeting Minutes 5 Conditional Final Plan Approval.
December 27, 2011 the Township received notice of PA DEP Sewage Facilities Planning exemption. December 28, 2011, Mr. Royer signed Resolution #12-3-11 Conditional Final Plan approval. January 16, 2012 Township approved execution of the unrestricted traffic impact fee agreement and Maintenance Agreement. March 12, 2012 the Township received a review from Systems Design Engineering, Inc. March 29, 2012 the Township received a conditional approval letter from BMMA. Also received from G & A were the minutes of a March 13, 2012 pre-construction meeting with Mr. Royer, CEO Stauffer & Jim Mack Excavating. May 1, 2012 G & A emailed approval for a building permit and the applicant submitted a building permit application to construct a 40’ x 80’ pole building. May 7, 2012 the Commissioners instructed CEO Stauffer to issue a building permit to begin construction of the pole building. No new correspondence received or items discussed.
NEW BUSINESS Nothing submitted.
COMMUNICATIONS All communications received since May 7, 2012 is included in the Commissioner’s books. All correspondence was available for review by the public.
FYI The Township received a letter from National Penn Investors Trust Company notifying that they have modified their client fee arrangements. Beginning July 1, 2012 they will apply a discounted 11% increase to the Township’s pension fund market value fee. July 1, 2012 the full fee increase charge will be 17%.
Commissioner Baus asked if there is new information concerning the safety crossing light installation at the elementary school. Manager Conrad said there has not been any correspondence and no work has started.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (NOT SIGNED IN) No one addressed the Board at this time.
EXECUTIVE SESSION President Gamler announced the Board of Commissioners will go into an Executive Session to discuss a matter of possible litigation. The Board will not reconvene.
ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the Board there was a motion by Commissioner Baus seconded by Commissioner Spade that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. Votes on motions were unanimous unless stated otherwise.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeannie DiSante, Township Secretary